Yawen Cheng, ScD Associate Professor Institute of Health Policy and Management, College of Public Health, National Taiwan University Essentials of Global Health April 13, 2012 Unless noted, the course materials are licensed under Creative Commons AttributionNonCommercial-ShareAlike 3,0 Taiwan (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) 1 Why are public health researchers concerned about “health inequalities” and “social determinants of health”? • A brief review of the development of public health sciences Existence and trends of health inequalities What are the causes? Explanations? • Job stress problems as an example • Causal explanations and the links to public policies Documentary Unnatural Causes: In Sickness and In Wealth (56 minutes) Discussion in group & preparation for the homework 2 Public health is the science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life, and promoting health through the organized efforts of society. Goal: biological, physical and mental well-being of all members of society. Core courses: biostatistics, epidemiology, health sciences… 3 major branches • Biomedical sciences • Environmental and occupational health sciences • Health policy and management 3 Before the 20th century • Contagion • Miasma theory • Social production of health 4 Historical Evolution of Public Health Major health discourses 1848 UK-Public Health Act 1884 Koch’s Postulates 1974 Lalonde Report 1928 Penicillin 1948 WHO 1964 SG Report Traditional Public Health 1978 Alma Ata Declaration 1986 Ottawa Charter 2005 WHO CSDH New Public Health 1971 Canada-NHI Medical care systems 1961 Japan-NHI 1989 Korea-NHI 1948 UK-NHS 1995 Taiwan-NHI 1911 Germany-RVO 2002 Thai-Mix 1883 Germany-SI Laissez-faire Tung-Liang Chiang Equity in Access Cost Control Efficiency 5 Edwin Chadwick (1800-1890) Report of the Poor Law Commission (1832) New Poor Law (1834) Report on the Sanitary Condition of the Laboring Population (1842) Public Health Act (1848) Sanitary idea - miasma theory Drainage system Central and local boards of health 6 Wikimedia German Federal Archive 7 In the 20th century • Golden age of Germ theory (1900-1950) • Modern epidemiology (after 1950) – emphasize on biomedical science and life styles • Emerging of social epidemiology (1990s~) – emphasize on ‘social determinants’ 8 Germ Theory of Disease proposes that microorganisms are the cause of many diseases. Koch's postulates, formulated in 1884, are four criteria designed to establish a causal relationship between a causative microbe and a disease. 9 Slogan liked: Eugenic movement in the 1920s (1) birth control (2) marriage regulation (3) Sterilization (4) immigrant restriction 10 In 1988, Lalonde received WHO Medal for his exceptional contribution to health policy; in 2002, he was selected by the Pan America Health Organization as one of eleven Public Health Heroes. (1974) 11 RESPIRATORY TB MORTALITY England & Wales, 1840-1970 David Coetzee McKeown thesis The role of medicine: dream, mirage, or nemesis? (London, 1976) The modern rise of population (New York: Academic Press, 1976) The origins of human disease (Great Britain: TJ Press Ltd, 1988) 12 Driving forces • Long history of concept of social influence on health • Social political changes – widening social inequalities in health • Changes in scientific knowledge on causality Psycho-medicine: Evidences of psychosocial stress on health; all disease and health status are influenced by psychosocial conditions Influences from other disciplines 13 What are the causes? • Healthcare systems? • Biomedical factors? • Genetic factors? • Life style? • Environmental factors? • “Social factors”? The spider of the causal web? 14 Interventions are closely linked to causal interpretation • Medical • Biological • Behavioral • Environmental • Social, political, structural 15 Health indicators • • • • • Life expectancy Mortality (death rate) Morbidity (disease rate) Disease survival Health-related quality of life Social factors • Social class (Marxian), • • • • • • Social economic status (income, education, occupation), early life experiences Gender, sex Place, neighborhood and community Racial and ethnic groups Policy and social systems Politics, culture, trade, etc. 16 Source: Marmot, Health inequalities among British civil servants: the WhitehallIIstudy, The Lancet Volume 337, Issue 8754, 8 June 1991, Pages 1387–1393 25 Pre-menstrual syndrome 20 Cough with phlegm % 15 10 Ischaemia Hypertension 5 Diabetes 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 emp loyment grade National Taiwan University Yawen Cheng 17 No mod/vig exercise (%) Currently smoking (%) 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 40 30 20 10 0 grade National Taiwan University Yawen Cheng Fruit/veg less than daily (%) 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 grade grade Source: Marmot, Health inequalities among British civil servants: the WhitehallIIstudy, The Lancet Volume 337, Issue 8754, 8 June 1991, Pages 1387–1393 18 Height (cm) 179 178 177 176 175 174 173 172 171 170 Body mass index (kg/m2) 25.2 25 24.8 24.6 24.4 24.2 24 grade grade SBP (mmHg) DBP (mmHg) 126 79.5 125.5 79 125 78.5 124.5 78 124 77.5 123.5 77 123 76.5 grade grade National Taiwan University Yawen Cheng Source: Marmot, Health inequalities among British civil 19 Issue servants: the WhitehallIIstudy, The Lancet Volume 337, 8754, 8 June 1991, Pages 1387–1393 Cumulative Economic Hardship and Physical, Psychological, Cognitive and Social Functioning in Alameda County, 1994 (Lynch & Kaplan, NEJM 1997; 337: 1889-95) National Taiwan University Yawen Cheng * Adjusted for age, sex, BMI, pack-years of smoking, alcohol intake, and physical activity 20 Drever F, Whitehead M, Roden M 21 Year Aborigines* Han Chinese M F M F 1933 9.8 13.5 42.7 47.7 1964 48.3 52.2 64.6 69.1 1978-1980 58.4 67.7 68.7 73.9 1984-1986 59.3 69.4 70.7 75.7 1988-1990 59.1 68.8 71.1 76.5 1991-1993 59.6 69.9 71.7 77.3 * Average of plain and mountain aborigines National Taiwan University Yawen Cheng 22 Life expectancy of aborigines and Han Chinese in Taiwan (2000) Ethnic Group Taiwanese Plain Aborigine Mountain Aborigine Male 73 62 (-11) 58 (-15) Female 79 72 (-7) 69 (-10) National Taiwan University Yawen Cheng 23 1995 1976 Tung-Liang Chiang National Taiwan University Tung-Liang Chiang Tung-Liang Chiang 24 Social selection • Social heritage • Social drifting Social causation (exposure and resource) • Material pathways environmental hazards, infection, poor diet, limited access to health care • Psychosocial pathways Stress, negative emotions, learned helplessness, lower self-efficacy and self-esteem 25 0.36 0.34 0.32 0.3 0.28 0.26 0.24 0.22 2008 2006 2004 2002 2000 1998 1996 1994 1992 1990 1988 1986 1984 1982 1980 0.2 26 National Taiwan University Yawen Cheng World Map of Gini coefficient (2009) 27 Example 1:Job stress problems 28 Cases of “karoshi” (sudden death from overwork) occurred frequently in Taiwan in recent years; most cases were young or middle-aged men with cardiac or cerebrovascular causes of death These cases were from a wide range of occupations and socioeconomic groups, including truck drivers, engineers, physicians, trainees, managers, professors etc. Controversies over “karoshi” claims for workers’ compensation intensified, and there are growing public concerns and anxiety on work stress. 29 Labor Day’s March in Taipei March in support of pro-labor regulations (May 1, 2011) Main themes • strengthen regulations on working hours • strengthen regulations on outsourcing & dispatched work • Improve OSH standards & labor inspection Taiwan Labor Front Taiwan Labor Front Taiwan Labor Front 30 Regulations Inspection Work place Occupational health services Workplace Monitoring of workplace hazards and risk assessment Workers Health monitoring, health promotion & education Monitoring and reporting systems Of occupational injuries and diseases Compensation and rehabilitation National Taiwan University Yawen Cheng 2400 2300 2260 2165 2172 2181 2200 2100 1997 1999 2032 2050 2074 2088 2000 1911 1900 1825 1800 1704 1700 1762 1777 1658 National Taiwan University Yawen Cheng Korea Hong Kong Mexico India Indonesia Thailand Singapore Taiwan Japan USA Canada Brazil Sweden United Kingdom Australia Netherlands Finland Germany Denmark France 1500 Malaysia 1588 Philippines 1600 1738 1745 1747 1855 China Mainland Yearly working hours 2295 2312 Data Source: IMD WORLD COMPETITIVENESS ONLINE 1995 - 201032 International comparison of average annual working hours in employees: 1870-2010 F D N UK C US J Korea TW1 TW2 Shiuan-Be Wu Graph made by Shiuan-Be Wu. Data source: (1) Huberman, M., Working Hours of the World Unite? New International Evidence of work time, 18701913. The Journal of Economic History, 2004. 64(04): p. 964-1001; (2) OECD (http://stats.oecd.org/index.aspx); (3) US (http://www.bls.gov/cps/cps_aa2003.htm); (4) Japan (http://www.stat.go.jp/english/data/chouki/19.htm); 33 (5) Taiwan (Wu, 2011; Master thesis of the Institute of Health Policy and Management, NTU). Major stressors Demands (effort) quan., qual., emotional, sensory, etc. Job control authority, skill Social support supervisor,coworker Work rewards income, respect, esteem, fairness, security, support, etc. Role conflicts Shift work Management Hazardous exposure Age, Sex, Education, Personality, Coping Other stressors National Taiwan University Yawen Cheng Job strain Psychological: job dissatisfaction depression anxiety Physiological: somatic complaints hypertension hyperlipoidemia immune depression Behavioral: smoking drinking sleep problems Stressrelated illnesses disability; accident; illness Other social support 34 • Developed by Robert Karasek and Tores Theorell in 1970s • “Alienation” as the main cause of job stress • Emphasizing on job enrichment, democracy in the workplace, and social support • Product of social democratic movement; political struggle to overcome ‘powerlessness’, ‘de-skilling’ and ‘alienation’ 35 Active learning + Low strain jobs Job control National Taiwan University Passive jobs Active jobs High strain jobs strain Psychological Yawen Cheng demands + 36 Skill discretion 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Learn new things No repetitive work Require creativity High skill level Variety Develop own abilities Decision authority 1. 