Name of the program - Flexible Budgets and Performance Reports – Marina Thomas Design What Assessment Analyse Who Context Sequence Interview Survey Results Review & Revise Reflection Completion Feedback Community Learner Community Topic Techniques Activities Tools Design Sequence Resources Collaboration Assessment Facilitate Coaching Implement Assess Publish Mentoring Learning program template – Flexible Budgets and Performance Reports 30/05/10 1 Phase 1: Analyse Program: Flexible Budgets and Performance Reports Summary: The aim of this program is to develop the skills and knowledge to prepare flexible budgets, performance reports and use those tools to analyse budget variances. This program is designed to be delivered in 3 learning sessions Components/sequencing: 1. Types of budgets, types of costs 2.Flexible Budget Preparation Combined in 1 session – see Phase 2 3.Responsibility accounting and performance measurement 4. Integration and analysis of reports produced in (3) and (4) Context: - Students need this course as a part of their Cert IV (minimum qualification for an independent contractor-bookkeeper) - The course is mapped to FNSACCT503B Manage Budgets and Forecasts from the Business Services Package BSB07 - The course needs to be delivered flexibly because the students are working and require additional time to practice newly acquired skills at the place of employment or at home. Due to sensitivity of this information, it is unlikely that the real workplace data could be used in classroom or for assessment, so stimulated workplace environment will be considered for classroom work and assessments. - Also, due to time and equipment constraints, classroom time would be used for demonstration of simple budgets prepared manually. At home/work students will get an opportunity to prepare more complex and more realistic budgets using MS Excel Learners: - Evening students, having full-time jobs - Have access to a computer in the workplace/at home/library, with MS Excel installed - 80% of the students come from non-English speaking background - 70% of Students are confident users of MS Excel; the remaining 30% are competent in Use Technology course from Cert III, but have not had practical experience - 60% do not work/ have not worked in the industry and will not have access to real data for additional practice Assessment: Preparing Flexible Budget, performance report and writing a memo to management explaining the variances and recommendations Learning program template – Flexible Budgets and Performance Reports 30/05/10 2 Phase 2: Design Session 1: Types of Budgets, Prepare Flexible Budgets (block (1, 2) from Phase 1) Learning outcome/s: At the end of this section students will be able - Describe Flexible and Static Budgets Describe Fixed, Variance and semi-variable costs Prepare Budgeted Income Statements that disclose contribution margin State the flexible budget formula Prepare flexible budgets Components/sequencing: 1. Theory: flexible vs static budgets; fixed vs variable costs 2. Contribution margin and change the layout of Budgeted Income Statements from Gross Profit to CM approach 3. State the Flexible Budget Formula 4. Prepare Flexible Budgets Design the learning experience Proposed activities: Proposed assessment: Individual & group, online & F2F Formative & summative - - F2F component: classroom delivery of basic concepts and step-by-step guide on preparation of the budget –F2F is valuable for accounting courses Students to discuss (forum on Moodle) real life difficulties in splitting costs in Collaboration & connections: Teamwork, networks etc Formative - - E-quiz on types of budgets and costs Quality of forum comments about their work (or stimulated workplace environment, if no access to Fin Dept) Portfolio of class and MS Excel exercises - Discussing problems in relation to budgeting and splitting of costs Tools & technologies: Resources: What do you need on hand? Existing & developed - - - Moodle forum set up Moodle (or any other) online quiz set up for theoretical questions Students must have access to MS Excel SMARTBOARD or projector in the YouTube: Clip on the difference between Fixed and Variable Costs using “puppies business” as an example Text Book “Budgeting” by A Banks and J Giliberti, 3rd Edition Mini-lecture on Flexible Budget prepared using Expression Encoder: an opportunity for students to see MS Excel way to Learning program template – Flexible Budgets and Performance Reports 30/05/10 3 - variable or fixed and if this approach may or may not suit their company Preparations of budgets using stimulated workplace examples - classroom to play YouTube clips with the Internet connection Expression Encoder minilecture prepared (or Adobe Captivate) prepare budgets, formulas to use. Also, another opportunity to revisit Flexi Budgets concepts. Ideally, a practice session should be developed in Adobe Captivate, where students can practice their skills with the immediate feedback from the program, incorporating written captions to assist with non-English speaking background Moodle to host the resources including program plans, solutions, exercises, forums, links, Expression Encoder session Review and revise: Student survey – SurveyMonkey, student results, also comments on forum on practical implementation of theoretical concepts Learning program template – Flexible Budgets and Performance Reports 30/05/10 4 Session 2: Responsibility accounting and performance Report Learning outcome/s: At the end of this section students will be able - Prepare organisational charts Define responsibility accounting Identify responsibility centres Prepare performance reports Explain management by exception Identify the major objectives of responsibility accounting Components/sequencing: 1. Review flexible budgets from Session 1 (including