The Foreign Policy of Richard Nixon

“Publicly, we say one thing….Actually,
we do another.” -Richard Nixon
Ben K. and Josh R.
Horace Greeley High School
Chappaqua, NY
Essential Question:
Was the administration
of Richard Nixon
successful in achieving
the goals he envisioned
in the realm of foreign
Richard Nixon
President of the U.S.
from 1969-1974.
Vice President under
Eisenhower from 19531961.
Served in the Congress
from 1946-1952.
Only President to resign
from office (after
Watergate Scandal).
Strict Republican and
Henry Kissinger
National Security Advisor
from 1969-1975, and
Secretary of State from
Key contributor to the
foreign policy decisions of
the Nixon Administration.
Created the concept of
“Shuttle Diplomacy.” This
involved travel between
conflicting nations to settle
disputes. It was best
applied in the Arab-Israeli
“After a period of confrontation, we are
entering an era of negotiation.” -Richard
Nixon’s 1st Inaugural Address
The Nixon Doctrine (1969)
“It is not my belief that
the way to peace is by
giving up our friends or
letting down our allies.
On the contrary, our
aim is to place
America's international
commitments on a sustainable, long-term basis,
to encourage local and regional initiatives, to
foster national independence and selfsufficiency, and by so doing to strengthen the
total fabric of peace.”
The Nixon Doctrine (1969)
America will honor its treaties and provide
aid to its allies, including protection against
nuclear powers.
However, in other cases of aggression, such
as insurrections or non-nuclear threats,
America’s allies are expected to use their
own manpower for their own defense.
America will still provide economic and
limited military aid in such cases.
Most direct application: “Vietnamization”
First-Term Foreign Policy Goals
Strategic arms limitation
Peaceful negotiation with foreign powers
“Rapprochement” with China
“Détente” with the Soviet Union
Reduced commitments of manpower to
foreign nations (Nixon Doctrine)
“Peace with honor” in Vietnam
Minimal public support for the war
Major reason for Nixon’s election
Second-Term Foreign Policy Goals
Continue efforts for the limitation of nuclear arms
Enter major world conflicts selectively and let
countries manage their own
 Best shown through the complete withdrawal of
troops from Vietnam, and placing the war in control of
the South Vietnamese government.
 “Abroad and at home, the time has come to turn away
from the condescending policies of paternalism-of
‘Washington knows best.’” -Richard Nixon’s 2nd
Inaugural Address
Promote peace and prevent imposition of power
by hostile countries on others
Two Chinas
Before Nixon’s
administration, the ROC
had held China’s seat on
the UN General
Assembly, and the United
States had cut off
diplomatic relations with
the PRC.
After the Chinese Civil War
of 1949, the Communists
under Chairman Mao Zedong
had created the People’s
Republic of China (PRC) on
the mainland.
The Nationalists under
Chiang Kai-Shek had fled to
Taiwan (Formosa) and
established the nonCommunist Republic of China
Nixon began to consider a reopening of
relations, or “rapprochement,” with the PRC.
Reasons for rapprochement:
Trade with China— huge market
Main reason: increase Sino-Soviet tension
 “Growing dissidence between the U.S.S.R. and China has
limited both countries in the pursuit of policies basically
antagonistic to U.S. interests.”
 “Beyond this, the dispute has, in a positive sense,
heightened Soviet interest in developing a less abrasive
relationship with the U.S. and it may at some point lead
China in the same direction.”
Ping-Pong Diplomacy
The American ping-pong team received a surprise invitation to
visit the PRC in April, 1971.
Their acceptance made them the first Americans to be
allowed into communist mainland China since the Chinese Civil
War of 1949.
Ten journalists accompanied them; Americans eagerly followed
the team’s progress in the news media.
The trip was a diplomatic
 The American public
became more willing to open
up relations with the PRC.
 America lifted its 20-year
trade embargo on mainland
Kissinger had secretly
visited the People’s Republic
of China in July, 1971 to
discuss a possible
Presidential visit.
On November 29, 1971, he announced Nixon’s
intention to visit the mainland next February.
 For a Democrat, negotiating with the Communist
nation could have been a fatal political mistake.
 But the Republican Nixon was known as a hard-liner
anti-Communist, and thus could get away with it.
“Our essential requirement is to demonstrate that
we are serious enough to understand the basic
forces at work in the world and reliable enough to
deliver on the commitments we make. If in our
formal and informal talks we can impress the
Chinese with these intangibles, we will have truly
made your visit an historic success.”
