Unit One: Moral Courage and Righteous Anger

Unit One:
Moral Courage and
Righteous AngerNecessities for Change
Unit Quote:
“Change does not roll in on the
wheels of inevitability, but
comes through continuous
struggle. And so we must
straighten our backs and work
for our freedom. A man cant
ride you unless your back is
-Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Tuesday: Sept 3, 2013
2.Briefly discuss Unit One quote
3.Summer Reading
4.Anchor Quote Journal
(minimum=1 page)
Chunk #1:
Change Through NonViolence
Anchor Quotation:
is the enemy of non-violence
and pride is a monster that swallows
it up.”
-Mahatma Gandhi
Thursday: 9-5-13
1. Review Chunk #1
2. 3 poems for a non-violent change
3. Homework: Find an article online that deals with a
change using non-violence
The Necessity for Change
We will read, discuss and analyze (SOAPSTone or SIFTT)
the necessity for change with the following poems on our
• (I Do) “Alabama Centennial”- Naomi Long
• (We Do) “Ain’t I A Woman?” –Sojourner
• (YOU DO) “Brief Non-Violence Moment”Ramesh TA
September 6 and 9, 2013
1. Notebook Check
2. Review Chunk 1: Change Through NonViolence
3. Share Partner SOAPSTone (We Do):
Sojourner Truth’s “Ain’t I A Woman?”
4. (YOU DO) “Brief Non-Violence Moment”TA Ramesh
5. Chunk Summary
Monday: 9-9-13
1. Complete SOAPSTone on “A Brief NonViolence Moment” (turn in)
2. Review Chunk 1- How did the poems suggest
change through non-violence?
3. Meet Henry David Thoreau (next slide)-take
4. Read/discuss “Civil Disobedience” and relate
it back to the chunk topic pgs. 267-274
5. Answer #1-3 and 11-13
Meet Henry David
July 12, 1817 – May 6, 1862
• American author, poet, philosopher,
abolitionist, Historian and leading
• He is best known for his book
Walden, a reflection upon simple
living in natural surroundings, and his
essay Resistance to Civil Government
(also known as Civil Disobedience),
an argument for disobedience to an
unjust state.
Tuesday: 9-10-13
Civil Disobedience
1. Read/discuss “Civil Disobedience” and relate
it back to the chunk topic pgs. 267-274.
2. Answer #1-3 and 11-13 on page 275
3. Write and answer the EQ question (board)
Thursday: 9-12-13
1. Meet Gandhi and Dr. King pg. 276
2. Read/discuss their speeches on non-violence
pages 277-282
7 AND 8.
4. Look up non-violent protests: Chicago Teacher
Strike etc…
5. Notebook Check 
Unit 1: Friday the 13th…
Chunk 1: Change
Through Non-Violence
1. Complete/turn in MLK & Gandhi assignment.
Make sure it is labeled correctly.
2. Sophocles’ Antigone
3. Read pages 1015-1019
4. Define drama terms (12)
5. Meet Sophocles
6. Assign characters
Meet Sophocles (book notes)
Assign characters
Terms Check
Anticipation Guide
Build Background pg. 1018
Define terms pg. 1018
Begin Antigone
Wednesday: 9-18-13
Antigone Anticipation Guide
Summer Reading
Drama Terms Due (Turn In)
Assign Characters/Begin Play
Complete Anticipation Guide for
Thursday: 9-20-13
1.Anticipation Guides &
Drama Terms Due
Friday: 9-20-13
2. Finish Reading Antigone
3. Answer #1-4: pg. 1061 Write the
4. Writing Option #2 pg. 1062
5. Review ALL notes from Unit 1/Chunk
1. Answer #1-4: pg. 1061 Write the questions!! and
Writing Option #2 pg. 1062 (Turn In)
2. Review ALL notes from Unit 1/Chunk 1 (below)
3. Make sure you can define “civil disobedience”
Pieces Covered:
A. Anchor Quotation-Gandhi: “Anger is the enemy of
non-violence & pride is the monster that swallows it
B. Three Poems: SOAPSTone- Padgett, Truth, TA Ramesh
C. Henry David Thoreau “Civil Disobedience” pg.
267/author notes
Pieces Covered
D. Gandhi “On Non-Violent Resistance” pg.
278/Author notes
E. Dr. King “Letter to Birmingham Jail”
pg.281/author notes
F. Antigone: drama terms (12); Anticipation Guide;
pg. 1061 #1-4
Be able to write a paragraph
on EACH part of the EQ.
