Brian Dunn

HN Social Sciences Development Day
Social sciences
The new award
Good time to be studying social sciences!
Economic crisis
Rising unemployment, alienation, addiction etc.
Social media
Civil unrest and riots
Occupy movements
Cult of celebrity
Culture of narcissism
Toffocracy in power again
Scottish independence?
Good time to be teaching social sciences?
• Public sector under attack and in crisis
• FE in crisis – funding, redundancies, mergers
• Prioritising course provision with skills
development and 16-19 (-24) year old age groups
top of the list
• Uncertain progression and positive destinations
for our students due to the above
• Social sciences = a soft target
Social sciences are important
• Couldn’t be more relevant
• Socratic – Know thyself and The unexamined life
is not worth living!
• Self consciousness of our society
• Critical citizenship
• Interculturalism and tolerance
• And we can do enterprise!
But lets not forget skills….
Winning the skills argument
Specific and general
High order thinking
High order skills
• High Order Skills Excellence Group
publication (2011) reporting for the
Cabinet Secretary:
Deep learning is the central principle of Curriculum for
Excellence. It involves knowledge, understanding and
the skills needed to apply knowledge in useful ways.
The promotion of skills is, therefore, a key function of the
curriculum. People acquire advanced skills at every
stage of life and, therefore, teachers (and all other
learning providers) should cultivate these skills from
the earliest years onwards .
New HN awards
Developed with the following in mind –
• CfE,
• skills for learning, life and work
• SQA skills framework
• Changing forms of assessment in HEIs
= An assessment strategy with greater focus on
skills development and flexibility – quality over
First steps at Abcol
Importance of planning for assessment
Horizontal planning (course)
Vertical planning (subject)
Gradually building in the new instruments of
e.g. blogs and academic posters with presentations
Skills need to be delivered
Tracking against skills
Contexts need to be meaningful
Skills need to be explicit, owned by the learner and
valued by all
• Assessment of skills should be systematic
- formative and summative
Assessment plan
Subject and Unit
Sociology A
Sociology B
History A
History B
Psychology A
Psychology B
Politics A
Politics B
Research and Methodology
Social Science Investigation
Formative Assessment
Summative Assessment
Academic Poster (Complex
Instruction and intercultural
Learning Journal and Classroom
Open Book source question
Open Book Essay
Open book practice for
Producing a Psychology report
Structured Questions and Extended
Response (Open Book)
Formative Questions and essay
work in class
Tutorial work on writing skills,
Quizzes, practice questions
Practice question construction,
Team Work, Individual
study/formative tests, learner
Planning and researching skills
Open book essay and Structured questions
(Closed book)
Open book source question
Open book essay, Closed book Essay
Electronic Blog (Open book)
Academic Poster and presentation (Open
book), Structured Questions (Closed Book)
Open book essay
Electronic Blog and Closed book
Structured questions
Multiple Choice questions (LO1 and 2)
Numeracy section (LO3)- Mean, Median
Mode, Standard Deviation, Constructing
and extracting information from Bar
Evaluating information and writing up report
Self Evaluation of process
We took part in a Social Science Investigation into changes in family structures
and the reasons behind these. We paid particular attention to the period between
1851 and present day.
The main investigation required comparison of Census data to be made.
The graphs below illustrate our findings.
The graphs show that unexpectedly lone parent families have decreased in Aberdeen from 9% to 5%
in 2001. This could be due to people dying at an earlier age and leaving one parent to look after the
children, but it could also be that many husbands worked away for periods of time e.g. sailors and
when analysed on data they were classed as lone-parents as no partner was mentioned.
Type Of family
No. of each type in Aberdeen %
Family Type (2001)
Another family type which sees' an increase according to these two Aberdeen census’s is one person
families (other than pensioners). The percentage increase in 2001 from 1851 is approximately 21%.
Furthermore proposing that people are not so dependent on marriage as they once were, as women in
particular are now able to get jobs to support themselves which would not have been common in 1851.
