Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Concept MBA Program Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Concept Course Outline Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Concept Detailed Course Outline Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Concept Professor Course Dates Prof. Lili Saghafi Aug. 21-Nov 31 Exam Period: Dec 3-22 Sharda University School of Business Studies Email: lili.saghafi@sharda.ac.in Email: proflilisaghafi2006@yahoo.ca Personal Web: https://sites.google.com/site/professorlilisaghafi/ Classroom Hours MBA IIIrd semester Office Hours PGDM 106-20 10:25am - 11:55am Mon 08:45am – 10:25amTHURSDAY 10:25am - 11:55am Tue/Wed Room 306 Room 305 Mon/Tue/Wed Mon/Tue/Wed COURSE DESCRIPTION: 09:30am – 1 0:00am 02:45pm - 03:30pm The course will teach students how to master and maximize enterprise resource planning (ERP) software -- which continues to become more critical in business today CONCEPTS IN ENTERPRISE RESOURCE PLANNING. Equip students to use ERP tools to increase growth and productivity as they learn how to effectively combine an organization's numerous functions into one comprehensive, integrated system. CONCEPTS IN ENTERPRISE RESOURCE PLANNING reflects the latest trends and updates in ERP software while demonstrating how to make the most of this important technology. COURSE OBJECTIVES Course introduces the basic functional areas of business and how they are related. It demonstrates how information systems that are not effectively integrated fail to support business functions and business processes that extend across functional area boundaries. By contrast, students clearly see how integrated information systems help organizations improve business process and provide managers with accurate, consistent, and current data for making informed strategic decisions. Cases and real examples throughout this course not only thoroughly introduce the practical aspects of enterprise resource planning, but also prepare learners for ongoing ERP success in business today and tomorrow. .Release 1 3/11/2016 Created by: Prof. Lili Saghafi proflilisaghafi2006@yahoo.ca 1 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Concept Course Outline Specific topic coverage includes: The course includes the basic use of a SAP Software. Prerequisite Semester Credit 3- Text/Lab Books Concepts in Enterprise Resource Planning, 4th Edition Ellen Monk University of Delaware Bret Wagner Western Michigan University ISBN-10: 1111820392 ISBN-13: 9781111820398 272 Pages Paperback ©2013 Published Suggested book to review: Enterprise Resource Planning, 3rd Edition Bret Wagner Western Michigan University Ellen Monk University of Delaware ISBN-10: 1423901797 ISBN-13: 9781423901792 272 Pages Paperback ©2009 Published .Release 1 3/11/2016 Created by: Prof. Lili Saghafi proflilisaghafi2006@yahoo.ca 2 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Concept Course Outline ASSIGNMENT OVERVIEW To be given separately Teaching strategies A variety of teaching strategies may be used in this course including but not limited to: lecture, discussion, online sessions ( if technology permits), classroom exercises, lab exercises, demonstrations, workshop , video and examinations. Online synchronous format. Synchronous classes meet online on the same day and time every week. With this format, you'll have live chat with the professor, supported by a "virtual blackboard". You can also use real-time text messaging to ask questions or interact with your professor and classmates. Online asynchronous format. Online asynchronous classes provide the maximum scheduling flexibility, allowing you to attend class any time, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. With this format, you'll access recorded online sessions, and other instructional materials via the Internet. You'll also participate in online discussions via chat, which permit more interaction among classmates and the professor. Method of Evaluating Students 3Assignments /Participation in Class Remarks Points Passing/Failing mark 10+5+10=25 Failing to hand in these assignments will result of reduction of your project mark at the end as well 10 marks (Group mark, Group Working should be Properly and it will be evaluated at the end of the course) 5 Marks Presentation (Individual Mark) 15 Final exam Written Exam 40 Mid Term Written Exam 20 Project Report 100 Examinations: There will be one midterm and one final examination. Exams have to be written in pen. Please refer to the tentative schedule on the next page for locations and times. It is .Release 1 3/11/2016 Created by: Prof. Lili Saghafi proflilisaghafi2006@yahoo.ca 3 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Concept Course Outline expected that the students will be available to take the exams at the scheduled dates and times. Attendance Policy Attendance in class is mandatory. Students are responsible for all material and assignments given in class whether they are present or not. It is the responsibility of the student to obtain notes, assignments, etc. for any missed class from a fellow student. Any uncoordinated, unexcused missed exam will result in a score of 0 for that exam. Requirements for Successful Completion of the Course In order to successfully pass this course, students are required to achieve at least 60/100 on the combined Mid-Term/Final Examination total, as well as to complete all assignments and the project. Important Notes: There will be no make-up examinations under any circumstance. Late submissions of assignments will not be accepted. Class Participation: Students are expected to read the assigned chapters, and come to class prepared to discuss the chapter content including