What does the Nutrition Facts Label tell me? Directions: Select a

Name:________________________________________ Class Pd______________ Odd/Even
What does the Nutrition Facts Label tell me?
Directions: Select a product to analyze. Using the Nutrition Facts
Label found on the package, complete the following questions:
1. My product /food is _____________________________________________________________
2. The serving size is:_____________________ Servings per container:_________________
3. If you ate the whole package/container, how many servings would you eat?__________________________
4. How many calories would you eat if you ate the whole package?
_____ (# servings) X cal=____________Total Calories eaten.
5. Since we know that only 3 nutrients provide energy, the calories per serving are calculated using
these three nutrients. Calculate the number of calories for each of these 3 nutrients in this product
as follows:
____ (grams total fat) X 9 =_______(a) Calories from Fat
____ (grams total carbs) X 4 = _______(b) Calories from Carbohydrates
____ (grams protein) X 4 = _______(c) Calories from protein
Do your calculations match the Nutrition Facts Label? (YES / NO)
______ (a) + ______(b) + _______(c) = ____________________(d) Total Calories per serving
6. Now we will calculate and chart the % of Calories from each of these 3 nutrients as follows:
_____(a) Calories from Fat ÷ _______(d) Total Calories x 100 = _______% Calories from Fat
_____(b) Calories from Carbs÷_______(d) Total Calories x 100 = _______% Calories from Carbs
_____(c) Calories from Protein ÷ ______(d)Total Calories x 100 = ______% Calories from Protein
Chart these results on the chart below:
Percentage of Calories
% Calories from Fat
% Calories from Carbs % Calories from Protein
7. To determine if your food is a Nutritious Food you will now do the quick “Point System/ Finger
Test” as follows:
a. For the following items you will add points/fingers if you food has:
10% or more of vitamin A, give it a point ____________. (raise a finger)
10% or more of vitamin C, give it a point _____________. (raise another finger)
10% or more calcium, give it a point _______________. (raise a finger)
10% or more of iron, give it a point _______________. (raise a finger)
5 grams or more of protein, give it a point _____________. (raise a finger)
10% or more of fiber, give it a point _________________. (raise a finger)
b. For the following items you will deduct points/fingers if you food has:
Over 200 calories per serving or 10% or more total fat, subtract a point ________________.
(lower a finger, maximum 1 pt reduced not 1 point each)
If ANY of the following (cholesterol, sugar or salt) are above 10%, subtract a point
__________________. (lower a finger, maximum 1 point reduced not 1 point each)
c. How many points/fingers does your product/food have? ________. The more points/fingers,
the more nutritious your food is. Foods with Zero or negative points are considered
EMPTY CALORIE foods are should be avoided. Is your food Nutritious?___________________.
8. Looking at the list of ingredients on your package, what is the first ingredient listed? _______________.
When an ingredient is listed first, what does this mean? _________________________________________________
9. Food Label “Health Claims” by definition have 2 essential components: (1) a substance (whether a
food, food component, or dietary ingredient) and (2) a disease or health-related condition. An example
of a health claim might be: “High in Fiber, Reduces the risk of Heart Disease”. Does your product label
have a health claim? ______ If yes, what is the claim_________________________________________
Attach your label/product to this paper.