2. 3. Own decisions Decision freedom Lots of say 1. 2. 3. 4. Supervisor concerned Supervisor pays attention Helpful supervisors Supervisor good organizer National Taiwan University Job control Psychological demands Supervisor support Coworker support 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Coworker competent Coworker interest in me Coworker friendly Coworkers helpful Work fast Work hard Excessive work Not enough time Conflicting demands Yawen Cheng 37 38 39 Photographed by National Taiwan University, Yawen Cheng, May, 2010. 40 www.osh.govt.nz 41 SF-36 mental health score in relation to job control and demands - micro-electronic workers in Taiwan (n=1,078) SF-36 Mental Health 10 9.31 9 multivariate regression coefficients 8 6.92 7 6.09 6.12 6 5 5.09 4.3 4.2 4 3 2.9 2 1 High 0 0 Low Intermediate Job control Low High Demands National Taiwan University Yawen Cheng Adjusted for age, sex, BMI, marital status, smoking, shift work, work hours, job insecurity, and work-place social support. 42 Comparison of job demands and job control measured by Job Content Questionnaire for Men* 80 CanadaQuebec(W) EU-North JOB CONTROL 75 Canada-Quebec US(NMEC) EU-Middle 70 Netherlands Japan (JSTRESS) EU-South 65 Japan (two companies) Taiwan 60 25 30 35 JOB DEMANDS 40 National Taiwan University Yawen Cheng * Sources: Karasek et al. 1998; Kawakami et al 2004; Cheng et al 2003; EUJACE study, 2002. 43 EU US 100 80 Proportion of workers, % Proportion of workers, % 90 70 60 50 40 High speed Tight deadline Control over methods Control over speed 30 20 10 0 1990 1995 Source: European Foundation Surveys 2000 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Work Very Hard Work Very Fast Not Enough Time A Lot of Say Freedom to Decide 1977 1997 Source: The1977 Quality of Employment Survey and 1997 National Survey of the Changing Workforce in the US National Taiwan University Yawen Cheng 44 Changes in Job Demands (2001-2010) National Taiwan University Yawen Cheng 45 Changes in Job Control (2001-2010) National Taiwan University Yawen Cheng 46 Micro level Wage/benefit Macro level Mezzo level Politics, policy, law, enforcement • Deregulation • Globalization • Employer-labor power imbalance “Flexible labor” • Downsizing Job security Career prospect • Outsourcing • Contingent workers • Multi-role workers • Floating wage Skill utilization Skill development Economic factors Impacts of new technology Workloads Profit-oriented performance evaluation Influence Participation Social support Mutual trust Social integration Cultural factors National Taiwan University Yawen Cheng Meaningfulness 47 WHO 48 Choose one type of the health problems, and answer the following questions • Occupational injuries or occupational diseases • Coronary heart disease or hypertension • Obesity • Smoking • Alcoholism In your country or region, is there health inequality of this health problem by social categories (e.g., education, occupational grade, income, gender, ethnicity, neighborhood) ? If so, what might be the cause (s)? What kinds of public policies do we need to reduce social inequalities of this health problem? What obstacles and opportunities may exist? 49 pag e Work Licensing Author/ Source 4 Wikimedia commons Dbenzhuser http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Black_Death.jpg 2012/06/02 visited 4 Wikimedia commons Marcantonio Raimondi http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Il_Morbetto.jpg 2012/06/02 visited 5 This work is licensed by Tung-Liang Chiang for the use of “Essentials of Global Health” ONLY. The copyright belongs to the above mentioned creator(s) and GET does not have the authorization right. 