People who are getting married are also on average marrying at an older age so are alone until they
marry if they do marry at all, as Margaret Davis suggests “The average age for those getting hitched
has gone up by around five years since 1991, and in 2006 the average age for a first marriage was
31.8 for men and 29.7 for women.” (2008). It is also a fact that divorce would not have been accepted
up until the mid 1900’s but is vastly increasing in present day, which could be another reason why there
are so many people recorded to be living on their own in 2001 in Aberdeen.
This decline in religion may indicate to the reasoning behind the difference between family types in
1851 and in 2001. As some religions, such as Catholicism, do not support the use of contraception or
abortion, the impact of fewer children can be displayed in the graph. Some Catholic supporters have
been known to believe that “Those who contracept are spiritually dead” (sic) (Foy, V. 2002).
Religious beliefs in Scotland 2001
Type of family
•Census for Aberdeen 1851 [Accessed Aberdeen Central Library 12/04/11]
•Census 2001, General Register Office for Scotland [Online] Available: [Accessed 12/04/11]
•Margaret Davis (2008). Marriage rates lowest since records began. [online]. Available from Accessed on 19/03/11
•Foy, V. Contraception is Anti-Church, 2002 [Online[ Available: [Accessed 18/04/11]
Percentage of population
No. of each type in Aberdeen %
Family types (1851)
From looking at the graph it is obvious that the extended family is dying out as there is an obvious fall
in the number of extended families (nuclear family plus blood relatives, often includes 3 generations)
between 1851 and present day. This could be because there are better welfare for families in
Aberdeen as present day as most people are now able to send their children through the education
system, can afford care for their elderly family such as carers and have access to healthcare for all their
family this therefore means that the extended family is not necessary like it once was. Furthermore as
industry increases and job prospects arise for families, they may end up having to relocate
geographically, meaning that part of their family is left behind.
It is evident that one person (pensioners) as a family type was a lot more common in 2001 than in
1851. When compared there was approximately 4% falling into this category in 1851 and this increased
to about 13% in 2001. This suggests that people are living longer, this could be because benefits such
as pensions and free healthcare and travel were available in 2001 which they did not have access to in
Church of
Religion Followed
In 1851 a survey found that about 40% of the population attended a religious ceremony on a chosen
Sunday (Lambert, T. No date). This is a higher turnout than recorded in 2001, where just 33% of the
Scottish population claimed that they were religious but, no details about attending ceremonies was
mentioned (ANALYSIS OF RELIGION IN THE 2001 CENSUS, 2001).
How has mental health treatment changed in Aberdeen
since 1851 to 2011.
Aberdeen Lunatic Asylum was opened in 1800, known today as Royal Cornhill Hospital,
which had 12 cells and in first 18 month 27 patients were admitted. In 1841 there
were 197 patients staying in Aberdeen Lunatic Asylum. (medical report)The need for
more places grew and by 1857 the average number of patients per day was 291,
therefore, when Lunacy Act Scotland 1857 came into power, each district had to take
care of their own patients. The latest redevelopment for hospital was done in 1994
and it has 90 long stay beds, 180 acute psychiatry beds, out-patient accommodation
and the Fulton clinic.
The medical report from Lunatic Asylum of Aberdeen in 8141
supports the fact that people were likely to spend their
whole lives in the Asylum and would not know, when they
will be leaving, once admitted. On 1st of May in 1841 there
were remaining 141. Out of all 141 patients, 117 were
considered as incurable and rest of 24 patients of which 15
were considered as unfavourable with some chances of
improvement and only 9 curable patients, therefore this
evidence proves that most of the people were likely to stay in
the Asylum for no fixed period of time.
remaining in…
Victorian period
Long term period of residence
Bad attitudes from public and
carers, because of lack of
knowledge, research
Lack of other social provision for
mental illness patients
Another important finding is from the medical report
of Lunatic Asylum of Aberdeen in 1841, which shows
for what reason the patient has been admitted to
the Asylum, for example dementia and fatuity, which
is an older people illness and treated as a normal
disease, not mental, fever, which is not considered
as a mental illness at all or disappointment in love,
which is more likely to be defined as a depression at
some sort of a level. The most interesting case that
was found on report is person suffering from
childbirth, which is quite popularly known as a Post
natal Depression in nowadays.
