“the roofs of sophia” at aarhus city hall

UIC Newsletters Spring 2011
Table of contents: (click here to select a specific month)
 August
 September
January 2011
Dear Internationals,
The year 2011 is still very new, so with this UIC Newsletter receive some extra good
wishes for a most enjoyable New Year!
I trust you got it started all right, and already feel you are back into the challenges of the
usual busy everyday life you lead.
And with the persistent cold and white Danish winter it is for many of us essential to be
well informed about the weather forecast, or if any delays or cancellations are occurring
on the trains to Copenhagen, or whether some road construction – if not the snow - is
causing traffic jams and the like. There is a website – in Danish - with helpful news of this
kind, turn to www.trafikken.dk/østjylland/ - It can help you be prepared! For it seems
winter stays with us..
This UIC Newsletter will not be as usual with a lot of information about ‘what’s on in and
around Aarhus’. But mainly give some information on seminars, meetings, and courses,
which are offered in English at AU or in Aarhus in general, as it is time to sign up! Also
included is what to expect at the UIC this month.
Anyone interested in information about these new programmes in the greater Aarhus area
are invited to a meeting at the Langkaer Gymnasium 12 January from 7.30 pm to 9 pm.
Place: Langkaer Gymnasium, Kileparken 25, 8381 Tilst. Tel: 8624 2011, www.langkaer.dk
IB coordinator Rikke Hupfeld on rh@langkaer.dk
Offers again a one-day course which puts focus on the Danish work culture. An issue very
useful for foreign staff to become more familiarized with. Apply no later than 31 January,
see further details on
FOLKEUNIVERSITETET = The Danish University Extension Aarhus again offers some
excellent seminars in English with the following titles:
The Danish Monarchy 14/2
Is there a recipe for export success? 24/2
Danish among the world’s 7000 languages 10/3
Technology, work and mental models 31/3
USA’s influence on the world and Denmark 4/5
From Nordic mythology to Christianity 12/5
Læs mere om Folkeuniversitetet in English
They all take place at AU, but sign up for one or all of them at the International
Community. Free for all AU staff & spouses, but limited seats available, see details here
Is also important to be updated on. Different meetings, seminars, excursions and more are
offered most weeks of the year. AU is a member here, so you can participate for free. See
all details on www.internationalcommunity.dk
It is free to join their meetings or to turn them for more information, and for assistance to
apply for a job and more. Note the Consortium for Global Talent is holding a seminar at
the Aarhus School of Business, AU Thursday 27 January. Look up more details and how to
sign up on the websites http://cgt.expatindenmark.com/ and
Here the Informal Meetings start next week Wednesday 12 January at 10 am to 12 noon at the
Faculty Club, 1st Floor, Building 1421 on Fredrik Nielsens Vej (next to the Student House).
Informal Meetings will continue through January e.g. also 19 January and 26 January.
But from 1 February – a Tuesday - the official program will start and from then on the UIC
meetings will take place at the International Centre, Building 1650, Høegh-Guldbergs
Gade 4 on AU Campus. More details on the website www.au.dk/uic - or mail me for more
This weekend there are beautiful New Year Concerts at the Concert Hall, buy tickets. Or
you can look into the Antique Flea Market at the Ridehuset, which is across the street from
the City Hall. It is a quite unique market, taking place both Saturday and Sunday, each
day from 10 am to 5 pm, admission DKK 40.
If you need exercise after the Holidays you can join the Aarhus Free Run. It is a free
activity, which is taking place every week year round on Tuesdays only. So you have a
couple of days to decide, whether you like the idea or not! Some 50 people come and all
ages and run in groups or as you like. Meeting place: Tangkrogen, at the Bear Sculpture on
Filtenborg Square, where Dalgas Avenue ends.
The next UIC Newsletter goes out next Thursday.
With this information the best wishes for the weekend in Aarhus or wherever you might
Venlig hilsen / Best regards
Gitte Haahr-Andersen
UIC Organiser
International Centre
Aarhus University
Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 4, bldg. 1650
DK-8000 Århus C
Web: www.au.dk/ic
Phone: +45 3069 8483
Email: GHA@adm.au.dk
Dear Internationals,
When compared with December, January is less hectic. And beginning a new year is like being
given a whole lot of time. To one’s surprise the calendar is not yet filled up. A large number of us
are also determined to leave more time open e.g. try our best not to book it fully. But after a few
days many realize it is not that easy not to get into the same situation. There are quickly so many
commitments pending. – But keep the goals high. Insist on being in charge of your life’s agenda!
I wish for everyone that this year will be a period with a higher success rate with regard to enjoying
being busy and at the same time continuously improving our planning so that the everyday tasks do
not become too demanding.
A good piece of advice learned already some years ago, is to leave time for a walk, some biking –
simply some time not planned and but devoted time outside. Experts also consider it very healthy
and stimulating to move. It is a good way to mind your mind! Fresh air gives way for new ideas,
easier decision makings and the like.
Now it is up to each of us to decide which kind of exercise you will go for!
Some new year thoughts – and then it is time to look into some things of general interest and at the
bottom of the mail the specific suggestions for the weekend:
A free health test and a session with a professional health ambassador available at several
of the libraries in Aarhus. Starting Monday 10 January everyone can get a test and get
inspiration on how to improve one’s personal health; the project goes on for five weeks. In
addition to the health tests there are lectures and debates on healthy living at many of the
local libraries, and these are free of charge as well. The project is part of Aarhus
Municipality’s health strategy 2009-2012. Studies show that in Aarhus 37.000 citizens are
inactive and 71.000 are overweight! Free tickets can be booked or picked up from 17
January. You can get more information about the activities at your local library or on
Now as the snow melts away the impact of the long and cold winter shows clearly on the
paved roads and bike routes. Extensive damages are obvious, and not making commuting
easier. The Municipality has already for some time started filling in the potholes, but for
one it is not the best time of the year to do, and secondly the workmen are assigned a huge
job, as Aarhus has some 1250 KM of roads/streets and around 500 KM bike and
pedestrian paths to maintain! The municipality, therefore, asks the public to report of
potholes that you consider time to repair. Some potholes need attention sooner than
others, here your help can be crucial. So report on this link
At Shell on Randersvej, Aarhus N and Shell on Grenåvej 150, Risskov a campaign is
running from 11 January to 2 February in support of the Cancer Association. Each car
wash during this period Shell will donate DDK20 to help the Cancer Association pursue
research, counseling and more.
Sing songs from the Blue Song Book is one of the most popular events at the Concert Hall,
Musikhuset, and takes place this Saturday at 2 pm. People gather to sing from the blue
‘Højskolesangbogen’, the Danish Folk High School Song Book. The Danish tradition of
‘højskoler’, Folk High Schools, goes back to Grundtvig, who believed in “a school for life”,
where all social classes could meet and learn, especially through lessons in Danish history,
language and song. In many ways, the thought of ‘højskoler’ and general education
emerged simultaneously with the demands for a new Danish constitution (it came in
1849). And given it is such an old tradition it has long proved to be of much importance
also today. Alone the fact that there today still exist some 74 Folk High Schools. The
world’s oldest – and consequently Denmark’s first Folk High School was founded in 1844
and still exist. It is Rødding Folkehøjskole in Southern Jutland. Let me also add that
Testrup Folk High School, founded in 1866 – and one of the NFS Grundtvig schools - is
some 12 KM south of Aarhus and well worth a visit. It holds a number of open evening
lectures or song evenings open to the public and great to join. They also welcome visitors.
Look up more on Wikipedia or www.testrup.dk/om-hoejskolen
Join the singing this Saturday and get a chance to learn the Danish classics. Free
At the Café at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset , Thomas Jensens Allé, 8000 Aarhus C
A wonderful nature park some 35 min drive from Aarhus, and great to enjoy winter or
summer. Hilly area with great walking paths, exhibition and more. Great views – also for
example on the Three Hills, Trehøje, you can see the sea in any direction. Bring your
thermos! – Let me remind you that AU has a vacation cot in Femmoeller (five mills), which
you can rent, like the AU places, when you have have worked here for 2 yrs. I feel pretty sure that many of you have already been there, and most likely taken some
beautiful photos. Some you might like to share with others. The National Park is seeking
more photos and also old ones, so that changes over the years, with respect to people,
village life and nature life, can be exhibited for present and coming generations to learn
from. Have any, please mail them to sekretariatet@mols.nu – and more information can be
looked up on www.mols.nu
From 13 January you can experience a massive amount of free concerts at the four regional
venues in Aarhus: Train, Voxhall, Musikcaféen and Atlas. A broad range of different
modern music genres will be represented, such as pop, rock, jazz, folk, indie and electronic
music from 18 different local artists and bands. All concerts are free, so keep yourself
updated on the websites of the four venues or here: www.musikaarhus.com
Every Tuesday Studenterhus Aarhus has International Night, where up to 300
internationals (mostly students) enjoy each other’s company. The International Group at
Studenterhus Aarhus plans introduction seminars for newly arrived international students
as well as parties through the year. Most events start at 8 pm. Participation is free.
Studenterhus Aarhus, Nrd. Ringggade 3, 8000 Aarhus C
More information on www.studenterhusaarhus.dk
18 to 21 January you can enjoy the annual Christmas Cabaret at the Concert Hall,
Musikhuset. The show is in English and combines English humour and Danish satire, this
year it is said to be horrifying! Tickets are DKK190 to 300. Address: The Concert Hall,
Thursday 13 January
7.30 pm: Bakken Bears vs. Svendborg Rabbits at Atletion – NRGI Park. The two leading
professional basketball teams in Denmark meet in an exciting match. Tickets are DKK60
for adults, DKK35 for students and children below 17 years. Tickets can be bought on spot
one hour before tipoff. Address: Atletion - NRGi park, Stadion Allé 70, 8000 Aarhus C
More information on www.atletion.dk
Friday 14 January
2.45 pm: PhD Day: 400 young researchers meet Friday at the annual PhD Day at Aarhus
Faculty of Health Sciences. The young researchers will get an opportunity to exchange
experiences and also give short presentations of their research projects. The programme
also include an inspiring Lecture by Nobel Laureate John Walker. Sir John E. Walker, who
was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1997, the same year as AU Nobel Laureate,
Professor Jens Chr. Skou will lecture on how and what made him become part of the
science elite.
Auditorium 1 in the Lake Auditorium, University Park, 8000 Aarhus C.
More information on www.health.au.dk
3 pm: At Åby Library children from different institutions in Aarhus exhibit paintings,
sculptures and other artworks they have made themselves.
The opening of the exhibition will be celebrated with speeches and the 12-year old Peter
Tække will play the violin. Address: Åby Bibliotek, Ludvig Feilbergs Vej 7, 8230 Åbyhøj.
Free admission. More information on www.aakb.dk/aaby
7 pm: Learn how to dance swing. Have a free lesson of swing dance and get a glimpse of
what swing dancing is all about when ‘Kom og Dans’ has open house at Sct. Annagades
Skole. Free admission. Address: Sct. Annagades Skole, Skt. Anna Gade 38, 8000 Aarhus C.
More information on www.komogdansaarhus.dk
Saturday 15 January
10 am to 5 pm Antique Flea Market at the Ridehuset, with 40 new stalls this weekend.
Place: Ridehuset, Vester Allé 1, 8000 Århus C. Admission DKK40.
2 pm: “Syng fra den blå” one of the most popular events at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset,
takes place this Saturday, as people gather to sing from the blue ‘Højskolesangbogen’. See
more information above. Free admission.
Address: the Cafe at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset, Århus C.
9 pm Tumbleweed Orchestra plays a free concert at ‘Fairbar’. ‘Tumbleweed orchestra’ is
known for their fine melodies and happy sunshine stories.
More information at: www.fairbar.dk or www.myspace.com/tumbleweedorchestra
Fairbar, Nørre Allé 66, 8000 Aarhus C
Sunday 16 January
10 am to 5 pm Antique Flea Market in Ridehuset, with 40 new stalls this weekend.
Place: Ridehuset, Vester Allé 1, 8000 Århus C. Admission DKK40
1 pm: The local artist ‘Pearl’ plays a free live concert at Musikhuset. ‘Pearl’ finds
inspiration in her African heritage and plays a mix of soul, r’n’b and reggae.
Musikhuset Aarhus, Thomas Jensens Allé, 8000 Aarhus C
More information at: www.musikhusetaarhus.dk and www.myspace.com/pearlsoul
Monday 17 January
All day (10 am – 8pm): “Anne Frank – a story for our time”. At the main library this
exhibition tells the story of holocaust through two parallel stories – the story of Anne
Frank and the story of how WWII affected Europe. The exhibition is developed by the
Dutch Anne Frank’s House. Free admission.
Hovedbiblioteket, Møllegade 1, 8000 Aarhus C.
More information at: www.aakb.dk/biblioteker/hovedbiblioteket
5 pm After work concert by Carsten Knudsen on Ukulele, a small string instrument. Music
by J.S. Bach and his own compositions. Address: Risskov Church (Kirke), Solbakken 2,
8240 Risskov, free admission.
Venlig hilsen / Best regards
Gitte Haahr-Andersen
UIC Organiser
International Centre
Aarhus University
Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 4, bldg. 1650
DK-8000 Århus C
Web: www.au.dk/ic
Phone: +45 3069 8483
Email: GHA@adm.au.dk
Dear Internationals,
It is not spring yet, but the mild weather reminds us of the fact that it will be coming …
sooner or later. The sun is out today and the daylight stays with us longer day by day,
which is very promising. And it surely affects our minds and our initiatives…
This week’s UIC Newsletter again brings a small fraction of what actually happens in the
city of Aarhus. Even so there is fairly good selection for you to choose among. Provided
you have time for the activities, either it is a free concert or a refreshing walk, it is here
ready to make use of.
In Aarhus a bike is very convenient. Most places easy to ride and besides, easy and cheap
to park almost anywhere! If you need a bike at a reasonable price please note that the
auctions (the old police auctions) resume, see more details below. - Perhaps you do not
know how to ride a bike – or dare not do it – then join the lesson which takes place
Monday in Hasle at the library, see more details below!
And it is due time to sign up for the Official opening of the International Centre 1
February at 12.30 to 2 pm, see more details below.
Now follows some things of general interest and at the bottom of the newsletter the
specific suggestions for the coming days:
You are invited to participate in the Official opening at the International Centre, where
UIC Meetings will take place from February.
1 February from 12.30 to 2 pm all are invited to Rector Lauritz B. Holm-Nielsen and International
Director Christian Thorn’s speeches and the following buffet. Also there is time to see the great
Please sign up as soon as possible to Ulla Gjørling ug@adm.au.dk – and if it is easier mail
me gha@adm.au.dk
Education with no limits is the slogan for the fair that opened Wednesday and continues all day
Thursday from 9 am to 4 pm. All educations are represented and counselors are ready to assist. At
Scandinavian Congress Center Aarhus. More details on www.uug.dk . Free.
Since September last year this option has been closed down. The Aarhus Police Dept. for
years was responsible for the auctions, but last autumn due to lack of resources decided to
invite tenders for this kind of business. An agreement has been made with Østjysk
Auktion Aps in Egaa and this company will hold its first auction 22 January at 11 am. And
with other kinds of objects (watches, furniture and more) an auction is scheduled 5
February at 11 am. The day before each auction and also on the very morning you can
make an inspection and offer an advance bid.
Please let others know. There are always some in need of a good bike! Address: Kringelled
6, 8250 Egaa. Tel: 50577866
A free health test and a session with a professional health ambassador available at several
of the libraries in Aarhus. Starting Monday 10 January everyone can get a test and get
inspiration on how to improve one’s personal health; the project goes on for five weeks. In
addition to the health tests there are lectures and debates on healthy living at many of the
local libraries, and these are free of charge as well. The project is part of Aarhus
Municipality’s health strategy 2009-2012. Studies show that in Aarhus 37.000 citizens are
inactive and 71.000 are overweight! Free tickets can be booked or picked up from 17
January. You can get more information about the activities at your local library or on
At Shell on Randersvej, Aarhus N and Shell on Grenåvej 150, Risskov a campaign is
running from 11 January to 2 February in support of the Cancer Association. Each car
wash during this period Shell will donate DDK20 to help the Cancer Association pursue
research, counseling and more.
Regularly will only do your health and mind good. You may for some weeks have had an
excuse, during which the ice made it a dangerous experiment. But even under such
conditions the proper footwear would make it safe and surely a healthy activity. With all
the colds and flues active these winter weeks, it is good to note that tramping or hiking
strengthen your immune system, reduce the risks of heart diseases, increase your memory
and your self confidence! Benefits important to humans and on top of this is what you see
of nature or your neighbourhood while out in open air!
Including some 28,000 citizens in the Region Mid Jutland shows that number of smokers
continuously drop. Over the most recent 4 years the number has decreased by 5%. Again it
also proved that high educated people smoke much less than less educated.
Almost every week the JP paper reports on yet another building, which now is
‘underway’. For example, the Design Consortium Bestsellers and the educational
institution Navitas are now so close to their starting point that the municipality has
approved the lay out grant to develop Pier 2. The lay out plans include canals, bridges,
bikeramps and more. – It is extremely exciting what all these big construction projects will
provide of services, jobs and good housing for us the citizens of Aarhus!
At Aros Art Museum the artist Olafur Eliasson inspected his huge artwork on the roof of
the Art Museum. He actually took his first walk up there e.g. a 150 M walk inside the
rainbow tunnel! And he artist was so very pleased with the result. But the work is not
completed. It depends heavily on the weather conditions. Even with the most optimistic
work conditions an official opening day for ‘Your Rainbow Panorama’ is not given, only
said to be ‘some time during spring’.
The choir ‘Cassiopeia Koret’ is starting the new season Monday 24 January at 7 pm at
Fenrisvej 33, Århus V and they seek singers. Free to join. More details on
www.cassiopeiakoret.dk or contact Anne Lise Foged Rasmussen on tel. 8615 3025.
Thursday 20 January
3 pm to 5 pm Get a free health check by the Heart Association at Risskov Library,
Bibliotek, Fortebakken 1
6 pm to 9 pm Kunst for alle 2011 (Art for everybody 2011) with 45 artists works exhibited
at Ridehuset, Vester Allé, Aarhus C. www.kunstforalle.dk . Admission DKK50.
Friday 21 January
10 am to 7 pm Kunst for alle 2011 (Art for everybody 2011) with 45 artists works exhibited
at Ridehuset, Vester Allé 1, Aarhus C. Admission DDK50.
1 pm to 3 pm Get advice on how to stop smoking and a healthy diet at Health Centre
West, Gudrunsvej 80, Brabrand, free.
7.30 pm Trumpet player Reinhold Friedrich, classical music at the Concert Hall,
Musikhuset, free.
7.30 pm Pianists Alexander Ivanov, Roberta Mikucionyte and Justas Servenikas, classical
music at the Piano Company Juhl-Soerensen, Skovvejen 2b. Tickets DDK50.
Saturday 22 January
10 am to 4 pm Asger Jorn Symposium – seminar about the artist at Aros Art Museum,
Århus. Admission DDK150.
10 am to 6 pm Kunst for alle 2011 (Art for everybody 2011) with 45 artists works exhibited
at Ridehuset, Vester Allé 1, Aarhus C. Admission DDK50.
11 am Bike Auction at Østjysk, Auktion Aps on Kringelled 6, 8250 Egaa, more details
3 pm Downstreamin’ Jazz, Fairbar, Nørre Allé 66. Free.
Sunday 23 January
10 am to 6 pm Kunst for alle 2011 (Art for everybody 2011) with 45 artists works exbited at
Ridehuset, Vester Allé 1, Aarhus C. Admission DDK50.
10 am to 12 noon A winter walk, for children & adults. Where are the wildlife to be found
during the cold weather. Are they hiding? Can you find their tracks and see what kind of
animal has passed by. Free to join the Nature Club ‘Falkeøje’. Meeting place: Skovmøllen,
on the bridge across Giber river, next to the Old Mill and close to Moesgaard Museum.
Easily combined with the Old Mill, which operates this Sunday from 12 noon to 5 pm, buy
fresh flour for your home baking! Free admission.
1 pm Solisteries with Simon Rosenbaum and the Nordic Sopranos at the Café at the
Concert Hall, Aarhus. Free.
4 pm Trumpet players Judy Hunskjær & Anders Larsen and Organist Thomas Berg-Juul –
New Year’s Concert at Fredenskirke, Rosenvangs Allé 51. Admission DDK40, buy at the
Monday 24 January
4 pm to 5.30 pm introduction to bicycling for women, who learned how to bike! Meet at
Hasle Library, bibliotek, Kappelvænget 2, Hasle. Every week. Free.
7.30 pm Introworkshop to Art of Living – get free of stress at the Main Library,
Hovedbiblioteket, Room B, Møllegade 1.
7.30 pm Trombone Event by the Royal Danish Academy of Music, Classical music at the
Concert Hall, Musikhuset, Aarhus. Free.
Tuesday 25 January
7.30 pm Cellist Janne Fredens and pianist Søren Rastogi, classical music. At the Concert
Hall, Musikhuset, Aarhus. Free.
7.30 pm Organist Kurt Levorsen at Sct. Mark (Markus), Kirke, Skt. Markus Kirkeplads .
With the very best wishes for your weekend,
Gitte Haahr-Andersen
UIC Organiser
International Centre
Aarhus University
Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 4, bldg. 1650
DK-8000 Århus C
Web: www.au.dk/ic
Phone: +45 3069 8483
Email: GHA@adm.au.dk
Dear Internationals,
Yesterday the last Informal Meeting of January 2011 took place and it was also the last
time in the Faculty Club. It was reported to be very lively and enjoyable. That seems a
tradition that stays with the UIC group.
From next week the official UIC Spring programme will start first with the AU invitation to
take part in the opening of the International Centre! To this event many of you have already
signed up. It will be a special day to experience. From then on the UIC Meetings will take
place in the centre, and we will form the future there together.
The UIC Newsletter this week again brings some of what happens in the city of Aarhus.
Here the Chinese New Year celebration is a big event, which everyone should not miss. It is
the most important day for Chinese to celebrate and for us an opportunity to become
acquainted with so much of the Chinese culture, history and traditions in general. The
Danish-Chinese Friendship Association has done its utmost to make it a fantastic day for
everyone to participate in. See more details below.
And Jelske van der Hoek sent invitation for all interested in Germany’s history and the
German language to participate in a series of lectures held in the evening – and in German!
Take advantage, also just choose one, if that is what your time allows you. See details in
the attached files of the cover letter.
Now some information of general interest and at the bottom of the newsletter follows the
specific suggestions for the coming days:
The programme starts at 12.30 noon as announced – please be punctual: 1 February from
12.30 to 2 pm all are invited to Rector Lauritz B. Holm-Nielsen and International Director
Christian Thorn’s speeches and the following buffet. Also there is time to see the great
facilities. Address: Hoegh-Guldbergs Gade 4, 8000 Aarhus C
From Jelske van der Hoek the full programme of a series of lectures, which takes place at
the German Dept. and in German, are open for all to join. Here is a unique opportunity to
learn about different topics from German literature, history etc. Look into the attached
files, find them on the cover letter. Free to attend, one or all of them.
The Danish-Chinese Friendship Association invites to the biggest Chinese celebration in
Denmark. It takes place at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset this Sunday 30 January. On
entering the Concert Hall you will be in ‘Little China’ e.g. you find the finest cultural
activities represented for you to hear, to see, to learn about and also much to try out on
your own!
According to the Chinese calendar the Tiger year has ended and now starts the most
promising year: the rabbit year. The rabbit is wise, ambitious, smart, social, friendly and
full of optimism. Furthermore, the rabbit year all hardworking people will experience
richness and promotions.
In ‘Little China’ can enjoy different genres of music and singing with for example the
ensemble ‘Beauty and Melody’ from the Sichuan Province. Artists will be at work,
dancing, food samples handed out. There will be a ‘Children’s section’ where they can
become familiar with eating with chopsticks or learn how to count to ten in Chinese!
Fun for all the family at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset, from 11 am to 5 pm, free.
Today is a European commemoration day for the sufferings of Auschwitz during the WWII. At the
Main Library, Hovedbiblioteket, there is an event tonight focusing not only on the past, but also
including wars and injustices in more recent time and still ongoing, like on the Balkan. There will
be an exhibition, talks and live music. Free.
TEST– ALL AT YOUR LOCAL LIBRARY A free health test and a session with a professional health ambassador available at several
of the libraries in Aarhus. Now also includes a blood pressure test or you can borrow the
equipment and do the tests at home. A complete new service at the libraries!
The programme started Monday 10 January and runs 5 weeks. Seek inspiration or advice
to improve your health in time! More information – in Danish only - about the activities
on www.motionstilbud.dk
Ending 2 February there is still time for you to be supportive for the charity purpose of the
Cancer Association by having your car washed either a Shell on Randersvej, Aarhus N ord
Shell on Grenåvej 150, Risskov where the campaign is running from 11 January to 2
February in support of the Cancer Association. Each car wash during this period Shell will
donate DDK20 to help the Cancer Association pursue research, counseling and more.
If you do not need a car wash, mentioned above, you may need some furniture, clothing,
utensils of any kind. In case turn to ‘igen’ (again = reuse) – which is just another way to
support the Cancer Association. At the same time you benefit by getting the things you
need. A 50% off sale is on at the shop ‘igen’ starting Saturday at 10 am. Address: IGEN,
Åbogade 36, 8200 Aarhus N (behind the shopping centre Storcenter Nord. Open:
weekdays 10 am to 5 pm, Saturdays 10 am to 2 pm.
Thursday 27 January
7.30 pm Pastor at the Cathedral Henrik Wigh Poulsen, Ph.D. gives a talk about the Danish
writer Jacob Knudsen, in Danish only. But interesting as the presentation will include
aspects of religions, social life etc. in Denmark in those days. Place: Lystrup Kirke
(Church), Lystrup Centervej 80, 8520 Lystrup. Free. From city center 20 min.s on bus 9, 53
or 56.
7.30 pm to 9.30 pm AUSCHWITZ DAY – a day observed in all Europe. Meant to
remember what happened and to help make it not happen again! Talks, exhibitions and
live music by the Klezmer Duo at the Main Library, Hovedbiblioteket, Mølleparken 1,
Aarhus C. Free.
Friday 28 January
3 pm the OPERA LAB, which is free for families, children age 8 to 12 years. Fun with
opera, theater and singing. Takes place at the South End of the Concert Hall Foyer.
Unfortunately, it is already overbooked! I mention it even so, because it is offered
regularly. If you are interested, I encourage to go and talk with them this Friday. And
maybe already to sign up there. Part of program of den jyske opera, the Jutland Opera,
easy to google.
7.30 pm Hanne Kjærskov, clarinet and Carina Kjærsgaard Blois, flute performs at the
Royal Academy of Music, Skovgaardsvej 2C (next to the Concert Hall). Free.
8 pm Den jyske Harpetrio, The Jutland Harp Trio, at Constantino 2, Norringholmsvej 31
Saturday 29 January
8.30 to 2 pm Every Saturday the Farmers’ Open Market on Ingerslev Boulevard. Here you
can have almost anything of fresh produce, meat, cheese and flowers, but also crafts, like
Winter.Chillout.Aarhus presented by Snow Park 8000 and Culture Works.
11 am to 5 pm Day programme: ski & snowboard competition and marshellow and table
tennis and much more, free
11 pm to 05 pm Night programme: concerts. Admission DDK50
Place: Amphitheater next to the Concert Hall, Musikhuset.
1 pm Take a walk with the group ‘Fodslaw’ – a couple of hours easy walk. Meet at the
Ishuset, the Ice Cream Parlor at Risskov wood (across the street from where the bus 1 & 2
have their end station stop). Free.
Sunday 30 January
11 am to 5 pm Join the fantastic Chinese New Year celebration at the Concert Hall,
Musikhuset, all are invited – endless cultural activities for everybody, more details above.
11.30 to 3 pm A Toys Fair takes place. There is something for all, from collectors’ items to
sturdy pieces for the children of today! Place: Århus Firma Sport, Paludan Müllers Vej 110,
Århus N. Free.
3 pm Song Socity Societas Pro Musica at the Piano Company Juhl-Sorensen, Skovvejen 2B.
Admission DDK100.
6 m Sunday Salsa and tango at Stakladen, the Students’ House, Ndr. Ringgade 3
Monday 31 January
4 pm to 5.30 pm Learn how to bike, for women only. Place: Hasle Library, Kappelvænget
2, Aarhus West, every week. Free.
7.30 A French talk about New French Literature by Geneviève Munck at the Main Library,
Hovedbiblioteket, Mølleparken 1, Aarhus C. Free
7.30 pm Trompet evening. Students from the Royal Academy of Music perform at the
Concert Hall, Musikhuset, free.
Tuesday 1 January
12.30 noon to 2 pm Official Opening of the AU International Centre: Speeches and Buffet.
Also a chance to meet and to see the facilities.
Wednesday 2 January
7.30 pm The Cantori from Our Lady’s Church in Ryesgade sing in Brabrand Kirke
(Church) in Aarhus West on Engdalsvej 2. A beautiful old, white Danish village church
(now suburb of Aarhus City), close to the Brabrand Lake. Free
--- o ---
A very Happy Chinese New Year to all our Chinese friends, staff members and their
With the very best wishes for your weekend,
Gitte Haahr-Andersen
UIC Organiser
International Centre
Aarhus University
Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 4, bldg. 1650
DK-8000 Århus C
Web: www.au.dk/ic
Phone: +45 3069 8483
Email: GHA@adm.au.dk
February 2011
Dear Internationals,
Yesterday 1 February the official opening of the new International Centre took place and I
quote the text from the International Centre’s webpage: ‘Inauguration of the Dale T.
Mortensen Building was a success. International Centre would like to thank everyone who participated in
the inauguration of the new Dale T. Mortensen Building on 1 February. We will post pictures and more info
here soon’.
- There was a full program all day at the International Centre. At 10 am His Highness
Crown Prince Frederik arrived and was welcomed by Rector Lauritz B. Holm-Nielsen, the
new appointed AU Board chairman Michael Christiansen and International Director
Kristian Thorn. The Crown Prince he himself an AU alumni seemed pleased by being
First speeches were given by Rector Lauritz B. Holm-Nielsen, Nobel Laureate, Professor
Dale T. Mortensen and International Director Kristian Thorn, who each in their own way
added to a better understanding of the day’s significance. The key figure of the day, Nobel
Laureate, Professor Dale T. Mortensen said in his speech about globalization of education
and research to the other Nobel Laureate of Aarhus University, Jens Christian Skou, who
was also present at the ceremony: ‘You have a road named after you, and for the past five years
I have lived on it, so I am very honoured to have a building named after me. Now I can walk from
Jens Chr. Skou’s Road in the Nobel Park to the Dale T. Mortensen Building for a coffee’.
In his speech, the Crown Prince added many good comments free of his manuscript,
among others: - ‘I believe that Dale’s Café will become a place where you can “hygge” as we say in
Crown Prince Frederik then unveiled the artwork by Erik A. Frandsen, the artist was also
present. The artwork was made possible by a generous donation by the Aarhus merchant
H. Salling Foundation. Mrs. Salling, widow after the late H. Salling was also present.
IC building now named after AU 2010 Nobel Laureate in Economic Sciences, Professor
Dale T. Mortensen, has now been made the central reference point for all international and
PhD activities to come. The new facilities are also the new home of the IC Dormitory and
Dale’s Café where researchers and scholars can meet to socialize and to exchange
experiences. And it is the meeting point also for the University International Club.
In the afternoon everybody gathered in Dale’s Café to listen to Rector Lauritz B. HolmNielsen and the International Director Christian Thorn’s speeches and to enjoy the
following buffet and tour around in the brand new facilities in the TDM Building. The
Opening Day was a very inspiring and cheerful day, and we, who work there, are looking
forward to continuing our work with renewed energy and excitement by the many new
possibilities to be created within the walls of the Dale T Mortensen House on HøeghGuldbergs Gade 4, Bldg. 1650! And to all the guests and the rest of AU do make use of the
DTM Building – if not in other ways the Dale’s Café is inviting and with great views
toward the Vennelyst Park!
The UIC Newsletter this week again presents upcoming seminars, courses and events at UIC
and in the city of Aarhus. Note it is time to sign up for the next SKAT.DK seminar, which takes
place 23 February.
Lecture this Friday 10-12 am ”Danish working Culture” and information on JobCenter Aarhus
Project for Highly Skilled Professionals
Are you looking for some explanations on what Denmark the Danes and Danish culture and
mentality is all about?
On Friday the 4th JobCenter Aarhus invites you to a lecture this Friday from 10-12 am with Mr.
Dennis Nørmark, Anthropologist and Senior Consultant at Living Institute (see attached
Dennis Nørmark will give a lecture on Danish (working) culture:
Project for Highly Skilled Professionals
Jobcenter Aarhus will also take the opportunity to talk to newly arrived (after to Denmark after
August 1st 2010) about JobCenter Aarhus’ Project for Highly Skilled Professionals in general just
after the lecture.
They will let you know what will happen in the project during the next 5-6 month, what events
they are planning, what they expect from the participants in the project and what they can expect
from the project and the jobconsultants.
We know that this invitation comes with a short notice but we would recommend you to come and
listen to Dennis talk about Danish Culture, he is an excellent lecturer and this will give you a
possibility to address experiences you have had and listen to other peoples experiences/challenges
when coming to live and work in Denmark.
Limited seats available.
Registration by contacting Mr Allan Nedbo (alne@aarhus.dk / +45 5157 5683) (preferably no later
than Thursday February 3rd at 5pm).
If you have classes in school (LærDansk) this Friday, let Mr Nedbo know and he will talk to your
Wednesday 23 February from 3 pm to 5 pm the UIC and International Community invite you to a
Tax Seminar, where Tax Centre Denmark will give information targeted PhD students and staff
members and subsequently answer questions.
Place: Meeting Room 2, First Floor, Building 1421 on Fredrik Nielsens Vej (next to the Students’
See more details in the attached announcement, and sign up on the webshop. Participation is on a
first come first serve basis with a maximum of 50 participants!
Aarhus Municipality has released some statistics on these issues. The population of
Aarhus City was by October 2010 310653 citizens. Already in July 2010 Aarhus City had
43933 citizens with foreign background, a 14.3%. – The unemployment rate was in
December 2010 some 4,627 people, 3%. – In my view it is positive with all the international
inspiration we get with the citizens with foreign background! And it is surprising positive
with the low unemployment rate.
The Royal Academy of Music in Aarhus aims at attracting young people with non-western
background. Therefore, a preparation course for musicians of age 18 to 30 years has been
introduced. The course, Musikkursus Global, is free and offers sessions once a week for
one year. Registration is 9 February and it is only open for 5 to 9 applicants. Contact:
Musikkonservatoriet Aarhus, The Royal Academy of Music, Skovgaardsvej 2C, 8000
Aarhus C. E-mail mail@musikkons.dk.
Libraries in Aarhus continues to host a series of lectures, exhibitions and events about
healthy life style and exercise (runs from week 2 to 6). Professor Bente Klarlund Pedersen,
M.D. gives a talk on “The truth about health” on February 8th and as citizens in Aarhus you are
offered a health check and advice on how to get some physical activities started. The the
health experimentarium visits various libraries and shopping centers and well-educated
health ambassadors offer to help you.
Sunday 6 February at 12 noon REMUS, the Youth Symphony Orchestra, gives a free
concert. The orchestra has 55 members from different Mid Jutland Regional Music Schools, and
the students are all between 12 to 20 years old. Soloist in Bruch’s violin piece is Charlotte Åstrand.
Included in the program are also pieces like Finlandia by J. Sibilius and Hungarian Dance No. 5 by
J. Brahms. The concert takes place at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset. Free.
If you are up for a night of jazz in the relaxing cozy ambience at Fairbar in Nørre Allé 66 you might
want to stop by for Friday Jazz the 11 February at 4 pm or Downstreaming jazz afternoon on the 12
February at 3 pm and listen to Frank Roberts on piano and keyboard. Frank is originally from
London, he has been living in Denmark for many years and has been active on the Aarhus Jazz
scene for around ten years - and was a member of the “hard core” group of jazz musicians, who
sustained the legendary Friday Jam Sessions at Bent J.
Thursday 03 February
Before 5 pm today: sign up for the lecture ‘Danish Working Culture’ offered by JobCenter
Aarhus Project for Highly Skilled Professionels, see more details above!
11 am to 6 pm Open House at Aarhus Tech you are invited to try one or some of the 25 vocational
trainings at 3 different locations. For example: Learn how to put snow chains on the car, visit DKs
largest hairdresser salon, taste foods from distant countries and more. At Dollerupvej 4, 8000
Århus C, Halmstadgade 6, 8200 Århus N or Hasselager Allé 2, Hasselager.
8 pm Kasper Staub Trio – Jazz at Fairbar, Nørre Allé 66, 8000 Aarhus C. Free.
Friday 04 February
4 pm Lang Vinter, Long Winter Jazz-jam at Fairbar, Nørre Allé 66, 8000 Aarhus C. Free.
Saturday 05 February
9 am Park Run – 5 km exercise in Hasle Hills. Start: at the Parking lot on Lenesvej
12 noon Just Friends and the Jazz Society’s Prize awards session at the Café at the Concert Hall,
Musikhuset. Free
12 pm to 16 pm Secondhand bazar at Studenterhus Aarhus, Nordre Ringgade 3, 3 cake forms
4 pm Solo Trumpet Player Dorthe Zielke and Organist Søren Johannsen gives a concert with music
by Bach, Wagner, Dvorak, Albinoni and more at Ellevang Kirke (church), Jellebakken 42, Risskov.
Sunday 06 February
11 am Concert by students at the Aarhus Music School at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset. Free
12 noon A concert by REMUS Mid Jutland’s Youth Symphony Orchestra Music programme:
Finlandia by Sibilius; Symphony No. 1 in C-dur by Bizet and more at the Concert Hall,
Musikhuset, more details above. Free.
12 noon to 3 pm Winter activities for children (families), make your own doll or a kite, DDK 25. A
kite in Denmark is a wonderful toy, so it could be a right hobby to take up! Moesgaard Museum,
more details on www.moesmus.dk
12 noon Violinist Christina Aastrand and REMUS Region Mid Jutland’s Youth Symphony
Orchestra. Classical music at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset. Free
3 pm Guitarist Frederik Munk Larsen, classical music at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset. Free.
3 pm A Theater Concert ‘King David’ for all the family members, from 3 yrs and up. Skelager
Kirke (church), Skelagervej 49, 8200 Århus N. Free.
4 pm A recitation concert takes place in Vejlby Kirke, Vejlby Church. Recitations from Robert
Schneider’s novel ‘Åbenbaringen’ The Revelation and organ music by J.S. Bach. Organised by the
Goethe-Institut Dänemark and Vejlby Church. Address: Bredkildevej 5, 8240 Risskov. Free.
6 pm Sunday salsa at the AU at the Students’ House, training and salsatek at Studenterhus Aarhus,
Nordre Ringgade 3. Fee: DDK65.
Monday 07 February
10 am to 11 am Babycafé, the first out of three sessions this spring, at Risskov Library, Risskov
Bibliotek. Physiotherapist Nanna Johansen will introduce to baby rethoric, age group 3 to 12
months. Limited number, so sign up is necessary at Risskov Library, Fortebakken 1, Risskov, tel.
8940 9605.
2 pm A Rabbit concert, a somewhat different concert for children at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset.
7.30 pm The Royal Academy of Music Aarhus and Aarhus Sinfonietta – classical music at the
Concert Hall, Musikhuset. Free.
7.30 pm Solist Concert by the Royal Academy of Music Aarhus. Classical songs. At the Concert
Hall, Musikhuset. Free.
8 pm Public meeting about Aarhus as the Capital of Culture 2017 at the Main Library,
Hovedbiblioteket, Mølleparken. An invitation to join the discussion. Free.
Have a very nice weekend!
Best regards, Gitte
Gitte Haahr-Andersen
UIC Organiser
International Centre
Aarhus University
Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 4, bldg. 1650
DK-8000 Århus C
Web: www.au.dk/ic
Phone: +45 3069 8483
Email: GHA@adm.au.dk
Dear Internationals,
Yesterday it was very nice to meet again – now at the new location – at the International Centre.
Here we are eager to create new traditions, while at the same time keeping the best from previous
semesters at the FC Room. We hope the new address did not cause you trouble finding your way to
the UIC meeting. In case let us know.
This week’s UIC meeting provided a lot of useful and interesting information about the services
that the International Centre can offer. Which each of us present now know how to make use of and
also help passing on to others on the AU Campus, please. The message from Head of Staff Mobility
Michael Winther as well as Head of Strategy and Partnerships Ulla Bo Gjørling was clear: do come
and see us, if you have any questions or suggestions. - This invitation includes all of us at
International Centre, we are here for you!
Today: Have you ever seen a coffee table with more than 1,000 Kilos of cakes to choose from?
Thursday from 11.30 am you can have your share at the Canteen at the University Library, Statsbiblioteket.
I guess for some of us it is enough to hear about, but for others it is an annual must! See more details below.
Tax Seminar in collaboration with International Community and Tax.DK is a unique chance to
meet the tax counselor at AU, see more details – also how to sign up – in the attached file.
Next week is a public school holiday, not a university holiday. But the paper reports that in the
region MidJutland one out of each four citizen will travel abroad. Out of these some 41% go south
to get some sun, 22 % have booked a skiing trip and 12 % prefer a city break. Maybe you are also
travelling, if so have a good time away. If not, you will soon notice that it is a special week, which
starts already this weekend with a huge variety of activities where focus is on family events at the
museums, at shopping centres, but also at sports clubs. And there are some good nature activities
for you to join. Mainly focus on free entertainment, especially places where you have a good
opportunity to meet the Danes!
If interested, look out for advertisements, or happenings everywhere. Besides, Monday is
Valentine’s Day, which is observed more intensively elsewhere in the world. But Denmark is
adapting this kind of day in its own way. Maybe mainly something for the children. Or what do
you think.
Whatever your time allows you, I hope the UIC Newsletter will help you get useful information
and give way for a more enjoyable time on AU Campus and Aarhus City in general.
Wednesday 23 February from 3 pm to 5 pm the UIC and International Community invite you to a
Tax Seminar, where Tax Centre Denmark will give information targeted PhD students and staff
members and subsequently answer questions.
Place: Meeting Room 2, First Floor, Building 1421 on Fredrik Nielsens Vej (next to the Students’
See more details in the attached announcement, and sign up on the webshop. Participation is on a
first come first serve basis with a maximum of 50 participants!
The following request is on behalf of the International Community, it will serve a very good
purpose to fill in the form to help them in establishing an International School with the best
facilities for all to benefit from:
International Community needs your input. A new International School for Aarhus is in the works
and to make sure that the school meets your requirements, we would like you to spend five minutes
filling out our survey here, if you have children in the age of 0-16. The plan is for the International
School to move to new facilities, to become IB certified and to have an International kindergarten.
Link to survey: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/QWRYTPH
Consortium for Global Talent presents Vestas Wind Systems as the host of their upcoming
monthly ‘after Hours’ meeting, for the employees of the 15 companies of the Consortium and
Danish universities. The ‘after Hours’ meetings are intended to create forums that allow you to
build relations and socialize among other global professionals within the Consortium for Global
Talent network. For more information on the meeting and how to sign up, click here.
It is due time to sign up for the next two lectures hosted by University Extension Aarhus,
Folkeuniversitet, they take place 14 February and 24 Februray, respectively.
Read more and sign up at International Community (where AU is a member and includes staff and
spouses. Limited seats though, so again on a first come first served basis).
Next topics: 14/02: The Danish monarchy and 24/02: Is there a recipe for export success?
Today Thursday 10 February the canteen at the University Library, Statsbibliotket, invites
everybody to enjoy an abundancy of delicious cakes. The event begins at 11.30 am and
ends whenever there is no more cake left! It is reported that it is wise to come early, might
get crowded, or your they may run out of your favourites. - A small plate loaded with
sweet refreshment is DDK20 and lunch and dinner plates are DDK40 and 60 per plate,
respectively. Bon appetite! More information at http://www.statsbiblioteket.dk/
A photo exhibition of pictures of roof tops in Bulgaria’s capital Sophia is on show at the
city hall of Aarhus from till 17 February. Photographer Bistra Boshnakova illustrates the
history of Sophia and its old fascinating architecture. Read more on
This Saturday at 10 am you can join Nature Guide Bjarne Golles on a guided tour in the
deer park south of the city center. The deer park is fenced, but you actually walk into the
deer park and the nature guide can give you some good pieces of advice on how to act,
when you are in so close connection with the deers.
Meeting point is the north entrance to the Deer Park, Dyrehaven, on Ørneredevej, where
parking is possible. Bus no. 6, the tour is approximately two hours, and free.
Invitation to a watch the wildlife at Aarslev Wetlands this Saturday (just west of Brabrand Lake).
Nature guide Bjarne Golles will explain something about the birds, which are in the area at this
time of the year. Local ornithologists will also assist you and give you a chance to make use of
their field glasses, binoculars. Can be a very fascinating adventure, as there are a surprising large
number of different birds. Last year it was reported more than 160 kinds of birds!
Meeting place: At the watch tower on the south side of the lake. Take the path, for example from
the parking lot on Storskovvej west of Constantinsborg.
Time: 10 am to 12 noon. Free.
Today’s JP reports that a survey from 2006 to 2010 shows that daily smokers in Aarhus
City are reduced by 6 %, e.g. from 25 % to 19 %. With focus on families with children the
number is down from 14 % to 7 %. – This is all very positive, but still alarming that so
many do smoke. Most likely harming their own health – and/or the non-smokers.
Thursday 10 February
11.30 am The scrumptious 1,2 Ton Cake Event at the University Library Canteen, Statsbiblioteket,
see more details above.
7.30 pm Guitar Evening by students at the Royal Academy of Music, Skovgaardsgade 2C, next to
the Concert Hall, Musikhuset. Free.
Friday 11 February
10 am to 4 pm – every day of the winter holiday week ‘Astronomy activities’ for all the family at
the Steno Museum, AU Campus. Admission.
4 pm Short music worship at Our Lady’s Church, Vor Frue Kirke in Vestergade. Free.
7.30 pm New music and Red Wine. Invitation to a special evening by the Roayl Academy of Music
at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset. Free
3 pm to 5 pm German Sandra Breitenbach opens her Art exhibition at Sansestormerne,
Tretommervej 33, 8240 Risskov. – Sandra is part of the UIC and has taken up painting while here
in Aarhus. Free.
Saturday 12 February
9.30 am to 2 pm Cykelfanten (an elephant bicyclist!) visits Brobjergskolen, next to the Concert Hall,
Musikhuset, and it will be fun for small children age 2-3 years.
For Cykelfanten loves to bike and knows that good biking routines are important for children to
observe and thereby learn. So he will be there to entertain and to instruct. – There are plenty of
activities here from 11 to 13 February, and they also seek helpers/ volunteers. Contact:
KulturRiget, Frederiks Allé 20B, 8000 Århus C, tel. 60660886.
10 am Join Nature Guide Golles on a tour of the Deer Park, south of Aarhus. More details above.
2 pm Authentic Nordic Folk Music the Herregaardstrioen (more details on
www.herregaardstrioen.dk ) and a rich coffee/tea table (plenty of cakes!) at Ellevang Kirke,
Church, Jellebakken 42 in Risskov. Fee for the coffee table.
2 pm Join singing ‘from the Blue Song Book’ – the Danish Folk High School song book. This song
event is very popular, so come early. At the Café at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset. Free
7.30 pm Berit Sorensen, horn and Jakob Alsgaard Bahr, piano: works by Beethoven and others at
the Royal Academy of Music, Skovgaardsgade 2C (next to the Concert Hall, Musikhuset). Free.
Sunday 13 February
10 am Join a nature activity at the Aarslev Engsø – Aarslev Wetlands and watch and hear about the
wildlife, more details above.
3 pm Flute Matiné at the Royal Academy of Music at Skovgaardsgade 2C (next to the Concert
Hall). Free.
4 pm Duo Danica gives a concert to celebrate the composer Jehan Alain’s centennial. Takes place in
Ravnsbjergkirken, a church, Grøfthøjparken 1, 8260 Viby J. Tickets at the door: DDK40.
Have a very nice weekend!
Best regards
International Centre
Aarhus University
Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 4, bldg. 1650
DK-8000 Århus C
Web: www.au.dk/uic
Phone: +45 3069 8483
Email: GHA@adm.au.dk
Dear Internationals,
This week White Winter is back. The strong winds actually make the days freezing. Tuesday was
till now the coldest day. Although the temperature was only a couple of Celcius below zero, it combined with the wind - gave us the 15 C below zero experience! The JP paper reported it. So no
wonder the Old Town, Den Gamle By, where I happened to be Tuesday, seemed so ice-cold!
Yesterday we tried for the first time a UIC Informal Meeting at the Dale’s Café. It was very nice to
see that so many of you joined during the Public School Holiday. And we found the sofas at the
Café quite comfortable. So it seems new traditions can easily be adapted there. Although the snow
was difficult to get through a nice group of 11 plus one child managed to get to the UIC Informal
meeting. The international company was as usual very inspiring with the following countries
represented: Australia, China, India, Iran, Israel, Moldovia, Russia and Denmark. At some point an
issue of women’s life conditions came in focus, and Svetlana Breum mentioned the Inspiration Day
for Women hosted by ‘Zonta Aarhus 1995’ - an arrangement to which anyone can sign up. More
details are to be found at the very bottom of this UIC Newsletter.
In Aarhus City plenty of activities continue to happen due to the special week, the Public
School Winter Holiday. Some of them will be mentioned in the following, others I am sure
you will come across or you might not even have time for them. But know they take place.
Whatever your time allows you, I hope it will be good for you – and that the UIC
Newsletter will assist you in having a more enjoyable time on AU Campus and/ or in
Aarhus City in general.
Wednesday 23 February from 3 pm to 5 pm the UIC and International Community invite you to a
Tax Seminar, where Tax Centre Denmark will give information targeted PhD students and staff
members in general, and subsequently answer questions. See more details on the attached file also how to sign up on the webshop . Note the meeting place: Meeting Room 2, First Floor,
Building 1421 on Fredrik Nielsens Vej (next to the Students’ House).
Aarhus Media – part of Jyllands-Posten - in collaboration with International Community
has now published the first edition of Insight a magazine in English targeted at expats and
accompanying families. The much anticipated magazine for all internationals, the Insight,
has now arrived and is on its way to subscribers. The purpose of the magazine is to
provide insight on life in Denmark in relation to daily life. The magazine will cover
various themes including education, tax and legal issues. Insight also gives tips on
upcoming events and leisure time activities. The magazine will be published quarterly.
See more on http://www.internationalcommunity.dk/news/2297/insight-now-available
will be published weekly by the local newspapers. Every week the students will get a paper
‘Studieliv’, Students’ life, and in addition the paper will have a website and a Facebook. The paper
will be available at 150 educational institutions, cafées, and libraries in Aarhus City, only in Danish
China is a huge country with a fascination past and a promising future, so it seems sure that doing
business or some kind of collaboration with China is part of the future. After a successful study
trip to China Egaa Gymnasium, situated 6 KM north of Aarhus City Center, has decided to offer
Chinese, and 15 students have already signed up for this, and with still more than a month before
the last date for applications, 15 March, it will be interesting to see how many it will end up with.
At Viby J, southern suburb of Aarhus City, Chinese has already been taught for some time.
The Steno Museum at Aarhus University hosts a number of interesting family events
during the public school break. Hop on the planet bus, learn about the solar system, or
enjoy astronomy shows or a tour of the Ole Rømer Observatory. Every day at 11 am, 1 pm
and 3 pm exciting chemistry shows take place. Open hours from 10 am to 4 pm.
Admission for adults is DDK30, for both the museum and the Planetarium. The Steno
Museum is located on AU Campus, C.F. Møllers Allé, Building 1100. More information on
Every Saturday from 12 noon to 2 pm 10 brave penguins visit the indoor skating rink in
Aarhus to help beginners have fun on the ice. When the admission fee is paid (DDK60 for
children and DDK80 for adults including admission and skates) Aarhus Skøjtehal offers
free skating lessons on Saturdays. Skating instructors, skaters and the new plastic
penguins will give you advice and guidance on the ice. Aarhus Skøjtehal is located at
Gøteborg Allé 9, 8200 Aarhus N, bus 12, 14, and 17 stop right outside the building. For more
details go to: http://www.skojtehallen.dk/arrangementer/201003/skojt-med-pingviner
At Anne Virdi’s home 2 February a pair of glasses have been left. They are black and grey
and the make is Foster Grant +3.00. Contact me for further information.
Thursday 17 February
5 pm to 8 pm Scouts’ Clubs has a Flea Market at Loppehuset, Lokesvej 17, Aabyhøj
7.30 Concert with Ensemble Midwest, music by Ludwig von Beethoven, Carl Nielsen and more at
Ellevang Kirke, Church, Jellebakken 42, 8240 Risskov, free.
Friday 18 February
1 pm to 2.30 pm and again 3 pm to 4.30 pm Puppet theater performs ‘De tre Bukke Bruse’ The
three Billy Goats Bruse, for children age 3 to 5 years and their parents and at a workshop help you
make your own puppet theater to bring home. At Risskov Bibliotek, Library, Fortebakken 1, 8240
Risskov. Free tickets available at the library.
3 pm to 5 pm German Sandra Breitenbach opens her Art exhibition at Sansestormerne,
Tretommervej 33, 8240 Risskov. – Sandra is part of the UIC and has taken up painting while here
in Aarhus. Free.
5 pm to 8 pm Scouts’ Clubs has a Flea Market at Lokesvej 17, Aabyhøj.
7.30 pm Piano Evening with the Royal Academy of Music at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset, free.
Saturday 19 February
8.30 am to approx. 2 pm Farmers’ Open Market on Ingerslevs Boulevard, fresh produce, flowers,
meat, cheese and more.
10 am to 11.30 am and again 12 noon to 1.30 pm Puppet theater performs ‘Månesøen’, the Moon
Lake, for children 5 to 12 years old with or without their parents and at a workshop hel you make
your own puppet theater to bring home. At Risskov Bibliotek, Library, Fortebakken 1, 8240
Risskov. Free tickets available at the library.
10 am to 2 pm Scouts’ Clubs has a Flea Market at Lokesvej 17, Aabyhøj.
2 pm Grandivi Trio with vienna music, Italian operettes, evergreens with soloists at the Concert
Hall, Musikhuset at the Café, free.
Sunday 20 February
12 noon to 5 pm the Old Water Mill at Skovmøllevej 51, close to Moesgaard Museum operates and
you can buy the most fantastic flour – great for homemade breads!
2 pm Andreas Gad Trio with movie and pop music from the most recent 60 years at the Concert
Hall, Musikhuset at the Café, free.
Monday 21 February
7.30 Trumpet Evening by students from the Royal Academy of Music at the Concert Hall,
Musikhuset, free.
Have a very nice weekend – even if it is cold it is advisable to take at least
one long walk during the weekend – but dress well!
Best regards
Gitte Haahr-Andersen
UIC Organiser
International Centre
Aarhus University
Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 4, bldg. 1650
DK-8000 Århus C
Web: www.au.dk/uic
Phone: +45 3069 8483
Email: GHA@adm.au.dk
Dear Internationals,
Winter has a firm grip on Denmark. The chilly wind. The frozen ground. We all sense it. Although
we have been promised milder weather, there is not much reminding us of spring, not to mention
Nevertheless, Friday 26 February is claimed to be the first day of summer in Aarhus!
Why is so? Well, the Paradise Ice Cream – an ice cream parlor – with two separate locations are
opening the new season by calling the premier day ‘første sommerdag’ – ‘the first day of summer’
– And therefore it got to be right. The tradition means there is free ice cream from 12 noon to 4 pm
in both Nørregade as in M.P. Bruunsgade! If you get any near to there this Friday - go and have
your share. It is great, great ice cream.
