"Without a moral compass, historians risk becoming lost in an

American History
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“Authority without wisdom is
like a heavy ax without an edge,
fitter to bruise than polish.”
- Anne Bradstreet (1612-1672)
“Without freedom of thought
there can be no such thing
as wisdom; and no such
thing as liberty without
freedom of speech.”
- Benjamin Franklin,
Dogood Papers (1722)
“If Patrick Henry thought that
taxation without representation
was bad, he should see how bad
it is with representation.”
- The Farmer’s Almanac
“Associate yourself with men of
quality if you esteem your
reputation, for ‘tis better to be
alone than to be in bad company.”
- George Washington
“Reason and experience
forbid us to expect public
morality in the absence of
religious principle.”
- George Washington
“Honesty is always
the best policy”
- George Washington
"Without a moral compass,
historians risk becoming lost in an
intellectual desert, beguiled by the
mirage of 'objectivity' that recedes
as one treks through 'facts' that
pile up like grains of sand."
- Peter Irons, A People's History of the
Supreme Court, p. 184
“Failure is the path of
least persistence.”
“The country shall be
independent, and we
will be satisfied with
nothing short of it.”
- Samuel Adams,
speech March 1774
“Give me liberty or
give me death!”
- Patrick Henry,
Virginia Convention
23rd March 1775
“Don’t fire until
you see the whites
of their eyes!”
- William Prescott,
Battle of Bunker Hill
17th June 1775
“No person among us
desires any other reward
for performing a brave
and worthwhile action, but
the consciousness of
having saved his nation.”
- Joseph Brant,
to King George III in 1776
“The period of debate is
closed. Arms, as a last
resource, must decide
the contest.”
- Thomas Paine,
Common Sense, 1776
“Our cruel and
unrelenting enemy leaves
us no choice but a brave
resistance or the most
abject submission.”
- George Washington,
2nd July 1776
“The time is now near at
hand which must
determine whether
Americans are to be
freemen or slaves.”
- George Washington,
Orders to Troops
2nd July 1776
“I only regret that I
have but one life to
lose for my country.”
- Nathan Hale,
New York City
22nd September 1776
“These are the times
that try men’s souls.”
- Thomas Paine.
23rd December 1776
“I have not yet
begun to fight.”
- John Paul Jones,
23rd September 1779
“The God who gave us life, gave
us liberty at the same time.”
Thomas Jefferson,
Summary View of the
Rights of British America
“What country before ever existed
a century and a half without a
rebellion? . . . The tree of liberty
must be refreshed from time to
time with the blood of patriots and
tyrants. It is its natural manure.”
Thomas Jefferson,
Letter to William Stevens Smith,
13th November 1787
“A bill of rights is what
the people are entitled
to against every
- Thomas Jefferson,
letter to James Madison
December 1787
“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent
form of government. It can only exist until
the voters discover that they can vote
themselves largess from the public treasury.
From that moment on, the majority always
votes for the candidate promising the most
benefits from the public treasury with the
result that a democracy always collapses over
loose fiscal policy.”
- Alexander Tyler,
“Our new constitution is now
established, and has the
appearance that promises
permanency; but in this world
nothing can be said to be
certain, except death and taxes.”
- Benjamin Franklin,
in a letter to Jean-Baptiste Leroy
13th November 1789
“The basis of our political
system is the right of the
people to make and to
alter their constitutions of
- George Washington,
Farewell Address
17th September 1789
“To the memory of the Man, first
in war, first in peace, and first in
the heart of his countrymen.”
Henry Lee,
Eulogy on Washington
“Error of opinion may be tolerated
where reason is left free to combat it.’
Thomas Jefferson,
First Inaugural Address,
4th March 1801
“When a man assumes a public
trust, he should consider himself
as public property.”
Thomas Jefferson,
Rayner’s Life of Jefferson
“Indeed, I tremble for my country
when I reflect that God is just.”
Thomas Jefferson,
Notes on Virginia.
Querry XVIII, Manners.
“These lands are
ours. No one has a
right to remove us
because we were the
first owners.”
- Tecumseh,
to President Monroe in 1810
“Protection and patriotism are
John C. Calhoun,
Speech, U.S. House of Representatives,
12th December 1811
“If you wish to avoid foreign
collisions, you had better abandon
the ocean.”
