Course Overview The AP Spanish language course is equivalent to a third year college course in Advanced Spanish language skills. This course is conducted almost exclusively in Spanish using authentic materials from the Spanish-speaking world such as short stories, newspaper and magazine articles, audio and video from a variety of websites, short films and excerpts from feature films and documentaries. Students will learn to analyze a wide diversity of authentic materials drawn from many different countries. Students develop their writing, listening, reading and speaking skills across the three communicative modes; Interpersonal (interactive communication), Interpretive (receptive communication), and Presentational (productive communication). Over the course of the year students will hone their language skills as they: express themselves in Spanish on a wide variety of topics by presenting, discussing, inquiring, and describing with accuracy and fluency. demonstrate understanding of authentic dialogues, lectures, newscasts, oral presentations, and other authentic sources of spoken Spanish. analyze viewpoints from multiple authentic sources in order to create their own original response write formal and informal compositions in a wide variety of formats with appropriate grammatical structure, expanded use of vocabulary and proper register to distinguish between audiences. become familiar with regional variations in the Spanish language and the cultures of Spanish-speaking countries Summary of grading scheme: Interpretive skills: 30% for example, reading stories and listening to podcasts Interpersonal skills: 30% for example, discussion in class and responding to blog posts Presentational skills: 30% for example, essays and oral presentations in class Midterm and Final portfolios with reflection: 10% Course materials: The following texts are used as core materials and grammar reference. Abriendo Paso: Gramática (Boston, MA: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007) Abriendo Paso: Lectura (Boston, MA: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007) Triángulo (Sandwich, MA: Wayside Publishing, 2006) AP Spanish:Preparing for the Language Examination (Boston, MA: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007) The following websites are used extensively inside and outside of class: EBSCO online Referencia latina (school subscription) Brainpop en español Nicenet Class Blog Veinte Mundos BBC Mundo Aula de El Mundo Canal Encuentro Audio Lingua RTVE Radio Canadá Internacional Mexicanal TV Units of Study Each unit of study lasts 2-3 weeks and is introduced with an essential question and a brainstorming session that orients discussion. Substantial vocabulary is presented throughout the unit to develop communicative competence in the four language skills. The vocabulary comes from the texts and audio files used in class; all vocabulary is thoroughly contextualized. Students maintain a glossary of terms in their notebooks which reflect their reading and listening. The vocabulary glossaries are also a place to reflect on regionalisms and variations in register. Throughout each unit of study special emphasis is given to recognize distinct cultural perspectives of Spanish-speaking peoples. Each unit of study follows a predictable pattern. On the first day the essential question of the unit is presented, followed by a brainstorming activity to orient discussion and establish previous knowledge of the topic. Often students will have read relevant news articles over the weekend in anticipation of the new unit and share with their peers through a jigsaw activity. Before the end of the first day students take note of key ideas, vocabulary and structures necessary to discuss the unit. The following five to six days are dedicated to expanding their perspectives by processing newspaper and magazine articles, listening to podcasts, viewing short videos, documentaries and portions of feature films, as well as reading fiction relevant to the essential question. All of these sources are processed in and outside of class through activities such as posting to blogs, class discussions of varying formats, completing graphic organizers, formal comprehension quizzes, role-playing activities, language games such as taboo, and structured conversation prompts. Depending upon the time frame available, another two to three days are then dedicated to individual research while each student delves into one of the subthemes brought up in class. Each student explores one aspect of the topic on their own, finding appropriate sources and using these sources to prepare an oral presentation that is either