Who Are We? A Demographic Profile of SJCC November 20, 2007 Office of Research & 1 Institutional Effectiveness San José/Evergreen Community College District San José: The 10th Largest City in the United States by Population 2 City of San José: Ethnicity 2006 Population = 973,672 (1990 Population = 782,248) 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 30% 32% 34% Af/Am (3% ) Am Ind/Alaska (1% ) Asian (30% ) Hispanic/Latino (32% ) Pac. Islander (1% ) White (34% ) 3% Source: Am erican Com m unity Survey (ACS) Note: Due to rounding, percent may not equal to 100 3 City of San José: Place of Birth 70% 37% of San José residents are foreign-born 62% 60% U.S. born 50% 40% 30% Naturalized 19% 18% 20% Not fully naturalized 10% 0% Census 2004 ACS Estimates 4 Note: Due to rounding, percent may not equal to 100 San José Unified and East Side Union HS Districts: The main sources of local high school students 5 Number of English Learners San José Unified SD* * Includes elementary students 19% at High School Level Source: California Department of Education Since 2002, there have been fewer EL students enrolled in SJUSD 6 Number of English Learners East Side Union HS District 98% at High School Level Source: California Department of Education ESUHSD continues to experience an increase in EL enrollments. Many more EL students will enroll in our district than in the past. 7 English Learners in Public Schools Santa Clara County, 2006 Khmer (Cambodian) Japanese Farsi (Persian) 1% All Others 1% 1% Combined Korean 2% 7% Punjabi 2% Cantonese 2% Mandarin (Putonghua) 3% Pilipino (Tagalog) 4% Spanish 66% Vietnamese 12% By Top 10 Languages Spoken Santa Clara Percent County Spanish 66.1% Vietnamese 12.2% Pilipino (Tagalog) 3.5% Mandarin 3.1% (Putonghua) Cantonese 1.8% Punjabi 1.6% Korean 1.5% Japanese 1.1% Khmer 1.0% (Cambodian) Farsi (Persian) 0.6% All others 7.00% combined Data Source: State of Department of Educatio Basic Educational Data 2005. http://data1.cde.ca.gov Retrieved 10/04/05. Note: Due toNumbers rounding,may percent may not equal 100 vary slightly duetoto rounding. Source: California Department of Education 8 SJECCD Feeder High Schools East Side Union High School District High Schools San José Unified School District High Schools • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Andrew Hill Evergreen Valley Independence James Lick Mt Pleasant Oak Grove Overfelt Piedmont Hills Santa Teresa Silver Creek Yerba Buena Alternative Schools: Foothill, Genesis, Pegasus, Phoenix Gunderson Leland Lincoln Pioneer San Jose High Academy Willow Glen Alternative: Broadway 9 2006-2007 Enrollment of Feeder High Schools • East Side Union • San José Unified 25,720 9,556 East Side Union is our largest feeder district. 10 Free and Reduced Lunch Students 2006-2007 • How many in East Side Union HSD? (includes 9-12 enrollments) 8,231 32% • How many in San José Unified SD? (includes 9-12 enrollments) 2,858 30% 11 Source: California Department of Education SJUSD HS Grads and College Prep San José Unified High School Graduates Number of Grads for 2005-06: 1,792 UC/CSU A-G Requirements Met: 66% Source: California Department of Education 12 ESUHSD Grads and College Prep East Side Union High School District Number of Grads in 2005-06: 4,911 UC/CSU A-G Requirements Met: 35% Source: California Department of Education East Side will have a smaller proportion of university bound students than San José Unified and will be a larger source of our future student enrollment. 13 San José City College: Student Characteristics 14 High School of Origin SJCC New Students 2006-07 Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 High School Last Attended OUT OF COUNTRY HIGH SCHOOL OUT OF CALIFORNIA HIGH SCHOOL ABRAHAM LINCOLN HIGH SCHOOL DEL MAR HIGH SCHOOL INDEPENDENCE HIGH SCHOOL OAK GROVE HIGH SCHOOL WILLOW GLEN HIGH SCHOOL YERBA BUENA HIGH SCHOOL SAN JOSE HIGH ACADEMY ANDREW HILL HIGH SCHOOL SILVER CREEK HIGH SCHOOL WILLIAM OVERFELT HIGH SCHOOL District ----San José Cambell East Side East Side San José East Side San José East Side East Side East Side Total of all new students from the