Henry Clay,
Speech on the Increase of the Navy,
U.S. House of Representatives,
22nd January 1812
“Our country! In her intercourse
with foreign nations may she
always be in the right; but our
country, right or wrong.”
Stephen Decatur,
Toast given at Norfolk,
[April 1816]
“National honor is national
property of the highest value.”
James Monroe,
First Inaugural Address,
4th March 1817
“A morsel of genuine
history is a thing so
rare as to be always
- Thomas Jefferson,
letter dated 8th September 1817
“Whatever makes men good
Christians, makes them good
Daniel Webster,
Speech at Plymouth, Massachusetts,
22nd December 1820
“The American continents . . . Are
henceforth not to be considered as
subjects for future colonization by
any European powers.”
James Monroe,
Annual Message to Congress,
December 1823
“Mind is the great lever of all
things; human thought is the
process by which human ends are
ultimately answered.”
Daniel Webster,
Address on Laying the Cornerstone
of the Bunker Hill Monument,
17th June 1825
“Knowledge, in truth, is the great sun
in the firmament. Life and power are
scattered with all its beams.”
Daniel Webster,
Address on Laying the Cornerstone
of the Bunker Hill Monument,
17th June 1825
“Let our object be our country,
our whole country, and nothing
but our country.”
Daniel Webster,
Address on Laying the Cornerstone
of the Bunker Hill Monument,
17th June 1825
“It is my living sentiment, and by
the blessing of God it shall be my
dying sentiment, - Independence
now and Independence forever.”
Daniel Webster,
Eulogy on Adams and Jefferson,
Faneuil Hall, Boston
2nd August 1826
“Government is a trust, and the
officers of the government are
trustees; and both the trust and
the trustees are created for the
benefit of the people.”
Henry Clay,
Speech at Ashland, Kentucky,
March 1829
“With a step, the white
man bestrode the
mountains, and his feet
covered the plains and
the valleys.”
- Speckled Snake,
in a speech in 1829
“History fades into
- Washington Irving,
The Sketch Book
“The people’s government, made
for the people, made by the people,
and answerable to the people.”
Daniel Webster,
Second Speech on Foote’s Resolution,
26th January 1830
“When my eyes shall be turned to behold for
the last time the sun in heaven, may I not
see it shining on the broken and dishonored
fragments of a once and glorious Union; on
States dissevered, discordant, belligerent;
on a land rent with civil feuds, or drenched,
it may be, in fraternal blood.”
Daniel Webster,
Second Speech on Foote’s Resolution,
26th January 1830
“It is, sir, the people’s
- Daniel Webster,
speech to the U. S. Senate
26th January 1830
“Liberty and Union, now and
forever, one and inseparable.”
Daniel Webster,
Second Speech on Foote’s Resolution,
26th January 1830
“Our Federal Union: it must be
Andrew Jackson,
Toast given on the Jefferson
Birthday Celebration, 1830
“He smote the rock of the national
resources, and abundant streams of
revenue gushed forth. He touched
the dead corpse of Public Credit,
and it sprung upon its feet.”
Daniel Webster,
Speech on Hamilton,
10th March 1831
“God grants liberty only to those
who love it, and are always ready
to guard and defend it.”
Daniel Webster,
3rd June 1834
“I lave this rule for others when
I’m dead,
Be always sure you’re right – then
go ahead.”
David Crockett,
Autobiography [1834]
“The very essence of a free
government consists in considering
offices as public trusts, bestowed
for the good of the country, and
not for the benefit of an individual
party member.”
John C. Calhoun,
13th February 1835
“We told the white man to let
us alone, but they followed
on, beset our paths, and
coiled themselves among us
like the snake.”
- Black Hawk,
speech at Prairie du Chien
August 1835
“A power has risen up in the
government greater than the people
themselves, consisting of many and
various and powerful interests,
combined into one mass, and held
together by the cohesive power and
vast surplus in the banks.”
John C. Calhoun,
27th May 1836
“One country, one constitution,
one destiny.”
Daniel Webster,
15th March 1837
“There are persons who constantly clamor.