Yesterday in the morning a UIC Informal Meeting again took place. A lovely group of people –
including some active young toddlers – all enjoyed the cosy Dale’s Café. The conversation went on
to much enrichment for everyone present. In fact, it is hard to break up – some took the
consequence and ordered the lunch afterwards.
The UIC Tax Denmark seminar in collaboration with International Community took place in the
afternoon. With quite a large number of participants. Many questions were solved during the
session or afterwards on a one to one basis. – Taken from the immediate comments this kind of
seminars have come to stay with us. Tax.DK sending 8 of their staff members to assist with their
competences AU staff members to become acquainted the tax forms and how to fill them in.
Taxation is complicated for Newcomers as well as for us the Danish citizens, whereas assistance is
appreciated – and at times much needed. - All in all a busy, but learning and enriching day at UIC!
Now we turn to the weekly -
It is for everyone interested in the Danish job market and with useful information about
the Danish work culture. For more details see the attached invitation.
Course: General Information & Danish work culture
Date: Wednesday, 9 March 2011 - 10:00 am. until 1 pm.
VESTAS Technology R&D
Hedeager 42, 8200 Aarhus N
Registration: Please sign-up by email no later than 1 March to info@spousecare.dk
AU contact person is: Michael Winther at the International Centre email: mw@adm.aud.k.
Asssociate Professor Hratch Papazian from Copenhagen University gives today a talk
about the Edfu Pyramid – you are welcome to join for free:
One of the central features of Egyptian kingship and ideology during the Old Kingdom
was the celebration of the royal cult. While funerary pyramids and their adjacent
structures represented posthumous memorials to pharaoh, a series of small step pyramids
dating to the early Old Kingdom (ca. 2650 B.C.) appear to function as locales for the
veneration of the living king. A team from the Tell Edfu Project of the University of
Chicago investigated one such pyramid located in South Edfu in Upper Egypt during an
intensive survey of the site in October 2010. This lecture will present the results of this
recent research and will discuss the pyramidal structure, the surrounding landscape, as
well as plans for future investigation.
Address: Museum of Ancient Art, Antikmuseet, AU Campus, Building 1414 (next to the
University Library, the book tower). It is the Museum of Ancient is a university museum
for the art and culture of ancient Greece and Rome.
Open hours: Mondays and Thursday 12 noon to 4 pm, but today special open for the
Aarhus City has a strong intention of making the city known. The goal is to create growth
– some 75,000 more citizens by 2030 will require all sorts of innovative ideas!. The
municipality has hired two British consultant companies, Goosebumps and Global Cities
(http://www.givemegoosebumps.com/ and http://www.globalcities.eu/ ) to help the
process get on its way. Furthermore, the municipality has in connection with this branding
made a call to all of us to help identify what is good here, what in our opinion should
brand Aarhus City and so on. Danes or citizens of foreign origin are all asked to
participate. Turn www.ditaarhus.dk (in Danish) and give your comments/ suggestions!
A couple of times it has been announced that 4 gas stations in Aarhus had a campaign
running a few weeks in support of the local cancer society. By having a car wash at the 4
gas stations Shell with each car wash donated DDK20. The campaign has ended and the
local cancer association received DDK32,000 of the Nationwide amount which was just 1
million DDK. A reminder: Every little helps!
Repeated from last week’s UIC Newsletter:
Aarhus Media – part of Jyllands-Posten - in collaboration with International Community
has now published the first edition of Insight a magazine in English targeted at expats and
accompanying families. The much anticipated magazine for all internationals, the Insight,
has now arrived and is on its way to subscribers. The purpose of the magazine is to
provide insight on life in Denmark in relation to daily life. The magazine will cover
various themes including education, tax and legal issues. Insight also gives tips on
upcoming events and leisure time activities. The magazine will be published quarterly.
See more on http://www.internationalcommunity.dk/news/2297/insight-now-available
Till now pharmacies have had very restricted open hours. From 1 April pharmacies are
allowed to stay open like all other shops. Thereby easier to buy medicine, vitamins or sun
Bring your own skates or rent there. Open: Every day.
At Anne Virdi’s home 2 February a pair of glasses have been left. They are black and grey
and the make is Foster Grant +3.00. Contact me for further information.
Thursday 24 February
5.30 Professor Hratch Papazian gives a talk about ‘The Edfu Pyramid and the cult of the pharaoh
in the Old Kingdom’ Arranged by Danish Egypt Society at the AU Museum of Antiques,
5.30 Do-it-yourself class for women at Silvan (hardware store, building materials etc.) on
Daubjergvej 18, Århus C
7.30 pm Concert with Ann-Mette Elten with trio at Århus Domkirke, the Cathedral. Tickets on
BilletNet or at the door DDK170, arranged by Rotary to support polio association.
7.30 pm Soloists from the Royal Academy of Music at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset, free.
7.30 pm Chamber Concert by Royal Academy of Music at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset,
Friday 25 February
10 am Book sale at Risskov Library, Risskov Bibliotek, Fortebakken 1, Risskov
1 pm to 7 pm Classic Aarhus Racing Show at the Ridehuset, Vester Allé 1, Århus C, buy tickets
DDK25 JP, Banegårdspladsen 11, Århus C
3 pm to 5 pm German Sandra Breitenbach opens her Art exhibition at Sansestormerne,
Tretommervej 33, 8240 Risskov. – Sandra is part of the UIC and has taken up painting while here
in Aarhus. Free.
Saturday 26 February
8.30 am to approx. 2 pm Farmers’ Open Market on Ingerslevs Boulevard, fresh produce, flowers,
meat, cheese and more.
9 am Park Run – 5 KM in recreational area ‘Hasle Hills’, meet at Parking lot on Lenesvej, Brabrand,
10 am to 3 pm Gospel workshop with Rune Herholdt at Frederikskirken, Rosenvangs Allé 51,
Højbjerg. Cost: DDK50.
1 pm Join a walk for leisure, 2 hrs. Meet at Lystrup Sports Hall, Lystrup Centervej 2, Lystrup (bus
53 and 9)
10 am to 4 pm Classic Aarhus Racing Show at the Ridehuset, Vester Allé 1, Århus C, buy tickets
DDK25 JP, Banegårdspladsen 11, Århus C
10 am Book sale at Risskov Library, Risskov Bibliotek, Fortebakken 1, Risskov.
12 noon Introduction to the Barber from Sevilla, and some of the music at the Café at the Concert
Hall, Musikhuset, free.
Sunday 27 February
10 am to 4 pm Classic Aarhus Racing Show at the Ridehuset, Vester Allé 1, Århus C, buy tickets
DDK25 JP, Banegårdspladsen 11, Århus C –
2 pm Songwriters’ in the Round, a concert in the best Nashville style with promising songwriters
at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset, at the Café, free
4 pm Danish Girlpower Percussion by students from the Royal Academy of Music at the Concert
Hall, free
Monday 28 February
7.30 pm Trombone Evening by students from the Royal Academy of Music at the Concert Hall,
Musikhuset, free.
Tuesday 1 March
7.30 pm Flute Evening by the Royal Academy of Music at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset,
Have pleasant weekend!
Best wishes,
Venlig hilsen / Best regards
Gitte Haahr-Andersen
UIC Organiser
International Centre
Aarhus University
Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 4, bldg. 1650
DK-8000 Århus C
Web: www.au.dk/uic
Phone: +45 3069 8483
Email: GHA@adm.au.dk
Svetlana Breum is responsible for the following announcement and will help you register:
Inspiration Day for Women
Saturday, March 5th, 2011
Kupe, Toldbodgade 6, 8000 Aarhus C
For the second time, Members of “Zonta Aarhus 1996”, are joining together this year to organise a very
special event for women in Aarhus – Inspiration Day. There will be a wide range of activities including
exhibitions, sales, hairdressers, fashion show, and styling coach. You will have the possibility to buy
everything from clothes, shoes, and cosmetics to delicious food. With other words: things that women love
to indulge in. Moreover, there will be presentations and lottery. And last but not least, it is a great possibility
of meeting other women and extending your network.
Money collected from the entrance tickets and the event is used to support different projects that are
involving/supporting women. This year's plans are: to support the education of nurses in Bangladesh (in
collaboration with Zonta in Dhaka) and a workshop for poor women in Cape Town: “Learn them to fish
instead of giving them one”.
Short presentation of the last year event can be seen at you
tube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRJjCyWE-HA
Price for the ticket: 150 dkk. The ticket includes a wine coupon, super sandwich and a surprise gift.
NB. Tickets have to be ordered upfront (food, wine and gifts should be pre-ordered and are planned to all
participants). Therefore please decide as soon as possible and let me know. If you have any questions, feel
free to contact me -Svetlana Breum (3196-4394 mobile) or svetlana_breum@yahoo.com
See the list of participating companies in the attachment (only in Danish).
Even though promotional materials are in Danish, all Zonta Aarhus 1996 members speak very good
English -- many of them own business(s) in Denmark and outside of Denmark.
Additional information:
Zonta Aarhus 1996 (www.zopnta.dk)
PS: I will contact all those interested in participating, so that we can discuss more about it. I will need to give
tickets and collect money and not less important - make sure organisers know how many of us are
Svetlana Breum
Lerdalen 12
8270 Højbjerg
Tel.: (45) 8627-8260
Mobil: (45) 3196-4394
Email: svetlana_breum@yahoo.com
Skype: svetafamily
March 2011
Dear Internationals,
At the UIC Club Meeting yesterday an Introduction to the Sino-Danish Center (The
SDC) for Education and Research in Beijing was presented. Academic Officer Kristine
Køhler Mortensen from the Danish SDC Secretariat at AU gave us some useful
information about this innovative international project, which requires extensive, careful
preparations to reach the goals it has set up. It is a major challenge when such a huge
project between all the Danish universities and the Danish Ministry of Technology want to
establish collaboration with the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing with respect to
education and research. It is a joint project between two very different nations. Two
cultures. Also with different work cultures, not to mention the language, they are in many
ways like ‘two separate worlds’. - The overall aim of SDC is truly to promote and
strengthen collaboration between Danish and Chinese research and learning environments
for the benefit of both countries. And the SDC in Beijing should be a platform for research
collaboration within areas of high relevance to future development of both countries. So
that when the insight and abilities of the different international universities are combined
the outcome will double as well and thereby add value to both the Chinese and the Danish
societies through exchange of knowledge, technology and talent. Kristine Køhler
Mortensen explained that one aim is to bring different approach to learning and research
together. The Center will be located at GUCAS’ future Yanqihu Campus, some 60 KM
north west of Beijing. The Sino-Danish Center will be fully operational in March 2013. By
then the plan is to have 100 researchers from both countries working and living on
campus. Moreover, the Center will offer high quality master programs to 300 master
students as well as PhD training programs for 75 PhD students. - To stay informed you
can read general information on www.sinodanishcenter.dk , but also choose to sign up for
a newsletter by e-mail contact@sinodanishcenter.dk. Furthermore, a link to GUCAS’ own
website about the future Yanqihu Campus:
Part of the presentation is attached.
--- When looking around in the city, the papers and the shopping malls you will notice the
word ‘Fastelavn’. It is another word for Carnival. These days it is mainly an event for
children, a time to dress up in fancy clothes and to have fun with some peculiar Danish
games, like ‘hit-the-cat-in-the-barrel’.
Many years ago there was a real cat inside the barrel! These days fortunately replaced and by plenty of sweets. Back in the Roman period and also back to the Old Egyptian time
it was a festival to celebrate spring. Later with Christianity coming to Denmark, more than
1000 years ago, it became part of the preparation for Easter. The word ‘Fastelavn’
originally the German word ‘vastel-avent’, meaning the evening before the Lent - a more
quiet time. It became a tradition to have a lot of fun, party with great food etc. to mark the
coming of quiet, meatless days in the religious Lent period. Lent leads to the celebration of
Easter, during the week 16. More about that later.
You will see ‘Fastelavn parties’ announced at shopping malls, at Salling, at different clubs
and more, let your children dress up and participate. Or watch it and learn how Danes
celebrate this event. Also a big number of churches give open invitations to Fastelavn
services, for example Hasle Church and Risskov and Sct. John’s Church, Skt. Johannes
Kirken, next to the hospital and 2 min away from the Nobelparken, check time in the
calendar below. - Here you can meet up and participate freely.
Monday children may also come to your door dressed up, and sing a song similar to the
Halloween text ‘tricks or treat’. This is still happening on my own street in Risskov, so
something sweet has to be available. Quickly to be shared with whoever knocks the door –
to avoid some tricks!
More weekly -
In Aarhus 135 educations invite visitors to open days from 3 to 5 March. It is a great
opportunity to meet current students, ask questions and explore the facilities if you e.g.
like to know more about the facilities at different AU departments. Go to www.udays.dk
for more information and to plan your visit. Sign up is not necessary. Free lunch and
transportation inside and outside Aarhus is available, enabling you to visit several places
during just one day as well as talking to study counselor.
Last year more than 7,000 young people visited Aarhus, so be prepared to assist them on
their way around the AU campus.
UIC Workshop on the Danish Insurance and Pension Market
Time: Wednesday 23 March 2011 from 3 pm to 5 pm
Place: Meeting Room 2, First Floor, Building 1421, Fredrik Nielsens Vej 4, 8000 Århus C
The University International Club holds a workshop on the important issues ‘the Danish
Insurance and Pension Market’ for foreign staff members and their spouses.
The programme will be in two parts, During the first a broker will give an overall
introduction to the Danish insurance market, both with respect to what is compulsory as
to what is available and furthermore, brief on pension schemes.
During the last part three different insurance companies will advise you personally on
each their company’s way of meeting your needs with respect to insurance coverage.
It is important to emphasize that Aarhus University takes no responsibility for your future interactions with any of
the insurance companies represented at the UIC workshop.
The workshop is for all international staff members, from PhD to Professor, and spouses
Sign up on webshop, due to it failure, more details follow.
It can be useful to know that 1 March this process has been made much easier. All the
cooperative housing societies, Boligforeninger, have decided to introduce a simple
procedure for their altogether 45,000 apts/units . Before one had to sign up at each
housing society and pay membership fee for being on their waiting list. In Aarhus there
are 16 housing societies, so it was a time consuming and costly business. With the new
agreement, it is now possible to sign up one place, which includes all and at the low
annual cost of DKK100. This is a great improvement and the first of its kind in DK. More
details on www.aarhusbolig.dk .
Also announced last week:
Aarhus City has a strong intention of making the city known. The goal is to create growth – some 75,000
more citizens by 2030 will require all sorts of innovative ideas!. The municipality has hired two British
consultant companies, Goosebumps and Global Cities (http://www.givemegoosebumps.com/ and
http://www.globalcities.eu/ ) to help the process get on its way. Furthermore, the municipality has in
connection with this branding made a call to all of us to help identify what is good here, what in our
opinion should brand Aarhus City and so on. Danes or citizens of foreign origin are all asked to
participate. Turn www.ditaarhus.dk (in Danish) and give your comments/ suggestions!
If you are looking for savings up to 80% on clothing for your kids, the outlet bazar at the NRGi
Park at Aarhus Stadion is the place this weekend. It is all the best brands on sale! Saturday from 10
am to 5 pm, Sunday from 10 am to 4 pm.The entrance fee is 50 kr. including a family magazine and
the first 100 visitors both days will be receive a goodie bag. The ‘Flying Super kids’ will stop by to
entertain you and your kids. There are 450 free parking spaces. Remember to bring cash with you.
More details on www.børnebazar.com and facebook.com/børnebazar.
The municipality has just announced that private homes are seeked to help the foreign
artists, who are coming to Aarhus in connection with the planned exhibition ‘Sculpture by
the Sea’. The exhibition opens 2 June and the artists need to be here approx. from 26 May
till 6 July in order to ensure their piece of art gets properly installed. If you are able to help
a Beach Artist, en strandkunstner, write exhibition coordinator Anne Mette Laursen on
aml@aros.dk .
Since late January 2011 this company has continued the business previously known as the Police
Auctions. Make an advance inspection and place your advance bid, tomorrow Friday from 12
noon to 6 pm, and also Saturday 5 March from 8 am to 9 am. The auction starts at 10 am! Address:
Østjysk Auktion Aps, Kringelled 6, 8250 Egaa. Tel: 50577866
Thursday 03 March
2.30 pm to 4.30 pm every Thursday and Tuesday all pupils in public schools/private schools can
have support with their homework in the ‘lektiecafé’, the homeworkcafé, at Risskov Bibliotek,
library, Fortebakken, Risskov, no sign up – just show up.
7.30 pm Guitarist Petri Kumela plays classical music at the Royal Academy of Music,
Skovgaardsgade 2C, free.
Friday 04 March
10 am to 6 pm The Fair ‘Sund Livsstil’, Healthy life style, takes place in the Scandinavian Centre
next to the Concert Hall, admission DKK80, children u/14 years free.
Saturday 05 March
8 am to 9 Advance inspection and place an advance bid, the Bike Auction starts at 10 am.
10 am Bike auction at Østjysk Auktion Aps in Egaa, see more details above.
8.30 am to approx. 2 pm Farmers’ Open Market on Ingerslevs Boulevard, fresh produce, flowers,
meat, cheese and more
Can easily be combined with:
12 noon free organ concert with music by J.S. Bach, some 20 min at Sct Luke’s Church across the
street from the Farmers’ Open Market.
10 am to 5 pm Children’s Bazar, Børnebazar with 40 stalls with different at the Nrgi Park, Stadion
Allé, admission DKK50
See more details above.
10 am to 6 pm The Fair ‘Sund Livsstil’, Healthy life style, takes place in the Scandinavian Centre
next to the Concert Hall, admission DKK80, children u/14 years free.
1 pm a Knitting Club, bring your own knit-project and ask for and advice, if needed. Place: City
Museum, Bymuseet, Carl Blochs Vej 28, Århus C. Free.
1 pm join a walk for leisure with the group, Århus Fodslaw, meet at the end station for Bus No. 6
at Åkrogs Strandvej, a couple of hours walk. Free.
3 pm For 4 and 6, and 8 hands Piano Matiné at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset, free.
4 pm take an excursion to Gl. Estrup in the town of Auning, some 35 KM north of Aarhus to
experience Choir concert in the Great Hall.
Sunday 06 March
Fastelavn’s services at many churches, to mention a few see for example:
10.30 at Skt. Johannes Kirke, church next to the Århus Sygehus, hospital 5 min away from
Nobelparken/ AU. Please come dressed up all of you, children and adults participate in the ‘hitthe-cat-in-the-barrel’! Free
2 pm at Hasle Kirke, Viborgvej 158, Hasle (short service and then fun)
3 pm at Risskov Kirke, Solbakken 2, Risskov
10 am to 4 pm Bargains at Children’s Bazar, Børnebazar with 40 stalls at the Nrgi Park, Stadion
Allé, admission dkk50. See more details above.
10 am to 6 pm The Fair ‘Sund Livsstil’, Healthy life style, takes place in the Scandinavian Centre
next to the Concert Hall, admission DKK80, children u/14 years free.
11 am to 4 pm This Sunday shopping is possible downtown and around the city!
11 am Aarhus Music School Students give concerts at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset, at the Café,
12 noon to 5 pm the Old Mill, Skovmøllen, close to Moesgaard Museum is in operation and you
can buy fresh flour for some great home baking. Furthermore, a walk in the Marselisborg Forest is
always good exercise!
2.30 pm the opportunity is there for you to join singing from ‘the blue songbook’. It is the wellknown Danish Folk Highschool songbook. An event which is very popular, and special to be part
of. At the Concert Hall, Musikhuset, at the Café, free.
Monday 07 March
8 pm Rythmical Concert Café at the Concert Hall in the Rytmic Room, free.
Tuesday 08 March
4 pm to 7 pm Introduction to BookCrossing at the Main Library, Hovedbiblioteket,
Møllegade 1, Aarhus C, free.
7.30 pm Organ concert at Sct. Mark’s Church, Skt. Markus Kirke, down on
Langelandsgade, music by among others Krebs and Franck, free.
7.30 The Women’s Fight Day: Church Service for Women at Møllevangskirken,
Møllevangsvangs Allé (next to the Aarhus School of Business), free.
7.30 pm Soloist concert, classical music at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset, free.
8 pm Cellist Henriette Brendstrup: solo suites and gambe sonates by J.S. Bach at Our
Lady’s Church, Vor Frue Kirke, in Vestergade.
Have a nice weekend!
Best wishes,
Venlig hilsen / Best regards
Gitte Haahr-Andersen
UIC Organiser
International Centre
Aarhus University
Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 4, bldg. 1650
DK-8000 Århus C
Web: www.au.dk/uic
Phone: +45 3069 8483
Email: GHA@adm.au.dk
Dear Internationals,
Yesterday in the afternoon a special day at AU took place. Rector especially, but assisted
by the whole AU senior management, informed, explained and carried out a dialogue
with all staff, either present at the meeting in the Main Hall or connected via mail /
internet – and today’s JP Paper is filled with news from our work place : Tomorrow's
Aarhus University
It is a promising expression: believing in a tomorrow, and you clearly sense the intention
is ‘a better tomorrow’, where everybody can and is expected to contribute! That is what
will be the continuing challenge to pursue, namely, how to find the best way in any given
situation together to be among the best – the best possible!
It serves a good purpose to put focus on Aarhus University, which is currently seeing the
most comprehensive organisational transformation in its history. Read more on the
website for the AU staff in English, where also the Report or a PowerPoint can be
downloaded, turn to http://medarbejdere.au.dk/en
And then it is time to sign up for
The UIC Workshop on The Danish Insurance and Pension Market
Wednesday 23 March from 3 pm to 5 pm the UIC hosts a workshop on the Danish
Insurance and Pension Market. The workshop has been organized to help staff and
spouses get impartial information to some of the questions, which arise on coming to a
new society. If you have lived here for some time, participation provides a unique
opportunity to become updated on newest developments on the market.
The programme offers first a broker’s general introduction to the Danish Insurance and
Pension Market, and next it will allow ample time to consult the insurance companies
present, two rank as Denmark’s largest insurance companies and the third is a small,
progressive company! More details on the attached invitation, also with respect to how
to sign up for the workshop.
It is the first time the UIC organizes this kind of workshop, so please let your colleagues
know about the opportunity to be updated on proper insurance coverage and pension
Universities in Denmark invite you as an accompanying spouse or partner to take part in
their projects made in collaboration with Vestas and Spousecare.
At www.expatindenmark.com/spousecare you can download a new handbook with
practical information that will help you in the process of settling down and integrate into
your local community in Denmark In the handbook you can read about Danish Society,
Work Culture, Job Search, Own Business, Studying in DK and more.
To download the handbook and have the opportunity to participate in various courses
during 2011 you have to become a member of ExpatinDenmark, which is free of charge.
The Danish calendar reflects the many religious events, which bring holidays about.
Especially during the spring time. Asking people today a great many would be likely to
say that they do not take much interest in religion. But just the thought of cancelling some
of the holidays would certainly bring about an outcry!
The UIC Newsletter tries to include some explanation to the Danish official calendar.
Therefore today Ash Wednesday is in focus. This year it was yesterday - 9 March – and the
day marks the beginning of the Christian Lent. It is primarily celebrated by Catholics, but
also to some extent by Lutherans, Methodists, Presbyterians, and Anglicans. The Lent
period lasts 40 days until Easter, during this period the adherents are encouraged to pray
and fast. The day has its name from the practice of placing ashes on the foreheads of
worshipper as a sign of mourning and repentance to God. The ashes used were
traditionally gathered after the palm branches or Palm Crosses from the previous year's
Palm Sunday. In Denmark, however, we use boxwood branches which symbolizes human
vanity and repentance and the ash is also a symbol of Easter.
– Not much of this is practiced in DK today, but such information will help us remember
the religious aspects of life, which also to be honest for a good number of people still are
important, although worshipped in a different way. For newcomers the information will
help to understand from what it originally stems.
Ash Wednesday the Lutheran Church offered a couple of short services, for example at
Our Lady’s Church, Vor Frue Kirke, Vestergade. At Our Lady’s the altarpiece was closed
– also in the Cathedral this happened – and they will not be opened before Easter time.
At the Aarhus Cathedral, there is a copy of the Altar – on a much smaller scale of course –
which you are allowed touch. Folding the wooden pieces on this copy will help you put it
together according to the main altar. In Aarhus Cathedral you find the copy by walking on
the left side all the way up behind the Altar. Very fine artwork and craftsmanship – and
interesting to look into.
Sunday 13 March at 4pm there is a concert by organist Flemming Dreisig and flutist
Mogens Friis playing works by Händel, Vivaldi, J.S. Bach and Langlais. Tickets are DKK50
and can be purchased at the door. For more information go to www.haslekirke.dk
Is announced a bit early as it is somewhat unique as the choir members are all inmates.
Saturday 19 March you have the great opportunity to enjoy the choir at Sct. Paul’s Church.
The inmates own choir at Vridsløselille Statsfængsel, the name of the state prison, has
existed for 15 years. In 2004 they made a CD and now the popular choir is busily giving
concerts. Some of the choir members are releashed on parole, others have to be
accompanied by prison staff members. So it is a special event. Tickets are DKK65, and
sold at the door from 7pm. Read more about the choir at http://www.fangekoret.dk/ or
turn to www.sctpauls.dk
When passing by the Marselisborg Castle it seems too quiet. But mid April there will be
much life, as the Queen, Margrethe II of Denmark, has announced she will be in Aarhus to
celebrate her birthday, 16 April. It is not the due to that fact, because by then it is Easter
time, during which the Queen traditionally takes up residence in Aarhus. On Her Majesty,
Margrethe II of Denmark’s birthday all of us e.g. all who are interested, are from 11 am
invited inside the park, in front of the castle, ready to cheer the Queen, when the Royal
family appears on the verandah, and the people falls in with a nine-fold hurrah. Last time
the birthday event happened in Aarhus was in 2006 and 10,000 people gathered – and
somehow were fitted in - on the lawn very, very close to the Royal Family!
Mark the day and participate, if you enjoy such events. Or simply choose to go any of the
days the Queen is in residence to see the change of guards, which always takes place 12
noon. How you will know the Queen is in residence? Well, look high up toward the flag
pole at the very top of the Castle, if the flag flies the Queen is here and the guards will
need to be changed at noon.
Every weekday, Monday through Friday, you can visit the Mongolian tent, the jurt, and
enjoy all the exhibitions, theater, dance and filt workshop. Till 31 March at the Main
Library, Hovedbiblioteket, Mølleparken, Aarhus C, free.
If you’re up for some outdoor activities the rumblers’ association ‘Aarhus Fodslaw’
organizes walks on Saturdays in the area around Aarhus. Join for example the group for
about two hours Saturday 12 March, meeting in Beder at the shopping square at 1 pm! Beder is
10 KM south of Aarhus. Free to join – and an healthy, easy to meet some Danes!
KNOWING that some, who receive the UIC Newsletter are more than ready to join the
job market. While waiting and preparing for a pay job, why not offer one’s assistance at
for example the Red Cross:
2011 is International Year of Volunteers in Europe. The overall aim of the campaign is to
focus on and develop a coherent and stronger policy on volunteering and humanitarian
work which promotes, recognizes and supports volunteering and volunteer organizations
throughout Europe.
And what a perfect opportunity for you to volunteer in your local community e.g. with the
Red Cross. Your help is needed and highly appreciated!
Help out at the Red Cross charity shop in Åbyhøj
Assisting/talking with customers, putting prize tags on clothes are some of the tasks extra
volunteers at the charity shop are needed to help with at the shop. If you are positive and
out-going, willing to work for a good cause and have some extra hours e.g. one afternoon
a week and one Saturday each month, the energetic Red Cross women in Åbyhøj would be
happy to hear from you. Email at aarhus@drk.dk or call the shop Tuesday or Thursday
between noon and 5pm at 86 12 24 60 or go to www.drk.dk
Become a visitor friend to a senior citizen
When you are part of the visitor volunteer team in Aarhus you help making someone else
happy, feeling safe and comfort to an elderly, lonely citizen, who can benefit from social
contact and a personal relation to a voluntary helper. The visitor friend usually visits a
couple of hours once a week or every other week. As voluntary senior friend you are part
of a meaningful and important social project and you’ll be working with other committed
people and offered educational courses before you join the visitor team. For more
information call 70202460 or email besoeg.aarhus@drk.dk.
Next summer from 11 to 25 June part of the UEFA U21-EM 2011 takes place in Aarhus,
therefore the municipality are seeking 450 volunteers for a lot of different, who can pick
up the visitors in the airport, help reporters and photographers on stadion and much
more. For the people who sign up there will be a variety of benefits, like tickets to the
games. More information on www.stiften.dk/U21em
Many of them have implantated Cochlear Implantate and are now training their skills in the play
called ‘So try listening’, in Danish ‘Så hør dog efter’. Which always must have been difficult and a
challenge when lacking the sense of hearing. The young deaf children are doing opera at
Møllevang Public School. The project is an unusual art project, and requires some very
enthusiastic students. The project is in collaboration between the Centerafdelingen at
Møllevangskolen and The Jutland Opera with funding from the State Art Foundation.
Right now the students are currently in the process of composing, choreographing and
singing with composer Kirsten Juul Seidenfaden, choreographer Iben Engberg and opera
singer at The Jutland Opera Susanne Winter. Much preparation has to be done before the
whole project ends with a performance on 24 March for the other school students. This
concert is open to other interested parties. Registration is required, please contact Naje
Kilden at 29203872.
No excuse any more. Even with a short notice – e.g. you were about to forget to celebrate
some occasion - you can now maybe better manage to make up for it. - Find a vacant table
by checking booking site, which opened Tuesday. In addition save from 15 to 30 % - off
food & wine. Turn to www.r2n.dk – and make your evening invitation!
Thursday 10 March
7.30 pm Piano Evening by the Roayl Academy of Music at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset, free.
8.00 pm Solo suites and gambe sonates by J.S. Bach performed by students from the Royal
Academy of Music at Our Lady’s Church, Vor Frue Kirke in Vestergade 21, free.
Friday 11 March
7.30 pm Piano Evening by the Royal Academy of Music at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset, free.
9.00 pm Hymns from Nineveh – folk & pop at the Music Café, Mejlgade 53, tickets DKK80.
Saturday 12 March
10 am to 6 pm Big Swap Day. Here you can find all kinds of things. New, secondhand etc.
But you can also swap favours, like have someone mend your clothes and you offer
something in return! Go and see for yourself: Mejlgade 35, Aarhus C!
10 am to 4 pm Spring Market, Bazar, with lots of home made products, in
Christianskirken, a church, 10 min.s walk from Nobelparken. Address: Fredrikshaldgade
15, Århus N, free.
1 pm join a walk in Beder, free. See more details above.
12 noon Open Market’s Concert, 20 min.s at Sct. Luke’s, Lukas, Church next to the Open
Farmers’ Market on Ingerslevs Boulevard, both worth a visit. Free Concert, but the market
you have to pay!
12 noon H.P. Lange Trio – Blues at the Concert House at the Café, free.
3 pm at Solo concert by the Royal Academy of Music at the Concert Hall, free.
Sunday 13 March
2 pm Songs by Tom Frederiksen, Finn Olafsson and Torsten Olafsson at the Concert Hall
at the Café, free.
3 pm GALA CONCERT in honour of Trombone Professor Niels-Ole Bo Johansens’s 50th
Birthday by the Royal Academy of Music at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset, free.
3 pm Duo HaC by the Royal Academy of Music at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset, free.
4 pm Organist Inge Boennerup plays works by Buxtehude, Alain and Hjelmborg at
Ravnsbjergkirken, church, Grøfthøjparken 1, Viby J, free.
4 pm Concert by Organist Flemming Dreisig and flutist Mogens Friis, classical music at
Hasle Kirke, church on Viborgvej 158, Hasle, Århus V. Tickets at the door at DKK50.
Monday 14 March
7.30 pm Trumpet Evening by students from the Royal Academy of Music at the Concert
Hall, Musikhuset, free.
8 pm John Cage - A Theme Concert by students from the Royal Academy of Music at the
Concert Hall, Musikhuset, free.
With best wishes for your weekend!
Gitte Haahr-Andersen
UIC Organiser
International Centre
Aarhus University
Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 4, bldg. 1650
DK-8000 Århus C
Phone: +45 3069 8483
Email: GHA@adm.au.dk
Dear Internationals,
The stork has arrived! In Denmark the arrival of our national bird, the stork is a very sure
harbinger of spring. For long we have enjoyed the spring flowers in our parks and
gardens, which is great. But when the stork leaves its warm winter nest in the south, it can
only mean the warm weather is coming our way. The first stork to be seen – as close to
Aarhus as the town of Horsens – is by ornithologists reported to be ‘Nina’ the only
surviving young stork born in Denmark in 2009. For the ornithologists Nina is easy to
detect, as she still wears the knee label, she was given when young. – The big question is
now, where will ‘Nina’ settle this year. That will be followed closely. At all times there is
strong interest in keeping up the best conditions possible for the storks to survive in
Denmark – and if possible to increase the number of storks of course. After all the storks
are believed to bring luck! – In fact also in connection with having babies. In English the
saying goes ‘babies are found under gooseberry bushes’ – we ‘believe’ the stork brings
them, a flying-in service with the babies in their strong beak!
Yesterday at the UIC Club Meeting Associate Professor Mads Rosendahl Thomsen from
AU Department of Aesthetic Studies came to tell us about Hans Christian Andersen,
Karen Blixen and other lonely canoncial authors in world literature. The lonely
canonicals are usually translated widely, read and canonized in other cultures over time.
They often represent a very different literature from the typical literature of their context
and period, in other words these authors in question are not representative in terms of
characteristics in a specific period of the history of literature. Jorge Luis Borges from
Argentina, Fernando Pessoa from Portugal, Orhan Pamuk from Turkey and Chinua
Achebe from Nigeria are all examples of foreign canonical authors, who are very different
from what their context and time represents.
Of the Danish lonely canonized writers Mads Rosendahl focused Hans Christian
Andersen (HCA) and Karen Blixen. Many of the works of the famous fairytale writer H.C.
Andersen have been translated into more than 200 languages. HCA is mainly famous for
his production of fairytales e.g. The Ugly Duckling, The little Match Girl and The little
Mermaid. Karen Blixen, with the pen name Isak Dinesen, had her debut in English and
thereby the international scene when she published the Seven Gothic Tales in 1934 and
Out of Africa in 1937.
One of Mads Rosendahl Thomsen’s points was that both Blixen and Andersen have made
literary works which are unique and different from Danish literature in general. The
works are to some extent influenced by the culture of the author, however, they are not
representative of tendencies in national literary periods.
The use and value of lonely canonicals is essential for various reasons; it helps us to see
interesting patterns in the world literature and discuss what great universal literature is, it
provides us with a deeper understanding of what we find attractive in literature, different
mentalities and cultures and what others and our own culture consist of and how it all
influence us. Today, canonized works also carries political importance and gives
opportunity for small countries like Denmark to play a part in the overall globalized
world e.g. Andersen and Blixen have become part of a culture capital and appear like
signature authors, according to Mads Rosendahl Thomsen.
Several questions arose from the lecture and made it an extra fine morning meeting, also
to MRT himself. Afterwards I received the following links from Mads Rosendahl
Thomsen: A very short introduction to Danish literature:
http://www.um.dk/Publikationer/UM/English/FactsheetDenmark/Literature/html/chapter01.htm and
also a review of his book ‘Mapping World Literature’:
Attached find the details about a meeting MRT invited us to join about ‘Sports and Aesthetics’ 6 May at the
Department of Sports. It will reappear the UIC Newsletter, when closer to the date.
Note: When looking into the details of the meeting, you see the Organisers are Verner Moeller and Mads
Rosendahl Thomsen. – Some UICs will remember that we once visited the Department and had Verner
Moeller give us a talk on ‘doping’ (Autumn 2008).
Next week:
There are two UIC arrangements, first an informal at 10 am at the Dale´s Café at the DTM Bldg.
1650 and from 3 pm a UIC Workshop on The Danish Insurance and Pension Market in Meeting
Room 2, Building 1421 on Fredrik Nielsens Vej, more details below.
Wednesday 23 March from 3 pm to 5 pm the UIC hosts a workshop on the Danish
Insurance and Pension Market. The workshop has been organized to help staff and
spouses get impartial information to some of the questions, which arise on coming to a
new society. If you have lived here for some time, participation provides a unique
opportunity to become updated on newest developments on the market.
The program offers first a broker’s general introduction to the Danish Insurance and
Pension Market, and next it will allow ample time to consult the insurance companies
present, two rank as Denmark’s largest insurance companies and the third is a small,
progressive company!
More details on the attached invitation, also with respect to how to sign up for the
It is the first time the UIC organizes this kind of workshop, so please let your colleagues
know about the opportunity to be updated on proper insurance coverage and pension
The International Centre would like to welcome new members of staff to Aarhus University on 8
April at 2pm-8pm. The information event is for all new researchers and PhD students at Aarhus
University and their spouses. You will be provided with useful information about living in
Denmark and working at AU. The event will comprise an introduction to Aarhus University and a
buffet dinner. We look forward to welcoming new members of staff to the university and hope to
see you there. Deadline to sign up is 3 April. Sign up online here
Review the invitation to the Orientation Day here. Find more detailed information regarding
the Orientation Day here. - Contact person Anne P. Langer, International Coordinator
Official opening of the exhibition representing different Aarhus Artists is this Friday at 5 pm at the
Gallery in the Concert Hall at 5 pm and open to the public. Aabnedoere.dk (OpenDoors.dk) is a
society of some 80 artists in greater Aarhus City, who once a year invite everybody to come and
meet the individual artist in his/her studio/workshop. On the website you can in Danish find a
complete list of names and addresses, in Danish only www.aabnedoere.dk . The society has
existed since 1997. Last year each artist on an average had 100 visitors during the OpenDoors
arrangement. Visit the artists Saturday and Sunday each day from 11 am to 5 pm. Free.
At Ridehuset, Vester Allé 1, Aarhus C this weekend an interesting market takes place with the
above-mentioned articles and much more. 60 stalls with fantastic things. Fashion shows will take
place at 1 pm and 3 pm. There will be music and a great café with soups, tapas and more. Note all
the china, furniture and more in use at the café is also for sale! It is all announced as a trendy
market with appeal to everybody. Open: Friday 12 noon to 8 pm, Saturday and Sunday from 11
am to 5 pm. Free.
Limited quantities so better queue in time e.g. come early! It has become a tradition that
7eleven and Frisko Ice Cream Company collaborate to help spring underway..
Saturday 19 in Sct. Paul’s Church, kirke (close to the Main Railway Station). And it is a
unique choir, where all the members are inmates. The inmates own choir at Vridsløselille
Statsfængsel, the name of the state prison, has existed for 15 years and during those years
the choir have sung every Sunday in the prison church. In 2004 they made a CD and now
the popular choir is busily giving concerts. Some of the choir members are released on
parole, others have to be accompanied by prison staff members. So it is a special event.
Tickets are DKK65, and sold at the door from 7pm. Read more about the choir at
http://www.fangekoret.dk/ or turn to www.sctpauls.dk , both in Danish only.
Aarhus Music School has open music day Saturday from 9.45 am to 5 pm at the Concert Hall,
Musikhuset. A full day with activities. There will be workshops, opportunity to meet with teachers
and students, to have a feel of an instrument or two, to listen to concerts by choirs or ensembles.
Love music do come! Or come and become fascinated by music and musicians, free all day!
Kvinfo seeks translators to larger projects, starting now and expected to be
finished early September.
Translations of Papers on Nordic Women’s Literary History is much needed e.g. from Swedish to
English or from Danish to English.
Contact person is (for spørgsmål vedrørende oversættelsesopgaverne) is: Editor Martin Lamberth,
mobil: 50763388, martin.lamberth@kvinfo.dk or with respect to work conditions contact project
manager Anette Dina Sørensen, mobil: 5076 3380, mail: anette.dina@kvinfo.dk.
It has just been reported that since the 1850s the gen technology research has resulted in almost
doubling human life age. And it seems likely that further progress for some of us will lead to life
age extended to 120 years! Furthermore, it is expected people will not only that much longer, but
also be in better health. What a perspective!
Uno-X on 528 Grenåvej, Risskov has announced that the gasoline will drop to the price in the late
60s. Which means it will be only DKK1 per Liter. But it will only be for one hour either today
Thursday or Friday. Expect a very long queue, in case you notice it at all! – With this exception the
gasoline prices are likely to stay beyond DKK12 per Liter for the rest of 2011.
New Minigolf-Mecca indoor courts on Åboulevarden 52,2-4 Floor, here you can enjoy minigolf for
free the next two weeks between 2 pm and 10 pm.
Thursday 17 March
2 pm Free Ice Creams at all 7eleven shops – to celebrate spring is coming.
7.30 pm Piano Evening by the Roayl Academy of Music at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset, free.
7.30 pm Violin Evening by the Royal Academy of Music at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset, free.
Friday 18 March
5 pm Official opening of the Artists’ Open Doors Arrangement, free.
7.30 pm Piano Evening – classical music by the Royal Academy of Music at the Concert Hall,
Musikhuset, free.
7.30 pm Povl Dissing + Kleive & Reiersrud – N.F.S. Grundtvig Hymns at Sct. Luke’s, Skt. Lukas,
Church next to Ingerslevs Boulevard. Tickets at the door DKK 135.
7.30 The Prince’s Band and the Royal Acdemy of Music – classical music at the Concert Hall,
Musikhuset, free.
Saturday 19 March
9.45 am to 5.30 pm Music for life – Open Music Day with workshops, concerts, time to
meet for all. Organiser is: Aarhus Music School at the Concert Hall, more details above,
10 am and 12 noon Family Concert with the Aarhus Symphony Orchestra. Conductor
Michael Bojesen and Conferencier Sigurd Barrett at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset,
11 am to 5 pm Open Doors, aabnedoere.dk, at some 80 artists studios, more details above,
12 noon Open Market’s Concert, 20 min.s at Sct. Luke’s, Lukas, Church next to the Open
Farmers’ Market on Ingerslevs Boulevard, both worth a visit. Free Concert, but at the
market you have to pay for great vegetables, fruits, cheeses, meat, flowers and much more,
the market is from 8 am to approx. 2 pm!
7.30 pm Concert with the Inmates’ Choir from Vridslløselille State Prison, rhythmical choir
songs at Sct. Paul’s Church, kirke, tickets DKK65 at the door, see details above.
Sunday 20 March
10 am to 5 pm Bang & Olufsen PianoRAMA-Competition for young pianists at the Concert
Hall, Musikhuset, free.
11 am to 5 pm Open Doors, aabnedoere.dk, at some 80 artists studios, more details above,
3 pm Ensemble from Aarhus Symphony Orchestra – a Chamber Music Concert at the
Concert Hall, Musikhuset. Tickets at DKK115.
3 pm Charlott Skadhauge, Søren Dahl Jeppesen, Christian Vuust and Klaus Nørgaard –
jazz at the Community House Sølyst, Sølystgade 30, Århus C, tickets DKK50, more details
4 pm Danish bikes and German heavyweights for soorano, bratsch and piano by the Royal
Academy of Music at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset, free.
4 pm Violinist Sakari Tepponen and Organist Inge Beck – classical music at Sct. John’s
Church, Johannes kirke, 5 min.s walk from the Nobelparken. Free.
7.30 pm Lise Petersen feat Helge Norbakken – Hymns at Christianskirken,
Frederikshaldsgade 15, Århus N, 10 min.s walk from Nobelparken, tickets at the door
Monday 21 March
10 am to 5 pm Bang & Olufsen PianoRAMA – Competion for young pianists at the
Concert Hall, Musikhuset, free.
5 pm After work concert, where Organist Erik Haumann works by J.S. Bach at Risskov
Church, kirke, Solbakken 2, Risskov, free.
With best wishes for your weekend!
Gitte Haahr-Andersen
UIC Organiser
International Centre
Aarhus University
Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 4, bldg. 1650
DK-8000 Århus C
Phone: +45 3069 8483
Email: GHA@adm.au.dk
Dear Internationals,
Yesterday a busy day at UIC: the Informal Meeting in the morning was again lively. A
great many pieces of information were exchanged and supportive assistance given. These
gatherings are inspiring to whoever comes around.
In the afternoon some 30 people gathered and had information about insurance coverage
and pension schemes in DK. Taken from the questions, there is a need for this kind of
workshops. – The immediate feed-backs from the broker as well as the participating
insurance companies are that they are all very interested in making it more regular.
Future workshops of this kind will of course depend much on your opinion / comments
to the Evaluation form, which will soon be mailed off.
The UIC Newsletter will in the following focus on some interesting information of general
interest and at the end offer some specific suggestions for things to do today and during
the weekend. In Aarhus City there are again many things happening.
- If the stormy weather continues – or the cold weather again comes our way for a couple
of days – then seek the indoor activities. But the sun stays more with us now and creates
milder climate.
Well, windy then I recommend all the Piano Competition inside the Concert Hall! Feel free
to walk in and enjoy the days, which leads up to the Finalist Concert on Saturday. For the
final concert you have to buy a ticket, all others are free. More details below. For families
the indoor gym at the Vejlby Sports Club could make a very active and fun day. Or
shopping for example this Friday night at Veri Centre in Risskov, next to Grenåvej.
– But I would also like to emphasize that fresh air is good for your body and mind. So it is
recommendable to have a walk or a run in the Risskov wood, where designated routes are
easy to find and make use of. Or you prefer a walk in the Marselisborg forests, take the
bus to the beach, 10 KM from the city centre and take some route, which can be planned to
end up at the Old Mill. The Old Mill operates from 12 noon to 5 pm, and interesting to see
and here it is worth buying some fresh flour. Which will make your home baking best
Enjoy a quality film in a professional cinema setting on the AU Campus! An introduction
to the film is given prior to the show by Niels Weisberg, lecturer at the Department of
Information and Media Studies. The screening is organized in cooperation with the
Aarhus Students’ Film Society and the Danish Film Institute & Cinematheque. After the
film you will get a snack and a drink in the lobby area. There is a small fee of DKK 35 to be
paid for the film screening.
Time: Wednesday 29 March from 6.30 pm – 9 pm
Place: Auditorium E (Room 103), Ny Munkegade, Building 1530 (Department of
Mathematical Sciences)
Price: 35 kr. in cash to be paid on entrance . Read more about the film here.
Time to sign up for
The International Centre would like to welcome new members of staff to Aarhus
University on 8 April at 2pm-8pm. The information event is for all new researchers and
PhD students at Aarhus University and their spouses. You will be provided with useful
information about living in Denmark and working at AU. The event will comprise an
introduction to Aarhus University and a buffet dinner. We look forward to welcoming
new members of staff to the university and hope to see you there. Deadline to sign up is 3
April. Sign up online here
Review the invitation to the Orientation Day here. Find more detailed information
regarding the Orientation Day here. - Contact person Anne P. Langer, International
1. CORRECTION: In last week’s UIC Newsletter on mentioning the arrival of the first
stork, I reported it as ‘our national bird’. That is not correct. Our national bird is actually
the mute swan, knopsvanen, enlarge the photo and you can see why it has this name:
Some 40 young pianists from all over the world compete this week to become the best. All are
invited to take part at the Concert Hall.
Among the compulsory music pieces are The Danish composer Carl Nielsen’s works for piano.
Although it is an international competition, the atmosphere is very relaxed. To mention a few facts
a Serbian pianist has already won 4 competitions and now works for his fifth! Only two out of the
20 of the eldest group has not won a prize in a previous international piano competition before,
this says the young pianists are all very promising.
Due to donation from the Danish Company Bang & Olufsen this competition has been made
possible and the Royal Academy of Music’s Professor Anne Oeland has fostered the idea, and
Aarhus Symphony Orchestra will be part of the Finalist Concert Saturday. A most exciting music
Switch off the light during Earth Hour 2011 DK! The world’s biggest climate event, expect street
lights and the like to be turned off. Thereby it could be really a dark night to observe and to
celebrate! More details on www.earthhour.org
NaturFitness, Fitness in open air is provided for to all citizens in Aarhus City. In fact you
can do exercises there in full moon shine, if you like. But less can also do! If you prefer
training under supervision that takes place in Riis skov on Wednesday afternoons from
3.30 pm to 4.45 pm (special teams) and again from 5 pm to 6.15. More details on
www.naturfitness.dk (in Danish).
Claimed to be the best activity for children! Takes place every Sunday during the gym
saison (end of May) and have great fun in the Aarhus Gym and Trampoline Centre and
also many games to try and motor coordination section.
Open for all children, age 1-12 years.
1 pm to 2.30 pm: special gym for children 6 to 12 years (limit is 260 persons)
3 pm to 4.30 pm: special time for children age group 1 to 6 years (accompanied by an
adult, and limit here is 300 persons)
Prices: Child DKK35. Adult DKK35. Every person has to pay, but are also invited to join
jumping on the trampoline and more.
Note: Bring cash. Accepts no credit cards.
You can bring your lunch and eat it in the kitchen facilities on 1st floor.
See more details on: http://www.vik-gym.dk/soendagsraes.php
Address: VIK (Vejlby Idræts Klub = Vejlby Sports Club) on Hvidkildevej 11, 8240 Risskov
Take your children to the Concert Hall, Musikhuset, next Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday morning from 9 am to 11 am there are Børnekulissen, Children’s theater and
much more. Eventful, creative, and entertaining days for all children for free try costumes,
see others perform etc., age 2 to 6 years.VIK http://www.kulissen.dk/billetter/
Last week the shops and newspaper only reported ‘limited quantities’ of ice creams would
be offered. This week’s paper announced that some 60,000 ice creams vanished during a
very short time. At some stores the amount that they had to give away were up within 15
minutes, which says something about the success this tradition is. The milder weather will
surely make us eat more ice creams in general!
A couple of years ago the previous Ferris Wheel, Pariserhjul, had to be taken down. Many
people have missed this attraction. Therefore Tivoli Friheden (Freedom) has a new one
under construction. When the new season opens 16 April the new Ferris Wheel is planned
to be ready. With its planned 25 Meter it will easily stand out in Aarhus – not least when
approaching the Tivoli. Furthermore, it should be added that it will be tallest Ferris Wheel
in DK!
If interested, it is worth looking into season tickets at Tivoli Friheden, see more on
www.friheden.dk .
This Friday the Shopping Mall, Veri Centre, celebrates its 43th anniversary, and claims to
be DK’s oldest shopping mall. The Mall is open from 10 am til 9 pm with lots of activities
like Outlet in the old Post Office, at 12 noon a Pastry Man, a free cake, will serve the first at
least 350 people, at 6 pm free soup for all customers and much more. At 7 pm a Fashion
Show takes place, and as the whole mall is under roof this will be comfortable rain or
Thursday 24 March
10 am to 6 pm PianoRAMA-Competetion for young pianists at the Concert Hall,
Musikhuset, free.
4.30 pm to 6 pm Author, Associate professor Tabish Khair talks about Indian literature
and history of literature at the Main Library, Hovedbiblioteket, Møllegade 1, Aarhus C,
8 pm Nautical Dawn – singersong at Fairbar, Nørre Allé 66, free.
Friday 25 March
10 am to 9 pm Shopping Mall Veri Centre is open with plenty of offers, see more details
10 am to 5 pm PianoRAMA-Competition for young pianists at the Concert Hall,
Musikhuset, free.
2 pm to 8 pm Art exhibition ‘Black Note’ – art, coffee, and music in Ridehuset, Vester Allé
1, across the street from the City Hall, www.black-note.dk , Admission DKK40.
Saturday 26 March
8 am to approx. 2 pm Farmers’ Open Air Market on Ingerslevs Boulevard – enjoy the fresh
produce, meat, cheeses, crafts and much and then at
12 noon Open Market’s Concert, some 25 min.s at Sct. Luke’s Church, Skt. Lukaskirken,
across the street, and free.
8 am to 4.30 pm DGI rally for juniors, NRGI Park, Stadion Allé, DKK50
11 am to 5 pm Art exhibition ‘Black Note’ – art, coffee, and music in Ridehuset, Vester Allé
1, across the street from the City Hall, www.black-note.dk , Admission DKK40.
12 noon to 2 pm ‘Send a book’ – learn about Bookcrossing at Risskov Library, Fortebakken
1, Risskov. More details Google BookCrossing.com., it is in English.
3 pm to 6 pm PianoRAMA – Competition for young pianists at the Concert Hall,
Musikhuset, free.
7.30 The Finalists’ Concert in the Bang & Olufsent PianoRAMA Competition for young
pianists at the Concert Hall, tickets DKK150.
7.30 Watch Soccer games on wide screen with Denmark / Norway EM qualification game
at the Student House Aarhus, AU on Nordre Ringgade 3, free.
8.30 pm Switch off the light during Earth Hour 2011 DK! The world’s biggest climate
event, expect street lights to be turned off. Thereby a very dark night..
9 pm Mama’s Sadness – country/ folk at Fairbar, Nørre Allé 66, free.
Sunday 27 March
11 am to 5 pm Art exhibition ‘Black Note’ – art, coffee, and music in Ridehuset, Vester Allé
1, across the street from the City Hall, www.black-note.dk , Admission DKK40.
12 noon to 4 pm Watch Viking crafts demonstration at Moesgaard Museum, Moesgaard
Allé 20. Admission.
3 pm Tritonus – Choir song in Lystrup Church, kirke, Lystrup Centervej 80, take bus 9 or
4 pm Join the Games Evening, bring your own or enjoy the ones already available at the
Student House Aarhus, AU on Ndr. Ringgade 3, free.
7.30 pm Modern Danish Chamber Music by the Royal Academy of Music at the Concert
Hall, Musikhuset, free.
Monday 28 March
9 am to 11 am Children’s theater and more, Børnekulissen at the Concert Hall Monday,
Tuesday and Wednesday, more details above, free
4 pm to 5.30 pm it introduction to e-books and reading e-books at the Main Library,
Hovedbiblioteket, Møllegade 1, Århus C, free.
7.30 pm Flute Evening by the Royal Academy of Music at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset,
Have a nice weekend!
Best regards, Gitte
Venlig hilsen / Best regards
Gitte Haahr-Andersen
UIC Organiser
International Centre
Aarhus University
Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 4, bldg. 1650
DK-8000 Århus C
Phone: +45 3069 8483
Email: GHA@adm.au.dk
April 2011
Dear Internationals,
Yesterday at the UIC meeting we had the pleasure of meeting Professor Peder J. Pedersen
from the AU Department of Economics and Management. The issue of the day was
Poverty in the Danish Welfare State. To discuss poverty issues in a country like Denmark
is not so obvious. And it is a quite complicated matter. For how to measure poverty and
how exactly should we define the poverty line - in absolute or relative terms. Those were
some of the issues presented. A comprehensive study was carried out in 1988 and formed
the basics for deciding the poverty line. Among other things, it was studied who the
people with high risk entry to poverty are and how long they are staying in this group. In
the survey among the questions asked were a) the ability to make ends meet b) afford
replacing worn-out furniture c) having friends visit once a month.. Once this information
is established the question is how do we go about aggregating information with so many
different dimensions.
Denmark has no national poverty line, but many researchers investigate in the issues with
much concern. And politicians put much focus on how to avoid long poverty periods for
most possible to preserve the Danish welfare state. From all gained information a job – e.g.
being able to join the job market - has long proved to be the best tool to avoid poverty.
Furthermore, also the best for successful integration. Education is another policy
instrument. – No wonder, the topic of this week’s meeting was highly relevant and
interesting and led to a lively discussion. – The slide presentation is attached above to
individual further investigation.
Now follows first some information of general interest and then the ‘calendar’ with
specific suggestions for your weekend.
