Drake University FYS 040— CRN 6503 IMAGINING (HIGHER) EDUCATION Fall 2013 Instructor: Kevin Saunders, Ph.D. Peer Mentor/Academic Consultant (PMAC) Layton Mikkalson, Health Sciences Class Meetings: Tuesday and Thursday 3:30-4:45 Howard 111 Office and Hours: Friday 1:00 PM Old Main 319A *Other appointments available upon request Phone Office: (515) 271-1984 Cell: (515) 419-1302 Home: (515) 255-5922 E-mail: kevin.saunders@drake.edu Note: Items within the syllabus are subject to change. COURSE DESCRIPTION: General Description For many of us, preparing for college raises questions that cause our stomachs to churn and our minds to cloud: "What will my major be?", "Who am I going to be?", "How will I make a difference on campus?", "How will I know what to engage in?" among many others. We will examine how University students have answered those questions over the years, reflect on choices we make in our own educational experiences, and envision how our needs might shape our decisions. Through small group dialogue, experiential learning, writing assignments, and reflective reading we will identify and analyze the questions of how we will produce lives that have meaning, achieve professional goals, and engage in responsible global citizenship. 1 Intended Outcomes Critical Thinking The First Year Seminar will focus on the development of student’s critical thinking skills. This is part of the Drake Curriculum’s intentional effort to guide students to acquire the skills for rational analysis and argumentation that is purposeful, rigorous, self-reflective, and based on a careful consideration of evidence. Students will learn to: clearly define a question or problem. gather information that is relevant to that problem. rigorously identify assumptions and preconceptions, including their own, that influence analysis of that problem. organize and prioritize the information to develop a rational argument that states a clear claim or thesis, provides reasons for holding that claim, provides relevant evidence to support each reason, and considers alternative explanations in reaching a conclusion. communicate that reasoned argument effectively in speech, writing, or other medium as appropriated. realize that results are tentative and open to revision. Written Communication Drake students will learn to read with discrimination and understanding and to write persuasively. Drake students will learn to shape their writing according to subject, purpose, medium, context and intended audience. Information Literacy Drake students will learn to acquire, analyze, interpret, and integrate information, employing appropriate technology to assist with these processes, and to understand the social and ethical implications of information use and misuse. Drake students will use appropriate sources, including library and internet resources, to process and evaluate information. Students will gain an understanding of the social and ethical issues encountered in a networked world, an ability to assess the quality of information, and learn appropriate ways to reference information sources. Students will be able to: 1. Navigate and integrate scholarly resources into their research and reflection. 2. Articulate the social and ethical implications of information use and misuse. 3. Evaluate information resources and identify quality resources relevant to the problem or issue investigated. 4. Select and employ the appropriate method and data for disciplinary research, problem-based learning, experiential-based research, and/or reflective/integrative coursework. 5. Articulate the basic implications of information use and misuse related to issues of academic honesty and plagiarism and pursue their educational goals with a high level of academic integrity. 