Ann M. Koenig
Southwest Regional Director, Credential Evaluation Services
AACRAO International Education Services, Southwest Regional Office
15029 N. Thompson Peak, Suite B-111, PMB 606
Scottsdale AZ 85260 USA
Tel: 480-551-8005 Fax: 480-657-7071
Career Summary
Seventeen years of experience and leadership in international education:
 Foreign credential evaluation and research, specializing in Europe, Eurasia, and fraud
 Admission and academic advising of international graduate and undergraduate students
 Professional development, conference and workshop development and presentations
Professional Experience
 American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO)
Southwest Regional Director, Credential Evaluation Services, March 2002 to Present
 Golden Gate University, San Francisco CA: Associate Director of Admissions, 2000-02
 University of California Berkeley, CA: International Undergraduate Admissions Specialist, 1998-2000
 Pacific Coast Educational Services, Scottsdale AZ: Director of Evaluation and Research, 1997
 University of Maryland Univ. College, Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany: Registrar and Head Advisor, 1996-97
 Cardinal Stritch University, Milwaukee WI: Coordinator of Graduate Admissions, 1994-96
 Educational Credential Evaluators, Inc. (ECE), Milwaukee WI: Foreign Credential Evaluator, 1988-94
Principle Publications
 The Educational Systems of Central Asia (working title of pending publication), AACRAO, expected 2006
 C & U (College and University), AACRAO quarterly journal:
A Practical Guide to Documentation Review and Verification in International Admissions (Spring 2002)
Electronic Tools for International Admission:
Part I: Five Tips for Learning to Use the Internet (Fall 2002)
Part II: E-Russia (Winter 2003)
Part III: Have You Hugged Your Computer Today? (Spring 2003)
 A Guide to Educational Systems Around the World, Washington, D.C.: NAFSA, 1999, contributing author.
 An Overview of the Educational System of Albania, Milwaukee: ECE, Inc., 1993
 The Admission and Placement of Students from the Republic of Poland, PIER Workshop Report, Washington
D.C.: AACRAO and NAFSA, 1992, major author.
Professional Development Leadership
 Member since 1989; International Education Committee 1992; presentations/workshops on foreign
credential evaluation, former USSR/Russia, East/Central Europe, international admissions best
practices. Coordinator of AACRAO Diploma Mill Workshops since 2004.
 Association of International Educators: member since 1989; National ADSEC Team 2000-02,
presentations/workshops on foreign credential evaluation, former USSR/Russia, East/Central Europe,
diploma mills, international admissions best practices, electronic resources.
 Member since 1992; presentations/workshops on diploma mills, education in Kosovo and Bosnia and
Herzegovina, 2003, US higher education accreditation, 2004.
Master of Arts in German, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 1988
Bachelor of Arts with Distinction, major in German, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 1982
Associate of Arts, major in Church Music, Alverno College, Milwaukee WI, 1975
Study abroad: Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 1986-87
Freie Universität Berlin, Germany, 1985-86
Universität Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany, 1981-82