please bring this booklet with you to all your induction

Faculty of Science and Technology
School of
Biomedical & Biological Sciences
School of Marine Science & Engineering
2010 Induction Handbook
for New Students
Arrangements for entry to the following programmes:
Course Title
BSc (Hons) Animal Science (Behaviour and Welfare)
BSc (Hons) Biological Sciences
BSc (Hons) Biomedical Sciences
BSc (Hons) Environmental Biology
BSc (Hons) Exercise Nutrition and Health
BSc (Hons) Human Biosciences
BSc (Hons) Marine Biology
BSc (Hons) Marine Biology and Coastal Ecology
BSc (Hons) Marine Biology and Oceanography
BSc (Hons) Wildlife Conservation
BSc (Hons) Applied Biosciences (Plant Sciences) (Final year only)
BSc (Hons) Applied Biosciences (Aquaculture) (Final year only
BSc (Hons) Health and Fitness (Final year only)
Course Code
Dear Student
Congratulations on winning your place here at the University of Plymouth. We are
delighted that you will be joining us in the School of Biomedical and Biological
Sciences and the School of Marine Science and Engineering, and we look forward to
meeting you during the Induction Week which starts on 20th September 2010. We
hope your time with us will be enjoyable and successful.
We have organised a range of informal activities during the induction week to enable
you to meet other students on your course and the lecturers, and to help you to find
your way around the campus and our School’s facilities. Please read this 2010
Induction Handbook for New Students carefully so that you are aware of the
appropriate time and location of the activities.
The first few weeks as an undergraduate can be a little daunting as there is so much
new information to assimilate. Our staff are friendly and approachable, and they will
be pleased to offer help and guidance, if needed. Our objective is to help you make
the most of your studies at Plymouth and to give you a firm foundation on which to
build your future career.
I look forward to welcoming you to the University and wish you every success for the
Yours sincerely,
Richard Gibb
Dean of Faculty of Science and Technology
Page No.
Welcoming letter from the Dean of Science and Technology
Contents page
How to use this handbook
International Student Orientation Programme
Introduction to the Faculty of Science and Technology
Induction Programme
Letter to Stage 1 students from the
Chair of the Biology Programmes Committee
Induction programme for Stage 1 students
Letter to Stage 2/Final Stage students from the
Chair of the Biology Programmes Committee
Induction programme for Stage 2 students
Induction programme for Final Stage students
Final Stage FDSC Bridging Module Induction programme
Payment of Tuition Fees
Student Loan details
On-Line Enrolment Guidance Notes
On-Line Enrolment Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Useful Information
How to use this handbook
This handbook should contain all the information you need during your first week at
the University of Plymouth. Please take the time to read it carefully.
At the front of the book you will find general advice and information, which should be
relevant to you, whatever your chosen programme. Use the checklist at the back of
the book to ensure that you have done everything you need to do during your first
Each subject area has put together a timetable of events. The schedules for some
programmes are busier than others but all should leave you with enough time to find
out where the supermarkets and pubs are and visit other areas of the University
such as the Students' Union.
If you are unsure about where you need to go – please ask. Faculty of Science and
Technology staff will be available throughout the Induction Week in Student
Reception based in 015 Smeaton Building. Alternatively, you can ask for advice
from staff at your University Registration session.
There is space at the back of this handbook for you to record your modules and
make notes.
We hope you find the Induction Week informative and useful and that your time at
Plymouth will be enjoyable.
International Student Orientation Programme
If you have registered for the International Student Orientation Programme, the
agenda for this event will start on 13th September 2010. Information about the
International Orientation Programme is not included in this handbook, but will be
provided separately by the International Office.
If you have not registered for the International Student Orientation Programme and
would like further details please see the leaflet enclosed in your confirmation pack or
International Student Advisory Service
University of Plymouth
Drake Circus
Plymouth, PL4 8AA
United Kingdom
Fax +44 (0) 1752 586377
Alternatively, you can visit our website at
Introduction to the Faculty of Science and
Technology Induction Programme
Your first week at Plymouth should be used for two purposes. Firstly, you should
use it to familiarise yourself with your new surroundings, meet other students and
find out a bit more about your course. Secondly, you need to register with the
university and with the Students' Union. University registration consists of several
elements and you will be asked to fill out various forms, some of which may require
the same information from you. We have done our best to keep this to a minimum,
but unfortunately some duplication is unavoidable.
What is University Registration?
