Core Curriculum Content Standards - Rowan University

Education Trends &
Swing for the fences; failure is
not an option.
- Donnie Deutsch
Education Trends
 Culturally (Socially) Responsive
 Inclusive Education
 Knowledge-Based Approach
 Developmentally Appropriate Practices
 Outcome-Based Education
Culturally Responsive Pedagogy
 Three levels:
 Respect-Tolerance
 Understanding-Empathy
 Caring-Advocacy
 Culturally Responsive Classroom
Culturally Responsive Pedagogy
 Class activity: Each student will
identify their ethnic (nationality[ies])
and cultural (religion and language(s)
spoken at home) background
Socially Responsive
 Develops positive, social-interactive
 respect
 cooperation
 responsibility
Socially Responsive
 Class activity: team juggle - students
will be in groups of 7 or 8 - design a
passing pattern so that each person
receives the ball once in the pattern
Inclusive Education
 PL 94-142
 The school environment reflects that
of society
 Two levels:
 Mainstreaming - partial - still include
special education specialists
 Regular Education Initiative - full eliminates any classroom for "special
education" teaching
Inclusive Education
 Inclusive Physical Education (North
Carolina PE4Me)
 Person First - Recognize the
individual before you identify the
disability. Instead of saying a blind
child - say a child who is blind.
 Class activity: Identify permanent
and temporary disabilities
Knowledge-Based Approach
 Assumes that there is a
discrete/distinctive body of
 Used by NCATE
 Proliferation of subdisciplines in H&PE
(the disciplinary years - 1970s) - e.g.,
sports psychology, dietetics
 AAHPERD Basic Stuff series (1981)
Knowledge-Based Approach
 Class activity: Turn to the person
next to you and see how many
subdisciplines you can identify in 1
Developmentally Appropriate
 The curriculum is appropriately
designed, frequently using a scope and
sequence, that will provide the student
with the skills and abilities that are
correct for their developmental stage.
They take these skills and concepts and
use them at the next level that has a
more difficult challenge - a level that is
also developmentally appropriate.
Developmentally Appropriate
 You've heard this term before, consider
the age (general) and the individual
(everyone grows and changes at their
own pace)
 Class activity: identify an eye-hand
coordination activity that uses the skills
of throwing and catching for beginning,
intermediate and advanced levels.
Outcome-Based Education
 Content and achievement standards
 Clearly developed, publicly stated
outcomes provide the focus for
curriculum organization.
Outcome-Based Education
 A Physically Educated Person (NASPE)
 HAS learned skills necessary to perform a
variety of physical activities.
 IS physically fit.
 DOES participate regularly in physical activity.
 KNOWS the implications of and the benefits
from involvement in physical activities.
 VALUES physical activity and its contributions
to a healthful lifestyle.
Outcome-Based Education
 Pros and Cons
 Class activity: Developing Goals for the
Health and Physical Education program activity later in class.
Education Trends (cont)
Brain-Based Learning
Differentiated Learning
Multiple Intelligences
No Child Left Behind Act
Brain-Based Learning
 Brain-based learning is the informed
process of using a group of practical
strategies that are driven by sound
principles derived from brain research.
 Eric Jensen (Brain Research Applied
 Jean Blaydes Madigan (PE focus)
Brain-Based Learning
 Resource: Jean Blaydes Madigan site
 Class activity: tying shoes
 An educational process in
which two or more subject
areas are integrated with
the goal of fostering
enhanced learning in each
subject area.
 Cone, Werner, Cone Interdisciplinary Teaching
Through Physical Education
 Class activity: demonstrate various
movement/athletic shapes or positions
by representing various types of
angles [90 degree (right), 180 degree
(obtuse), 45 degree (acute)]
 Class activity: estimate the length of
the wall in human arm spans
Differentiated Learning
 It represents a proactive approach to
improving classroom learning for ALL
 flexible grouping strategies
 encourages student responsibility and
 recognizes the individual and different
ways of demonstrating knowledge and
Differentiated Learning
 Class activity: The Red Shoe
Multiple Intelligences
 Howard Gardner
 Visual-Spatial Intelligence
 Musical Intelligence
 Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence
 Logical-Mathematical Intelligence
 Interpersonal Intelligence
 Intrapersonal Intelligence
 Kinesthetic Intelligence
 Naturalist Intelligence
Multiple Intelligences
 Class activity: What is a circle as seen
through the different intelligences?
