AP GOV: Itinerary: Unit 1: Founders' Intent

AP Gov: Unit 1: 6 Principles of the Constitution & Founder’s Intent
Day 1
Activity: Q-Q-T Contest: U.S. Government and Politics
Q-Q-T Contest Cards
Activity: 12 Politically Charged Questions and Debate
Handout: 12 Politically
Charged Questions
Student Interest Survey
Student Interest Survey
Obj: What is the proper role of government in our republic?
- Norm Setting (What should governments do?)
-Quotes from Locke, Mill, Madison
-Class expectations
- Class Expectations
- Unit 1 Itinerary
- “6 Principles of the
Constitution” sheet
-Unit 1 Itinerary
- DBQ Writing
- Handout "6 Principles of the Constitution" and complete in groups
- Background Essay and
- Handout DBQ Writing: "How Did the Constitution Guard Against Tyranny?"
HW: Finish “6 Principles of the Constitution” (due next class)
- Document B
Reading- DBQ Writing “Background Essay”
- Document C
Complete- DBQ Writing “Background Essay” Questions (Due next class)
Reading- “Doc. B: Separation of Powers”
Reading- “Doc. C: Checks and Balances”
Obj: Describe 3 of the 6 key principles of the Constitution.
- Pop Quiz: “6 principles of the Constitution”
- Reading Discussion: “6 Principles of the Constitution” & DBQ Writing
“Background” & “Doc. B & C”
HW: Reading- DBQ Writing “Doc. A: Federalism”
- Quiz: “6 Principles of
the Constitution”
- DBQ Writing
- Document A
- Document D
Read- DBQ Writing “Doc. D: Big States V. Small States”
Obj: Define tyranny and explain how 3 of the 6 key principles of the Constitution
work to prevent tyranny?
- Reading Discussion: DBQ Project: Doc. A & Doc. D
-Lecture: How to write the FRQ
Practice FRQ
Barron’s Book: Ch 2
-In class practice FRQ: Define the types of tyranny and explain how three of the
six principles of the constitution work to prevent tyranny.
HW: Read Barron’s Chapter 2: Highlight main ideas in text
Obj: Explan main theories of democracy and its influence on the constitution.
Activity: The Power to Rule
Jigsaw: Founder’s Document Quotes Analysis
Reading and Organizer: Theories of Democracy , Lineberry pp.13-22
HW: Complete Reading and Organizer: “Theories of Democracy” (due next
Activity: Power to Rule
Founder’s Quote Analysis
Organizer: Theories of
Lineberry Text
Read Lineberry pp.31-40
Obj: Identify and describe events leading to the constitution and 3 compromises
made at the Constitutional Convention.
PPT: Unit 1 Full
- Federalist 10 & 51
QW: Identify 5 events which led to the creation of the Constitution
Lecture: Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation and Compromises at the
Constitutional Convention
HW: Read and Highlight “Federalist 10 and 51” (due next class)
Obj: Describe and explain the Madisonian Model of government.
- Lineberry text 48-51
QW: Describe 3 problems that occurred under the Articles of Confederation and
how the constitution attempted to resolve these problems
PPT: Madisonian Model
Read Lineberry pp. 48-51 to describe the “Madisonian Model”
- Discussion: Federalist 10 and 51, the Madisonian Model
- Constitution Intro Worksheet and Constitution Tool
HW: Complete Constitution Tool (due next class)
Worksheet: Constitution
Worksheet: Constitution
Barron’s Book Ch. 3
Read and Highlight Barron’s Chapter 3
Obj: Identify and explain the major topics covered in each of the 7 articles of the
Complete Constitution Tool and Review
PPT: Unit 1 Full
Constitution Tool
Lecture: Unitary v. Confederate v. Federal Systems of Government
Fed/Anti-Fed Town Hall
Begin Federalist v. Anti-Federalist Town Hall Activity
Barron’s Book Ch. 3
HW: Finish reading and highlighting Barron’s Chapter 3
Obj: Identify and describe the major differences between the Federalist and
Anti-Federalist roles of government.
Federalist v. AntiFederalist Town Hall
QW: Identify and explain the major topics covered in the 7 Articles of the
Delegate Letter
Activity: Federalist v. Anti-Federalist Town Hall
Reflection: Delegate Letter
Obj: Define federalism and identify parts of the Constitution as increasing
state’s rights, and parts of the Constitution as increasing federal rights.
- Review and Current Events
Lineberry Text
- PPT: Unit 1 Full
-Marijuana SAC
- Reading: Lineberry pp. 74-81 and Guided Notes
- Lecture: Types of Federalism
HW: Begin Marijuana SAC (due next class)
Obj: Use evidence to valuate which level of government should have the right to
decide certain constitutional issues.
Marijuana SAC
Common Core SAC
-Marijuana SAC
-Common Core SAC
-Marriage SAC
-Barron’s Text
Marriage SAC
HW: Read Highlight Barron’s “Chapter 4”
Obj: Explain how the federal government uses fiscal federalism to increase
power over the states.
-PPT: Unit 1 Full
QW: Compare and contrast dual and cooperative federalism, and identify what
type of federalism we have today
- Complete SAC’s and turn in
-Lecture: Fiscal Federalism
Obj: Explain how the federal government uses fiscal federalism to increase their
power over the states.
QW: Identify and describe a situation in which the federal government uses
fiscal federalism to increase their power over the states
Activity: Practice FRQ’s and Review
HW: Complete vocabulary for Barron’s Chapters 2+3
-PPT: Unit 1 Full
-Released FRQ’s
-Barron’s Book
Obj: Define and explain how each of the following contribute to the expansion of
power by the state or federal government; Block Grant, Categorical Grant,
Formula Grant, Unfunded Mandate
Activity: Law School Part I
Law School 1 cards and
-PPT: Unit 1 Full
Barron’s Books
- Lecture: Types of Grants
- Review: Types of Grants
HW: Complete vocabulary for Barron’s Chapter 4
Obj: What major concepts do we need to review today in order to get you ready
for your exam?
-Unit 1 Vocab Quiz
-Barron’s Text
Unit 1 Vocabulary Quiz
Class Review and Exam Prep
Finish any missing or incomplete work
Obj: What steps did you take that you think helped you prepare most for this
exam? Is there anything you wish you would have done differently in the unit?
- Unit 1 Exam: Founder’s Intent
- Handout Unit 2 Itinerary
HW: Begin reading Barron’s Ch. 11 Political Parties
- Unit 1 Exam
-Unit 2 Itinerary
-Barron’s Books