Chapter 5 - PowerPoint

Chapter 5
Deeds and Leases
Written document that
transfers title (ownership) of
real estate
Necessary Elements of a
Designation of the parties
Consideration given by grantee
Legal description
Specific interest conveyed
Signature of the grantor and
Should be publicly recorded
Additional Deed Elements
Covenant against
Covenant of seisin
Covenant of quiet enjoyment
Covenant of further
Warranty forever
Types of Deeds
General warranty deed
Special warranty deed
Broadest Type of Deed
Grantor assures no liens exist
except those of public record
Limits seller’s warranties to only
seller’s ownership period
Bargain and sale deed
Carries no warranties against liens
or other encumbrances but does
imply that grantor has right to convey
Grantor usually warrants they did not
cause any problems to title during
their ownership
More Deed Types
Quitclaim deed
Transfers whatever interest
grantor has but doesn’t imply any
valid interest at all.
 Commonly used to clear title
Deeds for special uses
E.g. Executor’s deed
Executor conveys title held by
deceased but executor
doesn’t claim any other
Agreement between a property
owner and tenant that transfers the
rights of use and possession
Requirements of a Properly
Prepared Lease
Names of the lessor (landlord) and
lessee (tenant)
Conveyance of the premises
Description of the premises
Term or duration of the lease
Amount of rent and manner of
Duties and obligations of parties
Signatures of the parties
Classification of Leases
Duration of term
Type of Use
Methods of Payment
Lease Duration
Duration of term
Tenancy for stated period
Tenancy from period to period
Tenancy at will
Tenancy at sufferance
Lease Type
Type of Use
Ground Lease
Residential lease
Commercial lease
Lease Payment Methods
Methods of Payment
Gross lease
Net lease
Net net lease
Net net net lease
Fixed-rent lease
Graduated-rent lease
Reappraisal lease
Percentage lease
Index lease
Issues in the LandlordTenant Relationship
Renewal option
Expense stops
Security deposits
Rights & Obligations of
Tenants and Landlords
Covenant of quiet enjoyment
Implied warranty of habitability
Maintenance of common
Renewal Clauses
Negative Renewal
 Positive Renewal
End Chapter 5