No Child Left Behind
 2001 NCLB Act
 bipartisan legislation for federal
education programs
 focus on reading and mathematics
 health and physical education not cited
 highly qualified teacher
 ultimately local control and school
 the question - what is the curriculum’s
mission: the whole child or only certain
Assignment for next class:
Goals of a Health and
Physical Education Program
 What do you want students to know and
be able to do as a result of participating
in a K-12 H&PE program? These are
broad statements. Select goals for
grade clusters: K-5, 6-8 and 9-12. There
should be at least two goals for each of
the domains (psychomotor, cognitive and
affective) in each of the grade clusters
and for health and physical education.
New Jersey
New Jersey Health and Physical Education
Core Curriculum Content Standards
New Jersey Health and
Physical Education Core
Curriculum Content Standards
2.1 Wellness - All students will learn
and apply health promotion concepts
and skills to support a healthy, active
New Jersey Health and
Physical Education Core
Curriculum Content Standards
2.2 Integrated Skills - All students
will use health-enhancing personal,
interpersonal, and life skills to support
a healthy, active lifestyle.
New Jersey Health and
Physical Education Core
Curriculum Content Standards
2.3 Drugs and Medicines - All students
will learn and apply information about
alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs and
medicines to make decisions that
support a healthy, active lifestyle.
New Jersey Health and
Physical Education Core
Curriculum Content Standards
2.4 Human Relationships and Sexuality All students will learn the physical,
emotional, and social aspects of human
relationships and sexuality and apply these
concepts to support a healthy, active
New Jersey Health and
Physical Education Core
Curriculum Content Standards
2.5 Motor Skill Development - All
students will utilize safe, efficient, and
effective movement to develop and
maintain a healthy, active lifestyle.
New Jersey Health and
Physical Education Core
Curriculum Content Standards
2.6 Fitness - All students will apply
health-related and skill-related fitness
concepts and skills to develop and
maintain a healthy, active lifestyle.
New Jersey Visual and
Performing Arts (Dance) Core
Curriculum Content Standards
1.1 Aesthetics - All students will use
aesthetics knowledge in the creation of
and in responses to dance, music,
theater, and visual art.
New Jersey Visual and
Performing Arts (Dance) Core
Curriculum Content Standards
1.2 Creation and Performance - All
students will utilize those skills, media,
methods, and technologies appropriate
to each art form in the creation,
performance, and presentation of
dance, music, theater, and visual art.
New Jersey Visual and
Performing Arts (Dance) Core
Curriculum Content Standards
1.3 Elements and Principles - All
students will demonstrate an
understanding of the elements and
principles of dance, music, theater, and
visual art.
New Jersey Visual and
Performing Arts (Dance) Core
Curriculum Content Standards
1.4 Critique - All students will develop,
apply, and reflect upon knowledge of
the process of critique.
New Jersey Visual and
Performing Arts (Dance) Core
Curriculum Content Standards
1.5 History/Culture - All students will
understand and analyze the role,
development, and continuing influence
of the arts in relation to world
cultures, history, and society.
National Standards for PE
 Demonstrates competency in motor skills and
movement patterns needed to perform a
variety of physical activity.
 Demonstrates understanding of movement
concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics
as they apply to the learning and
performance of physical activities.
 Participates regularly in physical activity.
National Standards for PE
 Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing
level of physical fitness.
 Exhibits responsible personal and social
behavior that respects self and others in
physical activity settings.
 Values physical activity for health
enjoyment, challenge, self-expression,
and/or social interaction.
National Standards for
Health Education
 Health Education Standards
 1 – Students will comprehend concepts related to health
promotion and disease prevention to enhance health.
 2 – Students will analyze the influence of family, peers,
culture, media, technology and other factors on health
 3 – Students will demonstrate the ability to access valid
information and products and services to enhance
 4 – Students will demonstrate the ability to use
interpersonal communication skills to enhance health and
avoid or reduce health risks.
National Standards for
Health Education
 Health Education Standards
 5 – Students will demonstrate the ability to use
decision-making skills to enhance health.
 6 – Students will demonstrate the ability to use
goal-setting skills to enhance health.
 7 – Students will demonstrate the ability to
practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid
or reduce health risks.
 8 – Students will demonstrate the ability to
advocate for personal, family and community
National Standards for
 Identifying and demonstrating movement
elements and skills in performing dance.
 Understanding choreographic principles,
processes, and structures.
 Understanding dance as a way to create and
communicate meaning.
 Applying and demonstrating critical and
creative thinking skills in dance.
National Standards for Dance
 Demonstrating and understanding dance in
various cultures and historical periods.
 Making connections between dance and
healthful living.
 Making connections between dance and other