The Alumnae Continuing Education Class Schedule –Winter Quarter 2014 For schedule updates or class cancellations, consult or call 847-604-3569. REVISED A. THE PRESIDENCY Tuesdays: January 14 - March 18 Tuesdays, 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. NORRIS UNIVERSITY CENTER Daniel Galvin, Associate Professor, Political Science and Faculty Fellow, Institute for Policy Research DATE January 14 LECTURE The Founding of the Presidency CLASSROOM McCormick Auditorium January 21 Article II and Executive Power McCormick Auditorium January 28 The Development of the Presidential War Power McCormick Auditorium February 4 The Rhetorical Presidency McCormick Auditorium February 11 Presidential Power (I): The Power to Persuade McCormick Auditorium February 18 Presidential Power (II): Personality, Style, and Strategy McCormick Auditorium February 25 Presidents in Political Time (I): Reconstructive and Disjunctive Leadership McCormick Auditorium March 4 Presidents in Political Time (II): Orthodox vs. Innovative and Pre-emptive Leadership McCormick Auditorium March 11 Presidential Party Building (I): Theory and Pattern Detection McCormick Auditorium March 18 Presidential Party Building (II): Illustrations McCormick Auditorium B. FOUR MOMENTS IN ASIAN AMERICAN HISTORY Tuesdays, 12:45 p.m. - 2:45 p.m. NORRIS UNIVERSITY CENTER Nitasha Sharma, Assoc. Prof. Asian American Studies, and Jinah Kim, Senior Lecturer of Asian Am. Studies DATE January 14 LECTURE SHORTENED BY ONE WEEK Introduction: The “Four Moments” and the Birth of Asian Studies, Prof. Sharma and Dr. Kim CLASSROOM McCormick Auditorium January 21 Moment One - 1882: Yellow Peril & the Exclusionary Period, Prof. Sharma McCormick Auditorium January 28 McCormick Auditorium February 4 The Chop Suey Circuit: Early Asian American Performance Culture in Jim Crow America, Dr. Jinah Kim Moment Two - WW II: Internment and Immigration, Prof. Sharma February 11 The American Century in Asia on the Silver Screen, Dr. Kim McCormick Auditorium February 18 Moment Three: The Fall of Saigon, Prof. Sharma McCormick Auditorium February 25 Moment Four: The New Millennium & the Crisis in L.A., Dr. Kim McCormick Auditorium March 4 Coming of Age in a Time of War: 9/11 and Asian American Youth, Prof. Sharma McCormick Auditorium March 11 Roundtable Wrap-up: The Future of Asian America in U.S. Politics and Policy Prof. Sharma and Dr. Kim McCormick Auditorium 01/10/14/rev/dh McCormick Auditorium 1 Thursdays: January 9 - March 13, 2014 C. TURNING POINTS IN CATHOLIC-JEWISH-MUSLIM RELATIONS Thursdays, January 9 - March 13 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Mary Deeley, Pastoral Assoc. & Director of the Christ the Teacher Institute of the Sheil Catholic Center; Lecturer, Seabury Western Theological Seminary; Claire Sufrin, Visiting Assistant Professor, Religious Studies NORRIS UNIVERSITY CENTER DATE LECTURE CLASSROOM January 9 The Abrahamic Stories McCormick Auditorium January 16 The Edict of Constantine McCormick Auditorium January 23 A New Player at the Table McCormick Auditorium January 30 Spain: Convergence and Clashes of Religions McCormick Auditorium February 6 Catholicism’s Dark Period McCormick Auditorium February 13 Effects of the Enlightenment and the Industrial Age McCormick Auditorium February 20 Vatican II McCormick Auditorium. February 27 Challenges of the 20th Century McCormick Auditorium March 6 20th Century Events and Jewish-Christian Relations, Visiting Asst. Professor Sufrin McCormick Auditorium March 13 Catholicism, Judaism, Islam: The Next 25 Years McCormick Auditorium D. MUSIC MASTERS, MYSTERIES, AND MASTERPIECES Thursdays, Jan. 9 - March 13, 2014 12:45 - 2:45 p.m. NORRIS CENTER (with the exception of March 13 when the class will be held at NU’s Alice Millar Chapel). Stephen Alltop, Senior Lecturer, Bienen School of Music DATE LECTURE CLASSROOM January 9 The Art of Conducting McCormick Auditorium January 16 Leonard Bernstein: American Maestro of the 20th Century McCormick Auditorium January 23 Art and Music: Hand in Hand McCormick Auditorium January 30 Jane Austen and Music McCormick Auditorium February 6 Joseph Schwantner: A Sneak Peek at a World Premiere McCormick Auditorium February 13 Baroque Bonanza McCormick Auditorium February 20 Verdi’s Requiem: Backstory of a Masterpiece McCormick Auditorium. February 27 Bach’s St. Matthew Passion: The Summit of Musical Creation McCormick Auditorium March 6 Gustav Mahler: Symphonic Master McCormick Auditorium March 13 The King of Instruments Alice Millar Chapel 01/10/14/rev/dh 2