Time to sign up for
The International Centre would like to welcome new members of staff to Aarhus
University on 8 April at 2pm-8pm. The information event is for all new researchers and
PhD students at Aarhus University and their spouses. You will be provided with useful
information about living in Denmark and working at AU. The event will comprise an
introduction to Aarhus University and a buffet dinner. We look forward to welcoming
new members of staff to the university and hope to see you there. Deadline to sign up is 3
April. Sign up online here
Review the invitation to the Orientation Day here. Find more detailed information
regarding the Orientation Day here. - Contact person: Anne P. Langer, International
Charity Event for Japan. The Japanese Exchange Students at Aarhus University and
International Centre are hosting a charity event for Japan. The Japanese students are far
away from their home country and feel by organizing this charity event they on one hand
help people in Denmark to think about what have happened to the Japanese people and
on the other hand letting the Japanese know that their countrymen abroad and other
nations do sympathize with them and want to support them. - Come and help them raise a
fair amount by buying Japanese beer, sushi, artworks etc., which have been donated.
Time and place: 3 pm to 8 pm at Dale T. Mortensen Bldg. 1650 on Høegh- Guldbergs Gade
4. Read more about the event here here
An easy, cheap means of transportation for everyone to make use of. Or for your visitors
to benefit from. This service has been in operation for years, and each year been improved.
This year more than half of the bikes - e.g. 250 of them – come with gears and 50 new light
weight aluminium bikes are introduced. The bikes are parked at 45 different ‘stations’ all
around the city. All are to be found on a map on each bike. The concept is, to unlock the
bike you have to enter a DKK20 coin in the slot. When returned properly at one of the
‘stations’ you get your money back! Enjoy the easy rides.
… and if you experience a flat tire or the like, a new bike shop on wheels have just been
introduced, keep the phone number at all times, and quick assistance will be at hand:
This new service, named ‘Easy Bike’ is likely to be a ‘life saver’ for bikers experiencing an
emergency. Behind the new concept, where the bike workshop comes to you, the
customer, is a young man from Georgia. It means he has a van full of spare parts and his
knowledge - based on his previous career as racer bicyclist, so if you need some help give
him a call, see more details on www.easy-bike.dk .
But also on roads. The municipality is doing their best to sweep it away as quickly as
possible. It is rough on the bikes and may cause an extra bike repair. Nevertheless, the
municipality says the sweeping started one week ago and will estimates 3 more weeks will
finish the first sweeping round. It is not an easy task, as this will accumulate some 1,500
Tons of grit! - The municipality will find ways to reuse the grit.
It is due time to send a gækkebrev, snowdrop letter, or more. This tradition is considered
an original Danish PreEaster treat. The basic principle is to cut a certain, often
symmetrical, pattern in a piece of paper and try to get the receiver to guess who sent the
letter by writing "My name is spelled with dots" and then draw as many dots as the
number of letters in your name and adding a small, simple Easter poem and/or enclose a
snowdrop flower. This tradition prescribes that you have three guesses to find the sender
of the letter. If you manage you receive an Easter chocolate egg. But if you cannot guess
who sent it to you within three guesses, you owe him or her the chocolate treat when
Easter comes around. So remember to watch out for gækkebreve and make sure to figure
out who sent it to you!
Watch out, otherwise you may be put on. Made an April’s fool, en Aprilsnar. Friday 1
April it is acceptable to make someone a fool. Expect it, maybe also something false
reported in the newspaper or announced on the TV News can be twisted. The April jokes
from recent years, which were reported in the media can be found on the internet, under:
Aprilsnar. So think twice before you believe what you hear. – A common small joke can be
to say that you have a flat tire – your car or bike. Regardless, such an incident always
comes inconvenient! When you rush check it out you are named ‘April’s fool’. – Hope you
can come up with some interesting and kind jokes this Friday! Have fun.
Denmark’s Nature Conservatory Association invites again this year to take part in the
nation wide ‘collection day’ this Sunday from 10 am to 12 noon! In Aarhus the event meet
up at the parking lot next to the City Museum, Bymuseet, Carl Blochs Gade 28.
If you know of any place in need of a clean-up, contact Denmark’s Nature Conservancy
Association, Aarhus section on www.dn.dk/aarhus .
Interesting enough the Concert Hall, Musikhuset, continues to report that hundreds of
people come by and join in the singing – it is said to be among the most popular free
arrangements. There are 100 song books available, but better be early to get hold of one.
The Danish Folks High Schools movement is part of the Danish heritage and well worth
learning about. A starting point for this could easily be to join the singing at 12.30 noon at
the Café at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset. – Also a very fine way to meet some Danes.
13 May the Danish National Performance Team performs in Aarhus. The team represents
the highest quality of Danish gymnastics. There are 28 young men and women on the
team, and all are selected for the biannual 10 month world tour. They participate on a
voluntary basis promoting gymnastics and the values of a healthy and active life style
through spectacular performances and engaging workshops. All over the world the team
reaches out to encourage everyone to embrace the global message of healthy living and
sports for all, impacting children, students, and adults. It is quite an experience. – Time to
buy tickets. Go to www.billetten.dk – also for more details about the Verdensholdet, the
World Team.
Seaweeds are an ingredient we in our part of the world have ignored in our menu. It is a
pity as seaweeds are both tasty, healthy and easy to use in various dishes, at least if you
ask Erik Stryhn Rasmussen. Tuesday 5 April from 7 pm to 9 pm at Risskov Bibliotek,
library, Fortebakken 1, Risskov, he will introduce to how to use seaweeds – from the
Aarhus Bay - in soups, salads and breads. Free tickets available, but have to be picked up.
More details on: http://www.aakb.dk/biblioteker/risskov/event/tang-hverdagsmad (in
Thursday 31 March
7.30 pm Chamber Concert by the Royal Academy of Music at the Concert Hall,
Musikhuset. Free.
Friday 01 April
All day watch out to avoid becoming an April fool! See more details above.
9 am to 12 noon ‘Børnedage’, Kids’ days – the 2 to 6 years old at the Concert Hall. Theater,
plenty of fun activities for free. Parents and Grandparents are welcome to join, free for all.
Saturday 02 April
8 am to approx. 2 pm Farmers’ Open Air Market on Ingerslevs Boulevard – enjoy the fresh
produce, meat, cheeses, crafts and much, open all year round and then at
12 noon Open Market’s Concert, some 25 min.s at Sct. Luke’s Church, Skt. Lukaskirken,
across the street (continue all April and then again during the autumn), and free.
10 am to 4 pm Visit the Flea Market organized by Odd Fellow Order’s Humanitarian Fund
Aarhus at the Varna Mansion, Ørneredevej 3, Aarhus C.
10 am to 1 pm Open workshop organized by the Børnekulturhuset, Kids’ Culture House
and Filurens Teaterskole at Brobjergskolen, 3rd Floor, Valdemarsgade (across the street
from the Concert Hall, free.
10 am to 5 pm Børnemessen, Children’s Fair, at Früd, Toldbodgade 6, Århus C,
12 noon Secondhand Bazar at the Student House, AU, Ndr. Ringgade 3. Free
1 pm Soloists performance presented by Simon Rosenbaum at the Concert Hall,
Musikhuset, at the Café, free.
Sunday 03 April
10 am to 12 noon Collect waste organized by Denmark’s Nature Conservancy Association.
Meeting at the City Museum, Bymuseet on Carl Blochs Gade 28, Aarhus C.
10 am to 5 pm Børnemessen, Children’s Fair, at Früd, Toldbodgade 6, Århus C,
10 am to 4 pm Visit the Flea Market organized by Odd Fellow Order’s Humanitarian Fund
Aarhus at the Varna Mansion, Ørneredevej 3, Aarhus C.
12 noon enjoy Sundays in Paradise, the special cinema, champagne brunch and films are
offered at very reasonable prices, Øst for Paradis, East of Paradise, Paradisgade, Århus C,
more details on www.paradisbio.dk
12.30 noon ‘Syng fra den Blå’ – join singing from the ’Blue Song Book’ – a popular very Danish
event at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset, see more details above. Free.
3 pm Chamber Concert by the Royal Academy of Music at Skovgaardsgade 2C, next to the
Concert Hall, Musikhuset, free.
3 pm The Clemson Quartet - Classical at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset, free.
6 pm Sunday-Salsa with El Palenque at the Student House Aarhus at AU, Ndr. Ringgade
3, free.
Tuesday 05 April
10 am enjoy a walk with the group ‘Fodslaw’ and Aarhus Company Sports, starting point
at Moesgaard Museum, take bus 6 to the end station. Free.
10 am to 12 noon it for beginners at the Main Library, Hovedbiblioteket, Møllegade,
Aarhus C, free
6.30 pm join the Aarhus Free Run – no sing up necessary – just meet up at Chr. Filtenborg
Plads, Square, where Dalgas Avenue ends up at the waterfront, Every Tuesday – and free
to enjoy!
7 pm to 9 pm Learn to cook seaweeds for dinner at Risskov Library, more details above,
Have a nice weekend!
Venlig hilsen / Best regards
Gitte Haahr-Andersen
UIC Organiser
International Centre
Aarhus University
Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 4, bldg. 1650
DK-8000 Århus C
Web: www.au.dk/ic
Phone: +45 3069 8483
Email: GHA@adm.au.dk
Dear Internationals,
Summary of yesterday’s meeting: What made the museums in Aarhus open in the first
place and what is the role of the museums today in the young innovative and knowledge
Aarhus City, these were the questions the UIC meeting put focus on yesterday. Head of
the Museum of Ancient Art, Associate Professor Vinnie Nørskov mentioned that the
museum landscape of today’s Aarhus is dominated by the three large institutions: ARoS the art museum, The Old Town and Moesgård Museum. All three museums have
collections that go back to the two earliest collections in the Aarhus, the art collection
founded in 1859 and the cultural historical collection founded in 1861. Both collections
were among the first founded in Denmark outside Copenhagen right after the
introduction of democracy and interestingly museums were a very important element in
the effort of educating the people to become democratic citizens. During the 20th century a
number of other museums grew out of the academic milieu of the city, the Natural History
Museum, the Museum of Ancient Art and Archaeology, the Steno Museum and the
Women’s Museum. The last mentioned was developed from the grass roots of the
women’s liberation movement, and it has unique concept, worth looking into. One of the
youngest museums has been the City Museum, which will have a very short life, as it is
now being integrated into The Old Town, Den Gamle By. At the present the city is
focusing on developing the application for becoming the European Cultural City in 2017,
and one of the interesting new projects is the plan of a new Science City, a new museum
formed by the Natural History Museum and Steno Museum. The new Moesgaard
construction is looked upon with interest, but also concern as it is located 10 KM south of
the city centre. Only the future can prove what will happen with the museums. – This was
a small fraction of the very informative and also entertaining talk by Vinnie Nørskov.
Some 25 people of the UIC group found it interesting – and taken from the comments also
fascinating to hear about. Besides, the socializing part was also full of life and news were
exchanged and questions asked. It seems the tradition at UIC. – The Museum of Ancient
Art is a free to enter, whenever you are close. If it rains it makes for a great break, till the
shower ends maybe. Open hours are usually: Monday and Thursdays from 12 noon to 4 pm.
With the special exhibition, which runs to 5 June, it is open Sunday through Thursday 12 noon to 4 pm, more
details on http://www.antikmuseet.au.dk , in Danish or English.
Next week’s issue is of interest to all staff members and their spouses: Wednesday the
University Director Jørgen Jørgensen will give a presentation of the AU Academic
Development Process. Last October Jørgen Jørgensen took a great interest in explaining
about the planning, and he is now very interested in updating everyone on how far the
implementation is by now – and in English, of course! The AU Reform will one way or
the other affect the whole university and therefore of interest to all of us involved, both
employees and spouses.
Now follows first some information of general interest and then the ‘calendar’ with
specific suggestions for your weekend.
UIC website www.au.dk/uic :
Guided tour of the Church of Our Lady, Vor Frue Kirke, and the former Domonican
Convent- From the Viking Age to the Art of Per Kirkeby by Associate Professor Hans
Jørgen Frederiksen, Department of Aesthetic Studies, Faculties of Humanities.
Time: 10 am - aprox. 12 noon.
Place: Meet at the Main Door at Our Lady's Church, Vor Frue Kirke in Vestergade, Århus
C. Please be punctual!
A ‘Welcome pack city of Aarhus’ has been published by Business Region Aarhus and now
to be picked up or looked into on the website
http://www.aarhus.dk/sitecore/content/Subsites/7K/Home/Welcome.aspx . Plenty of useful information about
registration, health insurance, taxes, infrastructure, schools, student life, childcare, outdoor
activities, and more.
Volunteering is a great way to meet people, an opportunity to make a difference, gain
experience, practise Danish, and maybe even a step towards a permanent job in
Denmark. Spouse Community has been invited to Frivillingcenter Aarhus for a meeting
on volunteering in the greater Aarhus area. We will meet at Aarhus in their new location:
Grønnegade 80, 1 floor Aarhus C. Sign up not later than Monday 11 April. More details on
Join a hunt in the forest looking for hidden traces from our ancestors. Nature Guides will
be at hand on the hunts. The participants will learn about and also how to look for relics
from the past using a GPS (which will be provided unless you bring your own GPS or cell
phone with GPS). The treasure hunt is off the beaten track, so wear appropriate footwear
and clothes. The activity is on 9 April from 2 pm - 4 pm and the meeting point is
Naturcenter Ørnereden (Nature Centre Eagle’s Nest, Ørneredevej 55, 8270 Højbjerg.
Nature Guides: be Henrik D.H. Müller (86273952) and Marlene Sørensen. Participation is
free and sign up is not required. Take bus 6.
This Sunday at the wetlands in Årslev Meadow Lake, Årslev Engsø, and local
ornithologists will help you spot some of the season’s migratory birds who stop by the
lake. If you are lucky you will even see the ospreys using the area as a ‘pit stop’ on their
way to their breeding places in southern Sweden. The bird watching is from 10 am till
noon Sunday 10 April, and the meeting point is by the wooden tower at the south side,
which can be reached via the trail that runs around the lake or from the parking lot at
Storskovvej vest of Constantinsborg (just west of Brabrand Lake, Brabrand Sø).
Participation is free and sign up not required.
Every Dane produces on an average seven KG of waste every day. This makes us one of
the countries in EU, which accumulates the most waste per person. Meanwhile, the
municipalities spend more and more resources on collecting garbage along the roads.
Research by the organization ‘Hold Danmark Rent’, Keep Denmark clean, shows that 60
percent of us do not mind dropping trash on the streets and roads, few stop to wonder
how long it takes for nature to break down e.g. a soda plastic bottle. It takes 4.0001.000.000 years! For gum or cigarette butts it is an estimated 5 years. Plastic bags some 1050 years, which is serious business. - The majority of Danes do believe that pollution of
that kind is wrong. Taken that there should not be a need for a change of opinion, but
rather a change in people’s behavior. Which could hopefully be achieved through
campaigns, if you ask the head of ‘Hold Danmark Rent’ Anne Holm Hansen. Exactly how
much waste we dump in nature is not known, but the municipalities assess 500 Million
DKK is spent on removing waste dropped in nature! Let us think about this issue, and try
to live by the rule what you bring out in nature you can also carry back – and deposit
correctly in the garbage pail! In the paper Professor Rane Willerslev was quoted for saying
‘we have to change mentality’ – stop being indifferent to others’ feelings. Stop being egocentered, which dropping waste is a symbol of.
The student choir and the Vocal Ensemble from Egå Gymnasium and the choir from
Rysensteen Gymnasium in Copenhagen invite everybody to their concert at Concert Hall,
Musikhuset, Monday 11 at 5 pm. The three choirs have been working together this year
and the result is several good and recommendable concerts with the title Danish Songsfrom the traditional folk ballades to TV 2.
This year’s theatre festival organized by Teatercentrum takes place in Randers. The main
intention is present Danish performing art for a young international audience and it is an
inspiring meeting point for international artists as well. About 110 theatres will be
represented at the festival with up to 170 different performances. If you’re interested go to
www.festival2011.dk/info_in_english.asp .
News with the modern bikes with engines. They are not among the free city bikes now
available, but can be purchased at bike shops and centre at very fair prices. Added for the
benefit of people less keen on exercise or for some reason not capable of biking up and
down all the hills in greater Aarhus area.
Did you hear or experience some funny jokes on the TV – or among your friends, which
you like to share. In case, they could easily be added to next week. Just mail me.
Thursday 07 March
6.30 pm Wine tasting with Taste First Wine Shop at AU Student House, Nordre Ringgade
3, DDK60.
7.30 pm Trumpet Concert by the Royal Academy of Music at the Concert Hall,
Musikhuset. Free.
8 pm The documentary film presenting Michael Jackson’s last show: This is it - see it tonight at the
Concert Hall, Musikhuset, tickets DKK65.
Friday 08 April
3 pm Exhibition ‘Jorn and Cobra’ – runs until 18 Maj at Galleri Profilen, Grønnegade 93,
Århus C, www.galleri-profilen.dk, free.
4 pm Opera Lab for Children, age 4 to 6 at the Concert Hall, free, but sign up on
8 pm Solo Percussion Battle – solo works by the Royal Academy of Music at the Concert
Hall, Musikhuset, free.
9 pm Isabel Sörling Group – jazz at Fairbar, Nørre Allé 66, Aarhus C, free.
Saturday 09 April
8 am to approx. 2 pm Farmers’ Open Air Market on Ingerslevs Boulevard – enjoy the fresh
produce, meat, cheeses, crafts and much, open all year round and then at
12 noon Open Market’s Concert, some 25 min.s at Sct. Luke’s Church, Skt. Lukaskirken,
across the street (continue all April and then again during the autumn), and free.
12 noon The Aarhus Concert Orchestra, Aarhus Promenadeorkester, which was founded
in 1980 and today has 40 senior musicians. The music program: H.C. Lumbye, Joseph
Straus, but also Kai Normann Andersen, Leonard Bernstein and more. Takes place at the
Concert Hall, Musikhuset, free
10.30 am to 01.30 pm Fitness test and fatt content measurement at DGI-Huset,
Værkmestergade 17, Århus C, free.
11 am to 3 pm National Competition in Potato Peeling. Meet up in Bruuns Galleri, the
Shopping Mall in M.P. Bruuns Gade and peel 2 KG of potatoes. The four quickest go on to
the contest 16 April in Copenhagen. The winner there gets a trip to New York. Bring your
own peeler or borrow one and give it a try.
3 pm Saxophone Matiné by the Royal Academy of Music at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset,
Sunday 10 April
10 am to 1 pm The National Golf Day – Open Day, try for free for example at Aarhus
Aadal Golf Club, Brydehøjvej 35, Harlev, some 15 KM west of Aarhus C.
10 am to 5 pm Play with digital photos – a workshop for adults and children 9 years and
up, DDK200 at Brobjergskolen, Værkstederne, 3. Floor, next to the Concert Hall and across
the street from the City Hall.
Monday 11 April
5 pm Gymnasiumkoncert, Choirs from gymnasiums in Aarhus and Copenhagen give a
joint concert at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset, Danish songs, see more details above, free.
Tuesday 12 April
6.30 pm join the Aarhus Free Run – no sign up necessary – just meet up at Chr. Filtenborg
Plads, Square, where Dalgas Avenue ends up at the waterfront, Every Tuesday – and free
to enjoy!
7 pm The first play of the oratorium ‘On Wings of Hope’ – to mark the beginning of
Easter. Full of words, music and artworks at Langenæskirken (a church), 8000 Århus C –
and see more on www.langenaeskirken.dk - free.
7.30 pm Easter Concert, Påske Koncert, by Cloister Church’s Vocal ensemble (some 25
singers) from Horsens, experience the Easter’s events through the music.
In next week’s UIC Newsletter expect a lot about the Easter Break / Holiday Easter.
Venlig hilsen / Best regards
Gitte Haahr-Andersen
UIC Organiser
International Centre
Aarhus University
Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 4, bldg. 1650
DK-8000 Århus C
3333Web: www.au.dk/uic
+45 3069 8483
Dear Internationals,
Yesterday at the UIC Meeting AU Director Jørgen Jørgensen gave a presentation of how
far the implementation of the AU Academic Development Process is by now. And most
information which was given, can be taken from the slides attached. There is no doubt that
2011 is the crucial transitional year, and that the senior management group are do their
best to ensure best possible information. And as all degree programs will be offered as
usual, the new is to have one unified university with less borders. Into this a unified
management with joint responsibility for the entire university. – Notice what will not be
changed, see the slides. The overall goals are more flexibility, cross cutting core activities
and more useful contributions to society.
If you have not signed up for the senior management’s newsletter in English that could
also help you to be updated, turn to
http://www.au.dk/en/about/uni/seniormanagement/newsletter/2011/12/ - or take the
Director up on his promise to e-mail possible questions, jj@adm.au.dk .
After Easter we take two small excursions. First to Church of Our Lady, Vor Frue Kirke. Note
the meeting place and time. If changes occur they will also appear on the UIC Website:
UIC website www.au.dk/uic :
Guided tour of the Church of Our Lady, Vor Frue Kirke, and the former Domonican
Convent- From the Viking Age to the Art of Per Kirkeby by Associate Professor Hans
Jørgen Frederiksen, Department of Aesthetic Studies, Faculties of Humanities.
Time: 10 am - approx. 12 noon.
Place: Meet at the Main Door at Our Lady's Church, Vor Frue Kirke in Vestergade, Århus
C. Please be punctual!
Now follows first some information of general interest and then the ‘calendar’ with
specific suggestions for your weekend.
Right now - 13 to 15 April - Aarhus University hosts European University Association’s
(EUA) annual conference and also its 10. Anniversary.
EUA is the European association of universities, research institutions and other
organisations active in higher education and research. The conference has attracted some
500 participants, rectors, university leaders and key players in the European research and
education sector.
Friday President of the European Commission José Manuel Barroso, Prime Minister Lars
Løkke Rasmussen, Minister of Science Charlotte Sahl-Madsen and Minister for Climate
and Energy Lykke Friis visit the EUA meeting and main speakers. Later Sahl-Madsen and
Friis will accompany President Barroso to visit Vestas in Skejby and the Aarhus City Hall.
All of it will put Aarhus on the map.
The theme of the conference is talent development, under the heading Investing Today in
Talent for Tomorrow. See the Aarhus University & EUA conference brochure
José Manuel Barroso is President of the European Commission and will be giving a talk at
Aarhus University in connection with the European University Association. His speech, as
well as the Danish Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen’s speech will be streamed live to
our office (Pakhus 13, Nordhavnsgade 4, Aarhus City) on Friday 15 April from 3 pm to
4.30 pm. Business Aarhus and International Community invites you for an informal cup
of coffee and an Easter egg whilst watching. Participation is free but sign up is necessary
to mail@erhvervaarhus.dk
The week ahead is a most favoured break and Holiday, the religious Easter Holiday, and
in addition a fine spring time, hopefully! - The Lutheran (Protestant) church and the
Catholic church celebrate Easter from this Sunday, Palm Sunday ( 15 April ) through
Monday 2nd Easter Day (25 April). Mon-Tue-Wednesday are ordinary weekdays, but a lot
of Danes plan these to be included into their Easter Holiday. Shops are open and business
is as usual. But expect more life / traffic in the streets, more exhibitions - time for
gardening and also for art exhibitions, markets etc. etc.
The Christian / Religious days are Thursday, Skærtorsdag, Maundy Thursday and Friday,
Langfredag, Good Friday are quiet days. Expect most shops to be closed. Saturday is
again business as usual. But Sunday, First Easter Day, 1. Påskedag and Monday, 2. Easter
Day, 2. Påskedag - again you can expect most shops will be closed. Except for
entertainment places, garden markets and bakeries. And there will be Church
services most of the holy days, and could be interesting and good for you to attend to
understand some of our church's message about Jesus Christ's death and resurrection.
Church services are normally 10 am, can be looked up on the internet or see them posted
outside the churches.
Several concerts will be taking place, see details below. - One is Swedish Stefan Solyom,
four Soloists, and a big choir perform Mozart’s Requiem. The audience can also enjoy
Poulenc’s beautiful Gloria with sopranos, choir and orchestra. The concerts take place
Thursday 14 April at 7.30 pm at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset, and Friday 15 April at 7.30
pm at Aarhus Domkirke. Tickets for purchase at www.billetlugen.dk
Thursday 14 April Herning Boy Choir will be singing Easter hymns and selected works by
Britten, Mozart and Händel. Tickets are 50 kr. per person and available at the entrance.
The concert is at 7.30pm at Skelagervej 49, Aarhus N, more details in Danish on
This coming Saturday The Old Town, Den Gamle By, in Aarhus center launches its many
interesting Easter activities e.g. treasure hunt, egg painting, new exhibitions like the
underground art chamber and so much more. The town is open every day from 10 am to
5 pm during Easter. Remember the great advantages you get when you sign up for a
membership. (There is no entrance fee for visitors below the age of 18). For more details in
Danish only go to www.dengamleby.dk.
At Easter, Danes have many traditions of celebrations, which includes Easter Lunch. It is
similar to traditions like Christmas lunch, julefrokost. Many of you might have heard of or
tried it. According to tradition and probably also the expectations of the guests there are a
lot of things one should serve for an Easter party. For lunch gatherings the host often
serves herring, shrimps, salmon, eggs and snaps or a special Easter brew (or more), which
is often sold by the brewers before and during the holiday. Following tradition the Easter
dinner often includes lambs. Eating Lamb is said to be an ancient Christian tradition in
which the lamb was perceived as a symbol of Jesus. A lamb symbolizes the sacrifice Jesus
made, he gave his life for our sins even though he himself was innocent – you could say he
was like a sacrificial lamb. The lamb is often also associated with Spring. they on one hand
help people in Denmark to think about what have happened to the Japanese people and
on the other hand letting the Japanese know that their countrymen abroad and other
nations do sympathize with them and want to support them. - Come and help them raise a
fair amount by buying Japanese beer, sushi, artworks etc., which have been donated.
When it comes to sweets, egg-shaped chocolate and marzipan are favorites of the holiday,
especially among children who love to go on egg hunts during Easter. Other pleasure of
the holiday is the fact that one can enjoy the beautiful flowers of the season. Easter is in the
Spring and there are a number of lovely flowers usually associated with Easter. The
flowers begin to sprout in late winter - and because Easter usually falls between the
middle of March and the middle of April you can often pick fresh Easter flowers at this
time of year. The three most common Easter flowers are Easter lilies, snowdrops and
fall in April and May, where one can expect very young people coming to Aarhus City by
the crowds. In fact there will be thousands of teenagers, who on the Sundays will be
confirmed. It is a serious happening for the families, who go ahead and celebrate this
occasion. It means special confirmation services at the churches first, followed by big and
nice family parties. And then the Danish tradition is that the day after on the Monday the
whole group of confirmed teenagers celebrate by going to Aarhus (or other attractive
places!) Such a Monday is called Blue Monday and you will certainly notice them
downtown as the youngsters will be in groups, making and having fun! There are some
45,000 of them this year!
This event was announced a couple of weeks ago, where Japanese exchange students and
International Centre invited everyone to the charity bar for Japan 1 April. they on one
hand help people in Denmark to think about what have happened to the Japanese people
and on the other hand letting the Japanese know that their countrymen abroad and other
nations do sympathize with them and want to support them. - Come and help them raise a
fair amount by buying Japanese beer, sushi, artworks etc., which have been donated. Japanese characters and plenty of Origami birds decorated the Dale T. Mortensen Building
(DTM Bldg. 1650), and some 500 to 600 people visited the bar. The collected DKK 22,000
are via Red Cross sent for the victims of the catastrophe in Japan. One of the organizers
Moemi Nagasaki gives her thank you to all who helped raise this amount, in Japanese:
Otsukaresama deshita!
For one and a half year the Japanese Garden, ‘Small Japan’ 10 KM north of Aarhus has
been closed. Now a new owner, Edokoi, reopens the garden Thursday 21 April. It is well
worth a visit. Lille Japan, ‘small Japan’, Randersvej 397 (right after the village, Lisbjerg).
This year is one of the few birthdays that the Danish Queen Margrethe II is leaving
Copenhagen and taking residence at Marselisborg Castle. – It is a very opportunity to get
very close to the Royal Family, because everyone is invited into the Castle Garden from 11
am – and better be early. There will the Royal Guards to watch, music and then at 12 sharp
the Royal Family comes out on the garden entrance to the castle. The queen and her family
will be very close – and surprisingly enough not much security. If you like this kind of
event, go and enjoy it. Best when the sun shines..
At the Concert Hall it is to sign up for this club, and then receive on email whenever some
performance is reduced to half price.
Be careful as the prices vary a lot. A young man, Mark Andersen started his own website
in order to help first himself and then also future drivers-to-be. Unfortunately, only in
Danish, but hopefully useful anyway, as many of you are taking Danish classes. The
website is: www.køreskoleportalen.dk
Thursday 14 March
12 noon to 6 pm Beer Festival, Ølfestival at Supermarket Salling in the city centre, more
than 50 different kinds of beer, free to taste.
2.30 Watch the Royal twins be baptized on television, more details above.
4 pm to 6 pm Julie Vestergaard Nissen – Indie at Kafé K at the Women’s Museum,
Kvindemuseet, Domkirkepladsen 5, free.
7.30 pm Concert with Herning Boys’ Choir. Easter songs, and some by Britten, Mozart and
Händel in Skelager Kirke, church, Skelagervej 49, Aarhus N. Tickets at the door or reserve
them on skelager.sogn@km.dk
7.30 pm Chamber Music Festival with the Royal Academy of Music, classic at the Concert
Hall, Musikhuset, free.
7.30 Aarhus Symphony Orchestra with soloists and choir – Poulenc’s ‘Gloria’ and Mozart’s
Requiem at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset, tickets DKK235 or less.
7.30 pm Violin Evening with the Royal Academy of Music, classic at the Concert Hall,
Musikhuset, free.
8 pm The Royal Academy’s Girls’ Choir – classical choir singing at Sct. Paul’s Church, Sct.
Pauls Kirke, details in Danish: http://www.djm-pigekor.dk/ - Tickets DKK50, buy at the door
from 7.30 pm.
Friday 15 April
1 pm to 7 pm Beer Festival, Ølfestival at Supermarket Salling in the city centre, more than
50 different kinds of beer, free to taste.
7 pm Chamber Music Festival with the Royal Academy of Music, classic at the Concert
Hall, Musikhuset, free.
7.30 pm Aarhus Symphony Orchestra and soloists and choir – Poulenc’s ‘Gloria’ and
Mozart’s Requiem’ at Aarhus Cathedral, Aarhus Domkirke, Store Torv, Big Square
DKK150 or less, tickets at the door, come early.
7.30 pm ‘All you need is love’ – Beatles - a tribute concert at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset.
Tickets DKK400 or less.
Saturday 16 April
10 am to 2 pm Brunch at the new gourmet multi food house Malling og Schmidt (the
restaurant previously situated in Jægergaardsgade now opening Saturday 16 April at
Grenåvej 127 in Risskov. Table reservation necessary on info@mallingschmidt.dk or tel.
11 am Marselisborg Castle’s Garden, Slotshaven, opens to the public, who wants to
celebrate the Her Majesty, the Queen Margrethe II on Her Birthday. More details above.
2 pm to 10 pm Melodica Festival – singersongfestival, Løve’s Bog- og Vincafé, Book- and
Wine Café, Nørregade 32, Aarhus C, free.
2.30 pm Tina Slet, Tine Lilholt and Knud Erik Thrane and the Music Club Kucheza in
Aabyhøj Kirke, Church, Silkeborgvej 290, free
3 pm to 2 am Tunø Festival, the Island Tunø, off the coast a little south of Aarhus, a PreAnniversary event at Ridehuset, Vester Allé 1, across the street from the City Hall,
Admission DKK40.
7.30 Chamber Music Festival with the Royal Academy of Music – classic at the Concert
Hall, Musikhuset, free.
8 pm A Friend in London – Melody Grand Prix winner at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset,
Tickets DKK170.
Sunday 17 April
2 pm Songs and Ballads at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset at the Café, free.
2 pm to 10 pm Melodica Festival – singersongfestival at Løves Bog- og Vincafé, Book and
Wine Café, Nørregade 32, Aarhus C, free.
3 pm Censor Talk for the Artists Easter Exhibition at Aarhus Art Building, Kunstbygning,
J.M. Mørks Gade 13, Aarhus C, admission DKK
3 pm Guitar Matiné with the Royal Academy of Music at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset,
4 pm Easter Concert. J.S. Bach’s Cantata and the Chapentiers ‘Litanies de la Vierge with
soloists and Aarhus baroque choir at Ellevang Kirke, church, Jellebakken 42, Risskov,
tickets at the door DDK50.
4 pm Lise Petersen and her Quartet – Easter songs at Fredenskirken, Church, Rosenvangs
Allé 51, Tickets at the door DKK30.
7.30 pm Jutland’s Academic Choir, Jysk Akademisk Kor – first performance of Easter play
at Sct. Mark’s Church, Sct. Markus Kirke, free.
8 pm Concert: gambe player Siegfried Pank and more play works by J.S. Bach – classic.
Organized by the Bach Society at Our Lady’s Church, Vor Frue Kirke, Vestergade 21,
Aarhus C, Tickets at the door DKK100/ DKK80.
Monday 18 April
3 pm and 7.30 Saxophone Festival with the Royal Academy of Music at the Concert Hall,
Musikhuset, free.
5 pm After work Concert – Easter from Palm Sunday to Easter Day at Risskov Kirke,
church, Solbakken 2, Risskov, free.
Tuesday 19 April
7.30 pm Aarhus Bach Society, Aarhus Cathedral Cantori with soloists – J.S. Bach’s ‘Sct.
John’s Passion’ at the Aarhus Cathedral, buy tickets at the door DDK130.
Next week a smaller update. As you may be out of Aarhus, I better wish you a Happy
Best wishes for the coming days!
Venlig hilsen / Best regards
Gitte Haahr-Andersen
UIC Organiser
International Centre
Aarhus University
Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 4, bldg. 1650
DK-8000 Århus C
Phone: +45 3069 8483
Email: GHA@adm.au.dk
Thursday 20 April 2011
Note: First a little about spring, some about Easter repeated from last week with reduced
text, then after Easter arrangements and last the calendar with specific suggestions for
each day of the Easter Holiday.
Dear Internationals,
It is Easter, it is Holiday and it is Spring time.
The weather forecast is incredible promising and therefore we all for example have maybe
no excuse for not getting outside and appreciate nature.
Fresh air is good to the mind, the health in general! Maybe enjoy the meals outside, have a
picnic or get started to take walks or runs in the woods. – Or take advantage of the great
outdoor fitness places, in Riisskov with great views of the bay! A time to take up great
passions – can also include gardening, whenever Easter is so nice and warm.
Temperatures around 18-20 C can be expected!
Aarhus has Riisskov to the north and Marselisborg forests to the south, any one of these
are perfect for outdoor activities. Furthermore, do not forget to notice the floor of the
woods, which very many places will be like a carpet of the beautiful, fragile flower by the
thousands, the Anemone. - It is perfectly alright to pick a bouquet to cherish your home
and remind you of the great time you spent outdoor! fitness, great views of the Aarhus
Bay and flowers in addition - go for it!
Also eatable is the young, light green leaves of our National tree, the Beech, make a salad
or fill your sandwich. Another thing to cook with is in Riisskov you will soon be amazed
by the strong smell of onions. This is Rams-Løg, Allium Ursinum, the wood garlic, which
is nice and tasty. Feel free to take some, great in soups and stews, and yesterday I heard
someone mention it is excellent to make pesto with.
Keep in mind the coming weeks and months that Denmark has coasts all around the land.
Therefore, the weather will change – especially the wind will be noticeable. Be prepared to
get your share every day the sun shines, and store the good memories when the days are
grey or rainy. Danes like the changes. They may not always realize this. But taken from
years’ experience, it is concluded, because when it is cold Danes long for warm, sunny
days. And then when the warm (hot) days come during summer, you will all too soon
hear, now it is almost too much, we need the rain for the gardens, the parks etc. The advice
is: take as it comes! It happens anyway, your attitude is what makes the difference. After
all the weather changes also give way for a lot discussions among us all! Always safe as a
topic to turn to when you need a change in some kind of not so favourable conversation.
The week ahead is a most favoured break and Holiday, the religious Easter Holiday, and in addition a fine spring time,
hopefully! - The Lutheran (Protestant) church and the Catholic church celebrate Easter from this Sunday, Palm Sunday (
15 April ) through Monday 2nd Easter Day (25 April). Mon-Tue-Wednesday are ordinary weekdays, but a lot of Danes
plan these to be included into their Easter Holiday. Shops are open and business is as usual. But expect more life /
traffic in the streets, more exhibitions - time for gardening and also for art exhibitions, markets etc. etc.
The Christian / Religious days are Thursday, Skærtorsdag, Maundy Thursday and Friday, Langfredag, Good Friday are
quiet days. Expect most shops to be closed. Saturday is again business as usual. But Sunday, First Easter Day, 1.
Påskedag and Monday, 2. Easter Day, 2. Påskedag – you can again you expect most shops to be closed. Except for
entertainment places, restaurants, garden markets and bakeries. And there will be Church services most of the holy days,
and could be interesting and good for you to attend to understand some of our church's message about Jesus Christ's
death and resurrection. Church services are normally 10 am, can be looked up on the internet or see them posted outside
the churches.
At Easter, Danes have many traditions of celebrations, which includes Easter Lunch. It is similar to traditions like
Christmas lunch, julefrokost. Many of you might have heard of or tried it. According to tradition and probably also the
expectations of the guests there are a lot of things one should serve for an Easter party. For lunch gatherings the host
often serves herring, shrimps, salmon, eggs and snaps or a special Easter brew (or more), which is often sold by the
brewers before and during the holiday. Following tradition the Easter dinner often includes lambs. Eating Lamb is said
to be an ancient Christian tradition in which the lamb was perceived as a symbol of Jesus. A lamb symbolizes the
sacrifice Jesus made, he gave his life for our sins even though he himself was innocent – you could say he was like a
sacrificial lamb. These days the lamb is most often simply associated with Spring!
This coming Saturday The Old Town, Den Gamle By, in Aarhus center launches its many interesting Easter
activities e.g. treasure hunt, egg painting, new exhibitions like the underground art chamber and so much
more. The town is open every day from 10 am to 5 pm during Easter. Remember the great advantages you
get when you sign up for a membership. (There is no entrance fee for visitors below the age of 18). For more
details in Danish only go to www.dengamleby.dk.
For one and a half year the Japanese Garden, ‘Small Japan’ 10 KM north of Aarhus has been closed. Now a new owner,
Edokoi, reopens the garden Thursday 21 April. It is well worth a visit. Lille Japan, ‘small Japan’, Randersvej 397 (right
after the village, Lisbjerg).
Some 1000 pages in English will provide information about Aarhus Municipality in
English for all newcomers to the city. It will be very helpful to look into before arriving
and useful when living here. See details on www.aarhus.dk/english. Much of the
information is taken from the Business Region Aarhus’ new English website. Look into the
Business Region Aarhus, which also offer some free tickets to the museums and the like.
AFTER EASTER for your calendar:
After Easter we take two small excursions. First to Church of Our Lady, Vor Frue Kirke. Note the
meeting place and time. Next to Marselisborg Castle Park follows on 4 May from 3 pm to 5 pm.
If changes occur, they will appear on the UIC Website:
UIC website www.au.dk/uic :
Guided tour of the Church of Our Lady, Vor Frue Kirke, and the former Domonican Convent- From the Viking Age to
the Art of Per Kirkeby by Associate Professor Hans Jørgen Frederiksen, Department of Aesthetic Studies, Faculties of
Time: 10 am - approx. 12 noon.
Place: Meet at the Main Door at Our Lady's Church, Vor Frue Kirke in Vestergade, Århus C. Please be punctual!
The Festival of Research is celebrated by Aarhus University in the Lakeside Lecture Theatres and at venues in Emdrup,
Roskilde, Årslev, Foulum, Silkeborg and Herning. Read more (in Danish only) below. [>>]
Friday 29 April from noon this year's AU boat race takes place on the lake in the University Park. One of the biggest
Nordic student events where 10 to 20,000 spectators again are expected to gather and cheer in support of the teams.
More next week.
From 1 pm Tuesday 26 April you can buy tickets to the Cake Day at the City Hall. Here 12 Aarhus bakers and
confectioners will Tuesday 10 May donate some 7,000 cakes, all benefits go to the Children’s Cancer Association.
Wednesday 20 March
3 pm Scandinavian Saxophone Festival by the Royal Academy of Music at the Concert
Hall, Musikhuset, free.
7.30 pm Scandinavian Saxophone Festival by the Royal Academy of Music at the Concert
Hall, Musikhuset, free.
Thursday 21 March – Maundy Day
10 am Church services – look into the specific church you want to attend, often posted
10 am to 4 pm Easter Holiday activities at the DGI-Huset, admission DKK50. Address:
Værk-mestergade 17, Aarhus C (next to the Shopping Centre Bruuns Galleri)
12 noon to 5 pm Visit the Old Mill, Skovmøllen, close to Moesgaard Museum, buy fresh
flour - or just try on open fire to bake rolls, snobrød, fun for families, free.
1 pm Danish Operetta at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset, at the Café, free.
Friday 22 April – Good Friday
10 am to 4 pm Easter Holiday activities at the DGI-Huset, admission DKK50. Address:
Værkmestergade 17, Aarhus C (next to Bruuns Galleri)
10 am Church services – look into the specific church you want to attend as Easter is
special, often posted outside.
12 noon to 5 pm Visit the Old Mill, Skovmøllen, close to Moesgaard Museum, buy fresh
flour - or just try on open fire to bake rolls, snobrød, fun for families, free.
14.15 pm Jeanette Mikkelsen performs with some of her songs ‘Escaping Every Day’ at the
Concert Hall at the Café, free.
10 pm to 11 pm ‘Music in the Dark’ by Francois Couperins ‘Lecons de ténèbre’ Anna
Maria Wierød (soprano), Estrid Molt Ipsen (mezzo) and Carsten Seyer-Hansen (organ) at
Aarhus Cathedral, Aarhus Domkirke, free.
Saturday 23 April
8 am to 2 pm Open Air Farmers’ Market on Ingerslev Boulevard – combine it with the 20
min.s concert 12 noon at the Sct. Luke’s Church across the street – there is also an Art
10.30 Tourist Church Service and guided tour of Our Lady’s Church, Vor Frue Kirke in
Vestergade, starting with coffee and rounding up with sandwich and beer/soft drink, free.
If possible sign up on stigma@thiassen.com eller phone 86121243.
4 pm Big Monster Truck & Stunt Show (car & motorbike show) on the parking lot at
Vejlby-Risskov Gym, Vejlby Centervej (bus 11 and more). Admission.
Sunday 24 April – Easter Day
On Easter Day it is the Danish tradition to give Easter eggs – chocolate eggs it is!
10 am Church services – look into the specific church you want to attend as Easter is
special, often posted outside.
12 noon to 5 pm Visit the Old Mill, Skovmøllen, close to Moesgaard Museum, buy fresh
flour - or just try on open fire to bake rolls, snobrød, fun for families, free.
1 pm Alex Jønsson, guitarist at the Concert Hall at the Café, free.
Monday 25 April, 2. Easter Day
From 9.30 the sports club Aarhus Fremad Atletik organizes a run 5 or 10 KM around the
Egaa Engsø, wetlands, which is close to Lystrupvej, more details in Danish on
www.aarhusfremad.com – take bus 9 or others, 5 KM from Nobelparken/AU. Start:
Parking lot on Viengevej 7. DKK90.
10 am Church services – look into the specific church you want to attend as Easter is
special, often posted outside.
12 noon to 5 pm Visit the Old Mill, Skovmøllen, close to Moesgaard Museum, buy fresh
flour - or just try on open fire to bake rolls, snobrød, fun for families, free.
1 pm Rythmic pianist Simon Eskildsen at the Concert Hall, free.
2 pm Easter Gospel by Rejoice and Young Gospel Voices at Betlehemskirken, a church,
Hjarnøgade 1, Århus C, free.
Much more is happening at the Art Museum ARoS, the Aarhus Kunstbygning (Center for
Contemporary Art), Moesgaard Museum, Tivoli, look into it – also all the shopping
options – and especially to all of you:
Happy Easter! Best regards,Gitte
May 2011
Dear Internationals,
Wednesday the excursion to Our Lady’s Church, Vor Frue Kirke, took place. And taken
from the engaged conversation among the participants a great success. Some 33
participants (including small Dominque) found time to join. The fabulous weather made it
an easy walk to get downtown by foot or by bike and during the tour also added to
appreciate the cloister courtyard with some of the archway still in place much better.
Associate Professor Hans Jørgen Frederiksen had limited time to guide us through no less
than three different churches, parts of the previous Dominican Cloister. From outside in
the street one has no idea of the existence of the cloister yard with archways still
preserved, among other remnants.
The UIC tour started out with the Viking Church, the crypt church, which is downstairs under Our Lady’s Church. From around 930 AD here was a wood church, which burned
down and gave way for the existing Sct. Nikolai Crypt Church, often named the Viking
Church. It dates back to 1060 and is the oldest building in Scandinavia. The church room
was by accident closed off and only by chance rediscovered in 1956. Since then it has been
of much interest and in use on special occasions, for example for weddings. Back upstairs
in Our Lady’s Church we were introduced to the Altar piece. It is a masterpiece by
woodcarver Claus Berg from Odense, and made in the early 1500 century. It is well worth
a study. It illustrates the Golgatha scene, the Easter message, surrounded by medieval
townspeople with clothing and weapons from those days. These two churches can freely
be visited daily, except when services take place.
The Cloister Church and the Monks’ Room require special appointment, access is via the
cloister courtyard. In the Cloister Church are some interesting and elaborate murals,
depicting religious figures, but also commoners’ lives. The glass mosaic above the altar is
by Per Kirkeby, and when you have seen the huge ceiling painting, 400 sq. Meter, also by
Per Kirkeby in the Lakeside Theater on AU Campus (Building 1253), you get a broader
and deeper understanding of the altar piece in the cloister. Both art pieces work around
the same theme, death and life, no picture of God only the vivid light in the top of the
picture, is the closest the artist ‘would dare to paint God’.
– The refreshments and social entertainment was enjoyed in the Monks’ Room and here
we finished off the tour, leaving up to the individual to take a closer look into the
churches, before returning to work or leisure.
.. Next week another excursion is coming up. A tour of the Marselisborg Castle Park, more
on www.au.dk/uic and further information in the Monday UIC Mail.
Below now follows some information of general interest, notice the Spousecare course
offered for those of you who are seeking a job, takes place 11 May, but sign up before 4
This Friday is full of activities on AU Campus with both the Annual AU Boat Race and the
AU Festival of Research, see details below.
Do not miss the annual Aarhus University Boat Race, which takes place this Friday 29
April from noon on the lake in the University Park. One of the biggest Nordic student
events where about 15,000 spectators again are expected to gather and to cheer in support
of the teams. The contest is about winning the Golden Cymbals, De gyldne Laurbær!
The AU Boat Race started in the 90ies as a race between the medicine students and the
dentist students. Today, teams represent the major part of the AU schools and the
competition is not alone in the water, but also depends on, which team puts on the
greatest presentation show. Overall, the boat race is a spectacular show, which is
recommended to go and see. The Race starts 2 pm, but preparations will be underway
long before this. And come early to get a seat with a comfortable view of the race. You
could consider bringing your lunch and a blanket and enjoy the show!
How can a seal show affection? Where are our better halves? And what happens in our
brain when we are totally beside ourselves of infatuation? Those are some of the topics at
this year's Research Day at which love as a theme is considered from all possible angles,
from philosophical reflection on morality to theoretical estimates of the social and
economic consequences of our love life and to laws that determine attraction and pairing.
The Festival of Research at Aarhus University is on 29 April and the event takes place at
the Lakeside Lecture Theatres on campus. Experience the speed lectures, workshops,
experiments and exhibitions about love in all its forms. It's free to join and everyone is
welcome, so bring family and friends on 29 April at 1pm to 6pm and enjoy the exciting
presentation of today’s research and the cozy café like ambience. Read more on follow the
link to read more (in Danish only) [>>]
Wednesday 11 May two events take place, first from 10.30 am to 1.30 pm a course
about job search, see below and from 2 pm to 4 pm an Informal Meeting in Dale’s Café
Course: Job Search & Starting Your Own Business
Date: Wednesday, 11 May 2011 - 10:30 am. until 1.30 pm.
It is hard work looking for a job, and especially in a new country. Therefore we are happy
to invite you to a workshop with focus on job search in Denmark. For those of you who
dream of starting your own business, the course will give you a short introduction.
The course will take place at: International Centre, Aarhus University, Høegh-Guldbergs
Gade 4, Bldg 1650, 8000 Aarhus C – Meeting Room 2. After the course we will serve a
light lunch. Details and registration.
Contact person: Lotte Skovborg, tel. 8942 .. los@adm.au.dk
After the Job Course there will be INFORMAL MEETING IN THE DALE’S CAFÉ – from 2
pm to 4 pm – open for everybody!
The International Labour Day is this Sunday. Again, this year the day is celebrated
especially by socialists and mainly in the major cities. These days it means a nice
opportunity to meet with friends and family and enjoy each other. Sunday at 12 noon
speeches, songs, demonstrations and other events will take place at Rådhuspladsen, the City Hall
Square, downtown and continues at Tangkrogen (where Dalgas Avenue ends) at 2pm.
Torvedagskoncert, Open Market Concert, 30 April in Skt. Lukas Kirke, Sct. Luke’s Church on
Marselisborg Boulevard.
Every Saturday during the months March, April, October and November there are Market
Day Concerts at the church. The concerts begin at noon and lasts approx. 25 minutes. The
audience will experience a wide range of classical music, ranging from the Renaissance to
the present century. This coming Saturday is the last concert of this kind in the Spring
period. There is free admission and everyone is welcome. www.sktlukaskirke.dk
Vor Frue kirke 1 May
Enjoy a choir performance at Our Lady’s Church, Vor Frue Kirke, which we just had a
guided tour of. Sunday the Academic Choir, Akademisk Kor Aarhus, sing songs by Bo
Holten, Mäntyjärvi, Rautavarre and Francis Poulene at 8 pm in Our Lady’s Church, Vor
Frue Kirke. Tickets at the door, DKK50. See details on www.aarhusvorfrue.dk
Aarhus Concert Hall, Musikhus Aarhus 1 May
Aarhus Post Orchestra hosts a concert in the Lille Sal of the Musikhuset, the Concert Hall, to
welcome Spring time. The conductor is Jeppe Uggerhøj and the soloist is saxophonist Line
Skøtt Møbjer. It’s Sunday at 4pm and entrance is free. www.musikhusetaarhus.dk
Aarhus Domkirke 4 May
It is a tradition this time of the year to invite talented organ students from The Royal
Academy of Music to present their exam program including, Wednesday 4 May there will
be music by Max Reger and more. Starts at 5pm, 1 hr. www.aarhus-domkirke.dk, free.
Spring Concert in Sankt Lukas Church May 4th
Every year on 4 May at 7.30 pm spring concert in the church crypt has become a tradition. On the
program is Danish poetry and music. Sankt Lukas Kirke, St. Luke's Church, choir and soloist Lars
Thodberg Bertelsen perform and John Wedell Horsner directs. Free. www.sktlukaskirke.dk
4 May is still a day to commemorate. In the evening 4 May 1945 the freedom message was
transmitted by BBC in London. Spontaneously, people lit candles to show in the dark. A
strong symbol to lift the dark curtains and let the candles be seen! Now we in Denmark
have been privileged to live in peace for decades, which is worth to stop up and
appreciate. For we know well that it is not something that can be taken for granted
everywhere in the world! Lit candles in the windows can still be seen – and maybe we
together should take up the tradition and make Aarhus City brighter!
Experience the budding beech and the beautiful anemones. Everybody is invited to join 16 KM long
nature hike this coming Saturday departing together by bus 112 from Aarhus Bus terminal at 9.10
am. The participants will take the bus (number 115) back after the hike at 15.28 or 16.28 with the
hike leaders Jan Peder Hansen 86282643 and Henrik Smith-Hansen 50540348.
Since January 2011 the company Østjysk Auction APS has continued the business
previously known as the Police Auctions. The next auction will be held on 30 April 2011 at
11am. The doors are open from 10 am. Bikes, furniture, jewelry, furniture etc. will be at the
auction. Note: you can only pay with credit card (Dankort) and cash. More details in
Danish on www.hittegodsauktion.dk
Address: Østjysk Auktion Aps, Kringelled 6, 8250 Egaa. Tel: 50577866, road instructions
on the website, in Danish ‘kørselsvejledning’..
Bus number 100 and 120 should take you there from the bus terminal downtown.
Thursday 28 April
7.30 Piano Evening by the Royal Academy of Music at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset, free.
8 pm Anders Borbye plays his guitar at Fairbar, Nørre Allé 66, Aarhus C, free.
10 pm Late Night Contemporary: Aarhus Sinfonietta – Classical at the Concert Hall,
Musikhuset, Tickets DKK80.
Friday 29 April
1 pm to 6 pm AU Festival of Research on AU Campus, see details above (or on AU
2 pm to 5 pm Annual AU Boat Race, see details above (or on AU website)
5 pm to 8 pm ‘You are making: Kunst (art) – paint an artist, live! At Aarhus Kunstbygning,
J.M. Mørks Gade 13, admission.
Saturday 30 April
8 am to 2 pm Open Air Farmers’ Market on Ingerslev Boulevard – combine it with the 25
min.s concert 12 noon at the Sct. Luke’s Church across the street. Note: the last spring
concert, see details above.
9.10 am Join the Good 16 KM Hike, first by bus to the wood, see more details above. Free,
1 pm to 4 pm Fair Trade Denmark – mini fair at Aros Art Museum, Aros Allé 2, free
2 pm till midnight RAMA Festival 2011 by the Royal Academy of Music, all genres of
music at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset, for free.
Sunday 1 May
10 am to 4 pm Free Great Grand Play day for the whole family at DGI-huset on
Værkmestergade 17, Aarhus C. Try the jumping cushion on which 300 children can jump
at the same time!
12 noon Labour Day is celebrated at the City Hall Square, Rådhuspladsen, see some more
details above
12 noon to 5 pm the Old Mill works. Try a brisk walk or bike ride through the
Marselisborg Forests to visit the Old Mill, Skovmøllen, close to Moesgaard Museum. Fresh
flour for sale. You can also choose bus 6 out there and look into the great exhibitions at
Moesgaard Museum, right now a lot of focus is on a special exhibitions about the Vikings!
Admission to the museum.
4 pm Aarhus Post gives a free Spring Concert at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset, free.
4 pm Play games, spilaften, at Studenterhus Aarhus, Ndr. Ringgade 3 on AU Campus,
5 pm to 8 pm Jan Harbeck Quartet plays jazz at Aarhus Kunstbygning, house of
contemporary art, on J.M. Mørks Gade 13. Tickets DKK110.
8.00 pm Academic Choir sing at Our Lady’s Church, Vor Frue Kirke, more details above.
Tickets at the door DKK50.
7.30 pm Song Soiré by the Royal Academy of Music at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset, free.
Monday 2 May
7.30 pm Chamber Concert by the Royal Academy of Music at the Concert Hall,
Musikhuset, free.
Much more is happening at the Art Museum ARoS, the Aarhus Kunstbygning (Center for
Contemporary Art), Moesgaard Museum, Tivoli, look into it – also all the shopping
options – and especially to all of you:
Wednesday 4 May
Denmark commemorate its regain of freedom after WWII, more details above.
5 pm Organ Concert at Aarhus Cathedral, see more details above. Free.
7.30 pm Spring Concert in the church crypt has become a tradition, Focus on Danish poetry and
music. More details above. Free.
With this week’s selection of things to get to know about or things to do in greater
Aarhus area the best wishes for your weekend!