They claim of oppression, speculation, and
pernicious influence of wealth. They cry out
loudly against all banks and corporations, and a
means by which small capitalists become united
in order to produce important and beneficial
results. They carry on mad hostility against all
established institutions. They would choke the
fountain of industry and dry up all streams.”
Daniel Webster,
Speech, U.S. Senate,
12th March 1838
“In charity to all mankind, bearing no
malice or ill-will to any human being,
and even compassionating those who
hold in bondage their fellow-men, not
knowing what they do.”
John Quincy Adams,
Letter to A. Bronson,
30th July 1838
“When tillage begins, other arts
follow. The farmers therefore are
the founders of human civilization.”
Daniel Webster,
Remarks on Agriculture,
13th January 1843
“Justice, sir, is the great interest of
man on earth.”
Daniel Webster,
On Mr. Justice Story,
12th September 1845
“The surrender of life is nothing
to sinking down into
acknowledgement of inferiority.”
John C. Calhoun,
Speech, U.S. Senate,
19th February 1847
“Liberty exists in proportion to
wholesome restraint.”
Daniel Webster,
Speech at the Charleston Bar Dinner,
10th May 1847
“Your petitioner prays your
Honorable Court to grant
him leave to sue as a poor
person, in order to establsih
his right to freedom.”
- Dred Scott,
Petition to the Court,
1st July 1847
“This is the last of earth! I am
John Quincy Adams,
His Last Words,
21st February 1848
“It takes two to
speak the truth one to speak, and
another to hear.”
- Henry David Thoreau
“The government is
best which governs
- Henry David Thoreau,
“Civil Disobedience” (1849)
“When were the good and the
brave ever in a majority?”
- Henry David Thoreau
“The Constitution of the
United States was made
not merely for the
generation that then
existed, but for posterity.”
- Henry Clay,
speech to the U. S. Senate
6th February 1850
“I was born an American; I will
live an American; I shall die
Daniel Webster,
17th July 1850
“Sir, I would rather be right than
the President.”
Henry Clay,
Speech, referring to the
Compromise of 1850
“A sense of duty pursues us ever. It is
omnipresent, like the Deity. If we take to
ourselves the wings of the morning, and dwell
in the uttermost parts of the sea, duty
performed or duty violated is still with us, for
our happiness or our misery. If we say the
darkness shall cover us, in the darkness as in
the light our obligations are yet with us.”
Daniel Webster,
Works, Vol. VI, Page 105
“I have borne children,
and seen them all sold
off to slavery.”
- Sojourner Truth,
“Ain’t I a Woman?” speech,
“Fear of something is at
the root of hate for
others, and hate within
will eventually destroy
the hater.”
- George Washington Carver,
“We are one, our
cause is one, and we
must help each other
if we are to succeed.”
- Frederick Douglass
“To give victory to the
right, not bloody bullets,
but peaceful ballots only,
are necessary.”
- Abraham Lincoln,
18th May 1858
“A house divided
against itself
cannot stand.”
- Abraham Lincoln,
Republican State Convention
16th June 1858
“I believe this government
cannot endure permanently
half slave and half free.”
- Abraham Lincoln, Republican
State Convention
16th June 1858
“It is an irrepressible
conflict between
opposing and
enduring forces.”
- William H. Seward,
25th October 1858
“Let us have faith that
right makes right and
let us, to the end, dare
to do our duty as we
understand it.”
- Abraham Lincoln,
27th February 1860
“If anyone attempts to haul down
the American flag, shoot him on
the spot.”
John Adams Dix,
An Official Despatch,
29th January 1861
“A thoughtful mind, when it sees a
Nation’s flag, sees not the flag only, but
the Nation itself; and whatever may be
its symbols, its insignia, he reads
chiefly in the flag the Government, the
principles, the truths, the history which
belongs to the Nation that sets it forth.”
Henry Ward Beecher,
The American Flag
“Where is human nature so weak
as in the book-store!”
Henry Ward Beecher,
Star Paper. Subtleties of Book Buyers
“Say to the seceded
states ‘Wayward sisters,
depart in peace.’”
- Winfield Scott,
to Wm. H. Seward
3rd March 1861
“Let us have faith that
right makes might, and
let us to the end, dare to
do our duty as we
understand it.”
- Abraham Lincoln
“This country, with its
institutions, belongs to the
people who inhabit it.”