This is when you officially register as a University of Plymouth student. University
registration is a three-stage process. The stages must be completed in the following
1. On-line Enrolment (OLE) - The first stage is where we collect information from
you about your personal details and the course you are studying. The University
collects this data on-line.
Section 6 of OLE will require you to confirm how you are paying your tuition fees.
You will need to know what arrangements are in place before you complete this
section. The payment options available can be found in this section of OLE or on
our Essential Information pages on the web - see enclosed postcard for details.
If you are in receipt of a tuition fee loan you will be asked to provide your SLC
(Student Loans Company) Student Support Number. If you have not yet received
your Student Support Number (SSN) you will be able to proceed with online
enrolment and provide the SSN later.
If your fees are paid by a sponsor, you will need to send us written confirmation
of the agreement.
All this information is detailed in Section 6 of the OLE forms. Please read this
section carefully and follow the instructions on screen.
We have enclosed separate instructions detailing how to access on-line
enrolment and a guide through the process. It is recommended that on-line
enrolment is completed prior to your arrival. Alternatively you can use one of
the computers in a designated open access room on campus, but there will be
queues which may delay you.
2. Module Enrolment - The second stage is where we confirm your programme of
study for the year. If you have no option modules you will not have to
undertake this stage of the enrolment process. For information on the
modules offered in 2010/2011, please refer to the Biology handbook available
from the Departmental office, 4th floor, Portland Square. The number of
compulsory and option modules varies from course to course. Some of you will
find that you have a full compulsory programme.
If your course does have option modules you will need to attend a Module
Enrolment Session where Academic staff will be present to give guidance.
You will be required to complete a Module Choice Form where we will check that
you are enrolled on a full 120 credits (if you are a full time student).
Times and venues of the module enrolment sessions are detailed in your
Induction Programme.
3. University Registration - This is the final stage of the registration process where
we check that you have completed stages 1 and 2 of the registration process and
give you your University Card. You will need your University Card to hand in
coursework, access the Library and register with the Medical Centre and the
Students' Union.
Please refer to your Induction Programme for your allocated time slot. It is very
important that you attend at the correct time. This is a busy day and unfortunately
you may have to queue for a while. Please be patient - our staff will be working
as quickly as they can.
What do I need to bring with me in September
 A note of your module choices (if applicable).
 If applicable, proof of sponsorship (if you haven’t sent this to us already).
 If self fee paying, cheque or credit card to make your tuition fee payment.
Alternatively, you can pay on-line as part of the online enrolment process.
 Your medical card (UK students only)
Letter to Stage 1 students from the
Chair of the Biology Programmes Committee
Dear First Year Student
Welcome to your chosen programme within the Biology Undergraduate Degree
Scheme (BUDS). BUDS is operated by two schools, the School of Biomedical and
Biological Sciences and the School of Marine Sciences and Engineering.
We are very proud of our teaching and research facilities on a modern, city-centre
campus which will continue to expand this coming year. Our University has recently
been awarded four Centres for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETLs) and
we have pioneered a new type of laboratory environment called ‘Lab Plus’ which
facilitates new approaches to learning and enables biology students to prepare
better for field work and improve their ‘hands on’ skills.
However, ultimately it is the people and not the physical resources that determine
the quality of your learning environment. Degree programmes within BUDS are all
taught by enthusiastic and dedicated staff who are very approachable and
supportive. We take great pride in providing you with the opportunity of a quality
education in a relaxed and research-rich environment. Nevertheless, you should not
mistake this friendly approach for lack of ambition. We will challenge you to set high
targets and expect you to meet our demanding intellectual aspirations. What you get
out of your University education will depend upon what you are prepared to put in.
Always remember that you alone are responsible for your own learning. It is your
responsibility to take up the challenges we put before you, to be respectful in
dealings with fellow students and staff, and to be committed to achieving your full
Please do read your copy of the BUDS Student Handbook (this will be given to you
during induction) and you may even like to help coordinate your programme as a
student representative on the Biology Programmes Committee. I wish you every
success during your time as a student at the University of Plymouth.