Patients in
Ramsay R., Gerada C., Mars S., Szmukler G. (2001) Mental
Illness, A Handbook for Carers, London and Philadelphia:
Jessica Kingsley Publishers
19.04.2011. Scottish Archive Network. Online. Available from:
1&. [Accessed on 16.03.2011]
From History to her story. Online. Available from: [Accessed on 16.03.2011]
Care Quality Commission. Online. Available from: [Accessed on 19.04.2011]
Department of Health. Online. Available from: [Accessed on 16.03.2011]
McKinney B. E. (10.11.2009) Mental Illness in the Victorian Era.
Online. Available.from: [Accessed on
03.2002. Reviews in History. Online. Available from: [Accessed on 16.03.2011
In 1851 there were 173 (85 female, 95 male) patients
living in Aberdeen Lunatic Asylum of which 2 (1female, 1
male) were in age group of 10-19, 21(7female, 14male) in
age group of 20-29, 41(26female, 15male) in age group
of30-39, 40(20female, 20 male) in age group of 40-49,
32(17female, 15male) in age group of 50-59 and
37(24female, 13 male) from 60 and older, which is shown
in graph below, in order to see the differences clearly.
Amount of people
As mental illness has changed massively
since 1851 to nowadays by improved
medicaments, treatments, technology used,
which makes diagnosis more reliable and
most importantly the attitudes from public
and carers towards the patients, which
means that ill people are more likely to seek
medical attention and getting the right
treatment for it, therefore this is an
interesting and important topic to research
First of all the plan was set out and question
created, in order to know what to look for
and what detail to put into investigation.
Then primary data was collected in library
from Census 1837 in order to gather
information about how many people actually
lived there. After the secondary sources of
information were looked at such like
available books and journals. Throughout the
investigation project time multiple online
resources were used for information.
Short term residence in the
mental institution, because of
community care, as well as the
costs of mental institution
Attitudes from carers and public
have improved, because it is
seen as beneficial for patients to
integrate into society
Patients can be treated with
drugs, as well as the research
carried out helps to understand
better the illnesses.
, 024
Age groups
In 1960s 70s it become clear, that people who were staying in mental institutions
were not getting better, but worse, scandals around poor standards of care and
conditions, which was the turning point for setting the way towards removing a
long stay mental hospitals, and introducing the community care.
In nowadays people are admitted to mental institutions only on very rare occasions,
when most patients leave the hospital after a few weeks, whereas back in 1851
people spent their whole life in the asylum. People can be admitted to mental
institutions only voluntarily or under the Mental Health Act 1983 with amendments
done in 1995 (introducing the aftercare), which basically means, that a person
would be admitted to a mental institution only in a case, when he is a life threat to
himself or others.
Sociology emerged from enlightenment, shortly after the French Revolution, as a
positivist science of society.
Auguste Comte, who
grew up with the changes of
influenced by the changes in
individuals and society. He
gave name to sociology,
confidently expecting that it
would provide the highest level
of scientific explanation in
establishing laws of human
society itself.
The industrial revolution and urbanization changed people traditions and life styles,
breaking down established patterns of social life. People moved from country side to
large, anonymous cities to work in big factories..
Change happened from Gemainschaft what was broadly characterized by a
moderate division of labour, strong personal relationships, strong families, and relatively
simple social institutions to Gesellschaft when individuals acting in their own self interest
emphasizing second relationships rather than community ties, and there is generally
less individual loyalty in society.
Private troubles and public issues.
Mills suggested that when looking at
society, we have to look at the
bigger picture. This means looking
beyond the familiar to see the
reasons behind it. This was called
using the Sociological Imagination.
When a man is unemployed in a city
then it was his private trouble.