homework assignments), remind that though flexible budget display the range of scenarios, they are still only budgets. Explain that the next step is to compare budgeted data to actual results for the same level of activity. This is called ‘performance report’ 2. Explain that managers’ performance can only be completed for the costs/revenues that he/she can control – link to the theoretical concepts: organisational charts, responsibility accounting, responsibility centres 3. Prepare performance reports 4. Management by exception and major objective of responsibility accounting Design the learning experience Proposed activities: Proposed assessment: Individual & group, online & F2F Formative & summative - - F2F component: classroom delivery of basic concepts and step-by-step guide on preparation of the performance report – F2F is valuable for accounting courses On Moodle forum (a) give an example of an organisation chart (students workplace or from the Internet), Collaboration & connections: Teamwork, networks etc Formative - - E-quiz on responsibility accounting, responsibility centres and management by exception Quality of forum comments about their work (or stimulated - Forum discussions Tools & technologies: Resources: What do you need on hand? Existing & developed - - - Moodle forum set up Moodle (or any other) online quiz set up for theoretical questions Students must have access to MS Excel SMARTBOARD or projector in the classroom to play YouTube: Clip on the responsibility centres Text Book “Budgeting” by A Banks and J Giliberti, 3rd Edition Mini-lecture on Performance Report prepared using Expression Encoder: an opportunity for students to see MS Excel way to prepare budgets, formulas to use. Also, another opportunity to re-visit Performance reports concepts. Learning program template – Flexible Budgets and Performance Reports 30/05/10 5 - - also explain responsibility accounting using that chart On Moodle forum (b) discuss case study on responsibility accounting and cost allocation (I can provide the case study, if required – used to analyse responsibilities and discuss responsibility accounting and blame – it’s one of those ‘no single answer’ type – depends on your point of view and organisational policy) Preparation of performance reports using stimulated workplace examples - workplace environment, if no access to Fin Dept) Portfolio of class and MS Excel exercises - YouTube clips with the Internet connection Expression Encoder (or Adobe Captivate) mini-lecture prepared Ideally, a practice session should be developed in Adobe Captivate, where students can practice their skills with the immediate feedback from the program, incorporating written captions to assist with nonEnglish speaking background Moodle to keep the resources including program plans, solutions, exercises, forums, links, Expression Encoder (Adobe Captivate) session Review and revise: Student survey – SurveyMonkey, student results, also comments on forum on practical implementation of theoretical concepts Learning program template – Flexible Budgets and Performance Reports 30/05/10 6 Learning outcome/s: At the end of this section students will be able Session 3: Integration and Analysis - Using Actual Results, prepare relevant Flexible Budgets and then Performance Reports Analyse variances between actual, flexible budget and static budget Write a brief memo to management highlighting problem areas and recommending areas to be investigated Components/sequencing: 1. Review Flexible Budgets and Performance Reports preparation (practice exercises from previous sessions) 2. Discuss favourable and unfavourable variances received after completing Performance Reports 3. Analysis of variances 4. Writing a memo to management outlining the findings and their impact on profit Design the learning experience Proposed activities: Proposed assessment: Individual & group, online & F2F Formative & summative - - - F2F component: classroom delivery of basic concepts of Variance Analysis– is valuable for accounting courses Students to ‘read’ and draft management reports to analyse variances received in previous sessions on Moodle Analysis of performance reports prepared earlier (using stimulated Collaboration & connections: Teamwork, networks etc Formative - - Forum Quality of forum comments Portfolio of class and MS Excel exercises analysed Tools & technologies: Resources: What do you need on hand? Existing & developed - - - - Moodle forum set up Students must have access to MS Excel SMARTBOARD or projector in the classroom to play YouTube clips with the Internet connection Expression Encoder minilecture prepared YouTube: Clip on the variance analysis Text Book “Budgeting” by A Banks and J Giliberti, 3rd Edition Moodle to locate the resources including program plans, solutions, exercises, forums, links, Expression Encoder session Learning program template – Flexible Budgets and Performance Reports 30/05/10 7 workplace data) Review and revise: Student survey – SurveyMonkey, student results, also comments on forum on practical implementation of theoretical concepts SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT FOR THE COURSE: MS Excel worksheet that requires students to prepare (a) Flexible Budget, (b) Performance Report and (c) write a brief memo to management explaining the variance and recommending areas to be investigated Completed spreadsheets are to be uploaded to Moodle for marking Phase 3&4: Implement & review These stages are important. After you deliver a session write some notes on the outcomes. When you complete the program make decisions on how it can be improved. From this feedback it may be necessary to revise and improve your design. Topic Outcome Suggestions for improvement Learning program template – Flexible Budgets and Performance Reports 30/05/10 8