Fluorescence yields from N2 and dry air excited by electrons Motohiko Nagano Fukui University of Technology M.Nagano, K.Kobayakawa, N.Sakaki and K.Ando ; to be submitted to Astroparticle Physics (2002) Fluorescence from Nitrogen N 2+ Data from Bunner (1964) : weighted averages of three experiments with an accuracy of not better than ±30%. Kakimoto et al (1996) : 1.4MeV-1000MeV are mainly used in UHECR experiments. Chamber Top view H7195PX selected for low noise photomultiplier tube A window of 2.5cm diameter is used to detect photons. filter shutter collimator scintillator Source collimator lead brick Electron beam 90Sr (28.8y) β 99.98% β 2.28MeV 3.3MBq 90Y average 0.85MeV (64.1h) 0.02% 1.75MeV 90Zr Filter 337.7nm 391.9nm 400.9nm 380.9nm 356.3nm 314.7nm Block diagram of data acquisition AMP H1161PX H7195PX RPN -090 Discri ADC RPN -110 Scaler Photons Coin Fan In/Out LeCroy 622 LeCroy 429A Scaler ADC RPC-022 gate TDC start H7195PX H7195PX H1161PX H7195PX Electrons H7416 ADC ADC Scaler Scaler Scaler Scaler 200nsec RPC-061 stop ADC 150nsec 100nsec Scaler delay Delay 180nsec 160nsec LeCroy 429A Scaler LINUX LeCroy 2551 ADC and TDC data e Electron delay stop t TDC 180nsec Photon start 180nsec backgrounds stop start TDC data Systematic errors Item Errors Quantum efficiency of PMT 10 % Collection efficiency of PMT Transmission coefficient of filter 10 % 5% Contamination from lines at the tail of filter transmission Total 5% 15.8 % Fluorescence decay time 1 1 1 1 radiation int_quenching collision o kMT 1 c 4 nn p kMT 1 p' 4 nn o 1 c o c p’=reference pressure 4 o Mn Mo 1 f n nn f o no p' 2M o kM nT 1 1 D p T o p' o 1 1 for air Life time vs Pressure (Nitrogen) o (26.4 14.7) nsec p ' (3.7 2.2) hPa nn (6.1 1.2) 10 19 m 2 1 o p' 1 o Nitrogen Life time vs Pressure (Air) 4 o 1 p' kM nT f n nn f o no M n M o 2M o dE Ei ( p) Yi dx h i Ei ( p) E 0 i E 0 i p 1 p' dE : Energy loss (g cm-2) dx : Density h i : Photon energy : Fluorescence efficiency in the absence of collisional quenching (Fluorescence efficiency is defined by the radiated energy divided by the energy loss of the electron in a unit length) 1 p 1 p' : fraction of available energy kept after collisional losses p’ is the reference pressure Photon Yields per electron N Y I a f QE CE Y : Photon yields per unit length (m) N : Total number of signal counts a : Length of the fluorescence portion : Solid angle of the PMT : Quartz window transmission f : Filter transmission efficiency of the PMT QE Quantum : CE :Collection efficiency of the PMT Nitrogen Yi Ci p p 1 p 'i 1 dE o Ci Ei RN 2 T (h i ) d x Fitting is not good with one parameter p’. open squares : Kakimoto et al. (1996) Nitrogen E0 Comparison of fluorescent efficiencies at 800 hPa Air Mixtures of N2 : 78.8 % O2 : 21.2 % open squares : Kakimoto et al. Air E0 Comparison of fluorescence efficiencies at 800 hPa. Two lines analysis Yobs 1 obs C1 p C2 p Y1 Y2 p p 1 1 p'1 p '2 Y1 1 Y2 1 ( ) ( ) Y1 Y2 1 Y1 Y2 2 1 p 1 1 o1 p'1 o1 1 p 1 2 o2 p ' 2 o2 Assumptions: p’ and τ0 values are the same for the transitions from an upper level to lower levels of different vibrational states. For example: p’ and τ0 are the same for 2P(0,0), 2P(0, 1), 2P(0,2), ... p’ and τ0 are the same for 2P(1,0), 2P(1, 1), 2P(1,2), ... M.N.Hirsh et al. Phys. Rev. A1 (1970) 1615 Measurement of the fluorescence efficiency for the 391.4 nm band from N2 and air excited by 0.65 - 1.6 MeV electrons. (under the pressure range 0.05 - 10 hPa) N2 E o (1.46 MeV) (6.0 1.9) 10 3 p’=1.43 hPa Air E o (1.46 MeV) (4.75 1.5) 10 3 p’=1.25 hPa N2 391nm • 391.4 nm 389.4 + 394.3 nm Air 391nm 391.4nm 1N(0,0) 389.4+394.3 nm 2P(3,6) 2P(2,5) 316nm 311.7 nm 2P(3,2) 313.6 nm 2P(2,1) 315.9 nm 2P(1,0) 356nm 353.7 nm 2P(1,2) 357.7 nm 2P(0,1) 337nm 333.9 nm 2P(1,1) 337.1 nm 2P(0,0) 400nm 399.8 nm 2P(1,4) 405.9 nm 2P(0,3) Air 380nm 375.6 nm 2P(1,3) 380.5 nm 2P(0,2) Photon yields between 300 and 406nm Photon attenuation with distance Conclusions • We have measured photon yields from N2 gas and dry air excited by electrons of average energy of 0.85MeV. • From the pressure dependences of photon yields and life times, fluorescence efficiencies for 12 lines in the absence of collisional quenching are determined. • Photon yields are determined as a function of the gas density and the temperature for 12 lines. • Total photon yields between 300nm - 406 nm are 17% larger than the summary by Bunner at 1000 hPa and at 20oC. • Those are 14% larger than those used by the HiRes group. Taking into account the wave length dependence of Rayleigh scattering and HiRes filter, the number of photons expected to be observed are estimated as a function of distance between the shower trajectory and the observational site. It is possible that HiRes energy is overestimated by about 10%. • Reference pressures are quite different from those in Bunner. We need the detailed evaluation, taking into account the density and temperature dependence of each band and other factors which depend on wave length.