presented in class or recorded on a website such as vocaroo. Each student will present at least four formal oral presentations in class, while the other eleven may be recorded. Many oral presentation topics are conceived to lead students to compare their own cultural practices with those throughout the Spanish-speaking world. Oral presentations are evaluated according to the relevant AP Spanish Language Rubric for speaking. Finally, on the last day of the unit, all students respond to either an interpersonal or presentational writing prompt. Writing samples are evaluated according to the relevant AP Spanish Language Rubric for writing. Explicit instruction on how to synthesize sources to write a good formal essay and deliver a formal oral presentation will be provided in class with consultation of the textbook Abriendo Paso: lectura, referring specifically to the section “Un poco más de práctica”, Part A Formal Writing (Integrated Skills) and Part B Formal Oral Presentation (Integrated Skills). Sample Class Activities Listening The class is almost exclusively conducted in Spanish; in addition students analyze at least one (and often more than one) audio source each class. Students listen to recorded audios of native Spanish speakers that represent a wide diversity of accents. Sources include audio from the textbooks cited previously as well as authentic sources found on the internet. Some audios deal with situations of daily life that are rich in lower register, idiomatic Spanish while others are newscasts and recorded selections from magazines that focus on the topic of the unit and tend to be of a higher register. Students learn to separate details from main ideas while they outline the information, complete grids, or complete graphic organizers. Students are then evaluated for their comprehension. Popular music from Spanish-speaking countries is also incorporated into the class on a regular basis. Outside of class students interpret and respond to podcasts and authentic newscasts on a weekly basis. Students have some flexibility choosing the out of class listening activities (choosing from a list of related topics and sources that I provide); audio sources relate to the unit of study and are one of the sources students use to develop their formal oral presentations. Speaking Students speak Spanish during the entire class period. Emphasis is placed on interpersonal speaking; in class students work in pairs, in small groups and participate in large group discussions. Students are routinely recorded in order to reflect on their speaking, to develop good pronunciation, and to track progress and recurring errors. Informal speaking opportunities are abundant and include think-pair-share activities, small group response circles (reacting to a text or audio), problem-solving conversations, various language games such as taboo, paired conversations on a topic under study, role-playing situations, structured conversation prompts, and free discussion in a large group format. Throughout the year students complete various presentational speaking assessments directed at their peers including “how to” presentations, semi-impromptu interviews, short presentations on cultural topics and opinion pieces. In addition to in-class activities students are required to use the Spanish language in the community through various assignments such as interviewing a native Spanish speaker. On weeks in the middle of a unit students record an informal oral reaction to a podcast through the vocaroo website and send it to my email address. On the last week of the unit students present their formal oral presentation; at least four of the presentations must be presented in class while the other eleven may be recorded and sent to me through email. Reading Students read authentic texts that develop their reading ability from a wide diversity of sources: short stories, poetry and portions of novels, magazine and newspaper articles, navigating websites for a variety of purposes and the writing on realia that I have collected over the years (pamphlets, ticket stubs, etcetera). Students demonstrate understanding through activities such as graphic organizers, spoken response circles (often preceded by independent journaling), formal presentations and written responses. Students read regularly outside of class. Each unit includes a packet of assigned readings that relate to the theme of the unit. Students also maintain a reading journal to track their independent reading, which is a self-selected novel in Spanish. Independent readings are chosen according to student interest and ability, but are all authentic literature originally