Walk the Talk - Petersham AOG

Walk the Talk
Message by Jason Mendis (6/12/15)
Have you ever been compelled to do something that you didn’t particularly want to do?
What was it that drove you to it?
1. Read 2nd Corinthians 5:14-15. What does ‘compel’ mean? What are the things that
compel us to act? What is the purpose that drives our lives? (Is Jesus the reason we all
o Paul declares that he can't live for himself anymore. How should the ‘love of Christ’
compel us to act differently?
When one is truly convicted and compelled it will lead you to act in a certain way. A
true conviction will always lead to an action. Our actions are symbolic of what our
convictions are, and by what we are compelled.
The Cycle of Change: Situation > Revelation > Conviction > Action
2. Read Acts 9:1–20. What was Saul’s original purpose and conviction? And in what way
had this changed by verse 20?
3. What steps can you identify in the Cycle of Change for Paul?
 Verse 1 (Situation) - [Saul is killing Christians]
 Verse 3 (Revelation) - [encounter with God who speaks to him and reveals Himself
to him]
 Verse 19 (Conviction) - [chosen instrument, he is convicted on how he needs to
live his life]
 Verse 20 (Action) - [he preaches the truth of Christ in the synagogue-making Jesus
4. Read Exodus 3:1–10 & 5:1. What is the Cycle of Change for Moses?
 Situation (v7)
 Revelation (v2-4)
 Conviction (v10)
 Action (5:1)
The Cycle of Change in Our lives
5. What is our situation? Consider also the state of our world and our local community
and those with whom we share our lives and workplaces?
[Our world is filled with things that are not of God. We live in a world that is so utterly
hopeless. People are looking for hope and life and not finding it.]
o What is our revelation? Consider how we meet and experience God. Is there
anything that gets in the way of us hearing from God?
o What does Hebrews 4:12 add to this?
Remember God wants to speak to you. He IS speaking to you. [The Word of God
is alive and active and He wants to speak to you today. We need to tune in to God
and listen to Him. We need to not only be present but be on His presence.]
o What are our convictions? Do our/my actions align with my convictions?
o What does 1st Peter 2:9 add to this? [We are a chosen people, a chosen
priesthood.] How should this belief compel us?
‘A belief is something that you will argue about. A conviction is something you will
die for.’ - Howard Hendricks
o What are our actions? [To make Jesus known.]
o Does our/your conviction lead to an action grounded in revelation that can change
the situation?
o Share an example of where this has happened in your life? (Or could happen.)
o What step or steps of the Cycle of Change would you like to give some attention to
so that God can work more powerfully through you in making Jesus known?
Conclusion / Application
Remember and be challenged that if we are truly compelled, it should and needs to
change what we live for, and how we live. It should and needs to be revolutionary!
 Do we believe that Jesus’ love is worth it?
 Do we live for this and do we die to ourselves for this?
6. Spend some time now to pause and be present in God’s presence.
 Pray for new revelations of Christ’s love.
 Pray for opportunities to act on the convictions we have in Christ.
Walk the Talk through
the Cycle of Change: Situation > Revelation > Conviction > Action