Attempt to pave the way for a formal opening of
diplomatic relations with the mainland
Also want to impress the Chinese and make them a
potential trade partner and possibly ally vs. the
Nixon and Kissinger met with Chairman Mao
and Prime Minister Chou En-Lai several times
from February 21-28.
The leaders discussed policy and philosophy, and
made a favorable impression on each other.
Immediately after the trip, Kissinger moved to
establish regular contact with the PRC.
However, formal diplomatic relations were not
established until January 1, 1979, under the
Carter administration.
Did Nixon Succeed in China?
He was successful in negotiating a
rapprochement with the PRC, even though
the countries did not open up formal
relations during his term.
He also made mainland China a tacit ally of
the United States, thus causing the
Soviets to worry about the potential
nuclear enemy on their borders and
increasing Sino-Soviet tension.
“The issue of war and peace cannot be solved
unless we in the United States and the Soviet
Union demonstrate both the will and the
capacity to put out relationship on a basis
consistent with the aspirations of mankind.”
-Richard Nixon’s Address to the U.N. General
Assembly, October 23, 1970
After years of hostility and tension
between the U.S.S.R and the U.S., Nixon
instituted a policy of détente.
Détente focused on peaceful negotiations and
weapon limitations between the two nations.
Unlike previous administrations, Nixon and
Kissinger hoped to negotiate for the
mutual benefit of both the U.S.S.R. and
the U.S. as opposed to demanding that the
U.S.S.R. give into U.S. demands.
One of the major components of détente was
the creation of the Strategic Arms Limitation
Treaty (SALT I).
Talks took place from Nov., 1969-May, 1972.
 These talks in Helsinki, which lasted about a month, helped each
nation understand the other nation’s desires for limitations of
 After Helsinki, talks moved to Vienna for serious negotiations.
During this time two treaties were produced.
 One treaty limited anti-ballistic defensive missiles while the
other restricted the nations’ most critical offensive missiles.
Nixon used his strategy of “linkage” to help
these talks succeed.
Linkage was a foreign policy concept of
negotiations in one area dependent on those in
another was best for achieving a nation’s goals.
SALT I (cont.)
After minor disagreements, the US and USSR agreed to
focus on a permanent limit on anti-ballistic missiles with
temporary restrictions on offensive missiles.
On May 26, 1972 at the Moscow Summit Meeting, Nixon
and Soviet General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev signed
the SALT I treaty.
 The Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty had permanent restrictions on
ABMs, but allowed for a country to pull out within the first 6
months if they deemed it too detrimental to their national
 The treaty on offensive missiles covered major issues with
offensive missiles for a five year period.
The treaty was not as important for its missile
limitations as it was for the opening up of successful
negotiations between the two world superpowers.
In 1972, Nixon made a
trip to Moscow to meet
with Soviet Premier
Leonid Brezhnev. In
1973, Brezhnev visited
the White House.
This was the first ever
meeting of these
countries’ leaders not
outside of U.S.S.R. or
U.S. borders, showing the
steps that détente had
taken to ease tensions.
Gerald Ford continued
this policy by visiting
Brezhnev in 1975.
Triangular Diplomacy
The U.S. exploited growing Sino-Soviet tensions.
 Russia hoped to protect itself from the growing Chinese
threat in the East.
 Used successes in foreign policy with China and Russia to
gain from the other country, thanks to additional
After Nixon announced a visit to China, the Soviets
expressed interest in a meeting with Nixon to ease
tension as well.
“Right now, we need the Chinese to correct the
Russians, and to discipline the Russians.” -Kissinger
Did Nixon Succeed in the U.S.S.R.?
Nixon successfully was able to limit production
of missiles through a treaty for the first time
with the U.S.S.R.
He was able to open up foreign relations with a
country that had been a tremendous enemy since
 He set a precedent for his successor, Gerald Ford
who maintained amiable relationships with the U.S.S.R.
Was able to ease tensions between the two
superpowers and subsequently greatly lower
global tensions through détente.
U.S. History in Vietnam
The U.S. had begun direct military involvement
in 1964 after the Gulf of Tonkin incident.
Lyndon Johnson received a “blank check” from
Congress called the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution.