published for Spanish native speakers. Examples of acceptable novels range from difficult texts such as La ciudad de las bestias by Isabel Allende to easier texts, such as the novel Senderos fronterizos by Francisco Jimenez. Every other Wednesday students participate in a modified literature circle activity to discuss their novels. Writing Students write regularly in class for a variety of purposes. Examples of presentational writing, beyond the formal essays described below in the “integrated skills” section, include responses to a question or situation found in a text, film reviews and opinion pieces refering to a topic under study. Examples of interpersonal writing tasks include thank you letters and a weekly blog that responds to an article that they have read or a podcast that they have heard, which is shared with a student partner in class and then the student partner writes a response. Every week students also post a comment on a class online discussion board ( and respond to at least two of their classmates comments. Formal compositions are timed according to AP Exam guidelines. Compositions are marked without being graded and returned to students so that they can make corrections. AP students write either an interpersonal timed writing response (ten minutes) or a formal in-class essay (integrated presentational writing approximately 50 minutes) for each unit. They receive feedback at the beginning of the following week and submit their corrected compositions on Wednesdays. Common mistakes observed on the writing tasks prompt brief, explicit grammar reviews in class; thus grammar taught in class is chosen to maximize communicative competence. Integrated skills Students will complete seven presentational writing assignments (four in the first semester and three in the second semester) which will be evaluated according to the AP Spanish Language Rubric for writing. This is a formal writing style that requires students to analyze a variety of authentic sources and synthesize the information. Each composition will be written in class within a time limit of 30 to 50 minutes to simulate the conditions of the presentational writing section on the AP exam. Students will deliver one formal oral presentation per unit (total of fifteen) based on readings, podcasts, videos and discussions that have taken place inside and outside of class. Explicit instruction on how to synthesize sources to write a good formal essay and deliver a formal oral presentation will be provided in class with consultation of the textbook Abriendo Paso: lectura, referring specifically to the section “Un poco más de práctica”, Part A Formal Writing (Integrated Skills) and Part B Formal Oral Presentation (Integrated Skills). Real-Life Language and Culture Students are required to engage in real-life activities outside the classroom to enrich their Spanish language and culture experiences. They complete entries that interest them throughout the year for their Language and Culture Portfolio. Options include but are not limited to: attending an art exhibit, musical show, play or La noche de película offered at the school; preparing a meal while following recipes written in Spanish; regular correspondence through email, Skype or Face Time with native speakers in a Spanish-speaking country; viewing of important events involving target language speakers, such as a president’s acceptance speech or a national celebration of a country’s independence; and hosting a student from a Spanish-speaking country. Students must provide acceptable evidence of their cultural engagement. Chronological list of units of study time frame topic – essential question Aug 14-Aug 23 (8 days) Changing technology How do changes in technology affect our lives? Effects of technology (Science and technology) examples of authentic sources (see resource list at end) - Aug 26-Sep 6 (9 days) Environmental issues How can we protect ourselves from environmental threats? Environmental issues (Global Challenges) - article: “Los niños prefieren preguntar a Google antes que a sus padres.” short story: "Nosotros, no", by J. Adolph portions of the feature film Sleep Dealer (Mexico) Poster: "Evolución de la comunicación masiva." video: "Efecto de la tecnología en la familia" Newspaper article: "Cambios de los jóvenes con la tecnología." Newspaper article: "Los cambios tecnológicos plantean nuevos riesgos." Magazine article and video: Ecobici, Veinte Mundos video: Escuadrón Verde: Punto Verde® y Reciclón® - - - Magazine article: "Las 10 consecuencias medioambientales más alarmantes de la economía actual." video: Calentamiento Global para Niños Magazine article: "El 95% de