Venlig hilsen / Best regards
Gitte Haahr-Andersen
UIC Organiser
International Centre
Aarhus University
Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 4, bldg. 1650
DK-8000 Århus C
Web: www.au.dk/ic
Phone: +45 3069 8483
Email: GHA@adm.au.dk
Thursday 26 May 2011
Note. At the Art Museum Aros Your Rainbow Panorama artwork opens Saturday 28 May,
Spot Festival, Aarhus Organ Festival and how about spending an evening in paradise,
Invitation to sign up to international it--‐charity event in Aarhus, Denmark, and much
more of general interest - furthermore, into next week are World Images, Verdensbilleder,
on Mon-Tue- and special focus day Wednesday. At the very bottom you find the specific
weekend suggestions.
Dear Internationals,
Yesterday the excursion to Marselisborg Castle Park, Marselisborg Slotspark, took place.
And yes, the weather was full of surprises. It shifted from cloudy to bright, warm
sunshine, and even by end of the tour a few minutes rain/ hail shower. But looking back
the overall impression was a beautiful, friendly 2 hours walk in the some 32 acre park.
Landscaping Architect Jørgen Vinter Høgsted started out on behalf of the Aarhus City to
welcome all of us to the Marselisborg Castle. Høsted is the city coordinator and contact
person to the Royal Castle with respect to the park (e.g. more meetings each summer with
the Queen). Since 1974 the agreement between the Queen and the Aarhus City has existed
e.g. the park is open to the public, whenever the Royal family is not in residence and in
return the city maintain the park and garden. It is a tourist magnet, which on fine days has
some 7-8000 visitors come to enjoy the park. Three gardeners work year-round in the
The palace is the smallest of all the Queen’s castles – and one could claim that it is not
much more than a large summer house, but there are 2,600 sq. meter (like 12 nice Danish
homes!), which are divided into 47 rooms.
Small or large, Marselisborg Castle is a very popular place for the Royal family to live, as
they come here at least 4-5 times a year. Perhaps because of the very intimate atmosphere
the house has to offer. Placed in the beautiful landscape, the park and next to the
Memorial Park, Mindeparken – and from the main level providing a superb view from the
main level, with clear sky you can see more than 50 KM.
The park was originally in the English style with large lawns surrounded by trees, with
small lakes and low, wooded hills. A piece of friendly nature, originally created by
Princess Alexandrine back in 2001 in collaboration with garden designer L. Chr.
Diedrichsen. - Today, the Queen has changed the park to a large extent and not only
suggesting her visions, but also been responsible for drawing up her plans. And thereby
the Queen has given the garden a more baroque touch.
On our tour we walked around the castle, starting with the east side, then admired the
south window, the living room, which is full of glass art works. From inside the castle the
view is toward a piece of wildnerness, much favoured by the Queen as also the sculpture
of the Gazelle, which is placed in an opening in the wood surrounding the park. From
here we were guided up westward and passed under a beautiful hop archway which led
into a paved area with fountain and sculptures in the herb garden, an interesting
combination, and there were a cut garden, roses in abundance, 300 different kinds of roses
and a total of 700 roses in the garden! Further a most peaceful and lovely place at the lake,
fruit trees in the very back of the park with spire, Margarinelyst, which is from the
Margarine factory, Mønsted in Copenhagen!. Everywhere sculptures appeared, some
made by Prince Henrik, the Queen’s Husband. All beautifully arranged to be enjoyed from
different parts of the park or from inside the castle. Placed with care – giving us an idea of
how full of passion for good art both the Queen and Prince are. – For all of us to enjoy on
the careful guided tour. It was also manageable with 3 strollers in the group! So with this
summary – believe me – there are so much more that deserves as well to be included, I
thank each of you to join the guided tour, especially of course the Landscaping Architect
Høgsted for a fine day – and also hope to have passed on inspiration to more AU staff and
family members to get around to see for yourself what a grand place it is! And maybe
include when you have visitors in the days to come..
At the very bottom you can find a list of the artists, who are represented and a map of the
artworks’ position in the Marselisborg Castle Park.
4 May is still a day to commemorate. In the evening 4 May 1945 the freedom message was transmitted by BBC in London.
Spontaneously, people lit candles to show in the dark. A strong symbol to lift the dark curtains and let the candles be seen! Now we in
Denmark have been privileged to live in peace for decades, which is worth to stop up and appreciate. For we know well that it is not
something that can be taken for granted everywhere in the world! Lit candles in the windows can still be seen – and maybe we together
should take up the tradition and make Aarhus City brighter!
This text was brought last week, while writing up this UIC Newsletter (Wednesday
evening) the candles show beautifully in my windows and bring the message of peace in
Denmark! Today Thursday 66 years ago there was no end to the joy that filled our country along with the rest
of the world. Hardship e.g. building up what had been demolished was given little thought
compared with the sincere happiness because of the freedom message, which now allowed everyone
to move around – also after dusk!
It is a fine time to visit the Memorial Park – a 100 acre park - here in Aarhus to celebrate freedom,
spring – enjoy some of your leisure time there! It should be added that the Memorial Monument
was opened in 1934 and is the biggest of its kind in DK. When it opened the Royal family attended
as did the prime minister Th. Stauning, a great many notabilities, and some 50,000 citizens from all
the country.
The National Forest Day takes place in public and private forests across the country and is
organized by the Danish Forest Association and Nature Agency, Naturstyrelsen. The
National Forest Day is a day where you are encouraged to make picnic and try different
activities for all ages under guidance of forestry staff. The theme for 2011 is "The forest at
eye level" introducing topics like forest amphibians and reptiles and the forest seen from
children's perspective. There will be treeclimbing, woodcarving, how to detect wildlife
and much more. Time to enjoy your picnic, the barbeque will be ready to use. One of the
places where the day is observed from 10 am to 4 pm, west of Brabrand and close to
Aarhus is: Lundagergaard, True Wood (skov) in Skjoldhøjkilen between the roads
Skjoldhøjvej and Sintrupvej. Take Bus 14 to west end of Skjoldhøj Road and walk to
Lundagergård (farmstead). For other activities in this part of the country go to
www.naturstyrelsen.dk (in Danish only), note the warning below about the tick, skovflåt,
which is mainly in the woodlands.
2nd Sunday of May is Mother's Day. This tradition originates from USA where it first took
place in 1872. Later in 1929 it started in Denmark. It is celebrated by giving a bouquet of
flowers, some kind of gift or inviting out our mother, basically, finding ways to appreciate
her being your mother! Let the day serve as a reminder of taking time off to show affection
– in time!
In the Danish Lutheran Church, Folkekirken, parents bring their newborn to become
baptized = christened. And when the children become around 14 years old they go to
confirmations classes. To prepare the day where they can say their own ‘yes’ to what was
given them in the baptism.
Between Easter and Pentecost some 45,000 young people are expected to become confirmed in
Denmark. The confirmation takes place on a Sunday or a Holiday, this year mainly on 1, 8, 15, 20,
22 or 29 May. The confirmation is in the church, followed by a big party at home or at a restaurant.
This really a big event in a Danish family. Everything has to be right and it requires lots of
planning and detailed organizing. For example with respect to where the party should take place
(some places have to be reserved a couple of years in advance!), clothing, menu, invitations,
decorations, table settings, songs (DK has a rich tradition of making event songs, each family has
usually one or two song writers!), speeches, entertainment, gifts, nothing can be passed unnoticed!
The day after, the Monday is the so-called ‘Blue Monday’ – here the custom is that a whole school
class make an excursion, for example to visit Aarhus. This is very common for a lot of the newly
confirmed persons to tour Aarhus the whole Blue Monday. – If you are in the city you are sure to
see the youngsters who come in groups and very often make fun – but also at times become a bit
These days the young people easily receive some DKK25,000 as gifts from different relatives and
friends, besides other kinds of presents. - I noticed in the papers that banks, therefore, now offer
the young people up to 14% if they deposit the money in the bank! Not for lifetime though..
Thanks to Mohit and Tabu, who both kindly sent me information on this interesting
Indian Spring Mela (Fair) Saturday 14 May 2011 (Saturday) from 16.00- 20.00. If you want
to have a stall at the fair apply before 7 May.
This event will be oriented with some food stall (House wives will sell their cooking hobby
as food), Games stall (Volunteers will take charge of that) and some nice workshop
(Bollywood dance and song etc.). It is going to be a nice get together with authentic touch
of Indian Spring Festival. The participants can appreciate the Indian culture through
posters (Indian dance, attire, food etc.) hung on Festival day. The admission fees is 40
DKK with free entry to kids. The admission fees will be helpful to cover the venue cost as
well as for the gifts for various entertainment stuff (Games and workshop). The detailed
information can be found below
From 16 May Abilskou Bus Company opens a new daily bus trip to Hamburg. It leaves
Aarhus Bus Terminal at 12.15 pm - stops in Kolding, Flensburg and Hamburg airport –
before it arrives at Hamburg Main Railway Station at 5.15 pm. One way is DKK360 and a
round trip DKK600.
It is a Danish version of a flea market. And this Saturday you get a chance to make some
good bargains and interesting purchases downtown Aarhus, where the city's new trunk
market takes place on the Bishop’s Square, Bispetorv, Saturday 7 May from 10 am to 15.30
pm. Remember to bring cash!
Visiting the Old Town is a must for tourists, but also for great many citizens of Aarhus.
But parking has for long been a challenge. To ease this situation it has been permitted to
park 3 hours on the streets surrounding the Old Town.
Friday 06 May the circus show is on at 19 o'clock, Saturday and Sunday at 1pm and
4pm.This year's show includes, among other the duo Serjo from Russia who perform
acrobatics of absolute world class and the clown Totti Alexis from Spain who celebrates
his 25th season as Dannebrog clown. See more information and purchase tickets at
www.cirkusdannebrog.dk or order on telephone number 3026 3636. The show lasts two
hours and 20 minutes.
Don’t miss the Cake Day at the City Hall. On which 12 Aarhus bakers and confectioners will
donate some 50,000 cakes. The benefits go to the Children’s Cancer Association. The Cake Day is
a popular day, so help the Danes eat the many thousands of cakes and thereby support the
Cancer Foundation. DKK50 tickets can be purchased from the participating Aarhus
bakeries. You can find the list of bakeries, follow this link dette link – book any of the given
times of the afternoon: 1 pm, 3 pm or 4.30 pm, go to www.aarhusbagerlaug.dk (in Danish)
for more details.
There are not many dangerous animals in the Danish wildlife. But you should watch out
for a tiny one, the tick! A tick is a very small insect that feeds on blood from mammals.
They kind of look like a small, light brown spider. The ticks feed on small mammals such
as cats and hedgehogs, but also big ones such as deer and humans. It only needs a small
amount of blood to live, so that is not the problem. The crucial thing is it causes transfer of
disease(s) from one mammal to the other, from animals to humans. Ticks are known for
transferring paralysis and meningitis. The ticks live in chilly and moist areas, such as in
forests and or on grass patches. They are feeding May through September, so watch out
during this period. After walks in grass areas or in a forest, you should check yourself.
Especially look under your armpits and other places with thin skin. If you find a little
insect burrowed into your skin, do not panic. But see to have it carefully removed. Within
the first 24 hours, there is nearly no risk of getting infected. The best remove a tick by a
firm grip around its head with fine tweezers and slowly pull it out. At the pharmacy you
can buy special tweezers for this purpose and a tick-kit. After you have removed the tick,
watch out for any sign of fever, which could be a symptom of meningitis or any redness,
as a red circle where the tick was detected, could be a sign of paralysis. For your own
safety, take contact with your GP!
Thursday 5 May
All day Denmark commemorate its regain of freedom after WWII – a fine day to visit
the Memorial Park, see some information about the park above
7 pm Take a walk with the Aarhus Fodslaw, a free hike group, meet at Møllevangsskolen,
Public School, at bus stop 4, free to join.
7.30 Spring Concert with Ann Sofie Oxenvad, Brabrand Kirke, Church, Engdalsvej 2,
Brabrand, free.
7.30 pm Piano Evening at the Royal Academy of Music, Skovgaardsgade 2C, Århus C,
next to the Concert Hall, Musikhuset, free
7.30 pm Todbjerg & Mejlby Choir perform some works by Liszt in Mejlby Kirke, Mejlby
Church, free
Friday 6 May
10 am to 5 pm a unique book sale at the Main Library, Hovedbiblioteket, Mølleparken,
Århus C (also Saturday)
4 pm to 7 pm Open Day Programme at Kalø Golf Klub, Århusvej 32, Rønde,
www.proarkgolf.dk, sign up on telephone 57538841 or on pgk@proarkgolf.dk
Saturday 7 May
10 am - 2 pm A unique book sale at the Main Library, Hovedbiblioteket, Mølleparken,
Århus C
10 am - 3 pm Street Flea Market on Kildehøjen, Risskov, free
10.30 Trunk Sale, Bagagerumssalg on Bishop’s Square, Bispetorvet, see details above
12 noon Secondhand Bazar at Studenterhus Aarhus, Ndr. Ringgade 3, free
2 pm - 3 pm The Vivo Choir performs at Moesgaard Museum, free
3 pm - 5 pm Søstrene Grene, Sisters Grene’s Art Prize 2011 Event takes place at the
Concert Hall. www.kunstnerklubben.dk
Sunday 8 May
All day: Mother’s Day – see more details above!
All day: The National Forest Day – see more details above!
11 am Femina Women’s race in the Memorial Park, Mindeparken, next to Marselisborg
11 am - 5 pm ‘Support Japan’ organized by Japanese living in Aarhus, who sell Japanese
products, sell cakes and coffee at a café and more. All benefits will via Red Cross
International go to Japan. Takes place at Sct. Anna Gade Skole, Skt. Anna Gade 38, Aarhus
4.30 pm Pianist Elisabeth Westenholz plays works by Beethoven at Årslev Mark,
Balsgårdsvej 6, Brabrand, free
6 pm Sunday Salsa, søndagssalsa at the Studenterhus Aarhus, Ndr. Ringgade 3, admission
DKK 55/65
8.00 - 9.30 pm Vocal Group Concert Clemens and Professor Frieder Bernius from
Kammerchor Stuttgart give concert, choir music J. Brahms, F. Mendelssohn, M. Reger and
P. Cornelius in the Aarhus Cathedral. Buy tickets at the door, DKK75.
Monday 9 May
4 pm - 5.30 pm Introduction to Citizen Service, borger.dk at the Main Library,
Hovedbiblioteket, Mølleparken, free
7.30 pm Cassiopeia Choir performs at Aabyhøj Kirke, Church, Silkeborgvej, Aabyhøj,
Tickets at the door DKK40
8 pm Aarhus Amatør Symphony Orchestra at Sct. Anna Gades Skole, Skt. Anna Gade 3840, Århus C, tickets at the door DKK30/ 60.
Wednesday 11 May
The UIC Meetings more about them in the Monday mail!
5 pm Organist Christian Præstholm gives an organ concert with works by J.S. Bach. Marcel
Duprés at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset, free
With this week’s selection of things to get to know about or things to do in greater
Aarhus area the best wishes for your weekend!
Venlig hilsen / Best regards
Gitte Haahr-Andersen
UIC Organiser
International Centre
Aarhus University
Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 4, bldg. 1650
DK-8000 Århus C
Web: www.au.dk/ic
Phone: +45 3069 8483
Email: GHA@adm.au.dk
Enlarge this, if interested in the artists of the artworks at the Marselisborg Castle Park:
Bygninger m.m. :
A Rosenporten.
B Vagtbygningen.
C Slotsforvalter-boligen.
D Slottet.
E Kavalerbygningen.
F Staldbygningen.
G Malteserbuen.
H Pergolaen.
I Villa Margarinelyst.
Skulpturer udført af:
1 Miguel Berrocal.
2 Claus Ørntoft.
3 Hanne Varming.
4 Jens Stobberup.
5 Marshall M. Fredericks.
6 Flemming Texel Jacobsen.
7 Prins Henrik.
8 Henri Etienne-Martin.
9 Sonja Ferlov Mancoba.
10 Inge-Lise Koefoed.
11 Robert Jacobsen.
12 Peter Brandes. 13 Jørn Robert Rønnau.
14 Nicolas Lavarenne.
15 Poul Isbak.
16 Erik Smed.
17 Prins Henrik.
18 Jens Galschiøt Christophersen.
19 Ukendt kunstner.
20 Ukendt kunstner.
21 Jens Flemming Sørensen.
22 Jens Flemming Sørensen.
23 Thorvald Odgaard.
24 Jens Flemming Sørensen.
25 Piet Hein.
Dear Internationals,
During two very nice excursions to Our Lady’s Church, Vor Frue Kirke and Marselisborg
Castle Park, Marselisborg Slotspark, quite a number of beautiful and interesting photos
were taken. Some by the AU photographer, some by Inger Stokkink and Elena Bouzinova.
Most of them are now to be viewed and enjoyed at the website www.au.dk/uic. More will
be added next week, so please remember to see them and enjoy good memories come
Wednesday UIC Meetings filled most of the day. First Spousecare gave a course on how to
apply for a job in Denmark, here the participants got some useful hints on how to write up
an application, and also an interview. Exercises were carried out by making each aware of
their top 3 skills to present during an interview. Afterwards an introduction was given on
how to set up a private business in DK. Need more information contact Lotte Skovborg
After the course the Informal Meeting opened in Dale’s Café, and we soon found
ourselves involved in an active conversation. About walks, concerts and saying goodbye
to Anna and Oscar. The End of the Semester Party, hopefully a Pot-Luck-Picnic, was also
touched upon. It takes place next Wednesday from 11 am, more details on
www.au.dk/uic and further information will be available in the Monday UIC Mail.
.. In the following different kinds of information is for you to read and at the end of the
mail there are as usual some suggestions for the days to come.
Tuesday 24 May the UIC would like to invite you on a trip back to the Viking Age. We
meet at the entrance of the museum at 2 pm and start with a guided tour. - Afterwards
there will be time to explore the rest of the collections from the Danish prehistory, e.g. the
famous 2000 year old bog body “Grauballemanden”, browse the souvenir shop and buy
refreshments in the outdoor café. Find out what Moesgård has to offer; surely an
afternoon is not enough!
For more information on the museum: www.moesmus.dk
Sign up no later than 19 May at: https://webshop.dpu.dk/default.aspx?id=6044
Price: adults 50 dkk, children under 18 free. When: 24 May from 2 pm to 5 pm.
More details on www.au.dk/uic - also how to get there.
Contact: Lotte Skovborg at the Staff Mobility Unit, e-mail los@adm.au.dk
Viking Blacksmiths from all Scandinavia meet Saturday and Sunday at Moesgaard
Museum. Close to the Viking houses – across the street from the museum - the
blacksmiths demonstrate their skills, explain about their craft and exchange ideas and
techniques. Special workshops where visitors can have a try. Unique souvenirs for sale at
the stalls, for example knives, pots, buckles, hair slides. Moesgaard Museum, Moesgaard
Allé 20. Both Saturday and Sunday from 10 am to 4 pm. Admission DKK30. More details
on www.moesmus.dk
Botanisk Have
Sunday from 10 am to 13 pm is the traditional flower and plants’ market day in the
Botanical Garden on the Peter Holm street. This event started in 1965 and is the true signal
of spring for all gardeners and plant lovers. There will be plenty of inspiration, rare plants
to be seen, which are not likely to be on sale at regular nurseries. These plants are
cultivated by specialists and private people, who have made it their specialty to breed this
type of plants. - If you have some extra plants, common or rare ones, put them in pots so they
look a bit nice, and take them to the market, and you are likely to sell them or swap them for
something else of interest to you. Also a place to turn to for any kind of chat about garden topics.
Address: Botanical Garden on Peter Holm’s Street. Parking is at round poplar square, Poppelplads,
next to the AU Greenhouses.
This Sunday at the wetlands in Egå Meadow Lake, Egå Engsø, and local ornithologists will
help you spot some of the season’s birds and binoculars. If you are lucky you will even see
various birds getting ready for the breeding period. The bird watching is from 10 am to 12
noon Sunday 15 May, and the meeting point is at the wooden tower on the south side of
the Meadow Lake. It can be reached via the trail starting at the parking area on Viengevej
7, Risskov (bus 9, 53 and 56 runs very close by on Lystrupvej). Participation is free and
sign up not required.
Saturday Mejlgade Diversity is a great creative street festival in Aarhus downtown with
the aim to develop and create an artistic and political platform for cultural growth and
inspiration in Aarhus. Every year the busy organizers invite the citizens to come and enjoy
the culture and subculture that take place hoping to create networks and cooperation
between different cultural actors, institutions and residents. During the weekend the
various events will be hosted in Mejlgade, which runs parallel with the Kystvejen, from
the Cathedral and to Østbanetorvet. For more information go to
www.mejlgadeformangfoldighed.dk (in Danish only).
Sculpture by the Sea returns to Aarhus. An event which first took place here in 2009. It is a
free open air exhibition on three-kilometer stretch of coastline from Tangkrogen to
Ballehage. The giant outdoor art event with 65 sculptures from across the world will be
open from 2 June - 3 July. Don’t miss the interesting summer art event. Read more on
Already to be seen: The young Aarhus artist Katja Bjørn is working busily on her
contribution to this year’s open air exhibition. Katja and two other artists are working on a
little wooden house with a big binoculars on a small balcony facing the water front. The
project found its inspiration in New England, US. Where the lonely widows are looking
out for sailors and ships in the horizon. Her artwork has the title: ‘Widows gaze out over
the sea for seamen’. As it generally takes time to put the sculptures in place, we can soon
expect to see more artists out there on work. Interesting to follow.
Art seen from the sea: It has been announced that boat rides already can be reserved, as
news has been broken that the boat, Svanen (the Swan), during the the exhibition 2 June to
3 July will sail on the hour from 10 am to 8 pm, during weekends and holidays from 10 am
to 10 pm. It will leave from Marselisborg Yacht Harbour and to Ballehage (end of the
Sculpture by the Sea exhibition) and sail very close to the waterfront. Binoculars will be
available. Coffee, beer, water, wine and ice cream for sale. The boat can be rented for
parties, accommodate up to 90 persons. A boat ride costs: Adult DKK60, Child DKK40.
Reservations can be made on phone 27389203 or by e-mail baek@email.dk
The centre for partially sighted and blind people opens its doors this Saturday from 10 am
to 15 pm at Sønder Allé 10. It is the Activity House for the Dansk Blindesamfund, the
Danish Society for the Blind, and is close to the City Hall Square. Welcome to come and
see aids and appliances e.g. what they use to help people with limited or no sight. Other
activities like table tennis, choir, zumba and bridge will be on the agenda this Saturday.
More details on Dansk Blindesamfund’s, Danish Society for the Blind’s website
www.dkblind.dk/kredse/17 (in Danish only).
Thanks to Mohit and Tabu, who both kindly sent me information on this interesting
Indian Spring Mela (Fair) Saturday 14 May 2011 (Saturday) from 16.00- 20.00 at
Skovvangsskolen, Skovvangsvej 150, 8200 Aarhus N. It is going to be a nice get together
with authentic touch of Indian Spring Festival. The participants can appreciate the Indian
culture through posters (Indian dance, attire, food etc.) hung on Festival day. The
admission fees is 40 DKK with free entry to kids. The admission fees will be helpful to
cover the venue cost as well as for the gifts for various entertainment stuff (Games and
workshop). The detailed information can be found below
VACATION? This question is advertized in the papers right now by the Danish104
German Border Association, (the D-GBA). The historical background is that since 1920 the
association has tried to offer children from Sydslesvig, Southern Schleswig, the area south
of the Danish-German Border to have an enjoyable vacation in ‘the old land’. An
opportunity to establish some personal positive relationships in Denmark seems still vital.
Here we touch upon some interesting Danish history. As many of you already know the
border in Southern Jutland has been moved on many occasions. And always after a war. It
always depending on whether we won or were defeated, where the border was drawn up.
The situation was really serious when we lost the war in 1864. The land crumpled. The
population was cut by one million down to 1,6 million in Denmark altogether!
Then in 1920 it was different. Something had to be done to settle things. A public plebiscite
(a public vote) decided the border line, now drawn by simple majority. The consequences
were that family property was cut, families had to live on each their side of the border and
the like. But the vote outcome was respected. The Danish-German Border Association had
in the 30ies and 40ies a lot of members. Many essential issues came to surface through the
years and had to be discussed and agreed on. And did not change the borderline. In 1949
where the challenges were so much in focus the D-GBA had 200,000 members! After the
vote in 1920 the border was often discussed, but never officially brought up as an issue for
the government to decide on. So the outcome from 1920 was and is still respected. An
example to follow – and also applied as model more places in the world.
Surely, lots of difficulties among the locals on both sides. On the German side there were
and are still ‘Danes’, and visa versa on the Danish side there were and are still ‘Germans’.
The D-GBA has worked - on the German side for the benefit of the ‘Danes’ there - for
keeping up Flensborghus and Slesvighus, the existence of 28 Danish schools, besides
kindergartens, the Danish gymnasium with dormitory in Flensburg, a Danish library and
more. Still today also a few German schools exist in Denmark. Fair play, we can easily say.
But for the locals involved it must have taken superhuman efforts to build up positive
relationships and seeking compromising attitudes whenever difficulties arose.
This was a brief summary of the background for the D-GBA still today to seek Danish host
families willing to invite children from schools in Sydslesvig – just south of the Danish
border – to enable them to spend their 2011 summer vacation here in Denmark! Danish
families have the opportunity to give Danish-speaking children, age between 7 -14 years
old, a great experience for a period of 2 or 4 weeks. If interested please contact Karen
Margrethe Møller at www.feriebørn.dk / tel. 86416737 / mobile 21921135.
Tuesday, Østjylland´s Politi, East Jutland’s Police Department, had plenty to do on their
raid downtown. They stopped bicyclists who use the city center’s pedestrian streets as
bike paths! Within a few hours they had 67 offenders, each given a fine of DKK500.
Between 8 am and 9 am 32 of them were caught. Again Wednesday the Police raid
continued and some 50 bikers were caught. The most typical misdemeanors are cyclists
that run a red light and bicyclists biking at sidewalks and pedestrian areas. According to
the police several bikers claimed that they erroneously thought it was legal to cycle on
pedestrian streets when shops were closed. The nationwide focus on the behavior of
cyclers will continue in the coming days with no specific indication of when it is planned
to stop!. – Better go by the rules, as that money is better spend on something enjoyable!
During the first three months of 2011 bicycle thefts have increased by 30%, therefore
insurance companies encourage bikers to put on an extra lock on, and not to leave
expensive bikes close to the Main Railway Station!
It is the season for small or bigger flea markets. The smallest be a yard sale, or a whole
street decide to make a ‘street sale’ or it can be a more formally organized flea market. If
interested, it can be looked into. This Saturday for example a flea market takes place in
Aarhus N at Steen Billes Torv, Square, on Trøjborg – 5 min.s walk from
Nobelparken/university campus. Same place as the Farmers’ Open Air Market takes place
on Ingerslevs Boulevard, Aarhus C there is ‘a trunk sale’ from 8 am. By ‘trunk sale’ we
mean whatever can be fit into a trunk will possibly be for sale on this market. So if you
need some things and like bargaining these markets are great. For road instructions use
Now mentioning flea markets let me also include the Aarhus kræmmermarked, Aarhus
Mercenary Market, which is the huge annual flea market Aarhus Kræmmermarked with
more than 200 stalls with anything you may need or not! It has been organized by the
Lion’s Club since 1989 and attract some 800,000 visitors. The profit goes to the Lion Club’s
humanitarian work in Denmark and abroad. It takes place during Pentecost 20 to 22 May at
Tangkrogen, the open field on the waterfront, next to Strandvejen and the nearby Marselisborg
yacht club.
There are plenty to see and enjoy when the historic racing cars and motorcycles at this
year's edition of Classic Race Aarhus, is running during the weekend 13-15 May around
Memorial Park between Aarhus Bay and Marselisborg Castle. More than 190 participants
with classic vehicles have joined the race, and the number of riders is actually a tad higher,
since several of the cars in the two half-hour race for cars up to 1981 are enrolled with two
riders. The main attraction at the Classic Race of Aarhus, the two show runs for historic
Formula 1-racers, which run both Saturday and Sunday. Here you will see for yourself the
developments motor sport royal class lived through the 70s to the 90s when a number of
cars of presented. All the volunteers are working hard to get everything ready e.g. the
large fences and blocking of the nearby streets, which you might want to keep an eye out
for, if you want to be in the area of Marselisborg and Memorial Park. Friday: test driving.
Saturday and Sunday: Classic Race Aarhus 2011.
In the East End of the Memorial Park, Mindeparken, there will be ‘the Good Look Street’
where old cars and motorbikes to see, stalls etc. and ladies will wear fancy hats and men
are dressed up in tuxedos… See more in Danish on www.craa.dk. Admission.
Attached is a list of items Ann Waldron needs to sell before she leaves Aarhus. Note: the furniture
are available no later than Monday 16 May and prices are negotiable. Better call Anna on 28180556
or mail her a.waldron@tpg.com.au right away!
20 May: Next Friday is National Prayer Day:
The Great Prayer Day, Store Bededag, is a national holiday, more details in next week’s
UIC Newsletter.:
Thursday 12 May
7.30 Chamber Concert by the Royal Academy of Music, classical music at the Concert Hall,
Musikhuset, free.
7.30 pm Guitarist Carlos Carmona from the Royal Academy of Music at the Concert Hall,
Musikhuset, free.
Friday 13 May
2 pm Simon Rosenbaum sings and tells from his life at the Concert Hall at the Café, free
4 pm to 6 pm Classic Race Aarhus 2011, test driving next to the Memorial Park,
5 pm to 6 pm Aarhus Sinfonietta – modern classical music at the Art Building, Aarhus
Kunstbygning, J.M. Mørks Gade 13, free.
8 pm Connections – show by DGI’s World Team at NRGI Arena, Stadion Allé, tickets from
DKK70 to 220! More details and buy tickets (text in Danish only): billetten.dk - klik her
9 pm Anders Holst and Kresten Osgood – jazz at Fairbar, Nørre Allé 66, free.
Saturday 14 May
9 am to 7 pm Classic Race Aarhus 2011, see details above. Admission.
10 am to 4 pm Viking Blacksmiths’ Rally (workshops and more) at Moesgaard Museum,
see details above, DKK30.
12 noon to 12 midnight Street Festival for Diversity in the street, Mejlgade, see details
above, free.
12 noon to 4 pm ‘Carved in Wood’. Meet Viking crafts artist Birgitte Damkjer at
Moesgaard Museum, free after admission.
4 pm to 8 pm Indian Spring Mela, Indian Festival, Skovvangsskolen, Skovvangsvej 150,
Aarhus N, admission DKK40, more details above.
7.30 pm Benkó Dixieland Band – Jazz at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset, free.
Sunday 15 May
9 am to 5 pm Classic Race Aarhus 2011, see details above. Admission.
10 am to 1 pm Family Nature GPS Treasure Hunt with staff from the Museum of Natural
History, on Wilhelm Meyers Allé 220 on AU Campus. Use your mobile and borrow a GPS
at the museum and see if you find the treasure…
10 am to 12 noon Open Birds’ Tower at Egaa Engsø. More details above. Meet at the
Parking lot on Viengevej 7, Risskov, close to Lystrupvej.
10 am to 1 pm the Flower and Plants’ Market in the Botanical Garden, see details above,
11 am - 5 pm ‘Support Japan’ organized by Japanese living in Aarhus, who sell Japanese
products, sell cakes and coffee at a café and more. All benefits will via Red Cross
International go to Japan. Takes place at Sct. Anna Gade Skole, Skt. Anna Gade 38, Aarhus
12 noon to 5 pm the Old Mill close to Moesgaard Museum operates. 10 different kinds of
fresh flour for sale, free admission.
3 pm Skelager Church, Kirke, celebrates its 21 year ‘birthday’: Concert with Aarhus String
Ensemble, founded 1992 and now with some 20 to 26 serious string players, nonprofessionals from Jutland. The conductor is cantor at Aarhus Cathedral. Programme: E.
Grieg, A. Hamerik and J.S. Bach. Address: Skelager Church, Kirke, Skelagervej 49, Århus
N. Free.
3 pm Søren Bebe Trio – Jazz at the Concert Hall, free.
7.30 pm Women Choir Angel Wild, Kvindekoret Englevild, with soloists. Modern songs at
Malling Church, Kirke, Malling Kirkevej 1, Malling, 11 km south of Aarhus, free.
Monday 16 May
10 am to 4 pm Classical exams concerts by the Royal Academy of Music at the Concert
Hall, Musikhuset, free.
8 pm Songwriter Open Mic at the Fairbar, Nørre Allé, Aarhus C, free.
8 pm Cassiopeia Choir, Koret, gives Spring Concert at the Helligåndskirken, the Holy
Ghost Church on Torpevænget 1, Aarhus V, DKK50.
Tuesday 17 May
6 pm training for the Marselis run at Tangkrogen, till 23 August, free.
6 pm Every Tuesday also training for fit and unfit, have a kondi test and more, take a
walk, get started, free.
8 pm Choir Concert by two girls’/ women’s choir, the Aarhus Pigekor and Maestra. The
Aarhus Pigekor will sing new choir music by Nordic composers, but also Canadian
Eleanor Daley’s four songs from ‘Seasons of Love’. The rhythmic Maestro have special
focus on women singers and songwriters, from Joni Mitchell to Tina Dickow and Fallulah,
everybody is invited, free
Wednesday 18 May
11 am Invitation to join the UIC Pot-Luck-Picnic … more details in the Monday UIC
5 pm The Art of Transscription’ by Organist Kristian Krogsøe – classical music at Aarhus
Cathedral, Domkirke, Store Torv, Aarhus C, free.
5 pm Embroidery Café at the City Museum, Carl Blochs Gade 28, Aarhus C, free.
7.30 pm The Saxophonist Kazuya Kato from the Royal Academy of Music gives a concert
at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset, free.
Best wishes for your weekend!
Venlig hilsen / Best regards
Gitte Haahr-Andersen
UIC Organiser
International Centre
Aarhus University
Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 4, bldg. 1650
DK-8000 Århus C
Web: www.au.dk/uic
Phone: +45 3069 8483
Email: GHA@adm.au.dk
Dear Internationals,
For the UIC Pot-Luck we left out the last part ‘Picnic’ due to the weather forecast ..
Although we had looked very much forward to have the event in open air in
Vennelystparken, we yesterday agreed that being indoor had simply been excellent. Quite
many mailed in advance to say that they were sick, or something urgent had come up
preventing them from participating. Even so 26 and three small children joined the PotLuck and brought in some delicious dishes like Mongolian spicy nudels, fresh baked
French-Italian style bread, Danish ‘rødgrød med fløde’, and much more from exotic places
like Australia, Georgia, France, India, Israel, Macedonia, Mongolia, Poland, Russia,
Slovakia... We had a very, very fine time together enjoying interesting the foods from
different continents and the sincere appreciation of intercultural relationships. We enrich
each other. – Thank you to everyone for everything – also for joining in singing Danish
With the Pot-Luck Event the official program came to an end this semester, the first
semester at our new location. During the summer we will mainly meet for informal gettogethers at the DTM Building 1650. But an outing to enjoy the Sculpture by the Sea
will take place. Plans for more is underway, maybe a Pancake Party, but everyone is
welcome bring up suggestions. Announcements will appear on the UIC Website, so
better keep track of www.au.dk/uic and the Monday UIC mail/ Thursday Newsletter.
Today Thursday Bededagsferien, the Prayer’s Day Holiday, starts – and with the most
promising weather forecast: Warm, warmer, warmest! Day by day it will be warmer, with
Sunday expected to be up to 22 Celcius. So the long weekend really makes it for some
outings. In the following news there are options to choose from. If you already have made
your plans, then – why not – pass this information on to someone else who are new or just
need some inspiration.
But first some
20 May is the Great Prayer’s Day, Store Bededag. How did that come into being. Back in
time the Lutheran Church had little by little increased the number of prayer days. Some
half day - others whole days. As it in those days had to be taken serious, e.g. people had to
attend church services and retain from work.
It to a large extent brought the society, the whole village back then, to a stand-still.
Progressive property owners, business people and the like were not too happy about this,
it slowed down business. So they put pressure on the ruler and his cabinet members. In
1686 this eventually led to the major decision to have only one whole prayer day. – The
day is still observed by churchgoers, as can be seen of the church services announced
below. – Besides, it is a favourite day to celebrate confirmation for some of the country’s
45,000 young teenagers, who this year will be confirmed. – Any opinion, religious or not, I
think we can all agree that having this Store Bededag, makes us all have a long weekend
off. An extra spring holiday, what to my knowledge none of us object to. – Like with other
holidays we have some traditions in connection with the Great Prayer’s Day. The best
preserved is the hot buns. I assume, you have already heard of or seen advertised at baker
shops some breads called ‘hvedeknopper’ or just ‘hveder’, hot wheat buns. It is a must for
us Danes to serve the evening before the Great Prayer’s Day, today Thursday! They come
as whole ‘rolls’ or in halves. Either eat them warm right from the baker – or heat them in
the oven. Slice them in halves before warming them in a conventional oven. Serve when
crusty and light brown. Butter them – are great with your coffee or tea! Homemade
‘hveder’ are in my opinion the best. To my taste a good recipe is, in Danish only, on
http://www.arla.dk/da/opskrifter/Opskrifter/G/grove-hveder/. As we enjoy them, we
are likely to begin eating them a couple of days before, during and a little after the Great
Prayer’s Day. How these became traditional food around this event, is that bakers were –
like everyone else - asked to close their shops this Friday, therefore they baked in the
evening before the prayer day. It was tempting to eat the freshly baked bread right away.
And the day after, the custom further developed into warming the bread. It is
recommendable to try a bun or two!
Tuesday 24 May the UIC would like to invite you on a trip back to the Viking Age. We
meet at the entrance of the museum at 2 pm and start with a guided tour. More details on
www.au.dk/uic - also how to get there. Price: adults 50 dkk, children under 18 free.
When: 24 May from 2 pm to 5 pm.
Contact: Lotte Skovborg at the Staff Mobility Unit, e-mail los@adm.au.dk
Sign up no later than 19 May at: https://webshop.dpu.dk/default.aspx?id=6044
Tuesday is ‘open house’ in Molslaboratoriet (part of AU) and special nature guided tours
are offered, also in the evening in Mols Bjerge National Park. This National Park is
breathtaking, nature unbelievable beautiful, and from bjergene, the mountains, at many
points provide for magnificent views the landscape in the park, but also across the bay
toward Aarhus, the ocean or of the town, Ebeltoft (where also a lot of fine sites are worth a
visit). But in the National Park Mols Bjerge there are free nature activities for all age
groups this Tuesday especially. – It should be added that the park on weekdays as well on
weekends are surprisingly quiet. Great wild nature area. Requires a car, around 40 KM
from Aarhus. Address: Molslaboratoriet, Strandkærvej 6, Femmøler close to Ebeltoft..
Indoor exhibition and outside picnic area. Time: 3 pm to 9.30 pm.
From now on traffic / information signs in both English and Danish will be put up to help
all newcomers - tourists or new staff members from Denmark as well as from abroad finding the most important Aarhus attractions. The signs will be placed at different arrival
points, for example on the harbor district, where ferries and cruise ships need extra
guidance to smoothly find the different locations. Other signs are planned at the main
railway station and the bus terminal where other visitors arrive and look for more
information. Also at Marselisborg Marina signs will be posted as well as at the public
parking areas downtown. The information signs are designed also to have short-term
information added, like when the exhibition ‘Sculpture by the Sea’ is on from 2 June to 3
July. - Yet another signal that Aarhus City welcomes newcomers - both English and
Danish speakers!
Interesting enough the Concert Hall, Musikhuset, continues to report that hundreds of
people come by and join in the singing – it is said to be among the most popular free
arrangements. There are 100 song books available, but better be early to get hold of one.
The Danish Folks High Schools movement is part of the Danish heritage and well worth
learning about. A starting point for this could easily be to join the singing at 1 pm Friday
at the Café at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset. – Also a very fine way to meet some Danes.
Aarhus City brands itself as ‘the bikers’ city’. Therefore, the city continuously try to
improve the biking conditions. Focus is on making it easier and more enjoyable. Any
bicyclist knows how it is to discover there is too little air in the tire. The closer the help is
the better. Now a free air pump service is available in Vestergade, and many more are
soon to be installed at different locations. A great idea. A piece of good advice is offered
by the city’s bike project manager, he says: check the tires at least once a week to ensure
enough air, it also makes the tires last longer!
When you see blue flags fly on a beach it signals the water and the beach in general lives
up to some criteria with respect to water quality and safety. In the Aarhus area three
beaches have blue flags this summer: Moesgaard Strand (Beach), Badeanstalten Den
Permanente (Risskov), and Ajstrup Strand. - Bellevue was not living up to the standards
last year, and will therefore not be permitted the blue flag this year either.
This was announced in a previous UIC Newsletter. Yesterday it was reported that around
8,000 cakes were consumed by 900 Aarhus citizens in the City Hall on ‘the Cake’s Day’!
Each participant paid DKK50 to indulge in all the sweet cakes. It gave a profit of
DKK37,000 to support children with cancer.
Aarhus kræmmermarked, Aarhus Mercenary Market, which is a huge annual flea market
with more than 200 stalls and anything you may need or not takes place this weekend. It
has been organized by the Lion’s Club since 1989 and attract some 800,000 visitors. The
profit goes to the Lion Club’s humanitarian work in Denmark and abroad. It takes place during the
Great Prayer Day weekend 20 to 22 May at Tangkrogen, the open field on the waterfront, next to
Strandvejen and the nearby Marselisborg yacht club. Open Friday and Saturday: 10 am to 7 pm,
Sunday: 10 am to 6 pm. Admission Adults DKK30, children up to 11 years DKK5. Buy tickets for
concerts etc., see details on the website. Big event, expect to find parking no closer than on
Kongevejen, along the Marselisborg Castle! Or take bus 1, 6, 8 or 18. Google: århus
kræmmermarked, all details in Danish only.
Thursday 19 May
7 pm Church Service before Great Prayer’s Day at Risskov Church, Kirke, free.
7 pm Join a walk with the group ‘Aarhus Fodslaw’. Meet at Bus 6 end station at
Moesgaard Museum, free.
7 pm to 9.30 pm Bike 20 KM and talk about bugs and nightingales with Nature Guide
Bjarne Golles and Lars Bøgh. Meet at on the Brabrand path, Brabrandstien, behind the City
Museum, Carl Blochsgade 28, Aarhus C, free.
8 pm Kommakomma – Folk music at Fairbar, Nørre Allé 66, Aarhus C, free.
Friday 20 May
Great Prayer’s Day, Church services, usually posted outside the church, most of them
taking place at 10 am or 10.30, visitors are welcome!
10.30 am A Special Music Church Service by Sct. Paul’s Cantori and Aarhus and Aalborg
Symphony Orchestras and more. Programme: J.S. Bach’s mass in A major during the
service at Sct. Paul’s Church, kirke, (in M.P. Bruunsgade), free.
10 am to 7 pm The Big Flea Market by Lion’s Club, see details above. Admission
12 noon to 3 pm Viking games/ activities for children at Moesgaard Museum (Friday to
12 noon to 5 the Old Mill operates, close to Moesgaard Museum, 10 sorts of fresh flour for
sale. Address: Skovmøllevej 51, free.
1 pm Sing from the Blue Song Book, ‘Syng fra den Blå’ – the Danish Folk High School Song
Bbook at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset, see more details above, free.
2 pm to 3.30 pm Walk in the Manor House landscape with guide Katrine Lewinsky
Moestrup, meet at the main entrance to Moesgaard Museum Manor House, Admission
like to the museum.
3 pm Zenobia performs with Danish songs at Art Museum ARoS, admission.
Saturday 21 May
10 am to 3 pm Open house in the co-housing commune ‘Hertha’, Landsbyvænget 12,
Herskind, free.
10 am to 7 pm The Big Flea Market by Lion’s Club, see details above. Admission
12 noon to 3 pm Viking games/ activities for children at Moesgaard Museum (Friday to
2 pm Cornelis Band from Global Music Class performs songs by Cornelis Vreeswijk at the
Concert Hall, Musikhuset, at the Café, free.
Sunday 22 May
10 am to 6 pm The Big Flea Market by Lion’s Club, see details above. Admission
10 am to 4 pm Christiansbjerg Flea Market, Loppemarked on the lawn next to Fakta,
Norges Allé, 10 min.s walk from Nobelparken/AU Campus, free.
12 noon to 3 pm Viking games / activities for children at Moesgaard Museum (Friday to
12 noon to 4 pm Viking Crafts with Needle, distaff and bricks – Birgitte Damkjer
demonstrates old techniques at Moesgaard Museum, Bus no. 6 endstation. Admission. –
and easy to combine with:
12 noon to 5 the Old Mill operates, close to Moesgaard Museum, 10 sorts of fresh flour for
sale. Address: Skovmøllevej 51, free.
1 pm Soloists perform, among them Simon Rosenbaum at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset, at
the Café, free.
8 pm Michael Møller with 31 songs about the theme ‘unrequited love’ at the Concert Hall,
Musikhuset. Tickets DKK140.
Monday 23 May
7.30 pm Clarinet Evening by students at the Royal Academy of Music at the Concert Hall,
Musikhuset, free.
8.30 pm Risskov Choir – Spring Concert at the Café Hack, Teatergade 1, Aarhus C.
Tuesday 24 May
2 pm Meet at Moesgaard Museum – the UIC Excursion, see more details above,
3 pm to 9 pm International National Park Day in Mols Bjerg, Mols Mountains, nature
activities, guided tours and more, see details above. Free
4 pm Christoffer Holmlis – classical music exam, Royal Academy of Music at the Our
Lady’s Church, Vor Frue Kirke, Vestergade 21, free.
6 pm training for the Marselis run at Tangkrogen, till 23 August, free.
6 pm Every Tuesday also fitness training for fit & unfit, get a fitness test and more, take a
walk, get started, also at Tangkrogen, free.
7.30 pm Voz Nueva by the Royal Academy of Music at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset, free.
Wednesday 25 May
1 pm to 3 pm Join the UIC Informal Meeting at Dale’s Café, more details in the UIC
Monday Mail!
Best wishes for your Bededagsferie/ weekend!
Venlig hilsen / Best regards
Gitte Haahr-Andersen
UIC Organiser
International Centre
Aarhus University
Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 4, bldg. 1650
DK-8000 Århus C
Web: www.au.dk/uic
Phone: +45 3069 8483
Email: GHA@adm.au.dk
Dear Internationals,
Yesterday at the UIC Informal Meeting some could report from an interesting UIC
excursion to Moesgaard Museum Tuesday afternoon. It had been interesting to hear about
the history behind some of the artifacts in the rich collections, which are to be seen in the
exhibition areas. – Wednesday a nice group gathered and enjoyed a lively conversation.
Some relevant issues were touched upon. And met with comments. Some could report
from travels, and others about destinations they are about to visit, either to work there or
to explore. True fun to gather and to exchange useful information.
Wednesday the meeting time was – as announced from 1 pm to 3 pm, but next week we
meet from 10 am to 12 noon. Expect more details in the Monday mail.
Additional photos from the UIC Excursions are on UIC website. So make sure to take time
off to see them – and memories come back, see www.au.dk/uic
.. Now to the weekly news for the coming days. Even if the aim is to include a little of
everything in the UIC Newsletter, it is not possible. There are still so many more activities
happening. Hopefully here is something inspiring to all of us!
Most of us will – I assume – be interested in seeing the huge artwork ‘Your Rainbow
Panorama’, which opens on the roof of the Art Museum Aros. It will be special to try a
walk inside it! But expect a crowd, see more details below.
Next week’s newsletter goes out Wednesday evening, due to the fact that Thursday is yet
another holiday coming up. Many of you are presumably acquainted with the background
for Christ’s Ascension day, but it can also for a good part of us be something new, so it is
explained in the following under information of general interest. On that day the open air
exhibition Sculpture by the Sea will open from Tangkrogen to Ballehage. In previous
newsletters it has been mentioned, and next week more details will be added – or see
already on www.sculpturebythesea.dk – perhaps, good to plan for example to join the
opening event, where the crown prince couple opens the exhibition.
This Saturday from 10 am the Art Museum, AROS, opens Your Rainbow Panorama on the
roof of the museum to the public. The Danish-Icelandic artist Olafur Eliasson has been
working on this spectacular artwork for years and everyone have from street level seen it
coming. Now it will be open for everybody to try - to enjoy.! With Olafur Eliasson’s own
words ‘Your rainbow panorama enters into a dialogue with the existing architecture and reinforces
what is assured beforehand, that is to say the view of the city. I have created a space which virtually
erases the boundaries between inside and outside – where people become a little uncertain as to
whether they have stepped into an art work or into a section of the museum. This uncertainty is
important to me, as it challenges people to rethink and sense beyond their limits within which they
are accustomed to move’. - To visit the ‘Your Rainbow Panorama’ you need to buy a ticket to
the Art Museum AROS and in addition buy a so-called roof ticket DDK10 each person. For
security reasons only 150 visitors can be allowed inside the rainbow and an additional 140
visitors on the open roof area. Limiting the number of visitors are likely to create queues,
or means they are sold out for the day. It is not possible to make advance reservations. It is
necessary to meet up in person. Note: Monday 30 May is for members only, and by the
way already sold out! Consider membership, which allows each time you visit you can
take 1 person along for free. More details on www.aros.dk for information on when tickets
are available. The first days the tickets are also time-limited for the panorama rainbow, e.g.
half hour tickets. In June where also the huge open air exhibition Sculpture by the Sea is
on, the Art Museum Aros will be have extended open hours e.g. from 10 am to 10 pm!
Incredible beautiful in the Danish summer evenings ‘where it never gets really dark’!
This weekend a great chance to experience a Music Festival at which Danish organists
interpret contemporary Danish church music. To experience a concert series with Danish
church music from 1900 and till today is often not what characterizes the classical music
festivals around the country. This weekend, however, you get the unique opportunity to
listen to contemporary Danish church music. Six prominent organists will present a wide
range of original, witty, strange, beautiful and inspiring works.
Moreover, the organist and composer Morten Ladehoff, has composed ‘Touch’ for the
festival. The work tries to elucidate the mechanical element in the organ of what happens
in the period just before the finger touches the organ. The work ‘Touch’ is included in all
the 6 concerts. The audience can go from concert to concert and hear the same music piece,
interpreted in different ways depending on the organist and the type of organ. The choice
of the three central churches in Aarhus as concert venues is ideal with very different
organs. Friday, Saturday and Sunday each offers 2 free concerts – see the program in the
calendar below. Free.
This weekend Friday and Saturday is the popular Aarhus music event, Spot Festival. The
city center will hosts international and national artists on various concert venues
downtown. If you are interested go to homepage www.spotfestival.dk – also in English.
Note: The official opening is Thursday night with speeches, entertainment and free
concert at 7 pm on Bispetorv and Skolegade, next to Aarhus Cathedral. Free.
Aarhus City invites you to World Images, Verdensbilleder, 2011to a visual journey of the
Caribbean and the Danish West Indies, De Vestindiske Øer (Danish colonies until 1917: St.
Croix, St. John og St Thomas). For the first time the cultural festival is on for 3 days and
starts Monday 30 May and runs till the main day Wednesday 1 June, where downtown
shops are open till midnight. The city's squares and streets come into play on both the
cultural, entertainment and intellectual level. The World Images 2011 brings the Caribbean
and the Danish West Indies to Aarhus in collaboration with the many exciting countries in
the Caribbean showing what each has to offer both in terms of culture, history and music.
Experience a three-day culture and shopping festival. The Caribbean culture can be
sensed, tasted and enjoyed in an authentic way right in the Aarhus city centre. One of the
outstanding highlights of the festival is the great Caribbean parade on Wednesday 1 June
at 6pm to 8pm in Aarhus City's streets. This will include a variety of elements of music,
dance and happenings related to the Caribbean. On the West Indies kids always have their
own day or days during festivals and that tradition is brought to Aarhus. Therefore,
Tuesday 31 May is dedicated to the children and is celebrated with a children’s parade.
The parade starts at 3pm at Bispetorv (and end there as well), next to the Aarhus
Domkirke (Cathedral). After the parade with music and entertainment there will be
exciting workshops e.g. creative toy workshop for the participants, and 15 children from
the Music in Motion will perform a dance show for everybody to enjoy. The children’s day
ends at 8pm. The official opening is at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset at 3pm. Mayor
Nicolai Wammen gives a speech and introduce the festival to you followed by a music and
dance show. For more information go to www.aarhus-city.dk and
For the third year in a row the movie theatre ‘Øst for Paradise’ – East of Paradise - Tuesday 31
May invites everybody to enjoy ‘A Free Night in Paradise’. The doors will open from 8 pm to a
different evening, where the movie theater ‘Øst for Paradis’ has invited artists and cultural
institutions for an alternative creative night. Where also the street artist MORMOR’s wall painting
will be revealed. The event is free and tickets cannot be reserved, just show up – maybe be early with your friends and family. Bring a jacket so you can sit in the outdoor area and watch the
screening of movies and enjoy music and coffee when it gets dark or attend the Literature
on Stage event or the movie workshop. The Night in Paradise takes place in Paradisgade
7-9, 8000 Århus C, buses almost to the door, stop at Paradisgade/Nørreport for: 1, 2, 3, 6,
9, 11, 14, 16, 56 and 58. More details only in Danish on www.paradisbio.dk
From Center Manager Else Magård, AU Madalgo comes the following announcement:
Invitation to international it--‐charity event in Aarhus, Denmark.
--‐”Random Hacks of Kindness” – Hacking for Humanity
As an it---developer you now have the opportunity to participate in a worldwide charity
event. Random Hacks of Kindness (RHoK) is coming to Denmark and together with other
skilful developers from all over Europe you are invited to make the world a better place.
Please join us on June 4th-5th for a RHoK hackathon in Aarhus!
Where: The Shannon Building, Aarhus University, Finlandsgade 24A. 8200 Aarhus N
When: The 4th – 5th of June 2011
Who can participate: it--‐students, --‐developers, --‐designers, and --‐project coordinators.
Registration and information about the event: www.rhok.au.dk,
http://rhok.dk/?page_id=494 (Some Danish description) (max 65 participants)
More info about RHoK: www.rhok.org
Hacking for Humanity: We will provide facilities, power, food and refreshments to help
you write your application. Just bring your laptop, ideas, and enthusiasm to complete the
mix. Throughout the weekend, we will be coding around problems related to natural
disaster risk and climate change. RHoK has been working with subject matter experts
around the world to develop problem statements addressing global disaster risk and
climate change challenges. These problem statements will be the hacking challenges
thrown out to the developers at the RHoK hackathon.
Google, Microsoft, Yahoo!, NASA, The World Bank and the University of Aarhus will
during the first weekend of December be hosting the event, where it--‐developers and
designers will join forces and volunteer in developing open source software and
applications to the hot spots and crisis areas around world. It is the second time the event
will be held in Europe. Aarhus University and the it--‐studentnetwork
UNITY:Katrinebjerg are proud to once again host the RHoK event in Aarhus.
Worldwide it is the fourth time RHoK is held. At previous events software to broadcast
warnings and coordinate relief work have, among others, been developed for places with
natural disasters. See www.rhok.org for further examples and info. Simultaneously with
the event in Denmark, developers from all over the world are working on the same
projects. The participants can look forward to an exciting and inspiring weekend with
plenty of professional challenges and social activities.
What Do I Need: We will provide facilities, power, food and refreshments to help you
write your application. Just bring your laptop, ideas, and enthusiasm to complete the mix.
When and Where: The Aarhus hackathon will take place from Saturday, June 4th at 09:00
until Sunday, June 5th at 15:30. It will be held at Aarhus University – Shannon building,
Finlandsgade 24A, 8200 Aarhus N.
