

Lacroix: High D EAP

Topic: Censorship

Background: Click on this link for more information about censorship: http://www.controversialforums.com/Censorship.php

Objective: You and your team will research different forms of censorship in the United

States as well as in other countries. You will develop pros and cons about censorship by reading various resources that have been provided for you on the Wiki under “Censorship.”

After reading the various articles, you and your group must come to a group consensus

(agreement) about your opinion on censorship. You will use your resources (specific quotes and paraphrased sentences) to support your research. Please be extra careful to paraphrase and cite your research as you go. Finally, you and your group will present your research and your opinion to the class.

Note: In this process, you and your group must decide which side of the argument you stand

and present your work via a persuasive presentation.

Paraphrasing: As you read the articles, tell me which items in the reading convinced you to agree or disagree with censorship. Please refer to specific paragraphs or sentences. Do you have any personal experience you can refer to? If so, integrate your personal experience with the research.

Presentation: On Tuesday, April 17, you will present your research from the WEBQUEST via a group presentation. [Your research and presentation will count for 80 points]

Reflection paper: On Tuesday, April 17, you will submit an individual reflection paper. You will evaluate your performance on the team project, reflect on your team members’ contributions, and state what you learned from this project. [This will count for 20 points.]

Due: Tuesday, April 17, 2012 at 9:00 AM

Presentation/Research: 80 points

Reflection paper: 20 points