- Abraham Lincoln,
First Inaugural Address,
4th March 1861
“All quiet along
the Potomoc.
- George B. McClellan,
Dispatch to Washington, D.C.
“The destiny of the
colored American is the
destiny of America.”
- Frederick Douglass,
Emancipation League speech,
12th February 1862
“My paramount
object in this is to
save the Union.”
- Abraham Lincoln,
in a letter 22nd April 1862
“In giving freedom to
the slave, we assure
freedom to the free.”
- Abraham Lincoln,
Message to Congress
1st December 1862
“Fellow citizens, we
cannot escape
- Abraham Lincoln,
Message to Congress
1st December 1862
“It is well that war is
so terrible. We should
grow too fond of it.”
- Robert E. Lee,
After Battle of Fredericksburg
December 1862
“Finally do we hope,
fervently do we pray,
that this mighty
scourge of war may
speedily pass away.”
- Abraham Lincoln,
Second Inaugural Address,
4th March 1863
“Fourscore and seven years ago,
our fathers brought forth on this
continent a new nation,
conceived in liberty, and
dedicated to the proposition that
all men are created equal.”
- Abraham Lincoln,
Gettysburg Address
19th November 1863
Government of the
people, by the people,
and for the people shall
not perish from earth.”
- Abraham Lincoln,
Gettysburg Address
19th November 1863
“With malice toward
none, with charity for all
. . . let us strive to finish
the work we are in.”
- Abraham Lincoln,
Second Inaugural Address
4th March 1865
“The war is over.
The rebels are our
countrymen again.”
- Ulysses S. Grant,
9th April 1865
“It is history that
teaches us hope.”
- Robert E. Lee,
in a letter written in March 1866
“I had reasoned this
out in my mind:
There were two things
I had a right to do,
liberty and death.”
- Harriet Tubman,
“I shall use the word
America and
democracy as
convertible terms.”
- Walt Whitman,
Democratic Vistas (1871)
“There is many a boy
here today who looks
on war as all glory,
but, boys, it is all hell.”
- William Tecumseh Sherman,
11th August 1880
“The real war will
never get in the books.”
- Walt Whitman,
The Real War
“When in doubt, tell the truth.”
- Mark Twain
“Poverty is uncomfortable, I can
testify, but nine times out of ten the
best thing that can happen to a
young man is to be tossed
overboard and compelled to sink
or swim for himself.”
- James Garfield
“Pray for lighter burdens,
but stronger backs.”
- Theodore Roosevelt
“Once I moved about
like the wind. Now I
surrender to you, and
that is all.”
27th March 1886
“Our Constitution is
color-blind, and neither
knows nor tolerates
classes among citizens.
- John Marshall Harlan,
Plessy v. Ferguson dissenting opinion
“Genius is one
percent inspiration
and ninety-nine
percent perspiration.”
- Thomas Alva Edison
“The problem of the
twentieth century is
the problem of the
color line.”
- W. E. B. Du Bois,
speech to Pan-African Congress,
“Success is to be measured not
so much by the position that one
has reached in life as by the
obstacles which he has overcome
trying to succeed.”
- Booker T. Washington,
Up From Slavery,
“Speak softly and
carry a big stick; you
will go far.”
- Theodore Roosevelt,
speech on 3rd April 1903
“[T]here never will be
complete equality until
women themselves help
make laws and elect
- Susan B. Anthony
“It is the darling delusion of
mankind that the world is
progressive in religion,
toleration, freedom, as it is
progressive in machinery.”
- Reverend Moncure D. Conway
“There are some people who
leave impressions not so
lasting as the imprint of an
oar upon the water.”
- Kate Chopin (1851-1904)
“Terminological inexactitude.”
– Winston Churchill,
Speech in the House of Commons
22nd February 1906
“Our country means
nothing unless it means
the triumph of real
- Theodore Roosevelt,
The New Nationalism (1910)
“The history of every
country begins in the
heart of a man or a
- Willa Cather,
O Pioneers! (1913)
“The only history that is
worth anything is the
history we make today.”
- Henry Ford,
Chicago Tribune
25th May 1916
“The world must be
made safe for
- Woodrow Wilson,
speech to U. S. Congress
2nd April 1917
“No man ever made a great
speech on a mean subject.”