Again this May artists are organizing a backyard market in Munkegade 4 with plenty of
crafts, live music, inspiring ambience and a cozy café in the backyard which is decorated
to create a charming southern atmosphere. Craftsmen from the store Nr4 and guest
exhibitors from all Jutland are represented and sell works from the year’s production and
other of their interesting art experiments. The market is Saturday 28 May from 11 am to 4
pm at Munkegade 8, 8000 Aarhus C.
More details on : Majmarked i Munkegade
30 May Birds close to Moesgaard Museum. Nature guide Henrik Hansen hosts a trip in
the forest at Moesgaard Museum, where right now all songbirds are very active as the
breeding season has started. The evening’s challenge is to learn how to detect the
individual songbird from one another. In the announcement the nature guide claims it is
not necessary to acquire the talent to ‘perfection’ in order to have an enjoyable outing in
the wood. Take Bus no. 6 to end station at Moesgaard Museum. Free to join the nice walk.
Meet up: At the blacksmith’s shop, next to the Moesgaard Museum. Time: Monday at 7.10
pm to 9.15 pm.
The playground at the nature center in the Marselisborg Forests has been renovated. The
playground has been expanded and there are new facilities. The climbing facilities are
inspired by fossils from various Danish beaches. So children can look forward to
challenging a squid, climb a sea urchin or hide among the mangrove forest's large roots.
Older kids might want to challenge themselves with a GPS hunt or the so-called
geocaching. In the forests south of Aarhus there are great opportunities to find - more or
less hidden - cultural relics that bear witness to our ancestors’ life and death. If you have
access to a handheld GPS receiver, you can go searching for cultural remnants. The Nature
Center, Ørnereden, Eagle’s Nest has in cooperation with the Moesgaard Museum
compiled descriptions of 12 different culture relics close to the nature center. For a list of
GPS coordinates follow this link www.naturinformation.dk/oernereden which will take
you to their new website under Aarhus Municipality. Including online information on
how to use a GPS for geocaching. The nature center is at Ørneredevej 55, 8270 Højbjerg,
bus 6, stops right there.
Next Thursday is a holiday: THE ASCENSION OF CHRIST – KRISTI
Thursday 2 June is a holiday – a day off. Again one of the many spring holidays, which
mainly originate from religious events. Thursday next week is no exception. It is a
Christian Holiday, and celebrates that Jesus Christ ascended to heaven. According to the
Bible, this event took place 40 days after Christ's resurrection on Easter Day. During these
days Christ spent time with his disciples. In Denmark, this is mostly a church event, and
services will be posted outside the churches. – For a majority of people it is appreciated as
an extra day to enjoy with family and friends. Traditionally, many will - if possible - try
to arrange Friday off as well, adding up to 4 days vacation! Which for some time has been
obvious from the special offers at hotels, entertainment parks, see the ads in the papers.
Thursday 26 May
10.30 am Organist Jakob Hedegaard at Aarhus Domkirke (Cathedral), free.
1.45 pm Organist Christoffer Holmriis at Aarhus Domkirke (Cathedral), free.
7 pm Official opening of the SPOT Festival at Bispetorv, next to the Aarhus Cathedral,
more details above. Free.
5.30 pm Official Opening of the Spot Festival with Our Broken Garden and more at
Aarhus Domkirke (Cathedral), free.
7 pm Spot Festival with Teitur and KT Tunstall at Bispetorv, next to the Aarhus Domkirke
(Cathedral), free.
Friday 27 May
2.30 pm to 02 am Spot Festival at various locations, see more details above
5 pm Aarhus Organ Festival: Marianne Kuhlmann at Aarhus Domkirke Aarhus Cathedral,
8 pm Aarhus Organ Festival: Flemming Dreisig at Vor Frue Kirke, Our Lady’s Church,
Vestergade, Aarhus C, free.
Saturday 28 May
10 am to 10 pm Your Rainbow Panorama at the Art Museum AROS opens for the first
time! See more details above. Admission.
10 am to 4 pm Life in the Viking Houses at Moesgaard Museum. Meet the the Viking train
to fight, the blacksmith, the weaver, the woodcarver and more show their skills making
weapons, tools and clothings like a thousand years ago. Moesgaard Museum, take bus no.
6 end station. No admission, free.
11 am to 4 pm Artists May Market in the backyard at Munkegade 8, 8000 Aarhus C, see
details above, free.
11 am to 1 pm Stop Hunger – Walk the World. Join the humanitarian event arranged by
Soroptimist International Aarhus, Aarhus Kraka for 6. time invite to walk 5 KM in the
beautiful woodlands around Moesgaard Museum. To benefit food projects in Burkina
Faso 2011. Peptalk by food expert Anne Larsen. Participation: DKK100 adult, children
under 16 free. Meet at the Parking area at Moesgaard Museum, Bus no. 6 stops here. på
1 pm Koriosum – Choir Songs at Sct. Annagade Skole, School, free.
2 pm to 4 pm A guided walk in the suburb, Risskov, meet at the railway crossing, where
Rolighedsvej becomes Nordre Strandvej. A good way to meet some Danes and test your
Danish. http://www.aakb.dk/temaer/lokalhistorie/event/byvandring-skolevangens-fod. Free.
5 pm Aarhus Organ Festival: Jakob Lorentzen at Skt. Pauls Kirke, Sct. Paul’s Church, M.P.
8 pm . Aarhus Organ Festival: Ulrik Spang-Hanssen at Vor Frue Kirke, Our Lady’s
Church, Vestergade, Aarhus C, free.
7.30 pm Piano Evening – Classical Music by the Royal Academy of Music at the Concert
Hall, Musikhuset, free.
Sunday 29 May
10 am to 2 pm GPS treasure hunt, the so-called geocaching for children on Moesgaard
10 am to 4 pm Life in the Viking Houses at Moesgaard Museum. Meet the the Viking train
to fight, the blacksmith, the weaver, the woodcarver and more show their skills making
weapons, tools and clothing like a thousand years ago. Moesgaard Museum, take bus no. 6
end station. No admission, free.
12 noon to 5 pm the Old Mill operates, 5 min.s walk from Moesgaard Museum, 10 sorts of
fresh flour for sale. Bus no. 6 to the end station at the museum. Address: Skovmøllevej 51.
3 pm Guitar Matiné – Classical by the Royal Academy of Music, Skovgaardsgade 2C,
Aarhus C, free.
3 pm Song Society Societas Pro Musica – Classical Music at Juhl-Sørensen’s Piano House,
Skovvejen 2B, Aarhus C,
7 pm Aarhus Organ Festival: Organist Christian Præstholm at Vor Frue Kirke, Our Lady’s
10 pm Aarhus Organ Festival: Kristian Krogsøe at Vor Frue Kirke, Our Lady’s Church,
Vestergade, Aarhus C, free.
8 pm Pianist Christina Bjørkøe opens the small Piano Festival with Diabelli Variations by
Beethoven (70 min.s) at Ravnsbjergkirken (church), Grøfthøjparken, Viby J. The pianist is
one of Denmark’s best piano talents, tickets at the door DKK100.
Monday 30 May
12 noon to 6 pm Classical Concerts, exams, by the Royal Academy of Music at the Concert
Hall, Musikhuset, free.
7.15 pm to 21.15 How to detect songbirds in the wood close to Moesgaard Museum,
meeting place and more details above. Free.
Tuesday 31 May
6 pm training for the Marselis run at Tangkrogen, till 23 August, free.
6 pm Every Tuesday also fitness training for fit & unfit, get a fitness test and more, take a
walk, get started, also at Tangkrogen, free.
Wednesday 1 June
10 pm to 12 noon Join the UIC Informal Meeting at Dale’s Café, more details in the UIC
Monday Mail!
5 pm Serenades by Mozart and Beethoven by Concerto Copenhagen at Aarhus Domkirke
(Cathedral), free
Best wishes for the coming days!
Venlig hilsen / Best regards
Gitte Haahr-Andersen
UIC Organiser
International Centre
Aarhus University
Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 4, bldg. 1650
DK-8000 Århus C
Web: www.au.dk/uic
Phone: +45 3069 8483
Email: GHA@adm.au.dk
June 2011
Dear Internationals,
At today’s UIC Informal Meeting Karen Hoffmann gave a fine introduction to the state of
Jordan. It made most of the audience wish to visit the country. Jordan is facing a range of
challenges. There is not much industry, the country lack water supplies and more. And the
main source of income comes from tourism, which is a vulnerable business with the
instability, that the country’s political situation creates. The Jordanian people is ready for
reforms, but how to bring them about.
Nevertheless, the country deserves to be visited with its many Roman sites there is a rich
history to discover. Among them especially the town, Petra. A unique place to visit,
ranking among the 7 wonders of the world heritage! Karen could also report from a
special swim in the salty Dead Sea. A peculiar feeling not being able to dive – not to speak
of sinking! Here a mud bath was possible, and claimed to be very healthy. We shall see…
Karen completed the introduction by bringing a lot of written materials on Jordan and
hundreds of photos. Afterwards we enjoyed socializing with one another. Warm thanks to
Karen for a fine, fun, and informative morning meeting. But also each one of the group
who attended and contributed to the common good.
Next week in the Monday mail there will be more details concerning next Wednesday’s
visit to Sculpture by the Sea! Or turn to the website www.au.dk/uic (more details likely to
be added Monday).
.. Now to the weekly news for the coming days. The intention is to give some hints &
inspiration to most possible.
Last weekend the huge artwork ‘Your Rainbow Panorama’ opened on the roof of the Art
Museum Aros, and now tomorrow the open air exhibition Sculpture by the Sea will be
opened officially at 2 pm by the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess. Both exhibitions
are very exciting and an enriching period of time in Aarhus!
Many of you are presumably acquainted with the background for Christ’s Ascension day,
the Holiday tomorrow. Nevertheless, it can also for a good part of us be something new,
so it is explained a bit in the following under information of general interest.
Thursday tomorrow is a holiday: THE ASCENSION OF CHRIST – KRISTI
Thursday 2 June is a holiday – a day off. Again one of the many spring holidays, which
mainly originate from religious events. Thursday next week is no exception. It is a
Christian Holiday, and celebrates that Jesus Christ ascended to heaven and the Holy
Ghost, Helligånden was poured out (this will be celebrated in Pentecost, Pinse). According
to the Bible, this event took place 40 days after Christ's resurrection on Easter Day. During
these days Christ spent time with his disciples. In Denmark, this is mostly a church event,
and services will be posted outside the churches. – For a majority of Danes it is
appreciated as an extra day to enjoy with family and friends. Traditionally, many will - if
possible - try to arrange Friday off as well, adding up to 4 days vacation! This business
opportunity has long been seen from the special offers advertised at hotels, entertainment
parks, restaurant, travel agents and more.
Sculpture by the Sea returns to Aarhus. An event which for the first time took place here in
2009. It is a free open air exhibition on a three-kilometer stretch of coastline from
Tangkrogen to Ballehage. The huge outdoor art event with 65 sculptures from across the
world will this year be open from 2 June - 3 July. Don’t miss the interesting summer art
event. Read more on www.sculpturebythesea.com.
Art seen from the sea: Boat rides will be available and can be reserved. The boat, Svanen
(the Swan), will during the exhibition period sail on the hour from 10 am to 8 pm, during
weekends and holidays from 10 am to 10 pm. It will leave from Marselisborg Yacht
Harbour and to Ballehage (end of the Sculpture by the Sea exhibition) and sail very close
to the waterfront. Binoculars will be available. Coffee, beer, water, wine, ice cream and
food will be for sale. The boat can be rented for parties, accommodates up to 90 persons. A
boat ride costs: Adult DKK60, Child DKK40. Reservations can be made on phone 27389203
or by e-mail baek@email.dk
Sculpture by the Sea – The Open Air Art Exhibition opens at 2 pm at Tangkrogen, and
from then on everyone can enjoy as walk as they may please! –
Next Wednesday the UIC will take a walk here, more details in the UIC mail next
Monday (but also on www.au.dk/uic.
Sunday 5 June is Constitution Day and celebrated meetings where speeches are given
presenting the needs of today by politicians, but also a general celebration of Democracy.
The first constitution was written up in 1849 and signed by King Frederik 7 and marked a
transfer from autocracy to democracy. The transfer was peaceful. If you at some point
make an excursion to Himmelbjerget, the Sky Mountain in the Lake District close to the
town of Silkeborg, som 40 KM west of Aarhus, you will notice a lot of commemorate
plates, stones and signs, they derives from different meetings and incidents, which took
place here on the mountain, during a couple of decades people gathered here and
discussed the political situation and the Author, later politician, St. St. Blicher was a strong
figure in this movement of the people and well worth to be looked further into. Expect
political meetings around the city, in the Botanical Garden for example.
Note: Most shops are closed this day. But with the Exhibition Sculpture by the Sea, be sure
lots of activities will make the city lively. .
Furthermore, Sunday is also Father’s Day (an equal to Mother’s Day, which was
celebrated 2. Sunday of May). The purpose of Father’s Day is to set time aside to
appreciate your father - and maybe give him some gifts. Consider inviting your father out
to enjoy some quality time in Tivoli, where fathers that particular day enter for free! Or by
taking him out to enjoy one of the events described below.
Your Rainbow Panorama on the roof of the Art Museum AROS is open and fairly easy to
have access to. It was announced likely to create waiting lists, but is now reported to be
moving smoothly. There is fine information – also in English – on Aros’ website, But let
me repeat the text from last week’s newsletter: The Danish-Icelandic artist Olafur Eliasson
has been working on this spectacular artwork for years and everyone have from street
level seen it coming. Now it will be open for everybody to try - to enjoy! With Olafur
Eliasson’s own words ‘Your rainbow panorama enters into a dialogue with the existing
architecture and reinforces what is assured beforehand, that is to say the view of the city. I have
created a space which virtually erases the boundaries between inside and outside – where people
become a little uncertain as to whether they have stepped into an art work or into a section of the
museum. This uncertainty is important to me, as it challenges people to rethink and sense beyond
their limits within which they are accustomed to move’. - For security reasons only 150 visitors
can be allowed inside the rainbow and an additional 140 visitors on the open roof area. To
visit the ‘Your Rainbow Panorama’ you need to buy a ticket to the Art Museum AROS and
in addition buy a so-called roof ticket DDK10 each person. If you buy membership (not
renewal) during June, the price is reduced by DDK100. Membership means among other
discounts that you can bring your spouse or a friend along for free. More details on
www.aros.dk for information on when tickets are available. The first days the tickets are
also time-limited for the panorama rainbow, e.g. half hour tickets. In June where also the
huge open air exhibition Sculpture by the Sea is on, the Art Museum Aros will have
extended open hours e.g. from 10 am to 10 pm, closed on Mondays, though! Must be
incredible beautiful in the Danish summer evenings ‘where it never gets really dark’!
Aarhus City invites you to World Images, Verdensbilleder, 2011to a visual journey of the
Caribbean and the Danish West Indies, De Vestindiske Øer (Danish colonies until 1917: St.
Croix, St. John og St Thomas). For the first time the cultural festival is on for 3 days and
starts Monday 30 May and runs till the main day Wednesday 1 June, where downtown
shops are open till midnight. The city's squares and streets come into play on both the
cultural, entertainment and intellectual level. The World Images 2011 brings the Caribbean
and the Danish West Indies to Aarhus in collaboration with the many exciting countries in
the Caribbean showing what each has to offer both in terms of culture, history and music.
Experience the last of the three-day culture and shopping festival. The Caribbean culture
can be sensed, tasted and enjoyed in an authentic way right in the Aarhus city centre. One
of the outstanding highlights of the festival is the great Caribbean parade on Wednesday 1
June from 6pm to 8pm. It starts at Bispetorv, next to the Cathedral and winds its way in
Aarhus City's streets. This will include a variety of elements of music, dance and
happenings related to the Caribbean. At midnight the the culture & shopping
festival ends with some fireworks, takes place at Bispetorv again. More
details on www.aarhus-city.dk and www.musikhusetaarhus.dk.
Aarhus University and International Community are collaborating on a large scale research project
on international workers and accompanying spouses. The project will focus on the level of
satisfaction of International Community’s members and will be carried out over the next few
We kindly ask you to participate in this project by completing a survey. By doing so, you will
automatically enter in a random drawing of cash prizes and entertainment offers. We offer prices
to participating expatriates and spouses. 20,000 DKR worth of cash prices and entertainment offers
will be delivered directly to the winners. The first price is 10,000 DKR in cash. If you so desire, a
complimentary copy of the final report will be sent to you free of charge, as a small token of our
appreciation for your time and effort.
Your answers will be handled in the strictest confidence and used only for statistical purposes. No
individual answer will be identified or reported.
You can answer the survey here. Note - If the link does not work, copy and paste the following
URL into your web browser: http://www.surveyxact.dk/LinkCollector?key=9WUK2Q8N3236. We hope you will participate and help us
improve our efforts and services, and thank you very much for your assistance.
Thank you very much for your kind assistance!
From Center Manager Else Magård, AU Madalgo comes the following announcement:
Invitation to international it--‐charity event in Aarhus, Denmark.
--‐”Random Hacks of Kindness” – Hacking for Humanity
As an it---developer you now have the opportunity to participate in a worldwide charity
event. Random Hacks of Kindness (RHoK) is coming to Denmark and together with other
skilful developers from all over Europe you are invited to make the world a better place.
Please join us on June 4th-5th for a RHoK hackathon in Aarhus!
Where: The Shannon Building, Aarhus University, Finlandsgade 24A. 8200 Aarhus N
When: The 4th – 5th of June 2011
Who can participate: it--‐students, --‐developers, --‐designers, and --‐project coordinators.
Registration and information about the event: www.rhok.au.dk,
http://rhok.dk/?page_id=494 (Some Danish description) (max 65 participants)
More info about RHoK: www.rhok.org
What Do I Need: We will provide facilities, power, food and refreshments to help you
write your application. Just bring your laptop, ideas, and enthusiasm to complete the mix.
When and Where: The Aarhus hackathon will take place from Saturday, June 4th at 09:00
until Sunday, June 5th at 15:30. It will be held at Aarhus University – Shannon building,
Finlandsgade 24A, 8200 Aarhus N.
Here Denmark’s new center for energy technology is planned to have 38,000 sq.meter big.
The schools behind the consortium are School of Engineering, Aarhus School of Engineers,
Incuba Science Park and Aarhus Municipality. The first mentioned schools will be part of
AU from January 2012.
Children of international staff in Aarhus will soon get the chance of having a daycare,
børnehave, where English is the 1st language. Until now international children have only
been able to go to Danish kindergarten. Now the Aarhus municipality will open up for the
establishing an international kindergarten. This is good news, especially for people
coming on short term appointments and visits.
In Østergade – downtown Aarhus – a hotel is under construction. It has been an
interesting project to follow for months, only with the façade preserved facing the street
Østergade. A complicated and slow process as a parking lot will be in the basement,
providing 100 parking spaces. In the future very convenient for the hotel guests above. But
parking spaces will also be open to shoppers and tourists in general, as it will be a public
parking garage! The parking is very needed, as parking areas have been closed down at
more points around the city.
This weekend 2, 4 and 5 June Moesgaard Museum organizes workshops at which you can
learn to build a Viking oven and bake delicious bread from the grains and flour, which we
know from ancient and medieval times. Skovmøllen, the Old Mill, close to the museum is
also open Thursday, Saturday and Sunday, and during those days you can see how the
mill works, and the children can bake flat- and twisted bread over open fire. Thursday
from 11 am to 4 pm the ovens will be build and the bread will be made Saturday and
The workshop – building ovens - is aimed at adults and older kids. Adults pay 50DKK
and for kids it is free to participate. www.moesmus.dk. Bus number 6 (off at the end
station) will take you to the museum and/or the Old Mill.
Thursday 02 June
2 pm At Tangkrogen: The Crown Prince and Crown Princess of Denmark will officially
open the 3 KM Open Air Exhibition Sculpture by the Sea with some 60 sculptures placed
along the coastline from Tangkrogen to Ballehage.
3 pm Chamber Concert by the Royal Academy of Music at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset,
5 pm The wind players from the Concerto Copenhagen play music by Mozart and
Beethoven at Aarhus Cathedral, free.
Friday 03 June
12 noon Concert exams by the Royal Academy of Music at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset,
5 pm The Hoersholm Choir perform classical choir songs at Sct. John’s Church, Skt.
Johannes Kirke next to Aarhus Universityhospital, 5 min.s walk from AU Nobelparken,
7.30 pm Cellist Susanne Engelmann – making her début, classical music at the Concert
Hall, Musikhuset, free.
Saturday 04 June
10 am to 10 pm Your Rainbow Panorama at the Art Museum AROS is open! See more
details above. Admission.
10 am to 4 pm Life in the Viking Houses at Moesgaard Museum. Meet the the Viking train
to fight, the blacksmith, the weaver, the woodcarver and more show their skills making
weapons, tools and clothings like a thousand years ago. Moesgaard Museum, take bus no.
6 end station. No admission, free.
5 pm Aarhus Organ Festival: Jakob Lorentzen at Skt. Pauls Kirke, Sct. Paul’s Church, M.P.
8 pm . Aarhus Organ Festival: Ulrik Spang-Hanssen at Vor Frue Kirke, Our Lady’s
Church, Vestergade, Aarhus C, free.
7.30 pm Piano Evening – Classical Music by the Royal Academy of Music at the Concert
Hall, Musikhuset, free.
Sunday 05 June
10 am to 2 pm GPS treasure hunt, the so-called geocaching for children on Moesgaard
10 am to 4 pm Life in the Viking Houses at Moesgaard Museum. Meet the the Viking train
to fight, the blacksmith, the weaver, the woodcarver and more show their skills making
weapons, tools and clothing like a thousand years ago. Moesgaard Museum, take bus no. 6
end station. No admission, free.
12 noon to 5 pm the Old Mill operates, 5 min.s walk from Moesgaard Museum, 10 sorts of
fresh flour for sale. Bus no. 6 to the end station at the museum. Address: Skovmøllevej 51.
Monday 06 June
All Monday Aros the Art Museum is closed, e.g. no ‘Your Rainbow Panorama!
12.30 pm to 5 pm Classical Concerts, exams, by the Royal Academy of Music at the
Concert Hall, Musikhuset, free.
5 pm Choir concert by Aarhus Music School at the Concert Hall in the Foyer, free.
7.30 pm Oboist Jenny Sjöbert makes her début at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset, free.
Tuesday 07 June
11.30 am to 5 pm Classical concerts, exams by students from the Royal Academy of Music
at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset, free.
2 pm to 7 pm Rythmic concerts, exams by students from the Royal Academy of Music at
the Concert Hall, Musikhuset, free.
5 pm Classical concert by students from the Royal Academy of Music
6 pm training for the Marselis run at Tangkrogen, till 23 August, free.
6 pm Every Tuesday also fitness training for fit & unfit, get a fitness test and more, take a
walk, get started, also at Tangkrogen, free.
7.30 pm Flutist Leif Ramløv Svendsen and Organist Ulrik Spang-Hanssen – classical
concert at Aabyhøj Church, kirke, Silkeborgvej 290, free.
Wednesday 08 June
10 am we gather at Filtenborg Plads, a small square across the street from Tangkrogen
and walk the distance SCULPTURE BY THE SEA (as we feel for it – and of course also
weather permitting), see more details in the Monday mail or on the website
5 pm Serenades by Mozart and Beethoven by Concerto Copenhagen at Aarhus Domkirke
(Cathedral), free
Best wishes for the coming days!
Venlig hilsen / Best regards
Gitte Haahr-Andersen
UIC Organiser
International Centre
Aarhus University
Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 4, bldg. 1650
DK-8000 Århus C
Web: www.au.dk/uic
Phone: +45 3069 8483
Email: GHA@adm.au.dk
Dear Internationals,
Wednesday some from the UIC – 15 of us – walked the Sculpture by the Sea exhibition
distance – the 3 KM each way! The weather stayed dry, quite pleasant, but mainly on the
grayish side and at times a bit windy. The artworks were admired, discussed, enjoyed,
and appreciated, like the social part of the walk. We found ourselves exposed to a wide
range of fascinating and creative ideas. The artworks are impressive and beautifully
arranged in the green and blue setting, e.g. on the coastline and/or in the wood, some
hanging in trees. - It is an event that we can fully recommend everyone to go and see.
A good point is that it is out there beyond the usual work hours, in fact, you can decide to
take a walk very late in the evening. - If the moon comes out a walk could be enchanting!
Like with the ‘Your Rainbow Panorama’ artwork on top of the art museum Aros Aarhus
City has something to offer everyone while you are here – or have visitors coming!
Next week UIC has an Informal Meeting at the DTM Building, no topic is planned. Likely
to come up, - will then appear in the Tuesday mail (Monday is part of the Whitsun
Again this weekend as well as Monday is a holiday, the Whitsun, an extended weekend
off from work! More details on what brought this about below.
It means not only the weekend is off, but Monday as well! The Danish spring semester
provides plenty of days off work to spend with family and friends, a privilege in fact.
Should be favored. Otherwise it just means extra work hours, which of course can be
devoted ‘sitting’ work projects!
Sunday, Whit Sunday, is in Danish Pinsedag and Monday is simply Whit Monday, 2.
Pinsedag. Whitsun is in Christianity the celebration of the arrival of the Holy Ghost, which
helped the first Christians to preach the Gospel the Holy Ghost came upon the 12 disciples
50 days after Jesus Christ was raised from the dead. Therefore the date of this holiday
varies from year to year. Services in the Catholic and Lutheran Churches take place at least
this Sunday, feel free to join in at the Cathedral or wherever you would like. Outside any
given church there is announced time(s) of service.
To some people it is a favoured tradition to get up early Whit Sunday, pack a picnic basket
and go into the wood, Risskov or Marselisborg woods to watch the sun ‘dance’ - it is
believed the meaning has derived from people getting thrilled by the sight of the green
leaves, of the beautiful light green wood filled with spring sunrays by sunrise. Then later
the custom was to enjoy the luncheon in nature. It should be added that it was and is
weather permitted! Hereof also the tradition of having church service in the wood.
The Whitsun Holidays gives many people an opportunity to travel, gather with family or
do gardening, so that might be an opportunity for you as well! Be aware that many shops
are closed Sunday and Monday, but not restaurants, Tivoli, museums, garden centers, ice
cream parlors and the like.
Sculpture by the Sea has returned to Aarhus. An event which for the first time took place
here in 2009. It is a free open air exhibition on a three-kilometer stretch of coastline from
Tangkrogen to Ballehage. The huge outdoor art event with 65 sculptures from across the
world will this year be open from 2 June - 3 July. Don’t miss the interesting summer art
event. Read more on www.sculpturebythesea.com.
Art seen from the sea: Boat rides will be available and can be reserved. The boat, Svanen
(the Swan), will during the exhibition period sail on the hour from 10 am to 8 pm, during
weekends and holidays from 10 am to 10 pm. It will leave from Marselisborg Yacht
Harbour and to Ballehage (end of the Sculpture by the Sea exhibition) and sail very close
to the waterfront. Binoculars will be available. Coffee, beer, water, wine, ice cream and
food will be for sale. The boat can be rented for parties, accommodates up to 90 persons. A
boat ride costs: Adult DKK60, Child DKK40. Reservations can be made on phone 27389203
or by e-mail baek@email.dk
Sculpture by the Sea – The Open Air Art Exhibition opens at 2 pm at Tangkrogen, and
from then on everyone can enjoy as walk as they may please! –
Note the VESTAS events today and on the 15 June, see in the Calendar below.
Note also the outdoor exercise:
During the Sculpture by the Sea exhibition you get the opportunity of fun physical
exercise among the many beautiful sculptures. The sport and health guide Henrik
Mikkelsen from DGI Jutland will ensure you good exercise under guidance and
encouragement. The event runs on Mondays from 5pm to 6.30pm throughout the
exhibition period from 2 June – 3 July. Everybody can participate just show up at
Tangkrogen by the big sculpture "Consumer Temple" (The three large container),
participation is free of charge and organized by DGI Jutland. For more information go to
www.vorespuls.dk and look under “Liv i bevægelse” under “Events”(in Danish only)
Aarhus City Museum will be relocated by end of June, therefore the some special offers
are available, like free admission as well as free coffee. In addition 50% discount on all
items in the museum shop and some special tours of the exhibition. – Fortunately, the City
Museum will reopen in July as part of the museum ‘the Old Town’. See more details on
www.bymuseet.dk. Present address: Carl Blochs Gade 28, Aarhus C.
Bus number 18 will take you directly there and bus lines 5, 10, 16, 55 stop at Vesterbrogade
just 5 minutes walk from the museum, or by the new sightseeing buses mentioned below.
Walk along the ancient trail 12 Sunday June 2pm-3.30pm:
Enjoy a walk along the ancient trail running from Moesgård through the forest to the
beach and back again. The hike is about 4 kilometers long and you will see authentic and
reconstructed ancient tombs. The ticket to the Moesgård museum must be bought prior
to the hike. Meeting point is in front of the main building at the museum and your guide
is Katrine Lewinsky Moestrup. Moesgård Museum hopes to see many interested
participants, 89421100, www.moesmus.dk. The final stop of bus line number 6 will take
you to the museum.
Bonfire and playground at Ørnereden 13 Monday June: 10am-4pm:
Come enjoy a fun fine day or a short visit as you like at Naturcenter Ørnereden, Nature
Centre ‘Eagle’s Nest’. The new playground, inspired by creatures from the sea, is open
and the nature guides will welcome you with a bonfire and fresh wood for the kids to
whittle sticks. Stop by for as long as you want and bring lunch to prepare on the fire if you
like to try that. Meeting point is at the Nature Center. Nature guide: Henrik Hansen. Both
events are free of charge for children and adults. Address: Naturcenter Ørnereden,
Ørneredevej 55, 8270 Højbjerg, take bus number 6 (it is midway between the city and
Moesgaard Museum, some 5 km), see website www.naturinformation.dk/oernereden,
Since May 20, three red double deck buses with open top have been touring in the streets
and offered tourists and locals a new perspective on the city. Aarhus is now officially a
part of the City Tour concept which consists of a large group of buses in 90 cities
worldwide on five continents. The concept is straight forward. Hop on the bus, find a seat
and enjoy local attractions. Through a set of headphones information and interesting
stories about the city's attractions flow into the ears in either Danish, English or German.
There are two different routes to choose between: The red route is a city tour (Aros,
Botanical Gardens, the university). The green route runs in the scenic area on Strandvejen
overlooking the bay of Aarhus, Marselisborg castle, stadium, and Tivoli. Tickets: DDK125
one day, and DDK150 for two days. Children: 50% off, age 5-15 yrs). More details about
stops and time schedule on www.visitaarhus.com (in English).
Bring friends and family and enjoy time at the Beach Bar, Strandbaren. The bar is open
and the waterfront buzzing with life! The bar offers activities for everyone. Several
downtown bars and cafées will serve you at the bar offering burgers, delicious drinks, ice
cream, smoothies and more. The area provides a great place to join or start cross training,
beach volley, waterskiing, basket ball, canoeing and kayaking. Registration for the fitness
team is on facebook under 'events'. You will find the bar on Dagmar Petersens Street 101
(first female city council member!) at the waterfront area. The regular opening hours is
Thursdays-Sundays at 11am. Activities can be checked on www.strandbaren2011.dk e.g.
their jazz concerts.
Northside Festival is born and created in Denmark's youngest city, Aarhus. It is an annual
recurring festival for young music lovers. Northside Festival was initiated from the idea
that there has long been a popular demand as well as an audience for a music event of this
kind which presents major international artists. Northside Festival was organized for the
first time in 2010 at Tangkrogen. This year the festival takes place 11 and 12 June in a
brand new location at the big green valley area by Søren Frichs vej, just a few miles from
the center of Aarhus. For tickets and program go to www.northside.dk .
Youth European Soccer Championship, the U21 EM, in Aarhus is more than playing
soccer or watching the games. At the FANZONEN downtown – which is opening Friday
evening at 10 pm and running till 25 June - you can for example enjoy free concerts and
events. From Friday 10 June the Bishop’s Square, Bispetorvet, in the heart of Aarhus, is
transformed into a buzzing square. Each day of the final soccer rounds here will be music,
entertainment and lots of activities. Some of the major music names are Mads Langer, Le
Freak, Babou and Ginger Ninja. You can enjoy Ginger Ninja Friday 10 June at 10 pm,
Mads Langer 16 June at 8.30 pm and Le Freal 25 June at 4 pm. For the entire program go
to www.aoa.dk (in Danish only) 21 EM starts Saturday 11 June and ends Saturday 25 June.
TEEN ZONE: Before the soccer games the city area between Ingerslevs Boulevard and
Sct. Anna Gades Skole (a school) is turned into a place with great activities for young
people - a free teen zone with lots of activities. Entertainment like ‘Dance action Aarhus’,
rope skipping, skaterworkshop and much more. Saturday 11 June from 12 noon to 6 pm,
Tuesday 14 June from 1 pm to 6.30 pm and 25 June from 2.30 to 5 pm.
FANZONEN opens on Bispetorv, the Bishop’s Square this Friday 10 June at 10 pm! The next
couple of weeks here is open: weekdays from 11 am to 12 midnight, and weekends 12 noon to 12
On Tuesday 14 June our Danish Under-21 soccer stars are playing against Belarus right
here in Aarhus - the first and only match in Aarhus. Therefore, Arla and DBU (Danish Ball
Union) Jutland invite to a fun soccer event at Tangkrogen. The event is organized for the
pleasure of soccer-loving children (and adults), who would like to test their talents and
enjoy a nice day with their family and other football enthusiasts. Everyone who
participates can win footballs and get free Arla milk and there is a free family calendar for
the first 1,000 children. The event is at Tangkrogen from 10am to 5pm, more info at
www.aoa.dk (in Danish only). Suggestion: combine it with seeing some sculptures of
Sculpture by the Sea exhibition, in fact, hard to avoid!!!
Your Rainbow Panorama on the roof of the Art Museum AROS is open and easy to have
access to. Although the number of visitors since the opening has been increased four times
the normal. The Icelandic artist Olafur Eliasson has created it and thereby brought the
rainbow down for us to enjoy every day of the year!! See much more information – also in
English – on Aros’ website www.aros.dk . Through June the first month Aros is open till
10 pm, 12 hours each day, except Mondays, where it is closed. Consider membership,
which is during June only, is reduced to DKK300 for a full year free visits. And every time
you enter your membership includes your spouse or a friend for free.
Thursday 09 June
10 am to 8 pm take a boat ride along the Sculpture by the Sea, from Tangkrogen til
Ballehage, DDK60 adult, one way, till 3 July. Every day during the exhibition time.
12.45 pm, 2 pm, 3 pm Classical concert Exams by students from the Royal Academy of
Music at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset. Free.
2 pm Summer Café with songs, stories and more at Møllevangskirken, a Lutheran church,
Møllevangs Allé 49, till 25 August, free.
2 pm, 3 pm, 4 pm, 6 pm, 7 pm Rythmic music exams by students from the Royal Academy
of Music at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset. Free.
3 pm to 8 pm Vestas Activities for children and adults at the Sculpture by the Sea at the
Welcome Centre at Tangkrogen, free.
7 pm Walk for charity, to benefit the Alzheimer Society by joining the Aarhus Fodslaw,
meet at Skovvangskolen 140, Aarhus N, DKK25/adult.
7.30 pm Jysk Ungdoms Stryge Orkester, Jutland Youth String Orchestra - a very good
group of young musicians from the Aarhus Music School - conducted by Emile Cantor,
with music by Mozart, Carl Nielsen and more and Dr. Phil. Vinicius Mariano de
Carvalho, AU, who will conduct Heitor Villa-Lobos (soloist Mark Samana) at Sct. Luke’s
Church, Skt. Lukas kirken on Ingerslevs Boulevard, Aarhus C, www.sktlukas.dk, free.
Friday 10 June
11 am to midnight Fanzone – U21 EM, entertainment activities, see details above
12.30 pm Classical concerts exams by students from the Royal Academy of Music at the
Concert Hall, Musikhuset, free.
4 pm to midnight U21 EM Fanzone – soccer activities – competitions, spnsor activities,
music and more. Bispetorvet till 25 June, free.
5 pm The Jutland Opera’s Choir and soloists gives a classical summer concert at the
Concert Hall, Musikhuset, at the Café, free.
7.30 pm Trumpet player Anders Regland Farstad – making his début classical concert at
the Concert Hall, Musikhuset, free.
10 pm Free concerts at Bispetorvet, next to the Cathedral Friday: Ginger Ninja
Saturday 11 June
10 am to 10 pm Your Rainbow Panorama at the Art Museum AROS is open! See more
details above. Admission.
11 am 2 pm Open workshops and guided tours for families at the Sculpture by the Sea,
Tangkrogen. Until 3 July.
11 am to 4 A secret club house – activities at the Museum of Natural History for 6 yrs and
up at Sct. Anna Gade Skole, School, every Saturday during June, free.
12 noon to 3 pm Viking activities for children at Moesgaard Museum, bus no 6 to the end
1 pm Martinus Ricardo Chichon – pop/R’n’B at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset at the Café,
2 pm Roller Skate Tour around Brabrand Lake with guide Hartwig Klapp, Aarhus 1900
Inlinere. Meeting place Aabrinkvej, across the street from Falck, free.
Sunday 12 June
11 am 2 pm Open workshops and guided tours for families at the Sculpture by the Sea,
Tangkrogen. Until 3 July.
11 am to 2 pm Micro life – try a microscope in the museum lab, every Sunday at the
Museum of Natural History on AU Campus, free for children under 18 yrs.
12 noon to 4 pm Viking craftsman shows how to make glass beads for children at
Moesgaard Museum, bus no 6 to the end station.
1 pm Djursland Folk Musicians – Celtic-American Folk Rock at the Concert Hall,
Musikhuset, at the Café, free.
2 pm to 3.30 pm A walk along the ancient trail at Moesgaard Museum, see details above.
Monday 13 June
All Monday Aros the Art Museum is closed, e.g. no ‘Your Rainbow Panorama!
10 am to 5 pm Flea Market in Mølleparken, Aarhus C, next to the Main Library
10 am to 4 pm Bonfire and woodcarving day with activities for children and adults by
assistance of Nature Guide Henrik Hansen, Nature Center Eagle’s nest, take bus no. 6
halfway to Moesgaard Museum. Free.
12 noon to 5 pm the Old Mill operates, 5 min.s walk from Moesgaard Museum, 10 sorts of
fresh flour for sale. Bus no. 6 to the end station at the museum. Address: Skovmøllevej 51.
1 pm Nana Schwartzlose – singersong at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset at the Café, free.
5 pm to 6.30 pm Outdoor exercise at Tangkrogen, next to the Exhibition Sculpture by the
Sea, see details above.
Tuesday 14 June
10 am to 5 pm Arla’s Soccer Event for children at Tangkrogen, lots of activities, more
details above, free.
6 pm training for the Marselis run at Tangkrogen, till 23 August, free.
6 pm Every Tuesday also fitness training for fit & unfit, get a fitness test and more, take a
walk, get started, also at Tangkrogen, free.
7.30 pm Four students from the piano school, Gradus, - classical concert at the Sct. Mark
(Markus) Church, classical music at Sct Mark Church, free.
Wednesday 15 June
10 am UIC Informal Meeting, see Monday mail or on the website www.au.dk/uic)
10 am to 8 pm Vestas ‘Global Wind Day – a day to celebrate the wind’ at the Sculpture by
the Sea at the Welcome Centre at Tangkrogen, free.
Just to mention of few of the things that happen in Aarhus City, have fun!
Best wishes for the coming days!
Venlig hilsen / Best regards
Gitte Haahr-Andersen
UIC Organiser
International Centre
Aarhus University
Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 4, bldg. 1650
DK-8000 Århus C
Web: www.au.dk/uic
Phone: +45 3069 8483
Email: GHA@adm.au.dk
Dear Internationals,
UIC Summer Informal Meeting yesterday was enjoyed. A lot was heard from the
represented countries e.g. India, Japan, Ireland/GB, Slovakia, Poland (although small
Emilia did not want to stay inside!), and Holland. Denmark also contributed – being the
host country a bit was informed about the national day to fly flags – visible from all official
buildings yesterday. The day we commemorate our flag, which was given us in Estonia in
1219 – as the legend has it, more information on that below.
This week complaints were placed due to ‘Your Rainbow Panorama’ artwork on top of
the art museum Aros! Believe it or not, some residents in the surrounding apartments feel
their homes are so seriously affected by the reflecting rainbow colors that they placed a
complaint. This might lead to a law suit, but I hope not. The artist, Olufur Elisasson,
immediately commented by saying the residents should try to see the phenomenon as an
interesting feature in their homes, like the rainbow becoming part of the residents’ homes.
As true art at home! ..Well, let us see what follows from this.
Next week 22 June the UIC Informal Meeting as a Pancake Day from 10 am to 12 noon
(?), more details in the Monday mail. Yesterday some signed up for this event, where
Francoise Verroust will introduce us to her French pancakes!
But it would make it easier to find a suitable place to bake and eat, if we have an idea of
how many we are going to be. So please sign up by sending me a mail gha@adm.au.dk –
if possible, before I have to send out the Monday mail with details on how to find the
place etc. It will surely be a fun day!
And now some news -
The International Centre is looking for housing for 140 exchange students for the autumn
semester. The students will arrive 15 August and leave on 31 January 2012. If you have an
extra room you want to sublet (also if it is just for the first months of the semester) please
fill in this form: http://www.au.dk/en/studies/is/info/pa/sublettingaroom/
The International Centre is also looking for housing for our Summer University Students
in August arriving 30 July and leaving 27 August. If you are interested in subletting a
room or your flat in August please contact us via this email: housing@adm.au.dk
-----Note: having someone live in your home, while you are on holidays, is the best security
system! And in addition you receive rent… /Gitte
AU Researchers with original and visionary ideas are invited to apply for funding from the new AU
Ideas grant programme. Up to 25 million DKK for a 5 year period can be granted from the AU
fund. The AU leadership calls for ideas for new inter-disciplinary research centres. Six centres have
already been established, and the university now encourage AU researchers with original and
visionary ideas to present them, to expand the programme with four new centres. See the full
announcement with conditions for applying on: http://medarbejdere.au.dk/fremtidensau/nyecentre/
and click on the English version.
Sculpture by the Sea is enjoyed by a lot of people. Whether it will amount to half a million
– like estimated – is not given, but likely. Whole school classes visit the exhibition. Many
clubs arrange an outing there to enjoy the wide range of artworks. Furthermore, the open
air exhibition on a three-kilometer stretch of coastline from Tangkrogen to Ballehage
provides an ideel walk, which is good for all age groups.
Don’t miss the interesting summer art event. Read more on www.sculpturebythesea.com.
Art seen from the sea: Boat rides will be available and can be reserved. The boat, Svanen
(the Swan), will during the exhibition period sail on the hour from 10 am to 8 pm, during
weekends and holidays from 10 am to 10 pm. It will leave from Marselisborg Yacht
Harbour and to Ballehage (end of the Sculpture by the Sea exhibition) and sail very close
to the waterfront. Binoculars will be available. Coffee, beer, water, wine, ice cream and
food will be for sale. The boat can be rented for parties, accommodates up to 90 persons. A
boat ride costs: Adult DKK60, Child DKK40. Reservations can be made on phone 27389203
or by e-mail baek@email.dk
Sculpture by the Sea – The Open Air Art Exhibition opens at 2 pm at Tangkrogen, and
from then on everyone can enjoy as walk as they may please! –
Note also the outdoor exercise:
During the Sculpture by the Sea exhibition you get the opportunity of fun physical
exercise among the many beautiful sculptures. The sport and health guide Henrik
Mikkelsen from DGI Jutland will ensure you good exercise under guidance and
encouragement. The event runs on Mondays from 5pm to 6.30pm throughout the
exhibition period till 3 July. Everybody can participate just show up at Tangkrogen by the
big sculpture "Consumer Temple" (The three large container), participation is free of
charge and organized by DGI Jutland. For more information go to www.vorespuls.dk and
look under “Liv i bevægelse” under “Events”(in Danish only)
Being here you might have wondered why the flags flew from so many official buildings.
It was Valdemar’s Day 15 June. On that date in 1219 the Danish King Valdemar Victory on
his crusade to Estonia by a miracle ‘received’ the very first Danish flag at Lyndanisse in
Estonia. Danish flag was said to have fallen from the sky – by God - granted in response to
Bishop Anders Sunesen's prayers. Kind of God approving the Danes deeds in the area.
Well, it is more likely that the flag came from the Johanittes order, a monastic order, who
fought in the same area. Anyway, the myth is suitable for a celebration of the world's
oldest national flags - whether given to us by God or not!! – It should be added that the
Danish flag was in use by the King up till about 1850, and not the common people. But
from then – after the free constitution came in 1849 – Danes became very fond of their flag.
And as seen of all of you, we use the flag officially and informal to celebrate a birthday,
end of the semester or any good event – so we are easily available in any size!
Again this week several concerts representing all kinds of music take place at the Concert
Hall. Students from the Royal Academy of Music have their final exams, their debut, and
everyone is invited to take part. It is a great opportunity to enjoy music – live – all day
long, if you have that kind of time. See some of the concerts announced below under ‘the
specific suggestions’.
1 July Aarhus City Museum will be relocated and become part of ‘the Old Town’. The final
weeks on its present address means free admission, free coffee and in addition 50%
discount on everything in the museum shop and some special tours of the exhibition.
More details on www.bymuseet.dk.
Present address: Bymuseet, Carl Blochs Gade 28, Aarhus C.
Bus number 18 will take you directly there and bus lines 5, 10, 16, 55 stop at Vesterbrogade
just 5 minutes walk from the museum, or take one of the new sightseeing buses.
Sunday you are welcome to meet up volunteers from different health associations like the
Arthritis Association, Diabetes Association, The Osteoporosis Association and Aarhus
Health Center. You can test your balance, have your blood pressure measured, learn about
the nature area and participate in quizzes. It’s from 2-4pm, participation is free and the
meeting point is at the parking lot at Viengevej, off Lystrupvej in Risskov, Bus 9 or 53 can
take you there. – It is a great nature area. Besides jogging and biking paths there are
shelters, a place for a bonfire - free logs are provided, and more facilities available.
Everybody can book such a place for free on http://www.aarhus.dk/da/borger/naturog-miljoe/Ud-i-naturen/Naturbooking.aspx
Join ‘Ud i naturen’, (Outdoor activities) for at tour of the Deer Park Saturday 18 June.
Learn about the Sika deer and the wild boars, when nature guide Bjarne Golles takes you
around in the Deer Park. The tour is free and open for everybody from 10 am – 11.30 am.
Meet up at the north entrance on Ørneredevej (the entrance closest to the Varna Palæet.)
Bus 6 stops here, except on Sundays.
Bring friends and family and enjoy time at the Beach Bar, Strandbaren. The bar is open
and the waterfront buzzing with life! The bar offers activities for everyone. Several
downtown bars and cafées will serve you at the bar offering burgers, delicious drinks, ice
cream, smoothies and more. The area provides a great place to join or start cross training,
beach volley, waterskiing, basket ball, canoeing and kayaking. Registration for the fitness
team is on facebook under 'events'. You will find the bar on Dagmar Petersen’s Street 101
(first female city council member) at the waterfront area. The regular opening hours is
Thursday-Sunday from 11 am. Activities can be checked on www.strandbaren2011.dk e.g.
their jazz concerts.
Youth European Soccer Championship, the U21 EM, in Aarhus is more than playing
soccer or watching the games. At the FANZONEN downtown – which is opening Friday
evening at 10 pm and running till 25 June - you can for example enjoy free concerts and
events. From Friday 10 June the Bishop’s Square, Bispetorvet, in the heart of Aarhus, is
transformed into a buzzing square. Each day of the final soccer rounds here will be music,
entertainment and lots of activities. Some of the major music names are Mads Langer, Le
Freak, Babou (this Friday). For the entire program go to www.aoa.dk (in Danish only) 21U
EM ends Saturday 25 June.
TEEN ZONE: Before the soccer games the city area between Ingerslevs Boulevard and
Sct. Anna Gades Skole (a school) is turned into a place with great activities for young
people - a free teen zone with lots of activities. Entertainment like ‘Dance action Aarhus’,
rope skipping, skaterworkshop and much more. Saturday 18 June from 12 noon to 6 pm,
Tuesday 14 June from 1 pm to 6.30 pm and 25 June from 2.30 to 5 pm.
FANZONEN opens on Bispetorv, the Bishop’s Square this Friday 10 June at 10 pm! The next
couple of weeks here is open: weekdays from 11 am to 12 midnight, and weekends 12 noon to 12
Your Rainbow Panorama on the roof of the Art Museum AROS is open and easy to have
access to. Although the number of visitors since the opening has been increased four times
the normal. The Icelandic artist Olafur Eliasson has created it and thereby brought the
rainbow down for us to enjoy every day of the year!! See much more information – also in
English – on Aros’ website www.aros.dk . Through June the first month Aros is open till
10 pm, 12 hours each day, except Mondays, where it is closed. Consider membership,
which during June only, is reduced to DKK300 for a full year free visits. And every time
you enter your membership includes your spouse or a friend for free.
Family Fun is a new and exciting opportunity. It is a project aimed at active families and is
initiated by three young enthusiastic sports students through a network via the AU
Department of Sport. The goal is to create a positive framework for Aarhus families in
which they can enjoy social and physical activities together. 18 June the activities are
mountain biking, volley ball, games in the forest. Meeting place: Mindeparken, Memorial Park,
next to the Marselisborg Slot, Castle. DDK 20 per family member. Registration not necessary. Take
Bus 6.
Since 2003 the Danish Nurse Association (Sygeplejeråd) has organized Men's Health
Week, which takes place 14 to 20 June. A campaign to focus on men's health and diseases.
This year the theme is “Early discovery of diseases and efficient help”. The primary
purpose of an international focus on men's health is to ensure greater attention to a
number of areas, including topics such as: men's life expectancy around the world, the
number of cases of diseases specific to males (especially prostate and testicular cancer),
high male mortality of various diseases and accidents, high rate of suicide and men's
mental health problems. Aarhus Løve Pharmacy (Apotek) downtown offers e.g.
information about blood pressure, sunscreen for men and skin care.
Yesterday, it was decided on a press conference that a new bus terminal connected to the
central station is planned in the centre of Aarhus and will according to the plan be in use
some time in 2015. The new urban development provides a great opportunity to enhance
downtown area of Aarhus when it comes to transportation and hopefully it will make life
easier for travelers, when switching means of transportation. Next autumn a more detailed
plan for the reorganization will be ready to make public.
A year ago, The Aarhus Entertainer Group in Aarhus celebrated its 20 year anniversary
with a 3 day festival with appearances by many former students, friends and
acquaintances. The success was so great that they are repeating the event this year. Circus
Tværs puts up their performance tents and everybody is welcome for free. This new,
alternative festival is called Breaking Boulevard and features activities ranging from good
old fashioned street entertainment to modern street art like break dance, rap, break battle
and much more. The Damascus Circus School, which was founded by Gøglerskolen in
collaboration with the Danish Red Cross is now a self-running circus school that defies tanks
and civil war to bring fun and joy out to refugee camps in Syria and is here to entertain you at this
year’s Breaking Boulevard festival. Our Syrian friends will hold workshops and perform in the
Circus Tværs tent. The festival takes place mainly at Archaus downtown at Valdemarsgade 1,
8000 Aarhus C close to the Concert Hall, Musikhuset. See program at www.goglerskolen.dk (in
Danish only)
It is not a joke. It happened to a resident in H.N. Clausens Gade, Aarhus C some 6 weeks
ago. Through the letter flop a white envelope was dropped, and to the resident’s surprise
contained DKK 35,000. The resident had no idea of why or by whom the money was
dropped. But the only right thing: to report the incident to the police and turning the
money in. At the police station it was not listed as missing, and so far it has not been
possible to trace the money. But for sure there awaits the honest person a reward.
On Hørgaardsvej in Risskov some of the residents are holding a flea market both Saturday
and Sunday. Spring ‘clear outs’ of their attics, garage is on sale, which means you can find
anything, from furniture, china, silverware to Oriental rugs, the ad claims only good stuff
is to be found. – In case of rain find the market inside the garages, otherwise on the street,
Hørgaardvej, 8240 Risskov.
Thursday 16 June
9.30 am Organist Philip Aggesen – classical exams concert at the Aarhus Cathedral, Store
Torv, free.
10 am to 8 pm take a boat ride along the Sculpture by the Sea, from Tangkrogen til
Ballehage, DDK60 adult, one way, till 3 July. Every day during the exhibition time.
12 noon to 9 pm Rythmical Concerts, Exams by students from the Royal Academy of
Music at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset. Free.
12 noon to 12 midnight U21 EM Fanzone – soccer activities, sponsor activities,
competitions, and music at the Bishop’s Square, Bispetorvet next to the Aarhus Cathedral,
12.30 pm to 5 pm Classical Concerts, Exams by students from the Royal Academy of Music
at the Concert Hall, free.
2 pm Summer Café with songs, stories and more at Møllevangskirken, church, Møllevangs
Allé 49, Aarhus C, free.
7 pm join a walk with the group Aarhus Fodslaw. Meeting place: Byleddet, End station for
Bus 17, Brabrand. Free.
7.30 pm Cantores Minores and the Boys’ Choir of the Aarhus Cathedral perform choir
songs at the Cathedral, Store Torv, free.
Friday 17 June
11 am to midnight Fanzone – U21 EM, entertainment activities, see details above
12.30 pm to 2 pm Classical concerts, exams by students from the Royal Academy of Music
at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset, free.
12 noon to midnight U21 EM Fanzone – soccer activities – competitions, spnsor activities,
music and more. Bispetorvet till 25 June, free.
12.30 pm to 9 pm Rythmical concerts, exams by students from the Royal Academy of
Music at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset, free.
3 pm DBU Street Challenge – DM in street soccer for 13 to 18 year old at Store Torv, Great
Square, next to Aarhus Cathedral, free.
Saturday 18 June
9 am to 8 pm ‘Run for Life’ – exercise, walking and more activities for children and adults.
At Lenesvej, parking lot at Hasle Bakker, Hills, free.
10 am to 2 pm Watch freshwater life from a canoe on Brabrand Lake and Aarhus Stream.
Organiser: Nature Club ‘Hawk Eye’ (Museum of Natural History). Meet up at Nature
Center ‘Sølyst’ (north side of Brabrand Lake), Louisevej 100, Brabrand. Price: DKK50 per
10 am to 5 pm Open Garden at Birthe og Flemming Hansen, Solbakken 22, Ugelbølle (15
KM north of Aarhus. Free
10 am to 10 pm Your Rainbow Panorama at the Art Museum AROS is open! See more
details above. Admission.
10 am to 11.30 Guided tour in the Deer Park, Dyrehaven, by nature guide Bjarne Golle.
Meet at gate, see details above.
11 am 2 pm Open workshops and guided tours for families at the Sculpture by the Sea,
Tangkrogen. Until 3 July.
11 am to 4 pm ‘A secret club house’ – activities at the Museum of Natural History for 6 yrs
and up at Sct. Anna Gade Skole, School, every Saturday during June, free.
12 noon ‘On the wings of music’ A family concert with Aarhus Symphony Orchestra,
flutenist Flavia Jørgensen and compère is Jens Andersen at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset,
1 pm to 2 pm Babou Pop Concert U21 Fanzone at Bishop’s Square, Bispetorvet, next to
Aarhus Cathedral, free.
4 pm to 5 am (Sunday) Beach Party at Risskov Søbad, Den Permanente, Risskov. On facebook
more than 10,000 has signed up, so unless you want to participate this is good to know to avoid the
area! The Concept at the Beach Party is music, dancing, ’hygge’ and drinks.
