Outsiders Study Guide 7 to 8

The Outsiders, Study Guide Chapters 7-8
Name: ____________________________________
One of the major topics of chapter 7 is that “things are rough all over.” Using the Venn diagram below, list the
following: A. things that are rough for the Greasers, B. things that are rough for the Socs, C. things that are
rough for both the Greasers and the Socs (6 points).
Using the information from the above graphic organizer, write a short response paragraph explaining how
“things are rough all over” (5 points).
What do you think the relationship between Pony and Darry will be like now? Give some specific examples
from Chapter 7 of how it is changing.
14. Describe Johnny's medical condition.
15. The gang is like an extended family. Please explain how.
16. Do you think the Curtis brothers will be separated? Explain.
17. What has happened to Sandy?
18. How does Soda feel about the situation?
19. Put yourself in Pony's head, what did he mean when he told Johnny, "We couldn't get along without you"?
20. We hear Pony's thoughts on growing up on the streets. What does he mean by its, "all the wrong things,
not the things you want to learn...all the wrong sights, not the sights you want to see?"
21. Describe Johnny’s attitude towards death.
22. Why do you think that Johnny’s feelings about his parents change after the accident?
23. What does Dally ask Two-Bit for?
24. What do you think that he will do with it? Explain thoroughly.
25. How does Pony feel about Cherry Valance right now?
26. Use a specific example from the book to support your opinion.
The Outsiders
Chapters 7- 8
Directions: Answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. Be sure to include the question into
the answer and all answers should be complete sentences.
1. What did Jerry Wood mean by Soda and Darry had "public appeal"? (p101)
2. Pony asks the reporter, "What would you do right now if you could do anything you wanted?" (p101) If he
posed the question to you, what would you do? Explain.
3. Why was Pony so upset by the thought of Johnny being "crippled for life" and "staying in a house he
hated"? (p103)
4. What kinds of breakfasts do the Curtis brothers have and how does this show they do not have parental
supervision at home? (p104)
5. According to the dictionary, what does the word delinquent mean? (p107)
6. Look in the Thesaurus. Find three words that are synonyms for delinquent.
7. Look in the Thesaurus. Find three words that are antonyms for delinquent Remember that in the
thesaurus, the category “con” means contrast. An antonym is the contrast word.
8. How is the word delinquent a contrast to the word hero?
9. Why do you think Sandy left town? (p111)
10. Look up the word “ironic” in the dictionary of the purple literature book. What does it mean?
11. Give an example of something ironic.
12. What is ironic about Randy's actions? Explain. (pp115-116)
13. Cherry once told Pony, "Things are rough all over," what did she mean by this and how does Randy's
actions prove this statement? (p117)
14. Put yourself in Pony's head, what did he mean when he told Johnny, "We couldn't get along without you"?
15. What revelation does Johnny have while in the hospital? Do you believe you would feel the same way?
Why or why not? (p121)
16. On p122, we hear Pony's thoughts on growing up on the streets. What does he mean by it's, "all the wrong
things, not the things you want to learn...all the wrong sights, not the sights you want to see?"
17. Describe Johnny's mother (p123). How is she different than her son?
18. What does Two-bit give Dally in the hospital? (p124)
19. What do you think this foreshadows?
20. What is Cherry’s argument against selling liquor to minors (p129) Why does she feel this way?