top 12 High Schools in 06-07: Other High Schools Total of all new SJCC students in 06-07: Su06 F06 Sp07 2006-07 108 256 218 582 25 75 60 160 21 74 40 135 29 68 26 123 24 64 28 116 21 65 26 112 12 66 29 107 20 64 18 102 13 48 22 83 13 59 9 81 15 38 23 76 15 46 14 75 316 445 923 755 513 317 1752 1517 761 1678 830 3269 15 SJCC Student Enrollment (Headcount) • • • • Fall 2006: Spring 2007: Summer 2007: Fall 2007 (11/20/07): 12,392 12,292 3,838 12,780 16 SJCC Enrollment by Gender (Fall 2007) Women: Men: Declined to State: Number Percent 6,958 5,164 658 54% 40% 5% 17 Due to rounding, percent may not equal to 100 SJCC Enrollment by Ethnicity Number Latino/a White Vietnamese Other API African American Filipino Other Non-White Chinese Indian Native American Unknown/Not indicated 4,149 2,430 1,373 1,182 1,109 551 355 343 216 125 947 (Fall 2007) Percent 32% 19% 11% 9% 9% 4% 3% 3% 2% 1% 7% 18 SJCC Enrollment Over Time SJCC Enrollment by Ethnicity F97,F07 F97 = 9,609 50% F07 = 12,780 44% 40% 32% 29% 30% 25% 18% 20% 7% 10% 19% 9% 0% ASN AfAm LAT F97 Latina/o students have become the largest ethnic group at SJCC WHT F07 % of LAT students has increased % of ASN students has decreased 19 SJCC Enrollment by Age (Fall 2007) 51% Below 18 18-19 20-24 25-29 30-39 40-49 Above 49 Number 468 2,101 3,733 2,081 2,181 1,513 698 Percent 3% 16% 29% 16% 17% 12% 6% 20 Due to rounding, percent may not equal to 100 18-19 Year-Old New Student Enrollment is Increasing • SJJC has increased by about 300 students in this age group since 2002 • This age group now represents half of new students • Continued high school outreach will be critical • East Side Union High School District is the largest feeder district 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 F07 839 (49%) F02 542 (31%) SJCC 21 SJCC Enrollment by Full-Time/Part-Time Status (Fall 2007) Full-Time Part-Time Number Percent 4,232 8,548 33% 67% Two-thirds enrolled with less than 12 units 22 Number of units attempted by SJCC students Majority of SJCC students (38% in Fall 07) attempted between 0.5 and 5.5 units 23 SJCC Enrollment by Full-Time/Part-Time Status (Fall 2007) 35% 30% Full-time student enrollment increased 5 percentage points between Fall 02 and Fall 07 33% 28% 25% 20% F02 F07 Full-Time Students 24 SJCC Enrollment by Time of Day Attended (2006-2007) Number Percent Day 5,920 35% Day & Evening Evening 8,014 3,161 47% 18% Majority of students (47%) take classes before and after 4:30 p.m. 25 Board of Governors' Fee Waivers Awarded (96-97 to 06-07) BOG Waivers SJCC 96-97 Total Unduplicated #Students = 5,464 BOG Waivers SJCC 06-07 Total Unduplicated #Students = 6,672 Total Amount Total Amount $938,192 $2,033,379 In the 10-year academic period 1996 to 2007, SJCC’s Financial Aid Office awarded 1,208 additional BOG Waivers totaling more than $1 million 26 SJCC Financial Aid Awarded (2006-07) Financial Aid Awards 2006-07 Board of Governors Waivers (BOG) Grants Loans Scholarships College Work Study T otal Awards Award Number 6672 3124 73 92 111 10072 Award Percent 66% 31% 1% 1% 1% 100% Award Amount $2,033,379 $4,295,861 $191,957 $143,465 $168,141 $6,832,803 Note: Due to rounding, percent may not equal to 100 27 To Where Do Our Students Transfer? 708 District Transfers (2005-2006) San Jose State Transfers EVC SJCC (288 of 410 transfers) = 70% (198 of 298 transfers) = 66% The majority of our transfer students attend San Jose State University. In 05-06, 6% transferred to CSU East Bay (Hayward) 28 SJCC Full-Time Faculty (Fall 2006) FULL-TIME (122) African American Asian/Pacific Islander Caucasian Latino American Indian Other/Not Reported Total Women 4 15 34 13 1 2 69 Men % of Total 5 7% 7 18% 37 58% 4 14% 0 1% 0 2% 53 29 SJCC Part-Time Faculty (Fall 2006) PART-TIME (268) African American Asian/Pacific Islander Caucasian Latino American Indian Other Total Women Men % of Total 6 6 4% 26 21 18% 88 82 63% 7 17 9% 1 2 1% 7 5 4% 135 133 Note: Due to rounding, percent may not equal to 100 30 Thank you. www.sjeccd.org/rie/index.html Office of Research and Institutional Effectiveness San José/Evergreen Community College District 31