Dr Graham Bradley
Chair of the Biology Programmes Committee
BSc (Hons) Animal Science (Behaviour and Welfare)
BSc (Hons) Biological Sciences, BSc (Hons) Biomedical Sciences,
BSc (Hons) Environmental Biology, BSc (Hons) Exercise Nutrition and Health,
BSc (Hons) Human Biosciences, BSc (Hons) Marine Biology,
BSc (Hons) Marine Biology and Coastal Ecology,
BSc (Hons) Marine Biology and Oceanography,
BSc (Hons) Wildlife Conservation
Tuesday 21 September
9.00am 9.30am
Welcome and Refreshments
Animal Behaviour and Welfare, Biological Sciences, Biomedical
Sciences, Environmental Biology, Exercise Nutrition and Health,
Human Biosciences, Wildlife Conservation
Sherwell Lower
Marine Programmes
Stonehouse Lecture Theatre, Portland Square Building
9.30am 11.30am
Introduction to your Degree Course
Animal Behaviour and Welfare: Babbage 002
Biological Sciences: Babbage 003
Biomedical Sciences: Babbage 005
Environmental Biology: Portland Square B5
Exercise Nutrition and Health: Babbage 319
Human Biosciences: Davy 508
Marine Biology: Scott 101
Marine Biology and Coastal Ecology: Roland Levinsky 302
Marine Biology and Oceanography: Rolle 209
Wildlife Conservation: Roland Levinsky 210
This meeting is a very important one. It is your first formal contact with
the staff who are most involved with your degree course, and your
fellow students. The session will be led by your Subject Tutor, who
will introduce you to the school, the structure of degrees at Plymouth,
brief details of what topics you might cover during your time here, and
so on. You will also be told what we expect of you. There will be an
opportunity for you to ask questions. You will be provided with a ringbinder in which you should collect all the relevant inserts. Bring this
information to all further sessions.
Each degree has a slightly different programme and sequence of
events, so be sure to collect the correct documentation for your
course. You will also need to bring TWO passport photos of yourself
with your name PRINTED clearly on the reverse. During this meeting
you will be allocated to a personal tutor.
1.00pm 2.00pm
Diving Options
Portland Square, Devonport Lecture Theatre
Marine Biology/Marine Biology and Coastal Ecology/Marine
Biology and Oceanography
(plus any other student interested in diving)
2.00pm 5.00pm
Laboratory Skills Workshop
Davy Building 304
Human Biosciences/Biological Science/Biomedical Sciences/
Exercise Nutrition and Health
This session provides you with an opportunity to test your command
of basic laboratory skills (eg observation, handling, measurement and
analysis skills). Join up with 5 other students and try to win a prize
(presented to the best groups).
Wednesday 22 September
9.00am 11.00am
Workshops on Microscopes
Davy Building 301
Human Biosciences
11.00am 1.00pm
Biomedical Sciences group A*
Davy Building 301
1.00pm –
Biomedical Sciences Group B*/Exercise Nutrition and Health
Davy Building 301
*Groups will be allocated during your introductory session on Tuesday
By the end of this 2-hour laboratory session you should be able to use
microscopes effectively. This is essential background for some of the
practical work you will carry out later in the year. If you already have a
lab coat, you should bring it to this session.
9.00am 12.00pm
Laboratory Skills Workshop
Davy Building 304
Animal Behaviour and Welfare/
Environmental Biology/Wildlife Conservation
This session provides you with an opportunity to test your command
of basic laboratory skills (eg observation, handling, measurement and
analysis skills). Join up with 5 other students and try to win a prize
(presented to the best groups).
1.00pm 2.00pm
Fieldwork Lecture
Marine Biology Smeaton Building 202
Marine Biology & Coastal Ecology Roland Levinsky 008
2.00pm &
Marine Biology and Oceanography Roland Levinsky 301
University Registration (all students)*
Main Hall, Davy Building
*Please read the Introduction to the Faculty of Science and
Technology Induction Programme on pages 3 and 4 of this
booklet for information on this session.
For this session you will need your Payment Schedule letter.
Thursday 23 September
Marine Biology/Marine Biology and Coastal Ecology/Marine
Biology and Oceanography / Environmental Biology/Biological
9.30am 11.00am
Sherwell (Upper) 2
This is your chance to show us what you know, during a 50-question
multiple choice quiz. Needless to say, there will be a prize for the
winner. The quiz also provides an opportunity to get to grips with the
‘Optical Mark Reader’, a device which is commonly used for
assessment in Stage 1, and which needs special care on your part.
Bring your registration number to this session.
11.00am 11.30am
Introduction to IT services and the student Portal
Sherwell (Upper) 2
11.30am12 noon
Introduction to online resources to support Campbell and Reece
Pearson representatives
Sherwell (Upper) 2
Human Biosciences /Biomedical Sciences/Wildlife
Conservation/Exercise Nutrition and Health/Animal Behaviour
and Welfare
12 noon 12.30pm
Introduction to online resources to support Campbell and Reece
Pearson representatives
Sherwell (Upper) 2
12.30 –
2.00 pm
Sherwell (Upper) 2
This is your chance to show us what you know, during a 50-question
multiple choice quiz. Needless to say, there will be a prize for the
winner. The quiz also provides an opportunity to get to grips with the
‘Optical Mark Reader’, a device which is commonly used for
assessment in Stage 1, and which needs special care on your part.