 Allowed the President to use whatever supplies and
forces needed to defeat the Communist Vietnamese
Troop involvement drastically increased by
hundreds of thousands until Nixon took office in
 Numbers were above 500,000 troops in 1969.
Throughout the late 1960s,
North Vietnamese soldiers
found sanctuaries in
In 1969 Nixon ordered the
bombings of Cambodia in an
attempt to weaken supply
routes for the North
Vietnamese army.
In 1970 Nixon ordered a
ground operation in an
effort to destroy enemy
 Successfully captured
large amounts of food and
Nixon’s main policy in Vietnam was the
process of “Vietnamization.”
It began right after he took office in 1969.
The process sought to save American lives and
expenses through gradual withdrawal of
forces and support from the Vietnam war.
 It was the first troop withdrawal since President
Johnson escalated troop presence. Withdrew
70,000 in 1972.
It also attempted to transfer military
assumption to South Vietnam.
 Vietnam advisors insisted that South Vietnam could
successfully defend against the North Vietnamese.
Brought home all the troops by end of 1973.
The South Vietnamese successfully defended
themselves from 1973-1975 without any U.S.
Saigon fell to Communist forces on April 30,
 America refused to respond to calls for help from
the South Vietnamese leader.
Vietnam established a Socialist government,
rendering U.S. involvement in the war futile.
American Troop Withdrawal
Troop numbers shrunk from 500,000 in 1969 to 30,000 in 1972.
Negotiations for Peace
1969 -> Paris Peace talks fail after one year
 After this failure, Nixon authorized Kissinger to have “offthe-record” talks with North Vietnamese diplomat Le Duc
 This restricted the ability of Vietnam to use propaganda against
the U.S.
 These talks ultimately brought about peace.
Spring, 1972 -> North Vietnam launches a surprise
attack which further stalls talks
 These attacks prompted Nixon to bomb the major North
Vietnamese cities of Hanoi and Haiphong.
1972 -> Kissinger and Le Duc Tho reach a
cease-fire agreement in principle.
Kissinger announces that “peace is at hand.”
Negotiations for Peace
December, 1972 -> Soon after
Kissinger announced peace, talks
broke down due to North Vietnamese
disagreements to new demands from
South Vietnam and Nixon.
 Nixon, in response, ordered the
“Christmas Bombings” of Hanoi.
 These were ordered in an
attempt to pressure the North
Vietnamese into meeting
Nixon’s promise of peace by
January, 1973.
Negotiations resumed in the final
days of December and ultimately
concluded in the Paris Peace Accords
in January of 1973.
 These ended battling temporarily
until North Vietnam captured
Saigon in 1975.
Did Nixon Succeed in Vietnam?
Through Nixon’s policy of Vietnamization, the
U.S. was able to end all involvement in the war.
The “Nixon Doctrine” was successfully applied as
America withdrew from the war and demanded
that South Vietnam support itself.
Since Vietnam was a non-nuclear threat, Nixon
followed his policy of transmitting power of the
conflict to the nation directly involved.
Nixon continued to promote the idea of peace
against aggressors, but drastically lessened U.S.
military and economic support for South
 Nixon refused to re-enter the war when South
Vietnam was about to fall in 1975, in order to keep
America away from a paternalistic policy.
Arab-Israeli Tensions
Ever since Israel’s declaration of independence
in 1948, Arab nations had engaged in wars with
the Jewish state, and none had opened up
diplomatic relations with Israel by the 1970s.
 The Arabs, especially Palestinians, considered Israeli
territory rightfully theirs.
 Also, the Muslim (and Jewish) holy city of Jerusalem
was located within Israel’s borders.
 From the beginning, the United States had been
Israel’s steadfast ally.
The Six-Day War (1967)
Israel had won a crushing victory against the
Arabs in the Six-Day War of 1967, which
expanded the nation’s borders to include the
Golan Heights, the West Bank, the Gaza Strip,
and the Sinai Peninsula.
 Therefore, they assumed that the Arabs would not
dare to attack them again so soon.
 But the Arabs were as determined as ever to reclaim
their territory and eliminate the Jewish state.
Israeli Territorial Gains
The pale blue indicates
Israeli territory before
the Six-Day War.
The slightly darker blue
indicates Israeli
territorial gains.
 Clearly, the war
resulted in massive
border expansions,
especially on the Sinai
The Yom Kippur War (1973)
On October 6, 1973, the Arab nations of Egypt
and Syria launched a surprise attack against
 The Arabs chose the date with a very specific reason
in mind: it coincided with Yom Kippur, Judaism’s
holiest holiday.
