Indicative The verb tenses you have learned so far: Present (incl. the “–ing” form, ir+a+inf future) Past (the preterite and the imperfect) The indicative is used for stating facts, communicating knowledge, or asking questions: Quiero conocer a Jaime. ¿Qué comiste esta mañana? Subjunctive mood Used to convey one speaker’s wishes, attitudes, hopes, fears, doubts, uncertainties, and other personal reactions to the events and actions of others. Quiero que (tú) conozcas a Jaime. Espero que (él) esté en casa. Me alegro de que (ustedes) vengan temprano a conocerlo. •We take the first person singular "Yo " form of the verb (we'll use Hablar): Formation of the subjunctive mood Start with the Yo form in the present tense Drop the “o” ending add the opposite endings: ▪ -Ar adds –Er/-Ir endings; -Er/-Ir adds –Ar endings 1) Hablar ---> Hablo 2) Drop the "o" 3) ---> Habl4) Add the opposite ending: `e' (in other words, an ending we would expect to see on an Ir or Er verb) 5) ---> Hable [subjunctive!] But this time we won’t simply take off the last two letters of the infinitive to get to the root/stem of the verb. We have a new way to form the stem: The subjunctive mood If a verb is irregular in the present tense Yo form So are the subjunctive forms for all conjugations (yo, tú, él, ella, Ud., etc). conocer conozcø conozca, conozcas,… decir digø diga, digas,… hacer hagø haga, hagas,… poner pongø ponga, pongas,… salir salgø salga, salgas,… tener tengø tenga, tengas,… traer traigø traiga, traigas,… venir vengø venga, vengas,… Stem-changing -ar and -er verbs follow the same pattern in the present subjunctive as the present tense yo form. Stem changes occur in all forms except nosotros (No for Nosotros) pensar (eie) piense pensemos pienses piense volver (o ue) vuelva volvamos vuelvas piensen vuelva vuelvan -Ir verbs follow the pattern of the present tense yo form but also stem change (ei and o u) in the nosotros form divertirse (eie, i) pedir (e i, i) me divierta nos divirtamos pida te diviertas se divierta pidamos pida duerma durmamos Duermas Pidas se diviertan dormir (oue, u) pidan duerma duerman Verb Yo form (present tense) Subjunctive Ser Soy Sea Estar Estoy Esté Dar Doy Dé Ir Voy Vaya Saber Sé Sepa Haber He Haya When you want to express a desire, preference, recommendation, request, or suggestion that someone else do something, use a verb of preference + que + subjunctive. (Yo) Quiero que (tú) vayas a la fiesta. Notice that there are two subjects: the person influencing and the person influenced. Subject 1 expression of wish to influence -indicative- Subject 2 + que + action influenced *subjunctive* U Subject #2 The verb is in the Subjunctive Subject #1 Bip! Bip! Bip! Verizon Wireless Located in reality wanting Subject #2 to do something Imagined world of the Subjunctive Subjunctive Worlds©1996 drlemon Verbs that express the wish to influence include: querer (ie) to want preferir (ie, i) to prefer insistir (en) to insist (on) recomendar (ie) to recommend sugerir (ie, i) to suggest pedir (i, i) to request decir (i) to tell to do Quiero que me ayudes. Prefieren que salgamos ahora. Insisten en que lleguemos a tiempo. Te recomiendo que lo llames. Te sugiero que lo invites a la fiesta. Le pedimos que traiga pan. Te digo que no esperes más. Modelo: La madre quiere que se acueste. 1. La madre quiere que… 4. La madre le sugiere que… 2. La madre le pide que… 5. La madre insiste en que… 3. La madre le pide que… 6. La madre le dice al perro que… The subjunctive and expressions of emotion The subjunctive is used when a speaker expresses emotional reactions and feelings about the actions of another subject (person or thing). Me alegro de que mi amigo me visite. Esperamos que (él) pueda quedarse unos días Subject 1 expression of emotion indicative Subject 2 + Que + action or condition of another subject * Subjunctive* The subjunctive and expressions of emotion alegrarse (de) to be glad (about) esperar to hope, expect sentir (ie, i) to be sorry, regret temer to fear, be afraid ¡Ojalá que…! I hope… Me alegro de que estén comprometidos. Espero que se casen este verano. Siento que vivan tan lejos. Tememos que no puedan visitarnos. ¡Ojalá que me inviten a la boda!