Online Tutorial for Academic Advisors Click on Slide Show and click on From Beginning to assist with viewing and utilizing links. Produced by the Academic Advising Redesign Team, 2009 Revised, May 2013 the mission and intended outcomes of academic advising, and responsibilities of those involved. UNC Charlotte’s basic advising protocol. the importance of FERPA and protecting students’ privacy. techniques for effective advising. the software and online tools to enhance the advising experience. the partnerships with related offices and departments. Academic Advising at UNC Charlotte Assist students to achieve their educational and lifelong learning goals through an interactive and educational partnership. Intended Outcomes: As a result of the advising process, students will be able to: 1. Evaluate personal interests and abilities leading to the creation of realistic a academic and professional goals. 2. Access and navigate the University online resources and processes. 3. Develop an educational plan that leads to timely completion of their educational goals. 4. Access University academic and student support services and resources. 5. Follow academic and administrative policies and procedures. 6. Develop the critical thinking and independent decision-making skills to make and accept responsibility for academic decisions. 7. Discover and integrate co- and extra-curricular activities and programs that enhance the collegiate experience. Provide accurate and timely information about degree and career-related requirements. Be available during publicized office hours. Respond to students’ inquiries within two business days. Empower each student to make independent and informed decisions. Be knowledgeable about policies and procedures. Serve as a guide, teacher, facilitator, coach, and counselor. Make appropriate referrals. Encourage active engagement in the curriculum-based advising process by using the CAPP degree audit. Advised from an integrated perspective of general education, major(s), minor(s), experiential learning, study abroad. Ensure smooth transition for students declaring and changing majors. Keep accurate and up-to-date advising records in Niner Advisor. Provide realistic options for students’ decision making and encourage reasonable time to degree. Be resourceful, utilizing web-based resources, advising tools and professional development opportunities. Be proactive; seek help and advice early in semester. Understand role of academic and faculty advisor. Know how to contact advisor(s). Become familiar with requirements for major, minor, general education, and graduation. Update student record when necessary (e.g., change of address, phone number). Know current grade point average, enrolled credits, and earned credit hours. Follow dates and deadlines on the academic calendar. Frequently check e-mail for official communication from UNC Charlotte. Know that advisors are helpful and available during class registration and nonregistration periods. Schedule and arrive on time for appointment with advisor. Check CAPP degree audit, prepare questions, and create a course schedule before meeting with advisor. Make notes and keep all paperwork forms from advising sessions. Be familiar with and utilize the Undergraduate Catalog, a comprehensive online source of academic policies, procedures, course descriptions, and requirements. Academic Advising at UNC Charlotte The Undergraduate Catalog is the official University document governing the academic programs, policies, regulations, and requirements that is published for a specific academic term. How to know it: Understand which version of the Catalog pertains to which students For degree requirements, students are generally held to the Catalog pertaining to the year in which they commenced their studies. More specific details are outlined in the Introduction of the Undergraduate Catalog. Read & understand the academic regulations & degree requirements, your specific Departmental/College information, and course descriptions Memorizing is not as important as knowing what kind of information is available and where to locate it. Click here to view the Undergraduate Catalog. University forms are official University documents (some online) that authorize students to manage their academic records. Some examples include: Change of Major/Minor Academic Petition Transient Study Grade Replacement Request Be aware of your departmental process for approval. This form is used to update a student’s University record when a major or minor is declared or removed in a department. Many Colleges have specific rules about when students can declare or modify their major or minor. Check with your department about following proper protocol. Click here for an example of a completed Change of Major/Minor form. This online form is used to petition for a variety of special circumstances a student may encounter. It is typically used to request an exception to an established policy and must be approved by an Assistant Dean, Associate Dean, or Dean. Some examples include: Permission to file paperwork past the published deadline Permission to request a course substitution Permission to withdraw from classes past the published deadline Check with your department about following proper protocol. Click here for a video to learn more about the online Academic Petition process. This form gives permission for a student to enroll in and transfer coursework from another institution. It is typically used for summer courses, but some departments at UNC Charlotte have restrictions on the transferability of courses. Students must: file the form PRIOR to enrolling in the course because credit is not granted retroactively. complete the last 25% of the degree requirements (approx. 