Bring your registration number to this session.
2.00pm 2.30pm
Introduction to IT services and the student Portal (Sherwell
(Upper) 2
2.00pm 5.00pm
Laboratory Skills Workshop
Davy Building 304
Marine Biology/Marine Biology and Coastal Ecology/Marine
Biology and Oceanography
This session provides you with an opportunity to test your command
of basic laboratory skills (eg observation, handling, measurement and
analysis skills). Join up with 5 other students and try to win a prize
(presented to the best groups).
1.00pm 3.00 pm
Workshops on Microscopes
Davy Building 301
Biological Sciences group A*
3.00pm 5.00 pm
Biological Sciences Group B*/Environmental Biology
Davy Building 301
*Groups will be allocated during your introductory session on Tuesday
By the end of this 2-hour laboratory session you should be able to use
microscopes effectively. This is essential background for some of the
practical work you will carry out later in the year. If you already have a
lab coat, you should bring it to this session.
Friday 24 September
9.00am - Talk from the Students’ Union
Robbins Lecture Theatre
Surnames A – K
9.00am - 9.30am
9.30am - 10.00am
The School of Biological Sciences Undergraduate Schemes Outing
Mount Edgcumbe, Cornwall
All staff and students
A chance to relax before formal classes begin and reflect on the week’s
information and activities. The trip will provide an opportunity to meet
more of your fellow students and some of the staff who will teach you
over the next three years.
Meet at the Mayflower steps in the Barbican area of Plymouth at
11.30am. A boat will take us to Mount Edgcumbe Country Park just
across Plymouth Sound on the Cornish side of the Tamar estuary.
At the pub you can buy reasonably priced food and drink, or you can
choose to take your own along. You make your own way back to
Plymouth on the Cremyll ferry (cost £1.50 each way) which leaves from
the pub and docks behind Union Street in Plymouth (approx 20 minutes
walk from the University).
Some courses may organise activities at Mount Edgcumbe Country
Letter to Stage 2/Final Stage students from the
Chair of the Biology Programmes Committee
Faculty of Science and Technology
Welcome to the Faculty of Science and Technology in the University of Plymouth.
Your degree programme is within the Biology Undergraduate Degree Scheme
(BUDS) operated by the School of Biomedical and Biological Sciences and the
School of Marine Sciences and Engineering. For a smooth transition into the next
stage of your degree programme, whether you are a student progressing from a
University Partner College (UPC) Foundation degree, a student who as been on a
sandwich course placement, or a student returning to top-up their degree, it is
essential that you are familiar with the university, course and module organisation
from the outset.
You may be familiar with some of the information provided during these induction
sessions. However, each of you will have had a unique and differing experience in
your education to this point. The aim of these sessions is to provide you with the
opportunity to familiarise yourself with the resources available to you, to have your
questions answered by staff involved in delivering your programme of study and to
meet your fellow students.
Please do read the BUDS Student Handbook Update which is available from the
BUDS office (4th floor Portland Square Building). You may even like to help
coordinate your programme as a student representative on the Biology Programmes
I wish you every success during your time as a student at the University of Plymouth
Dr Graham Bradley
Chair of the Biology Programmes Committee.
Stage 2 Direct Entry Induction Timetable 2010
Tuesday 21st September
1.00 – 1.30
Smeaton Building, Room 202
1.30 – 2.00
Smeaton Building, Room 202
Welcome and
Meet Senior Tutor
2.00 – 3.00
Main Hall, Davy Building
University Registration
Wednesday 22nd September
9.00 – 10.00
Roland Levinsky Building, Room 208
Module Enrolment
10.00 - 10.50
Roland Levinsky Building, Lecture
Theatre 1 (ground floor)
Roland Levinsky Building, Lecture
Theatre 1 (ground floor)
Stage Meeting
10.50 – 11.00
11.00 – 12.00
Roland Levinsky Building (ground
Placements – with
Alison Austin
Placement Officer
Student Welcome Fair
Thursday 23rd September – Free day
Friday 24th September – Free day
University enrolment is an online process. Please read the instructions
detailing how to complete online enrolment.
Please ensure you complete online enrolment before you attend the University
Registration session.