- Eugene V. Debs (1855-1926)
“There is no right to strike against
the public safety by anybody,
anywhere, any time.”
- Calvin Coolidge,
Telegram to Samuel Gompers,
President of the American Federation of Labor,
On the occasion of the Boston police strike
14th September 1919
“If you are able to state a
problem, it can be solved.”
- Edwin H. Land (1909-1991)
“The makers of our
Constitution conferred the
most comprehensive of
rights and the rights most
valued by civilized men.”
- Louis Brandeis,
Olmstead v. United States (1928)
“Decide . . . whether or
not the goal is worth
the risks involved. If it
is, stop worrying . . . .”
- Amelia Earhart
“Our Constitution is so simple
and practical that it is possible
to meet extraordinary needs by
changes in emphasis without
loss of essential form.”
- Franklin D. Roosevelt,
First Inaugural Address
4th March 1933
“Statistics prove that no Vermonter
ever left the state unless transportation
was furnished in advance. She is
what you call a ‘Hard Boiled State.’
The principle ingredients are Granite,
Rock Salt, and Republicans. The last
being the hardest of the three.”
- Will Rogers (1879-1935)
“Politics are almost as exciting as
war, and quite as dangerous. In
war you can only be killed once,
but in politics many times.
– Winston Churchill
Decided only to be undecided,
resolved to be irresolute, adamant
for drift, solid for fluidity, allpowerful to be impotent.”
– Winston Churchill
While England Slept (1936)
“Dictators ride to and fro upon
tigers which they dare not
dismount. And the tigers are
getting hungry.
– Winston Churchill
While England Slept (1936)
“I have watched this famous
island descending incontinently,
fecklessly, the stairway which
leads to a dark gulf.”
– Winston Churchill
While England Slept (1936)
“I see one-third of a
nation ill-housed, illclad, ill-nourished.”
- Franklin D. Roosevelt,
Inaugural Address,
20th January 1937
“Freedom is never
given. It is won.”
- A. Philip Randolph,
speech to the National Negro Congress
“The German dictator, instead of
snatching the victuals from the
table, has been content to have them
served to him course by course.”
– Winston Churchill,
Speech on the Munich Agreement,
House of Commons
5th October 1938
“I cannot forecast to you the
action of Russia. It is a riddle
wrapped in a mystery inside an
– Winston Churchill,
Radio broadcast
1st October 1939
“For each and for all, as for the
Royal Navy, the watchword should
be, ‘Carry on, and dread nought.’”
– Winston Churchill,
Speech on the Traffic at Sea
House of Commons
6th December 1939
“You gain strength, courage, and
confidence by every experience in
which you really stop to look fear in
the face. You are able to say to
yourself, ‘I have lived through this
horror. I can take the next thing
that comes along.’ You must do the
thing you think you cannot do.”
- Eleanor Roosevelt
“What is our aim? Victory,
victory at all costs, victory in
spite of all terror; victory,
however long and hard the
road may be.”
- Sir Winston Churchill,
13th May 1940
“I have nothing to offer but blood,
toil, tears and sweat.
– Winston Churchill,
First Statement as Prime Minister
House of Commons
13th May 1940
“We shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the
end. We shall fight in France, we shall fight on
the seas and oceans, we shall fight with
growing confidence and growing strength in
the air, we shall defend our island, whatever the
cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we
shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall
fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall
fight in the hills, we shall never surrender.”
– Winston Churchill,
Speech on Du nkirk
House of Commons
4th June 1940
“Never in the field of human
conflict was so much owed by so
many to so few.”
– Winston Churchill,
Tribute to the RAF,
House of Commons
20th August 1940
“We must be the
great arsenal of
- Franklin D. Roosevelt,
in a Fireside Chat to the nation
29th December 1940
“Here is the answer I will give to
President Roosevelt . . . Give us the
tools, and we will finish the job.”
– Winston Churchill,
Radio Broadcast
9th February 1941
“Nothing is more dangerous in
wartime than to live in the
tempermental atmosphere of a Gallup
Poll, always feeling one’s pulse and
taking one’s temperature.”
– Winston Churchill,
Report on the war
House of Commons
30th September 1941
“Never give in, never give in, never,
never, never, never – in nothing,
great or small, large or petty – never
give in except to convictions of
honour and good sense.”
