Clinical Case Management: A New Service Offering in College Health Cara Ludlow, LMSW, CAADC Michigan State University Jamie Pyo, MS, LPC Penn State Altoona Learning Objectives O Define three roles of Case Management in college health O Define three benefits of Case Management to college students O Identify three improvements in service delivery that have resulted from the implementation of Case Management services within student health care settings The Complexities of Today’s College Students 2012 NCHA Survey Results Percent of Students for Whom Various Issues Were Traumatic/ Very Difficult in the Past Year 2012 NCHA survey results prepared by Larry Hembroff, Ph.D., Director of IPPSR's Office for Survey Research Percent of Students Feeling Emotionally Challenged 2012 NCHA survey results prepared by Larry Hembroff, Ph.D., Director of IPPSR's Office for Survey Research Factors Impacting Academic Performance 2012 NCHA survey results prepared by Larry Hembroff, Ph.D., Director of IPPSR's Office for Survey Research Two Models of Case Management Michigan State University Penn State Altoona Michigan State University O Big Ten University outside state capital O 49,343 students from all 83 counties in Michigan, all 50 states in the United States and 130 other countries worldwide O 37,988 undergraduate O 11,355 graduate and professional school O 50% women and 50% men O 16.6 % students of color; 14.5 % international O Third largest single-campus residential system in the nation Fall 2013 statistics: MSU Student Health Services Olin Student Health Center Primary Care O O O O O O O 50,000 visits per year 40% of students visit annually 6.2 CFTE Physicians 2.3 CFTE Physician Assistants 1.1 CFTE Nurse Practitioner 9.0 FTE Nursing 6.0 FTE Medical Assistants Psychiatry O O O O O 5000 visits per year 2.5% of students visit annually 4.0 CFTE Psychiatrists 1.0 FTE Psychiatric Nurse 2.5 FTE Clinical Social Worker, Care Manager and Social Work Fellow MSU Counseling Services O 10,000 individual visits a year O 3,000 unique students O 14 FTE Counselors; Psychologists, Masters of Social Work and Licensed Professional Counselors O .83 FTE Case Manager O 4 FTE Pre-Doctoral and Post-Doctoral Students August 31, 2013 - May 12, 2014 History of Case Management within Student Health Services and Counseling Center O In 2008 Michigan State University joined the National College Depression Project O Added Part Time Case Manager position to follow NCDP participants O In 2011 grant was completed O 2012 added full-time Case Manager position O 2013 added Post-Master of Social Work Fellow O 2013 MSU Counseling Center added full-time Case Manager Penn State Altoona O 4,000 undergraduates O Rural area O Commuter campus O 900 residence hall spaces O 22% minority students Penn State Altoona Sheetz Family Health & Wellness Center Health and Wellness Center Services O O O O O O O Primary Care 3100 visits per year 2 FTE NP 1 PT Physician Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS) 1650 visits per year 80 case management visits per year 4 FTE LPCs 4 hours per month consulting Psychiatrist Health & Wellness Center (HWC) O Integrated Health and Counseling services O Shared EMR O Weekly Multidisciplinary Team Meetings O Seamless in-house referrals History of Case Management at PSU Altoona O 2008 Penn State Altoona received the GLS Suicide Prevention Grant, allowed for new position (Mental Health Outreach Coordinator) O MH outreach coordinator assumed case management responsibilities to follow National College Depression Partnership students O 2009 MH outreach coordinator began meeting with students to provide supportive counseling through case management as a new service The Role of Case Managers in Student Health Case Management at Penn State Altoona O Meet with students individually who are in need of additional educational and/or community mental health resources O Meet individually with students who don’t meet the criteria for individual counseling, but need support O Meet with students who are in individual counseling and need additional support Case Management at Penn State Altoona O Early Alert Program Coordinator O First option for students presenting in crisis O Instruct students in the use of the biofeedback EASE program Case Manager Role in Student Health Services at Michigan State University O Provide direct and indirect services to students as part of integrated treatment team O Monitor high-risk students as part of an interdisciplinary team providing ongoing risk assessment, crisis intervention, safety planning and follow-up with high acuity students O O Part of Clinical Review Team in Partnership with MSU