1.18.16 EDUCSP 605 Resource list

Updated 1/17/16
Course Resources
NOTE: Not all the resources below are required readings for the course. Readings will be noted in the
associated sessions in Canvas modules.
General Transition, Legislation, and I-13
Bethune, L. (2015). Critical components of effective transition programs. APSE Connections. Rockville,
MD: Association of People Supporting Employment First.
O’Leary, E., & Collison, W. (2007). Transition services. Salt Lake City, UT: Mountain Plains Regional
Resource Center. Retrieved from http://transitioncoalition.org/tc-materials-display/?cat_ID=331
Parent Information Center (2014). Life after high school transition tool kit. Concord, NH: Author.
Retrieved from http://nhspecialed.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Life-After-High-SchoolTransition-Toolkit-v21.pdf
Self-Determination and Self-Advocacy
Merchant, D., & Dintinio, M. (2011). Self-advocacy and the transition to college: A curriculum for
practitioners. Keene, NH: Monadnock Center for Successful Transitions, Keene State College.
Retrieved from http://nextsteps-nh.org/wp-content/uploads/Self-advocacy-and-the-Transition-toCollege-12-13-2011.pdf
Owens, L., & Beckman, M. (2009). Opening doors to self-determination skills. Wisconsin Department of
Public Instruction. Madison, WI: Author. Retrieved from
Field, S., & Hoffman, A. (2002). Preparing youth to exercise self-determination. Journal of Disability
Policy Studies, 13(2), 113-118.
Field, S., & Hoffman, A. (1994). Development of a model for self-determination. Career development for
exceptional individuals, 17(2), 159-169.
Hoffman, A., & Field, S. (1995). Promoting self-determination through effective curriculum development,
30(3), 134-141.
Person-Centered Planning
Bishoff, J. (2005). McGill action planning process. Swanzey, NH: Monadnock Regional School District.
Unpublished manuscript.
PACER Center, (2004). Person-centered planning: A tool for transition. Minneapolis, MN: Author.
Retrieved from http://www.pacer.org/C3/curriculum/session7/handouts/
Slovic, R., Flannery, K.B., Islascox, S. (2000). Person centered assessment and planning: A guide to new tools.
Eugene, OR: Specialized Training Program, College of Education.
Transition to Postsecondary Education
Kallio, A., & Owens, L. (2012). Opening doors to postsecondary education and training. Madison, WI:
State of Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. Retrieved from
New Hampshire Career and Technical Education Administrators (2015). Considering CTE: Reflective guide for
students considering applying for admission to a NH CTE program. Concord, NH: Author. Retrieved from
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B m8Lfd_tvOLUjFIc0JQdUdnMVBrd 1NWOTh5QmJ0REVGZW9F/view
Flannery, B., Slovic, R., Dalmau, M., Bigaj, S., Hart, M. (2000). Learning for a lifetime: Professional and
technical education and training (series). Eugene, OR: Education and Community Supports,
University of Oregon.
Transition to Career and Employment
National Collaborative on Workforce and (2014), Understanding the new vision for career development:
The role of family. Washington, DC: Author. Retrieved from http://www.ncwdyouth.info/understanding-the-new-vision-for-career-development-the-role-of-family
Street, B., Black, D., Bigaj, S., & Mahon, S. (2012). Habits of work: An employment skills curriculum.
Keene, NH: Monadnock Center for Successful Transitions, Keene State College. Retrieved from
Street, B., Cullen, D., Bigaj, S., & Mahon, S. (2010). Creating approved work-based learning experiences.
Keene, NH: Monadnock Center for Successful Transitions, Keene State College. Retrieved January 4,
2015 from http://nextsteps-nh.org/wp-content/uploads/Create-Approved-Work-Based-LearningExperiences-Nov-10.pdf
Transition Assessment
Walker,A., Kortering, L., Fowler,C., Rowe,D., & Bethune, L., (2013). Age appropriate transition
assessment toolkit. Charlotte, NC: National Secondary Transition Technical Assistance Center. Retrieved
from http://transitionta.org/evaltoolthirdedition
Specific transition assessment tools are provided in class
Family and Parent Collaboration
The Parent Information Center. (n.d.). New Hampshire Standards for Family-School-Community
Partnerships. Concord, NH: Author. Retrieved from http://picnh.org/nhconnect/wpcontent/uploads/2013/08/NHC-PTA-Tip-Sheet-5.12.pdf
The Parent Information Center. (n.d.). Family-school partnerships in special education, what is in it for
me? Retrieved from http://picnh.org/nhconnect/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/WIIFM-TipSheet.pdf
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Website Resources to Support Class Topics
Next Steps NH: nextsteps-nh.org/
Next Steps NH is a project is to increase the number of students with disabilities and/or those at risk of
dropping out of school who are college and career ready in New Hampshire through the implementation
of evidence based transition practices. Some specific resources we will reference include:
Transition IEP Requirements: Training and Reference Tool
The Toolkit for Interagency Collaboration
Extended Learning Opportunities
Extended Learning Opportunities: Beyond Classroom
National Technical Assistance Center on Transition: http://www.transitionta.org/
NTACT’s purpose is to assist State Education Agencies, Local Education Agencies, State VR agencies, and
VR service providers in implementing evidence-based and promising practices ensuring students with
disabilities, including those with significant disabilities, graduate prepared for success in postsecondary
education and employment.
Evidence-Based Practices Resource List: http://www.transitionta.org/evidencepractices
The IRIS Center: iris.peabody.vanderbilt.edu/module/tran/
Funded by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP), the IRIS
Center is headquartered at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, and Claremont Graduate
University in Claremont, California. Their primary objective is to create resources about evidence-based
practices for use in preservice preparation and professional development programs. There are several
modules for transition at this site to reference. The two required modules include:
1. Module: Secondary Transition: Helping Students with Disabilities Plan for Post-High School
Setting, http://iris.peabody.vanderbilt.edu/module/tran/
2. Module: Collaborating with Families, http://iris.peabody.vanderbilt.edu/module/fam/
2BSD Resources for Self-Determination: http://www.tobeselfdetermined.com/about/
The foundation for 2BSD was provided by work conducted through the Initiative for Self-Determination
in the College of Education at Wayne State University. The three prinicipal investigators for the Initiative
were Dr. Sharon Field, Professor (Research and Clinical) of Educational Leadership, Dr. Alan Hoffman,
Professor in Counseling Psychology, and Dr. Shlomo Sawilowsky, Professor in Educational Evaluation
and Research. Over a period of 25 years, the team examined how people can be supported to
navigate transitions and found that self-determination was an essential key to helping people
successfully make changes in their lives. They examined how self-determination can help people be
successful, as well as what helps individuals be more self-determined and what gets in their way.
Work Incentives Resource Center: http://www.nhwirc.org/
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New Hampshire's online destination for information about benefits planning and work incentives for
individuals with disabilities.
Service Link: http://www.servicelink.nh.gov//about-us/index.htm
ServiceLink is a program of the NH Department of Health and Human Services. Through contracts with
local agencies around the state, ServiceLink helps individuals access and make connections to long term
services and supports, access family caregiver information and supports, explore options and
understand and access Medicare and Medicaid.
NOTE: Additional class preparation materials may be developed during the course to meet various needs
of the class and will be posted on Canvas one week ahead of a class session.
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