2 Learning Philosophy and Expectations We will work together to enhance our ability to write, think, understand, and analyze. You will be actively involved in the class by sharing your questions and insights about higher education. My role is to facilitate the learning process by offering key questions and a framework for seeking answers, helping you understand the material and its applications, and encouraging you to engage in deeper thinking. I will seek feedback from you at various times about what is helping and interfering with your learning and your input will be used to modify the course. I expect you to attend each class, arriving on time, ready to contribute, and willing to assist your fellow learners. I look forward to learning together. Students with disabilities requesting accommodations for this class should contact the Office of Student Disability Services, Old Main, Room 105: 271-3100 (voice); 271-1855 (fax); 271-1835 or to leave a message after hours call 271-2825 (TTY) Telecommunications for the Deaf). Course Requirements Written assignments A variety of projects and activities will be due throughout the semester. There will be several papers (including a research paper), reflective writing, student facilitated discussions, and group presentations based on issues raised in the course and related to assigned readings. Students will be required to seek assistance from the Writing Workshop for at least one paper. For more information about the Writing Workshop, visit the following web page: http://artsci.drake.edu/english/node/4. Group presentations Working together with your group, you will create a visual representation of the transitions common to entering college students. You will rely on information from individual interviews with friends to explore different types of transitions and will then identify themes across the members of your group. You will guide the class through a discussion of your poster. Groups will review and revise these representations at specific times throughout the semester. Items Writing assignments Group presentation Research paper Final Exam Percentage 60% 10% 20% 10% Scale A = 90-100 B = 80-89 C = 70-79 D = 60-69 3 Academic Integrity Cheating, plagiarism, or dishonesty in academic work will not be tolerated and could result in a failing grade for the course or recommendation for expulsion from the University. Doing your own work is critically important and academic honesty reflects a level of professionalism that is important to you now and in your future endeavors. For more information about academic dishonesty, refer to Group presentation http://artsci.drake.edu/acadreg#1 4 Course Outline Imagining (Higher) Education (FYS 040 – CRN 6503) August 27 (Tu) Introduction to the course, setting expectations and goals, community building – telling your story, Involvement Fair details, Popsicle Exercise August 29 (Th) Why Am I Here? 1. Drake University Mission and Explication (http://www.drake.edu/media/departmentsoffices/academicsdiv ision/migratedassets/policies/pdf/missionexplication.pdf), 2. Drake University Statement of Principles (http://www.drake.edu/acad/policies/statementofprinciples/); 3. College Learning for the New Global Century http://www.aacu.org/leap/documents/GlobalCentury_final.pdf (pp. 1-24) September 3 (Tu) Who Am I? Intergroup Dialogue and Group Expectations 1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JalHGGtp3tQ 2. Intergroup Dialogue http://cowlesproxy.drake.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.as px?direct=true&db=f5h&AN=64443757&scope=site September 4 (W) Involvement Fair 4-7 Olmsted September 5 (Th) Writing Assignment #1 Due College 101 and Creating Theory 1. An Overview of Higher Education in the United States http://www.acenet.edu/news-room/Documents/Overview-ofHigher-Education-in-the-United-States-Diversity-Access-andthe-Role-of-the-Marketplace-2004.pdf September 10 (Tu) Changes and Development in College 1. Instead of a reading assignment, you will interview friends (either at Drake or another school) to learn more about their experiences as they transitioned to college and expectations for future development. You will get more details, but the focus is on personal changes or growth. Bring notes from these interviews to class. 5 September 12 (Th) Writing Assignment Review Mapping the Journey 1. Baxter-Magolda, Marcia (2009) Authoring Your Life: Developing an Internal Voice to Navigate Life’s Challenges. – Introduction, pp. 1-18 (Copy provided) September 17 (Tu) Privilege and Power 1. Chapter 2: How Class and Culture Matter for becoming involved (Stuber) http://DRAKE.eblib.com/patron/FullRecord.aspx?p=713608 What Relationships Do I Want to Construct With Others September 19 (Th) Changes and Development in College Revisited 1. Instead of a reading assignment, you will interview a friend to learn more about how identity influences their college experiences. Bring notes from these interviews to class. September 24 (Tu) Ethnicity and Race 1. For Whites (Like Me): White Paradox http://livingformations.com/2013/08/12/for-whites-like-me-whiteparadox/ 2. McIntosh, P. (1988). White privilege: Unpacking the invisible knapsack. Wellesley: Wellesley College Center for Research on Women. http://cowlesproxy.drake.