Public good

Public Goods
and Tax Policy
Goods Classifications:
– can prevent people from consuming
without paying
Rival in consumption
– can not be consumed by more than one
person at the same time
Four types of goods
Private goods:
– excludable and rival in consumption
Collective goods (Artificially scarce goods):
– excludable and non-rival in consumption
Commons goods (common resources):
– non-excludable and rival in consumption
Public goods:
– non-excludable and non-rival in consumption
Four types of goods
Goods Classification
Private good
Collective good
(pay-per-view TV)
Commons good
(fish in the ocean)
Public good
(national defense)
From Table 16.1, P.365
Explain the characteristics of the 4
types of goods
 4 types: private; collective; common;
 List 5 goods that belong to each of the 4
types and explain
Private Goods:
Excludable and rival in consumption
 Non-payers can be easily excluded
 Each unit consumed by one person
means one less unit available for others
 the only goods that can be efficiently
produced and consumed by market
Collective Good:
(Artificially Scarce Goods)
Excludable but non-rival in consumption
– It is not really scarce: use by one person
does not reduce its availability to others
– But it can be excludable: people who do
not pay can be prevented from using it
Artificially Scarce Goods
An artificially scarce good is excludable and non-rival in consumption. It is
made artificially scarce because producers charge a positive price but the
marginal cost of allowing one more person to consume the good is zero.
Common Goods:
(Common Resources)
Non-excludable and rival in consumption
– Non-payers cannot be easily excluded
– Each unit consumed by one person means one
less unit available for others
The problem of overuse - a user depletes the
amount of the common resource available to
others but does not take this cost into account
when deciding how much to use the common
A Common Resource
Fishing in a public river:
Each fisherman’s
individual marginal cost
does not include the
cost that his or her
actions impose on
others: the depletion of
the common resource 
the marginal social cost
curve, MSC, lies above
the supply curve; in an
unregulated market, the
quantity of the common
resource used, QMKT,
exceeds the efficient
quantity of use, QOPT.
The Efficient Use and Maintenance of a
Common Resource
Use taxes
 Make it excludable and assign property
 Create of a system of tradable licenses
for the right to use the common
Public Good:
A good or service that, at least to some
degree, is both non-rival and nonexcludable
– Non-rival Good
• A good whose consumption by one person
does not diminish its availability to others
– Non-excludable Good
• A good that is difficult, or costly, to exclude nonpayers from consuming
If non-excludable:
Rational consumers won’t be willing to
pay for the good
 People who do not pay can not be
prevented from consuming
 Free-rider problem: individuals have no
incentive to pay for their own
 Inefficiently low production
If non-rival in consumption
 Marginal
cost = 0
 Price should be 0
 Inefficiently low consumption
What goods and services should
government provide?
Pure Public Good
– A good or service that, to a high degree, is both
non-rival and non-excludable
Pure public goods should be provided by
government because:
– For-profit private firms would find it difficult to
recover their costs of production.
– Since the MC of serving additional users is zero
once the good has been produced, then charging
for the good would be inefficient.
Cost-Benefit Analysis
Social costs and social benefits
 People have no incentive to pay for
efficient quantity of public goods
 People tend to overstate the value of
public goods (people tend to prefer too
much of the goods when they don’t
have to pay for it: marginal cost is 0)
Advantages of Using Government to
Provide Public Goods
Cost of adding a tax is relatively low
 Minimizes the difficulty in determining
who will bear what share of the tax
 May be the only feasible provider
Government Provision
A pure public good should be provided
by the government only when the
benefit exceeds the cost.
 The cost of the public good is the sum
of the explicit and implicit costs incurred
to produce it.
 The benefit of the public good is the
sum of the reservation prices of all
people who want the good.
Government taxes:
the way to finance public goods
Paying for Public Goods
– Not everyone benefits equally from a public
good or service.
– Therefore, the most equitable way to pay
for the public good or service is to tax
people in proportion to their willingness to
Tax System
Head Tax
– A tax that collects the same amount from
every taxpayer
– A head tax rule will rule out the provision of
many worthwhile public goods.
Proportional Income Tax
– A tax under which all taxpayers pay the
same proportion of their incomes in taxes
Tax System
Regressive Tax
– A tax under which the proportion of income
paid in taxes declines as income rises
Progressive Tax
– One in which the proportion of income paid
in taxes rises as income rises.
Alternatives to using taxes to fund public
Funding by donation
 Development of new means to exclude
 Private contracting
 Sale of by-products
Tax System
 Trade-off
between equality and
– Equity: fairness, the “right” people
actually bears the tax burden
– Efficiency: minimizes the direct and
indirect tax collection costs to the
Tax Efficiency
costs (direct costs)
Reducing deadweight loss
(indirect costs)
Recall: excise tax
To Reduce Deadweight Loss
Taxes decreases the price the
producers receive and increases the
price the consumers pay
 The incidence of tax is determined by
the elasticities of demand and supply
 To reduce the deadweight loss caused
by tax, impose taxes on the ones who
have the most inelastic responses
To Lower Administration Costs
 Administration
costs: the
resources actually spent on
collecting and paying the taxes
 The difficulties of calculating,
collecting and paying the taxes
Tax Fairness
 The
benefits principle
–The ones who benefit from the
spending should pay for it
 The
ability to pay principle
–The ones who are more able to
pay should pay for it
The Tax System
Tax bases: the income or property value
that determines how much tax an
individual pays
 Tax Structure: how the tax depends on
the tax base
– Proportional
– Progressive
– Regressive
Tax Bases
2. 个体工商户的生产、经营所得
3. 对企事业单位的承包经营、承租经营所得
4. 劳务报酬所得
5. 稿酬所得
6. 特许权使用费所得;
7. 利息、股息、红利所得;
8. 财产租赁所得;
9. 财产转让所得;
Income Redistribution through Taxes and
Government Spending
Progressive taxes: taking more money
away from the rich to provide supports
for the poor
 Government Spending: transfer
– Welfare
– In-kind transfers
– Negative income tax
Income Redistribution:
Social Security
(vertical equity)
Individual equity
Horizontal equity
Economic efficiency
Redistribution from the better-off to the
less well-off
 Redistribute resources to the elderly
from the rest of the population
(intergenerational redistribution
 Higher rate of return on the
contributions of workers with lower
wages than for those with higher wages
Individual Equity
Ensuring a fair return on contribution
 Individuals should be paid retirement
benefits that, on average, equal their
contributions plus a fair interest rate
 The allocative and distributive functions
of government are combined into a
single program
 Benefits are paid out before adequate
contributions have been built up
Horizontal Equity
Equal treatment for equals
 Equal assessment of payroll taxes on
those with equal earnings
 Equal benefits to those born in the
same year, with equal earnings histories,
and of the same family type
Economic Efficiency
Achieving maximum benefit to society
from available resources
 Minimize any losses of efficiency that
might arise unintentionally