chapter1 mine


What is Sports and Entertainment


Chapter 1

1.1 Marketing Basics

1.2 Sports Marketing

1.3 Entertainment Marketing

1.4 Recreation Marketing

Sports & Entertainment


• Today, more than any other time in history, are the two most profitable industries in the U.S.

• Fans spend billions of dollars each year on recreation

• Reaches around the globe as well

• Entertainment is a main export of the U.S.

What is Marketing?

If you know:


• “Just Do It”


• “Breakfast of Champions”

Under Armour:

• “Protect this house”


• “Lets build something together”


• “Nobody better lay a finger on my butterfinger”


• “There’s an app for that”

You have been exposed to marketing.

Marketing Defined:

The process of planning, pricing, promoting, selling, and distributing ideas, goods, or services to create exchanges that satisfy customers

• To sum it up – Marketing is the creation and maintenance of satisfying exchange relationships.

• Marketing is an “umbrella” term

• Current marketing practices focus on customers and maintaining a close relationship with them

Marketing Mix

• Describes how a business “blends” the four marketing elements.

• The 4 P’s

– Product

– Place (Distribution)

– Price

– Promotion

Marketing Mix

Product—what a business offers customers to satisfy needs

(Place) Distribution—the locations and methods used to make products available to customers

Price—the amount that customers pay for products

Promotion—ways to encourage customers to purchase products and increase customer satisfaction


• Goods

Tangible items that have monetary value and satisfy your needs & wants (can touch them)

– Examples: sports equipment, TV, clothing, candy.

• Services

Intangible items that have monetary value and satisfy your needs & wants (can’t touch them)

– Examples: tickets, banks, dry cleaners, amusement parks.

Place (Distribution)

• Involves the locations and methods used to make products available to customers.

Place (Distribution)

• Where do you buy a pair of sneakers or a theater ticket?

– Internet?

– Retail Store?

– Theater?

– Telephone Solicitation?

– Wholesaler?

– Retailer?


• Amount that customers pay for products/services.

• Approximately

50% of an item’s price is for the marketing costs!

• Did you know? – On average, stores raise the price around 50% more than what they paid for it?


Buy 2, get 1 free!!

• ways to encourage customers to purchase products/services.

• increase customer satisfaction.

• includes: advertising, publicity, personal selling, and public relations

Our product will make you better at everything!

What are some forms of


• Newspaper

• Magazine

• Radio

• Television

• Direct Mail

• Internet Advertising

Satisfying Customer Needs

pg 5

• MOST important aspect of marketing!

• Must perform the following:

– Identify customer needs

– Develop products/services that customers consider better than other choices

– Operate business profitably

Functions of Marketing

• Every marketing activity can be classified into seven functions of marketing

1. Product/Service


2. Distribution

3. Selling

4. Marketing-



5. Financing

6. Pricing

7. Promotion

Functions of Marketing

Key Marketing Functions

– Product/Service Management

• Designing, developing, maintaining, improving, and acquiring products/services so they meet customer needs.

– Ex: Focus groups

– Distribution

• Determining the best way to get a company’s products/services to customers.

– Ex: Best Buy

Key Marketing Functions

– Selling

• Direct and personal communication with customers to assess and satisfy their needs.

– satisfying customers

– anticipating customers’ future needs

– Marketing-Information Management

• Gathering and using information about customers to improve business decision making.

– Marketing research

» Domino’s pizza expanding to Japan

Survey Says….

• TV Sports Survey Questionnaire

Survey Results

• Why do you watch TV sports?

– To relax (2)

– For entertainment (19)

– I do not watch TV sports (1)

– Other “Watch when I’m bored” (2)

• Approximately how many hours do you spend watching sports during the week?

– 1 or less (13)

– 2-4 hours (6)

– 5 or more hours (5)

Survey Results

• How many tv sets do you have in your household?

– 1-2 (3)

– 3 or more (21)

• Approximately how many live sports events do you attend during the week?

– 0-1 (15)

– 2-3 (9)

– 1 student did not respond

Survey Results

• Which of these tv sports do you watch?

– Basketball (11)

– Football (15)

– Hockey (5)

– Tennis (2)

– Curling (2)

– Swimming (1)

– Other—baseball (11)

– Other—soccer (2)

– Other– racing (2)

– Other – wrestling (2)

– Other – golf (1)

– Other – boxing, UFC (1)

Survey Results

• Would you be interested in a cable channel that showed classic sports events?