los españoles cree que los gobernantes no hacen lo suficiente para combatir el cambio climático." Video: Calentamiento Global para Niños en Español Student led debates, discussions and presentations - Student led debate: Does technological change lead to an overall improvement in life experience? - Student led discussion of the film Sleep Dealer - Student presentations: La tecnología más importante para mí - Student led discussion comparing concerns about climate change in Spain and the U.S. - Student led debate: Is it okay if others refuse to help conserve the environment? - Student - Sep 9-Sep 20 (10 days) Changes in courtship How do young people from other cultures express romantic interest? Relationships (Contemporary Life) - Sep 23-Oct 4 (10 days) Ethnic Identities How does ethnic identity shape an individual´s life experience? Ethnic Identities (Personal and Public Identities) - Video: Aprender a afrontar el cambio climático (published by UNESCO) Video: Medio Ambiente y Cambio Climatico - Guatemala (published by Juan Pablo Guzmán Castillo) Video: Cambio climático en Centroamérica Video (news report): ¿Usted qué hace para ahorrar agua? Excelsoir (Mexico) Video: Nuestros mares: Turismo responsable portions of the Mexican telenovela Soy tu fan short story: "Dejar a Matilde", by A. Moravia article: "21 cambios que la tecnología le ha traído a las relaciones de pareja." a portion of the feature film Hable con ella Newspaper article: "Cómo se enamoran hoy los jóvenes." Newspaper article: “Los noviazgos actuales están en una cultura light.” Wikipedia article on Noviazgo Video: Soy el peor novio del mundo Magazine article: los Emberá Non-fiction article: Identidad étnica, Gustavo Herrarte Non-fiction article: El desafío hispano, Samuel Huntington. Radio interview from Canadá en las Américas about Samuel Huntington´s thesis (Radio Canada): presentations on a specific environmental issue - - - - - - Oct 7-Oct 18 (10 days) Gender roles How do gender roles shape an individual´s life experiences? - Magazine article: Arriba los guantes Fiction story: El Almohadón de plumas, Horacio Quiroga (Uruguay) Video (news report): Una familia en la que los dos trabajan es lo ideal por la - Student led debate: Is there a place for traditional dating customs in the modern world? Student led discussion on dating "do´s and don´t´s Student presentations: La persona ideal para mí Student led discussion: Community versus individual: how much choice do we have over our own identity? Student led debate: Is there a desafío hispano? Student presentations: Mi identidad étnica Student led discussion analyzing the role of gender in Quiroga´s Family Structure (Families and Communities) - Oct 21-Nov 1 (10 days) Architecture and monuments How do architecture and monuments reflect the history and culture of a people? Architecture (Beauty and Aesthetics) - Nov 4-Nov 22 (14 days) Celebrations How do different cultures recognize major rites of passage? Customs and Values (Families and Communities) - mayoría de los españoles. (RTVE) Fiction story: Las medias rojas by Emilia Pardo Bazan (Spain) Video: Hechas en México – Buzo – Sofía Ponce Magazine article: Las nanas Portions of the feature film Hable con ella portions of the feature film Macario Photo: Machu Picchu Powerpoint: Islamic influence in Southern Spain Photo: La Sagrada Familia Photo: Teatro Nacional Mexico City Photo: Pyramid-like government building in Costa Rica Magazine article: Narquitectura: Los palacios fortificados de los capos del narcotráfico en México Short story: Chac Mool (Carlos Fuentes) Painting: La Tamalada by Carmen Lomas Garza Magazine article: las piñatas Magazine article: La fiesta de San Fermín, Carmen Roman portions of news coverage of San Fermín, broadcast by RTVE in 2010 video: Comida de navidad por el mundo (RTVE) - - - - - - story Student led debate: Are traditional gender roles useful? Student presentations: El papel de género en mi familia Student presentations on a historical building or monument Discussions comparing architecture from various countries Student led discussion: How do celebrations make us feel more connected to a community? Student presentations: Una celebración de un país hispanohablante Dec 2-Dec 17 (12 days) Migrant farmworkers What are our responsibilities towards the wellbeing of those born into poverty? Economic Issues (Global Challenges) - "Cajas de cartón", short story by F. Jimenez La Cosecha (documentary film) La Cosecha de Vergüenza (documentary film) Skype interview in class with a Spanishspeaking lawyer who specializes in labor law-migrant farmworkers - - Student led debate: Do we have responsibilities towards the