Phase Rule & Alloys MCQs: Materials Science Questions

1.The blade of power saw is made of
(a) Boron steel
(b) HSS
(c) Stainless steel
(d) Cast iron
2.The steel widely used for motor car crankshaft is
(a) Nickel steel
(b) Chrome steel
(c) Nickel-chrome steel
(d) Silicon steel
3.Which of the following impurity in cast iron makes it hard and brittel
(a) Silicon
(b) Sulphur
(c) Manganese
(d) Phosphorus
4.Slip system of metals is
(a) {110}<111>
(b) {111} <110>
(c) {112} <111>
(d) {111} <111>
5.Generally both the thermal and electrical conductivity is very high for
(a) metals and alloys
(b) Ceramic materials
(c) Polymeric materials
(d) Composite materials
6.The transistor is made of
(a) Silver
(b) Gold
(c) Copper
(d) Germanium
7.Which of the following is the hardest material
(a) Hardened steel
(b) Tungsten carbide
(c) Silicon carbide
(d) Boron carbid
8.Which of the following is an amorphous material
(a) Mica
(b) Lead
(c) Rubber
(d) Glass
9.Which of the following metals can be easily drawn in to wire
(a) Tin
(b) Copper
(c) Lead
(d) Zinc
10.The purpose of a riser is to
1. deliver molten metal into the mould cavity
2. feed the molten metal to the casting in order to compensate for the shrinkage
3. act as a reservoir for the molten metal
4. deliver the molten metal from pouring basin to gate
11.Thread rolling is restricted to
1. ductile materials
2. ferrous materials
3. hard materials
4. none of these
12.The blank diameter used in thread rolling will be
1. a little larger than the minor diameter of the thread
2. a little larger than the pitch diameter of the thread
3. equal to minor diameter of the thread
4. equal to pitch diameter of the thread
13.In sheet metal blanking, shear is provided on punches and dies so that
1. warping of sheet is minimised
2. press load is reduced
3. good cut edge is obtained
4. cut blanks are straight
14.The cross-section of a chisel is usually
1. rectangular
2. hexagonal
3. square
4. octagonal
15.The fullers are used
1. for necking down a piece of work
2. for finishing flat surfaces
3. for punching a hole
4. to finish the punched hole
16.Which of the following welding process uses non-consumable electrodes?
1. TIG welding
2. MIG welding
3. Manual arc welding
4. Submerged arc welding
17. Which one of the following is not equilibrium heat treatment
(1) Austenetising
(2) Annealing
(3) Normalizing
(4) Precipitation
18. The hardenability is not affected by
(1) air
(2) chemical composition of steel
(3) critical cooling rate
(4) quenching medium and method of quenching
19. The slowest cooling rate is obtained when steel is quenched in
(1) air
(2) brine
(3) fused salt
(4) mixture of oil and water (1)
19. The fastest cooling rate is achieved when steel is quenched in
(1) air
(2) oil
(3) water
(4) brine
20. Which one of the following is not correct
(1) Martensite has a BCC structure
(2) Austenite has FCC structure
(3) Martensite is a solid solution of carbon in BCC iron
(4) The martensite which is formed during quenching is too brittle
21. Hardenability of steel is assessed by
(1) impact test
(2) Jominy end-quench test
(3) hardness test
(4) non-destructive test
22. Annealing temperature is
(1) same as normalizing temperature
(2) greater than normalizing temperature
(3) less than normalizing temperature
(4) sometimes greater and sometimes lesser than normalizing temperature
23. Heat treatment that requires heating a part below A1 temperature, i.e. between 550°C
and 650° is
called as
(1) hardening
(2) normalizing
(3) process annealing
(4) full annealing
24.When the steel is normalised, its
1. yield point increases
2. all of these
3. ductility decreases
4. ultimate tensile strength increases
25.An alloy steel which is work hardenable and which is used to make the blades of
bulldozers, bucket wheel excavators and other earth moving equipment contain iron,
carbon and
1. manganese
2. chromium
3. silicon
4. magnesium
26.The ability of a material to absorb energy in the plastic range is called
1. creep
2. toughness
3. fatigue strength
4. resilience
27.Malleable cast iron is produced
1. by quick cooling of molten cast iron
2. by adding magnesium to molten cast iron
