Do Now

Aim: How does meiosis create
• Do Now
• Complete the “Mitosis” color-coding page.
• Color everything labeled “E” one color
• Use a different color for everything labeled
• Meiosis is a special type of cell division used
in sexual reproduction.
• Meiosis makes gametes.
• In males,
meiosis occurs
in the testes and
makes sperm.
• In females, meiosis
occurs in the
ovaries and makes
Active Reading
• Use your guidelines sheet to complete an
ACTIVE READING of the passage.
Summary Questions
• 1. What is the purpose of meiosis?
• 2. How many cells are produced by
• 3. What does meiosis do to the number of
chromosomes in the cell?
Aim: How is meiosis different from
Do Now:
• 1. What is the purpose of meiosis?
• 2. How many cells are produced by
• 3. What is a zygote?
Color Code:
Meiosis vs. Mitosis
• Complete the “Mitosis and Meiosis” colorcoding page.
• Color everything labeled “B” one color
• Use a different color for everything labeled
Differences between Meiosis and
• With a partner, find as many differences
between meiosis and mitosis as you can.
• You should find at least 2
• Push yourself to find as many as five.
Animation: Meiosis vs. Mitosis
• Mitosis vs. Meiosis Animation
• What happens to chromosome number in
meiosis? How is this different from
• Why do you think this would be important
for sexual reproduction?
In meiosis, the chromosomes
replicate ___________________
& divides _______________
producing _____ daughter cells.
Each new cell has ________ the
number of chromosomes as the
parent cell. Meiosis makes
Complete your chart
• Fill out the missing parts of your chart.
Aim: How do we compare mitosis
and meiosis?
Do Now:
• Complete the Meiosis/Mitosis Comparison
• You may work with a partner and use a
Animation: Meiosis vs. Mitosis
• Mitosis vs. Meiosis Animation
• What happens to chromosome number in
meiosis? How is this different from
• Why do you think this would be important
for sexual reproduction?
Fill out Chart
• In pairs, complete the chart on the
opposite side of your sheet.
• Use a textbook when needed.
• 1. What kind of cell does meiosis
• 2. What kind of cell does mitosis produce?
• 3. How is a zygote produced?
• 4. What would happen if two human
sperm got into one human egg? Show your
HW – Complete Meiosis Sheet