well-being of those born into poverty? Student led discussion: What can we do? Jan 14-Jan 24 (9 days) Jan 27-Feb 7 (10 days) Feb 10-Feb 21 (8 days) Feb 24-Mar 7 (10 days) Health Care How does culture influence health care? Health Care and Medecine (Science and Technology) - Social Networking and Teenagers Should access to social networking be limited for adolescents? Social Networking (Families and communities) - Defining Beauty How do we know what is beautiful? Defining Beauty (Beauty and Aesthetics) Heroes What makes someone a hero? Heroes and historical figures (Personal and Public Identities) winter break Magazine article: Medecina indígena Video (news report) Sobrepeso de los niños (RTVE) - Student presentation: Si yo pudiera cambiar el mundo… - Student led debate: Is access to health care a right? Student presentations: A problem, a solution Student led debate: Does social networking improve the lives of young people? Student presentations: Explain a social network site to your greatgrandparents Student led discussion: What is beauty? Student presentations on a work of beauty - - Newspaper article: "Hace 5 años ningún adolescente hablaba de Facebook." News report video: La adolescencia nos hizo humanos. (RTVE) Public service pamphlet published by Argentine government: "Los adolescentes y las redes sociales." tatuaje - "El Boom de las cirugías estéticas", Veinte Mundos - Documentary video: Hechas en México – Tatuadora Cynthia Cuevas - Magazine article: Música de la basura, Veinte Mundos. - Short documentary video: Música de la basura - Fiction (story): La prodigiosa tarde de Baltazar (Gabriel García Márquez) - Mural: Sueño de una tarde dominical en la Avenida Central (Rivera) Article: Analisis de Sueño de una tarde dominical en la Avenida Central portions of the feature film Diario de motocicleta Magazine article: Entrevista con Franklin Chang - - - - - - Student led debate: What are the most important characteristics of a hero? Student presentations: - Mar 10-Mar 21 (10 days) Mar 31-Apr 11 (10 days) Apr 14-Apr 25 (10 days) Endangered Species How do our actions put species in danger of extinction? Environmental issues (Global Challenges) - Making sense of war How does war impact innocent civilians? (Global Challenges) - Regionalisms How does language define group identity? (Families and Communities) - Apr 28-May 9 (10 days) - portions of the feature film El Camino de San Diego (Argentina) Fiction (story): Espuma y nada más by Hernán Tellez (Colombia) Video: En su propria trampa (Chile) Non-fiction magazine article: El Axolotl Mexicano Video (Mexicanal): El Axolotl Video: Aprender a Proteger la Biodiversidad (published by UNESCO) Video: El libro rojo - Especies amenazadas - Cocodrilo, centinela de los ríos Mural: Guernica (Picasso) portions of the feature film Voces inocentes portions of the feature film El laberinto del fauna - - - - - Song: Qué difícil es hablar el español Video: Stefanny Nuñez - Palabras nacas Magazine article: El Guaraní en Paraguay, Veinte Mundos Magazine article: Lenguajes en España, Veinte Mundos state testing window Resource list (this is a partial list) Topic 1: Changing technology How do changes in technology affect our lives? - - Una persona que no conozco personalmente pero la admiro. Student led debate: Should we be concerned with the fate of endangered species? Student presentations: Una especie en peligro de extincción Student led debate: Is war a necessary part of human culture? Student presentations: An example of courage without violence Student led debate: Are regional dialects good? Student presentations: Why I am proud of the Spanish that I speak Adolph, José B. “Nosotros, No” in Abriendo Paso: Lectura, edited by Stephen Collins, José Díaz, and María Nadel, 114–133. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007. “Los niños prefieren preguntar a Google antes que a sus padres.” La Gaceta Online. March 19, 2012. ¿Qué son las TIC? YouTube video, 1:39. Uploaded April 3, 2009. Efecto de la tecnología en la familia Youtube video, 1:10 "Los cambios tecnológicos plantean nuevos riesgos." Clarí May 27, 2013. "Cambios de los jóvenes con la tecnología." December 16, 2011 "Un cambio climático propició los avances tecnológicos del Homo Sapiens." June 14, 2013 "21 cambios que la tecnología le ha traído a las relaciones de pareja." Karen Langebeck. accessed June 18, 2013. "Evolución de la comunicación masiva." Poster, unknown source. Topic 2: Environmental Issues How do we protect ourselves from environmental threats? Magazine article: "Las 10 consecuencias medioambientales más alarmantes de la economía actual." Compromiso RSE. March 19, 2012. Magazine