3. from white cast iron by annealing process
4. none of these
28.Shock resisting steels should have
1. low tensile strength
2. low hardness
3. low wear resistance
4. toughness
29.The hardness and tensile strength in austenitic stainless steel can be increased by
1. hardening and cold working
2. martempering
3. normalising
4. full annealing
30.Closed packed hexagonal space lattice is found in
1. gamma-iron, aluminium, copper, lead, silver and nickel
2. none of the above
3. zinc, magnesium, cobalt, cadmium, antimony and bismuth
4. alpha-iron, tungsten, chromium and molybdenum
31.Smelting is the process of
1. expelling moisture, carbon dioxide, sulphur and arsenic from the iron ore by heating in
shallow kilns
2. reducing the ore with carbon in the presence of a flux
3. removing the impurities like clay, sand etc. from the iron ore by washing with water
4. all of the above
32.Cast iron is a
1. tough material
2. ductile material
3. malleable material
4. brittle material
33.A material is said to be allotropic, if it has
1. atoms distributed in random pattern
2. any one of the above
3. fixed structure at all temperatures
4. different crystal structures at different temperatures
34.Specify the sequence correctly
1. Grain growth, recrystallisation, stress relief
2. Stress relief, grain growth, recrystallisation
3. Stress relief, recrystallisation, grain growth
4. Grain growth, stress relief, recrystallisation
35.Thermoplastic materials are those materials which
1. are used as a friction lining for clutches and brakes
2. are formed into shape under heat and pressure and results in a permanently hard
3. do not become hard with the application of heat and pressure and no chemical change
4. are flexible and can withstand considerable wear under suitable conditions
36.Which of the following has a fine gold colour and is used for imitation jewellery?
1. Silicon bronze
2. Babbit metal
3. Aluminium bronze
4. Gun metal
37.Brass is an alloy of
1. copper, tin and zinc
2. copper and tin
3. none of these
4. copper and zinc
38.The hardness is the property of a material due to which it
1. can be drawn into wires
2. can cut another metal
3. breaks with little permanent distortion
4. can be rolled or hammered into thin sheets
39.The percentage of carbon in cast iron varies from
1. 0.1 to 0.5
2. 0.5 to 1
3. 1 to 1.7
4. 1.7 to 4.5
40.An eutectoid steel consists of
1. wholly austenite
2. pearlite and cementite
3. wholly pearlite
4. pearlite and ferrite
41.Which of the following material has maximum ductility?
1. Copper
2. Nickel
3. Aluminium
4. Mild steel
42.The charge is fed into the blast furnace through the
1. stack
2. throat
3. bosh
4. tuyers
43.Dye penetrant method is generally used to locate
1. surface defects
2. superficial defects
3. core defects
4. temporary defects
44.Silicon when added to copper improves
1. hardness and strength
2. hardness
3. strength and ductility
4. machinability
45.The electric process of steel making is especially adopted to
1. magnet steel
2. alloy and carbon tool steel
3. high speed tool steel
4. all of these
46.The alloying element which increases residual magnetism and coercive magnetic force
in steel for magnets is
1. chromium
2. nickel
3. vanadium
4. cobalt
47.Cast iron is manufactured in
1. cupola
2. open hearth furnace
3. blast furnace
4. bessemer converter
48.The lower critical temperature
1. is same for all steels
2. increases as the carbon content in steel increases
3. depends upon the rate of heating
4. decreases as the carbon content in steel increases.
49.The material in which the atoms are arranged regularly in some directions but not in
others, is called
1. mesomorphous material
2. none of these
3. crystalline material
4. amorphous material
50.A small percentage of boron is added to steel in order to
1. reduce machinability
2. increase endurance strength
3. increase hardenability
4. increase wear resistance
51.Haematite iron ore contains iron about
1. 30%
2. 45%
3. 70%
4. 55%
52.Iron ore is, usually, found in the form of
1. carbonates
2. sulphides
3. oxides
4. all of these
53.Which of the following process of steel making is in operation at Tata Iron and Steel
Works, Jamshedpur?