 The Arabs correctly assumed that Israel would be most
vulnerable on this day.
 Indeed, for the first two days of the war, the Israelis could
not stop their enemies’ advance.
The war lasted a mere 20 days, but the fighting
was intense; thousands were slain.
American Involvement
America actively supported Israel, both
politically and militarily, from the beginning of
the war.
Nixon personally ordered that American arms be
airlifted to Israel.
The conflict also had the feel of a proxy war,
since it pitted America-friendly Israel vs. Egypt
and Syria, long under Soviet influence.
The Oil Crisis
As a response to highly effective American
involvement in the war, Arab nations declared on
October 19 that they would not sell oil to the
U.S., because of its expressed support for
 They later cut exports to the Netherlands and other
nations backing Israel.
Within a few months, the price of a barrel of oil
 This marked the first time Arab nations would use oil
as a political and economic weapon.
Effects of the War
No territorial concessions were made; each side
claimed victory for itself.
Egypt drifted away from the Soviet Union and
towards America, largely because of Kissinger’s
developing relationship with Egyptian President
Anwar Sadat.
 Israel remained America’s close ally; likewise, Syria
retained its alignment with the U.S.S.R.
 As a result of the diplomatic shift, Egypt became more
willing to negotiate with Israel.
 In 1978, the Camp David Accords would make Egypt the first
Arab nation to formally recognize the Jewish state.
The oil embargo had a devastating impact on the U.S.
Did Nixon Succeed in
the Middle East?
In keeping with the Nixon Doctrine, he
stood by an American ally, providing aid
and supplies, but not manpower, for a
successful defense.
With Kissinger’s aid, he also reduced the
Soviet sphere of influence, of which Egypt
was no longer a part by war’s end.
Background of the Crisis
In March, the President of Pakistan, Yahya Khan,
indefinitely postponed the meeting of the National
 A large number of East Pakistanis had been elected, and
were expected to demand virtual autonomy for their half of
the nation.
This caused the East Pakistanis, or Bengalis, to
demand independence
 The Prime Minister of India, Indira Gandhi, expressed her
support for the Bengali cause.
Eventually, Bangladesh declared its independence
from Pakistan, with Indian support
 This soon led to war between Pakistan and India.
American Interest
Pakistan was a close longtime
ally of the United States.
Furthermore, India had recently signed a
treaty of “peace, friendship, and cooperation”
with the Soviet Union, America’s #1 enemy.
Finally, Nixon and Kissinger worried that a
successful Indian offensive against Pakistan
would lead to Indian— and by proxy, Soviet—
domination of the subcontinent.
Nixon's Dilemma
However, the United States could not
provide direct military aid to Pakistan. The
risk of war with India and possibly even
the U.S.S.R was too great.
Also, Nixon wanted to maintain decent
relations with India.
Therefore, the President chose only to
“tilt” American favor towards Pakistan,
preferably without losing too much face
with India.
America's "Tilt"
There were three main prongs of the tilt:
America routed military supplies to Pakistan through
Jordan and Iran.
The aircraft carrier Enterprise, with an attendant
naval task force, was moved from Southeast Asia
into the Bay of Bengal.
 Allegedly, this was to evacuate U.S. citizens in the area of
 However, the implied intent was to put military pressure on
India to pull out of East Pakistan
Nixon promised to back up China if it aided Pakistan
and was then attacked by the U.S.S.R while its army
was occupied.
Outcome of the Crisis
Bangladesh gained its independence.
Pakistan lost military and diplomatic clout.
 Soviet-allied India thus became the premier power on
the subcontinent.
Nevertheless, Nixon and Kissinger were
satisfied with the situation.
 West Pakistan was still intact.
 Pakistan, China, and the U.S.S.R remained on peaceful
terms with each other and America.
 Kissinger (to Nixon): “We have come out of this
amazingly well and we scared the pants off the
Did Nixon Succeed In
South Asia?
As per the Nixon Doctrine, America stood
by its ally and sent supplies, but not
manpower, to Pakistan.
The United States also managed to
support one side while maintaining
peaceful relations with both.
However, India’s success made it the
dominant force on the subcontinent, thus
expanding the Soviet sphere of influence.
“I don’t see why we need to stand idly by
and watch a country go Communist due to
the irresponsibility of its own people.”
