
Mollusks, Arthropods, and Echinoderms: Review
1. List the classes of Phylum Molluska and give at least 1 example of each.
2. “stomach-foot” is the nickname of class ______________________
3. “head-foot” is the nickname of class ______________________
4. Describe the shell of an amphineuran.
5. The foot of cephalopods is divided. Describe this division in octopuses, and in squid. They are different
– be careful and be specific.
6. How do mollusks respire?
7. Which molluskan class is characterized by 2 shells?
8. Which molluskan class is characterized by 1 shell (usually spiraled)?
9. Which class of mollusks are said to be the fastest and smartest invertebrates?
10. How do the organisms in the class in #9 propel themselves so quickly?
11. What type of feeders are most bivalves?
12. What type of feeders are most cephalopods?
13. Most mollusks have a(n)______ circulatory system, while the cephalopods have a(n) ________
circulatory system. (closed and open are your choices)
14. Arthropoda means ______________________________
15. ____________________ are the excretory organs in most marine arthropods.
16. Marine arthropods have a(n)___________ circulatory system.
17. The last abdominal segment on an arthropod is the ______________ flanked on either side by the
18. The class Meristomata use _____________________ for respiration.
19. Arthropods must shed their exoskeleton, or _______________, to grow.
20. The arthropod exoskeleton is made up of _____________________
21. What are the 3 body segments of arthropods?
22. Reproductively, arthropods are _________________ (monoecious or dioecious)
23. The fused head and thorax of crustaceans is referred to as the ______________________
24. The area in # 23 is covered by extra thick exoskeleton called the _____________________
25. Sensory structures used for touch, taste, and equilibrium are the ___________________________
26. A sensory structure that aids in _______________ is the statocyst.
27. The sharp anterior projection of the carapace in crayfish, lobsters and shrimp is called the
28. Of all the phyla we’ve studied, which is known for their compound eye?
29. What is the basic unit of the compound eye called?
30. The “jaws” of a crustacean are called ____________________________
31. What are the swimmerets used for in female crawfish?
32. Why is Malacostraca considered the most important class of arthropods?
33. Symmetry in Phylum Echinodermata differs in adulthood than in their larval form. Describe the
34. What is a water vascular system (found in echinoderms?). What’s it used for?
35. How does water get into the water vascular system?
36. What is the function of the dermal branchiae of echinoderms?
37. The ________________ is an “eyespot” at the tip of each ray of a sea star.
38. Name all the echinoderm classes and give 2 examples of each.
39. What is “weird” about sea cucumbers (a defense act)
40. What is an aristotle’s lantern? What is it used for? Where is it found (what organism?)
41. By appearance, what is the difference between a brittle star and a sea star?