6 Wikimedia commons Adam sk http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:SirEdwinChadwick.jp g 2012/06/02 visited 7 Wikimedia commons German Federal Archive http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Bundesarchiv_Bild_18 3-R68588,_Otto_von_Bismarck.jpg 2012/06/02 visited page Work Licensing Author/ Source 7 Wikimedia commons Chnodomar http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Maerz1848_berli n.jpg 2012/06/02 visited 9 Wikimedia commons Tryphon http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:RobertKoch_crop ped.jpg 2012/06/02 visited 9 Wikimedia commons Nicolas Andry http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Nicolas_Andry_il lustrations_of_microorganisms.jpg 2012/06/02 visited 10 Wikimedia commons Beao http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Eugenics_congress_logo .png 2012/06/02 visited 11 New Perspective on the Health of Canadian, A working document . by Minister of National health and Welfare Marc Lalonde http://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-media/productgallery/B004D9IJVQ/ref=cm_ciu_pdp_images_0?ie=UTF8& index=0&isremote=0 This work is used subject to the fair use doctrine of Article 52, 65 Taiwan Copyright Act by GET. 2012/06/13 visited page 12 Work Licensing Author/ Source This is from David Coetzee, Infectious Disease Epidemiology Unit University of Cape Town PPT. http://0rz.tw/FNcax This work is used subject to the fair use doctrine of Article 52, 65 Taiwan Copyright Act by GET. 17 National Taiwan University Yawen Cheng 18 National Taiwan University Yawen Cheng 19 National Taiwan University Yawen Cheng 20 National Taiwan University Yawen Cheng page 21 Work Licensing Author/ Source This work is from : Drever F, Whitehead M, Roden M. Current patterns and trends in male mortality by social class (based on occupation). Popul Trends. 1996 Winter;(86):15-20. This work is used subject to the fair use doctrine of 52, 65 Taiwan Copyright Act by GET. 22 National Taiwan University Yawen Cheng 23 National Taiwan University Yawen Cheng 24 This work is licensed by Tung-Liang Chiang for the use of “Essentials of Global Health” ONLY. The copyright belongs to the above mentioned creator(s) and GET does not have the authorization right. 24 This work is licensed by Tung-Liang Chiang for the use of “Essentials of Global Health” ONLY. The copyright belongs to the above mentioned creator(s) and GET does not have the authorization right. page Work Licensing Author/ Source 26 National Taiwan University Yawen Cheng 27 Wikimedia commons Hysohan http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Gini_Coefficient_ World_CIA_Report_2009-1.png 2012/06/02 visited 30 This work is licensed by Taiwan Labor Front, for the use of “Essentials of Global Health” ONLY. The copyright belongs to the above mentioned creator(s) and GET does not have the authorization right. 30 This work is licensed by Taiwan Labor Front, for the use of “Essentials of Global Health” ONLY. The copyright belongs to the above mentioned creator(s) and GET does not have the authorization right. 30 This work is licensed by Taiwan Labor Front, for the use of “Essentials of Global Health” ONLY. The copyright belongs to the above mentioned creator(s) and GET does not have the authorization right. page Work Licensing Author/ Source 31 National Taiwan University Yawen Cheng 32 National Taiwan University Yawen Cheng 33 This work is licensed by Shiuan-Be Wu, for the use of “Essentials of Global Health” ONLY. The copyright belongs to the above mentioned creator(s) and GET does not have the authorization right. 34 National Taiwan University Yawen Cheng 36 National Taiwan University Yawen Cheng page Work Licensing Author/ Source 37 National Taiwan University Yawen Cheng 38 This work is from : Karasek, R. and T. Theorell (1990). Healthy Work - Stress, Productivity, and the Reconstruction of Working Life. New York, This work is used subject to the fair use doctrine of Article 52, 65 Taiwan Copyright Act by GET. 39 This work is from : Karasek, R. and T. Theorell (1990). Healthy Work - Stress, Productivity, and the Reconstruction of Working Life. New York, This work is used subject to the fair use doctrine of Article 52, 65 Taiwan Copyright Act by GET. 40 National Taiwan University Yawen Cheng, May 2010 40 National Taiwan University Yawen Cheng, May 2010 pag e 41 Work Licensing Author/ Source http://www.osh.govt.nz/publications/booklets/stresstools2008/models-stress.asp This work is used subject to their copyright page http://www.dol.govt.nz/common/copyright.asp 2012/8/14 visited 42 National Taiwan University Yawen Cheng 43 National Taiwan University Yawen Cheng 44 National Taiwan University Yawen Cheng 45 National Taiwan University Yawen Cheng page Work Licensing Author/ Source 46 National Taiwan University Yawen Cheng 47 National Taiwan University Yawen Cheng 48 This work is from :WHO (2007). Employment conditions and health inequalities, Commission on Social Determinants of Health http://www.google.com.tw/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&sour ce=web&cd=1&ved=0CFYQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fww w.who.int%2Fsocial_determinants%2Fresources%2Farticles %2Femconet_who_report.pdf&ei=LmsOUID1BezOmAWAxIG QDA&usg=AFQjCNHipIqKBRHupzEsR24mU8W5Wr51Pw&sig 2=0OGEphm_zc_nsULwRhzH7A This work is used subject to WHO copyright notice: http://www.who.int/about/copyright/zh/