Sunday 19 June
10 am to 12 noon ‘Wildflowers Day’ – a family walk with guides Helle Ullmann and
Dagmar Kappel. Meet up at the traffic light Sdr. Ringgade og Søren Frichs Vej. Free.
10 am to 5 pm Open Garden at Birthe og Flemming Hansen, Solbakken 22, Ugelbølle (15
KM north of Aarhus. Free
10 am to 4 pm Lion’s Club Lystrup ‘trunk flea market’ at Ingerslevs Boulevard, Aarhus C –
where also the Open Air Farmers’ Market takes place (from 8.30 am to around 2.30 pm)
11 am 2 pm Open workshops and guided tours for families at the Sculpture by the Sea,
Tangkrogen. Until 3 July.
11 am to 2 pm Micro life – try a microscope in the museum lab, every Sunday at the
Museum of Natural History on AU Campus, free for children under 18 yrs.
12 noon to 5 pm the Old Mill operates, 5 min.s walk from Moesgaard Museum, 10 sorts of
fresh flour for sale. Bus no. 6 to the end station at the museum. Address: Skovmøllevej 51.
5 pm Concert by Vor Frue Cantori and Organist Murray Stewart in Our Lady’s Church,
Vor Frue Kirke in Vestergade, Aarhus C, free.
6.30 pm Try kayaking next to Sculpture by the Sea an activity by DGI East Jutland. Meet
up at the Training Pavillion at Tangkrogen (start of the exhibition), free.
Monday 20 June
All Monday Aros the Art Museum is closed, e.g. no ‘Your Rainbow Panorama!
10 am to 12 noon Wildflowers’ day – join the family walk, at the intersection at Søndre
Ringgade and Søren Frichs Vej, free.
5 pm to 6.30 pm Outdoor exercise at Tangkrogen, next to the Exhibition Sculpture by the
Sea, more details above. Free.
Tuesday 21 June
6 pm training for the Marselis run at Tangkrogen, till 23 August, free.
6 pm Every Tuesday also fitness training for fit & unfit, get a fitness test and more, take a
walk, get started, also at Tangkrogen, free.
Wednesday 22 June
10 am UIC Pancake Day, where to meet and more details in the Monday mail!
Best wishes for the coming days!
Venlig hilsen / Best regards
Gitte Haahr-Andersen
UIC Organiser
International Centre
Aarhus University
Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 4, bldg. 1650
DK-8000 Århus C
Web: www.au.dk/uic
Phone: +45 3069 8483
Email: GHA@adm.au.dk
Venlig hilsen / Best regards
Gitte Haahr-Andersen
UIC Organiser
International Centre
Aarhus University
Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 4, DTM Bldg. 1650
DK-8000 Århus C
Web: www.au.dk/uic
Phone: +45 3069 8483
Email: GHA@adm.au.dk
Dear Internationals,
UIC Summer Informal Meeting yesterday was a success: The Pancake-Party. A lot of
people seem to have freshly made pancakes as their favourite, yesterday was no exception.
For our kind hostess, Francoise, was well prepared to feed the crowd. The evening before
she made the dough, and from the morning baked some 30 pancakes ahead of time.. and
they disappeared as soon as time was up for having a meal. First Francoise shared some
of what pancakes means in France and added what it in specific calls for in her family.
There are two kinds of pancakes, one with white flour and the other is with buckwheat.
The buckwheat pancake came to Europe in 12th century and with the crusaders. Later up
till our time the buckwheat pancakes were known to be for the poor, for the people in the
countryside. They are best when buttered. Pancakes with white flour, crepes or crepe
suzettes, are traditionally baked 2 February, known from the Roman period, celebration of
the candles. On epiphany day, it is end of the ‘fat Tuesday’, was a true feast with fried
food and pancakes with eggs. Plenty to finish the eggs and other goodies, which people
were deprived of during Lent. Lent is the preparing time, a quiet fasting time before the
Christian Holiday, Easter. – Therefore the fat Tuesday was full of joy and liberty, before
people had to be living so plain!
In France pancakes are still a delight. And Francoise’s are no exception. She often bakes
them for her grandchildren! I quote her for saying that during her 3 stays – so far - at AU,
this time a little less than three months, she brings her ‘best’ pancake pan with her. –
Francoise’s went on saying that whoever bakes pancakes know that the first one comes out
with a somewhat peculiar shape. Although the taste is the same, this one – not living up to
the standard - is in France ‘for the dog’! – Interesting, as I think most often it is known as the
sample piece – a nice excuse for not waiting till we get all done and are at the table.
Francoise made us all feel so much at home and besides, eating the pancakes, we enjoyed
wine, coffee, juice and all the international most inspiring friendships. – When mentioning
this would appear in today’s newsletter, Francoise asked me to pass on a thank you for
coming and for bringing presents to her.
Le drapeau tricolore is here to show our appreciation, Francoise!
Splendidly done… Cheers !!
A few days ago I heard that baking pancakes topped with elder flowers is very good.
Right now you can pick some elder flowers almost anywhere in the wood, on the fields,
and hedgerows – thereby easy to have a try. Bon appétit!
UIC Informal Meeting next week will include a brief introduction by Dr. Eleftheria
Arapoglou, Athens:
‘A Bridge over the Balkans: Demetra Vaka Brown and the tradition of women travelers
to the Orient".
Check the Monday mail for further details please.
In the following some other news, among them information about the celebration of Skt.
Hans Aften, Sct. John Evening.
There are different elements in this celebration, which require some explanation for
newcomers as well as Danes. So here comes some information about the Danish way of
celebrating this time of the year: Thursday evening the 23 June bonfires will be burning
many, many places and parties will be on all the night, especially if the weather is warm
and dry. The reason for the bonfire event is a heathen tradition to symbolically (at some
period of time it actually happened) burn, what people believed to be witches on the eve
of solstice. It was believed that the fire would make the witches leave for Bloksbjerg a
Mountain in the Harz, Germany (in Denmark alone: between 1540 and 1693 some 1,000
people died on the bonfires!)
With Christianity Friday 24 June is Skt. Hans day. It is celebrated as the apostle’s birthday,
and he was born 6 months prior to Jesus. In English his name is Sct. John. In Danish he is
Johannes, which eventually was shortened to Hans, consequently it became Sct. Hans
day. A name he was given as he was to announce the coming of Jesus. - Another detail to
mention is that in Denmark we celebrate him the evening before his birth. The same goes
for Jesus at Christmas time!
The evening is celebrated with bonfires and bonfire speeches, often accompanied by
barbequing. There will be many public bonfires in the city parks – also the university park
and Tivoli Friheden see a list of places here or below in the Calender or in today’s paper Jp
for example: http://www.aarhusportalen.dk/sankthansaften.asp
Note: in Risskov – on the beautiful beaches – each street has its own bonfire, and when lit
it makes a spectacular view! Depending on the weather, of course. The tradition is that on
most of the streets the people gather, receive each a torch and then proceed together down
on the beach to lit the bonfire. It can be the most enchanting experience – also to attend the
Beach Bar Bonfire on the harbour, and from there see the bonfires in Risskov and in clear
weather bonfires across the bay! And singing may also be heard. That is when Danish
summer is best!
This morning at ‘my’ beach in Risskov I counted 17 bonfires, and for the first time saw a
huge bonfire seriously wrapped up with plastic to keep it dry!!! What an invention...
If you have been to Skagen, the tip of Jutland or just at the Aros Art Museum you may
have noticed paintings from this happy Sct. Hans Evening celebration, and our Danish
writer Holger Drachmann lived in Skagen (the tip of Jutland), when he in 1885 wrote the
Midsummer song ‘Vi elsker vort land’ - This country we love...! It simply is needed
tonight.. Skt. Hans Aften, Sct. John’s Evening, Danish Solstice & Bonfire Evening please
enjoy it!
Wednesday by 9.30 am Queen Margrethe II arrived by the Royal Yacht to Aarhus and was
welcomed by the Mayor Nicolai Wammen and the city’s notabilities. Fortunately in the
most spectacular weather. Part of the Royal Family is now in residence at Marselisborg
Castle and therefore the gate is under close guard. Every day at 12 noon sharp the change
of guards can be observed.
Have you noticed all the young people in the streets wearing white caps with a black front
and a blue, light blue, red or black stripe? They are entitled to wear these caps, as soon as
they finish their last exam at the Gymnasium (the Danish equivalent to High School). Now
they are called ‘studenter’ and the colour of the stripe(s) indicates the specific education
they now have. It is common to congratulate the students wearing caps, in fact an
excellent opportunity to stop up and communicate in the street. When each class has
finished the exams, it is time to celebrate. A Danish tradition is that they take a one-day
ride in a decorated truck or some other kind of vehicle, paying all the their parents a brief
visit. Each home is expected to serve them a drink, which eventually for most of the
studenter quite a bit. Therefore, these trucks make a lot of noise, so you are bound to hear
them whenever you are close to them.
The International Centre is looking for housing for 140 exchange students for the autumn semester. The students will
arrive 15 August and leave on 31 January 2012. If you have an extra room you want to sublet (also if it is just for the first
months of the semester) please fill in this form: http://www.au.dk/en/studies/is/info/pa/sublettingaroom/
The International Centre is also looking for housing for our Summer University Students in August arriving 30 July and
leaving 27 August. If you are interested in subletting a room or your flat in August please contact us via this email:
-----Note: having someone live in your home, while you are on holidays, is the best security system! And in addition you
receive rent… /Gitte
AU Researchers with original and visionary ideas are invited to apply for funding from the new AU Ideas grant
programme. Up to 25 million DKK for a 5 year period can be granted from the AU fund. The AU leadership calls for
ideas for new inter-disciplinary research centres. Six centres have already been established, and the university now
encourage AU researchers with original and visionary ideas to present them, to expand the programme with four new
centres. See the full announcement with conditions for applying on:
http://medarbejdere.au.dk/fremtidensau/nyecentre/ and click on the English version.
The Exhibition continues till 3 July – day and night it can be seen. It is the top opportunity
to appreciate art, and at the same time do some exercise, plus in addition get some fresh
air. It is perfectly alright to bring your drinks, food or just coffee there. The long days
make the evenings perfect for a small or longer outing in the quiet woodlands or on the
beach.. Try to make it out there again, while it is here for free! Tonight with the bonfires it
will also be an excellent time to get out there..
Sculpture by the Sea is enjoyed by a lot of people. Whether it will amount to half a million – like estimated – is not given,
but likely. Whole school classes visit the exhibition. Many clubs arrange an outing there to enjoy the wide range of
artworks. Furthermore, the open air exhibition on a three-kilometer stretch of coastline from Tangkrogen to Ballehage
provides an ideel walk, which is good for all age groups.
Don’t miss the interesting summer art event. Read more on www.sculpturebythesea.com.
Art seen from the sea: Boat rides will be available and can be reserved. The boat, Svanen (the Swan), will during the
exhibition period sail on the hour from 10 am to 8 pm, also during weekends and holidays. It will leave from
Marselisborg Yacht Harbour and to Ballehage (end of the Sculpture by the Sea exhibition) and sail very close to the
waterfront. Binoculars will be available on board. Coffee, beer, water, wine, ice cream and food will be for sale. The boat
can be rented for parties, and it accommodates up to 90 persons. A boat ride costs: Adult DKK60, Child DKK40.
Reservations can be made on phone 27389203 or by e-mail baek@email.dk
Sculpture by the Sea – The Open Air Art Exhibition opens at 2 pm at Tangkrogen, and from then on everyone can enjoy
as walk as they may please! –
Note: One of the sculptures will be chosen to stay in Aarhus
When the Sculpture by the Sea 2011 Aarhus ends one of the artworks is hopefully going to
stay in Aarhus - and you can actually influence which one. The company Pressalit and
Aarhus Municipality give everybody the option to help decide by voting for one of the
following sculptures: "Red Memory Shy Boy" by Chen Wen Ling from China, "Afløb" by
Peter Frimand, Denmark, "Kinetic Sculpture" by Michael Hischer, Germany, "From
Optimism to Hope" by Andrew Rogers, Australia, "Interactions" by Jørn Rønnau,
Denmark or "Chapel No. 2" by Vaclav Fiala, Czech Republic. Participate by turning to TV
2 Østjylland’s website: www.tv2oj.dk no later than 1 July at 12 noon. The most popular
sculpture and thereby the one to stay in Aarhus will be announced in the evening on TV
2 Østjylland at 7. 30 pm!
During the Sculpture by the Sea exhibition you get the opportunity of fun physical
exercise among the many beautiful sculptures. The sport and health guide Henrik
Mikkelsen from DGI Jutland will ensure you good exercise under guidance and
encouragement. The event runs on Mondays from 5pm to 6.30pm throughout the
exhibition period e.g. 3 July. Everybody can participate just show up at Tangkrogen by the
big sculpture "Consumer Temple" (The three large container), participation is free of
charge and organized by DGI Jutland. For more information go to www.vorespuls.dk and
look under “Liv i bevægelse” under “Events”(in Danish only)
Aarhus Art Building opens its doors this summer to display three major exhibitions on
sustainability, ecological past and future dreams as their focus. The exhibitions focus on
alternative lifestyles, cultural encounters and experimental encounters with nature. The
exhibitions run until 17th August. Note: Among the Aarhus institutions, the Aarhus
Kunstbygning is very good at informing in both Danish and English. So may want to be
on their mailing list, not necessary to be member for getting the information. Come and
enjoy the summer atmosphere with a cold drink, music, and bonfire outdoor. There will be
speeches by e.g. chief curator Charlotte Sprogøe. Everybody is invited from at 5 pm.
Address: J.M. Mørk Gade 13, 8000 Aarhus C.
1 July Aarhus City Museum will be relocated and become part of ‘the Old Town’. The final
week on its present address means free admission, free coffee and in addition 50%
discount on everything in the museum shop and some special tours of the exhibition.
More details on www.bymuseet.dk.
Present address: Bymuseet, Carl Blochs Gade 28, Aarhus C.
Bus number 18 will take you directly there and bus lines 5, 10, 16, 55 stop at Vesterbrogade
just 5 minutes walk from the museum, or take one of the new sightseeing buses.
The next bike auction will be held on 25 June from 10 am. The auction will include
approximately 230 bicycles, bicycle trailers, a pair of 4-wheel quads, etc. There will be
screening Friday the 24 June from 3pm to 6pm and on the auction day the doors are open
from 8:30 am. Catalogue and photos are now updated and can be viewed at: www.ojauktion.dk/?Auktioner/Kataloger&siteid=6.
‘Ud i Naturen’ invites children and their parents to come and explore the beach area at Ørnereden
Nature Centre (Eagle’s Nest Nature Centre). 28 June from 10 am to 3 pm. Families can look for
small animals on the beach (south of the large staircase) and learn about e.g. seaweed flies, small
shrimps and mussels by the guidance of nature guide Henrik Hansen. Everybody is welcome,
remember sunscreen or rain coats depending on the weather. Address: Naturcenter Ørnereden,
Ørneredevej 55, 8270 Højbjerg (bus number 6, 19).
Walk: If you are more into a 7 KM long walk in Riis Skov (the wood Risskov, a bit north on
Grenåvej you see it) you have plenty of options, walking, running, fitness in open air even! But
Tuesday 28 June a walk starts and ends at the Vandrehjem, Aarhus hostel in Riis Skov at 7 pm.
Guide is Svend Krüger, who will tell you about the area. Free to join – also a way to meet some
Bring friends and family and enjoy time at the Beach Bar, Strandbaren. The bar is open
and the waterfront buzzing with life! The bar offers activities for everyone. Several
downtown bars and cafées will serve you at the bar offering burgers, delicious drinks, ice
cream, smoothies and more. The area provides a great place to join or start cross training,
beach volley, waterskiing, basket ball, canoeing and kayaking. Registration for the fitness
team is on facebook under 'events'. You will find the bar on Dagmar Petersen’s Street 101
(first female city council member) at the waterfront area. The regular opening hours is
Thursday-Sunday from 11 am. Activities can be checked on www.strandbaren2011.dk e.g.
their jazz concerts.
Youth European Soccer Championship, the U21 EM, in Aarhus is more than playing
soccer or watching the games. At the FANZONEN downtown – which is opening Friday
evening at 10 pm and running till 25 June - you can for example enjoy free concerts and
events. From Friday 10 June the Bishop’s Square, Bispetorvet, in the heart of Aarhus, is
transformed into a buzzing square. Each day of the final soccer rounds here will be music,
entertainment and lots of activities. Some of the major music names are Mads Langer, Le
Freak, Babou (this Friday). For the entire program go to www.aoa.dk (in Danish only) 21U
EM ends Saturday 25 June.
TEEN ZONE: Before the soccer games the city area between Ingerslevs Boulevard and
Sct. Anna Gades Skole (a school) is turned into a place with great activities for young
people - a free teen zone with lots of activities. Entertainment like ‘Dance action Aarhus’,
rope skipping, skaterworkshop and much more. Saturday 25 June from 2.30 to 5 pm and
FANZONEN opens on Bispetorv, the Bishop’s Square this Friday 10 June at 10 pm! The next
couple of weeks here is open: weekdays from 11 am to 12 midnight, and weekends 12 noon to 12
Your Rainbow Panorama on the roof of the Art Museum AROS is open and easy to have access to. Although the
number of visitors since the opening has been increased four times the normal. The Icelandic artist Olafur Eliasson has
created it and thereby brought the rainbow down for us to enjoy every day of the year!! See much more information –
also in English – on Aros’ website www.aros.dk . Through June the first month Aros is open till 10 pm, 12 hours each
day, except Mondays, where it is closed. Consider membership, which during June only, is reduced to DKK300 for a full
year free visits. And every time you enter your membership includes your spouse or a friend for free.
Consider it to be the place from which to enjoy some bonfires!
Thursday 23 June
10 am to 8 pm take a boat ride along the Sculpture by the Sea, from Tangkrogen til
Ballehage, DDK60 adult, one way, till 3 July. Every day during the exhibition time – and
tonight enjoy the bonfires from the seaside!
11 am and on (every Thursday all summer!) Beach volley at the Beach Bar, Strandbaren,
Aarhus Harbour, Dagmar Petersen’s Gade 101, www.strandbaren2011.dk , free.
12 noon to 12 midnight U21 EM Fanzone: Soccer & sponsor activities, competitions, music
and more on at the Bishop’s Square, Bispetorvet, next to Aarhus Cathedral, free.
2 pm ‘Summer Café’ with songs, stories and more at Møllevangskirken, church,
Møllevangs Allé 49, Aarhus C, next to ASB/AU, free.
5 pm to 7 pm Peter Lund Swing Trio – Jazz at the Beach Bar, Strandbaren, on Aarhus
Harbour, Dagmar Petersens Gade 101, 8000 C, free.
Skt. Hans Aften, Sct. John’s Evening, Danish Solstice & Bonfire Evening:
5 pm Barbeque at the Dormitories, Kollegierne, on AU Campus. Later Bonfire speech,
singing, entertainment and from 0.30 am bands play music till 5 am, see details in Danish
on Kollegierne i Universitetsparken, free to join.
Address: The Dormitories, Kollegierne on AU- Campus, Karl Verners Vej 2, Århus C
6 pm Sct. John’s Bonfire Party by the Children’s Theater, gym show and bonfire speech at
Aabyhøjparken at Thorsvej, Aabyhøj, free.
6 pm to 10 pm Sct. John’s Bonfire Party with entertainment and bonfire speech by City
Council Member Jacob Bundsgaard Johansen on the hill, Højen, Jysk Væddeløbsbane,
Race Course, Højbjerg, free.
6.30 pm Sct. John’s Bonfire Party with barbecue and bonfire speech at Langenæskirken,
church, Kirkedammen 2, Aarhus C, free.
7 pm Bonfire Party at the Sculpture by the Sea, main entrance area. Bonfire speech by the
Mayor Nicolai Wammen. Organised by the Children’s Culture House.
7.45 pm Sct. John’s Bonfire Party with Aarhus Girls’ Band. And bonfire speech by Mayor
Nicolai Wammen and music from 12 midnight at ‘Tivoli Friheden’, Skovbrynet 5, Aarhus
C, admission DDK75.
8.00 pm Bonfire party at the Wood Boat Harbor area, Træskibshavnen (close to the good
Fish Market)
Gennerally speaking, for the majority of Bonfire Parties everyone can join, but be prepared
to pay for drinks and food.
Friday 24 June
11 am and on (every Thursday all summer!) Beach volley at the Beach Bar, Strandbaren,
Aarhus Harbour, Dagmar Petersen’s Gade 101, www.strandbaren2011.dk , free.
12 noon to midnight U21 EM Fanzone: soccer sponsor activities, competitions, music and
more. Dishop’s Square, Bispetorvet, next to Aarhus Cathedral till 25 June, free.
4 pm till Saturday at 4 pm 24 hrs. boat rowing by HEI Boat Club, Egaa Marina, Egaa Havvej
35-37, Egå, free.
7 pm to 10 pm Summer Dance – salsa by Jorge Cordero at U21 Fan Zone, Bishop’s Square,
Bispetorvet, next to Aarhus Cathedral, free.
Saturday 25 June
10 am to 3 pm Flea Market on Steen Billes Torv, Square, Aarhus N, free.
10 am to 5 pm ‘Strawberry and Honey Day’ by the Danish Bee-Keeper Society at shopping
centres, free.
10 am to 5 pm ‘Open Garden’ at Margit and Frank Olesen, Testrupvej 117, Testrup. 12 KM
south of Aarhus. Free.
10 am to 10 pm Your Rainbow Panorama at the Art Museum AROS is open! See more
details above. Admission.
11 am 2 pm Open workshops and guided tours for families at the Sculpture by the Sea,
Tangkrogen. Until 3 July.
11 am to 4 pm ‘A secret club house’ – activities at the Museum of Natural History for 6 yrs
and up at Sct. Anna Gade Skole, School, Ingerslevs Boulevard, every Saturday during
June, free.
11 am and on (every Thursday all summer!) Beach volley at the Beach Bar, Strandbaren,
Aarhus Harbour, Dagmar Petersen’s Gade 101, www.strandbaren2011.dk , free.
11.30 am ‘The Dogs’ Day’ – more than 80 different races of dogs, activities & information.
Bring your own dog, Tivoli Friheden, Skovbrynet 5, Aarhus C. Admission DKK75.
4 pm Half-an-hour Music Service (every Friday) at Our Lady’s Church, Vor Frue Kirke in
Vestergade, Aarhus C, free.
7 pm to 10 pm Summer Dance – swing by Kom og Dans (Join & Dance) at Sculpture by the
Sea, Tangkrogen, free.
Sunday 26 June
10 am to 5 pm ‘Open Garden’ at Margit and Frank Olesen, Testrupvej 117, Testrup. 12 KM
south of Aarhus. Free.
11 am 2 pm Open workshops and guided tours for families at the Sculpture by the Sea,
Tangkrogen. Until 3 July.
2 pm to 4 pm Aarhus Student-Singers – Concert at Simonsen’s Garden, Have, in the Old
Town, admission.
3 pm Trio Aurora – Classical music with special focus on Brazilian composer Heitor VillaLobos, but also E. Hartmann and Charles Harford Lloyd, at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset
at the Café, free.
3 pm to 6 pm Introduction to Argentian Tango & Open Tango Café with dj – bring
practical shoes at the Beach Bar, Strandbaren, Aarhus Harbour, Dagmar Petersen’s Gade
101, Aarhus C, www.strandbaren2011.dk , free.
5 pm to 7 pm Peter Lund Swing Trio – Jazz at the Beach Bar, Strandbaren on Aarhus
Harbour, Dagmar Petersen’s Gade 101, Århus C, free.
6.30 pm Try kayaking next to Sculpture by the Sea an activity by DGI East Jutland. Meet
up at the Training Pavillion at Tangkrogen (start of the exhibition), free.
Monday 27 June
All Monday Aros the Art Museum is closed, e.g. no ‘Your Rainbow Panorama!
5 pm to 5.50 pm 1. Summer Concert at the Aarhus Cathedral: Organist Sophie-Véronique
Cauchefer-Choplin from St Sulpice-Cathedral in Paris, free.
5 pm to 6.30 pm Outdoor exercise by DGI at Tangkrogen, next to the Exhibition Sculpture
by the Sea, free.
5.30 pm Walk & Exercise, every week Meet at Tangkrogen, next to the Exhibition
Sculpture by the Sea, free.
Tuesday 28 June
6 pm training for the Marselis run at Tangkrogen, till 23 August, free.
6 pm Every Tuesday also fitness training for fit & unfit, get a fitness test and more, take a
walk, get started, also at Tangkrogen, free.
Wednesday 29 June
10 am UIC Informal Meeting: Dr. Eleftheria Arapoglou, Athens gives a brief presentation
on ‘A Bridge over the Balkans: Demetra Vaka Brown and the tradition of women
travelers to the Orient". Check the Monday mail for further details please.
Best wishes for your bonfire evening, but also for the coming days!
Venlig hilsen / Best regards
Gitte Haahr-Andersen
UIC Organiser
International Centre
Aarhus University
Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 4, bldg. 1650
DK-8000 Århus C
Web: www.au.dk/uic
Phone: +45 3069 8483
Email: GHA@adm.au.dk
Thursday 07 July 2011
Note: Sign up for International Kindergarten/Preschool, starts August 2011 – 23rd
International Aarhus Jazz Festival –
Housing is much in demand – Business Region Aarhus – Chinese Film Festival –
Folkeuniversitet offers talks in English – Art Mommies at Aros and much more
Thursday 30 June 2011
Note: Attached pps-presentation from yesterday’s UIC presentation by Dr. Eleftheria
Arapoglou - Sign up for International Kindergarten/Preschool, starts August 2011 -E-boks
instructions now in English – help get the right artwork stay in Aarhus – AU Ideas are
‘wanted’ – Expect blocked roads in Aarhus during the biggest Northern European
Triathlon rally this Sunday -
July 2011
Dear Internationals,
UIC Summer Informal Meeting yesterday was very enjoyable. As announced we also had
a presentation. A most interesting and intriguing talk by Eleftheria Arapoglou from
Athens, who presented it with much enthusiasm and deep insight. We looked into
women’s living conditions, the family structure among others, back in time when harems
were common. Fortunately, Eleftheria gladly agreed to mail her pps-presentation and a
summary, so that everyone can further investigate the authorship by Demetra Vaka
Brown. – The talk ‘A Bridge over the Balkans: Demetra Vaka Brown and the tradition of
women travelers to the Orient" left us, the audience, with a strong urge to read some of
Demetra Vaka Brown’s 12 books. – A big and warm thank you for introducing us to
some of this literature, Eleftheria!
Over summer the UIC Newsletter will continue. It is likely to be in a somewhat lighter
version and a couple of times it will cover fourteen days.
The Informal Meetings will take place every Wednesday. So very welcome to participate,
whenever you find time. If you meet newcomers or have visitors please invite them along.
Children are always welcome to join.
From Autumn 2012 Aarhus International School starts in Højbjerg.
But already by August 2011 an International Kindergarten/Preschool opens on
Bushøjvænget 133, 8270 Højbjerg, as a direct linkage to the IB certified international
school. As there is limited openings it is time to sign up for kindergarten/preschool and
you can register your child(ren) by sending a mail to Louise Poulsen (lopou@vestas.com).
On the following link you can find a presentation and details on how to sign up:
Mollerup Golfclub welcomes professors, scientist, student of other origin than Danish,
somehow connected to our institutes of education or research, Mollerup Golf Club offers
you a guest membership, 1 month only DKK 800, 3 months DKK 1,800. You can play as
often as you like, and also to take part in other activities, seek More info.
The Staff Mobility has now made a complete translation of how to open an e-boks. In the
attached file you find a step-by-step instruction in English. That will be a great help to all
Sunday 3 July part of the city is closed from 9.30 am to 5.30 pm when Northern European
biggest half iron distance Triathlon Rally, KMD Challenge Aarhus for the first time takes
place in Aarhus. 1500 triathletes, among them some of the world’s best triathletes as well
as plain joggers are challenging themselves by participating in 1,9 KM swimming in open
sea, 90 KM cycling and 21,1 KM running in the beautiful East Jutlandic landscape. So
better plan your driving with care this Sunday. The Main Railway Square will for example
be closed from 9.30 am to 5.30 pm. Look up the information given on this link : Dele af
byen lukket for trafik søndag, in Danish only.
Soon a more competitive bike market nationwide. The existing free city bikes and the bike
renter shops in general will soon be challenged by free bikes for students. Because the first
150 bikes with ads on the wheels are expected to on the market in Aarhus and Aalborg.
Behind the concept is ‘studiecykel.dk’ – studybike.dk – which is inspired by a dutch
company. Within the next 3 to 5 years the studybike.dk aims at giving 2,000 students free
bikes by also including Copenhagen and Odense in the project. Already some 850 students
are interested in Aarhus and Aalborg and also some advertisers are ready. One of the big
sponsors is the construction company, Cembrit in Aalborg. Here they do not expect to sell
more, but to gain visibility for coming engineers and architects. – The project is a social
economic innovation enterprise with the idea that after students have been lent a bike for 4
years, they are donated by shipping them off to Africa. To help students in Africa. – What
a great idea! www.studiecykel.dk .
Is this year 150 year old and still sails from Silkeborg town to Himmelbjerget, the Sky
Mountain in the Danish Lake District. Queen Margrethe II of Denmark, who right now
resides at Marselisborg Castle here in Aarhus, was last Friday invited to the 150th
celebration for this paddle steamer. – From Aarhus we have easy access to Lake District,
only some 40 KM west of Aarhus. It is for sure an area worth looking into, easy to reach by
public means of transportation, both buses and trains run frequently. But the place is also
within cycling distance, a weekend and it can comfortably be reached. Maybe bringing the
bikes on the train one way, and then bike back or in reverse order, as you may prefer
(good bike routes to follow). It is a fantastic place to investigate with the many lakes,
Denmark’s longest river, Gudenåen (157 KM), running through many of the lakes, canoes
for rent, boat rides, camping, eating places of course, walks and much more. Here lived
over the centuries many authors and painters. No wonder as the waterways, the hills and
the like is most inspiring. In the old days when most men and women wore clogs, the
majority was produced here, and roughly speaking produced on the north side of the
river, Gudenåen. On the south side there were numerous glass ovens. The glass
production cleared the area for oak trees. No wonder, when one considers that glasses
were required by a large number, for example at the coronation of King Christian 4th of
Denmark, 20,000 pieces of drinking glasses were ordered. Not to forget, our fleet in those
days also demanded plenty of oak wood. – On the top and the surrounding slopes people
gathered for many years with especially one keen speaker author, village priest C.C.
Blicher. He saw the needs among the common people for freedom. The meetings helped
eventually the King Frederik 7th to sign the new Danish constitution of 1849. To
commemorate this, the brick tower on the top of Sky Mountain, Himmelbjerget, was
erected. The view from there is spectacular. In the town of Silkeborg it is worth to set time
off to see interesting exhibitions at Silkeborg Bad and Silkeborg Museum. Not to forget
Asger Jorn, the Cobra artist, who donated all his paintings, which at his death, still were in
his possession. – A lot more information about the Lake District should be added, for
example can the tallest tree in the Nordic Countries be found next to the small lake,
Slaaensø. It is a 116 year old American Douglas Spruce, which is 52 Meter. The first
Douglas Spruce were imported in the 1860ies. – In short take this information as
appetizers for you to choose among to fit your interests.
Hope you thoroughly enjoyed seeing some bonfires last Thursday 23 June. As the text has
it last week there are different elements in this celebration, which require some
explanation, and I forget to mention a nice thing to do, when the bonfire kind of dyes out,
in America you would find it perfect for marchmellows. This is the time in Denmark for
‘snobrød’ baking. A great passion if you like to sit and take the time it takes to bake.
Watch it, otherwise it becomes burned. Well, it calls for a simple dough (like for white
bread, rolls). Find a stick. A plain one from the bushes, put foil around the tip, some 15 cm.
Roll a handful of dough into shape of saugage, and twist it around the foiled wrapped end
of the stick. Now you are ready to bake. When baked make a hotdog – or simply add some
chocolate spread. Eat it when ready. – Baking snobrød can be become a passion, done any
summer evening on the beach, in the park or in your garden. Try it.
AU Researchers with original and visionary ideas are invited to apply for funding from the new AU Ideas grant
programme. Up to 25 million DKK for a 5 year period can be granted from the AU fund. The AU leadership calls for
ideas for new inter-disciplinary research centres. Six centres have already been established, and the university now
encourage AU researchers with original and visionary ideas to present them, to expand the programme with four new
centres. See the full announcement with conditions for applying on:
http://medarbejdere.au.dk/fremtidensau/nyecentre/ and click on the English version.
Do not think you can see the Exhibition next week, because by then it is no longer here. It
includes this Sunday 3 July – and then it will be taken down and shipped off. Therefore
this last information about the ‘free art gallery’ along the beautiful 3 KM coastline from
Tangkrogen to Ballehage. It is a top opportunity to appreciate art, and at the same time do
some exercise, plus some fresh air. It is perfectly alright to bring your drinks, food or just
coffee there. The long days make the evenings perfect for a small or longer outing in the
quiet woodlands or on the beach. Read more on www.sculpturebythesea.com.
Art seen from the sea: Boat rides will be available and can be reserved. The boat, Svanen (the Swan), will during the
exhibition period sail on the hour from 10 am to 8 pm, during the weekend from 10 am to 10 pm. The boat leaves from
Marselisborg Yacht Harbour with binoculars available on board. Coffee, beer, water, wine, ice cream and food will be for
Note: One of the sculptures will be chosen to stay in Aarhus. When the Sculpture by the
Sea 2011 Aarhus ends one of the artworks is hopefully going to stay in Aarhus - and you
can actually influence which one. The company Pressalit and Aarhus Municipality give
everybody the option to help decide by voting for one of the following sculptures: "Red
Memory Shy Boy" by Chen Wen Ling from China, "Afløb" by Peter Frimand, Denmark,
"Kinetic Sculpture" by Michael Hischer, Germany, "From Optimism to Hope" by Andrew
Rogers, Australia, "Interactions" by Jørn Rønnau, Denmark or "Chapel No. 2" by Vaclav
Fiala, Czech Republic. Participate by turning to TV 2 Østjylland’s website: www.tv2oj.dk
no later than Friday 1 July at 12 noon. The most popular sculpture and thereby the one to
stay in Aarhus will be announced in the evening on TV 2 Østjylland at 7. 30 pm!
Kayaking: The project’s goal is to be ‘Sculpture by the Sea – view from the sea’. Try
Kayaking Sunday 3 July from 6.30 pm to 21.15 pm open to everyone for free, sign up on
www.dgi.dk/oestjylland (in Danish only).
Bring friends and family and enjoy time at the Beach Bar, Strandbaren. The bar is open
and the waterfront buzzing with life! The bar offers activities for everyone. Several
downtown bars and cafées will serve you at the bar offering burgers, delicious drinks, ice
cream, smoothies and more. The area provides a great place to join or start cross training,
beach volley, waterskiing, basket ball, canoeing and kayaking. Registration for the fitness
team is on facebook under 'events'. You will find the bar on Dagmar Petersen’s Street 101
(first female city council member) at the waterfront area. The regular opening hours is
Thursday-Sunday from 11 am. Activities can be checked on www.strandbaren2011.dk and
some in the calendar below.
Your Rainbow Panorama on the roof of the Art Museum AROS is open and easy to have access to. Although the
number of visitors since the opening has been increased four times the normal. The Icelandic artist Olafur Eliasson has
created it and thereby brought the rainbow down for us to enjoy every day of the year!! See much more information –
also in English – on Aros’ website www.aros.dk . Through June the first month Aros is open till 10 pm, 12 hours each
day, except Mondays, where it is closed. Consider membership, which during June only, is reduced to DKK300 for a full
year free visits. And every time you enter your membership includes your spouse or a friend for free.
has existed the last three years, and is growing rapidly. Some days the company has to say
no, because the capacity is too small. If you like to know more, turn to www.osuma.dk, in
Danish only.
Thursday 30 June
10 am to 8 pm take a boat ride along the Sculpture by the Sea, from Tangkrogen til
Ballehage, DDK60 adult, one way, till 3 July. Every day during the exhibition time – and
tonight enjoy the bonfires from the seaside!
11 am and on (every Thursday all summer!) Beach volley at the Beach Bar, Strandbaren,
Aarhus Harbour, Dagmar Petersen’s Gade 101, www.strandbaren2011.dk , free.
2 pm ‘Summer Café’ with songs, stories and more at Møllevangskirken, church,
Møllevangs Allé 49, Aarhus C, next to ASB/AU, free.
5 pm to 8 pm Flea Market in support of Skovbakken Soccer Team at Loppehuset Lokesvej,
Aabyhøj, no admission.
8 pm The Vocal Ensemble ARTES gives a concert at Sct. Paul’s Church, Sct. Pauls
Kirkeplads, Aarhus C (close to the Railway Station). Tickets at the door from 7.15 pm
DDK85. Students, senior and unemployed DDK50.
Friday 01 July
10 am to 12 noon Architecture in Aarhus City, city walk with Aarhus-Guides, meet up at
City Hall, main entrance. Ticket Adult DKK75. Children free.
11 am and on (every Thursday all summer!) Beach volley at the Beach Bar, Strandbaren,
Aarhus Harbour, Dagmar Petersen’s Gade 101, www.strandbaren2011.dk , free.
5 pm to 7 pm Flea Market in support of Skovbakken Soccer Team at Loppehuset Lokesvej,
Aabyhøj, no admission.
8 pm Big Fat Snake Concert at Tivoli Friheden, included in admittance to the Tivoli.
Saturday 02 July
8 am to approx. 2 pm Open Air Farmers Market with all sorts of fresh produce, homemade
products and more on Ingerslevs Boulevard, Aarhus C, free.
10 am to 12 noon Aarhus’ history, city walk in English with the Aarhus-Guides, meet up at
the Aarhus Cathedral at the main entrance. Adult DKK75, Children free.
10 am to 10 pm Your Rainbow Panorama at the Art Museum AROS is open! See more
details above. Admission.
11 am to 2 pm Flea Market in support of Skovbakken Soccer Team at Loppehuset
Lokesvej, Aabyhøj, no admission.
11 am 2 pm Open workshops and guided tours for families at the Sculpture by the Sea,
Tangkrogen. Until 3 July.
11 am to 4 pm ‘A secret club house’ – activities at the Museum of Natural History for 6 yrs
and up. Place Sct. Anna Gade Skole, School, Ingerslevs Boulevard, every Saturday during
June, free.
11 am and on (every Thursday all summer!) Beach volley at the Beach Bar, Strandbaren,
Aarhus Harbour, Dagmar Petersen’s Gade 101, www.strandbaren2011.dk , free.
1 pm Singer / songwriters at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset, at the Café, free.
4 pm Half-an-hour Music Service (every Friday) at Our Lady’s Church, Vor Frue Kirke in
Vestergade, Aarhus C, free.
Sunday 03 July
9.30 am to 5.30 pm the Northeuropean biggest half iron distance Triathlon rally, KMD
Challenge Aarhus first time in Aarhus. 1500 triathletes. Expect parts of the city closed,
see link above.
10 am to 4 pm Lion’s Flea Market, Bagagerumsmarked, on Ingerslevs Boulevard, Aarhus
11 am 2 pm Open workshops and guided tours for families at the Sculpture by the Sea,
Tangkrogen, last day.
1 pm Svend Seegert & Ørehængerne – singer/ songwriters at the Concert Hall,
Musikhuset at the Café, free.
2 pm to 4 pm Concert by the SaxGroup at Simonsen’s Garden, Have, in the Old Town,
3 pm to 6 pm Introduction to Argentian Tango & Open Air Tango Café with dj – bring
practical shoes at the Beach Bar, Strandbaren, Aarhus Harbour, Dagmar Petersen’s Gade
101, Aarhus C, every Sunday till 21 August, www.strandbaren2011.dk , free.
6.30 pm Try kayaking next to Sculpture by the Meet up at the Training Pavillion at
Tangkrogen, free, sign up, see details above.
Monday 04 July
All Monday Aros the Art Museum is closed, e.g. no ‘Your Rainbow Panorama!
8.30 am and all day program American Constitution Day celebrated by the Danish
American Friendship Organisation in Rebild bakker, Hills, south of Aalborg. Details on
the history of the Rebild Festival on www.rebildfesten.dk
12 noon to 3 pm Active summer – Viking activities for children at Moesgaard Museum,
every day till 7 August.
5 pm to 6.30 pm Outdoor exercise by DGI at Tangkrogen, next to the Exhibition Sculpture
by the Sea, free.
5.30 pm Walk & Exercise, every week Meet at Tangkrogen, next to the Exhibition
Sculpture by the Sea, free.
Tuesday 05 July
6 pm training for the Marselis run 12 KM at Tangkrogen, till 23 August, free.
6 pm Every Tuesday also fitness training for fit & unfit, get a fitness test and more, take a
walk, get started, also at Tangkrogen, free.
Wednesday 06 July
10 am UIC Informal Meeting: Hopefully with focus on India. Details in the Monday mail.
Bon Voyage to Francoise and Beverly, and very soon you, Eleftheria and your family
members. Hope Menucha is safely back.. I know this is to mention just a few of you, who
have already left, or are about to leave. It is impossible to mention everyone so let it be
added this wish ‘bon voyage’ goes for all of you, we have enjoyed having at UIC (AU),
hope you will experience a quick settle in when arriving each at your destination. Please
try to come back!
Best wishes for the coming days!
Venlig hilsen / Best regards
Gitte Haahr-Andersen
UIC Organiser
International Centre
Aarhus University
Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 4, bldg. 1650
DK-8000 Århus C
Web: www.au.dk/uic
Phone: +45 3069 8483
Email: GHA@adm.au.dk
Dear Internationals,
The UIC Summer Informal Meeting yesterday was most interesting and enjoyable.
Summer at Dale’s Café made us go outside and overlooking part of the Vennelyst Park
was indeed pleasant. A small group, including two newcomers and three active children
added to the get-together. Again an inspiring morning with lively networking.
The idea also came up to perhaps during summer to turn Vennelyst Park into a place for
families to meet once a week. Or what could be interesting. Can any come up with better
suggestion, mail me back, please.
As mentioned last week the UIC Newsletter will continue all summer, but this edition
will be covering the next two weeks. Due to the fact that events are often announced with
short notice, the newsletter might not be so fair to week 28. Bear with me.
The Informal Meetings will take place every Wednesday. So very welcome to participate,
whenever you find time. If you meet newcomers or have visitors please invite them along.
Children are always welcome to join.
From Aarhus Municipality we received this information to help reach whoever is is in the
area or considering moving to the region. Please turn to the new website in English, which
will make all information about living and studying in Business Region Aarhus hopefully
much easier.
Enjoy the ‘welcome video’ – and then find the useful information on the following links:
Aarhus Municipality: www.businessregionaarhus.dk Welcome to Business Region Aarhus
– in our own unique fashion!
Business Region Aarhus on Facebook: www.facebook.com/welcome
To ensure continuous improvements, please note that your comments are welcome and
much appreciated!
From Autumn 2012 Aarhus International School starts in Højbjerg.
But already by August 2011 an International Kindergarten/Preschool opens on
Bushøjvænget 133, 8270 Højbjerg, as a direct linkage to the IB certified international
school. As there is limited openings it is time to sign up for kindergarten/preschool and
you can register your child(ren) by sending a mail to Louise Poulsen (lopou@vestas.com).
On the following link you can find a presentation and details on how to sign up:
The International Centre is looking for housing for some exchange students and post
docs for the autumn semester. The students will arrive 15 August and leave on 31 January
2012. If you have an extra room you want to sublet (also if it is just for the first months of
the semester) please fill in this form:
The International Centre is also looking for housing for our Summer University Students
in August arriving 30 July and leaving 27 August. If you are interested in subletting a
room or your flat in August please contact us via this email: housing@adm.au.dk
-----Note: having someone live in your home, while you are on holidays, is the best security
system! And in addition you receive rent… /Gitte
AU Researchers with original and visionary ideas are invited to apply for funding from the new AU Ideas grant
programme. Up to 25 million DKK for a 5 year period can be granted from the AU fund. The AU leadership calls for
ideas for new inter-disciplinary research centres. Six centres have already been established, and the university now
encourage AU researchers with original and visionary ideas to present them, to expand the programme with four new
centres. See the full announcement with conditions for applying on:
http://medarbejdere.au.dk/fremtidensau/nyecentre/ and click on the English version.
AARHUS JAZZ FESTIVAL (1989-2011) – with at least 200 concerts, small
and big ones
Under the heading ‘Much more Jazz’ the 23rd Aarhus Jazz Festival starts this Saturday.
Expect jazz on any corner, on squares, in the streets, at the theaters, at the Concert Hall,
and at other venues. Representing the wide range of jazz, and as announced new effects
from ongoing extensive experiments will again make jazz so exciting.
Go and explore the city. The festival runs from Saturday 9 July to Saturday 16 July – a
full week, and then a ‘day after’ 17 July also is included! A brief historical fact is that back
in 1989 the original idea by the Concert Hall, Musikhuset, and other local venues was to
introduce an event during in those days’ the quiet summer month of July. The organizers
wanted to invite both International celebrities and local stars for everyone to enjoy. Today
summer in Aarhus is lively, but the Aarhus Jazz Festival’s basic idea is still the same. With
more venues participating the program continues to grow. Jazz will be everywhere. To
help you select look up the programme on this link, both in Danish and English Find
programmet på Jazzfestivalens hjemmeside. Åbner i nyt vindue.
To illustrate the ‘Jazz is everywhere’ you will also find the Aarhus Jazz Festival in the
cinema ’East of Paradise’ – Øst for Paradis. Saturday 9 July the violinist Lasse Høj
Jacobsen, known from The Dixieland Gypsy band, and Sunday 10 July Charlotte
Skadhauge, who is one of Aarhus’ best jazz singers will perform. Saturday 16 July Tenor
saxophonist Christian Vuust. Buy tickets DKK50. Address: Øst for Paradis, Paradisgade 7,
Aarhus C, www.paradisbio.dk . Details on this link in Danish: ÅRHUS JAZZFESTIVAL I PARADIS.
The Chinese Film Festival is on in East of Paradise from 14 to 19 July and is a joint event
by Danish Film Institute and the Chinese Embassy. Altogether 8 new films with First
Performances in Denmark by two of the most famous Chinese film directors film, Zhang
Yimou og Chen Kaige. The promotion is to see how well Chinese films are welcomed in
DK. M a d e i n c h i n a - g a l l a å b n i n g & o t t e s t o r e d a n m a r k s p r e m i e r e r .
Enjoy art with your baby. Aros the Art Museum now offers guided tours for ‘Moms and
Baby Groups’ each month the 1st Friday at 10.30 am. Parents on maternity leave (I guess,
also Dads on paternity leave) are included in this event. Admission.
will also during the next semester offer some lectures in English. Now it is time to sign up
for some interesting talks:
An Introduction to Autism 29/8
The Middle East Now 4/10
What's in a Name? (Re)Placing Myself in India and Abroad 21/11
Being Danish in the 21st Century 12/12
Meeting place at Dale’s Café, DTM Building 1650 on AU Campus.
Public schools are closed, and so the school summer holiday is on. A most helpful
summer messenger is the Aarhus Municipality’s catalog with all summer events and
activities for school kids during the vacation. The catalog, which the children brought
home from school, contains more than 100 different activities to enjoy. They can also be
found on Ugens link: www.aarhus.dk
Aarhus has declared its candidacy to become the Danish host of the European Capital of
Culture in 2017 along with the host city from Cyprus. It is not a short term project, but a
project that has a far-reaching vision and mission for Aarhus as a city involving the entire
region as well. The year 2017 will serve as a beacon regarding the development of Aarhus
as a city and not only on the cultural areas - because Aarhus 2017 comprehends more than
just culture in terms of music, performances and museums. The concept of culture also
embrace the notions of where we live, which education we choose, how we travel in the
city and how we use the nature around us - just to name a few. More details on
www.aarhus2017.dk , both in English and Danish. Among others, the invitation to write up your
visions and mail them to the committee.
Mollerup Golfclub welcomes professors, scientist, student of other origin than Danish,
somehow connected to our institutes of education or research, Mollerup Golf Club offers
you a guest membership, 1 month only DKK 800, 3 months DKK 1,800. You can play as
often as you like, and also to take part in other activities, seek More info.
The basin in front of the Concert Hall has been converted into a place to play petanque for
everyone to try. Have fun.
Bring friends and family and enjoy time at the Beach Bar, Strandbaren. The bar is open
and the waterfront buzzing with life! The bar offers activities for everyone. Several
downtown bars and cafées will serve you at the bar offering burgers, delicious drinks, ice
cream, smoothies and more. The area provides a great place to join or start cross training,
beach volley, waterskiing, basket ball, canoeing and kayaking. Registration for the fitness
team is on facebook under 'events'. You will find the bar on Dagmar Petersen’s Street 101
(first female city council member) at the waterfront area. The regular opening hours is
Thursday-Sunday from 11 am. Activities can be checked on www.strandbaren2011.dk and
some in the calendar below.
Please follow the link http://www.dba.dk/brugerens-annoncer/brugerid-4249449/
These are items (and more items) are on sale through dba.dk. All the prices are negotiable, so
please just contact me for a very good deal. email: klasak@creates.au.dk mobile: 29179596
Thursday 07 July
11 am and on (every Thursday all summer!) Beach volley at the Beach Bar, Strandbaren,
Aarhus Harbour, Dagmar Petersen’s Gade 101, www.strandbaren2011.dk , free.
2 pm ‘Summer Café’ with songs, stories and more at Møllevangskirken, church,
Møllevangs Allé 49, Aarhus C, next to ASB/AU, free.
2 pm to 4 pm Possible to enter the City Hall Tower with Aarhus guides. Meet up at the
Tower entrance on Park Allé. Adult DKK40, Child DKK20. – Should be an excellent day to
7 pm join in a walk with the group ‘Fodslaw’, meet up in Trige, Smedebroen/Lergravvej
where bus no. 3 ends. Bus ticket, otherwise free.
8 pm Bo Kasper’s Orchestra pop/jazz at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset, free.
Friday 08 July
10 am to 12 noon Architecture in Aarhus City, city walk with Aarhus-Guides, meet up at
City Hall, main entrance. Ticket Adult DKK75. Children free.
11 am and on (every Thursday all summer!) Beach volley at the Beach Bar, Strandbaren,
Aarhus Harbour, Dagmar Petersen’s Gade 101, www.strandbaren2011.dk , free.
9 pm Benjamin Himpel Trio – Jazz (Benjamin Himpel is a AU researcher!) at Café Smagløs
on Klostertorv, Aarhus C, free.
Saturday 09 July
8 am to approx. 2 pm Open Air Farmers Market with all sorts of fresh produce, homemade
products and more on Ingerslevs Boulevard, Aarhus C, free.
11 am Lasse Høj Jacobsen and more at the cinema ‘Øst for Paradis’, see more details
above, tickets DKK50.
11 am and on (every Thursday all summer!) Beach volley at the Beach Bar, Strandbaren,
Aarhus Harbour, Dagmar Petersen’s Gade 101, www.strandbaren2011.dk , free.
12 noon the Tresafinado – jazz at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset at the Café, free.
12 noon to 2 pm Århus Charter Trio – swinging ‘hygge’ Jazz at Lille Torv, Small Square,
where the main entrance to the Cathedral, Domkirken is, every day till 15 July.
12 noon Arosia – Jazz at Fodvarmeriet on Bispetorvet, the Bishop’s Square, next to the
Cathedral, free.
4 pm Half-an-hour Music Service (every Friday) at Our Lady’s Church, Vor Frue Kirke in
Vestergade, Aarhus C, free.
6 pm Up Above – Fusion jazz at Klostertorvet, the Cloister’s Square, Aarhus C, free.
7.30 pm Aarhus Blues & Soul Summer Night with Mike Andersen’s Band and more at the
Concert Hall, Musikhuset, DDK185.
9 pm Malene Mortensen – jazz at Café Smagløs at the Klostertorv, the Cloister’s Square,
Aarhus C, free.
Sunday 10 July
11.30 am jazz with Charlotte Skadhauge and more at the cinema ‘Øst for Paradis’, see
details above, DKK50.
12 noon to 5 pm The Old Mill, Skovmøllen, operates in the Marselisborg Woods, 10 min.s
walk from Moesgaard Museum, free. Fresh flour for sale.
12 noon Uffe Steen Trio – jazz at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset, at the Café, free.
2 pm to 4 pm A lot of activities for every one to experience in the Old Town. Among them
also a Concert in Simonsen’s Garden, Simonsens Have, a restaurant in the Old Town,
3 pm to 6 pm Introduction to Argentian Tango & Open Air Tango Café with dj – bring
practical shoes at the Beach Bar, Strandbaren, Aarhus Harbour, Dagmar Petersen’s Gade
101, Aarhus C, every Sunday till 21 August, www.strandbaren2011.dk , free.
4 pm The New Fuzz – jazz world at Fairbar, Nørre Allé 66, Aarhus C, free.
8 pm Cæcilie Norby – jazz at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset, DKK270.
8 pm ThinkMom – Modern Jazz at Fairbar, Nørre Allé 66, Aarhus C, free.
8 pm Lisa Ekdahl – pop/jazz at Ridehuset, Vester Allé 1, across the street from the City
Hall, DKK300.
Monday 11 July
12 noon Mads Tolling Quartet – Jazz at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset, at the Café, free.
3 pm Girls in Airports – modern jazz at the Cloister’s Square, Klostertorvet, Aarhus C,
12 noon to 3 pm Active summer – Viking activities for children at Moesgaard Museum,
every day till 7 August.
2 pm to 4 pm Aarhus during the last century by the Aarhus Guides, meet up at Aarhus
Cathedral. Adult DKK75/ child free.
5.30 pm Walk & Exercise, every week Meet at Tangkrogen, free.
9 pm Jakob Elvstrøm’s Trio – Jazz at Café Smagløs at the Cloister’s Square, Klostertorvet,
Aarhus C, free.
Tuesday 12 July
12 noon Besiakov/Cigna/Franck – Jazz at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset, at the Café, free.
5 pm Lars Jansson Trio with Soren Sko – Jazz at Aros Art Museum, DKK250.
6 pm training for the Marselis run 12 KM at Tangkrogen, till 23 August, free.
6 pm Every Tuesday also fitness training for fit & unfit, get a fitness test and more, take a
walk, get started, also at Tangkrogen, free.
8 pm Klüvers Big Band with Sinne Eeg – Jazz at the Ridehuset, Vester Allé 1, across the
street from the City Hall, free.
9.30 pm Signe Bisgaard Trio with Benjamin Trærup – Jazz at Restaurant L’estragon,
Klostergade 6, Aarhus C, free.
Wednesday 13 July
8 am to approx. 2 pm Open Air Farmers Market with all sorts of fresh produce, homemade
products and more on Ingerslevs Boulevard, Aarhus C, free.
10 am UIC Informal Meeting: With focus on inspiring, international conversation.
Welcome to join inside or outside Dale’s Café at DTM Building 1650, AU Campus.
12 noon Zingaros – Nuevo Tango Gitano at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset, at the Café, free.
2 pm Guided tour of the City Hall in Danish and English by the Aarhus Guides. Meet up
at Main Entrance to the City Hall. Adult DKK50, child free.
3 pm Jan Harbeck Quartet – Jazz at the Cloister’s Square, Klostertorvet, Aarhus C, free.
6 pm Bobo Moreno/Ole Kock Hansen/Bo Stief – jazz at Klostertorvet, Aarhus C, free.
9 pm Peter Vuust Quartet – Jazz at Café Smagløs at Klostertorvet, Aarhus C, free.
Thursday 14 July
Chinese Film Festival from today till Tuesday 19 July, see more above.
11 am Guided tour of the historical gardens in the Old Town, all summer, free after paid
Admission, consider membership.
12 noon Kwella Embrace Jazz at the Concert Hall at the Café, free.