However when a nation of 6 million
and over half are unemployed, this
becomes a public issue. For
example, here are some private
troubles that have become rising
public issues:
Divorce rates, Unemployment rates
Poverty and deprivation Drugs and
alcohol Depression Gap between
rich and poor
Functionalism is a Macro level
Consensus theory which sees society
as a complex system with various
different parts working together in
order to produce a stable and
prosperous society. Durkheim uses
what has become known as the
biological analogy to compare
society to that of a living organism.
Connecting parts of society i.e the
social institutions need to work in
harmony with one another to ensure
a healthy society. Functionalism
emphasises the importance of a
moral consciousness in society and a
general consensus over basic norms
and values, ensuring continued
social order. (Giddens, A. 2009)
C.Wright Mills was one of the leading sociologists who brought
new ideas to society and the study of society.. He poses three
questions that have to be answered in order for there to be
any enlightenment on how a society behaves the way it
1. Structure –
What are the
of a society?
Does it change?
How does it differ from
other societies?,
2. History –
What historical factors
are there that shapes
a society and teach us
about human
3. Biography What type of people
live in society?
How do everyday
actions shape society?
First Rule of Sociology
What is
Karl Marx
The Macro way of looking at society is generally applied when looking at
the bigger picture. An individual does not have much influence on the
world around it and social institutions, such as education. These forces
shape the individual and their choices. social class determines what type
of school it will most likely go to, and the higher the social class the better
the school. The better the school equates ultimately to a better job.
Whereas if from a poorer education can lead to either a low paid job or
unemployment despite the individuals abilities.
The micro view of sociology is looking at social actions and how that
shapes society, instead of the social institutions., looking at how symbolic
interaction can shape society.
Marxism is a Macro level Conflict theory whose key theorist is
Karl Marx. It sees society as a conflict between the two main
social classes, the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. Marx argued
that we live in a capitalist society with the bourgeoisie
controlling and exploiting the proletariat causing social unrest
between the classes. There is huge importance on the
economy, as it shapes and underlines the whole of society.
Marx’s superstructure model of society, economic production
has two key elements, technology and social relationships.
Technology refers to industry and social relationships refers to
the relationships between the capitalist ruling class, who control
economic production and the workers, who are the source of
labour. Upon this foundation lie the major social institutions and
core cultural values of a society, which created by the
bourgeoisie to keep us in control. All of these social elements
joined together to form the superstructure. This shows us how a
theory of conflict characterises the relationship between
society and the individual in the context of social stratification.
(Macionis and Plummer, 2008)
Symbolic Interactionism is a Micro level Social Action theory
based on key theorist George Herbert Mead’s work on the social
nature of the human being and focuses on the way in which
humans use symbols such as language to interact. This theory
stresses the importance of these interactions in creating society
and social institutions. It provides an account of the important
phases of child development, giving particular attention to the
development of the child’s sense of self. According to the work
of G H Mead, young children develop as social beings as a result
of the actions of those around them. It is through play that a child
learns what Mead called ‘taking the role of the other’. The
socialisation of young children takes place in early childhood
through the parent/carer, then in education through teachers
and peer groups and in later life through workmates. Symbolic
Interactionism can therefore help us explain the relationship
between the individual and society through the socialisation
process. (Giddens, A, 2009)
The Origins of Sociology
What is Sociology?
Sociology was developed out of great social change
during the 18th and 19th centauries
One important social change that aided the
development of sociology is the industrial
revolution which occurred during the 18th
centaury . As a consequence of the Industrial
Revolution, It resulted in a major growth of cities –
People moved away from the country-side in the
search for jobs that such a change brought. It
resulted in an anonymous workforce as people no
longer lived in close-knit communities which was
previously the norm in society. This in term then
affect the way in which people socialised between
each other and early sociologists were interested
in examining the social interaction between
humans. The Enlightenment was the first time in
history that sociological thinkers tried to provide
explanations of society. They were able to detach
themselves from society and attempt to lay down
general principles that explained social life. (Collins
1994, 17).