Final Stage Direct Entry & Placement Returners
Induction Timetable 2010
Tuesday 21st September
1.00 – 1.30
Smeaton Building, Room 202
1.30 – 2.00
Smeaton Building, Room 202
Welcome and
Meet Senior Tutor
2.00 – 3.00
Main Hall, Davy Building
University Registration
Wednesday 22nd September
11.00 – 12.00
Roland Levinsky Building, Lecture
Theatre 2 (ground floor)
Roland Levinsky Building, Lecture
Theatre 1 (ground floor)
Roland Levinsky Building, (ground
Module Enrolment
12.00 – 1.00
1.00 – 2.00
Stage Meeting
Student Welcome Fair
Thursday 23rd September – Free Day
Friday 24th September – Free Day
University enrolment is an online process. Please read the instructions
detailing how to complete online enrolment.
Please ensure you complete online enrolment before you attend the University
Registration session.
Final Stage FDSC Bridging Module – Induction Timetable 2010
BSc (Hons) Applied Biosciences (Plant Sciences) (Final year only)
BSc (Hons) Applied Biosciences (Aquaculture) (Final year only)
BSc (Hons) Health and Fitness (Final year only)
Research Methods and Project Management
The aims of this module are to introduce you to the literature review skills and
statistical methods you will need to develop in order to complete a Stage 4 Honours
degree project to a satisfactory standard.
The project that you will undertake during your final year of study at the University of
Plymouth forms a large part of your 3rd year. The project module BIOL3001 or
EOE3003 is worth 40 credits i.e. a third of your level 3 study.
All projects in the School of Biomedical and Biological Sciences follow the same
format and details will be given in the Project Module Handbook. In brief the your
project will consist of the following components
A literature review
o This will be handed in before you complete the project
The project
o This consist of three components
 Project report – which is written as a paper for a scientific journal
 Presentation – oral presentation of your main findings
 Conduct of study – how you tackle your project as evidenced by
a project log book
This module will cover aspects of project planning to help you through this process.
It will also cover literature reviewing skills. For most of you your project will involve
collecting and analysing data. Therefore, this module will also cover some basic
statistical methodology and experimental design.
The module will run over three consecutive days during the week before the
beginning of term. This is also induction week for stage 1 students so there will be a
lot going on around the campus.
Tuesday 21st September
1.00 – 1.30
Smeaton Building, Room 202
1.00 – 1.30
Smeaton Building, Room 202
Welcome and
Meet Senior Tutor
2.00 – 4.00
Smeaton Building, Room 202
Literature Reviewing
Wednesday 22nd September
11.00 – 12.00
Roland Levinsky Building, Lecture
Theatre 2 (ground floor)
Roland Levinsky Building, Lecture
Theatre 1 (ground floor)
Roland Levinsky Building, (ground
Module Enrolment
12.00 – 1.00
1.00 – 2.00
Stage Meeting
Student Welcome Fair
Thursday 23rd September
9.00 – 1.00
Smeaton Building, Room 212
Statistical Methods
2.00 – 3.00
Main Hall, Davy Building
University Registration
Friday 24th September – Free day
University enrolment is an online process. Please read the instructions
detailing how to complete online enrolment.
Please ensure you complete online enrolment before you attend the University
Registration session.
Payment Terms
At least 50% of tuition fees must be paid on or before enrolment.
No deferred payment terms will be accepted.
The remainder of the fee must be paid on or before the Friday of the first week of
the following term. For courses enrolling in the Autumn Term (normally
September or October), the due date will be the Friday of the first week of the
Spring Term (for 2010/2011 this will be 14th January 2011).
Payment Methods
Web payment (Preferred option) – Enter your credit/debit card details and other
information as required as part of the ‘Online Enrolment ‘process on the student
portal. Alternative access can be made via –
Bank Transfer – to HSBC, 4 Old Town St, Plymouth, PL1 1DD
Sort Code 40-36-22 Account No. 61485946
Account Name – University of Plymouth
IBAN No. GB57MIDL40362261485946
Please quote your name and student number with each payment.
Student Pay – (For European and International students wishing to pay from
outside the UK in another currency (not British pounds) via our agents Custom
House) visit:
*Cheque/Bankers Draft – made payable to ‘University of Plymouth’. Please
quote your name and student number on the reverse.
