Minutes of the Los Medanos College Associated Students Senate Meeting Date: Monday, April 8, 2013 Place: Los Medanos College – Library Conference Room 105 2700 East Leland Road Pittsburg, CA 94565-5107 Chair: President Sherrie Anderson Call to Order: Meeting was called to order at 1:01 pm Roll Call: Present Absent President Anderson Comm. C.E. Klipp (excused) *V.P. Shi Senator Lactaoen *Comm. P.O. Ndiribe *Treasurer Clark *Parliamentary Kochketola *Senator Ayoko *Senator Bijlani *Senator Lecky *Senator Martinez *Senator Moreno *Senator van-Eckhardt Advisor Ashley Adams *Voting board members Quorum: Those present constitute a quorum. 2. Approve Motion to approve the agenda of 4/8/13 with removing items #6 & #9 Motion: Parliamentary Kochketola Second: Senator van-Eckhardt Vote: 9-0-1 Motion passes. Motion to approve the minutes of 4/1/13 with the amendment from Parliamentary Kochketola Motion: Senator Moreno Second: Senator Ayoko Vote: 9-0-1 Motion passes. 3. Public Comment Monica Chand, Student from Professor Clarke’s class 4. Officer/Senator Reports President Anderson -Complaint towards the Student Life Office (needs to open at 9am, have someone there) -Anything you do towards the Breast Cancer Conference counts as office hours Senator Moreno -Academic Competition on 4/13/13 V.P. Shi -Academic Competition on 4/13/13, there is a meeting on 4/12/13 at 11 am Senator van-Eckhardt -Freedom singers -“I Love Africa” event from the UMOJA Scholars -Earth Day, Recyclable art competition, Advisor Appreciation ceremony on 5/8/13, Veteran campaign Parliamentary Kochketola -Senators received a hard copy of his report stating the following: “Incorrectly advising the Senate regarding unanimous consent”, “request volunteers prior to the Senate voting on the question”, “minutes accurately reflect what happens in the meeting”, “Brown Act has a website, the agenda must be posted there”, “improving the way the Senate does business”, “Antioch Code Enforcement project”, “schedule for the New Organizing Institute Webinar series” Senator Lecky -No Report Senator Arroyo -Joined the Antioch Code Enforcement committee Senator Ndiribe -Scholarship fundraising for the Breast Cancer Conference was successful Senator Martinez -No Report Treasurer Clark -Fill out the form attached, and return it to me today -Working on fundraisers for the Breast Cancer Conference -Breast Cancer Conference meeting today at 3pm in L125 -Newspaper article on breast cancer conference -LMCAS activities website promoting Breast Cancer Conference -No committee report -Possible pizza sale next week Senator Bijlani -Sold donuts -SACHE is selling coupons for $20 from Mountain Mike’s pizza 5. Advisor Report -Senate committee list is updated -Elections open up today! -Academic Competition on 4/13/13, a meeting on 4/12/13 and volunteers need to be there at 11 am -Julian Bond at CCC on 4/12/13 from 7-9pm -Tabeling for high school orientation on 4/27/13 & 5/4/13, can sell desserts but not food -Advisor Appreciation Ceremony on 5/8/13 - Bay Adventures to see Alvin Ailey on 4/26/13 at UC Berkeley $15 includes transportation and admission - UMOJA’s “I Love Africa” event on 4/12/13 from 4pm-5:30pm in the Library 7. Approval of Senator Appointments to committees Motion to move Senator Ayoko to the SSCCC Region committee Motion: Senator van-Eckhardt Motion to the amend the previous motion by adding Ad Hoc and the Antioch Code Enforcement committee Motion: Parliamentary Kochketola Second: Senator Lecky Motion passes. 8. Rules for sashes/Rules on whether to pass/or not pass an excusable absence Motion to amend the “LMCAS Guidelines for Sashes” by substituting “Stella Wards” in place of “Student Success Ceremony” Motion: Parliamentary Kochketola Second: Senator Moreno Vote: 9-0-1 Motion passes. Motion to amend the “LMCAS Guidelines for Sashes” by changing the word “Board” to “Senate” on the last bullet paragraph point Motion: Parliamentary Kochketola Second: Senator Moreno Vote: 9-1-0 Motion passes. 10. LMCAS Election Candidate Nominations -Senator van-Eckhardt, Senator Ayoko, Senator Moreno, & Senator Bijlani move to nominate Comm. C.E. Klipp as President - Senator van-Eckhardt, Senator Ayoko, Senator Moreno, & Senator Bijlani move to nominate V.P. Shi as Vice President -Senator Moreno, Senator Ayoko, & Senator Bijlani move to nominate Treasurer Clark as Treasurer Motion to table item #10 after all items are finished Motion: Parliamentary Kochketola Second: Comm. P.O. Ndiribe Motion passes. 11. Breast Cancer Conference funding raising information/update -Confirm if you’re going to participate or not -Suggestions for fundraisers like Jamba Juice 12. Resolution recognizing the Debate Team -Bring to next week’s meeting as a new agenda item 13. LMC Foundation Student Veteran’s Scholarship Campaign -Six-week campaign (Feb. 26-Apr. 8) to raise $30,000 to fund veteran scholarships -Approximately 320 registered veterans (many more not self-reported) Motion to approve $1,000 to the LMC Foundation Student Veteran’s Scholarship Campaign Motion: Parliamentary Kochketola Motion fails. Motion to approve $5,000 out of the cluster club budget to the LMC Foundation Student Veteran’s Scholarship Campaign Motion: Senator van-Eckhardt Second: Senator Bijlani & Senator Martinez Vote: 8-1-0 Motion passes. 14. Senators do outreach during office hours with table to advertise clubs and activities -To advertise the student body -To answer how LMCAS operates 15. Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Peace Conference update and information -Event held on 4/12/13 from 5-9pm in LMC Science Building Room 136 16. Adoption of a consent calendar for administrative matters -To put into action calendar list items to be approved, unless there’s an objection 17. Funding Request: AGS Statewide Honor Society Convention -To be put in next week’s meeting 18. Senate decision on letter from Senator C. Lactaoen Motion to accept Senator C. Lactaoen’s resignation to the LMCAS Senate Motion: Parliamentary Kochketola Second: Treasurer Clark Motion passes. Motion to accept the nominations of LMCAS Motion: Treasurer Clark Second: Senator Bijlani 19. Future Agenda Items -Item #s: 11, 12, 16 20. Adjournment -Meeting was adjourned at 3:15 pm