1. Electric process
2. Duplex process
3. Open hearth process
4. Bessemer process
54.The hardness of steel increases if it contains
1. pearlite
2. martensite
3. cementite
4. ferrite
55.Iron-carbon alloys containing 1.7 to 4.3% carbon are known as
1. eutectic cast irons
2. hypo-eutectic cast irons
3. hyper-eutectic cast irons
4. none of these
56.The heat treatment process used for softening hardened steel is
1. normalising
2. carburising
3. annealing
4. tempering
57.The coke in the charge of blast furnace
1. controls the grade of pig iron
2. acts as an iron-bearing mineral
3. supplies heat to reduce ore and melt the iron
4. forms a slag by combining with impurities
58.The lower critical point for all steels is
1. 600°C
2. 723°C
3. 913°C
4. 700°C
59.Crystal structure of a material is, generally, examined by
1. X-ray techniques
2. optical microscope
3. metallurgical microscope
4. naked eye
60.Free carbon in iron makes the metal
1. soft and gives a fine grained crystalline structure
2. hard and gives a coarse grained crystalline structure
3. soft and gives a coarse grained crystalline structure
4. hard and gives a fine grained crystalline structure
61.The unit cells
1. contain the smallest number of atoms which when taken together have all the
properties of the crystals of the particular metal
2. have the same orientation and their similar faces are parallel
3. all of the above
4. may be defined as the smallest parallelepiped which could be transposed in three
coordinate directions to build up the space lattice
62.In full annealing, the hypo-eutectoid steel is heated from 30° C to 50° C above the
upper critical temperature and then cooled
1. in still air
2. suddenly in a suitable cooling medium
3. any one of these
4. slowly in the furnace
63.Nodular cast iron is produced by adding __________ to the molten cast iron.
1. chromium
2. nickel
3. copper
4. magnesium
64.The slag from the blast furnace
1. is used as a ballast for rail road
2. consists of calcium, aluminium and ferrous silicates
3. all of the above
4. is mixed with tar for road making
65.The casting ability of aluminium increases when __________ is added to aluminium.
1. silicon
2. magnesium
3. lead and bismuth
4. copper
66.Which of the following statement is wrong?
1. The spheroidising process is usually applied to high carbon tool steels which are
difficult to machine
2. In spheroidising process, the cementite in the granular form is produced in the
structure of steel
3. none of the above
4. The annealing process causes complete recrystallisation in steels which have been
severely cold worked and a new grain structure is formed
67.Steel containing 0.8 to 1.5% carbon, is known as
1. medium carbon steel
2. mild steel
3. high carbon steel
4. dead mild steel
68.Duplex process of steel making is a combination of
1. basic bessemer and acid open hearth processes
2. acid bessemer and basic open hearth processes
3. acid bessemer and acid open hearth processes
4. basic bessemer and basic open hearth processes
69.Muntz metal (Yellow brass) contains
1. 60% copper and 40% zinc
2. 70% copper and 30% zinc
3. 60.45% copper, 35.2% zinc and 5.35% nickel
4. 59% copper, 40% zinc and 1% tin
70.A steel is heated at about 875° C where the structure consists of entirely austenite. It is
then cooled suddenly at a temperature of about 250° C to 525° C. This process of heat
treatment is known as
1. normalising
2. annealing
3. austempering
4. martempering
71.Which of the following is a mesomorphous material?
1. Mica
2. Silver
3. Lead
4. Brass
72.The malleability is the property of a material by virtue of which a material
1. retains the deformation produced under load permanently
2. can be drawn into wires with the application of a tensile force
3. regains its shape and size after the removal of external forces
4. can be rolled or hammered into thin sheets
73.Manganese bronze has
1. high yield point, high fatigue limit and excellent cold and hot corrosion resistance
2. high resistance to corrosion
3. good wearing qualities and high elasticity
4. valuable cold working property
74.In the middle part of the blast furnace (zone of absorption), the temperature is
1. 1200°C to 1300°C
2. 1500°C to 1700°C
3. 400° to 700°C
4. 800°C to 1000°C
75.Which of the following gives the correct order of increasing hot hardness of cutting
tool materials?