Sociological Imagination
“The explanation of a social phenomenon is
undertaken, we must seek separately the efficient
cause which produces it and the function it fulfills”.
(Greek, 2005)
Functionalist sociologists see society as stable and
healthy as they see the good in everything, even
crime! They also believe that society is based on
consensus, meaning that we are all in agreement
and that we are socialised by others to agree on
the way we behave and the difference from right
and wrong.
(3) What varieties of men and women now prevail in this society and in this period?
And what varieties are coming to prevail? In what ways are they selected and
formed, liberated and repressed, made sensitive and blunted? What kinds of
`human nature' are revealed in the conduct and character we observe in this
society in this period? And what is the meaning for 'human nature' of each and The first concept being socialisation, this is where
individuals learn the norms, values, language and
every feature of the society we are examining?’ (Mills, 1959)
attitudes of their society and the roles they have to
play within it. G. H Mead believed in socialisation is an
important part of personality formation, although
“a theory in which class struggle is a central element in the analysis of social
some of the personality traits are genetic personality
change in Western societies.” Marxism is a macro level conflict theory which
can be formed through growing up within a certain
examines society as a structured whole. They see society as consisting of
inequalities, especially between two social classes (bourgeoisie and proletariat). society where certain things are acceptable.
The next concept is social order; this is where laws
and regulations have been put into place to keep
everyone within the society in order. Governments
Mills, C. Wright. (1959) ‘The Sociological Imagination’ [Online] Available from [Accessed 1st December 2011]
and organisations put laws in place and will use
formal sanctions such as fines and imprisonment to
Sixsense (2005) ‘Marxism’ [Online] Available from
keep the society in order. [Accessed 1st December
The last concept is social stratification; this is the
belief that society has been arranged in a way that
Greek, C. (2005) ‘functionalist Explanations of Crime.’ Available from
groups individuals finding themselves in a position of
advantages or disadvantages. Known as a hierarchy,
[Accessed 1st December 2011]
this could involve gender, social class and ethnicity.
The idea of the sociological imagination was developed by C Wright Mills in 1959.
The study of sociology offers individuals a unique way of thinking about the world
in which we live in.
There are three components which C Wright Mill argued are essential to look at
when studying sociology and thinking sociologically;
‘(1) What is the structure of this particular society as a whole? What are its
essential components, and how are they related to one another? How does it differ
from other varieties of social order? Within it, what is the meaning of any particular
feature for its continuance and for its change?
(2) Where does this society stand in human history? What are the mechanics by
which it is changing? What is its place within and its meaning for the development
of humanity as a whole? How does any particular feature we are examining affect,
and how is it affected by, the historical period in which it moves? And this period what are its essential features? How does it differ from other periods? What are its
characteristic ways of history-making?
Macro/Micro perspectives to sociology
In macro sociology, sociologists study
society as a structured whole.They want to
generalize their ideas to the whole of
society. For example they look at what
education does for society as a whole not
just certain people in society.
In micro sociology, sociologists study faceto-face interactions between individuals
and small groups to examine society. This
includes body language and symbols (e.g.
Wedding rings to symbolise marriage). In
doing this, the interactions between
individuals shape society.
To smile or not to smile:
Participants who were smiled at by the photographer, would smile back
at the photographer whilst photograph was being taken.
• Kramer (1977), in a study of stereotypical beliefs about verbal
gender differences, found some beliefs about gender differences in
nonverbal behaviors as well. Women were believed to smile more
than men, to use the face and hands to express ideas more than men,
and to be more concerned about the listener. Men were believed to be
louder but less talkative than women (Briton, 1995).
• In the 1980’s researchers such as Morse (1982), Ragan (1982), and
LaFrance (1985) conducted studies of yearbook photographs, with the
aim of establishing gender differences in smiling. The researchers
examined photographs of college and high school year books in the
USA, and found as a result of these studies that women frequently
smiled more than men.