article: "El 95% de los españoles cree que los gobernantes no hacen lo suficiente para combatir el cambio climático." Compromiso RSE. May 14, 2013 "30 cosas que puedes hacer para proteger el medio ambiente." comment by Manabrasil published on Univision website. June 11, 2007. Video: Escuadrón Verde: Punto Verde® y Reciclón® Video: Calentamiento Global para Niños en Español Video: Aprender a afrontar el cambio climático (published by UNESCO) Video: Medio Ambiente y Cambio Climatico - Guatemala (published by Juan Pablo Guzmán Castillo) Video: Cambio climático en Centroamérica Video (news report): ¿Usted qué hace para ahorrar agua? Excelsoir (Mexico) Video: Nuestros mares: Turismo responsable Topic 3: Changes in courtship How do young people from other cultures express romantic interest? Newspaper article: "Cómo se enamoran hoy los jóvenes." published August 18, 2002. Newspaper article: “Los noviazgos actuales están en una cultura light.” published February 14, 2012. Wikipedia article: Video: Soy el peor novio del mundo Portions of the feature film Hable con ella Topic 4: Ethnic Identities How does ethnic identity shape an individual´s life experience? Magazine article: los Emberá Non-fiction article: Identidad étnica, Gustavo Herrarte Non-fiction article: El desafío hispano, Samuel Huntington. Radio interview from Canadá en las Américas about Samuel Huntington´s thesis (Radio Canada): Topic 5: Gender roles How do gender roles shape an individual´s life experiences? Magazine article: Arriba los guantes Fiction story: El Almohadón de plumas, Horacio Quiroga (Uruguay) portions of the feature film Macario (Mexico) Video (news report): Una familia en la que los dos trabajan es lo ideal por la mayoría de los españoles. RTVE Fiction story: Las medias rojas by Emilia Pardo Bazan (Spain) Video: Hechas en México – Buzo – Sofía Ponce Magazine article: Las nanas Topic 6: Architecture How does architecture reflect the history and culture of a people? Narquitectura: Los palacios fortificados de los capos del narcotráfico en México Short story: Chac Mool by Carlos Fuentes Topic 7: Celebrations How do different cultures recognize major rites of passage? Magazine article: Las piñatas: Magazine article: La fiesta de San Fermín, Carmen Roman. Abriendo paso: Lectura. Portions of news coverage of San Fermín celebrations, broadcast by RTVE in 2010. Magazine article: Año nuevo: Video: Comida de navidad por el mundo, RTVE. Topic 8: Migrant farmworkers What are our responsibilities towards the well-being of those born into poverty? Documentary film: La cosecha Fiction (short story) Cajas de cartón by Francisco Jimenez. Documentary film: La cosecha de vergüenza Topic 9: Health Care How has technology changed the way we take care of ourselves? Magazine article: Medecina indígena Video (news report) Sobrepeso de los niños (RTVE) Topic 10: Social Networking and Teenagers Should access to social networking be limited for adolescents? "Hace 5 años ningún adolescente hablaba de Facebook." Clarí, published May 23, 2013. La adolescencia nos hizo humanos. RTVE, published December 12, 2012. "Los adolescentes y las redes sociales." Published by Ministerio de educación (Argentina), September 2010. Topic 11: Defining Beauty How do we know what is beautiful? Magazine article: El boom de las cirugías estéticas Documentary video: Hechas en México – Tatuadora Cynthia Cuevas Magazine article: Música de la basura, Veinte Mundos. Short documentary video: Música de la basura Topic 12: Heroes What makes someone a hero? Mural: Sueño de una tarde dominical en la Avenida Central (Diego Rivera) Article: Analisis de Sueño de una tarde dominical en la Avenida Central A Magazine article: Entrevista con Franklin Chang portions of the feature film El Camino de San Diego (Argentina) portions of the feature film Motorcycle Diaries Fiction (story): Espuma y nada más by Hernán Tellez (Colombia) Video: En su propria trampa (Chilean television program) Topic 13: Endangered Species How do our actions put species in danger of extinction? Video: El libro rojo - Especies amenazadas - Cocodrilo, centinela de los ríos Non-fiction magazine article: El Axolotl Mexicano Video: El Axolotl Video: Aprender a Proteger la Biodiversidad (published by UNESCO) Topic 14: Making sense of war How does war impact innocent civilians? Mural: Guernica portions of feature film Voces inocentes portions of the feature film El laberinto del fauno Topic 15: Regionalisms How does language define group identity? "Stefanny Nuñez: Palabras nacas" Song: Qué difícil es hablar el español Magazine article: El Guaraní en Paraguay, Veinte Mundos Magazine article: Lenguajes en España, Veinte Mundos