Counseling Center O Part of university-wide Interdisciplinary Behavioral Intervention Team [BIT] which includes MSU Police Department, Department of Student Life [Student Conduct], MSU Counseling Center and Residence Education and Housing services Assist and facilitate voluntary and involuntary hospitalizations through admission, discharge planning and follow-up Case Manager Role in Student Health Services at Michigan State University O Coordinate referrals to MSU’s Resource Center for Person’s with Disabilities O Assist students in navigating MSU’s Medical Withdraw process through the University Physician’s Office O Refer and facilitate services for students with community partners and treatment providers outside of university system O Provide brief supportive counseling and bridging to long term treatment providers O Provide follow-up with students to confirm connection and engagement with services Benefits of Case Management Benefits of Case Management O Improved collaboration and integration with students and providers in addressing students health and mental health needs O Increased monitoring and support of high acuity students O Provide transitional care and coordination during changes in student status Benefits of Case Management O Provide additional model of support aside from traditional counseling O Identify and seek to resolve barriers O Helping new and existing students learn about and connect to campus and community services O Follow-up with students to ensure care was secured O More efficient use of Psychiatry and Counselor time O Increase academic performance and retention Improvements in Service Delivery Improvements in Service Delivery O Increased monitoring of high risk students O Quicker response time in engaging students O More comprehensive continuum of care between treatment providers Improvements in Service Delivery O Increased engagement in treatment and supportive services O Reduction in missed or no-show appointments O Improved communication and support between multi-disciplinary staff in health centers, counseling centers and across campus Student Response Penn State Altoona O 85% of students receiving case management services were satisfied with the service O 93% of students agreed or strongly agreed that case management provided help with improving emotional health O 93% of students agreed or strongly agreed that case management helped them stay in school O 78% of students agreed or strongly agreed that case management helped them maintain academic performance Challenges in Case Management Challenges in Case Management Michigan State University O Service providers in two separate buildings on campus O Different administrative units and separate funding for services O Documentation across two electronic records systems that do not interface O Duplication of services between Health Center and MSU Counseling Center O Increased risk of triangulation between multiple treatment providers O Historic cultural differences:“Medical Model vs. Developmental Model” Challenges in Case Management Penn State Altoona O Students and staff lack of knowledge of the role and service, lead to hesitancy at times O Local students are at times reluctant to try community resources O Insurance issues O Lack of availability of psychiatry and at times counseling in the community Bridging the Gaps Rami Sean Rami O Currently 21 year old single female O International student from Japan O College of Social Science; Psychology major O First contact was 2011 fall semester, freshman year O Withdrew from first semester and returned home to Japan O Returned to MSU; three suicide attempts in four weeks, involuntary suspension from school, and ambivalent about engaging in treatment/services Sean O 20 year old male student O Diagnosed with ADHD in 7th grade, prescribed Adderall 15mg twice daily since then O First semester, fall 2012 did well O Second semester, spring 2013 medically withdrew O Fall 2013 stayed home and completed online coursework O Currently attempting third semester O Living in the residence halls Questions? Contact Information O Cara Luldlow: O Jamie Pyo: References O 2012 NCHA Full report available at: O .pdf O Van Brunt, B., Woodley, E., Gunn, J., Raleigh, MJ, Reinach Wolf, C. & Sokolow, B. (2012). Case Management in Higher Education. Publication of the National Behavioral Intervention Team Association (NaBITA) and the American College Counseling Association (ACCA). O Wilson, C., Powell, A., Woodley, E., Nelson-Moss, T.M., Blamey, A., & Thibodeau, T. The History of Case Management in Higher Education. Publication of the Higher Education Case Managers Association (HECMA).