WARREN COUNTY FIRE / EMS AGENCIES COUNTYWIDE TERMINOLOGY + UNIT NUMBERING The following terms are deemed acceptable, common terminology for use by all Warren County Fire and E.M.S. units and the dispatchers of Warren County Emergency Services. ACCOUNTABILITY OFFICER Assigned Officer responsible for the tracking and verification of personnel on the fireground. *added 423-14 via Slicers doc ACKNOWLEDGED CALL (AK) A new status code recently added in anticipation of the MDC deployment to allow units to show that they have received (Acknowledged) a stacked call. ADMINISTRATIVE DETAIL (AD) Fire Status Code: Used to show that a unit is out of the station on a detail but still available to respond to an incident. Because the unit is out of station, any split crew unit is placed in Split Crew (unavailable) status. A.L.S. (ALS) Advanced Life Support - Generally refers to EMT Intermediate procedures or equipped vehicle. A.M.A.R.S. Automatic Mutual Aid Response System - Other agencies predetermined to automatically respond with each other to incidents. ADMIN A radio unit designator for use by Department Administrative personnel. AFFIRMATIVE This indicates YES. AIR UNIT (A) Fire/EMS CAD Call Sign (Code): A unit with an air compressor and/or cascade system transported on a trailer or vehicle and used to refill SCBA bottles on the scene of large incidents. Salem Twp (71) and Franklin City (16) have self-contained units. Other agencies having cascade-only throughout the county (Clearcreek (21), Mason (52), and Wayne Twp. (91) ALARM Electronically generated notification for Emergency Assistance. ALARM ASSIGNMENT An initial/supplemental group of resources, specific by department, designed to match resources to the size and nature of an incident. ALL CLEAR There are no victims of the fire. AREA COMMAND (ICS-RELATED) A designation established to: 1) oversee the management of multiple incidents that are being handled by an Incident Command System organization; or 2) to oversee the management of a very large incident that has multiple Incident Management Teams assigned to it. Area Command has the responsibility to set overall strategy and priorities, allocate critical resources based on priorities, ensure that incidents are properly managed, and ensure that objectives are met and strategies followed. AT DESTINATION (AT) Fire Status Code: Used to show when a unit has arrived at a location. Can be related or not related to an incident. AT HOSPITAL (AH) Fire Status Code: Used to log a unit at the hospital. This status does not time out by default due to the inability to normally reach units by radio while at the hospital. AT PATIENT (AP) Fire Status Code: Used to log when the E.M.S. crew arrives at the patient. This is an EMSIRS requirement and is used to show the time difference from when the unit arrives “On Scene” and when the crew arrives at the patient. AT QUARTERS (AQ) Fire Status Code: Was configured for units that wish to log when they arrive “At Quarters”. This status places the unit in a clear or available status. ATTACK (AT) Fire/EMS CAD Call Sign (Code): A specialized piece of fire apparatus that provides minimum E.M.S and fire suppression capabilities. ATV (ATV) Fire/EMS CAD Call Sign (Code): An off-road vehicle that is capable of searching an area, transporting crews to remote areas and removing patients or persons from remote emergency scenes to treatment or other areas, i.e.: Quad runners, Gators, etc. AVAILABLE (AV) Fire Status Code: Used to show that a unit is available to respond to an incident. Adopted: 11/30/93 Revised:04/24/2014 Effective: 03/26/2012 Authorized by: WCFCA 4/4/13; WACKY 5/8/13 Page: 1 of 11 WARREN COUNTY FIRE / EMS AGENCIES COUNTYWIDE TERMINOLOGY + UNIT NUMBERING AVAILABLE BY RADIO (AR) Fire Status Code: Also known as “Available Returning”, this was configured specifically for split crew units so they could place themselves available returning to quarters or by radio yet leave their split crew unit unavailable. AVAILABLE ON SCENE (AS) Fire Status Code: Used by units that wish to remain on the scene of an incident yet be available to respond to another incident. B.L.S. (BLS) Basic Life Support - Generally refers to non-paramedic procedures or equipped vehicle. BATTALION (BA) Fire/EMS CAD Call Sign (Code): Designates the Duty Officer-in-Charge of a Fire or E.M.S. department or division of a department. BIKE (BI) Fire/EMS CAD Call Sign (Code): Non-transport E.M.S. unit. BOAT (BO) Fire/EMS CAD Call Sign (Code): A rigid watercraft capable of supporting equipment to affect rescue and/or search operations on water. BRUSH (B) Fire/EMS CAD Call Sign (Code): A lightweight fire apparatus specially equipped to fight wild land fires (generally 4-wheel drive). BUILDING COLLAPSE When a structure is no longer in the position that it was