Before we start - Background About the course Terminology and concepts Broad and deeper topics Combines theory and practice Your professor Principal Consultant at Riverbed Technology Academic and professional experience Telecommunication Modeling and simulation Network optimization Statistical and analytical analysis of networks and applications Students Telecommunication and networking Can you define VoIP? 1 Course Introduction Instructor: Dragan Hrnjez Email: Location: offsite Office Hours Tuesdays, 6:30 PM to 7:10 PM, Location: ENGR, Room 4457 or Room 3707 I prefer to handle as much by e-mail as possible Other arrangements can be made Recommended Books: There are no required books for this course. The following books are optional (used during previous semesters): Voice Over IP Fundamentals; Cisco Press; Davidson, Peters, Gracely, Bhatia, Kalidindi, Mukherjee; 2nd Edition; July 2006 IP Telephony: Deploying VoIP Protocols and IMS Infrastructure; John Wiley & Sons Ltd.; Oliver Hersent; 2011 RTP: Audio and Video for the Internet; Addison Wesley; Colin Perkins; June 2003 Website: Additional materials and useful links are also available 2 Assignments and Grading Policy Midterm (in-class, closed-book/closed-notes) Labs (4 labs and the demo) Assigned second week and is due last week of semester This is a group project (3-4 students) 40% of the grade Final Exam (take home – last week of the semester) 3-4 homework assignments Due the following week after they are assigned Hard copy is strongly desired Project All four labs need to be turned in no later then May 6th 2014 Homework 90 minutes MC/TF questions, simple problems and essay questions Comprehensive MC/TF questions, more complex engineering problems and essay questions Honor Code All assignments are conducted under the rules and regulations of the GMU Honor Code Policy 3 Logistic Lecture notes access: User id: tcom631 Password: voiceIP We will have one 10-minute break starting at around 8:30 If we go over the planned material we could go home earlier (no promises we will end up earlier) We will start on time so make sure you are not late If class is to be canceled you will receive my notification in timely manner Cancellation announcement will also be posted in front of the TCOM office 4 Logistic (cont.) Make sure you attend these lectures It will be very difficult to pass the exam if you are absent Teaching assistant and I will be here to answer any questions related to this course, so don’t hesitate to ask 5 Labs X-Lite/Kapanga softphones and Asterisk Softswitch Labs Riverbed\OPNET Modeling and Simulation Labs We will need some extra headsets Reasonably Priced Headsets _condition-type%3A6461716011 I have some of those but if you don’t like sharing them with others, get your own Software installed in ENGR lab and can be used during scheduled lab hours You will also need CDs or Memory Sticks to save your labs and projects (GMU Lab computers are returned to the default state every night and the data is lost) Alternative is to use some of your Linux user space More about lab capabilities in 2 weeks 6 Course Outline – Comprehensive VoIP Topics Book Readings Introduction to Voice and Voice Transmission Technologies: Voice characteristics, digitalization and encoding. Traditional circuit switched equipment and networks used in telephony. Signaling basics. Potential use-cases for VoIP deployments (benefits/challenges). Enterprise/Campus and Commercial Telephony. Typical VoIP Connection Strategies. Voice Over IP Fundamental Chapter1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 (not required) Concept of Transporting Voice over a Packet Switched Network: Internet Protocol (IP) introduction. Real time protocols: RTP, RTCP, RTSP, SCTP, UDP-Lite/Liter - packet formats, functionality and features. Real-time media synchronization. Voice Over IP Fundamental Chapter 6 Voice over IP Decomposition: Human voice and coding techniques, compression. Factors that affect VoIP quality: delay, jitter, packet loss, echo. Performance and quality metrics for VoIP: MOS, R-Factor, PESQ. VoIP performance measurement and monitoring tools. Voice Over IP Fundamental Chapter 7 Intro to VoIP signaling protocols: Overview. H.323 signaling protocol: format and inter-workings. Voice Over IP Fundamental Chapter 11 IP Telephony Chapter 2 SIP Signaling Protocol: Architecture, format and inter-workings. Voice Over IP Fundamental Chapter 12 IP Telephony Chapter 3 SS7 Signaling Protocol: Architecture, format and inter-workings (H.323, SIP and ISUP (SS7) signaling protocols). Voice Over IP Fundamental Chapter 4 Voice over IP Network Planning and Design: Traffic analysis and forecasting (advanced), numbering and dial plans, number routing, vendor selection criteria for LAN and WAN deployments. E.911, CALEA. Lecture notes and supplemental reading RTP: Audio and Video for the Internet RTP: Audio and Video for the Internet 7 Course Outline – Comprehensive VoIP Topics Book Readings The Softswitch Architecture: Interoperability of different signaling protocols (H.323, SIP, SS7) using Softswitches, Applications of Softswitches in a carrier grade VoIP environment. (SS7 signaling over IP-based networks). VoIP – PSTN migration and integration strategies. Voice Over IP Fundamental Chapter 14 IP Telephony Chapter 4 VoIP Quality and QoS: A thorough explanation of QoS components, protocols and trade-offs. RSVP, Diffserv, MPLS and 801.2q protocols are covered in details in terms packet format, features and functions and their pros and cons. format, features and functions and their pros and cons. Voice Over IP Fundamental Chapter 8 VoIP Security: Requirements, technologies and NAT/Firewall considerations. VoIP encryption analysis. Voice Over IP Fundamental Chapter 10 IP Telephony Chapter 6 NextGen VoIP: VoIP Mobility. VoIP Equipment: Adapters, soft phones, WiFi phones, mobile phones. Collaboration and presence. Billing and Mediation. VoiceXML. IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS). Pats in Voice Over IP Fundamental Chapter 15 Chapter 16 8 Group Projects Practical exposure to VoIP systems VoIP engineering processes Modeling and design Industry trends 9 Group Projects – use cases 10 Useful Tips Read whenever you get a chance -> it will help you build knowledgebase and confidence and it will keep you well informed School is your investment -> make sure you take advantage of it It is about how your position yourself once you learn those skills -> it is good to know about it even it is not always used! 11