1. Carbide, Diamond, High speed steel
2. Diamond, Carbide, High speed steel
3. High speed steel, Carbide, Diamond
4. High speed steel, Diamond, Carbide
76.The temperature point at which the change starts on heating the steel is called
1. upper critical point
2. lower critical point
3. point of recalescence
4. point of decalescence
77.The fuel used in a blast furnace is
1. coke
2. wood
3. producer gas
4. coal
78.Which of the following is a point imperfection?
1. Interstitial imperfection
2. Vacancy
3. Frenkel imperfection
4. all of these
79.Silicon bronze contains
1. 96% copper, 3% silicon and 1% manganese
2. 60% copper, 35% zinc and 5% manganese
3. 88% copper, 10% tin and 2% zinc
4. 76% copper, 20% silicon and 4% zinc
80.The process in which carbon and nitrogen both are absorbed by the metal surface to
get it hardened is known as
1. cyaniding
2. carburising
3. flame hardening
81.In a face centred cubic space lattice, there are
1. fourteen atoms out of which eight atoms are located at the corners of the cube and six
atoms at the centres of six faces
2. nine atoms out of which eight atoms are located at the corners of the cube and one
atom at its centre
3. none of the above
4. seventeen atoms out of which twelve atoms are located at the twelve corners of the
hexagonal prism, one atom at the centre of each of the two hexagonal faces and three
atoms are symmetrically arranged in the body of the cell
82.The property of a material necessary for forgings, in stamping images on coins and in
ornamental work, is
1. elasticity
2. plasticity
3. malleability
4. ductility
83.The portion of the blast furnace above its widest cross-section is called
1. hearth
2. stack
3. throat
4. bosh
84Which one of the following sets of constituents is expected in equilibrium cooling of a
hyper-eutectoid steel from austenitic state?
1. Ferrite and pearlite
2. Cementite and pearlite
3. Ferrite and bainite
4. Cementite and martensite
85.The heat treatment process used for castings is
1. annealing
2. carburising
3. tempering
4. normalizing
86.Killed steels
1. have almost zero percentage of phosphorus and sulphur
2. have minimum impurity level
3. are free from oxygen
4. are produced by L-D process
87.The process which improves the machinability of steels, but lowers the hardness and
tensile strength, is
1. process annealing
2. normalising
3. full annealing
4. spheroidising
88.The iron ore mostly used for the production of pig iron is
1. haematite
2. magnetite
3. limonite
4. siderite
89.18/8 stainless steel consists of
1. 8% nickel and 8% chromium
2. 18% chromium and 8% nickel
3. 18% nickel and 18% chromium
4. 18% nickel and 8% chromium
90.The steel widely used for making precision measuring instruments is
1. high speed steel
2. nickel-chrome steel
3. nickel steel
4. chrome-vanadium steel
91.Vanadium when added to steel
1. decreases tensile strength
2. Sowers critical temperature
3. increases tensile strength
4. raises critical temperature
92.In a unit cell of a body centred cubic space lattice, there are __________ atoms.
1. six
2. fourteen
3. nine
4. ten
93.Steel containing upto 0.15% carbon, is known as
1. high carbon steel
2. dead mild steel
3. mild steel
4. medium carbon steel
94.The ductility is the property of a material due to which it
1. can be drawn into wires
2. can resist fracture due to high impact loads
3. can be rolled or hammered into thin sheets
4. breaks with little permanent distortion
95.Which of the following is a case hardening process?
1. Cyaniding
2. Carburising
3. Nitriding
4. all of these
96.The process used for relieving the internal stresses previously set up in the Metal and
for increasing the machinability of steel, is
1. normalising
2. full annealing
3. process annealing
4. spheroidising
97.Silicon in cast iron
1. makes the iron white and hard
2. makes the iron soft and easily machinable
3. aids fusibility and fluidity
4. increases hardness and brittleness
98.Cast iron has
1. good casting characteristic
2. all of these
3. excellent machinability
4. high compressive strength
99.The addition of magnesium to cast iron increases its
1. corrosion resistance
2. hardness
3. creep strength
4. ductility and strength in tension
100.A steel with 0.8% carbon and 100% pearlite is called
1. eutectoid steel
2. hyper-eutectoid steel
3. none of these
4. hypo-eutectoid steel
101.The limestone in the charge of a blast furnace decomposes to give lime and carbon
dioxide. The lime thus obtained
1. acts as an iron-bearing mineral
2. controls the grade of pig iron
3. supplies heat to reduce ore and melt the iron
4. forms a slag by combining with impurities
102.Micro-structure of a material is, generally, examined by
1. optical microscope
2. naked eye
3. X-ray techniques
4. none of these
103.The austenitic stainless steel contains
1. 14% nickel and 0.35% carbon
2. 8% chromium and 18% nickel
3. 18% chromium and 8% nickel
4. 14% chromium and 0.35% carbons
104.What is the name of the phase transition that occurs when a solid is converted
directly into a gas (without going through the liquid phase)?