originally constructed. The collapsed building may or may not have people trapped and the ability to render the building safe will be attempted by technical rescue personnel with the assistance of specialized individuals, e.g. inspectors, engineers. C.A.D. DOWN An indication that the Computer Aided Dispatch program is inoperable and unit dispatching tables are not available for use by the Dispatcher. “Station” dispatching will be initiated. CALL STATION ALARM An all-inclusive alarm type / An Incident Type in CAD to prompt the dispatching of both fire and law. Deerfield Commons is the only known place in the county whose alarm comes in as a call station with a recorded message. The person in charge of the alarm system defined the alarm as all-inclusive (law, fire, medical). CAN HANDLE The apparatus and crews on the scene can handle the incident; all other companies responding can go in service and return to quarters. CANCELLED CHECKS Used when units no longer require a safety check. This status effectively cancels a unit’s safety checks. Because Cancelled Checks was designed to be used in conjunction with and is configured like On Scene, only without a timeout value, care should be taken to only use CC when a unit is not available or recommendable. CAR (CA) Fire/EMS CAD Call Sign (Code): A vehicle used by Fire or E.M.S. personnel to perform various duties. CLEAR STATUS A “Clear” or "Blank" Status is a default status that must be configured prior to configuring any other statuses in CAD and cannot be deleted. A clear status type effectively becomes a Clear or "available" status. Clear status types are “Available”, “Returning to Quarters”, and “At Quarters”. CHAPLAIN (CH) Support person who provides spiritual, prayer, invocation, and related services for an individual or organization. COMM. OFFICER Member of a fire or E.M.S. agency whose responsibility is to maintain that agency’s radio and paging equipment. COMMAND Emergency scene radio designation for the IC (Incident Commander). Refers to the person, the functions, and the location of command. 1. Establish – Initial setup of the incident management system. 2. Assume – The movement of command to an officer of higher rank or authority. 3. Transfer – The movement of command to an officer of equal or lower rank. 4. Terminate – The release of or the final step in the incident management system. Adopted: 11/30/93 Revised:04/24/2014 Effective: 03/26/2012 Authorized by: WCFCA 4/4/13; WACKY 5/8/13 Page: 2 of 11 WARREN COUNTY FIRE / EMS AGENCIES COUNTYWIDE TERMINOLOGY + UNIT NUMBERING COMMAND MODES Defensive – Exterior attack, with related support designed to stop the forward progress of the fire and then provide fire control. Offensive – Interior attack, with related support designed to quickly bring a fire under control. COMMAND OFFICER The Chief, Assistant Chief, or highest-ranking officer of a Fire or E.M.S. agency. COMMAND POST The standard position for Incident Command, usually stationary at the command vehicle or apparatus. COMMUNICATIONS Radio designation for the Dispatch Center at Warren County Emergency Operations Center. CONFINED SPACE RESCUE CORONER Where a space has limited access or egress and/or is deficient in breathable air, specialized technical rescue personnel will be required to enter the space to attempt any rescues, recovery or mitigation of the situation. A Warren County Board of Commissioners Department called to the scene of deaths within the County. Radio Call Signs 4-UNION-10 Coroner 4-UNION-11 Chief Investigator 4-UNION-12 Investigator DECONTAMINATION UNIT (DECON) (D) Fire/EMS CAD Call Sign (Code): Large self-contained apparatus, which is easily deployed for largescale decontamination of civilians or emergency personnel. The unit contains large tents for undressing, washing and redressing. Also contains self-contained generators for long-term use. Decon Unit is stored at Lebanon 42 and can be deployed for long periods of time. DEFENSIVE MODE Command option when the Rescue Mode is not imminent and there are NO life-safety issues. This is also when resources are not available (second or third due engine companies). This Mode is declared when risks outweigh benefits. This mode identifies an exterior attack for an extended duration-“Risk a little to Save a little” *added 4-23-14 via Slicers doc DETAIL Any activity that is not an incident (e.g. parades, field exercises or training, flushing of hydrants.) DISPATCH Radio designation for the dispatch centers at both Lebanon and Franklin Communications Centers. DISPATCH TO MDC (DM) Fire Status Code: An automatic status configured in and assigned by CAD anytime a dispatch occurs to an MDC-equipped unit. This status is the same as “Dispatched”. Default is 8 minutes. DISPATCHED (DP) Fire Status Code: Used to show that a unit has