The Pennsylvania State University Clinic Intern Program PSU Clinic Intern Program HOW OUR PROGRAM WAS DESIGNED PSU: The Beginning Started in 1998 Started by pre-healthcare professional student request as well as doctor request Limited opportunities to gain healthcare experience Hospital only US Dept of Health and Human Services, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Google Maps, accessed 5/14/2014 PSU: The Beginning US Dept of Health and Human Services, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality PSU: Organizational Management Four Credit course through the Continuing Education Office Bio- Behavioral Health program --- BBH 497x Reviewed and renewed annually Fall Semester: 15 weeks of 2-hour weekly class = 30 hours 10 weeks of 4-hour weekly clinic shift = 40 hours Spring Semester 15 weeks of 4-hour weekly clinic shift = 60 hours 2-3 one-hour classes = 2-3 hours 100 hours total of patient contact hours PSU: Organizational Management Program Coordinator, Instructor: Currently: Advanced Practitioner with Master’s Degree Clinical Coordinators Licensed Practical Nurses, one for each clinical floor Others with roles in program: Assistant Director of Clinical Operations and Director of Nursing Nurse Manager Nurse Leaders Technical and Clerical support* PSU: Organizational Management Due February Reviewed over Spring Break Interview End of March Class selection and notification of acceptance Training Beginning of Fall Semester classes Continuing into Spring Semester Application PSU: Recruitment Promotional Campaign (2005) Press Release Posters in the clinic Newspaper feature article Bus advertisement Last 5-9 years 100+ applicants by word of mouth for 12-20 seats Application submitted online Interviews Selection Average Class size (2003-13): 16 students PSU: Training Prior to starting classes Background check Child Abuse Training HIPAA Training BBP/TB Training Classes start in the Fall 2 hours/wk Penn State Student Health Center, University Park, PA Enter clinic on ~ week 6 About 2 weeks of clinic oversight before independent 16-20 hours of training prior to clinic exposure Picture credit: PSU: Risk Management Interviewed, hand selected class Prior to Entering Clinic Certificates and Training Signed contract Signed Confidentiality Statement Competency sign off for skills 3-6 hours of scenario training In the Clinic EHR reports daily/weekly Identifiable as Interns Restricted Menu options PSU: Risk Management PSU: Risk Management PSU: Risk Management PSU: Risk Management ABSOLUTE confidentiality: I will display sensitivity and accept diversity in my clinical encounters at UHS. I will not discuss any patient or incident outside of UHS. I will not access any patient information that is not essential to my work including my own chart. I understand that failure to maintain patient confidentiality, at any time, will end in my dismissal from the program, will result in a failing grade for this course without the ability to drop the course and may result in referral to Penn State’s Office of Student Conduct, Risk Management and Bio-Behavioral Health departments. All of these offices may take action separately. PSU: Staff Involvement UHS- wide involvement Mentors – Nursing staff Shadowing Clinicians and RNs Other departments Physical Therapy Lab/xray Pharmacy EMS Directly involved in running program Advanced Practice Clinician – Instructor Clinical Coordinators – Designated LPN per floor (rotates) Administrative support – as previously listed PSU: Evaluation and Feedback For academic course SRTE – standardized questions with free text Student Worker Group Email Questionnaire at end of academic year Ongoing student and staff feedback Meetings ANGEL anonymous feedback form Learning Outcomes WHAT OUR STUDENTS OBTAIN FROM THE PROGRAM PSU: Learning Outcomes Clinical Skills “Skills” Clinics Equipment “rental” Purchase of stethoscope Measurement tools Classroom skill competency check off Clinic skill competency check off Mentor/Coordinators observation period PSU: Learning Outcomes Communication “EHR clinics” Spelling, abbreviations, common medications Scenarios training Measurement tools Exams, evaluations, mentor feedback Classroom PSU: Learning Outcomes Consumers of Healthcare Advocates for student services Training needed before entering clinic HIPAA Child Abuse training Background checks Immunization requirements Shadowing Clinicians All departments PSU: Learning Outcomes Leadership Skills Students report Increased confidence Increased independence Increased awareness of ethics and morals Increased awareness of healthcare roles Returning students Aide during classroom Work independently within the clinic Challenges WHY YOU THINK YOU DON’T WANT TO CREATE A PROGRAM PSU: Challenges Program challenges Orienting 12-20 “new employees” every year Risk with “comfort” Time Commitment of Staff Willing Instructor Ensure students are trained + objective measurement tools for grades + keep it interesting Willing Clinical Coordinators Willing Mentors Willing Shadowing opportunities PSU: Challenges PHI/HIPAA EHR access Very limited Confidentiality scenarios Intake scenarios Contract and Confidentiality statement clearly reviewed and signed EHR “pings” Coordinator checks in chart Protect patient and intern PSU: Challenges Patient Rights Patients may “Opt out” of intern involvement Please note that a student intern may be involved in your treatment. If you do not wish to have a student intern involved in your treatment, please notify a staff assistant at the information desk. Interns taught to identify and avoid questionable situations Zero tolerance policy PSU: Challenges Staff Confidence in Training Rotating Clinical Coordinator position Making program updates a standard part of meetings Involve staff in training Benefits WHY YOU SHOULD WANT TO CREATE A PROGRAM PSU: Benefits Staff Satisfaction Keeping schedule on time Allowing nursing to spend more time on complex duties “Injects youthfulness into the clinic” Do more with less Greater “purpose” PSU: Benefits Patient Satisfaction Keep visits on time Assume students involved due to academic setting Patients become interns Opt out at check in Photo credit: PSU: Benefits Organization mission and goals UHS University Health Services' vision is to foster a healthy Penn State campus community where students, faculty, and staff will enjoy optimal health as they pursue their academic, career, and personal goals. The mission of University Health Services is to heal, educate and care by providing student-centered acute and preventive health services and leadership for the Penn State community on health related issues. Student Affairs Provide involvement opportunities Promote active and responsible citizenship Augment academics My time at UHS gave me a great perspective regarding healthcare. It reaffirmed my commitment to healthcare and pushed me further to pursue my goal of becoming a physician. It has been an invaluable opportunity and one that I will always be thankful for. PSU: Benefits Individual Volunteer satisfaction Survey results SRTE results 2014 feedback: 100% -- Very satisfied or Satisfied with quality of training 100% -- Thought the training of appropriate for role in clinic 100% -- Satisfied with advancement toward career goals after volunteering/working with Clinical Services 100% -- Very satisfied or Satisfied with overall experience at UHS PSU: Benefits Costs: Income: Staff time: Nurse Manager/Leaders Administrative staff Program Coordinator/Instructor Clinical Coordinators Program Costs CPR certifications Shirts Flu Vaccines TB Two step screenings Background checks HIPAA/BBP/TB training Recognition Items End of Year Dinner Tuition PSU: Benefits Financial “Value of Program” Volunteer hours “Value of hours” 100 hours per year per student x 15 1500 hours Based on Job descriptions for level 2 Nursing specialist (~$17/hr). $15,300.00 60% of job duties = 60% pay = $10.20/hr *Average intakes done by LPN in 4 hours = 12 *Average intakes done by Clinic Intern in 4 hours = 9.8 In conclusion