
Facilitation For Hoo In Won
Topic: Is human nature evil, kind, or blank slate?
Born with kindness: Sun-sung-sul
Born with evilness: Sun-ak-sul
Blank slat: 20th century – Ashley montagu, jose Ortega, Stephen Jay Gould
Reading/ Video: (In Korean) (Ted talk: Steven Pinker: Human
nature and the blank slate) (Nature of
Approved readings/video (Ted talk: Steven Pinker:
Human nature and the blank slate)
0 ~5:50 mins is very important. Rest of the video is interesting and recommended
to watch.
Plan for Facilitation:
1. Introduce Basic background:
There are three great philosophers with great influence in Chinese history.
This includes Confucius, MangJa, ans SunJa. Sun-ak-sul is founded by Sunja,
who was one of the followers of Confucius. He claims that fundamental of human
is evil, seek for profit, and envy each other which cause conflict between
individuals if they are not educated.
MangJa claimed that human born with pure kindness, Sun. Mangja also
claimed that everyone has negative emotions and personalities, which can be
change in to many goods after course of education.
2. Ask Questions:
What type of kid were you when you were young?
What have you done that is evil?
What have you done that is kind?
Do you think you were evil or kind?
Does people originally evil or kind?
------Sigmund Freud’s nature vs nurture
Does environment feature bigger or nature bigger?
------Does leader born as leader or does leader become a leader over course of practice?
3. Give doubt using facts and information
a. There are many evidence to disapprove blank slate
i. Common sense – pet and human
ii. Human Universals
iii. Genetics & neuroscience – distribution of gray matter is very similar
between fraternal twin. And Identical twin is almost same.
iv. Twin behavior
b. There are evidence to disapprove evilness
i. There are evidence of human born with moral sense
c. Evidence to disapprove kindness
i. Imagine what babies do. How hard to raise the babies.
4. Inform that there is no right answer in this topic.