*Credit/Debit Card
*Cash (Sterling or Euros only)
*Payment can be made in person on campus at the Treasury Services office, Room
2, Isaac Foot Building, Drakes Circus, Plymouth PL4 8AA. Credit/Debit card
payments can also be accepted by telephoning 00 44 (0)1752 588125/588130
(Office opening hours are 9.00am - 12.30pm and 1.30pm – 3.30pm Monday to
Please keep a copy of your payment receipt/bank transfer confirmation or web
payment acknowledgement.
The University operates a policy of deregistering students who fail to pay fees
by the published deadlines. To view further details please go to
2010 / 2011
If you are a home student and have applied for a Student Loan we need
to inform the Student Loans Company (SLC) that you have completed
enrolment and are in attendance before they release the Autumn term
loan to your bank account via the BACS payment system.
Please note that student loans will only be released by the SLC after the
official start of term which for standard programmes is 20 September
2010. Loans normally take three to five working days to reach your bank
account. This could take longer if the SLC have not completed your loan
If there are any problems with late or non-payments, you must contact
the Student Finance Helpline on:
0845 607 7577
Automated confirmation of enrolment to the SLC
When you complete online enrolment, provided we have all the required
information, an automated message will be sent to the SLC informing
them you have completed enrolment.
You will be notified if this was successful in the email you receive when
you complete online enrolment.
Manual confirmation of enrolment to the SLC
If you receive a message when you complete online enrolment that the
confirmation of your enrolment to the SLC was unsuccessful you will
need to attend an SLC BACS scanning session on campus:
You will need to bring your Payment Advice from the Student Loans
Company to an SLC scanning session so that we can scan the details
onto the SLC database. The Payment Advice is page 5 of the Financial
Assessment letter sent to you by the Student Loans Company. The
barcode on this document is the one we will scan.
Please note that the scan will fail if you have not completed online
SLC Scanning sessions
You can have your Payment Advice scanned when you collect your
University Card during Induction week.
Or you can have your Payment Schedule scanned by the Student
Funding Unit in Hepworth House between 9.30am and 4.00pm daily
from 20 September 2010.
Once your Payment Schedule has been scanned the Student Loans
Company will release the loan into your bank account within 3 working
Please note that overseas students cannot apply for a student loan.
Online enrolment is available from
Wednesday 1 September 2010
As a new student at the University of Plymouth you will enrol on-line before
the start of the Academic Year
You will check the information about yourself and the course, as currently held
on the University computer records system. It will also give you the chance to
amend certain personal information
You must attend the Enrolment sessions which will take place during the first
few days of the induction week, starting Monday 20 September 2010. If you
require any special arrangements during your enrolment session please notify
your Faculty Office.
Please note that your enrolment will not be complete until you have completed
online enrolment and you have either paid your tuition fees, or made an
arrangement to pay.
If you enrol on-line from home you will avoid queues for computer access on
campus and any queries you have will be resolved before you get here!
The enclosed Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) sheet is a good starting point if you
have problems with Online Enrolment and should provide you with answers to the
majority of your queries. If you find that, after checking the FAQs, you still cannot
find an answer to your query then please send an email including your full name,
student reference number and programme of study to
We will respond to your query as soon as possible (within normal office working
hours); please note that, in responding, priority will be given to queries not
covered by the FAQs.
Access to a computer and the internet with Microsoft Internet Explorer V5 (or
above). We cannot guarantee compatibility with any other browser.
Your UCAS/GTTR number or your University Student Reference Number.
If you do not have any of the above please refer to the section headed ‘Problems’ at
the end of these instructions.
Logging on
First of all you have to connect through the Internet to the University’s website. If you
have any problems please check the accuracy of the data you are entering.
If you are a new student to the University of Plymouth log on as follows:
1. Enter the following website address into your browser
2. Enter one of the following numbers:
UCAS Personal ID
University Student Reference Number (this appears on the top of the letters
we have sent you during the year)
3. Enter your date of birth
4. Enter your surname
5. If you have successfully connected a menu page will be displayed
6. Select the “Complete my on-line enrolment” to start
If you are transferring into a completely new programme of study or
progressing from one of our Partner Colleges you must log on to the applicant
portal via the University Website as above.
If you are a post-graduate research student, please see separate instructions.
If you are a member of staff you will need to use the ‘Student and Postgrad
view’ option from the ‘quick links’ menu then follow the instruction below to get
to the e@dmin section of the portal.