30 hours), including the last 12 hours for the major and 6 hours for the minor at UNC Charlotte to meet Residency Requirements. Check with your department about following proper protocol. Click here for an example of a completed Transient Study form. This request gives permission for an undergraduate student to replace grades for up to two courses (maximum of eight hours). Both grades are reflected on the transcript but only the higher of the two will be used in the GPA calculation. The policy only applies to courses taken in the Fall 2007 semester and beyond. Students: ◦ Must request a grade replacement online no later than the last day to drop a course with no record in the semester or summer session in which the course is to be repeated. ◦ May not revoke this request once it is filed. Click here to view a demonstration for filing Grade Replacement online. This is the administrative unit responsible for creating and maintaining the integrity, accuracy, and privacy of the official academic record for all students. This office: manages the registration process by which students enroll in courses. records and processes University forms relating to a student’s academic record. maintains official University transcripts. certifies graduation requirements. Click here to visit the Registrar’s website. A student’s degree requirements typically contain 3 basic components: General Education Requirements Major/Minor Requirements General Electives General Education coursework is required of all students regardless of the major. Each College defines the degree requirements for majors/minors in the Undergraduate Catalog. General Electives typically make up the difference to ensure 120 earned credit hours (minimum needed to graduate with any degree). Be aware of your department’s credit hour requirements. These requirements provide undergraduate students, regardless of their majors, with the foundations of a liberal education in 4 areas: 1. 2. 3. 4. Development of Fundamental Skills of Inquiry Inquiry in the Sciences Themes of Liberal Education for Public & Private Life Communication Skills General Education is typically completed during the Freshman and Sophomore years. Transfer students with a 2 year degree may be exempt from General Education (refer to the Undergraduate Catalog for details). Some major requirements also fulfill General Education requirements; check with your major department. Click here to view the General Education worksheet. Advisor Website provides resources for you! Academic Advisor Development Program Advising awards, interest groups, and more Advisor toolkit Reference materials Central Academic Advising website covers a widerange of topics for students, including: Academic enrichment Academic policies Academic support Dates & deadlines Declaring a major/minor Evaluating progress Forms & resources Graduation information Probation and suspension Below you will find links to offices that offer support to students with varying interests and needs to enhance their academic success. Adult/Nontraditional Students (OASES) Education Abroad Students First Generation College Students (BEST) Honors Students International Students ◦ Admissions ◦ Transcript Evaluation/Credential Services Learning Community Students Multicultural Students o Multicultural Academic Services New Students: SOAR (orientation, etc.) Click each link underlined in RED to access additional information. Pre-Health Students (Medical, Dental, Veterinary, Pharmacy, Optometry, etc.) Pre-Law Students Re-Admission Students Student-Athletes Students in Crisis Students with Disabilities Suspended Students (academic) ◦ Student Conduct Teacher Certification and Licensure Students Transfer Students and Transfer Credit Evaluation Undecided/In-transition/Exploratory Students (University Advising Center; University Career Center) Veterans Visiting Students Click each link underlined in RED to access additional information. Academic Advising at UNC Charlotte Basically, FERPA protects the privacy of student information. Faculty, staff, and administrative officers must treat education records confidentially, unless: a legal exception applies, or the student provides written consent to disclose. A “student" is an individual who is or who has been attending UNC Charlotte and does not include persons who have been admitted but did not attend the University. FERPA ensures privacy from others, including a student’s parent or guardian, unless a consent form has been filed or tax dependency of a student is demonstrated by submitting to the University a copy of the most recently filed federal income tax return. Consent forms to waive FERPA rights are available online and in the Office of Registrar. Click here for more information about FERPA & view a copy of the waiver form. Academic Advising at UNC Charlotte Active