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.as px?direct=true&db=f5h&AN=9604164115&site=edslive&scope=site September 26 (Th) Writing Assignment #2 Due, Ethnicity and Race Continued 1. Tatum, Beverly D. (2007). Can We Talk About Race? “What kind of friendship is that?” (Copy provided) October 1 (Tu) Advising Rally – Olmsted October 3 (Th) Gender and Education 1. Reading TBA October 8 (Tu) Writing Workshop Bob Johansen 7:00 Sheslow Auditorium Schedule appointment with Writing Workshop this Week for Assignment #3 6 How Do I Know? October 10 (Th.) Library Session October 15 (Tu.) FALL BREAK (NO CLASS) October 17 (Th) Self-Authorship and post Fall Break follow-up October 22 (Tu) Changes and Development in College Revisited 1. Instead of a reading assignment, you will reflect on your development during this semester. Bring the completed reflection to class. October 24 (Th) Developing meaningful relationships 1. Baxter-Magolda, Marcia (2009) Authoring Your Life: Developing an Internal Voice to Navigate Life’s Challenges. – Partnerships: How to provide good company for others’ journeys toward self-authorship, pp. 249-280 (Copy provided) October 29 (Tu) What Do We “Know About Student Experiences?” 1. Selected Results from 2012 National Survey of Student Engagement http://nsse.iub.edu/NSSE_2012_Results/pdf/NSSE_2012_Annual_ Results.pdf#page=10 October 31 (Th) What Do We “Know About Student Experiences?” 1. CIRP – The American Freshman 40 Year Trends http://www.heri.ucla.edu/PDFs/pubs/TFS/Trends/Monographs/ TheAmericanFreshman40YearTrends.pdf November 5 (Tu.) Writing Assignment #3 Due November 7 (Th) Pulling the Pieces Together 1. Kurfiss, Joanne. (1988). Intellectual, Psychosocial, and Moral Development in College: Four Major Theories November 12 (Tu) Academically Adrift 1. Roksa, J., & Arum, R. (2012). Life after College: The Challenging Transitions of the Academically Adrift Cohort. Change, 44(4), 8-14 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00091383.2012.691857 November 14 (Th) CIRP – The American Freshman 40 Year Trends 1. http://www.heri.ucla.edu/PDFs/pubs/TFS/Trends/Monographs/ TheAmericanFreshman40YearTrends.pdf 7 November 19 (Tu) Academically Adrift 2. Roksa, J., & Arum, R. (2012). Life after College: The Challenging Transitions of the Academically Adrift Cohort. Change, 44(4), 8-14 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00091383.2012.691857 November 21 (Th) Big Questions 1. Chapter 6: What is to Be Done? College: What it Was, Is, and Should Be (Delbanco) http://lib.myilibrary.com.cowles-proxy.drake.edu?ID=358946 November 26 (Tu) Group Work and Writing workshop (in class) November 28 (Th) THANKSGIVING BREAK (NO CLASS) December 3 (Tu) Group Summaries December 5 (Th) Research Paper Due Final Exam Preview December 12 (Thurs.) Final Exam 9:30-11:20 8 Association of American Colleges and Universities, W. C. (2007). College Learning for the New Global Century: A Report from the National Leadership Council for Liberal Education & America's Promise. Association of American Colleges And Universities. Baxter Magolda, M. B. (2009). Authoring Your Life : Developing an Internal Voice to Navigate Life's Challenges. Sterling, VA: Stylus. Delbanco, A. (2012). College: What it was, is, and should be. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Kirk, G., Okazawa-Rey, M., & Farr, M. T. (2004). Women's lives: multicultural perspectives. New York: McGraw Hill. McIntosh, P. (1990). White privilege: Unpacking the invisible knapsack. Independent School, 49(2), 31. Pryor, J. H., Hurtado, S., Saenz, V. B., Santos, J. L., Korn, W. S. (2007). The American Freshman: Forty Year Trends. Los Angeles: Higher Education Research Institute, UCLA. Stuber, Jenny M. (2011). Inside the College Gates : How Class and Culture Matter in Higher Education. New York: Lexington Books. Tatum, B. (1997). "Why are all the Black kids sitting together in the cafeteria?" and other conversations about race. New York : BasicBooks. 9