been dispatched to an incident but has not yet responded. Default is 8 minutes. DISPATCHED FROM STACKED QUEUE (DS) Fire Status Code: An automatic status configured in and assigned by CAD anytime a unit receives a dispatch from the stacked queue. This status is not normally assigned by a dispatcher. DIVE RESCUE Trained SCUBA rescue divers available for underwater operations: rescue, recovery or stabilization of an emergency incident DIVISION (ICS-RELATED) Used to divide an incident into geographical areas of operation. Divisions are identified by alphabetic characters for horizontal applications and often by numbers when used in buildings. Divisions are also used at NIMS EOC levels and are found organizationally between Branches and Units. DOOR CONTROL DRIVER PUMP OPERATIONS (DPO) E.M.S. (EM) Adopted: 11/30/93 The process of ensuring the entrance door providing access to the fire area is controlled and closed as much as possible after teams enter the structure. Steps must be taken to prevent the door from locking behind the entering members. By controlling the door, we are controlling the flow path of fire conditions from the high pressure of the fire area towards the low pressure area on the other side of the door. Door control also limits fire development by controlling the flow path of fresh air at the lower level of the open door towards the seat of the fire. *added 4-23-14 via Slicers doc A description of the duties and responsibilities that the Drivers (Position “D”) are required to perform on scene. *added 4-23-14 via Slicers doc Fire/EMS CAD Call Sign (Code): The designated Duty Officer-in-Charge of an E.M.S. department or division. Revised:04/24/2014 Effective: 03/26/2012 Authorized by: WCFCA 4/4/13; WACKY 5/8/13 Page: 3 of 11 WARREN COUNTY FIRE / EMS AGENCIES EMERGENCY ALERT TONE EMERGENCY BUTTON ACTIVATION EMERGENCY EVACUATION SIGNAL EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CENTER (EOC) (ICS-RELATED) EMERGENCY SERVICES COUNTYWIDE TERMINOLOGY + UNIT NUMBERING The audible tone of consistent frequency and duration that is intended to draw attention to a particular radio announcement. This is Alert Tone # 2 on the console, reserved for the highest emergencies only, such as MAYDAYS and Evacuation Orders. The term used to announce that a unit has activated their emergency button on their portable radio to indicate that they are experiencing an emergency and need immediate assistance. The Emergency Button Activation may occur concurrently with a MAYDAY. An audible signal used on the fireground to alert personnel of the need or order to evacuate a structure. The signal is three sequential sets of three long air horn blasts as well as the radio “Emergency Alert Tone” and radio announcement to evacuate. A location from which centralized emergency management can be performed. EOC facilities are established by an agency or jurisdiction to coordinate the overall agency or jurisdictional response and support to an emergency. A Board of County Commissioners department with two divisions that provides life and property protection. Communications - The regional 9-1-1 radio center providing primary dispatching services for the majority of the county’s Police, Fire and E.M.S. agencies. Emergency Management - Provides coordination and resources to assist in the mitigation of an incident in accordance with Ohio Revised Code section 5502. RADIO CALL SIGNS 4-DAVID-10 Director of the Emergency Services Department 4-DAVID-11 Operations Manager of the Communications Division 4-EDWARD-11 Operations Manager of the Emergency Management Division 4-EDWARD-12 LEPC/Grants Coordinator EMERGENCY TRAFFIC The terminology that will be used when a unit has priority communication to advise units on the scene of potentially dangerous circumstances that exist. Examples of situations in which EMERGENCY TRAFFIC may be declared include, but are not limited to, the potential of structural failure, conditions that may present a risk to firefighters’ safety, water supply interruption, changing fire conditions, etc. ENGINE (E) Fire/EMS CAD Call Sign (Code): A basic piece of fire apparatus with a minimum of 750 gpm (gallons per minute) pump and 500 gallon water tank. Generally carries hose and related tools for fire suppression activities. ENTRAPMENT Any condition or area that impedes or prevents withdrawal of a victim. EXPOSURE Any life and/or property endangered by the incident. EXTRICATION The removal of trapped victims or persons. When a determination of the first arriving officer deems rescue is NOT imminent. This mode may start out with a quick exterior attack and transition to an interior attack. Command will announce as a “Working Fire” Water supply connection on Commercial and Multi-Family Buildings, which supplies water to the sprinkler system and/or