the end-of-chapter cases and exercises assigned. Contract During your first meeting as a group, draft a contract, listing the ground rules of your group work and indicate what is expected from each member and what are the consequences of not abiding these rules would be. After a couple of weeks you review the contract and make any necessary adjustments. Some items to be included in the contract, are: lateness to meetings absences from meetings leadership - students are required to rotate leadership at least once through the group before they experiment with any other manner of assigning leadership participation in group decisions/discussions ,etc. Important document about ground rules of how to make this contract is provided to you PROJECT Project details will be distributed separately. No late project will be accepted. .Release 1 3/11/2016 Created by: Prof. Lili Saghafi proflilisaghafi2006@yahoo.ca 4 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Concept Course Outline TOPICAL OUTLINE 1. Business Functions and Business Processes. 2. The Development of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems. 3. Marketing Information Systems and the Sales Order Process. 4. Production and Supply Chain Management Information Systems. 5. Accounting in ERP Systems. 6. Human Resources Processes with ERP. 7. Process Modeling, Process Improvement, and ERP Implementation. 8. ERP and Electronic Commerce. SOME USEFUL INFORMATION: PROJECT MANAGEMENT TOOLS Project Track Express! http://www.freedownloadscenter.com/Business/Project_Manageme nt/ProjectTrack_Express_.html AtTask Project Management application Trial Version https://www.attask.com/signup/step_1 Video Demo http://www.attask.com/overview/view_demo Note: Any person with any disability, please contact Office for Students with Disabilities as soon as possible, Please remember that you should provide me a letter from Office for Students with Disabilities maximum in the second week of the course Important dates University Calendar: Please Note: The Code of Conduct is outlined in the University academic regulations. Please be familiar with the regulations. They will be applied. .Release 1 3/11/2016 Created by: Prof. Lili Saghafi proflilisaghafi2006@yahoo.ca 5 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Concept Course Outline TENTATIVE COURSE SCHEDULE Readings, Project due Dates, and Exam Dates Topics Week Introduction 1 2 3 Business Functions and Business Processes. . Business Functions and Business Processes. SAP introduction The Development of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems. Chapter Readings 4 5 6 Marketing Information Systems and the Sales Order Process. Marketing Information Systems and the Sales Order Process. .Release 1 Project/Exams Videos Download SAP Video Lecture 1 PM software Lecture 2 Student’s information sheet CONTRACT ERP Video Lecture 3 Project Proposal is DUE One Paragraph telling me which company you chose and who are your team members ( APA format) PM Video SAP The Development of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems. Dues/Deadlines for Assignments and exercises Lecture 4 Pre Assignment Due Make your own CV and one page Team page Online Lecture 5 Fitter Snackers Lecture 6 Fitter Snackers SAM VIDEO ERP Video ASSIGNMENT I DUE ALL YOUR DFDs 3/11/2016 Created by: Prof. Lili Saghafi proflilisaghafi2006@yahoo.ca 6 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Concept WORKSHOP WEEK on TEAM WORKING and Lab 7 8 Production and Supply Chain Management Information Systems. Production and Supply Chain Management Information Systems. MIDTERM EXAM 9 WORKSHOP TOPICS WBS, Questionnaires Bring all your prepared diagrams and tables to class, HAVE SCTOCH TAP and colored pens Lecture8 Lecture8 videos Workshop Report is Due Lecture 9 ASSIGNMENT II IS DUE MIDTERM EXAM On Second Class Of The week Production and Supply Chain Management Information Systems. Accounting in ERP Systems Course Outline Lecture 10 Build Design Model Classes Diagram draft COURSE FEEDBACK DUE Individual by email 10 Storyboarding Lecture 11 11 12 13 14 Human Resources Processes with ERP. Process Modeling, Process Improvement, and ERP Implementation. ERP and Electronic Commerce. SAP Review & Demonstration .Release 1 Payter Payter Video ALL COVERED CHAPTERS SLIDES AND all extra’s covered in class VIDEO MAKE PRESENTATIO N TASK FORCE to arrange presentation EVENT send your invitation letters VIDEO Revise your Project Managements CHARTS VIDEO Lecture 12 Lecture 13 ASSIGNMENT III DUE Lecture 14 3/11/2016 Created by: Prof. Lili Saghafi proflilisaghafi2006@yahoo.ca E Commerce VIDEO Publish your work Publish your work 7 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Concept PRESENTATION W15 Final Exam Dec3rd Course Outline PROJECT DUE GROUP PRESENTATION PROJECT DUE Publish your work Examination period Comprehensive Exam All Chapters and Slides and Videos Note: This schedule is subject to change. Please pay attention to announces in class in regard to any change of this schedule, the lectures are not based on sequence presented in book, some of these slides presentation in class will be only a glance to the subject, and not all slides will be covered in class, but they are subject of exam . Not all chapters will be covered, some only will be a glance to the subject Please take note of key words in class for additional material that we are covering during lectures. Please pay attention to the announces and your E-MAILS. There will be no make-up examinations under any circumstance. Late submissions of assignments will not be accepted. NO DEADLINE WILL BE CHANGED ONCE IT HAS BEEN SET .Release 1 3/11/2016 Created by: Prof. Lili Saghafi proflilisaghafi2006@yahoo.ca 8