Welcome Parents of the class of 2026

Our Evening’s Agenda
0 6:00-6:25 Information session
0 6:25-6:35 time for group questions
0 6:35-6:55 available for tour/ pick up
materials/available for questions
Who is here?
0 Mr. Poston: principal
0 Ms. Chicchi: assistant principal
0 Ms. Brick: school counselor
Stars of our show!
0 Kindergarten Teachers
0 Ms. Tracy Mckee
0 Mr. Dennis Baker
0 Ms. Colleen D’Angelo
0 Ms. Mary Clark
0 Ms. Ann Koontz
Is your child ready
0 Shares with others.
Plays cooperatively with other children.
Separates from parents without being upset.
Begins to control oneself.
Starts to follow rules.
Takes care of self care needs - bathroom, dressing, zipping,
buttoning, etc.
Listens to stories with interest.
Looks at pictures and then tells stories.
0 Sorts similar objects by color, shape, and size.
Recognizes groups of one to five objects.
Counts to ten.
Bounces a ball.
Is your child ready…cont
0 Recognizes rhyming sounds - nursery rhymes.
Pays attention for short periods of time to adult
directed tasks.
Has a general sense of time of day.
Cuts with scissors.
Speaks understandably in complete sentences of up to
five or six words.
Identifies rhyming words orally.
Identifies the beginning sounds of some words orally.
Identifies some letters of the alphabet.
First few days
0 Students will have a “staggered start” to provide a
smaller less overwhelming atmosphere as they start
0 Please be ready to “Kiss and Go” on the first day
First few weeks
0 Students will be assessed to determine their reading
and math abilities.
0 Parents will be informed of where their student is
and also a plan will be developed for any students that
are not at beginning of Kindergarten grade level.
0 The plan will consist of home and school
interventions to help the students perform on grade
Academic Information
0 Reading Curriculum
0 Writing Curriculum
0 Math Curriculum
0 Science/Social Studies curriculum
Behavioral/Social Emotional
0 Students will need to sit and listen for 15-20 minutes
0 Students will need to follow all adult directions with out
arguing or refusing
Students will need to be able to play and work well with
other students
Students should keep hands and feet to themselves at all
Students will need to be able to try new things and do
some things on their own.
Students will need to be respectful to adults with their
tone of voice body language and verbal communication.
Positive Behavior
Intervention System
0 PAWS will help guide and teach your student how to
follow expectations so they can access the curriculum.
0 The first few weeks of school will center on students
learning the school routine, how to behave
appropriately and what to do in all areas of the school.
0 Students will be motivated through verbal praise,
announcements and a daily paw count.
0 Please help reinforce at home.
0 Buses
0 Car Riders
0 Walkers
0 Transportation Changes
Attendance/On time
0 Very important for students to be here and on time
0 Helps instill a sense of the importance of school
0 Children will transition easier into their routine
0 Saundra Gardner: school social worker
0 Lunch times
0 Money for lunch
0 Having lunch with your child
Safety and Security
0 Doors locked at 8am
0 Will need to come to front office and be “buzzed in”
0 All visitors must check in at office and have badge
0 Students will only be dismissed with adults on pick up
0 Background checks
Preparing Over Summer
0 Continue to read to your child every day. There are
several good books that focus on kindergarten you
might want to read. Some favorites are Miss
Bindergarten Kindergarten books, Countdown to
Kindergarten, The Night Before Kindergarten.
0 Over the summer, visit and play on the school
playground with your child. It will help him/her
begin to feel comfortable with his/her school
(especially since many children say recess and play
time are their favorites!).
0 Play games together like Candyland, Uno, Memory Game,
Go Fish, etc. to help your child learn how to play
cooperatively, take turns, and lose gracefully.
0 Practice self-help skills with your child: using the
bathroom, washing hands, blowing his/her nose, sneezing
and coughing into his/her arm (not hand), and dressing
(buttons, zippers, snaps, and buckles). Many children still
need help with dressing skills, especially in winter with
snow clothes as well as tying shoes.
0 Use public restrooms so the school bathroom will not seem
as scary.
0 Writing their name
0 Recognizing letters
0 Recognizing shapes
Summer Packet
0 DVD all about PES with some practice with letter
sounds, shapes and book print awareness.
0 Letter flash cards
0 Number flash cards
0 Sight word list
0 Group question time. Questions about procedures,
policies, etc. Please no individual child questions at
this time.