– Winston Churchill,
Address at Harrow School
29th October 1941
“Yesterday, December 7, 1941,
a date which will live in infamy,
the United States of America
was suddenly and deliberately
attacked by naval and dir forces
of the empire of Japan.”
- Franklin Delano Roosevelt,
Message to Congress,
8th December 1941
“No army has ever
done so much with
so little.”
- General Douglas A. MacArthur,
11th April 1942
“The late [Greek statesman] M.
Venizelos observed that in all her
wars England – he should have
said Britain, of course – always
wins one battle – the last.”
– Winston Churchill,
Speech at the Lord Mayor’s Day Luncheon in London
10th November 1942
“Now this is not the end. It is not
even the beginning of the end.
But it is, perhaps, the end of the
– Winston Churchill,
Speech at the Lord Mayor’s Day Luncheon in London
10th November 1942
“The eyes of the world are
upon you. The hopes and
prayers of liberty-loving
people everywhere march
with you.”
- General Dwight D. Eisenhower,
6th June 1944
“Older men declare war.
But it is youth who must
fight and die.”
- Herbert Hoover,
speech to the Republican National
Convention - 27th June 1944
“The flags of
freedom fly all
over Europe.”
- Harry S. Truman,
Victory Day (Europe)
8th May 1945
“Uncommon valor was
a common virtue.”
- Admiral Chester W. Nimitz,
“No sane man is unafraid
in battle, but discipline
produces in him a form of
vicarious courage.”
- General George S. Patton,
“From Stettin in the Baltic to
Trieste in the Adriatic an iron
curtain has descended across the
– Winston Churchill,
Address at Westminster College,
Fenton, Missouri
5th March 1946
“In War: Resolution.
In Defeat: Defiance.
In Victory: Magnanimity.
In Peace: Good Will.”
– Winston Churchill,
The Gathering Storm [1948]
“The buck stops
- Harry S. Truman,
personal motto
“In war, there is no
second prize for the
- General Omar N. Bradley,
“A fanatic is one who can’t
change his mind and won’t
change the subject.”
– Winston Churchill,
At a White House luncheon
26th June 1954
“The inherent vice of capitalism is
the unequal sharing of blessings;
the inherent virtue of socialism is
the equal sharing of miseries.”
– Winston Churchill,
At a White House luncheon
26th June 1954
“Men make history
and not the other way
- Harry S. Truman,
speech given 22nd February 1959
“I think that people want
peace so much that one of
these days governments
had better get out of the
way and let them have it.”
- Dwight Eisenhower,
Radio Broadcast
31st August 1959
“Misquotations are the
only quotations that are
never misquoted.”
Hesketh Pearson (1887-1964)
“Sometimes it’s worse to
win a fight than to lose.”
- Billie Holiday (1915-1959)
“Let the world go forth . . .
To friend and foe alike,
that the torch has been
passed to a new
generation of Americans.”
- John F. Kennedy,
Inaugural Address
20th January 1961
“I have a dream that one day
on the red hills of Georgia, the
sons of former slaves and the
sons of former slave owners
will be able to sit together at
the table of brotherhood.”
- Martin Luther King, Jr.,
“I Have a Dream” speech
28th August 1961
“The ultimate measure of a man is
not where he stands in moments of
comfort and convenience, but
where he stands at times of
challenge and controversy.”
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
“Nothing is more desirable than to
be released from an affliction, but
nothing is more frightening than
to be divested of a crutch.”
- James Baldwin
“It is the nature of man to
rise to greatness if greatness
is expected of him.”
- John Steinbeck (1902-1968)
“We need to help students and
parents cherish and preserve the
ethnic and cultural diversity that
nourishes and strengthens this
community - and this nation.”
- Cesar Chavez
“Those who cannot
remember the past are
condemned to repeat it.”
- George Santayana,
The Life of Reason
Volume I, Chapter 12
“If you don’t have
enemies, you don’t
have character.”
- Paul Newman
“You don’t have to be great to
get started but you have to get
started to be great.”
- Les Brown
“The punishment of moral men
who refuse to take part in the
affairs of government is to live
under the government of
immoral men.”
- Joan Cobb,
Belleville News-Democrat