draft - AACRAO

American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers
Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors
July 18, 2012
Conference Call
Board Members in Attendance: Melanie Gottlieb, Luisa Havens, Tracey Jamison, Nancy
Krogh, Adrienne McDay, Nora McLaughlin, Brad Myers, Jeff von Munkwitz-Smith
Staff Members in Attendance: Michael Reilly, Janie Barnett, Matthew Ogle
Call to Order
President von Munkwitz-Smith called the meeting to order at 3:04 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time
on July 18, 2012.
Approval of Agenda
MOTION 2012.07.01 – It was duly moved and seconded to approve the agenda. APPROVED
Reports of Officers
Past President
Past President McLaughlin discusses her draft of the Resolution to Honor Barmak. She will
incorporate suggestions and send this out via email.
President von Munkwitz-Smith attended the AACRAO Technology and Transfer Conferences
which were co-located in Chicago. The co-location seemed to have the desired effect. He
recently represented AACRAO at an American Geophysical Union workshop for 2-year college
faculty, speaking on AACRAO resources for 2-year colleges and on transfer. Ange Petersen and
a colleague from the University of Central Florida presented via telephone on a UCF program
that brings together science faculty from K-12, 2-year colleges, and UCF. While in DC, he met
with Mike, met with Matt regarding distributing governance proposal updates and also the
AACRAO Network, had informal conversations with other staff, and participated in a Finance
and Investments Committee conference call. Yesterday he shared the latest governance update
with a number of past presidents, including those who opposed the changes this year. So far
they’ve been supportive. The sole objection has been to the idea of adding an external director.
He will be sending the update out to the Governance Task Force members and others in the
coming days.
Reports of Staff
Executive Director
Executive Director Reilly reviewed his voter registration proposal with the Board and explained
the exact product we’re purchasing from the Fair Elections Legal Network. The Board approved
him to move ahead with this proposal.
He then brings up the SEM Journal proposal that the Board had previously heard from Barmak
as early as December 2011. The Board talks through the proposal.
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MOTION 2012.07.02 – It was duly moved and seconded to move forward with the creation of
the AACRAO SEM Quarterly in association with Josey-Bass pending successful negotiations
about the details assuming the currently understood price and length of the agreement.
Executive Director Reilly reminds the Board that he is considering updates to the office.
Approval of Minutes
Approval of minutes will take place at the August Conference Call.
Reports of Standing Committees
Vice President Krogh briefly reviews the May financial reports.
The Finance Committee recently reviewed a possible update to the Association’s Investment
Policy. The major change is in how we monitor our investments over a longer cycle. Instead of
comparing our portfolio’s performance against a blended benchmark, we’ll now look for the
following three things: to achieve a rate of return, net of fees that meets or exceeds a blended
benchmark; to achieve a risk adjusted return that is greater than the blended benchmark; and
measuring in a dollar value, whether we’re making money. The rest of the changes are intended
to clarify language currently in the policy and make sure we’re not unintentionally violating our
own policy.
MOTION 2012.07.03 – It was duly moved by the Finance Committee to approve the revised
AACRAO Investment Policy. APPROVED
Continuation of Staff Reports
Matt Ogle described for the Board the plan to move Board document keeping from the Board’s
website to the Board Community section of the AACRAO Network.
Unfinished Business
The Action Items list will be reviewed and updated at the August Conference Call.
MOTION 2012.07.04 – It was duly moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting of the Board of
Directors. APPROVED
The Board of Directors meeting adjourned at 4:06 p.m. Eastern Time on June 14, 2012.
AACRAO Investment Policy
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