The Illiad

The Iliad
English 12 Applied
Name ______________________________________________
1. Achilles – best warrior at Troy
a. Dipped in River Styx as a child to become invulnerable
i. Forgot to dip his heel, thus the Achilles’ Heel
b. behaves like a god – petulant, self-absorbed, touchy, and has a foul temper
2. Agamemnon – in overall command of the Acheaen forces at Troy
a. brother of Menelaus
b. proud and passionate man, but easily discouraged
c. resents Achilles for his glory
d. murdered by his wife Clytemnestra and her lover
3. Ajax – leads a troop at Troy
a. fights without divine aid
b. fights Odysseus for Achilles’s armor and weapons
4. Andromache – wife of Hector
5. Diomedes – main fighter for Agamemnon
a. Fights with Ajax after Achilles refuses to fight
b. Honorable man, though high-spirited at times
6. Hector – prince of Troy and leader of the Trojan forces
a. son of Priam, the king
b. devoted to his country
c. knows what he is fighting for and sees it as the life of his city, his family,
and his people
d. suspects the cause is doomed
e. man of honor and dignity
7. Hecuba – queen of Troy, wife to Priam
8. Helen – daughter of Zeus
a. coveted by every man in Greece
b. foster father had all suitors swear an oath to protect her even after she was
c. abducted by Paris, thus causing her husband and suitors to lay siege to
Troy in order to recover her
d. seems to have gone along with Paris, but also regrets her choice because
of what she has caused…seems happy to reunite with Menelaus
e. often critical of Paris
9. Menelaus – king of Sparta, husband of Helen
a. lacks ability to inspire people to follow him
b. average fighting skills
c. more upset at the disrespect of Paris’s action than the loss of his wife
10. Odysseus – king of Ithaca
a. had been one of Helen’s suitors
b. clever man, good persuader
c. best at warfare
d. Agamemnon relies on him to plan the battle strategy
11. Paris – prince of Troy, son of Priam
a. subject of a prophecy foretelling he would bring great troubles to Troy
b. had to chose the most beautiful between Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite
c. robs not only Helen from Menelaus, but his storehouses
d. not well-liked
- Priam is ashamed of him, his brother can’t even look at him
- Helen criticizes him
e. not brave in battle
12. Patroclus – Achilles’ friend
a. compassionate, caring, brave, strong and level-headed
b. his death brings rage to Achilles
13. Priam – king of Troy
a. kind, older gentleman
b. tries to do his best for all
c. always maintains his dignity