If you are continuing a programme of study log on as follows:
1. Enter the following website address into your browser
2. Click on the students link in the top left-hand corner where it says “Internal Staff &
3. Enter your Computing account and password
4. If your details are correct you will see your Student Portal homepage
5. Select the Personal Details option from the myEdesk menu
6. Enter your computing account and password again
7. You will then see the e@dmin authentication page. Enter your Date of Birth and/or
Middle Name if applicable. Click the Proceed button to continue
8. You will then see your e@dmin homepage
9. Select the “Complete my on-line enrolment” to start
Working through the screens
Once you have acknowledged compliance with University regulations on the
Introduction page, you will see your Online Enrolment menu similar to the one below:
List of Sections
This page lists all of the sections you must visit in order to complete the process. As
you complete each one the ‘Status’ on the right hand side will change from
‘Incomplete’ to ‘Complete’. To get to any of the sections just click on the underlined
title. You do not have to complete in any particular order, but it is set out in what we
hope is a logical sequence.
 As you go through the sections you will need to check and confirm that what is
shown is correct.
 If there are any blanks in ‘compulsory fields’ (marked with an ‘i’), you will need to
enter the required information before you can complete the section.
 Click on the ‘?’ symbol next to a field for information particular to that field, or click
on the ‘?’ above the form for help on an entire section.
 At the bottom of each section enter a tick () in the confirmation box shown then
click on ‘Save’.
If you need to go back you can click on the ‘Cancel’ button to cancel any changes and
return to the List of Sections; or click on the ‘Undo’ button and start the section again.
Once you have entered all the required information for a Section the status will change
to ‘Complete’.
Computing Account Registration
If you are a new student you must create your computing account in Section 7.
Once you have completed this section make sure you record your username and
password in a safe place as you will need these details to access the university
computers and your computing account, student portal etc. Note: your password is
case sensitive and that you can change it once you have logged on to your
You will be required to change the password every year when you re-enrol.
Completion of enrolment
Once you have completed all of the sections required (see the List of Sections, which
should all say ‘Complete’) and are happy that all your enrolment information is correct
you should click the ‘complete enrolment’ button.
Please note that once you have done this you can no longer change your
enrolment information online.
An email will automatically be sent to your computing account which will:
 confirm that you have completed online enrolment
 confirm the method of payment you selected for paying your tuition
 provide further information on UK Borders Agency VISA requirements
(overseas students only)
 confirm whether the automated confirmation of your enrolment to the
Student Loans Company was successful or not (home students only) –
see separate sheet for information on Student Loan payments
To access your email you will have to log on to the Student Portal at via your internet browser, or by clicking on the Student
Portal icon on the desktop if you are using a university computer.
A security message will appear and you will be asked for the username and
password of your computing account, please enter this information carefully.
Or, you can access your email by clicking on the myEdesk menu and choosing
OWA (Outlook Web Access) which will open in a new browser window.
Your Inbox will now be displayed – this is where new mail arrives, and you can
access the enrolment confirmation email from there. We would advise you to save
the email as proof of completion of enrolment should it be required.
Please note that online enrolment is only the first part of the enrolment process.
You will need to attend a Faculty enrolment session to collect your university
If you do not have access to: Computer
 Internet
Staff will be available to assist you as follows:
09:00 – 17:00
Monday 13th September 2010 to Friday
24th September 2010.
Babbage 102
We would appreciate your co-operation in enrolling via the Internet off campus and not
using the University’s facilities, unless it is absolutely necessary.
Online Enrolment – Frequently Asked Questions
1. I don’t seem to know what to do or how to answer the questions?
The instructions for online enrolment which were posted to you with your
enrolment information (or which can be found online at will guide you through the entire process.
Please read these through before attempting to complete your enrolment or
contacting the University for help.
2. Can I wait until I come to the University before doing my enrolment online?
You can, but we strongly recommend that you enrol in advance as this gives
you time to work through the different steps at your own pace and to resolve
any queries which may arise. If it is impossible for you to enrol in advance,
you will have to use the Open Access area in Babbage 102; please note that
this will be busy during Induction.
Information Services Support staff will be available in Babbage 102 between
09.00 – 17.00 from Monday 13th September to Friday 17th September and
from Monday 20th September to Friday 24th September.
Contact: or 01752 588900.
3. I was on Extended Science/Foundation Pathway in Technology last year,
but don’t seem to be able to online enrol through the student portal?
You need to enrol through the applicant portal
Online enrolment will open on Wednesday 1 September.
4. I was on a Foundation Degree last year, but don’t seem to be able to online
enrol through the student portal?
You need to enrol through the applicant portal
Online enrolment will open on Wednesday 1 September.
5. I was on a different programme last year, but don’t seem to be able to online
enrol through the student portal?
You need to enrol through the applicant portal
Online enrolment will open on Wednesday 1 September.