On The Exam…
• Be able to answer the EQ and give
solid examples
• Matching (drama terms)
• Author facts (Fill in the blank)
Thursday: 9-26-13
Chunk 1 Notebook Check
Review Unit 1 MLK Quote (slide 1)
Begin Chunk 2: Change Through Violence
Chunk 2 Anchor Quote
Begin SOAPSTone on new poems 
“Eat your breakfast heartily, for
tonight we dine in hell!”
-King Leonidas
Unit One: Chunk #2
Change Through
Friday: 9-27-13
1. Homework Due (The End and The Beginning)
2. 300 Movie Preview
3. Chunk Poems Continued… SOAPSTone
(We Do): Grass-Carl Sandburg
(You Do): War Is Kind-Stephen Crane
Unit 1 Chunk 2 Poems:
Change Through
We will read, discuss and analyze (SOAPSTone or
SIFTT) the necessity for change through VIOLENCE
with the following poems on our iPADS:
(I Do): The End and The Beginning- Wislawa
(We Do): Grass-Carl Sandburg (partner)
(You Do): War Is Kind-Stephen Crane
Unit 1 Chunk 2
Change Through
Monday: 9-30-13
1. Complete Group SOAPSTone on
2. 300 Movie Clip Preview
3. Individual SOAPSTone Quiz (You
Do):War is Kind-Stephen Crane
October 1
Quiz: Complete SOAPSTone over War Is Kind
Begin Homer’s The Illiad (notes)
Meet the Characters (next slide)
“Tainted Love” video
5. Teacher led introduction 
6. Read the following section on your ipad
 Before the Iliad Begins
 Read the EIGHT sections, and take your own notes on
them. I expect to see bullets underneath each section.
Thursday: 10-4-13
1. Teacher led introduction 
2. Read the following section on your ipad (go to
my teacher website to get the link)
Before the Iliad Begins
Read the EIGHT sections, and take your own
notes on them.
• I expect to see bullets/numbers/letters
underneath each section.
• 4 notes per section. Choose IMPORTANT facts!
• The trading city called both Ilium and Troy
prospered roughly 3500 years ago on the
northwestern coast of what is today Turkey.
• Eventually, somewhere between 1450 and 1250
BC, there was a war (or more probably a series of
wars) between the “Greek” cities and the
“Trojan” cities.
• Neither Greeks nor Trojans were organized into a
unified state, so these conflicts took the form of
clashes between alliances of city-states. We must
suspect that these alliances were plagued by
constant internal squabbling, crises of leadership,
and somewhat unstable membership.
Thursday: 10-3-13
3.Finish clip
• Tyndareus, king of Sparta, was married to a beautiful
young woman named Leda.
• Leda was so beautiful, in fact, that she attracted the
attention of Zeus who visited her in the form of a
magnificent swan.
• The result of this visit was that Leda laid two eggs from
which various children hatched, including a quite
astonishingly gorgeous daughter named Helen and her
• Helen’s more-than-human beauty eventually attracted
many passionate suitors. The suitors tended to be heads
of states and commanders of armies, and they were so
especially many and so especially passionate that
Tyndareus worried that, if one of them successfully won
Helen’s hand, war might break out among the losers.
• Accordingly, before he let Helen pick a
husband, he made all the suitors swear to
accept her decision, and even to defend her
husband should she ever prove unfaithful.
• When she made her choice, the glad and
giddy bridegroom was a certain Menelaus, by
suspect coincidence the wealthiest of them,
who eventually also became king of Sparta.
• Meanwhile in Troy King Priam and Queen Hecuba had many
sons and daughters, but just before one of these babies was
be born, the queen dreamed that he would grow up to be a
flaming torch and would destroy the city.
• The dream was taken as a serious omen, and when the child
arrived, the king and queen decided that he should be
• The unpleasant project was entrusted to a random shepherd.
• Now the shepherd had no children of his own and reasoned
that it was a shame to waste a perfectly good (and cute) baby
boy just because of somebody else’s silly dream, so he
secretly kept the child and raised it as his son. The boy’s name
was Paris, and he grew up as a shepherd.