– Yes (6)

– No (5)

– Maybe (13)

Key Marketing Functions

• Financing

– Requires a company not only to budget for its own marketing activities, but also provides customers with assistance in paying for the company’s products/services.

• Ex: General Motors

Key Marketing Functions

• Pricing

– Process of establishing and communicating the value or cost of goods/services to customers.

• Ex: Concert tickets. Consumers like, price high

• Promotion

– Used in advertising & other forms of communicating information about products/services, images, and ideas to achieve a desired income.

• Ex: coupons on back of tickets

Chapter 1.2 Page 9

What is Sports Marketing?

• Spectators of sporting events are the potential consumers of a wide array of products/services.

Sports marketing

– Using sports to market products

Sports Marketing

• Target Market

– A specific group of people you want to reach.

• Ex: Reebok & Nike have a large market for athletic shoes, but smaller, homogenous (similar) group for tennis, golf, running, walking, and so on.

• Demographics

– Specific info. such as the age ranges in the group, marital status, gender, educational level, attitudes and beliefs, and income.

Sports Marketing

• Disposable Income

– Income that can be freely spent.

• Spending Habits of Fans

– Important to research spending habits of fans

– Maximize profits on items they purchase at sporting events

Marketing Strategies

• Sports Logos on clothing

– Shows team loyalty, value of merchandise is increased in the eyes of the buyer, consumers feel more successful.

• Royalties - (% of sales)

• New Sports, New Opportunities

– Arena Football League (AFL) was one of the fastest growing sports in the country.

Ambush (or Stealth)


(page 11 Marketing Myths)

• When organizations participate in events to some degree rather than sponsor the event.

• Why would companies want to do this?

Marketing Strategies

• Gross Impressions

– Number of times per advertisement, game, or show that a product or service is associated with an athlete, team, or entertainment.

– Product Placement

• Timing

– The popularity of teams and sports figures is based almost completely on continued winning.

Entertainment Marketing

Lesson 1.3 pg 14

• Entertainment Marketing-Influencing how people choose to use their time and money

• First, Entertainment is looked at as a product to be marketed.

• Second, use EM to attract attention to other products

– Ex: hiring celebs to endorse related mdse. or events.

Entertainment Marketing

• Entertainment

– Whatever people are willing to spend their money and spare time viewing rather than participating in.

• Any examples?

• Ex: movies, theatre, circus, or even athletic events

Modern Entertainment


• Beginning of 20 th Century

– Performing arts were the major form of entertainment

– Live theater, ballet, opera and concerts

• Marketing was limited

– Posters, newspapers, magazines and word-of-mouth

• People had to travel to the show

– Show wasn’t brought to the consumers as it is today

The beginning of change

• Louis Le Prince

– Made the first moving pictures (movies)

– first made in Britain in 1888

The big eye in every room

• 1950s- TV began to arrive in great numbers in American homes

• Sports and Entertainment marketers found a wide-open distribution channel into the homes of Americans

Early days of TV and Marketing

•Early 1940s - Nine TV stations and fewer than

7,000 working TV sets existed in the US

•October 1945 – Gimbel’s Department Store in

Philly had over 25,000 people come to watch the first demonstration of TV

•Soon after, advertising on TV was encouraged

Television’s increasing influence

• Ratings – the number of viewers the programming attracted

– Elvis #1 – September 1956

– Elvis #2 – October 1956 Forrest Gump!

– Beatles

Recreational Sports

Lesson 1.4 pg 20

• Recreation

– Renewing or rejuvenating your body or mind with play or amusing activity.

• Recreational Activities

– Activities involved in travel, tourism, and amateur sports that are NOT associated with educational institutions.

Recreational Sports

• No Couch Potatoes

– Participation requires purchase of a combo. of products/services

• A Better Image


• Annika Sorenstam – first woman in over 50 years to play in men’s PGA tournamnet

• Michelle Wie – first LPGA tournament at 13!

Travel and Tourism

• World’s largest industry

• Tourism

– Traveling for pleasure

– Vacations, honeymoons, conventions, and family visits

• Data Mining

– Collecting data about which people travel, where, and when.

Travel and Tourism

• Niche Travel

– Recreational travel or tours planned around a special interest.

– Ex: Caribbean Cruise for Singles or Vacation package for college spring breakers

• Disney now offers travel packages that include hotel, airfare, rental car and park tickets

• Thomas Cook – first to introduce package tours to seaside resorts