standpipe system. FIRE ATTACK MODE FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION (FDC) FIRE INVESTIGATION TEAM (F.I.T.) (FT) Authorized group of fire investigators established under the authority of the Warren County Prosecutor’s Office, established for the purpose of investigating the origin and cause of fire, and participates in the follow-up investigation of the fire incident case. FIRE/FLAMES SHOWING Visible fire/flames at scene. FLASHOVER A transition in the development of a compartment fire when surfaces exposed to thermal radiation from fire gases in excess of 1100°F reach ignition temperature more or less simultaneously. This causes the fire to spread rapidly throughout the space, resulting in fire involvement of the entire compartment or enclosed space. Adopted: 11/30/93 Revised:04/24/2014 Effective: 03/26/2012 Authorized by: WCFCA 4/4/13; WACKY 5/8/13 Page: 4 of 11 WARREN COUNTY FIRE / EMS AGENCIES FLOW PATH FLOW PATH CONTROL COUNTYWIDE TERMINOLOGY + UNIT NUMBERING The movement of heat and smoke from the higher pressure within the fire area towards the lower pressure areas accessible via doors, window openings and roof structures. As the heated fire gases are moving towards the low pressure areas, the energy of the fire is pulling in additional oxygen from the low pressure areas. Based on varying building design and the available ventilation openings (doors, windows, etc.), there may be several flow paths within a structure. Any operations conducted in the flow path will place members at significant risk due to the increased flow of fire, heat and smoke toward their position. The tactic of controlling or closing ventilation points which will: Limit additional oxygen into the space thereby limiting fire development, heat release rate and smoke production. Control the movement of the heat and smoke conditions out of the fire area to the exterior and to other areas within the building. FOAM UNIT (F) A trailer that holds 300+ gallons of foam. This will be brought to the scene of large scale incidents at command’s discretion. Brought to the scene with utility type vehicle. Clearcreek has this type of unit which may require a period of one hour for deployment. FULLY INVOLVED Immediate entry and search activities are impossible and victim survival is improbable. The effect of the fire is such that an "all clear" will not follow. HAILING “Fire Hailing” - a common calling channel for unit-to-unit transmissions (chatter channel). This channel is also the emergency button channel. Should an emergency be declared ALL other radio traffic on this channel shall cease. HAZMAT / HAZMAT TEAM (HM) Fire/EMS CAD Call Sign (Code): A resource that provides support services for mitigating the release or potential release of a material that threatens the well-being of people, property, and the environment. HOT BOX BATTERY A case containing portable radios batteries (and chargers if requested) that can be utilized to augment a department’s existing radios during special events or large scale incidents. The “Hot Box” is maintained by the Warren County Telecommunications Department. HOT BOX RADIO A case containing portable radios, batteries, and chargers that can be utilized to augment a department’s existing radios during special events or large scale incidents. The “Hot Box” is maintained by the Warren County Telecommunications Department. IMAT (Incident Management Assistance Team) A group of Command officers selected by the host department to service as an expansion of the Command Structure. IN THE AREA (IA) Fire Status Code: Used anytime a unit is in the area of an incident but not yet “On scene”. INCIDENT Generic term for any E.M.S./FIRE/HAZ-MAT/RESCUE event or activity being handled by a Fire or E.M.S. agency. INCIDENT COMMAND / INCIDENT COMMANDER (IC) INITIAL RAPID INTERVENTION CREW (IRIC) Fire Status Code: Designed to visually display on the CAD status screen which unit is in command of an incident. This also provides a way to historically log in CAD who was in command of an incident. The individual responsible for the command of all functions at the field response level. Referred to as “Command” of the incident. This is the first or highest ranking Officer or Acting Officer on the incident, who is responsible for the oversight or direction of the incident strategy. Crew of personnel who temporality assembles to provide for the safety and rescue of the firefighting crews. Once additional manpower assemble to meet the required “Two-In, Two-Out” Rule, they assume their primary function on the fireground. INITIAL REPORT A short radio transmission as the result of the Initial Size-Up to include a description of conditions and the confirmation and designation of command. INSPECTOR (I) Fire/EMS CAD Call Sign (Code): A member of a fire department