• So Paris grew up tending sheep, composing songs, and being
rustically picturesque. Oh yes, he also grew up to be
astonishingly handsome.
The Judgment of
• On Mt. Olympus Zeus had been having an affair with a
certain Aegina, much to the consternation of his wife Hera.
• It became a public scandal when Zeus’ dealing resulted in
the birth of a son, who was given the name of Aeacus.
• Aeacus grew up to be an agreeable enough young man, but
Hera, who was never easy to get along with even in the best
of times, absolutely loathed him.
• Aeacus and his wife had a son named Peleus, who was
eventually married to a sea nymph named Thetis.
• The wedding of Aeacus’ son Peleus to the nymph Thetis was
apparently quite an important social function among the
godly set, but unfortunately Eris, the goddess of strife and
ever a trouble-maker, was not invited.
• In vengeance, she tossed a golden apple among the guests
as a prize for the “fairest” goddess among them.
• There were three self-proclaimed candidates, who
immediately began squabbling: Hera, queen of the
gods, Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty, and
Athena, the goddess of wisdom.
• It was decided to put the choice to a mortal man
and Zeus accordingly sent them down to Mt. Ida,
where they found the appealing Paris innocently
tending his sheep.
• In a scene that would live forever among Western
artists under the name “The Judgment of Paris,”
the three beautiful goddesses asked him to choose
objectively among them and to say who was the
most superlatively magnificent.
Each of these goddesses seems to have been a
bit insecure about her looks, and all three were
quite competitive, so each of them began to
offer him bribes to choose her over the other
• Hera, queen of the gods, offered him military
• Athena goddess of wisdom (and war) offered
• Aphrodite, goddess of beauty, offered the
most beautiful woman in the world as his
• Paris, having spent more time among sheep
than is good for a person, could not resist the
idea of a beautiful wife and accepted
Aphrodite’s offer, leaving Hera and Athena
furious and set on vengeance.
• The lad was even more astonishingly handsome
than his father, and Helen fell in love with him
on sight.
Monday: 10-7-13
Complete notes
Respond to EQ
Journal: My Hero
Introduce Active Reading Notebooks
Introduce/Discuss major themes in The Iliad
Define muse
Citations 
Begin Book 1: Discuss the long-going battle
between Agamemnon and Achilles long after the
• Link to The Iliad is available on my website and
you can also download a copy from eBOOKS
Paris Meets Helen…
• Paris was sent off with a merchant fleet of his own to see
the world and, of course, to look for the wife Aphrodite
had promised him.
• Eventually he heard of a divinely beautiful candidate,
none other than Helen, wife of the red-haired Spartan
king, Menelaus.
• With Aphrodite’s intervention, and while Menelaus was
temporarily away on business, Paris seduced and/or
kidnapped Helen and sailed away to Troy.
• When Menelaus got home he was just as furious at Paris
as Hera and Athena had been before.
• In any case, enraged at Paris, Menelaus vowed to take
vengeance on him (and, of course, to recover Helen).
• Menelaus teamed up with Agamemnon.
• About the only leader who thought the
whole plan was idiotic was Odysseus of
Ithaca, who figured Helen couldn’t possibly
be worth all the fuss. He pretended to be
insane in hopes of being left in Greece, but
he was tricked into revealing his sanity, and
was duly forced to honor his agreement. As
he correctly foresaw, once he got mixed up in
the war, his life was never to be the same
• The man who was destined to be the greatest
warrior of all the Greeks was Achilles, the son of
Peleus and of the sea nymph Thetis.
• Thetis, being a supernatural and foreseeing that
her vigorously athletic son was likely to perish
should he go to war, hastily sent him off with
instructions to dress as a girl and live with the
daughters in the middle of nowhere.
The War…
• The Greek forces used the port of Aulis as a
gathering point.
• However, ill winds prevented their leaving
the harbor.
• Divination revealed that Agamemnon, the
Greek leader, had offended the goddess
• The goddess demanded the sacrifice of his daughter
Iphigenia if the ships were to leave.
• Iphigenia was sent for with the false promise that
she was to be wed to the studly Achilles.
