Woodhouse and Miller Given the Smart board, computer, and power point: students will be able to briefly describe what a prefix is; explain how to identify a prefix; list some of the most common prefixes; to show how a prefix changes the meaning of a word; state the difference between a prefix and a root word; identify the root word found in a word; give the meaning of a word by studying the root word used; widen vocabulary by creating new words with prefixes or root words; and form meaningful sentences by using words with prefixes or root words with 80% accuracy. 9.2 The student will produce, analyze, and evaluate auditory, visual, and written media messages. 10.2 The student will analyze, produce, and examine similarities and differences between visual and verbal media messages. 10.4 The student will read, comprehend, and analyze literary texts of different cultures and eras. 11.2 The student will examine how values and points of view are included and excluded and how media influences beliefs and behaviors. 11.4 The student will read, comprehend, and analyze relationships among American literature, history, and culture. 12.3 The student will apply knowledge of word origins, derivations, and figurative language to extend vocabulary development in authentic text. 12.4 The student will read, comprehend, and analyze the development of literature. MATCH THE PREFIX WITH ITS DEFINITION. A. back, again N. two B. land O. cause to 1. __ Anti 2. __ Dis 3. __ fore4. __ Pre5. __ Super 6. __ Sub 7. __ A, Ab 8. __ Bi9. __ Mono 10. __ Poly 11. __ Geo 12. __ Con 13. __ Ex C. one P. under D. apart Q. one E. time R. against F. opposite S. across G. three T. water H. together U. away I. before V. forward J. many W. super K. after X. out L. between Y. not M. before Z. middle 14. __ De 15. __ En-, Em16. __ Mid 17. __ Re 18. __ Pro 19. __ Post 20. __ In, Ir, Im 21. __ Tri 22. __ Uni 23 . __ Chrono 24. __ Trans 25. __ Inter 26. __ Hydro A. B. C. D. E. F. Create a dictionary word using the following word parts: ReProPara-hydro-graph-logy Connector: Today, we are going to discover the meaning of words by identifying a word’s prefix and root word. Relevancy: Identifying a word’s prefix or root word will help the reader uncover a word’s meaning. 1. 2. 3. What are root words and prefixes? How do root words and prefixes help to create words? Why are prefixes and root words used to aid a reader in comprehending a word? Understanding: Root Words and Prefixes THE BODY PARTS OF A WORD http://www.tv411.org/vocabulary/understanding-how-wordswork/prefixes-say-plenty Definitions: Root Word: A root word is the foundation on which a word is built. 1. 1. Prefix: A prefix is a letter or syllable that is added to the root of a word in order to form a new word with a different meaning. Examples: Word Prefix Root Defective De- -fect- Unacceptable Un- -accept- Sympathy Sym- -path- Prefix/Root Definition pre before post after sub under super above re back or again pro forward Directions: You are going to get this sheet from your teacher. Each web represents a prefix you have learned in the previous slide. In the center of the web, you are going to write the prefix word. In the connecting circles, you are going to write a word that has that prefix in it. You will have five words per graphic organizer. Below each web, you will write the meaning of each prefix from the previous slide. (You can use a dictionary.) Prefix/Root Word Definition Prefix 1. Ab2. Dis3. In4. Bi 5. Tri6. Uni7. Poly- Three Words: http://www.englishonline.org.uk/games/prefixgame.htm http://teacher.scholastic.com/activities/athen s_games/gameGreekToMe.htm Prefixes/Root Words Definitions A1. http://www.quia.com/cc/66094.html B1. http://www.quia.com/mc/65963.html Complete the following activities: 1. http://www.funbrain.com/cgibin/root.cgi?A1=s&A2=4&A3=1 2. http://www.funbrain.com/cgibin/root.cgi?A1=s&A2=4&A3=0 3. http://www.manythings.org/wbg/prefixesjw.htm In order to finish this assignment, ask your teacher for the post test.