listening Ensuring efficiency and accuracy Resolving difficult situations Knowing the power of a positive “no” As an advisor, you are likely to experience the same scenario from a variety of students in a day’s work. Keep a fresh perspective by actively listening as if each student is telling you about an issue for the first time. Active listening: reduces error and ensures comprehension. decreases the need for a second meeting. communicates care and concern for the student. increases the student’s comfort level in approaching you with more serious concerns. allows you to provide better service. Policies & protocols change periodically. Always provide accurate and timely information by complying with current standards. FACTS Errors in advising may cause a student to enroll in unnecessary coursework, increase tuition costs, and in some cases, delay graduation. A long delay in responding to students can lead to a phone call to your supervisor from frustrated parents. Inaccuracy can cost you hours of lost productivity time. Advising students about sensitive issues can sometimes lead to challenging situations. To minimize this effect, remember to: remain calm and speak in a softer, non-threatening tone without becoming defensive. allow the student to speak and model good listening skills. offer some means of resolving the issue while being direct. invite another advisor to provide reinforcement or to offer additional alternatives. Never engage in a verbal battle. Remember, you are the professional. Universities are governed by policies and procedures. Advisors often give students information they may not want to hear as it relates to these regulations. How an advisor communicates a negative response can impact how a student receives the message. Try these tactics: Even when you know the answer is “no,” always listen to the student’s synopsis of the situation. Respond to each point and provide a logical rationale or explanation of the policy(s) and/or procedure(s). Provide a few alternative options for the student to consider. Answer any related questions and reassure the student that he/she was correct in asking for assistance. Academic Advising at UNC Charlotte BANNER is our web-based software system used by the University to manage student records. Advisors must achieve proficiency in either Self-Service BANNER or Internet Native BANNER. BANNER training sessions are offered periodically. Contact the Information & Technology Services (ITS) Training Department for scheduling. Check with your Department to determine the appropriate system required and about the procedure for accurate and timely assignment of advisees into Banner. Click here to view the ITS Training website. Self-Service and Internet Native BANNER contain essential advising information. Below is a sampling of information that can be accessed through BANNER: ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ CAPP degree evaluation Course registration schedule(s) Registration history Registration hold(s) Registration overrides Student contact information Student schedule Student transcript and grades Niner Advisor is an online portal accessed through the 49er Express. This program allows advisors to: ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ create appointment availabilities for advisees. view scheduled advising appointments. maintain a system of notes for each advisee. download and attach documents. view advisee academic records. share information with other advisors. Niner Advisor Guide is located on 49er Express Homepage. Academic Advising at UNC Charlotte Below you will find links to many common offices and departments that students may have questions about or places that you may need to receive information from. Admissions, Undergraduate Continuing Education and Distance Learning Counseling Center Dean of Students (Judicial Process) Disability Services English Language Training Institute Financial Aid and Scholarships Graduation Information Health Services Information & Technology Services (ITS) International Student/Scholar Office (ISSO) Office of Intercultural Outreach Programs Office of the Registrar Police and Public Safety (704.687.2200) Residence Life and Housing Student Activities (Organizations and Campus Activities Board) Student Accounts/Cashier’s Office Summer School and Summer Programs Testing Information: Advanced Placement, Foreign Language Proficiency, Math Placement Exam, CLEP Exam Tutorial Services & Supplemental Instruction University Career Center (Internships & Cooperative Education) University Center for Academic Excellence Volunteer Services Writing Resources Center Consider joining any of these reputable professional associations to assist with your advising: National Academic Advising Association (NACADA) Association of American Colleges & Universities (AACU) College Student Educators International (ACPA) Learning Communities National Resource Center National Center for the First-Year Experience and Students in Transition (FYE) National Collegiate Honors Council National Institute for the Study of Transfer Students Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education (NASPA) Check out these additional resources for higher education news, advice, and ideas, including diversity issues and personal development.