• On her arrival she was duly sacrificed, despite
Agamemnon’s regret that duty required this of him.
• The Greek forces, after raiding, marauding, and
plundering many a Trojan ally or other hapless
settlement en route managed to secure the
offshore island of Tenedos when Achilles slew king
• (This was a bad idea, since Tenes was a son of the
god Apollo, who remained annoyed with Achilles
throughout the Iliad.)
• They landed eventually on the shores of Ilium
opposite it, and threw up a great wall of
earth as a shelter for their camp.
• Behind this wall, close to the boats, they built
themselves a village of huts, where they
ended up living for ten long years as they
tried to sack Troy while the Trojans tried to
burn them in their boats.
• Homer’s Iliad, probably written sometime about
800 BC or a little after (so four or five hundred
years later), is set in the ninth year of war.
• At the point where Homer’s story opens, the
Trojans have still never quite managed to force the
Greeks out to sea (preferably in a violent storm),
and the Greeks have never quite succeeded in
their plans to storm their way inside Troy, slit
Paris, grab Helen, take all the money, and leave
the city a smoldering heap with no commercial
• And everybody on both sides is quite tired of the
whole project and inclined to be a bit testy about
• And thus begins one of the greatest stories in the
history of world literature.
Journal: My Hero
Answer the following questions:
1. What is your definition of a hero?
2. Who is your hero?
3. How does Webster Dictionary define the word
4. Who do you think will be the hero in The
Iliad? Why?
Active Reading
You will be keeping an Active Reading Notebook as
we read/discuss The Iliad. You will take notes on
key characters and events. Below is what it should
look like.
Character or Event
Agamemnon wants to
take Briseis from
Motive or Cause
My Evaluation
As a commander, he
should be concerned
about his troops and
not his own desires
Major Themes in
The Iliad
Fate and Free Will
Compassion and Forgiveness
Thursday: 10-10-13
• Complete Book 1 of The Iliad
• Discussion Questions-Quiz TOMORROW!
1. How do Athena, Agamemnon, and Nestor respond to
Achilles’ anger?
2. What do you learn about the characters of
Agamemnon and Achilles in the excerpt from Book 1?
Support with details from the text.
3. Hera sends Athena to intervene with the conflict.
Describe Athena’s actions, and discuss what they
suggest about the relationships between gods and
4. Review the oath that Achilles swears in lines 281-287.
What future events might be foreshadowed by his
• Begin Book 6
Happy Homecoming
Friday: 10-11-13
1. Book 1 Quiz
2. Read/discuss Book 6 of The Iliad
3. Book 6 Discussion Questions (next slide)
Book 6 Discussion
1. Why is Hector so determined to keep fighting?
2. What does Hector think the future holds for his wife?
3. Hector says that “no man alive has ever escaped” fate
(line 121). How would you describe Hector’s attitude
toward fate?
4. What do you learn about the character of Hector in
Book 6? Consider his roles as husband, father, and
5. Review the definition of epic hero in your notes. In light
of that description, who seems more heroic, Hector or
Achilles? Use details from the poem to give examples.
Monday: 10-21-13
1. Book 6 Questions due/Quiz
2. Read/Discuss Book 22
- Finish the book at home and
complete the questions. All
information is on my teacher page.
*NO EXCUSES!! Book 22 Quiz
Tuesday: 10-22-13
Sheldon Clark and Chase Baulding-Woods
1. Quiz Book 22
See me after class please 
2. Read/Discuss Book 24
3. Create Timeline of
4. Discuss
5. Chunk 2 AND Unit 1
Thursday: 10-24-13
1. Quiz over Book 24
2. The Iliad Review Game- JEOPARDY!!!
 https://jeopardylabs.com/play/the-iliad3
 https://jeopardylabs.com/play/the-iliad-jeopardy
Unit One:
Moral Courage and
Righteous AngerNecessities for
“Change does not roll in on
the wheels of inevitability, but
comes through continuous
struggle. And so we must
straighten our backs and work
for our freedom. A man cant
ride you unless your back is
 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Chunk 1: Change Through Non-Violence
Chunk 2: Change Through Violence
Consider ALL readings from this ENTIRE unit, and analyze how Dr. King’s argument is true.
 I hope you kept up with all of your notes because here is where it pays off 