who has responsibilities in fire prevention and fire investigation. This person may be a command level officer. INVESTIGATING Adopted: 11/30/93 A term generally used with Nothing Showing to indicate that the first officer or company is attempting to determine nature or extent of incident. Revised:04/24/2014 Effective: 03/26/2012 Authorized by: WCFCA 4/4/13; WACKY 5/8/13 Page: 5 of 11 WARREN COUNTY FIRE / EMS AGENCIES COUNTYWIDE TERMINOLOGY + UNIT NUMBERING INVESTIGATIVE MODE Command option where the first-in unit investigates and other apparatus stage. This is when there is NO visible or apparent emergency upon arrival. Example: Responding for a fire alarm with nothing showing upon arrival. KNOX BOX An on-premises, hardened storage box that contains keys for that facility. L.Z. Landing Zone - an area of sufficient size and secured for the landing of an Air Ambulance. LADDER (L) Fire/EMS CAD Call Sign (Code): A vehicle carrying an 85-foot or higher aerial ladder device, ground ladders, tools, and other fire fighting equipment. May also be equipped with (any or all) a water tank, hose, and pump. LEVEL 1 STAGING LEVEL 2 STAGING Used on all multiple company emergency responses. The first arriving apparatus of each type proceeds directly to the scene, and others stand by not passing the last water source or entrance into the scene, awaiting orders from command. Used on large scale incidents when additional alarm companies are responding. These companies are sent to a specified location to await assignment from command. LIMITED SERVICE A piece of apparatus is available to respond, however, some of its operation or personnel capabilities are temporarily inadequate. LOSS STOPPED Fire out. No forward progression of the fire. MANPOWER POOL Group of personnel assembled away from the incident, which are prepared and teamed for incident operations. MASS CASUALTY INCIDENT Confirmation that the incident has a high number of victims which indicates that the initial responding resources will be utilized as well as the assignment of additional resources. MASS CASUALTY TRAILER (MC) Fire/EMS CAD Call Sign (Code): A Mass Casualty Incident supply unit with equipment and necessary items to manage multiple patient incidents. Mason 51 and JEMS 15 have 25-person Casualty Trailers; Deerfield 58 and JEMS 15 have 100-person casualty tractor trailers. MAYDAY A radio call for help from an individual or group during an interior attack where the threat to life is imminent. A standard three-word distress call to indicate that a firefighter, emergency medical technician, or team is in immediate danger and requires assistance. MECHANIC A person who oversees the mechanical fitness of a department’s apparatus. MEDIC (M) Fire/EMS CAD Call Sign (Code): An Emergency Medical Transport Vehicle which has Paramedic(s) on board. MEDICAL DIRECTOR (MD) Fire/EMS CAD Call Sign (Code): A board certified physician who oversees the medical protocols of an agency or department. MEDICAL REHAB GROUP Group of personnel who are assigned to monitoring, documentation and possible care of personnel who have been engaged in firefighting operations. MOVE UP Personnel and apparatus are sent to a specific fire or E.M.S. station for possible assignment to a detail or incident. An example of a move up is station and/or area coverage. A move up is a ROUTINE RESPONSE. NEGATIVE This indicates NO. NOTHING SHOWING No visible smoke or flames at the scene usually used with the term “investigating”. ON DECK The movement from one position to another. This is used as a description when personnel move from the Rapid Intervention Crew (RIC) to interior Fire Attack, Search Crews, etc. ON SCENE (OS) Fire Status Code: Used to log apparatus or unit at the location of an incident. ON THE AIR (OA) Fire Status Code: Station acknowledgment of the incident. [i.e. Station 11 “on the air” for the incident at 120 Maple] This is to be used for SQUAD AND FIRE incidents. The sole purpose of this is to let the Communications Center know that your agency is aware of the dispatched incident. INDIVIDUAL UNITS WILL NOT GIVE AN “ON THE AIR”. Adopted: 11/30/93 Revised:04/24/2014 Effective: 03/26/2012 Authorized by: WCFCA 4/4/13; WACKY 5/8/13 Page: 6 of 11 WARREN COUNTY FIRE / EMS AGENCIES COUNTYWIDE TERMINOLOGY + UNIT NUMBERING OPERATIONS (FORWARD OPS) Assigned Officer who provides tactical direction to personnel engaged in firefighting and rescue operations. This person can be located close to or in the building where the incident is taking place. PARAMEDIC (P) Fire/EMS CAD Call Sign (Code): Refers to a person certified to perform advanced E.M.S. procedures. PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY REPORT (PAR) A system utilized by the Incident Commander (IC) via the radio and accountability System, to verify the