a) Melting
b) Boiling
c) Condensing
d) Sublimation
105.Which if the following statements are true about the Eutectic point on a two
component (compounds A and B) phase diagram?
a) Both compounds are solid
b) The melting point of the mixture is lower than the melting points of either of the
individual compounds
c) One compound is in the liquid phase whilst the other is in the solid phase
d) It always occurs when the ratio of compound A to compound B is 50:50
106.On a phase diagram an isotherm indicates which of the following?
a) A region where the composition of the system is constant
b) A region where the pressure is constant
c) An area below which only the solid phase exists
d) A region where the temperature is constant
107.Which of the following statements is NOT true in relation to a system that has
reached the critical temperature?
a) The system must a closed system
b) The system can be described as a homogenous fluid
c) Substances can have more than one critical temperature.
d) A surface between the liquid and vapour phases is no longer present.
108.On a two component solid-liquid phase diagram, an isopleth indicates which of the
a) A region where the pressure is constant
b) An area below which only the solid phase exists
c) An area above which only the liquid phase exists
d) A region where the composition of the system is constant
109.On a two component solid-liquid phase diagram, a tie line indicates which of the
a) A region where the temperature is constant
b) A region where the composition is constant
c) An area below which only the solid phase exists
d) An area above which only the liquid phase exists
110.Which of the following statements about the rate of dissolution of a solid API into an
aqueous biological environment is true?
a) Increasing the particle size, decreases the dissolution rate resulting in a quicker onset
of action
b) Increasing the particle size, increases the dissolution rate resulting in a quicker onset of
c) Increasing the particle size, increases the dissolution rate resulting in a slower onset of
d) Increasing the particle size, decreases the dissolution rate resulting in a slower onset of
111.Which of the following statements is NOT true about cyclodextrins?
a) They are polysaccharides
b) They are useful for formulating hydrophobic APIs
c) They have a hydrophilic outer surface
d) They are useful for formulating hydrophilic APIs
112.Which of the following statements is NOT true in relation to the triple point on a
single component phase diagram?
a) The point at which the solid, liquid and gaseous phases for a substance co-exist
b) The triple point exists for a substance occurs at a specific temperature and pressure
c) The triple point exists at a single temperature and is independent of pressure
d) The system must be enclosed so that no vapour can escape
113.The upper critical solution temperature is defined as:
a) The maximum temperature at which two components will remain immiscible as two
distinct liquids
b) The minimum temperature at which two components will remain immiscible as two
distinct liquids
c) The maximum temperature at which two components remain miscible
d) The minimum temperature at which two components remain miscible
114.Which of the following is not one component ?
a) Water system
b) Calcium carbonate
c) Phosphorus pent oxide
d) Alloy system
115.Critical temperature of water system is
a) 330 degree C
b )374 degree C
c) 500 degree C
d) 100 degree C
116. Gibbs phase rule finds application, when heat transfer occurs by
a) conduction
b) convection
c) radiation
d) condensation
117. When pressure is applied on the system, icewater, then
a) equilibrium can not be established.
b) more ice will be formed.
c) more water will be formed.
d) evaporation of water will take place.
118. Degrees of freedom at triple point will be
A) 0
b) 1
c) 2
d) 3.
119. Pick out the wrong statement.
a) Phase rule variables are intensive properties.
b) Heat and work are both state function.
c) The work done by expansion of a gas in vacuum is zero.
d) CP and CV are state function.
120. which of the following is heterogeneous system ?
a) water + ice
b) water + salt
c) water + sugar
d) water + oil