Academic Advising at UAF first dropdown under Training Modules tab Module 1: Academic Advising at UAF will help you understand what your role is as an academic advisor and why academic advising is such an important part of the UAF student experience. Learning outcomes will be presented along with UAF policies concerning mandatory academic advising and course placement. You will learn how to access student information on UAOnline culminating in what every academic advisor should know about academic advising at UAF. (audio) Welcome to the wonderful world of academic advising! Academic advising is one of the most rewarding and enjoyable activities you will engage in at this university. As you will discover, academic advising is much more than just your signature on a registration form and has far more impact than mere advice-giving. Academic advising is an important part of the teaching/learning mission of UAF with its own curriculum, pedagogy, and student learning outcomes. Besides, academic advising is mandatory for all undergraduate students and every single semester they will be knocking on your door, calling, emailing, or texting you to “just sign off” on their registration form. Will you be ready? Let’s see why quality academic advising is such a crucial part of student success. Role Play Bad Advising (video) See why students can be overwhelmed when navigating the university system. Numbers Game link to handout as pdf w/headers footers Model of academic advising split-shared decentralized NUMBERS GAME INSTRUCTIONS Instructions: Give yourself two minutes to connect the numbers as far as you can go. Once the time limit is up, circle the number you have reached. 19 9 43 58 10 44 33 47 23 20 48 34 11 59 35 32 24 60 31 45 55 12 46 22 7 57 21 56 8 36 49 5 13 26 52 2 15 25 41 54 40 14 39 1 29 16 4 30 53 37 3 42 50 6 27 17 51 28 18 38 Hint: Draw a line vertically down the middle of the page. Do you see a pattern? Draw a line horizontally through the middle of the paper. Do you see another pattern? Solution: The odd numbers are on the left half of the page. The even numbers are on the right half of the page. The numbers also rotate every consecutive six numbers from bottom half to top half of the page. Numbers 1 to 6 are on the bottom half of the page. Numbers 7 to 12 are on the top half of the page. Numbers 13 to 18 are on the bottom half of the page and so on. Try doing this exercise again now that you know the solution. See how much further you can go now that you know how to navigate the system!