Outline I. Intro: Censorship – What comes to mind when you hear the word “Censorship?” Do you imagine something being ‘bleeped’ out or some sort of media being shielded from you? Well that’s basically what censorship is; it’s a barrier that stands between indecency and what is considered to be ‘ok’ in today’s media. It is a barrier that keeps immoral content out of everyday lives of decent average listeners. This is a big problem with the accessibility of mass media to the public in today’s society. < Why is it necessary? What is its importance on a personal level? Why is it a big problem in todays society? II. Thesis: Censorship creates the bounds for indecent language and such things that would seem immoral to the average human being, but it is only holding on by threads in today’s world.< You may need to reword your thesis to where the reader understands your exact view on the subject matter. III. Evaluative Claim: Censorship the fence that keeps indecent material out of the everyday lives of everyone. Whether or not people agree or disagree with censorship laws < I IV. Evidence to support claim Explain the effects of censorship and what it would be like if it didn’t exist. - Due to the material available today it is not hard to find uncensored material that is part of mass media. Show evidence in body paragraphs on the pros and cons of censorship < Maybe use the cons as a counter argument to your point of view. Elaborate on why it is good or bad < you want to pick a side and stick V. would probably go with what you agree with instead of what other people agree with. And then use what other people disagree with as your counter argument. The major pros and cons of censorship < since this is a rather vague idea you may want to think about putting it first in the body to help better the understanding of the reader. with it, you don’t want to flip flop in your writing and confuse the reader about what you trying to prove. Body paragraphs – also include who is affected by this Types of media that is effected by censorship Television Radio Cell phones Billboards Books Explain how these types of media are relevant to your argument VI. The effects of censorship We must take into account the effects that censorship has on children of today’s society. < you are using a similar idea in paragraph four. Personally if you split up an idea it becomes weak, so I would recommend that you try and combine the together and then expand on them as a whole. You could even go as far to make it a separate idea within the paper and then expand on it if your research permits. The availability of mass media to youth at any given moment. How are schools using censorship? Libraries and internet access < I see where you are going with this but you aren’t going to get your point across unless you have a counter argument which you prove to be wrong. VII. Conclusion: Personal take on censorship; for it. < you may want to state this in the introduction also. Why is it so important to have censorship overall? What is the overall effect that censorship has on all of our lives? < you might not want to use this as a question in the conclusion. Since you just spent the entire paper arguing your point of view you may just want to flat out tell them this is the way it needs to be. Is it good or bad? Ask the audience, the next time they listen to the radio or watch tv, is there content being censored and imagine if it wasn’t. Put yourselves in a world where content like this was available to you, your family, children, and everybody else. < good idea i like it but you can also get one final chance to push your idea on to the audience if you were to restate your personal opinion in plane terms.