American personnel being evacuated from
US embassy in Saigon, April 1975
• Nixon’s policy of withdrawing US troops while training S. Vietnam to take over the fighting
Part of Nixon Doctrine
Nixon Doctrine
US would provide financial & weapon support to anti-communist allies
But no US troops!
Above: South V. army officer; below: as labeled
Capture from clip on Vietnamization
Peace conferences between
US/S. Vietnam and N.
Started in 1968
S.V. and U.S. insisted N.V. withdraw from South, and that the Thieu (regime in
South) remain in power.
N.V. demanded U.S. withdraw and a coalition government w/Vietcong
Above: cartoon shows exhausted dove labeled ‘Vietnam Talks’ impaled atop the Eiffel Tower; below: U.S. negotiators in Paris
• Nixon’s chief foreign policy adviser
• Eventually Nixon’s Secretary of State.
Above: Kissinger on the phone; below:
Kissinger on cover of Time •
German Born Jewish escapee of Nazi oppression.
Harvard Professor.
• kept foreign policy secret from press b/c of unpopularity of war
Describe the the Secret War of Nixon and
Massive bombing of communist bases in Laos and Cambodia
Wanted to cut off supply line and bring N.V. to the negotiating table
Utilized Madman Theory
– Nixon wanted N.V. to think he was crazy enough to Nuke
• From 1969-1973 US conducted over 3, 600 missions
• Did not work
Led to invasion of Cambodia
(April 1970)
Above: Nixon and Kissinger confer; below: aerial photo of bombing Cambodia
Capture from clip on Cambodia bombing and the issue of secrecy
Kent State University
– 4 students died during violent protests
Pentagon Papers
– NY Times article revealed that US
Govt. had lied to the American public about war
Did not directly implicate
But public now believed that the government (Nixon) could not be trusted
Significance: Nixon becomes obsessed with stopping leaks of info to the press
Below: Time magazine further spreads the story the NY Times had broken
Capture from clip on Pentagon Papers
• Vietnamization failed
S.V. troops defeated handily by
N.V. troops
October 1972- U.S. and N.V. agree to cease-fire.
All U.S. troops would leave Vietnam,
POWs would be returned, VC could play an active role in a coalition government in the South
• Kissinger: “Peace is at hand.”
Thieu refused to sign the treaty and peace fell apart
Above: Kissinger meets with
Vietnamese leaders; below:
Nixon does the same
• To force peace, Nixon intensified bombing during a 12 day campaign
– lasted from December
Bombed major N.V. cities and installations in Laos and Cambodia
Killed thousands of civilians
NY Times called the bombing “diplomacy through terror.”
Above and below: USAF carpet-bombing SE
Asia to ‘force peace’
Capture from clip on US POWs
US and NV agreed to peace terms (1/1973)
Last US troops left in
March of 1973
War b/t South and North resumed
Saigon scene of chaos as
S.Vietnamese desperately tried to flee on US helicopters
April 1975 Saigon fell
Above: another image of fleeing S.V. civilians boarding helicopter; below: desperate civilians try to climb wall of US embassy
Capture from clip on the fall of Saigon
58,000 Americans dead
• 300,000 wounded
$150 billion dollars
American selfconfidence of WWII gone
– US lost its first war
Two million
Vietnamese died
– land lay in ruins
Above: still from “Goodnight Saigon”; below: at the
Vietnam Veterans’ memorial
Capture from clip about the cool reception returning soldiers got and the disinterest of the public in the end of the war
An easing or relaxing of tensions
• Period during Nixon’s presidency noted for better relations between the US and USSR/Red
Hawks saw it as sign of our weakness and loss of resolve
Above: Nixon with Mao Zedong; below:
Nixon with Leonid Brezhnev
How was the world different in the 1970s from the 1950s?
US and USSR not
Composite night-time satellite shot indicates spread of the only powers prosperity (electricity for lighting) around the world by the mid-70s •
Five Economic
Superpowers had developed
US, USSR, Japan,
China, EEC
USSR and China were enemies!
Describe Nixon and Kissinger’s view of foreign policy:
Believed in Realpolitik
The politics of reality
US should form alliances based on its national economic interests rather than on ideology, i.e.:
Form alliances even with communist nations!
N+K wanted balance of power
Several powerful nations would prevent one from getting too powerful
• Is there any irony to Cold
Warrior Nixon’s new policy?
Otto Von Bismarck
Describe the US policy toward China from
Refused to recognize communist government
No diplomatic relationship
Formed alliance with Taiwan
Where Chiang Kai-shek’s anticommunist govt. had formed after 1949 Above: map shows the tiny island of
Taiwan; below: Chiang’s nationalists march
Blocked admittance into UN
China had aided communists in Korean and Vietnam Wars
How was détente between the US and China achieved?
Nixon expressed desire to visit
China to Time magazine reporter
US Table Tennis Team (ping pong) visited China (4/71)
Trade embargo ended days later
US allowed China admittance into UN (as a permanent member to the Security Council)
Kissinger went on secret mission to lay groundwork
Nixon traveled to China (2/72)
Visited Great Wall & Mao
Above: Nixon and Mao shake on it; below: Nixon toasts Premier (second in command) Chou En-Lai
How was détente between the US and the
Soviet Union achieved?
Nixon traveled to Russia
Signed Strategic Arms
Limitations Treaty
(SALT) with Brezhnev
Above: Nixon and Brezhnev toast; below:
Brezhnev sees an advantage to détente •
SALT curtailed number of ballistic missiles
Agreed to trade technology and grain
• Democrats nominated George
Liberal Anti-war platform
Immediate end to war, $30 billion cut in defense spending, pardoning of draft dodgers
Nixon threatened by third party candidate George Wallace
– Appealed to Southern and blue collar voters
– Paralyzed by would-be assassin and dropped out
Nixon won by landslide
But his downfall had begun
Top: George McGovern on Time cover; below:
Wallace button from before the shooting