• By conducting a research influenced by previous research studies by
Morse (1982), Ragan (1982), and LaFrance (1985) in relation to
smiling in photographs, the aim of the research study was to establish
that when a photographer smiled at an individual before taking a
photograph, the individual would smile back in response, as the
photograph was taken.
The mean result for condition 1 where photographer was smiling (mean smiling 2.63)
is higher than the mean result for condition 2 where photographer was not smiling
(mean not smiling 1.25). This is also true for the median and mode (median smiling 3,
median not smiling 1) and (mode smiling 4 & 1, not smiling 0). The standard deviation
for the photographer smiling condition is 1.408 and for the photographer not smiling
condition is 1.282. This suggests that the scores in condition 2 are more spread out,
therefore less reliable to the researcher than scores for condition 1 of which the
researcher would be more confident about..
The statistical test was calculated using SPSS version 15, and results were analysed
using an Independent Samples Test because data is parametric and related, the
result from the Independent Sample Test was t (14) = 2.04; p < 0.05 this shows that
there is a significant difference between the two conditions.
The results showed that individuals could be influenced into smiling
for a photograph if the photographer smiled at them before taking
photograph. Results also showed significant gender differences in
smiling for photographs i.e. equal amounts of females and males were
used in each of the two conditions, the results show the mean of
females smiling at photographer is 25.50 as opposed to the mean
result for males smiling at photographer which were 24.25. The
standard deviation result shows females smiling to be 16.257
compared to that of males which were 10.767. This then shows a
significant gender difference with regards to being influenced to smile.
Therefore results from the gender differences in this study, also backs
up the findings from studies conducted by Morse (1982), Ragan
(1982), and LaFrance (1985).
In conclusion The experimental hypothesis was supported, it showed
a directional hypothesis as participants were influenced to smile by
photographer smiling by a mean result for condition 1 where
photographer was smiling 2.63 compared to mean result for condition
2 where photographer was not smiling 1.25. Also a result using an
Independent Sample Test was t (14) = 2.04; p < 0.05 again showing a
significant difference between the two conditions.
Column chart showing visible mean results of
photographer from both conditions of research.
Photographer Influence
This study was a field experiment. A field experiment was
chosen because the environment is more true to life, meaning
research is more ecologically valid, and the I.V. can still be
manipulated by the experimenter. Independent measures
were chosen because there were two conditions of the
experiment also if more data was required then it could easily
be changed to repeated measures.
The I.V. had two conditions. Therefore the experiment was
split between two mixed groups of equal amounts of males
and females i.e. each group consisted of four males and four
females. Participants photographs were taken by researcher
who was either smiling at them as photograph was taken or
was not smiling at participant as photographs were taken, this
was dependent on which group the participant was in. The
D.V. was whether or not the researcher smiling or not smiling
influenced participants in each group to smile for photograph
or not to smile for photograph. All participants were given the
same standardised instructions to follow from the researcher.
Mean Amount
Photographer smiling Photographer not smiling
Whether or not photographer smiled
Freelibrary. (2010) The free library: Smiling in school
Summary table showing mean, mode, median and standard deviation for both conditions of
the research.
Briton, N., and Hall, J. (1995) Beliefs about female and
male nonverbal communication. [Online] Bnet: CBS
Interactive Business UK. Available from: [Accessed 6th March 2010].
Photographer Not
(Bimodal) 4 & 1
Standard deviation
yearbook photos: Gender differences from kindergarten to
adulthood. [Online] Available from:
...-a058500443 [Accessed 6th March 2010]
Gross, R. (2001) The Science of Mind and Behaviour 4th
Edition. Kent: GreenGate Publishing Services.
Hays, N., & Orrell, S. (1998) Psychology an Introduction
(3rd edition) Essex: Addison Wesley Longman Limited.
Blogs as an instrument of assessment
College VLE/Blackboard
•Organised at course/programme level
• Essential / high order skills section
•Campaspack tools for online wikis, blogs and
learning journals.
• Example given of Sociology ‘C’ assessment on
social control.