Level D Vocabulary 5A (includes Word List, Synonyms/Antonyms

Level D, 5A Daily
1. Accomplice – noun – a person who takes part in a crime
Synonyms: partner in crime, confederate
2. Annihilate – verb – to destroy completely
Synonyms: obliterate, decimate, demolish
Antonyms: foster, promote, encourage, nurture
3. Arbitrary – adjective – unreasonable; based on one’s wishes or whims without regard for
reason or fairness
Synonyms: capricious, high-handed, autocratic
Antonyms: reasoned, rational, objective, equitable
4. Brazen – adjective – shameless, impudent; made of brass
Synonyms: saucy, bold
Antonyms: deferential, respectful, self-effacing
5. Catalyst – noun – a substance that causes or hastens a chemical reaction; any agent that
causes change
Synonyms: stimulus, spur, instigator
6. Exodus – noun – a large-scale departure or flight
Synonyms: emigration, escape
Antonyms: immigration, influx, arrival, entrance
7. Facilitate – verb – to make easier; to assist
Synonyms: ease, smooth the way, simplify
Antonyms: hamper, hinder, obstruct, impede
8. Incorrigible – adjective – not able to be corrected; beyond control
Synonyms: unruly, intractable, incurable, inveterate
Antonyms: tractable, docile, curable, reparable
9. Latent – adjective – hidden, present but not realized
Synonyms: dormant, inactive, undeveloped
Antonyms: exposed, manifest, evident
10. Militant – adjective – given to fighting; active and aggressive in support of a cause
Noun – an activist
Synonyms: truculent
Antonyms: unassertive, peaceable, passive
Name ___________________________________
Level D Vocab 5A Cloze
Supply the correct form of this week’s vocabulary word which best fits each sentence
________________________ 1.The fact that you cannot control those small children does not mean
that they are ______.
________________________ 2. It is an unfortunate fact that the ____ or aggressive attitudes of
Germany’s Kaiser and his saber-rattling cronies helped make
World War I inevitable.
________________________ 3. Fighting is considered such a(n) ______ violation of the rules of a
game that the offending players are usually severely penalized.
________________________ 4. The helpful librarian did much to assist or ____ the research for my
term paper.
________________________ 5. It is a frightening fact of modern life that we now possess the
weaponry to _____ not only our enemies but all humankind.
________________________ 6. In guaranteeing the right to “due process of law,” the Constitution
protects Americans against _____ arrest and imprisonment.
________________________ 7. Even though the youngster did not actually steal the vehicle, he acted
as one of the thief’s ______.
________________________ 8. The second book of the Old Testament is named for the story it
recounts of the _____ of the Israelites from the land of Egypt.
________________________ 9. Although they had been there all along, Grandma Moses did not
discover her hidden or ____ artistic talents until well into her seventies.
________________________10. In certain industrial processes, instigators or _____ speed up the
desired reaction by lessening the amount of energy needed to
produce it.
Name ________________________________
Level D Vocab 5A Synonyms/Antonyms
Synonyms: Choose the correct form of the word from this week’s vocabulary words that is most nearly
the same in meaning as the bold word or expression in the given phrase.
________________________ 1. Demolished our rivals in the playoffs
________________________ 2. The flight of refugees from the war zone
________________________ 3. Searched for the forger’s confederates
________________________ 4. Served as a stimulus for social reforms
________________________ 5. An incurable optimist despite many misfortunes
________________________ 6. Impudent disregard for notions of propriety
________________________ 7. An activist in the campaign against drugs
Antonyms: Choose the correct form of the word from this week’s vocabulary words that is most nearly
the same in meaning as the bold word or expression in the given phrase.
________________________ 8. A manifest knack for mastering foreign languages
________________________ 9. Impeded the completion of the project
________________________ 10. A series of rational decisions
Name ___________________________________
Level D Vocab 5A Past Word Review
Identify the past word which best completes each sentence.
_____ 1. Only by admitting your fault and trying to make up for it can you obtain a(n)
(A. reprieve B. access) from the pangs of conscience.
_____ 2. Although the hero and the heroine were parted by circumstance, I knew that they were
(A. intrepid B. fated) to meet again before the last commercial.
_____ 3. Although the dangers and uncertainties of a westward passage to the Orient cowered many a
brave sailor, they did not (A. rectify B. daunt) Columbus.
_____ 4. There is a vast difference between democracy, under which everyone has duties and
privileges, and (A. larceny B. anarchy), under which no one has.
_____ 5. The team of accountants spent hours trying to locate and then to (A. rectify
the error I had so carelessly made.
B. incinerate)
_____ 6. Like farmers separating the wheat from the chaff, the members of a jury must
(A. disentangle B. daunt) the truth from the evidence presented to them.
_____ 7. Spring, with its ever-renewing promise of life, is for me the most (A. arduous B. auspicious)
of seasons.
_____ 8. I feared that this latest misfortune would drive him over the (A. precipice B. access) and into
depression from which he would not recover.
_____ 9. Anyone who takes the writings of other people and presents them as his or her own is guilty
of literary (A. larceny
B. anarchy).
_____ 10. Far from being useless, mathematics will give you (A. reprieve
scientific study.
B. access) to many fields of