status of personnel at an incident. POLICE Generic term to refer to appropriate law enforcement officer or unit be it a Police Department, Sheriff, or State Patrol. PRIMARY HYDRANT / WATER SOURCE Hydrant or water source closest to the incident. PRIMARY SEARCH A rapid search of all involved and exposed areas affected by the incident that can be safely entered. Its purpose is to verify the removal and/or safety of all occupants. PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICER (ICS RELATED) The individual at field or EOC level that has been delegated by the authority to prepare public information releases and to interact with the media. Duties will vary depending upon the agency and the NIMS level. QUARTERS QUICK RESPONSE VEHICLE (QRV) QUINT (Q) RESCUE MODE R.I.C. (RT) (FORMALLY R.I.T.) A Fire or E.M.S. station. ALS provider who responds to emergencies in a car. Fire/EMS CAD Call Sign (Code): A vehicle carrying an elevated ladder or platform in addition to a water tank, hose, pump and ground ladders. May also carry related specialized equipment. Command option where critical life safety situations are present. Command will announce as a “Working Fire”. This mode will be declared when there is entrapment of occupants or firefighters. This should be considered on non-fire related emergencies. (structural collapse, confined space, trench collapse) The Rescue Mode ends when the occupants or firefighters have been removed or the determination for rescue is NOT possible. Fire/EMS CAD Call Sign (Code): Rapid Intervention Crew - consists of a piece of apparatus (usually an engine, ladder, or rescue) staffed with three (3) to four (4) firefighters from a neighboring fire department. Crew of personnel solely dedicated to the safety and rescue of the firefighting crews. R.I.C may also be requested for incidents not involving fire (structural collapse, confined space or other situations deemed necessary by the Incident Commander). RADIO HOT BOX A case containing portable radios, batteries, and chargers that can be utilized to augment a department’s existing radios during special events or large scale incidents. The “Hot Box” is maintained by the Warren County Telecommunications Department. REASSIGNED (RA) Fire Status Code: An automatic status configured in CAD assigned anytime a unit swaps a stacked incident with an active incident. REHAB UNIT (RH) Fire/EMS CAD Call Sign (Code): A motorized vehicle or trailer that can deliver rehabilitation equipment to the scene of an emergency and provide cooling, heating, or shelter from the elements. At least one E.M.S. crew will need to be detailed to the REHAB Unit to assist in providing rehab service to the operating crews. RESCUE (R) Fire/EMS CAD Call Sign (Code): A vehicle that is stocked with the equipment that is used in rescue work. Light Rescue: : A vehicle equipped to handle One or two Rescue Disciplines for a limited operational period with a properly staffed and trained crew to accomplish the missions of those limited Rescue Disciplines. Medium Rescue: A vehicle equipped to handle at least FOUR Rescue Disciplines for an limited operational period with a properly staffed and trained crew to accomplish the missions of those Rescue Disciplines. Heavy Rescue: A vehicle equipped to handle ALL the Rescue Disciplines for an extended operational period with a properly staffed and trained crew to accomplish the missions of those Rescue Disciplines. Adopted: 11/30/93 Revised:04/24/2014 Effective: 03/26/2012 Authorized by: WCFCA 4/4/13; WACKY 5/8/13 Page: 7 of 11 WARREN COUNTY FIRE / EMS AGENCIES COUNTYWIDE TERMINOLOGY + UNIT NUMBERING RESPONDING (RE) Fire Status Code: Used to show a unit is going to the designated location under emergency conditions using red lights and siren. RESPONDING ROUTINE (RR) Fire Status Code: Used to show that a unit is going to the scene or other designated location with the flow of traffic. RETURNING TO QUARTERS (RQ) Fire Status Code: Configured to allow units to put themselves “Available” when returning to quarters while leaving the Split Crew unit unavailable until they are “At Quarters”. ROPE RESCUE Technical rescue term: trained Rope Rescue Operations and Technician certified staff available to provide support for any rescue operation, below grade, at grade or above grade utilizing rescue ropes and associated hardware. A water supply system established where a distribution system is not present. Mostly found in the rural parts of the locality where apparatus is required to shuttle water to the incident. A member of the Command Staff at the incident or within an EOC responsible for monitoring and assessing safety hazards or unsafe situations and for developing measures for ensuring personnel safety. The Safety Officer may have assistants. RURAL WATER SUPPLY SAFETY OFFICER (ICS RELATED) SCENE IDENTIFICATION (SEE INITIAL REPORT FOR NAMING) Upon the establishment of Command, the scene will usually be identified by the street name or by the business name. The ALPHA side will be street address side, the BRAVO side will be the side clockwise of the Building (left side), the CHARLIE side will be the back side of the building and the DELTA will be the right side of the building as you are looking at it from the ALPHA side. In the event the ALPHA side is not the address side of the building some sort of notification or notification device shall be used to identify the ALPHA side. The BRAVO, CHARLIE and DELTA side will continue to follow in a clockwise rotation. Exposure will be identified as BRAVO 1, CHARLIE 1, DELTA 1, etc. SECONDARY HYDRANT / WATER SUPPLY Hydrant or water source near the incident, but from another direction that is separate from the primary hydrant or water source. SECONDARY SEARCH A second search of the facility after emergency control operations are completed to confirm the absence or presence of victims. SECOND DISPATCH Used by the dispatcher anytime they have to dispatch an incident a 2nd time due to no response by any unit after the initial alarm (DP or DM Status) times out. This effectively restarts the timer at a new rate. Default is 4 minutes. SIZE-UP The on going process of situation evaluation at the incident by the incident commander. S.L.I.C.E.R.S. Slice is a Fire Attack Mode tactic used to reduce temperatures inside a building prior to entry by firefighting personnel for extinguishment or rescue. SMOKE SHOWING Smoke is visible at the scene. SPLIT CREW (SC) Fire Status Code: A status automatically assigned by CAD to show that the unit in this status is not available to respond because its crew is on another piece of apparatus. SQUAD (S) Fire/EMS CAD Call Sign (Code): An Emergency Medical Transport Vehicle which provides Basic Life Support (B.L.S.) care. STAGED (ST) Fire Status Code: Used for large, complex, or lengthy operations. Additional units are staged together and committed in a specific location under command of a staging officer. STANDBY Indicator of radio traffic that cannot be accepted at this time. Person initiating traffic should wait until contacted. SUPPORT UNIT Any vehicle that does not fall into the Engine, Rescue, Ladder or Tower definition but is equipped to support department operations. Is not an initially-dispatched vehicle, will be requested by agency later. May have any or all of the following tools: cascade, generator, lights. TANKER (T) OR TENDER (T) Fire/EMS CAD Call Sign (Code): A fire apparatus with a permanently mounted water tank designed for transport of 1,000+ gallons of water to incidents with limited pumping capacity. Adopted: 11/30/93 Revised:04/24/2014 Effective: 03/26/2012 Authorized by: WCFCA 4/4/13; WACKY 5/8/13 Page: 8 of 11 WARREN COUNTY FIRE / EMS AGENCIES TECHNICAL RESCUE TEAM (TECH RESCUE) (TR) COUNTYWIDE TERMINOLOGY + UNIT NUMBERING Fire/EMS CAD Call Sign (Code): Incident Commander will request by specific agency the resource(s) needed for the incident. This will be dispatched with a CAD ID “TR” and Call Sign “Tech Rescue”. (see rope rescue, dive rescue, trench rescue, building collapse, wide area search, water rescue, confined space rescue, and hazmat team for further related definitions.) TELECOM A Warren County Board of Commissioners Department – Telecommunications. Radio Call Signs 4-TOM-10 Director 4-TOM-30 Telephone Division Manager 4-TOM-40 Radio Division Manager 4-TOM-50 Data Division Manager 4-TOM-60 CAD/RMS Division Manager TO DESTINATION (TO) Fire Status Code: Used to log a unit that is going to a location not associated with an incident or when a unit is changing locations on an incident. TO HOSPITAL (TH) Fire Status Code: Used to show a unit is transporting to a medical facility. TOWER (TO) Fire/EMS CAD Call Sign (Code): A vehicle carrying an 85-foot or higher aerial platform device, ground ladders, tools, and other fire fighting equipment. May also be equipped with (any or all) a water tank, hose, and pump. TRAINING / SAFETY (TS) A member of a fire department who has responsibilities in Training and Safety. This person may be a command level officer. TRANSPORTING An alternate term used when a squad is going to a hospital or other medical facility with a victim of an incident. TRENCH RESCUE Technical rescue term: trained Rescue Operations and Technician certified staff available to provide support for any rescue operation where there may be a victim trapped by the collapse of the earth or some other engulfment hazard. TRUCK OPERATIONS Support Operations that are assigned to Truck Companies that provide assistance in firefighting and rescue operations. UNAVAILABLE Indicates apparatus is not capable of responding to an