University of Kansas Medical Center Contract 01103 Renewal UPS Batteries and Battery Service Period of contract: October 4, 2012 through October 3, 2013 (Final renewal) Contractor: Ash Battery Systems, Inc. 6200 Merriam Drive Shawnee, KS 66203-3258 Contact: Andrew Ash Ph: 913-722-3191 As the result of bid response to KUMC RFQ #683F11-003, the parties enter into a one year contract for the provision of products and services enumerated herein. Renewal terms may be entered into as mutually agreed to. The first renewal term shall be October 4, 2011 through October 3, 2012. KUMC anticipates procuring the following make and model batteries for use with various UPS systems over the next three years. However, this volume is merely an estimate, and may increase or decrease, based upon agency requirements. The successful vendor shall enter into a one year contract with the Medical Center, with the potential of two additional one-year term extensions, as mutually agreed upon. In consideration of standardization, consistency and familiarity, substitutions are not permitted unless item becomes discontinued by the manufacturer and then only with KUMC approval. Please provide your response in terms of percentage discount from manufacturer list price as well as any additional discounts being provided. List price and discounted price of each item should be provided with your response. Vendor must be authorized by manufacturer to provide sales and process factory warranty claims. Provide letter of authorization from C&D. All battery prices shall speak to appropriate EPA/DOT disposal, with proof of disposal provided to KUMC. Anticipated Qty Make Model Voltage Unit Cost 240 C&D Battery C&D Battery C&D Battery Fiamm Battery Liberty 1000 LS6-200 6 volt 200 ah 379.00 Dynasty TEL12-70 12 volt 70 ah 155.97 Dynasty UPS12-490MR 12 volt 490 ah 298.18 FE12FLX500 12 volt 237.99 30 30 30 KUMC is also interested in semi-annual preventative maintenance services. Below is a description of the services KUMC is requesting as well as an inventory of currently installed battery sub-systems. As new systems come on line, we will add them to the PM schedule. Battery Maintenance must conform to IEEE-450 standards and intentions. Perform a detailed inspection of the battery installation including connections, racks and environmental conditions. Any items noted that are deemed a critical action item shall be brought to the attention of on-site personnel. Check and record battery system voltage, current and AC ripple current, and grounds. Measure and record the internal conductance and connection conductance of the cells in the string. Connection resistance that is deemed excessive shall be identified for corrective action. Inductance testing will not be substituted for conductance testing. Measure and record individual cell voltage of each cell and straps to verify bolted connections. Re-torque all bolted terminal connections and intercell connections to manufacturer specifications. Clean batteries, rack and environment to avoid discharge paths and ensure optimal operating conditions. Measure and record ambient temperature and individual cell temperatures. (Progressive Method) Measure and record specific gravity (Progressive Method – Or Troubleshooting only) Check electrolyte levels in all cells and fill where required. Digital Low Resistance Ohmmeter (DLRO) Test – ground test. Check for signs of leakage including post seals and jar-to-cover seals. Provide a written report including maintenance date, conclusions and recommendations. Provide examples of forms/logs used in recording (all of) these services. Take proactive and corrective measures to remedy any discrepancy discovered during the maintenance or testing process onsite. Rectifier/Charger and UPS output voltage and current at the battery will be recorded/verified. Battery SubSystem Wahl Annex AC UPS Wahl Annex DC UPS Sudler Hall UPS Make/Model QTY of Batteries Frequency Unit Price C&D UPS12490MR C&D TEL12-70 40 2 times per year 380.00 48 2 times per year 380.00 C&D Liberty 1000 LS6200 320 2 times per year 1680.00 For items not covered under a PM contract, please provide any applicable T&M shop rates. Provide the shop rate for replacement battery installation. (If applicable) The Provisions found in Contractual Provisions Attachment (Form DA-146a, Rev. 10-11), which is attached hereto, are hereby incorporated in this contract and made a part thereof.