7 pm Join walking club ‘Aarhus Fodslaw’ – and meet some Danes - at Blommehaven
Camping in the Marselisborg Forests, free, see more information on
Friday 15 July
Any given day you take advantage of the Aarhus Municipality’s great idea of making
most citizens healthy. By providing open air fitness places in parks and woods there is no
excuse. Please enjoy it, for example in Risskov wood while exercising you can overlook the
bay – a view hard to find better, which will make you feel better – all for free!
12 noon Mette Juul Trio – Jazz at the Concert Hall at the Café, free
12 noon to 3 pm Viking activities at Moesgaard Museum, admission. Every day during the
Saturday 16 July
8 am to approx. 2 pm Open Air Farmers Market with all sorts of fresh produce, homemade
products and more on Ingerslevs Boulevard, Aarhus C. Enjoy buying from some informal
people. No admission.
10 am to 3 pm Join the nature guide at Nature Centre at Eagle’s Nest, Ørnereden, in the
Marselisborg Forests. Catch shrimps or find maybe more eatable on the beach at
Ørnereden, take bus 19.
11.30 am Zumba at the
www.strandbaren2011.dk , free.
12 noon Thera Hoeijmans (vocal), Peter Vuust (bas) and more at the Concert Hall at the
Café, free
Sunday 17 July
All Lutheran and Catholic churches are open for visitors and free to join for services, most
concerts and other activities. Church services are Sunday mornings, usually starting
between 10 am and 11 am, outside each church is posted the exact time, so you can make it
in time.
1 pm Jazz concert by Benjamin Himpel (researcher at AU) and Simon Eskildsen, pianist at
the Concert Hall at the Café, free.
12 noon to 5 pm Enjoy the Old Mill operating, close to Moesgaard Museum. And buy
some fresh flour for some delicious home baking! While you are here enjoy the restaurant,
or take an extra long walk in beautiful forests. And can easily be combined with a swim on
the Moesgaard Strand, Beach, public beach for free.
2 pm to 4 pm A lot of activities for everyone to experience in the Old Town. Among them
also a Concert in Simonsen’s Garden, Simonsens Have, a restaurant in the Old Town,
Best wishes for the coming days!
Venlig hilsen / Best regards
Gitte Haahr-Andersen
UIC Organiser
International Centre
Aarhus University
Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 4, bldg. 1650
DK-8000 Århus C
Web: www.au.dk/uic
Phone: +45 3069 8483
Email: GHA@adm.au.dk
Thursday 21 July 2011
Note: Zulu Summer Bio – Aarhus Summer Festival Concerts 2011 –- Sign up for
International Kindergarten/Preschool, starts August 2011 – Join the AU exercise classes Business Region Aarhus – Flea Market –
next weekend: Aarhus Viking Moot at Moesgaard
Dear Internationals,
The UIC Summer Informal Meeting yesterday was full of sun and cheerful conversation.
Sitting outside in the Vennelystparken made it only more fun and intensified the
networking. Friendships flower.
The Informal Meetings will continue Wednesday mornings. So very welcome to
participate, whenever you find time. And if you meet newcomers or have visitors please
invite them along. Children are always welcome to join.
Next week is an Informal Meeting at Dale’s Café. The following week 3 August Liwen
Zhu from Shanghai will tell us about 'the One-Child Policy in China and how it affected
her life'. Place: International Centre, DTM Building 1650, Conference room 3, No. 114.
Today’s UIC Newsletter will cover the coming two weeks. Again it should be emphasized
that events in the city often are announced with short notice, therefore the newsletter
cannot be so fair to week 30.
Please notice the attached file from the AU Exercise centre. It is time to sign up for all the
This weekend there are many open air events, for example the Zulu Summer Bio in
Vennelystparken. If the weather forecast is correct showers are likely, and therefore,
advisable to dress up according to the mix of weather.
In announcing the Viking Moot at Moesgaard Museum, I made a mistake: it does not
take place this weekend, but the following Saturday and Sunday namely, 30 and 31 July.
By then the weather has hopefully stabilized, so that it will be a sunny and dry day outing
for many of you!
The largest Viking Moot takes place at Moesgaard Beach week 30, where hundreds of
Vikings from Scandinavia, Germany and England are gathering and setting up a market
like it used to be more than a thousand years ago. It is a must for everyone interested in
how the Vikings lived, see their handcrafts, and taste their food, not to mention how a
battle were fought in those days. Absolutely a must. Much more information below.
At the citizen service center downtown they are introducing new opening hours from 1
August. You can find BorgerService at the city hall, Rådhuset, downtown on the following
days: Monday- Wednesday: 9 am - 4 pm, Thursday: 9 am – 6 pm, Friday: 9 am – 4 pm. You
can still find minor citizens service departments at local libraries which are open according
to the specific library.
From Autumn 2012 Aarhus International School starts in Højbjerg.
But already by August 2011 an International Kindergarten/Preschool opens on
Bushøjvænget 133, 8270 Højbjerg, as a direct linkage to the IB certified international
school. As there is limited openings it is time to sign up for kindergarten/preschool and
you can register your child(ren) by sending a mail to Louise Poulsen (lopou@vestas.com).
On the following link you can find a presentation and details on how to sign up:
on the green in Vennelystparken, next to the AU International Centre on campus for free!
The annual open air cinema will take place from 20 to 22 July on the grounds of
Vennelystparken on Vennelyst Boulevard, off Nørrebrogade. Bring your blanket,
barbeque, some popcorn or whatever you need, while watching a movie. Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday this week each of the three evenings at 10 pm there are movies on.
Wednesday it was The Social Network, Thursday it is the True Grit and Friday a general
on-line vote will decide which movie you can watch, see details on www.zulu.tv2.dk
(only in Danish)
Note: Food can also be picked up in Dale’s Café, which is conveniently next to the
Vennelystparken and open till 10 pm, both Thursday and Friday! (open hours for Dale’s
Café: 7.30 am to 10 pm Mon through Friday)
Meet the Vikings in their everyday-life at the biggest Viking Moot, which is held by the
Moesgård Museum on Moesgård beach 30 and 31 July from 10 am to 5 pm. It has been
taken place here every year since 1977, and thereby the oldest Viking moot in Scandinavia.
It is a get-together for hundreds of ‘Vikings’ from Denmark, Scandinavia, the British Isles,
Germany and more places in Europe, during which they demonstrate their skills with
Viking weaponry, riding, crafts, jewellery, foods and much more. It is a colourful and
fascinating event where you can walk around and see, smell, taste and purchase the
various goods - making you feel that you are a 1000 years back in time, a long gone era.
You can also have a try at many of the activities like archery. Highlights are the combats
including horsemen which take place both days at 12 noon and 3 pm. The Viking Moot is
organized by Moesgård Museum in co-operation with different groups of horsemen,
warriors and tradesmen. And some 20,000 visitors are again estimated to visit the moot.
More information on www.moesmus.dk (in Danish and English)
Take bus no. 6 to the end station and walk the prehistoric trackway down to the beach, or
take bus no. 19 to the end station at Moesgaard Beach and walk to the Viking site at the
mouth of Giber River. Come early for the combats at 12 noon and 3 pm. It takes place on a
field, and nearby is the camp for the Vikings and all around and down on the beach itself a
big Viking market can be visited. Lots of food will be available, jewellery, weapons and
the like to see and or to buy. How to find it: Find vej til Vikingetræffet
takes place in Ellevang Kirke (Church), Jellebakken 42, Risskov during the coming weeks
29, 20, and 31, each week on Thursdays and Sundays. Starting today Thursday 21 July at
7.30 pm with a piano concert by Trio con Brio Copenhagen and Sunday concert and next
week’s concerts can be seen in the calendar below. Tickets are: DKK75, students DKK50,
but all six concerts for DKK300. See more details on www.ellevangkirke.dk. Take bus no. 7
to the end station and walk 200 meter.
Rasmus Skov Borring gives free concerts at the Café at Aarhus Concert Hall, Musikhuset,
two Saturdays and two Sundays, first the 23 and 24 July and again 30 and 31 July, all four
days at 1pm. In the beginning of this year Rasmus Skov Borring released his 3rd album
which is an interesting interpretation of new and old Danish songs from the Danish Folk
High School songbook, Højskolesangbogen. If you have joined the events ‘sing from the
blue’ at the Concert Hall – this is actually the same songbook. It can be an excellent idea to
attend, to enjoy the Danish songs and also to meet other Danes.
Enjoy art with your baby. Aros the Art Museum now offers guided tours for ‘Moms and
Baby Groups’ each month the 1st Friday at 10.30 am. Parents on maternity leave (I guess,
also Dads on paternity leave) are included in this event. Admission.
Public schools are closed, and so the school summer holiday is on. A most helpful
summer messenger is the Aarhus Municipality’s catalog with all summer events and
activities for school kids during the vacation. The catalog, which the children brought
home from school, contains more than 100 different activities to enjoy. They can also be
found on Ugens link: www.aarhus.dk
The mirror pool in front of the Concert Hall, Aarhus Musikhuset, is usually filled with
water, but this year it has been turned a petanque / bocce court for everybody to
throughout the summer for free. Bring your friends and family for a fun afternoon. Open
weekdays from 11 am to 6pm and bocce balls can be borrowed for free at the Café at the
Concert Hall.
Bring friends and family and enjoy time at the Beach Bar, Strandbaren. The bar is open
and the waterfront buzzing with life! The bar offers activities for everyone. Several
downtown bars and cafées will serve you at the bar offering burgers, delicious drinks, ice
cream, smoothies and more. The area provides a great place to join or start cross training,
beach volley, waterskiing, basket ball, canoeing and kayaking. Registration for the fitness
team is on facebook under 'events'. You will find the bar on Dagmar Petersen’s Street 101
(first female city council member) at the waterfront area. The regular opening hours is
Thursday-Sunday from 11 am. Activities can be checked on www.strandbaren2011.dk and
some in the calendar below.
Experience Aarhus with the official Aarhus Guides in July and August. The guided tour
“1000 years of Aarhus” runs every Saturday from 10 am to noon and starts at the main
entrance to Aarhus Cathedral, Store Torv. Here you can learn about how the city was
founded and developed. The tickets are DKK75 for adult, can be bought from the guide.
Another interesting and relevant guided tour is the ‘Aarhus University’ tour on Tuesdays
(except 9 August) from 2 pm to 4 pm. On this tour you will hear the history of the
university and how it is to study in Aarhus today. The meeting point is at the main
entrance, building 1412, Nordre Ringgade. Tickets DKK75 for adult, and can be bought
from the guide.
The Aarhus guides also offers City Hall tower ‘climb’ as a guided tour Tuesdays and
Thursdays from 2 pm to 3 pm where you can experience Aarhus from 60 meters above
ground. The price is DKK40 and the meeting point is at the city Hall tower entrance, Park
Allé, downtown.
For more tour information and booking contact Vibeke Jørgensen at VisitAarhus,
87315011, vj@visitaarhus.com.
Going to the beach is the most refreshing activity these days and furthermore a good way
to meet some people. Do not forget to take a swim or two each day – if possible. It is good
exercise and in addition plain sea water is very healthy to your skin. Jellyfish: Going
swimming, it should be mentioned that some days jellyfish occur. Watch out for the
harming ones. Two kinds of jellyfish are very common here. The ‘white-transparent’
jellyfish are harmless, but the red-brownish jellyfish are the stinging ones and should be
avoided. Do your best! You will not actually get sick from the stings, but it makes your
skin ‘burn’ for some hours, which is very unpleasant, and usually painful. If it happens, a
piece of good advice is to put vinegar, eddike, on the stinged spots. Simple household
vinegar brings relief quickly. Life guards: For your safety life guards are all summer on
duty both at Moesgaard (bus no. 6 and 19) and the Permanente, Risskov beaches. At
Moesgaard beach the lifeguards are there every day from 11am- 7pm until 20 August. At
the Permanente you can also see today’s water and air temperatures plus the sun UV
index. Seals or porpoises: While mentioning the beaches, it is very exciting that you may
also see a seal or two – or there might be porpoises, which occasionally come very close to
the beach or the harbour district.
Friday 22 July the harbour and beach patrol from the insurance company TrygFonden
visits the marina at Marselisborg (Lystbådhavnen) at 1pm. They invite families to come
and learn about safety when enjoying the summer on the beach and harbour area and
they also offer good advice and practice on how to provide first aid.
When you see blue flags fly on a beach it signals the water and the beach in general lives
up to some criteria with respect to water quality and safety. In the Aarhus area three
beaches have blue flags this summer: Moesgaard Strand (Beach), Badeanstalten Den
Permanente (Risskov), and Ajstrup Strand, south of Aarhus. - Bellevue in Risskov was not
living up to the standards last year. Even if the beach was quick to regain the standard
already last year, it has to pass the test two consecutive years before it again will be
permitted to fly the blue flag again. This will hopefully be the case next year.
At Naturhistorisk museum on the university campus at Wilhelm Meyers Allé 210 you can
enjoy summer activities throughout the public school vacation from 10 am to 4 pm every
day. You can experience their Animalia exhibition, a guided tour or learn about animals
with a biologist at hand to show you around, and to answer your questions every day
from 11 am- 3pm. Plenty of bus lines run to the museum, bus no. 3, 11, 14, 54, 56 and 58
towards Århus Kommunehospital (Municipality Hospital) stop close by the Museum.
Saturday 30 July at the wetlands in Egå Meadow Lake, Egå Engsø, and local ornithologists
will help you spot some of the season’s birds, and they also provide binoculars. Birdwatching is from 10 am to 12 noon, and the meeting point is at the wooden tower on the
south side of the Meadow Lake. It can be reached via the trail starting at the parking area
on Viengevej 7, Risskov (Bus 9, 53 and 56 runs very close by on Lystrupvej). Participation
is free and sign up not required.
If the weather isn’t great you might want to forget all about the rain and hop indoor at the
movie theatre Øst for Paradis (take the bus to Nørreport or Nørregade) and enjoy one of
their many interesting screenings. Plenty of movies are shown- some late in the night so
you can enjoy the sun when it’s out, and some for a summer discount price. There is a
Chinese film festival “Made in China” for those who are interested in Chinese culture and
moviemaking. If you, in general, are into non-mainstream movies keep an eye on the
Summerbio program which e.g. next week screens the German movie, ”Good Bye, Lenin”
at 11.30pm 27 July and the Italian movie “Rosso come il cielo” at 11 am 27 July. Or you can
enjoy one of the premiere movies in the morning with coffee and a crossant e.g. “Uncle
Boonmee” 4 August at 8am for only 75 kr including coffee and croissant Go to
www.paradisbio.dk for more information (in Danish only) Order tickets online.
and under roof!
At the Bazar Vest market in Brabrand you'll find 18,000 square meters of different shops
all offering quite an impressive mix of flavors, colors and experiences evoking all your
senses. The indoor market is Scandinavia's largest. When you visit make sure you explore
both the old and new section, which contains all sorts of interesting shops and eating
services such as exotic Turkish and Arabic bakeries, more than 1,000 square meters of fruit
and vegetable market, butcher, oriental merchants and many other shops with interesting
non-food products and services. The Bazar is definitely worth a visit and you can easily
save money on grocery shopping plus you get to experience a different culture and
atmosphere while shopping. Bus number 5, 15, 16 and 18 will take you to the Bazar.
Genbrugsland – Second hand market: While at the Bazar Vest you should consider to stop
by the second hand store ‘Genbrugsland’ which isn’t just an ordinary second hand shop.
Genbrugsland is also a cultural and social meeting places for people with different
backgrounds and religions. The volunteers working there are a multiethnical blend of.
They are all willing to offer their help, not just to sell cheap clothes, but also to improve
integration and understanding among various groups of people and they are all well
aware that a focus on conversation and cooperation will lead to understanding.
Thursday 21 July
11 am guided tour of the historical gardens at the Old Town, after paid admission free,
consider membership.
11 am and on (every Thursday all summer!) Beach volley at the Beach Bar, Strandbaren,
Aarhus Harbour, Dagmar Petersen’s Gade 101, www.strandbaren2011.dk , free.
12 noon to 3 pm Viking activities for children at Moesgaard Museum,
2 pm ‘Summer Café’ with songs, stories and more at Møllevangskirken, church,
Møllevangs Allé 49, Aarhus C, next to ASB/AU, free.
7.30 pm Trio con Brio Copenhagen, Pianotrio, 1. Concert of the Aarhus Summer Festival
2011 at Ellevang Kirke, Church, tickets and more details above.
10 pm Open Air Zulu Summer Cinema in the Vennelystparken, more information above,
Friday 22 July
11 am and on (every Thursday all summer!) Beach volley at the Beach Bar, Strandbaren,
Aarhus Harbour, Dagmar Petersen’s Gade 101, www.strandbaren2011.dk , free.
1 pm Families are invited to meet the harbor and beach patrol from the insurance
company TrygFonden. They will be offered good advice and practice on first aid on the
marina at Marselisborg, Lystbådhavnen, free.
8 pm ‘Fat Friday’ at Tivoli Friheden with singer Lis Sørensen, admission.
10 pm Open Air Zulu Summer Cinema in the Vennelystparken, more information above,
Saturday 23 July
8 am to approx. 2 pm Open Air Farmers Market with all sorts of fresh produce, homemade
products and more on Ingerslevs Boulevard, Aarhus C, free.
10 am to 3.30 pm Flea Market / Trunk Sale on Bispetorvet, next to the Aarhus Cathedral,
no admission.
11 am and on (every Thursday all summer!) Beach volley at the Beach Bar, Strandbaren,
Aarhus Harbour, Dagmar Petersen’s Gade 101, www.strandbaren2011.dk , free.
1 pm Danish songs by Rasmus Skov Borring at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset, at the Café,
more details above, free.
4 pm Half-an-hour Music Service (every Friday) at Our Lady’s Church, Vor Frue Kirke in
Vestergade, Aarhus C, free.
Sunday 24 July
1 pm Danish songs by Rasmus Skov Borring at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset, at the Café,
more details above, free.
2 pm to 4 pm A lot of activities for everyone to experience in the Old Town. Among them also a
Concert with SeniorSwing in Simonsen’s Garden, the restaurant ‘Simonsens Have’. Free after paid
admission, look into buying membership
3 pm to 6 pm Introduction to Argentian Tango & Open Air Tango Café with dj – bring
practical shoes at the Beach Bar, Strandbaren, Aarhus Harbour, Dagmar Petersen’s Gade
101, Aarhus C, every Sunday till 21 August, www.strandbaren2011.dk , free.
7.30 pm Michael Vibe Lindberg, baryton and Maren Marie Tange, piano, 2. Concert of the
Aarhus Summer Festival 2011 at Ellevang Kirke, Risskov. More information about tickets
and place above.
Monday 25 July
12 noon to 3 pm Active summer – Viking activities for children at Moesgaard Museum,
every day till 7 August.
5.30 pm Walk & Exercise, every week Meet at Tangkrogen, free.
Tuesday 26 July
6 pm training for the Marselis run 12 KM at Tangkrogen, till 23 August, free.
6 pm Every Tuesday also fitness training for fit & unfit, get a fitness test and more, take a
walk, get started, also at Tangkrogen, free.
Wednesday 27 July
8 am to approx. 2 pm Open Air Farmers Market with all sorts of fresh produce, homemade
products and more on Ingerslevs Boulevard, Aarhus C, free.
10 am to 12 noon UIC Informal Meeting: With focus on inspiring, international
conversation. Welcome to join inside or outside Dale’s Café at DTM Building 1650, AU
5 pm to 5.50 pm Organ Concert by Sophie-Veronique Cauchefer-Chopling at Aarhus
Cathedral, Domkirke, free.
Thursday 28 July
11 am Guided tour of the historical gardens in the Old Town, all summer, free after paid
Admission, consider membership.
7.30 pm The Mira String Quartet, 3. Concert of the Aarhus Summer Festival 2011 at
Ellevang Kirke, Risskov. More information about tickets and place above.
Friday 29 July
Any given day you can take advantage of the Aarhus Municipality’s great idea of making
more citizens healthy. By providing open air fitness places in parks and woods there is no
excuse. Please enjoy it. In Risskov wood for example you can overlook the bay while
exercising – a view hard to find better. Which will make you feel even better – all for free!
12 noon to 3 pm Viking activities at Moesgaard Museum, admission. Every day during the
Saturday 30 July
8 am to approx. 2 pm Open Air Farmers’ Market with all sorts of fresh produce,
homemade products and more on Ingerslevs Boulevard, Aarhus C. Enjoy buying from
some informal people. No admission.
10 am to 5 pm the biggest Viking Moot on Moesgaard Beach, see more details above, no
10 am to 12 noon enjoy bird-watching at Egaa Meadow Lake, Egå Engsø, where local
ornithologists will assist and also provide binoculars. More details above, free.
10 am to 3.30 pm Flea Market / Trunk Sale on Bispetorvet, next to the Aarhus Cathedral,
no admission.
11.30 am Zumba at the
www.strandbaren2011.dk , free.
1 pm Danish songs by Rasmus Skov Borring at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset, at the Café,
more details above, free.
Sunday 31 July
All Lutheran and Catholic churches are open for visitors and free to join for services, most
concerts and other activities. Church services are Sunday mornings, usually starting
between 10 am and 11 am, outside each church is posted the exact time, so you can make it
in time.
10 am to 5 pm the biggest Viking Moot on Moesgaard Beach, see more details above, no
1 pm Danish songs by Rasmus Skov Borring at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset, at the Café,
more details above, free.
2 pm Super Summer with Sigurd’s Bjørnetrio, Bear Trio, a family event. Say hello to the
Bear BJØRN. Join in singing with Sigurd’s funny show as known from TV. At Tivoli
Friheden. Admission.
2 pm to 4 pm A lot of activities all day for everyone to experience in the Old Town. But in
the afternoon, among them also a Concert in Simonsen’s Garden where the Danish
Vienna-duo, classical Vienna music for violin and piano. Free after paid admission, look
into buying membership.
7.30 pm Kirin Winds, wind quintet, 4. Concert of the Aarhus Summer Festival 2011 at
Ellevang Kirke, Risskov. More information about tickets and place above.
Monday 1 August
2 pm Super Summer with Sigurd’s Bjørnetrio, Bear Trio, a family event. Say hello to the
Bear BJØRN. Join in singing with Sigurd’s funny show as known from TV. At Tivoli
Friheden. Admission.
Tuesday 2 August
10 am Take a 2 hours walk with the group ‘Fodslaw’. Meet up at Moesgaard Strand,
Beach, and enjoy meeting some Danes, free.
2 pm Super Summer with Sigurd’s Bjørnetrio, Bear Trio, a family event. Say hello to the
Bear BJØRN. Join in singing with Sigurd’s funny show as known from TV. At Tivoli
Friheden. Admission.
6 pm training for the Marselis run 12 KM at Tangkrogen, till 23 August, free.
6 pm Every Tuesday also fitness training for fit & unfit, get a fitness test and more, take a
walk, get started, also at Tangkrogen, free.
Wednesday 3 August
10 am to 12 noon UIC Meeting: Liwen Zhu from Shanghai will tell us about 'the OneChild Policy in China and how it affected her life'. Place: International Centre, DTM
Building 1650, Conference room 3, (No. 114.)
5 pm to 5.50 pm Summer Concert at Aarhus Cathedral, Aarhus Domkirke, by Roger
Sayer. Works by J.S. Bach, M. Dupré and C. Franck, free.
Venlig hilsen / Best regards
Gitte Haahr-Andersen
UIC Organiser
International Centre
Aarhus University
Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 4, bldg. 1650
DK-8000 Århus C
Web: www.au.dk/uic
Phone: +45 3069 8483
Email: GHA@adm.au.dk
August 2011
Dear Internationals,
A brief summary: During the UIC Informal Meeting yesterday Liwen Zhu from Shanghai
shared her experience with 'the One-Child Policy in China and how it affected her life'.
Everyone attending the meeting were in for a well prepared presentation. Quite an
impressive statement in many ways. Liwen on one side made clear that this system of onechild policy was decided on for the benefit of the Chinese citizens. Resources being
limited, government could not at the then growth speed of the population secure sufficient
food for example. Precautions had to be taken. So the one-child policy has had the positive
effect slowing down the increase in population. Although the other side of the coin is that
a whole generation are ‘spoiled’ young people. Spoiled in the sense that each of them have
had the full attention, love and care in each their family. But living in such a huge country,
with limited openings to higher learning, also still makes it tough to get into the best
schools. Everyone wants the top schools, and does it primarily to please, to show their
appreciation of the privilege to receive higher learning, which their parents were deprived
mainly due to the cultural revolution. So it became clear that life is by no means so easy
for the spoiled generation.
Much more was presented. Many questions asked and Liwen was very capable of
answering them. It was obvious of great interest to all participants. And we all agreed
Liwen, who herself attended top university training and a Bachelor degree in engineering,
should be given a proper job offer, while being in Aarhus.
Thank you for the interesting presentation, Liwen.
The Informal Meetings will continue the next two Wednesday mornings. Thereafter the
official UIC Programme begins. Welcome to participate, whenever you find time. And if
you meet newcomers or have visitors please invite them along. Children are also welcome
to join.
Please, notice all the good and warm weather which actually comes to Aarhus also. When
the rain or some grey clouds come close, we tend so quickly to forget all the nice and
warm days we have had. Perhaps we also too easily slip into finding the weather too hot,
and start complaining about the discomfort. The best advice is to bring and umbrella
either to protect you against the sun or the rain. Be prepared so that you can enjoy outdoor
activities, there are simply so much to see and to do in greater Aarhus area and beyond.
Hope the UIC Newsletter can help you become aware of some of the good things, which
are on today and the coming days. First some information of general interest and at the
bottom the calendar with specific activities mentioned.
Very recently a website in English became available, aiming at making it easier for
newcomers from abroad to find information about living and working or studying in the
Aarhus region. The site is developed in a collaboration between the Municipality of
Aarhus and the neighboring municipalities. The guide is very comprehensive with a lot of
general information and many practical details like about healthcare, international schools,
and study programmes. Check out the website on www.businessregionaarhus.dk
Monday 8 August Midttrafik (Mid Region Public Traffic Company) introduces new bus
schedules and routes. Which should lead to shorter travel time, more frequent bus arrivals
and departures, less waiting time, and less CO2. With optimized bus lines the annual CO2
emission is estimated to be reduced by 1,200 Tons.
The new network of buses will consist of 6 A-bus lines (1A-6A), 10 regular lines (11-20)
and 3 local lines (31, 32 and 35) as well as 7 buses running at nighttime (40-46). If you need
help figuring out the new system and you cannot find answers to your questions online
you can visit the help desk (the Glass Container) at Park Allé downtown weekdays from 7
am - 6 pm until 24 August, during weekends from 10 am – 6 pm. They will help you find
your new bus number and stop. If you are interested in getting a copy of the new schedule
booklet you can get it for free in the city buses, bybusser, and at the Bus Info at the Bus
terminal, Busstationen downtown. In addition, you can always check out the website
www.nytbusnet.dk and look up ‘køreplaner’ e.g. bus schedules. Furthermore, you can
seek assistance by calling the help line tel. 86 12 86 22.
This week the last concerts of the Aarhus Music Festival 2011 takes place in Ellevang Kirke
(Church), Jellebakken 42, Risskov, both Thursday and Sunday. Today Thursday 04 August
at 7.30 pm Cellist Leonid Gorokhov and pianist Niklas Sivelöv plays classical music and
Sunday the final concert is by Pianist Søren Rastogi. Tickets are: DKK75, students DKK50.
See more details on www.ellevangkirke.dk.
Jos Hansen, who enjoys guiding around, is offering a free walk with focus on his part of
the city, the district of Trojborg (Trøjborg, Aarhus N and next to the wood, Risskov). Every
Saturday morning from 10 am and 2-3 hours time the idea is to walk around and learn
about the area. Only small groups are acceped. Starting point is in front of the cinema
Metropol on Tordenskjoldsgade. Please do not show up without first being admitted on a
tour. If no room is available this Saturday you will be offered a tour on one of the
following Saturday mornings.
First of all: Contact Jos Hansen on jos_hansen@hotmail.com and await his reply.
All the employees at AU also are hereby cordially invited to Consortium for Global
Talent’s next “After Hours” meeting hosted by The LEGO Group on August 19, 2011 from
15:45 – 18:00. The park in LEGOLAND will be open until 8pm on the day of the event
providing an excellent opportunity for the participants and their families to visit
LEGOLAND. We have a limited number of seats available to this event, and registration
will take place at a first-come, first-served basis. Following the successful meetings held
previously we look forward to this seventh "After Hours" event and hope to see as many
as possible. Please register on our website cgt.expatindenmark.com under CGT “After
hours” before 12 August 2011. The password is: LEGO. Kind regards, Rea Hoberg,
Administrative Assistant to Tine Horwitz
Head of Consortium for Global Talent (+45) 33633462
From Autumn 2012 Aarhus International School starts in Højbjerg.
But already by August 2011 an International Kindergarten/Preschool opens on
Bushøjvænget 133, 8270 Højbjerg, as a direct linkage to the IB certified international
school. As there is limited openings it is time to sign up for kindergarten/preschool and
you can register your child(ren) by sending a mail to Louise Poulsen (lopou@vestas.com).
On the following link you can find a presentation and details on how to sign up:
Bring friends and family and enjoy time at the Beach Bar, Strandbaren. The bar is open
and the waterfront buzzing with life! The bar offers activities for everyone. Several
downtown bars and cafées will serve you at the bar offering burgers, delicious drinks, ice
cream, smoothies and more. The area provides a great place to join or start cross training,
beach volley, waterskiing, basket ball, canoeing, dancing, and kayaking. Registration for
the fitness team is on facebook under 'events'. You will find the bar on Dagmar
Petersen’s Street 101 (named after the first female city council member) at the waterfront
area. The regular opening hours is Thursday-Sunday from 11 am. Activities can be
checked on www.strandbaren2011.dk and some in the calendar below.
Enjoy art with your baby. Aros the Art Museum now offers guided tours for ‘Moms and
Baby Groups’ each month the 1st Friday at 10.30 am. Parents on maternity leave (I guess,
also Dads on paternity leave) are included in this event. Admission.
Public schools are closed, and so the school summer holiday is on. A most helpful
summer messenger is the Aarhus Municipality’s catalog with all summer events and
activities for school kids during the vacation. The catalog, which the children brought
home from school, contains more than 100 different activities to enjoy. They can also be
found on Ugens link: www.aarhus.dk
The mirror pool in front of the Concert Hall, Aarhus Musikhuset, is usually filled with
water, but this year it has been turned a petanque / bocce court for everybody to
throughout the summer for free. Bring your friends and family for a fun afternoon. Open
weekdays from 11 am to 6pm and bocce balls can be borrowed for free at the Café at the
Concert Hall.
Experience Aarhus with the official Aarhus Guides in July and August. The guided tour
“1000 years of Aarhus” runs every Saturday from 10 am to noon and starts at the main
entrance to Aarhus Cathedral, Store Torv. Here you can learn about how the city was
founded and developed. The tickets are DKK75 for adult, can be bought from the guide.
Another interesting and relevant guided tour is the ‘Aarhus University’ tour on Tuesdays
(except 9 August) from 2 pm to 4 pm. On this tour you will hear the history of the
university and how it is to study in Aarhus today. The meeting point is at the main
entrance, building 1412, Nordre Ringgade. Tickets DKK75 for adult, and can be bought
from the guide.
The Aarhus guides also offers City Hall tower ‘climb’ as a guided tour Tuesdays and
Thursdays from 2 pm to 3 pm where you can experience Aarhus from 60 meters above
ground. The price is DKK40 and the meeting point is at the city Hall tower entrance, Park
Allé, downtown.
For more tour information and booking contact Vibeke Jørgensen at VisitAarhus,
87315011, vj@visitaarhus.com.
At Naturhistorisk museum, the Museum of Natural History you can enjoy summer
activities throughout the public school vacation from 10 am to 4 pm every day. You can
experience their Animalia exhibition, a guided tour or learn about animals with a biologist
at hand to show you around, and to answer your questions every day from 11 am- 3pm.
The museum is on Wilhelm Meyers Allé 210 on AU Campus.
Thursday 04 August
11 am guided tour of the historical gardens each Thursday at the Old Town, after paid
admission free, consider membership.
11 am visit the Apotekernes, Pharmacies Sun Bus, and get advice on how to protect
yourself in the sun, in DK! Or in the south. The ‘Sun Bus’ will be parked on Store Torv, the
big square next to the Aarhus Cathedral, free.
11 am and on (every Thursday all summer!) Beach volley at the Beach Bar, Strandbaren,
Aarhus Harbour, Dagmar Petersen’s Gade 101, www.strandbaren2011.dk , free.
12 noon to 3 pm Viking activities for children at Moesgaard Museum,
2 pm ‘Summer Café’ till 25 August with songs, stories and more at Møllevangskirken,
church, Møllevangs Allé 49, Aarhus C, next to ASB/AU, free.
2 pm Enjoy the view from the City Hall Tower by the Aarhus Guides. Meet at the Tower
Entrance on Park Allé, Tickets DKK40, children DKK20.
4 pm Around this time the bike rally ‘Around DK’ arrives in Aarhus via Hørhavevej,
Oddervej, Kongevejen and Strandvejen ending up the day’s phase-out at Tangkrogen.
Expect traffic being regulated, streets closed and causing traffic jams, between 3.30 pm and
7.30 pm. But fun to see the bikers this afternoon.
7.30 pm Aarhus Music Festival 2011: Cellist Leonid Gorokhov and pianist Niklas Sivelöv
plays classical music and Sunday the final concert is by Pianist Søren Rastogi. Tickets are:
DKK75, students DKK50. Address: Ellevang Kirke (church), Jellebakken 42, 8240 Risskov.
See more details above and on www.ellevangkirke.dk.
8 pm Violinist Miles Golding and Organist Murray Stewart – classical music at Our Lady’s
Church, Vor Frue Kirke, Vestergade 21, Aarhus C. Tickets at the door DKK50.
Friday 05 August
11 am and on (every Thursday all summer!) Beach volley at the Beach Bar, Strandbaren,
Aarhus Harbour, Dagmar Petersen’s Gade 101, www.strandbaren2011.dk , free.
11.15 am ‘Around DK’ the bike rally leaves Aarhus, starting point Store Torv, next to
Aarhus Cathedral. Route: Søndergade, Vester Allé and Viborgvej. The rally started 3
August in Esbjerg and will end up in Copenhagen 9 August. Expect traffic being
regulated, streets closed for a few hours. Fun to see the bikers.
8 pm ‘Fat Friday’ with Savage Rose at Tivoli Friheden, Tickets DKK120.
8 pm to 2 am Summer in the City: Kasper Ehlers and Andreas Lund - live music at Aarhus
Minigolf, Åboulevarden 52, Aarhus C. Free, only 150 people.
Saturday 06 August
8 am to approx. 2 pm Open Air Farmers Market with all sorts of fresh produce, homemade
products and more on Ingerslevs Boulevard, Aarhus C, free.
10 am Saturday ‘Walks and Talks’ with Jos Hansen, see further details above, on how to
sign up for the free walks
10 am to 4 pm Flea Market by the Lion’s Club Lystrup on Ingerslevs Boulevard (same
place as the Farmers’ Market takes place every Saturday and Wednesday), free.
10 am to 5 pm this weekend: Antique Flea Market at the Ridehuset, Vester Allé 1, Aarhus
C, better flea market with collector’s items, design furniture etc. Admission DKK40. Read
more on Læs mere på Markedskalenderen.dk. Åbner i nyt vindue.
10 am to 5 pm Open Garden at Lissy and Elmer Aagesen, Rønvangen 101, Hinnerup, some
12 KM North of Aarhus. Here you invited to a see beautiful, private garden. Admission
DKK 15.
11 am and on (every Thursday all summer!) Beach volley at the Beach Bar, Strandbaren,
Aarhus Harbour, Dagmar Petersen’s Gade 101, www.strandbaren2011.dk , free.
11 am to 2 pm Artist Line Frøslev at work in Galleri Art Expo, Skanderborgvej 107, free.
11.30 am Violinist Miles Golding, Organist Murray Stewart and Organist Poul S. Jacobsen
– classical music at Our Lady’s Church, Vor Frue Kirke, vestergade 21, Aarhus C, free.
12 noon to 4 pm Viking craftsman Birgitte Damkjer demonstrates leather crafts at
Moesgaard Museum, Moesgård Allé 20, bus 6 end station. Admission.
12 noon to 5 pm The Old Mill close to Moesgaard Museum operates. Fresh flour can be
purchased. Address: Skovmøllevej 51. Easily combined with the activities at Moesgaard
Museum, or a walk in the woods and/or the beach. Fun for free.
1 pm Sonor Guitar Duo, classical music at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset, at the Café, free.
3 pm Test your strength, speed and endurance at Tangkrogen, next to Marselisborg
Marina, organized by Fitness World and Ren by, Clean City Aarhus, free.
3 pm to 6 pm Introduction to Argentinian Tango and Salsa & Open Air Tango café with dj.
Remember to bring comfortable footwear. Address: Strandbaren, the Beach Bar on
Dagmar Petersens Gade 101 on the harbor. Every week, last Sunday event 21 August.
Sunday 07 August
10 am to 10.20 August Summer Sunday Morning Concerts before the Church Services.
Works by Bach, Brahms, Buxtehude and Hartmann in Sct. Paul’s Church, Skt. Pauls Kirke,
close to the Main Railway Station. Free
10 am to 5 pm this weekend: Antique Flea Market at the Ridehuset, Vester Allé 1, Aarhus
C, better flea market with collector’s items, design furniture etc. Read more on Læs mere
på Markedskalenderen.dk. Åbner i nyt vindue. Admission DKK40.
2 pm to 4 pm A lot of activities for everyone to experience in the Old Town, Viborgvej 2, Aarhus C.
Among them also a Concert with the Fugholm Ensemble, guitar and violin in the Simonsen’s
Garden, the restaurant ‘Simonsens Have’. Free after paid admission, look into buying membership.
3 pm to 6 pm Introduction to Argentian Tango & Open Air Tango Café with dj – bring
practical shoes at the Beach Bar, Strandbaren, Aarhus Harbour, Dagmar Petersen’s Gade
101, Aarhus C, every Sunday till 21 August, www.strandbaren2011.dk , free.
4.30 pm Music on Aarslev Mark: Trio Aristos – Chamber Music at Eva and Knud H.
Nielsen, Balsgårdsvej 6, Aarslev. Tickets DKK150.
7.30 pm Aarhus Music Festival 2011: Ends today Sunday with a classical concert by Pianist
Søren Rastogi. Tickets are: DKK75, students DKK50. Address: Ellevang Kirke (church),
Jellebakken 42, 8240 Risskov. See more details on www.ellevangkirke.dk
7.30 pm Organist Jane Laut, classical music at Skt. Johannes Kirke, Sct. John’s Church, 5
min.s walk from Nobelparken, free.
Monday 08 August
Note: new bus schedules and lines in operation, see more details above! Prepare
yourself to avoid frustration, and/or to run late!
11 am to 5.30 pm
12 noon to 3 pm Active summer – Viking activities for children at Moesgaard Museum,
every day till 7 August.
5.30 pm Walk & Exercise, every week Meet at Tangkrogen, free.
Tuesday 09 August
11 am to 5.30 pm Activities with bright pearls for children and adults outside the Main
Library in the park Mølleparken or indoor in case of rain. Come and go, one day or both
days as your time allows you. The Main Library, Hovedbiblioteket, Møllegade 1, Aarhus
C, free
6 pm training for the Marselis run 12 KM at Tangkrogen, till 23 August, free.
6 pm Every Tuesday also fitness training for fit & unfit, get a fitness test and more, take a
walk, get started, also at Tangkrogen, free.
Wednesday 10 July
11 am to 5.30 pm Activities with bright pearls for children and adults outside the Main
Library in the park Mølleparken or indoor in case of rain. The Main Library,
Hovedbiblioteket, Møllegade 1, Aarhus C, free.
8 am to approx. 2 pm Open Air Farmers Market with all sorts of fresh produce, homemade
products and more on Ingerslevs Boulevard, Aarhus C, free.
10 am to 12 noon UIC Informal Meeting: With focus on inspiring, international
conversation. Welcome to join inside or outside Dale’s Café, weather permitting, at
DTM Building 1650, AU Campus.
5 pm to 5.50 pm Organ Summer Concert by Organist Jacques van Oortmerssen, works by
J. S. Bach, W. A. Mozart, C. M Widor og J. van Oortmerssen at Aarhus Cathedral, Aarhus
Domkirke, free.
Best wishes for the coming days! Gitte
Dear Internationals,
Dale’s Café was cosy compared with the windy and at times wet weather outdoor. So we
stayed inside and quite a large group gathered. It became a very active morning with more
newcomers. Others we had not seen during the summer holiday, and again others had not
been at UIC for a longer period of time. Like the Skowronski family from Poland. It was
great fun and enriching to be together.
The new UIC Programme for the 1st part of Autumn 2011 is now available, on the web,
www.au.dk/uic. At the following UIC meetings you are also very welcome to take printed
The Annual Celebration for All AU Employees and their spouses.
An invitation has been sent out to all AU employees to attend the celebration in the
Concert Hall Aarhus on Friday 9 September 2011 at 7 pm. The invitation can be
downloaded here.
Allocation is on a first come, first served basis, and registration opened as of yesterday
from 9 am via the link www.kongreskompagniet.dk/enme.
A beautiful event to experience, even if you do not understand the Danish entertainment,
it is an opportunity to meet other colleagues and fine buffet.
Much more is briefed about in this UIC Newsletter, which can hopefully help you become
aware of some of the good things in the city. Some on today or in the coming days. First
we touch on some information of general interest and at the end comes the calendar with
specific activities mentioned.
Some time ago this was announced, now getting closer to the applying for funding, the
information goes out once more: AU Researchers with original and visionary ideas are
invited to apply for funding from the new AU Ideas grant programme. Up to 25 million
DKK for a 5 year period can be granted from the AU fund. The AU leadership calls for
ideas for new inter-disciplinary research centres. Six centres have already been
established, and the university now encourage AU researchers with original and visionary
ideas to present them, to expand the programme with four new centres. See the full
announcement with conditions for applying before 31 August on: More information below
about formalities, evaluation and contact person.
Last night at the City Council Meeting Mayor Nicolai Wammen stepped back and Jacob
Bundsgaard Johansen took over the Mayor’s office. Some months ago the news were
released, that when the date of the upcoming Danish General Election was given, the
Mayor would resign and run for a seat in the Danish Parliament, Folketinget. What also
was made known was that the Mayor’s office would be turned over to another Social
Democrat Jacob Bundsgaard Johansen.
What was new last week, was that Nicolai Wammen 10 August would resign. The given
explanation being the Aarhus budget negotiations are soon due, and should be followed
through by the Mayor who starts them. Much speculations have it that the General
Election date will be known within a couple of weeks. So if it happens, then a change of
Mayor would collide with the budget negotiations. Therefore Nicolai Wammen resigned
last night and with warm applause. So the new Mayor of Aarhus City is now Jacob
Bundsgaard Johansen.
Very recently a website in English became available, aiming at making it easier for
newcomers from abroad to find information about living and working or studying in the
Aarhus region. The site is developed in a collaboration between the Municipality of
Aarhus and the neighboring municipalities. The guide is very comprehensive with a lot of
general information and many practical details like about healthcare, international schools,
and study programmes. Check out the website on www.businessregionaarhus.dk
All the employees at AU also are hereby cordially invited to Consortium for Global
Talent’s next “After Hours” meeting hosted by The LEGO Group on August 19, 2011 from
15:45 – 18:00. The park in LEGOLAND will be open until 8pm on the day of the event
providing an excellent opportunity for the participants and their families to visit
LEGOLAND. We have a limited number of seats available to this event, and registration
will take place at a first-come, first-served basis. Following the successful meetings held
previously we look forward to this seventh "After Hours" event and hope to see as many
as possible. Please register on our website cgt.expatindenmark.com under CGT “After
hours” before 12 August 2011. The password is: LEGO. Kind regards, Rea Hoberg,
Administrative Assistant to Tine Horwitz
Head of Consortium for Global Talent (+45) 33633462
Monday 8 August the new bus lines and schedules became a reality. For the majority of
people it all went smoothly, so people seem happy with the changes. Remember going to
the AU from downtown Aarhus take either bus 1A, 12, 13 or 14. Via Ndr. Ringgade bus 5A
is convenient. To reach the ASB, the School of Business, from downtown Aarhus one can
choose bus 3A or 19. Note: buses with an A, means they run more often, every 5 to 10 min.
If you need help figuring out the new system and you cannot find answers to your
questions online you can visit the help desk (the Glass Container) at Park Allé downtown
weekdays from 7 am - 6 pm until 24 August, during weekends from 10 am – 6 pm. They
will help you find your new bus number and stop. If you are interested in getting a copy
of the new schedule booklet you can get it for free in the city buses, bybusser, and at the
Bus Info at the Bus terminal, Busstationen downtown. In addition, you can always check
out the website www.nytbusnet.dk and look up ‘køreplaner’ e.g. bus schedules.
Furthermore, you can seek assistance by calling the help line tel. 86 12 86 22.
Jos Hansen, who enjoys guiding around, is offering a free walk with focus on his part of
the city, the district of Trojborg (Trøjborg, Aarhus N and next to the wood, Risskov). Every
Saturday morning from 10 am and 2-3 hours time the idea is to walk around and learn
about the area. Only small groups are acceped. Starting point is in front of the cinema
Metropol on Tordenskjoldsgade. Please do not show up without first being admitted on a
tour. If no room is available this Saturday you will be offered a tour on one of the
following Saturday mornings.
First of all: Contact Jos Hansen on jos_hansen@hotmail.com and await his reply.
Today Thursday evening from 7 pm to 9 pm the nature guides Bjarne Golles and Lars
Bøgh will take all along on the sunrays Park route (learn about the sunrays routes around
Aarhus). It will take you through three of the most pronounced city parks. The route is 5
km and will introduce different kinds of nature within the city boundaries. Meet up at
Naturhistorisk Museum, Museum of Natural History on AU Campus.
Aarhus Minigolf is an open air facility on the top of Bruun’s Galleri, the Shopping Centre
next to the Main Railway Station. Enter via Restaurant Venence on level 6. Just take the
escalator from the cinema, Cinemaxx, and follow the green runner. Open all days the
Danish summer allows them from mid April till early September. Address: Aarhus
Minigolf, M.P. Bruuns Gade 25, Aarhus C, Phone 30723913. Admission.
Mollerup Golfclub welcomes professors, scientist, student of other origin than Danish,
somehow connected to our institutes of education or research, Mollerup Golf Club offers
you a guest membership, 1 month only DKK 800, and 3 months DKK 1,800. You can play
as often as you like, and also to take part in other activities, seek More info.
Bring friends and family and enjoy time at the Beach Bar, Strandbaren. The bar is open
and the waterfront buzzing with life! The bar offers activities for everyone. Several
downtown bars and cafées will serve you at the bar offering burgers, delicious drinks, ice
cream, smoothies and more. The area provides a great place to join or start cross training,
beach volley, waterskiing, basket ball, canoeing, dancing, and kayaking. Registration for
the fitness team is on facebook under 'events'. You will find the bar on Dagmar
Petersen’s Street 101 (named after the first female city council member) at the waterfront
area. The regular opening hours is Thursday-Sunday from 11 am. Activities can be
checked on www.strandbaren2011.dk and some in the calendar below.
Øst for Paradis, East of Paradise, is cinema good to know. Today Thursday is the first
night the Woody Allen’s film MIDNIGHT IN PARIS – full of humour. Before the film Annette
Bohn, AU will give an introduction to it. Another film tells the story of two Mexicans in
the illegally in the US LOS BASTARDOS. More details about the films, discounts, but in Danish
only on programmet. Address: Øst for Paradis, Paradisgade 7-9, 8000 Århus C, Tickets tlf: 86
19 31 22
A reported some time ago the construction is underway. When being close to the area, next to
Europaplads, you might fear an earthquake has struck Aarhus. Fortunately not. On the contrary a
huge construction – 8 meter deep under water and measuring the size of two soccer fields – is
causing the vibrations. The bungs have to be put in place. This project will take place between 8 am
and 6 pm, and most likely for the rest of August.
During the last couple of days a group of people announced them prepared to donate a
sculpture, named Big Robert Jakobsen, from a world famous Danish sculptor (more
correct: willing to raise the 100 million ddk). – Right now it is discussed, whether it is a
good idea at all. We shall see where that takes the city. – Taken from the inset, it could
look quite imposing, when entering Aarhus Port.
Public schools are still closed, and so the school summer holiday are on. A most helpful
summer messenger is the Aarhus Municipality’s catalog with all summer events and
activities for school kids during the vacation. The catalog, which the children brought
home from school, contains more than 100 different activities to enjoy. They can also be
found on Ugens link: www.aarhus.dk
The mirror pool in front of the Concert Hall, Aarhus Musikhuset, is usually filled with
water, but this year it has been turned a petanque / bocce court for everybody to
throughout the summer for free. Bring your friends and family for a fun afternoon. Open
weekdays from 11 am to 6pm and bocce balls can be borrowed for free at the Café at the
Concert Hall.
Experience Aarhus with the official Aarhus Guides in July and August. The guided tour “1000 years of Aarhus” runs
every Saturday from 10 am to noon and starts at the main entrance to Aarhus Cathedral, Store Torv. Here you can learn
about how the city was founded and developed. The tickets are DKK75 for adult, can be bought from the guide.
Another interesting and relevant guided tour is the ‘Aarhus University’ tour on Tuesdays (except 9 August) from 2 pm
to 4 pm. On this tour you will hear the history of the university and how it is to study in Aarhus today. The meeting
point is at the main entrance, building 1412, Nordre Ringgade. Tickets DKK75 for adult, and can be bought from the
The Aarhus guides also offers City Hall tower ‘climb’ as a guided tour Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2 pm to 3 pm
where you can experience Aarhus from 60 meters above ground. The price is DKK40 and the meeting point is at the city
Hall tower entrance, Park Allé, downtown.
For more tour information and booking contact Vibeke Jørgensen at VisitAarhus, 87315011, vj@visitaarhus.com.
Thursday 11 August
Elbek’s Papirhandel, Shop selling all kinds of paper, office supplies etc. is closing for good
31 August. From 8 August you get a 40% off – and today Thursday customers are offered
a free drink. Address: Elbek’s Papirhandel, Borggade 12-14, Aarhus C.
9 am to 11 am guided tour of the historical gardens each Thursday at the Old Town,
Viborgvej 2, Aarhus C. After paid admission free, consider membership.
11 am and on (every Thursday all summer!) Beach volley at the Beach Bar, Strandbaren,
Aarhus Harbour, Dagmar Petersen’s Gade 101, www.strandbaren2011.dk , free.
--12 noon to 3 pm Viking activities for children at Moesgaard Museum,
2 pm ‘Summer Café’ till 25 August with songs, stories and more at Møllevangskirken,
church, Møllevangs Allé 49, Aarhus C, next to ASB/AU, free.
2 pm Enjoy the view from the City Hall Tower by the Aarhus Guides. Meet at the Tower
Entrance on Park Allé, Tickets DKK40, children DKK20.
4 pm Grand opening of the restaurant ‘the traditional American diner’ in M.P. Bruuns
Gade 42, Aarhus C, more details on www.thediner.dk
5 pm Flea Market on Lokesvej 17, Aabyhøj, free.
7 pm Join a 2-hours’ walk with the group Århus Fodslaw, meet up at Trandbjerg Station,
Tranbjerg Tværvej, free.
7 pm to9 pm Nature in 5 of the City’s parks – a 5 km walk, meet up at the Natural History
Museum on Wilhelm Meyers Allé 210, AU Campus, free.
8 pm Concert with the Kassanda Quartet and Organist Poul S. Jacobsen, classical music:
Antonin Dvorak ("5 Bagateller"), and organ concerts by Franticek Xaver Brixi and William
Hayes, and Fr. Jos Haydn
– classical music at Our Lady’s Church, Vor Frue Kirke, Vestergade 21, Aarhus C. Tickets
at the door DKK50.
Friday 12 August
11 am and on (every Thursday all summer!) Beach volley at the Beach Bar, Strandbaren,
Aarhus Harbour, Dagmar Petersen’s Gade 101, www.strandbaren2011.dk , free.
8 pm to 0.30 am Quiet Church Evening at Our Lady’s Church, Vor Frue Kirke, Vestergade
21, Aarhus C. Time for meditation, someone to talk with. Free.
Saturday 13 August
A-Cat Class Catamaran World Championship 2011 takes place from 13 August to 20 August, both
days included. Sailing Aarhus can be followed on www.a-catworlds2011.dk (in Danish).
8 am to approx. 2 pm Open Air Farmers Market with all sorts of fresh produce, homemade
products and more on Ingerslevs Boulevard, Aarhus C, free.
10 am to 3 pm a Flea Market takes place at Steen Billes Torv, a Square, on Trøjborg,
Aarhus N. 30 stalls sellers offer their goods. Free.
10 am Saturday ‘Walks and Talks’ with Jos Hansen, see further details above, on how to
sign up for the free walks
11 am and on (every Thursday all summer!) Beach volley at the Beach Bar, Strandbaren,
Aarhus Harbour, Dagmar Petersen’s Gade 101, www.strandbaren2011.dk , free.
11.30 am Summer Concert. Nanna Bech, Sofia Elm (sopranoes), Jan Edlund (nyckelharp), and
Poul S. Jacobsen, organ.
Programme: Bach meets the Nordic countries, Swedish and Norwegian Folk’s melodies together
with music by Joh. Sebastian Bach at Our Lady’s Church, Vor Frue Kirke, Vestergade 21,
Aarhus C, free.
1 pm to 4 pm ‘Do you like oysters’ Archaologist Søren H. Andersen prepare oysters like
back in Stone Age at the Fisherman’s House, Fiskerhuset at Moesgaard Beach, Moesgård
Strand, free.
3 pm to 6 pm Introduction to Argentinian Tango and Salsa & Open Air Tango café with dj.
Remember to bring comfortable footwear. Address: Strandbaren, the Beach Bar on
Dagmar Petersens Gade 101 on the harbor. Every week, last Sunday event 21 August.
Sunday 14 August
10 am to 10.20 August Summer Sunday Morning Concerts before the Church Services.
Works by Bach, Brahms, Buxtehude and Hartmann in Sct. Paul’s Church, Skt. Pauls Kirke,
close to the Main Railway Station. Free
11 am to 4 pm Try the small train at the Modelparken, Egå Møllevej 213. Every Sunday till 24
11 am to 4 pm Activities with bronze, make your own bronze figure, for older children and adults
at the Viking Houses outside Moesgaard Museum. Price ddk50. Moesgaard Museum 10 km south
of Aarhus City. – Easily combined with a visit to the Old Mill:
12 noon to 5 pm the Old Mill operates. Buy fresh flour for your next homebaking project, 10
minutes walk from the Moesgaard Museum.
12 noon Sing from the Blue Songbook at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset Aarhus, at the Café, free.
11 am to 4 pm Try the small train at the Modelparken, Egå Møllevej 213. Every Sunday till 24
2 pm to 3 pm Simon Rosenbaum introduces a variety of Soloists, who perform at the Concert Hall,
Musikhuset Aarhus, at the Café, free.
2 pm to 4 pm A lot of activities for everyone to experience in the Old Town, Viborgvej 2, Aarhus C.
Among them also a Concert Vienna Express – waltz and Vienna music in the Simonsen’s Garden,
the restaurant ‘Simonsens Have’. Free after paid admission. Advice: Look into buying
3 pm to 6 pm Introduction to Argentian Tango & Open Air Tango Café with dj – bring
practical shoes at the Beach Bar, Strandbaren, Aarhus Harbour, Dagmar Petersen’s Gade
101, Aarhus C, every Sunday till 21 August, www.strandbaren2011.dk , free.