incident. This status will include one of two basic qualifiers: Operational Problem or Mechanical Problem entered in the location field. UNAVAILABLE-BROWN OUT (UB) A specific type of unavailable status in CAD added July 2013, for fire service to indicate that a unit or entire station is ‘browned out’ and not staffed.” UNDER CONTROL The incident is contained but not totally resolved. Can be handled by the units assigned. UNIFIED COMMAND (ICS RELATED) UNIFIED COMMAND AREA (ICS RELATED) In ICS, Unified Command is a unified team effort which allows all agencies with responsibility for the incident, either geographical or functional, to manage an incident by establishing a common set of incident objectives and strategies. This is accomplished without losing or abdicating agency authority, responsibility or accountability. Established when incidents under an Area Command are multi-jurisdictional. (See also Area Command and Unified Command) UPGRADE TO STRUCTURE FIRE A request by an incident commander to send the remaining units of a first alarm. UTILITY (U) Fire/EMS CAD Call Sign (Code): A multi-purpose support vehicle. (V.E.I.S.) VENT-ENTERISOLATE-SEARCH the approved tactic when entering a structure through an opening (door or window) to search an area for the location of the fire or to locate possible victims. The priority upon entering the area via a window is to close the door to that room or area in order to isolate that area being searched from the fire area. When entering a fire area via a doorway entrance, the door needs to be controlled until the fire area is further isolated or a charged hose line is advancing on the fire. By isolating the area, we are controlling the flow path of the fire, heat and smoke towards the ventilation point as well as controlling the air flow from the ventilation point towards the fire area. Adopted: 11/30/93 Revised:04/24/2014 Effective: 03/26/2012 Authorized by: WCFCA 4/4/13; WACKY 5/8/13 Page: 9 of 11 WARREN COUNTY FIRE / EMS AGENCIES COUNTYWIDE TERMINOLOGY + UNIT NUMBERING VEHICLE COVER (VC) Fire Status Code: An automatic status assigned to a unit anytime it is put in a vehicle cover condition. Units in Vehicle Cover status must remain available and recommendable for incidents in the area they are covering. This unit does not timeout due to the long length and varying amount of time they remain in this status. An incident is automatically created anytime a vehicle is put in this status in order to make notification to the owning agency. VICTIMS Those members of the public or Agency affected by the incident. WATER RESCUE Technical rescue term: trained Rescue Operations and Technician certified staff available to provide support for any surface rescue operations involving moving or still water. Below the surface requires the Dive Rescue Team. WARREN COUNTY KEY POSITIONS (SEE EMERGENCY SERVICES, TELECOM, CORONER) Warren County Board of Commissioners departments that aid the Warren County Public Safety Network. WIDE AREA SEARCH Technical rescue term: trained individuals available to provide assistance in searching a wide area for persons missing, potentially injured or otherwise needing outside assistance WORKING FIRE Confirmation that the incident has visible smoke or fire, which indicates that the initial responding resources will be utilized as well as the possibility of additional, needed resources. ZONE A predetermined area used to define an incident response. Adopted: 11/30/93 Revised:04/24/2014 Effective: 03/26/2012 Authorized by: WCFCA 4/4/13; WACKY 5/8/13 Page: 10 of 11 WARREN COUNTY FIRE / EMS AGENCIES COUNTYWIDE TERMINOLOGY + UNIT NUMBERING Uniform Fire Station Identifier System Jurisdiction Station Number Assignments Carlisle 11 thru 14 Joint Emergency Medical Services 15 Franklin City 16 thru 18 Franklin Township 19 thru 20 Clearcreek 21 thru 26 Massie 27 thru 29 Turtlecreek 31 thru 39 Lebanon 41 thru 45 Union Township / South Lebanon 46 thru 49 Mason 51 thru 54 Kings Island 55 Deerfield 56 thru 59 Loveland/Symmes 61 thru 64 Reserved for future use 65 thru 69 Morrow 71 thru 75 Hamilton 76 thru 79 Harlan 81 thru 86 Wayne 91 thru 99 *On 4/4/13 at WCFCA meeting, motion to approve by FTFD Chief John Daly, seconded by Deerfield Twp Battalion Chief Doug Wehmeyer. Mason Fire Deputy Chief Craig Bryant will take this document to the CAB (WACKY) for final approval and resolution at next meeting. *On 4/3/14 at WCFCA meeting, CWG motioned to approve the addition of SLICERS documents to the Terminology. Westendorf motioned on behalf of Chiefs, Mitten seconded. All favor, no opposition. Terms were added by Recording Secretary, Allison Lyons on 4/24/14 and distributed to Chiefs and Emergency Services. Adopted: 11/30/93 Revised:04/24/2014 Effective: 03/26/2012 Authorized by: WCFCA 4/4/13; WACKY 5/8/13 Page: 11 of 11