-Henry Kissinger
Western Goals
Balance Western interests against other
domestic and foreign policy concerns
 Pushed for Office for Western Hemisphere Affairs
under the Secretary of State.
 Modify trade policies to favor Western interests.
Promote industrial development in all regional
Call for unity of Western Hemisphere
 The United States could not remain isolated and had
to play a role in issues concern nationalism and unity.
 Intended to play the role of arbiter in bilateral conflicts.
Above: August
Pinochet (left)
and Salvador
Left: Jorge
Eduardo Frei
In 1970, Salvador Allende won a majority in the three-way
Chilean election. However he did not receive enough
percent and had to be chosen by the Chilean congress.
 Allende was a supporter of the far left and of
America’s major enemy, Cuba.
Nixon was furious that Allende could become President
and called a meeting.
 He instructed Kissinger and Attorney General John
Mitchell to save Chile, no matter the risk.
The CIA devised a plan to have the congress choose rightwing candidate Jorge Alessandri. Alessandri would then
resign days after winning, allowing for a new two-way
election which the U.S. hoped Allende would lose.
These new elections would allow the third candidate, the
popular Eduardo Frei, to defeat Allende “fairly.”
Frei however did not agree to his role.
The CIA then developed a plot called “Track II.”
 This planned to have a general overthrow the Chilean
government and dissolve the Congress.
 Frei would be forced into temporary exile, allowing for another
set of elections where Frei could be chosen.
 The first attempt at a coup under Chilean General
Viaux however, was a miserable failure. Kissinger
called it off.
Salvador Allende took office later in 1970.
 Allende was inaugurated with a feeling euphoria.
 He attempted to ease tensions between parties and
expressed a desire to form more unity in Chile.
CIA Involvement
The Central Intelligence Agency had spent $2 million
training anticommunists in rural regions of Chile.
They organized covert actions to remove Allende from
office, none of which were successful.
The 40 Committee oversaw the CIA.
 They established the two track strategy.
 Track I was political manipulation in the Chilean government.
 Track II was social disturbances such as economic withdrawal and
military actions.
 The 40 Committee contributed thousands of dollars in support of
manipulating the Chilean government, but failed.
The ordeal in Chile was detrimental to the viability of
the CIA.
The 1973 Coup
What factors led to the coup?
 Despite Allende’s desire, his supporters divided Chile
even further.
 Members of the Christian Democratic Party were attacked
and arrested.
 The Christian Democratic Party merged with the Conservative
Party and united in their efforts to regain power.
 Allende harrassed small businesses and began to print
un-backed currency.
 Allende also used the military to keep power.
 After the Christian Democratic-Conservative party
regain power and after attacks by the public, Allende
was forced into exile in Argentina.
The 1973 Coup
On September 11, 1973, a coup began against the Allende government.
General Augusto Pinochet led the attack on the Presidential Palace in
The United States re-opened economic aid to the coup, that had been
closed to Allende.
Allende was successfully overthrown, and Pinochet rose to power.
 The American government continued to support Pinochet’s conservative
militaristic ways despite the atrocities of the Chilean people.
Did Nixon succeed in Chile?
Nixon’s dealings in Chile did not have to do as
much with his economic goals for the West but
rather with a fear of Communism.
Nixon reverted back to policies of Eisenhower
and Kennedy and attacked socialist governments
using military tactics.
Nixon did not follow his policy of moving away
from paternalism here. His administration felt
it best to inject themselves into this conflict
despite it not having any direct impact on the
Many of Nixon’s failures dealt with specific
objectives as opposed to general ones.
He failed to prevent Soviet-allied India’s rise to
dominance on the Asian subcontinent.
 He also witnessed the secession of Bangladesh from
longtime U.S. ally Pakistan.
In his attempt to destroy the Communist
Chilean government, he supported the rise of
the brutal dictator Augusto Pinochet.
 Nixon’s support of Pinochet, despite the dictator’s
atrocities towards the Chilean people, went against
his policy of the promotion of peace.
Nixon consistently honored diplomatic treaties
and defended American allies.
He also limited U.S. troop involvement in foreign
wars and conflicts.
Furthermore, he lessened tension with the
Soviets and successfully opened contact with
mainland China.
 Through these policies of détente and rapprochement
he temporarily eased global tensions and promoted a
greater peace and camaraderie between nations.
Finally, he negotiated agreements on strategic
arms limitation.