7.30 pm Concert by Organist Christian Kampmann Larsen, classical organ music at Sct.
John’s Church, Skt. Johannes Kirke, 5 min.s walk from Nobelparken and next to the
Aarhus Hospital, Free.
Monday 15 August
5.30 pm Walk & Exercise, every week Meet at Tangkrogen, free.
Tuesday 16 August
11.15 am Music to the opera ‘Snow white’s mirror’ at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset Aarhus
at the Café, free.
6 pm training for the Marselis run 12 KM at Tangkrogen, till 23 August, free.
6 pm Every Tuesday also fitness training for fit & unfit, get a fitness test and more, take a
walk, get started, also at Tangkrogen, free.
Wednesday 17 July
8 am to approx. 2 pm Open Air Farmers Market with all sorts of fresh produce, homemade
products and more on Ingerslevs Boulevard, Aarhus C, free.
10 am to 12 noon UIC Informal Meeting: Something is to be announced. But as always
there will be time for inspiring, international get-together at the DTM Building 1650 on
AU Campus. Check the Monday UIC Mail.
5 pm to 5.50 pm Organ Summer Concert. Organist Eric Lebrun (F) from Saint Antoine des
Quinze-Vingts in Paris and Professor at Conservatoire National de Région de Saint-Maur
des Fossés gives a concert with works by F. Liszt, J. Alain og A. Guilmant at Aarhus
Cathedral, Aarhus Domkirke, free.
7 pm Special Beach Service on the green area on the beach, close to the Psyciatric Hospital,
Risskov. Plenty of music, representing the Nordic summer songs, singing, textreadings
and more. Bring a blanket or a chair. In charge is Risskov Church, join for free.
Best wishes for the coming days – be prepared by at all times taking an umbrella or
raincoat in your bag.
Venlig hilsen / Best regards
Gitte Haahr-Andersen
Dear Internationals,
Focus was: Inger Stokkink’s creative ways of learning Danish. – Therefore more than 20
people gathered in the cosy Dale’s Café this Wednesday morning to listen and to learn
from Inger Stokkink’s experiences with picking up Danish. Coming from the Netherlands
Inger readily started out saying she might have an advantage. But still a long way to go.
With enthusiasm Inger let us in on the daily, well prepared projects she had assigned
herself. When for example writing up a shopping list, she had made herself do it in
Danish. Looking up every word, and then when in the shops she could find the items
easily. Even if she was and is determined to make progress every single day, she admitted
the language barrier was and is a reality to cope with. Feeling as an outsider had also to be
overcome. But even so Inger Stokkink good about living here and will continue to fight
and to conquer the challenges with learning Danish and living with the Danes. She wants
to stay here and to work here. To have a job makes a big difference.
Much more was mentioned and other participants also added to the great fun and
enriching morning meeting. –
Warm thanks to Inger Stokkink. – And a warm welcome to all who joined the UIC for
the first time, or coming back from months in Australia like Juletta!
The topics, learning Danish or learning to live in DK, will to be taken up again, for sure.
Besides, it is already in different ways incorporated in the talks of the Autumn UIC
BACK TO SCHOOL was obvious last week. Nationwide by the thousands new school
children have had their 1st day in school. Although trained they are young to go by the
traffic rules. Either walking to school – or taking their bikes to school. First of all it is the
parents’ responsibility, but kindly look out for them – especially whenever close to a
school area!
Danes are used to bicycle, even so the children are young and need guidance. The law
places responsibility on for example car drivers rather than the pedestrian or cyclist. Both
categories are well protected, BUT always most important to avoid any kind of incident.
So (re)instruct your children on how to conduct themselves in the traffic and on a bike.
The same traffic rules apply to cyclists as to cars. For us grown-ups/ parents it could be
added: Do not make an example of young Danes crossing the roads by bike on pedestrian
crossings or driving in the opposite direction of traffic. Follow the rules of traffic. If caught
by the police you get fined! Have a safe back to school time!
In continuation of this it is an excellent idea to sign up for the International Community’s
event: Biking and Traffic Rules – Visit to the Police Station. Read more and sign up here.
The new UIC Programme for the 1st part of Autumn 2011 is now available, on the web,
www.au.dk/uic, but also attached to this mail. At the following UIC meetings you are also
very welcome to take a printed programme.
Summer is the time to move. Some leave. Nevertheless, there are always still more who
need a place to stay. In part, due to the fact, that many see this time of the year as a good
chance to find a better housing. For everybody an option could be the Housing Unit at
the International Centre which offers guidance in where to look for housing, but does not
have the resources to find it for you. The Staff Mobility Unit however offers a :
housing@adm.au.dkwhere you can seek and let out accommodation.
To find privately owned accommodation, you could turn to boligportalen (housing portal), where you buy a
subscription for 1,2 or 3 months and gain access to all available housing in your chosen area during the specific time. The
site is in English. And then you simple phone the owners of the flats, and come to an agreement. A similar page is
Lejebolig and Boligbasen (Both in English).
If you want to stay in Aarhus for a longer time and in rented accommodation, it might be a good idea to become a
member of a ‘boligforening’, a housing association. There are several in Aarhus, but it can be recommended becoming a
member of the largest one Aarhusbolig. It represents a group of housing associations, with the biggest number of
residencies to rent. It costs 100dkkr a year to become a member of this association. When you become a member, you
sign up for the apartments you want, and wait until one becomes vacant. The more attractive the flat is, the longer the
list, so it might be a good idea to aim at apartments 3-4km from the city centre. There you can usually get a flat within
one year. The largest benefit of renting your flat through a housing association, is the price. Housing associations do not
make a profit, so the rent is very reasonable. A major let-down is, however, the homepage is only available in Danish!
If you weren’t lucky to get you hands on a furnished apartment, there are still ways to
furnish it for a small price.
First of all, there is the possibility of shopping at IKEA. They have a lot of furniture at very reasonable prices. An even
cheaper alternative is to look in the IKEAs ‘Rodebutik’ (Outlet). It is located to the rightnext to the check-outs on the
ground floor. Here you can find marked down furniture from already low prices for different reasons. Some have been
slightly damaged. Some have been displayed. Getting home from IKEA with your furniture is quite easy. You simply
ask them to deliver your furniture to your address and you will have it the next day. Another option is to buy cheap
furniture in a second-hand shop. There are several located in the city, but also close to AU. Common to all the second
hands shops is that the profits go to a charity projects; they deliver furniture to your address for a fee, and can pick it up
again when you leave for free. For example:
IGEN is the Danish Cancer Funds’ second hand store. It is located Åbogade 36, next to the Computer Science
Department and close to Storcenter Nord, a hugh shopping centre.
BLÅ KORS is the Danish Blue Cross association. The shop is located Paludan Müllers Vej 38-40, also close to Storcenter
KIRKENS KORSHÆR is the Salvation Army in Denmark. Their shop is on Jens Baggesens Vej 84, a parallel street to the
You can find used furniture in very good condition and at very low prices at all these locations. When you will be
leaving, you can either sell the furniture via www.guloggratis.dk, pass it on to newly arrived internationals or donate it
to one of the second hand shops.
As mentioned in last week’s UIC Newsletter the new Mayor Jacob Bundsgaard Johansen
took office Wednesday 10 August. Since then he has decided to be named as Mayor Jacob
There is a website in English aiming at making it easier for newcomers from abroad to find
information about living and working or studying in the Aarhus region. The site is
developed in a collaboration between the Municipality of Aarhus and the neighboring
municipalities. The guide is very comprehensive with a lot of general information and
many practical details like about healthcare, international schools, and study programmes.
Check out the website on www.businessregionaarhus.dk
The Danish Wicker Society is hosting a Wickerwork festival and workshop at Moesgård Museum.
See the wicker masters make plenty of things with special focus products useful in a garden. Try
the techniques. Exchange experience in the field or just buy some already made wicker items.
Saturday 10 am to 5 pm and Sunday from 10 am to 4 pm. Admission ddk40, children under 18 yrs
free. Take bus 18 to the end station, Moesgaard Museum.
The Powwow Indian Dance Party at Nature Centre Sølyst, 6 km from downtown Aarhus.
The Danish-Indian association will demonstrate traditional clothing and dancing
techniques. You will also be invited into the ‘social dances’ to try authentic Indian
traditions. You can see Tepees at the event. Refreshments will be for sale, like fruit, coffee
and tea, and cake. No alcohol allowed. Friday open from 6 pm, the Grand Entry starts at 7
pm, admission: ddk30, Saturday open from 12 noon and the powwow starts at 1 pm,
Admission ddk40, children under 12 are free. Bus to Sølyst Nature Centre, Louisevej 100,
Brabrand. Children under 10 years free.
Sunday 15 August from 10 am to 12 noon you are invited on a nature experience with
Nature Guide Bjarne Golles at Aarslev Wetlands, just west of Brabrand Lake, some 8 km
west of downtown Aarhus. The many fish in the lake have made it a popular place, like a
quick ‘pit stop’ for the osprey, now on their way from their breeding places in southern
Sweden to their winter quarters in Africa. Focus will in general be the late summer birds.
Local ornithologists provide binoculars and are ready help you get to know about birdlife
in the area. Meet at the wooden tower on the south side of the lake. Take the path from
Storskovvej, west of Constantinsborg.
Aarhus festival ‘Festuge 26 August – 4 September Aarhus is literarily transformed into a
vibrant festival scene during the Aarhus Party Week, Aarhus Festuge. Aarhus Festival is
among the largest cultural events in Northern Europe and showcases with both local,
national and international artists. Aarhus Party Week is highly esteemed and recognized
both in Denmark and abroad. Aarhus Festival is a thematic event, which reflects the
artistic programme. The programme encompasses various forms of art such as concerts,
dance, theatre, exhibitions, opera, sport, children's entertainment and a wide range of
music. Aarhus Festival was first held in September 1965 and was from the beginning a
major local, cultural event, which soon developed into an international festival. For 10
days every year in August - September the streets and alleys, clubs, stages, galleries and
museums of Aarhus City will be teeming with entertainment and events. This year’s
programme is released and this year’s theme is Beautiful Mistakes. For more information
go to www.aarhusfestuge.dk (English version as well) – This year you can try the game
Beautiful Mistakes and win concerts tickets and more, find it on the web.
Jos Hansen, who enjoys guiding around, is offering a free walk with focus on his part of the city, the district of Trojborg
(Trøjborg, Aarhus N and next to the wood, Risskov). Every Saturday morning from 10 am and 2-3 hours time the idea is
to walk around and learn about the area. Only small groups are acceped. Starting point is in front of the cinema
Metropol on Tordenskjoldsgade. Please do not show up without first being admitted on a tour. If no room is available
this Saturday you will be offered a tour on one of the following Saturday mornings.
First of all: Contact Jos Hansen on jos_hansen@hotmail.com and await his reply.
Aarhus Minigolf is an open air facility on the top of Bruun’s Galleri, the Shopping Centre next to the Main Railway
Station. Enter via Restaurant Venence on level 6. Just take the escalator from the cinema, Cinemaxx, and follow the green
runner. Open all days the Danish summer allows them from mid April till early September. Address: Aarhus Minigolf,
M.P. Bruuns Gade 25, Aarhus C, Phone 30723913. Admission.
Bring friends and family and enjoy time at the Beach Bar, Strandbaren. The bar is open and the waterfront buzzing with
life! The bar offers activities for everyone. Several downtown bars and cafées will serve you at the bar offering burgers,
delicious drinks, ice cream, smoothies and more. The area provides a great place to join or start cross training, beach
volley, waterskiing, basket ball, canoeing, dancing, and kayaking. Registration for the fitness team is on facebook
under 'events'. You will find the bar on Dagmar Petersen’s Street 101 (named after the first female city council member)
at the waterfront area. The regular opening hours is Thursday-Sunday from 11 am. Activities can be checked on
www.strandbaren2011.dk and some in the calendar below.
The mirror pool in front of the Concert Hall, Aarhus Musikhuset, is usually filled with water, but this year it has been
turned a petanque / bocce court for everybody to throughout the summer for free. Bring your friends and family for a
fun afternoon. Open weekdays from 11 am to 6pm and bocce balls can be borrowed for free at the Café at the Concert
To present members only: Found a Zumba instructor.
Classes are held on: Mondays 16.30h - 17.30h
First day of classes: Monday 5 September 2011 (no class in w/c 17 October).
Last day of classes: Monday 5 December 2011.
Registration must be made to: fmau@live.dk
Most ladies do not care much for taking any active part in changing the oil on the family
car. Not to mention checking tires’ air pressure and so on. It is considered a man’s job. But
1 September 7 pm to 9.30 pm the SMC Car repair shop/garage on Grenåvej 347 in Risskov
invites now for a Ladies’ Night. That evening women are invited to free instructions on
how to maintain a car. Refreshments will be served, and in addition trial trips in the very
latest car models! Limited openings, so sign required on www.smc-biler.dk
The Marselis Run takes place 27 and 28 August. More details and how to sign up on
www.marselislobet.dk . It is an annual event in Aarhus when thousands of participants
compete, but also there is room for family walks and more. Free training see under
Tuesday at Tangkrogen. When signing up for the run, you receive right away a free ticket
to a Fed Fredag, ‘Fat Friday at the Tivoli Friheden.
Singing can make you feel good. Besides it is a good way to meet people, the Danes also.
More singers are needed in the Choir Lystrup Blues and Ballads. 7 September the choir
invites to open workshop from 7 pm to 10 pm at Lystrup Kirke, Church on Lystrup
Centervej 80, Lystrup. The choir enjoys singing jazz, Danish songs, pop, rock and also
www.bluesrogballader.dk .
Ren By Aarhus, Clean City Aarhus and Fitness World puts focus on exercise and trash this
Saturday. So if you share the idea of a having clean parks and beaches join the fitness in
open air! At 1 pm on the beach, Den Permanente , Risskov and 3 pm at Tangkrogen.
Sunday at 1 pm at Skanseparken and at 3 pm in the Memorial Park, Mindeparken.
It has for some months been discussed how to turn the square next to Aarhus Cathedral
into a green oasis. Plans have been aired, but not followed up by actions. Now the plans
have been postponed till spring 2012, where the big flower pots are planned to make the
nice public square a greener place to sit.
In Risskov there is a very big, popular flea market both Saturday and Sunday. The flea
market is taking place in support of the local sports activities VRI and has been organized
the last 15 years. Expect queing from the beginning, it has a reputation of being very good.
No admission. See further details in the calendar below. Take Bus 17 or 20 to the door.
More details and another flea market under Saturday.
Thursday 18 August
11 am guided tour of the historical gardens each Thursday at the Old Town, Viborgvej 2,
Aarhus C. After paid admission free, consider membership.
11 am and on (every Thursday all summer!) Beach volley at the Beach Bar, Strandbaren,
Aarhus Harbour, Dagmar Petersen’s Gade 101, www.strandbaren2011.dk , free.
2 pm ‘Summer Café’ till 25 August with songs, stories and more at Møllevangskirken,
church, Møllevangs Allé 49, Aarhus C, next to ASB/AU, free.
2 pm Enjoy the view from the City Hall Tower by the Aarhus Guides. Meet at the Tower
Entrance on Park Allé, Tickets DKK40, children DKK20.
5 pm Flea Market on Lokesvej 17, Aabyhøj, free.
6 pm DHL run in the Memorial Park, Mindeparken. Go and see, altogether some 42,000
have signed up for the run, which has taken place Tue-Wednesday and now the final day,
7 pm Join a 2-hours’ walk with the group Århus Fodslaw, meet up at Skjoldhøj Kirke,
church, on Jernaldervej 425, Aarhus V, free.
8 pm Summer Concert: Jeppe Lindberg, Tromphet, Poul S. Jacobsen, Organist. Music:
’Okna’ (windows) Petr Ebsen’s interpretation of Marc Chagall’s famous glass mosaics in
Jerusalem at Our Lady’s Church, Vor Frue Kirke, Vestergade 21, Aarhus C. Tickets at the
door DKK50.
Friday 19 August
9 am to 3 pm Inspiration workshop for 18 to 25 young people who did not get admitted to
a study. Address: Arbejdsformidlingen Midt, Job Centre, Fredens Torv 8, Aarhus C, free.
8.15 to 10 am LikeMind Aarhus meet up at Løve’s Bog- og Vincafé, Nørregade 32, Aarhus
C. This is a new initiativ – a platform for creative young people, who meet to discuss
future innovative ideas/ projects. Read more on www.likemind.us
Saturday 20 August
8 am to approx. 2 pm Open Air Farmers Market with all sorts of fresh produce, homemade
products and more on Ingerslevs Boulevard, Aarhus C, free.
9 am to 6 pm Garden Days – with focus on the historical gardens in the Old Town on
Viborgvej 2, guided tours at 11 am, 1 pm and 3 pm meeting up at Torvet, the town square.
Admission is ddk125, consider membership!
10 am to 4 pm Flea Market at Bellevuehallen, Ndr. Strandvej 170, Risskov, more details
above, free.
10 am to 2 pm Flea market by Lion’s Club Lystrup takes place at Ingerslevs Boulevard,
Aarhus C, next to the Farmers’ Market, www.lions-lystrup.dk , free.
10 am Saturday ‘Walks and Talks’ with Jos Hansen, see further details above, on how to
sign up for the free walks
11.30 am Summer Concert with Organist Mikkel Andreassen. Music: by César Franck, J.S.
Bah and Mikkel Andreassen, free.
12 noon to 6 pm Summer Chillout Aarhus – music and entertainment in the City Hall
Park, Rådhusparken, free.
1 pm Help keep the City Clean and Neat on the beach, Den Permanente, Risskov
3 pm Help keep the City Clean and Neat at Tangkrogen.
3 pm Danish nonverbal ’Grumpy Old Men’, inspired by Walther Matthaus og Jack
Lemmons at the Amphitheater next to the Concert Hall, Musikhuset Aarhus, free.
5 pm Waterskiing all day offered by Århus Vandskiklub, funny and action filled activities
on the bay, like banana race, tubes and waterskiing. Sign up on spot or call the club Tlf.
40192281. Address: Strandbaren, the Beach Bar on Dagmar Petersens Gade 101 on the
harbor. Every week, last Sunday event 21 August.
Sunday 21 August
10 am to 10.20 August Summer Sunday Morning Concerts before the Church Services.
Works by Bach, Brahms, Buxtehude and Hartmann in Sct. Paul’s Church, Skt. Pauls Kirke,
close to the Main Railway Station. Free
10 am to 4 pm ‘Be scout for a day’ open house and activities at the scout group ‘Eric the
Red’, Spejderhytten by Egelund, Idrætscenter, Sports Centre, Bredgade 5 between the
towns Beder and Malling, some 12 km south of Aarhus, ddk25.
10 am to 2 pm Flea Market at the Bellevuehallen, Ndr. Strandvej 170, Risskov, free.
11 am to 4 pm Try the small train at the Modelparken, Egå Møllevej 213. Every Sunday till 24
October. Ticket.
11 am to 3 pm Micro life at the Museum of Natural History, Meyers Allé 210 on AU Campus, free
for children under 18 yrs. Every Sunday.
12 All are invited to visit a Sports Activity Day at the Christiansbjerg Idrætsforening meet at the
club house on Bodøvej 211, Århus V. Free day to see and try all the sports activities, competitions –
prizes are free club 1 year membership. Go and meet Danes! More details on www.cif.dk, in
1 pm Help keep the City Clean and Neat at the beach, Den Permanente, Risskov
3 pm Help keep the City Clean and Neat at Tangkrogen.
2 pm to 4 pm A lot of activities for everyone to experience in the Old Town, Viborgvej 2, Aarhus C.
Among them also a Concert with Nota Choir singing Danish songs in the Restaurant ‘Simonsen’s
Garden’, Simonsens Have. Free after paid admission. Advice: Look into membership.
3 pm to 6 pm Introduction to Argentian Tango & Open Air Tango Café with dj – bring
practical shoes at the Beach Bar, Strandbaren, Aarhus Harbour, Dagmar Petersen’s Gade
101, Aarhus C, last Sunday, www.strandbaren2011.dk free.
7.30 pm Aarhus Bach Orchestra: Oboist Henrik Goldschmidt and violinist Christina
Åstrand – Bach music at Our Lady’s Church, Vor Frue Kirke, Vestergade 21, Aarhus C.
Tickets on www.billetlugen.dk or at the door. Tickets ddk 100, members and under 25 yrs.
Monday 22 August
5.30 pm Walk & Exercise, every week Meet at Tangkrogen, free.
7.30 pm Test day at the Aarhus Tigers Cheerleaders for 16 to 25 yrs old. Address: Viby
Skole, School, Kirkevej 2, Viby J. free.
Tuesday 23 August
6 pm training for the Marselis run 12 KM at Tangkrogen, last time before the Marselis Run.
6 pm Every Tuesday also fitness training for fit & unfit, get a fitness test and more, take a
walk, get started, also at Tangkrogen, free.
6.30 pm to 8.30 pm A small walk to find mushrooms with Nature Guide Henrik Hansen.
With the rain we have experienced there should be a fair chance of finding many different
sorts of mushrooms. Some are edible. Wise to bring knife and basket/bag. Meet up at
Frederikshøj Kro, Inn on Oddervej (right where Christian X’ Road meets Oddervej, or up
the hill about 500 m from the Aarhus Bay), free.
7 pm to 9 pm Erik Stryhn Rasmussen gives an introduction to how to use seaweeds from
Aarhus Bay in salad, soup and bread. Samples to taste. In advance buy tickets at Risskov
Bibliotek, Library, Fortebakken 1, Risskov, or make reservations on phone 89409610.
Meeting at the library.
Wednesday 24 August
8 am to approx. 2 pm Open Air Farmers Market with all sorts of fresh produce, homemade
products and more on Ingerslevs Boulevard, Aarhus C, free.
10 am to 12 noon UIC Informal Meeting: Join the inspiring, international get-together in
Dale’s Café at the DTM Building 1650 on AU Campus. Check the Monday UIC Mail.
5 pm to 5.50 pm Organ Summer Concert, No. 5: Organist David Schmidt – classical concert with
works by Buxtehude, Bach, Brahms og Reger at Aarhus Cathedral, Aarhus Domkirke, free.
7.30 pm Vuslat – Greek and Turkish music in Mejlby Kirke, Church, Mejlbyvej 682, Mejlby, 12 km
north of Aarhus, free.
Best wishes for the coming days
Venlig hilsen / Best regards
Gitte Haahr-Andersen
UIC Organiser
International Centre
Aarhus University
Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 4, bldg. 1650
DK-8000 Århus C
Web: www.au.dk/uic
Phone: +45 3069 8483
Email: GHA@adm.au.dk
Dear Internationals,
It is late summer now. Farmers are harvesting the final fields, hopefully. Fruits are ripe and ready
to be picked. And is the case for a great many kinds of plums, summer apples and pears.. Plenty of
this kind of activities are making a lot of people busy. If interested in an outing picking your own
fruit, you can run over the ads in the newspapers, where people advertise places open to go and
pick, to be paid by weight. Or turn to your colleagues and have places recommended. You are also
welcome to mail me back. - Today I noticed it said: time to pick blueberries. Traditionally not
berries very common in Denmark. These days they are. - Picking fruit can be great fun to do, and
fantastic to eat berries right from the tree or the bush and taking them home for cooking, baking or
in freezer to be used later, is a good close-to-nature experience.
Even if the climate changes are noticable, and some may tend to question whether fruit ripe here at
all. Danes can assure you, it happens here as elsewhere.
.. The Informal Meeting yesterday morning was again a lively, friendly, informative gathering at
Dale’s Café. Among many other issues the approaching Aarhus Festival was discussed. Events in
the English festival programme was searched, and likewise the free invitation for the Reception
for Expats, The Gourmet Grill. To participate in the Gourmet Grill, free of charge you need to sign
up on www.aarhusfestival.com. See the attached flyer-invitation for the Reception and additional
events. What an excellent idea to invite all expats to enjoy a great meal and to meet and to get
know one another. I strongly recommend you and your family accept the invitation, and also to
visit the City Hall on a tour.
I do not intend to make a fair introduction to the Aarhus Festival Week. It would be way beyond
my capacity. But mention a little of different activities – to suit most possible. And I would like to
emphasis the theme ‘Beautiful Mistakes’ – it is a brilliant subject. For most of us our mistakes have
rarely been what each of us in public would favour to speak out loud. This week I think we all will
experience a great many wonderful performances, which from the very beginning were created
from scratch. It means, the composer for example did not know where the music would take him.
Mistakes, experiments - being innovative eventually led to the music we can enjoy this week.
Aarhus Festival can hopefully make us accept our own mistakes, and go on in life more
experienced and creative than of ‘yesterday’. Thus, capable of exploring more of the world within
us as individuals and together with one another. See also a comment from Festival Director Jens
Folmer Jepsen under information of general interest.
Almost two years ago city branding expert Greg Clark said ‘Aarhus has what the world needs, but
not enough knows it’. Two London-based consulting firms Goosebumps and Global Cities have
over the last six months laid out the strategic story, which forms the city’s international brand.
Yesterday afternoon at an event at ARoS, the Art Museum, the city brand was introduced to the
press and the city. On the following link you can look up more about the new brand and how to
implement it den internationale fortælling om Aarhus (UK - international brand) og hente designguiden på
www.citybrandaarhus.dk, in Danish only.
There is a website in English aiming at making it easier for newcomers from abroad to find
information about living and working or studying in the Aarhus region. The site is developed in a
collaboration between the Municipality of Aarhus and the neighboring municipalities. The guide is
very comprehensive with a lot of general information and many practical details like about
healthcare, international schools, and study programmes. Check out the website on
Aarhus Festival ‘Festuge 26 August – 4 September, but there is a pre-opening tonight. That is
Aarhus Festugegadeløb, Aarhus Festival Street Race, which takes place from 5 pm this
afternoon. The start goes on Kongevejen, the road runs along Marselisborg Castle. The route for
the ‘Classic Cycling Race’ is a 2 km circle on Carl Nielsens Vej, Kongevejen, Marselisborg
Grønnevej og Strandvejen (south direction), and the roads will be closed from about 4 pm to 9 pm.
Go and enjoy it, in open air and a family event, free of charge, more details on Aarhus
Festugegadeløb - in Danish only.
Note: Aarhus city is open for shopping till 9 pm tonight and expect many more activities to warm
up for the grand opening tomorrow Friday.
From Friday Aarhus is literarily transformed into a vibrant festival scene during the Aarhus
Festival Week, Aarhus Festuge. Aarhus Festival was first held in September 1965 and was from
the beginning a major local, cultural event, which soon developed into an international festival.
For 10 days every year in August - September the streets and alleys, clubs, stages, galleries and
museums of Aarhus City will be teeming with entertainment and events. This year’s programme
is released and this year’s theme is Beautiful Mistakes. For more information go to
www.aarhusfestuge.dk – also in English. Read the programme carefully, so you find your
favourite entertainment among the vast number of things to do.
Aarhus Festival is a thematic event, which in many ways is evident from the programme. The
programme encompasses various forms of art such as concerts, dance, theatre, exhibitions, opera,
sport, children's entertainment and a wide range of music. Check also in on the many beautiful
concerts at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset, many are free of charge.
The Aarhus Festival Director Jens Folmer Jepsen says in an interview that he hopes this year’s
theme – Beautiful Mistakes, will help us all to understand that less than perfection can do. In
society today there is a tendency of going for the perfection only, but diversity is a major source to
development and enrichment.
Go to the beach downtown Aarhus.
Can it be, yes. Two Slovenian architects have turned Klostertorv, the Cloister’s square, into a ‘real’
beach with 130 m3 fine sand. The idea behind is to bring something into the center of the city,
which has had a major impact on why Aarhus was founded and its further development. Every
day from 26 August to 3 September Fairbar is open to service you and lots of music.
Visit the City Park, Byparken next to the City Hall
Here Frederiksgade will be closed down, so that the open space in front of the Concert Hall,
Musikhuset will be connected with the Byparken, the City Hall Park – also called Rådhusparken.
Here will be lots of family fun. For everyone to try is the Miracoco, which is an inflatable walk-in
sculpture, experience light, colour and sound, tickets ddk30.
Theater, play and music for children, but also adults
At Sct. Anna Gade Skole, next to Ingerslev Boulevard, where the Farmers’ Open Market takes
place Wednesdays and Saturdays, there will from Saturday 27 August to Friday 2 September, Here
the children theater Ratatas offers performances for everyone with singing and music, more details
on Århus Festuge www.ratatas.dk/aabne.htm.
The huge Marselis Run
The first Marselis Run was 40 years ago, where 1,700 runners completed the run. Not long ago
some 56 runners were invited to the City Hall and celebrated, because they had participated in all
40 years’ Marselis runs. Quite a remarkable accomplishment. Some of them will also be among the
runners this year.
The Marselis run is not only for runners, but a separate part of it is for walkers, yet another for
bikers. There will be so much to watch – or to enjoy in when 11,000 people are starting at 11.15 am
both days 27 and 28 August. Starting point is: Tangkrogen – next to the Marina Marselis, more
details under the specific date, or turn to www.marselislobet.dk, in Danish only.
Jos Hansen, who enjoys guiding around, is offering a free walk with focus on his part of the city,
the district of Trojborg (Trøjborg, Aarhus N and next to the wood, Risskov). Every Saturday
morning from 10 am and 2-3 hours time the idea is to walk around and learn about the area. Only
small groups are acceped. Starting point is in front of the cinema Metropol on Tordenskjoldsgade.
Please do not show up without first being assigned on a tour. If no room is available this Saturday
you will be offered a tour on one of the following Saturday mornings.
First of all: Contact Jos Hansen on jos_hansen@hotmail.com and await his reply.
From the Sports Club I just received this text. Maybe you always dreamed of running the
Marathon, why not start with a half one first:
Experience downtown Aarhus in your running shoes.
This year, runners in the Audi Challenge Aarhus Half Marathon, get to pass both
through the heart of Aarhus and the beautiful fields at Brabrand Lake.
Aarhus 1900 has made their half marathon in to a combined city- and natur-run, so both Aarhusians and
runners from other cities have the opportunity to experience Aarhus in another way.
Check the Route here http://vimeo.com/27243086
Sign in here http://www.aarhus1900.dk/tilmelding/main_entry_form.asp?ID=554&state=newID
Sports Club: Århus 1900 A/M, Observatoriestien 1, 8000 Århus C
Telefon:+45 8611 0135, Mobil: +45 6069 1569, www.1900am.dk
Presale view Friday 26 August from 2 pm to 6 pm. The Bike Auction takes place Saturday 27
August at 10 am.
Browse through the catalog on www.oj-auktion.dk/?Auktioner/Kataloger&siteid=6. Address:
Østjysk Auktion Aps, Kringelled 6, 8250 Egå, tel. 50577866.
It is wonderful to live next to the waterfront and harbor district. But over the last few days one less
attractive consequence has been discussed: Seagulls conquer downtown Aarhus – they come in
large groups. They are beautiful birds, but leave their marks vividly behind. On roofs, on
balconies, on sculptures or in the streets. Not only that, they are also quite noisy during the nights.
It has become a top issue. As one of the city council members has placed a question to the Laura
Hay the responsible Council member for Environment. So far no suggestions have been mentioned
how possibly could be solved.
The new, popular flea market in Mølleparken, in front of the Main Library, is open this Sunday
from 10 am to 3 pm. Enjoy the lively activities and find a bargain or two. If you have something to
sell, you can make inquiries for a stall on foreningenflagstang@gmail.com.
Another is the kids’ hugh Flea Market. The organizer expects 40 kids each setting up a stall and
selling all kinds of kids’ stuff. Open from 12 noon to 3 pm. Address: Next to SuperBest,
Tornebakken 1, 8240 Risskov. It takes place from 12 noon to 3 pm.
Thursday 25 August
2 pm ‘Summer Café’ the final meeting day is today, 25 August with songs, stories and more at
Møllevangskirken, church, Møllevangs Allé 49, Aarhus C, next to ASB/AU, free.
5 pm try Zumba with Malene Grønne, Marselisborg Centret, P.P.Ørumsgade 11, Building 20, first
hour free.
7 pm Join a 2-hours’ walk with the group Århus Fodslaw, meet up at Åkrog Strandvej, Risskov, at
last bus stop no. 20. Free.
7 pm Concert with VUSLAT, the Greek-Turkish Trio, at Sct. Paul’s Church, Kirke, Skt. Pauls
Kirkeplads, Aarhus C, More information on: www.pbsp.dk/PBSP-DK/vuslat.html - only in Danish. Tickets
at the door ddk100.
Friday 26 August
10 am to 12 noon Architure in Aarhus – city walk with Aarhus Guides, meet at the main entrance
of the City Hall, ddk50.
10 am to 6 pm Family activities: music, theater, food, games and more at the Byparken next to the
City Hall, Frederiks Allé/Vester Allé till 4 September, free.
12 noon till midnight Det Turkise Telt, The Turquoise Tent – art, music, café and more reflecting
Turkish culture
and same place at
9 pm Concert with VUSLAT, the Greek-Turkish Trio, in the Mathilde Fibigers Have (Garden)
Aarhus C, next to the Women’s Museum. More information on: www.pbsp.dk/PBSP-DK/vuslat.html only in Danish.
4 pm to 11 pm Jazz and folk tent – among others with Paul Harrison Band at Sct. Paul’s
Kirkeplads, free.
6 pm to 11 pm Fairbar with live music by among others Los Illuminados on the Cloister Square,
Klostertorv, on the downtown beach there, free.
Saturday 27 August
8 am to approx. 2 pm Open Air Farmers Market with all sorts of fresh produce, homemade
products and more on Ingerslevs Boulevard, Aarhus C, free.
10 am to 1 pm Activities for children – play with arrows at the Craftsman’s Shop,
Kunsthåndværkerbutikken No6, Grønnegade 6, free.
10 am to 5 The Royal Academy of Music live in front of the Concert Hall, Musikhuset, free.
10 am Saturday ‘Walks and Talks’ with Jos Hansen, see further details above, on how to sign up
for the free walks
10 am Bike Auction at Østjysk Auktion Aps, Kringelled 6, 8250 Egå, see details above.
11 am At Tangkrogen (next to Marselis Marina) Marselis Run, starting point for bikers with
different distance as follows: at 11 am the distance 28 km, at 11.45 am the distance 100 km and at
12.30 pm the distance 50 km, more details above or on www.marselislobet.dk .
3 pm to 5 pm Reception for Expats, The Gourmet Grill, free of charge, sign up required - see all
details above.
9 pm Concert with VUSLAT, a Greek-Turkish Trio, in the Mathilde Fibigers Have (Garden)
Aarhus C, next to the Women’s Museum. More information on: www.pbsp.dk/PBSP-DK/vuslat.html only in Danish.
Sunday 28 August
10 am to 10.20 August Summer Sunday Morning Concerts before the Church Services. Works by
Bach, Brahms, Buxtehude and Hartmann in Sct. Paul’s Church, Skt. Pauls Kirke, close to the Main
Railway Station. Free
10 am to 3 pm Flea Market in Mølleparken, in front of the Main Library downtown, more details
above. Free.
11 am At Tangkrogen next to the Marina Marselis the Marselis Run starts for runners and walkers,
divided up in groups like: at 11 am start for 12 km, 11.10 start for 6 km, more details above and
www.marselislobet.dk, only in Danish.
11 am to 2 pm Children’s Animal Show at the City’s Dyreklinik at Rosenvangs Allé 2, Højbjerg,
11 am to 4 pm Try the small train at the Modelparken, Egå Møllevej 213. Every Sunday till 24
October. Ticket ddk50 for children.
11 am to 3 pm Micro life – use a microscope at the Museum of Natural History, Meyers Allé 210 on
AU Campus, free for children under 18 yrs. Every Sunday.
12 noon to 3 pm Kids’ huge Flea Market. All kinds of kids’ stuff on sale. Address: : Next to
SuperBest, Tornebakken 1, 8240 Risskov more details above, free.
8 pm Organ Concert by Poul S. Jacobsen, the bicentennial celebration of Franz Liszt at Our Lady’s
Church, Vor Frue Kirke, Vestergade 21, Aarhus C. Tickets at the door ddk50.
Monday 29 August
5.30 pm Walk & Exercise, every week Meet at Tangkrogen, free.
9.30 am and again 10.30 am ‘You and your soft toy’ theater play with Ratatas for 1.5 year to 4 year
old. At Frederiksbjerg Community House at Sct. Anna Gades Skole, ddk45.
Tuesday 30 August
10 am, 11 am and 1.30 pm Børnekulissens Hatteteater, The Children’s Hat Theater at the Concert
Hall at the Café, till 4 September, free.
10 am to 6 pm Filurens, the wily bird’s Wellness Theater (for children) at the Concert Hall,
Musikhuset, till 4 September, free.
6 pm Every Tuesday also fitness training for fit & unfit, get a fitness test and more, take a walk, get
started, also at Tangkrogen, free.
Wednesday 31 July
8 am to approx. 2 pm Open Air Farmers Market with all sorts of fresh produce, homemade
products and more on Ingerslevs Boulevard, Aarhus C, free.
10 am to 12 noon UIC Official Opening of the Autumn Programme 2011: Vice-director of AU
Talent and Research Kristian Thorn extends a warm welcome! Refreshments, and time for
networking and enjoying cultures.
In Conference Room 1 at the DTM Building 1650 on AU Campus. Check the Monday UIC Mail.
5 pm to 5.50 pm Organ Summer Concert, No. 6: Organist Kristian Krogsøe with works by Bach,
Alain, Duruflé and Hakim, at Aarhus Cathedral, Aarhus Domkirke, free.
The new UIC Programme for the 1st part of Autumn 2011 is now available, on the web,
www.au.dk/uic. At the first meeting of the Autumn Programme you are welcome to take a
printed one.
Looking forward to meeting either somewhere during the Aarhus Festival or next Wednesday at
Very best wishes for your Aarhus Festival Week,
September 2011
Dear Internationals,
Yesterday it was the so-called last day of summer. But perhaps an ‘Indian summer’ is
around the corner. That has happened before. In case we shall experience a beautiful
autumn foliage, which could be nice. Some would even claim it to be only fair, if it
happens this year..
No matter what the first Autumn UIC meeting was held yesterday – and with a fair
number of newcomers attending the meeting, and also many familiar faces we gathered
and enjoyed it. Deputy Vice-Director of AU Research and Talent Kristian Thorn gave an
overall presentation of the university. Touched upon the AU historical background for
quickly in almost one big scoop to place us into the landscape of today’s Aarhus
University. An excellent introduction to the present facts e.g. number of centres, of
departments, of students, of PhDs and the goals which are set for the future. The process,
we are in the midst of, is comprehensive and demanding. Which means it is important that
everyone participates with enthusiasm. Much of the facts can be seen from the attached
power points, which Kristian Thorn kindly provides for all to look into. - These plans –
including an AUFF, in English the AU Institute for Advanced Study. and figures, and
goals in general are essential reading.
At UIC next week we continue with the theme Background and History of Aarhus
University. I encourage you to come. Although some of you might think it could be too
much of the same. I can assure you that it will be interesting and fascinating. How AU
started has many interesting anecdotes and the process AU is undergoing these years is
some sort of a hugh master plan to follow through. Visions have become reality, and yet
more work has to be done. No wonder when it is involving thousands of staff members,
students, not to mention the facilities. Extending the buildings, canteens and adding many
offices and labs and so on. Great to be part of a university which is filled with ideas of how
to make things even better: Freedom to seek deeper connections – greater coherence
Aarhus Festival Week. Continues into its 2nd week, planned to end Sunday 4 September.
So there is plenty of time to enjoy the great many activities. After reading the programme
you may think you are well prepared to make the right choices. But more than 1,000
events are taking place during the ten festival days. And as also spontaneous happenings
take place, it is not an easy task to plan your day or evening in detail downtown. Being
down there you know, things hold you up, so be prepared for some adventurous
downtown trips. There is something for all ages, a lot for children, a lot for young people,
singles, couples and a lot for families ..
The theme ‘Beautiful Mistakes’ – has been and is still something to reflect upon. We all
experience mistakes. Even in the Festival Programme we may think that this or that
should not have been included. It may be nonsense or weird, but then the theme comes to
mind again – beautiful mistakes and you rethink it perhaps like this ‘oh, well the
organizers also make mistakes’. I think if the theme can help us move in this direction a
more easy attitude toward each other, it could release a lot of positive energy. Thus, we
would most likely have more room for innovative thinking. That would be great and good
for AU – for Aarhus in general.
Some of the information of General Interest is repeated, because there are so many new
people signing up for the newsletter. But also because they are announced here, when it is
time to sign up and then repeated when they actually take place.
- Magazine for Summer/Autumn 2011 for the International Community in Denmark, in
English is now available, turn to your department and ask for it, or subscribe it, and get
valuable information. Published four times a year, calendar of events all around Denmark.
More information at www.aarhusmedia.dk / Tel. +45 8769 6969.
Almost two years ago city branding expert Greg Clark said ‘Aarhus has what the world
needs, but not enough knows it’. Two London-based consulting firms Goosebumps and
Global Cities have over the last six months laid out the strategic story, which forms the
city’s international brand.
Yesterday afternoon at an event at ARoS, the Art Museum, the city brand was introduced
to the press and the city. On the following link you can look up more about the new brand
and how to implement it den internationale fortælling om Aarhus (UK - international brand) og hente
designguiden på www.citybrandaarhus.dk, in Danish only.
There is a website in English aiming at making it easier for newcomers from abroad to find
information about living and working or studying in the Aarhus region. The site is
developed in a collaboration between the Municipality of Aarhus and the neighboring
municipalities. The guide is very comprehensive with a lot of general information and
many practical details like about healthcare, international schools, and study programmes.
Check out the website on www.businessregionaarhus.dk
Aarhus Festival ‘Festuge 26 August – 4 September,
From Friday Aarhus is literarily transformed into a vibrant festival scene during the
Aarhus Festival Week, Aarhus Festuge. Aarhus Festival was first held in September 1965
and was from the beginning a major local, cultural event, which soon developed into an
international festival. For 10 days every year in August - September the streets and alleys,
clubs, stages, galleries and museums of Aarhus City will be teeming with entertainment
and events. This year’s programme is no exception and overall focus theme is Beautiful
For more information go to www.aarhusfestuge.dk – also in English. Read the
programme carefully, so you find your favourite entertainment among the vast number of
things to do.
Aarhus Festival is a thematic event, which in many ways is evident from the programme.
The programme encompasses various forms of art such as concerts, dance, theatre,
exhibitions, opera, sport, children's entertainment and a wide range of music. Check also
in on the many beautiful concerts at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset, many are free of
Another quote by Aarhus Festival Director Jens Folmer Jepsen: I hope this year’s focus on
the unperfection, the unforeseeable and the willingness of taking risks that the human
potentials reach new heights.
Literature Festival 1- 4 September at Ridehuset.
The Aarhus Literature Festival Vild med ord, Crazy about words, is this year part of the
Aarhus Festuge, the Aarhus Festival. From today Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday
all are invited to enjoy events, talks and discussions about literature in Ridehuset
downtown. A lot of Danish and Scandinavian writers, but also English speaking writers
are invited and talk about their works and engage in discussions with the audience, that is
mainly Saturday and Sunday. Buy a book and have it signed by the author. Books from
various publishers for sale. Authors present at the festival are among others: Ib Michael,
Dag Solstad, Naja Marie Aidt, Cia Rinne, Rick Moody, Gyrdir Eliasson, Indra Sinha and
Tabish Khair.
Most of the programme is in Danish, but certainly with exceptions, a couple are
mentioned in the Calendar below.
Thursday 1 September is aimed at children and their parents and various aspects of
children’s literature, free.
Friday 2 September is introducing music and spoken words at the ”Word Club” at
Ridehuset 7.30 pm to 11.30 pm. Saturday 3 September and Sunday 4 September you can
meet the authors, both days from 10 am to 6 pm.
SATURDAY from 11. 45 am to 12.30 am the two Indian born authors, Indra Sinha and Tabish
Khair (from the AU English Dept.), talk about world literature from a perspective that will try to
expand the traditional Western viewpoint of world literature as “the West and the rest”. The
conversation will address the fact that there are multiple understandings of concepts like
‘civilisation’ and ‘modernity’. Mads Rosendahl Thomsen, Associate Professor in Comparative
Literature, Aarhus University will be moderating the conversation (Mads Rosendahl Thomsen
gave a talk at UIC last semester).
Sunday from 11.45 am to 12.30 pm is a rare opportunity to learn about The International Cities of
Refuge Network (ICORN). ICORN is an organisation that offers writers who are persecuted in their
home country a safe place to stay and economic security for a standard term of two years. Tendair
Frank Tagarira came from Zimbabwe to Aarhus in 2010, and he was the first ICORN writer in
Denmark. Together with Seedy Bojang from Gambia and Philo Ikonya from Kenya the three
authors will talk about The International Cities of Refuge Network and why their controversial
writings have forced them to seek refuge in Scandinavia. Journalist and librarian Karsten Pharao
will be moderating the conversation.
More information and the full programme on www.vildmedord.dk, in Danish only.
Tickets can be bought on www.billetten.dk or at the public library, ticket per day ddk60,
for the weekend ddk100. – Thursday: Free for children.
And more Aarhus Festival:
Go to the beach downtown Aarhus.
Can it be, yes. Two Slovenian architects have turned Klostertorv, the Cloister’s square, into
a ‘real’ beach with 130 m3 fine sand. The idea behind is to bring something into the center
of the city, which has had a major impact on why Aarhus was founded and its further
development. Every day from 26 August to 3 September Fairbar is open to service you and
lots of music.
Visit the City Park, Byparken next to the City Hall
Here Frederiksgade will be closed down, so that the open space in front of the Concert
Hall, Musikhuset will be connected with the Byparken, the City Hall Park – also called
Rådhusparken. Here will be lots of family fun. For everyone to try is the Miracoco, which
is an inflatable walk-in sculpture, experience light, colour and sound, tickets ddk30.
Theater, play and music for children, but also adults
At Sct. Anna Gade Skole, next to Ingerslev Boulevard, where the Farmers’ Open Market takes
place Wednesdays and Saturdays, there will from Saturday 27 August to Friday 2 September, Here
the children theater Ratatas offers performances for everyone with singing and music, more details
on Århus Festuge www.ratatas.dk/aabne.htm.
A networking group will have a networking event on 1 September 2011 from 4.30 pm to
5.30 pm in cooperation with Aarhus library. The focus of the event is to improve the
integration of expats in the Aarhus society. You will hear about different organisations
that can help you socialize and make contacts. The event will take place at Aarhus Main
Library, Hovedbiblioteket, Møllegade 1, Aarhus C. More information at www.aakb.dk.
Newcomers and tourists are invited to a service programme at Our Lady’s Church, Vor
Frue Kirke. At 10 am free coffee and rolls, 10.30 am Service, 11.15 am Guided tour of all
three churches and at 12.30 pm sandwiches, coffee, beer and soft drinks, sign up if possible
on kirkekontoret@aarhusvorfrue.dk or tel. 8612 1243, free admission
Sunday morning from 10.30 am to 12.30 pm Architect Torsten Hinge offers visitors a guided tour
of the Manor House at Moesgaard Museum. There will be an introduction to the life of the family,
who lived here for generations. Meet up at the main entrance to the Manor House. Buy ticket as to
Moesgaard Museum and then meet up at the main entrance to the Manor House, more
information on www.moesmus.dk
Jos Hansen, who enjoys guiding around, is offering free walks with focus on his part of the
city, the district of Trojborg (Trøjborg, Aarhus N and next to the wood, Risskov). Every
Saturday morning from 10 am and 2-3 hours time the idea is to walk around and learn
about the area. Only small groups are acceped. Starting point is in front of the cinema
Metropol on Tordenskjoldsgade. Please do not show up without first being assigned on a
tour. If no room is available this Saturday you will be offered a tour on one of the
following Saturday mornings.
First of all: Contact Jos Hansen on jos_hansen@hotmail.com.
Risskov Wood nature fitness, Group RI, meet on Wednesdays, starting 7 September and
to 12 October, meeting at the parking lot close to the Permanente, the beach from 5 pm to
6.15 pm or
Marselisborg Woods nature fitness Group MA, meet on Mondays, starting 15 September
to 10 October, meeting at Ørneredevej/Ballehage Strand, Ballehage Beach at the Bus stop
Sign up on info@naturfittness.dk or phone 23984211
Each costs ddk300, pay after first training to Danske Bank til Reg: 3205 Konto: 10870321
Thursday 1 September
8.45 am to 5 pm Literature Festival: For children 9 to 15 yrs at Ridehuset, Vester Allé 1,
Aarhus C, across the street from the City Hall, read more details above, free
10 am, 11 am and 1.30 pm Børnekulissens Hatteteater, The Children’s Hat Theater at the
Concert Hall at the Café, till 4 September, free.
10 am to 6 pm Filurens, the wily bird’s Wellness Theater (for children) at the Concert Hall,
Musikhuset, till 4 September, free.
1 pm Rebeltown – art, music, happenings, light shows at Bispetorvet, next to the
Cathedral, every day, free.
4 pm to 5.30 pm Networking event for Danes and internationals at the Main Library,
Hovedbiblioteket, Mølleparken 1, Aarhus C, more details on www.aakb.dk.
4 pm to 1 am Ujazz – jazzfestival with Danish and international musicians at Atlas, Vester
Allé 15, Aarhus C, free.
5 pm After work concert, classical organ music with Organist Jesper Thimsen at
Helligåndskirken, church, Torpevænget 1, Aarhus V, free.
7 pm to 9.30 pm Ladies’ night at SMC car shop / garage, Grenåvej 347, 8240 Risskov (5 km
from AU) invites ladies to free instructions on how to maintain a car. Refreshments, try
new car models, sign up on www.smc-biler.dk.
9 pm Sedjanka, Aarhus Women Choir gives a concert tonight, Bulgarian folks’ songs at the
Our Lady’s Church, Vor Frue Kirke, the Catholic Church in Ryesgade, Aarhus C, close to
the Main Railway Station.
Friday 2 September
10 am to 6 pm Family activities: music, theater, food, games and more at the Byparken
next to the City Hall, Frederiks Allé/Vester Allé till 4 September, free.
12 noon till midnight Det Turkise Telt, The Turquoise Tent – art, music, café and more
reflecting Turkish culture
and same place at
4 pm to 11 pm Jazz and folk tent – among others with Clazz at Sct. Paul’s Kirkeplads, free.
6 pm to 11 pm Fairbar with live music on the Cloister Square, Klostertorv, on the
downtown beach there, free.
7.30 pm Literature Festival: Scandinavian Poetry Slam, in English, more details above, at
the Ridehuset, Vester Allé 1, Aarhus C, across the street from the City Hall, ddk50.
7.30 ‘Aarhus-conversations’: Wrongologist, author Kathryn Schulz and science journalist
Lone Frank discuss ‘Mistakes in general’, in English. At the Århus Kunstbygning, J.M.
Mørks Gade 13, Aarhus C, ddk100.
Saturday 3 September
8 am to approx. 2 pm Open Air Farmers Market with all sorts of fresh produce, homemade
products and more on Ingerslevs Boulevard, Aarhus C, free.
10 am Lu Jun Hong gives talk about Chinese culture in Chinese at the Concert Hall,
Musikhuset, free.
10 am to 1 pm Newcomers and tourists service, including light breakfast and luncheon,
more details above, at the Our Lady’s Church, Vor Frue Kirke, Vestergade 21, Aarhus C,
10 am to 2 pm Activities for children – Japanese origami, paper work at the Craftsman’s
Shop, Kunsthåndværkerbutikken No6, Grønnegade 6, free.
10 am to 5 pm Children’s Bazar, also Sunday, clothing on sale + activities at Aarhus
Stadium, NRGI Park, Stadion Allé 70, Aarhus C, ddk50.
10 am to 6.30 pm Jump with us – playland, also Sunday, for 0 to 11 years old children at
the Amphitheater next to the Concert Hall, Musikhuset, Aarhus C, ddk50.
10 am Saturday ‘Walks and Talks’ with Jos Hansen, see further details above, on how to
sign up for the free walks
11 am to 5 pm QvadrARTs holds an Art Sale Exhibition on Mosevej 20, 8240 Risskov, from
3 to 18 September, Thursdays to Sunday, www.qvadrart.dk, free.
11.45 am to 12.30 pm Literature Festival: Indian World Literature with British-Indian
Author Indra Sabish and AU Associate Professors Tabish Khair and Mads Rosendahl
Thomsen, all in English, more details above. At Ridehuset, Vester Allé 1, Aarhus, across
the street from the City Hall, all day ticket ddk60, all weekend ddk100.
12 noon to 3 pm Secondhand Bazar at Studenterhus Aarhus, the Student House, Nordre
Ringgade 3, free.
Sunday 4 September
10 am to 4 pm Flea Market at Ingerslevs Boulevard (where the Farmers’ Open Air Market takes
place Saturdays and Wednesdays), free
10.30 am to 12.30 pm A guided tour of the Manor House at Moesgaard Museum. Buy ticket, more
details above
11 am Half-marathon starts at Nordbyvej, expected are 3,000 runners. The route winds its way
through downtown Aarhus, goes west around Brabrand lake and ends on Viby Stadium, how to
sign up and more details above.
11 am to 4 pm Try the small train at the Modelparken, Egå Møllevej 213. Every Sunday till 24
October. Ticket ddk50 for children.
11 am to 3 pm Micro life – use a microscope at the Museum of Natural History, Meyers Allé 210 on
AU Campus, free for children under 18 yrs. Every Sunday.
4 pm Aarhus Festival Concert, The Danish Guitar Quartet and Organist Janos Ferenczi.
Works by J. Chr. Bach (one of Johann Sebastian Bach’s sons), Steve Reich and Brazilian
rythms at Elsted Kirke, Church, Elsted Kirkeplads 1, 8520 Lystrup – 8 km from downtown,
more details www.elstedkirke.dk, tickets at the door ddk80.
Monday 5 September
5.30 pm Walk & Exercise, every week Meet at Tangkrogen, next to Marselisborg Marina,
9.30 am and again 10.30 am ‘You and your soft toy’ theater play with Ratatas for 1.5 year
to 4 year old. At Frederiksbjerg Community House at Sct. Anna Gades Skole, ddk45.
7.30 pm Aarhus University Choir gives a concert at Sct. John’s Church, Skt. Johannes Kirke
next to the University Hospital, works by Gjeilo, Rehnquist, Lewkovitch, Mendelssohn,
Tuesday 6 September
11 am STREET ART - round trip for mother’s and father’s groups. Bring the stroller and
join a tour round Aarhus and discover the city’s street art in the urban space. Meet at
Aarhus Art Building, J.M. Mørks Gade 13, Aarhus C, free.
6 pm Every Tuesday also fitness training for fit & unfit, get a fitness test and more, take a
walk, get started, also at Tangkrogen, next to Marselisborg Marina, free.
Wednesday 7 September
8 am to approx. 2 pm Open Air Farmers’ Market with all sorts of fresh produce,
homemade products and more on Ingerslevs Boulevard, Aarhus C, free.
10 am to 12 noon UIC Meeting: Background and History of Aarhus University. More
details in the Monday mail.
In Conference Room 1 at the DTM Building 1650 on AU Campus. Check the Monday
UIC Mail.
After UIC: An opportunity to visit the Open Air Farmers’ Market on Ingerslevs Boulevard (Guide:
Cassandra Gaines)
5 pm to 6.15 pm Nature Fitness in Risskov, on the parking lot close to the Permanente, more details
7 pm Pianist Søren Nørbo, Royal Academy of Music at the Concert Hall, Musikhuset, Aarhus C,
Just a fraction of what is happening. See you next Wednesday at UIC.
Very best wishes for a continuing nice Aarhus Festival Week,