6. I was on an MPhil/PhD last year and have transferred to a PhD this year, but
don’t seem to be able to online enrol through the student portal?
You need to enrol through the applicant portal
Online enrolment will open on Wednesday 1 September.
7. I have just confirmed my place to start in September, when can I online
Online enrolment opens for new students via the applicant portal on Wednesday 1 September.
If you confirm your acceptance of the place after 1 September, please note
that the applicant portal is updated overnight, so you need to wait 24 hours to
allow time for the updated decision to be confirmed.
8. I am about to start the final stage of my degree, which I was expecting to be
Stage 3, however the OLE screens say I will be registering on Stage 4 in the
next academic year. Is this correct?
This will affect students who are on a programme which has an optional
placement year or year abroad. Students who progress to the final year are
registered on Stage 4 so those students who have opted to take the
placement year or year abroad can be registered on Stage 3. If you are not
taking the optional placement year/year abroad, it is correct for you to register
on Stage 4 in your final year.
9. I have an outstanding debt, will I be able to online enrol?
You will not be able to online enrol until you have cleared the debt. Please
contact the University Finance Department
10. I have been referred in coursework and/or exams, when will I be able to
online enrol?
If you successfully complete all assessments, you will be able to online enrol
after 17 September.
If you fail the referred assessment or need further help, please contact your
Faculty Office (note that staff are only available during office hours, Monday –
+44 (0) 1752
+44 (0) 1752
College of
Medicine and
Business School
+44 (0)1752
+44 (0)1872
+44 (0)1823
+44 (0) 1752
+44 (0) 1752
+44 (0) 1752
11. I want to complete my online enrolment but have not yet received confirmation
of funding from the Student Loan Company?
The online payment screen gives you the option of confirming that fees will be
paid by the Student Loan Company. Proof is not required at this stage, but
please note that if you have failed to request the loan or to provide all of the
information required to process the loan, you will become liable to pay the
12. Why can’t I give my own mobile number in the emergency contact
Fortunately, the need for an emergency contact is rare, but if there is a
serious problem and we need to make contact with the person you have
nominated as your emergency contact, we need their number and not your
13. I’ve forgotten my password; can I set myself a new one?
Yes, you can by going to . You will need your
Student Reference Number to access this and you will be asked to enter your
username, date of birth and to confirm security questions you have set
14. Why do I need to remember my username and password?
These are needed every time you log in to your University Computing
Account, your email and the Student Portal.
15. I have manually enrolled but I don’t have a username or password. How can I
get one?
This can be done by going to
16. Why can’t I connect to the internet in my room in Halls of Residence?
You must first set up your computer in accordance with the instructions in
your room and then enrol to get your username and password.
Useful Information
Student Reception
Room 015, Smeaton Building
Student Reception
01752 584584
Other University Numbers
01752 232261
Disability Assist Services
01752 587676
International Student Advisory Service
01752 587740
Mature Students Enquiry Service
01752 587963
Medical Centre
01752 222341
Student Accommodation Office
01752 588644
Students Union
01752 588388
Standard University Term Dates 2010/2011 Academic Year
Induction Week
Monday 20th September 2010
Friday 24th September 2010
Autumn Term
Monday 27th September 2010
Friday 17th December 2010
Spring Term
Monday 10th January 2011
Friday 1st April 2011
Summer Term
Monday 26th April 2011
Friday 27th May 2011
Please note that some courses are run with non-standard term dates. Students on
these courses are made aware of these dates on the Student Portal.
The following checklist has been designed so that you can ensure you have
remembered everything. As well as attending the sessions run by your subject
group there are various other things that you should do in your first week at the
University of Plymouth.
Prior to your arrival at the University, you should have completed and returned
your University Card Application Form (together with a passport sized
photograph), which should have been sent to you with your confirmation pack.
Failure to do this will result in a delay in the production of your card.
Send your University Card Application Form and photo to the Card Office
(before arriving at the University)
Complete your On-Line Enrolment, preferably before arriving at the University,
or use the open access computing facilities on campus when you arrive
and print out the Enrolment Certificate.
Attend Induction sessions to select any option modules
Attend University Registration to pick up your University card. If you have not sent
your University Card Application Form, please bring a passport sized
photograph to this session.
Attend the Students’ Union presentation
Find out who your personal tutor is and where his/her office is located
Print your timetable from the student portal
Find the nearest branch of your bank
Pick up your Students’ Union card
Register with a GP
Register with Disability Assist Services if you have any special needs,
including Dyslexia.