Sleepless Driving - Stacks are the Stanford

Sleepless Driving
Lonnie Kauppila
Austin Wilson
Austin Slater
Dominic Jose
Useful For All Commuters
Sleepless Driving is perfect for almost
any driver whose daily routine involves
any sort of commuting. Whether it be
long, tedious road trips or daily, dreary
commutes to and from work, this
system helps drivers stay attentive
while on the road. Drivers often battle
the urge to fall asleep while driving for
several reasons – ranging from a late
night of having a few legal beverages
or incurring a long drive after working
overtime. This unnoticeable addition
to your steering wheel will contest the
urge to fall asleep by recognizing when
the body is beginning to feel sleepy by
monitoring heart rate, brain activity
and eyesight to recognize and counter
drowsiness with loud music and
harmless jerks (as if the car were to
stop) to help keep drivers awake and
Steering Wheel Sensors
Sensors placed all over the back of the
steering wheel, including ones at 10, 2, and 6
(as shown) would be similar to those that are
used on treadmills or exercise bikes. Like those
that have the ability to determine heart rate,
calories burned, etc., these will have the
ability to determine heart rate, stress, brain
waves, and the activity in the cortex (the
surface of the brain). Research states that the
activity in the brain drops 40% in the initial
phases of sleeping, becoming a crucial factor
of the overall design. The almost invisible
camera located on the steering wheel focuses
solely on the eyes and eyelids, where eyes
begin closing (obviously) and rolling during the
initial stages of sleep.
Sleepless Driving
The sensors and camera are all reflected within the car’s navigation
system. All the information – heart rate, brain activity, etc. – are
available within the navigational options, allowing yourself to see
exactly how your body is reacting when you are driving, especially
when dozing off. Alerts flash on the screen to begin notifying the
driver of both slowing heart rate and decreased brain activity,
important signals that assist the driver become self aware of his
current state.
Meet Timothy
Timothy is a 29 year old upcoming
attorney who has been working all
quarter long on his first solo court
case. If he wins the case he will
receive a bonus at his law firm that
is two times his initial salary. He
has been saving up for him and his
new fiancé to ultimately purchase
a new house so they can move out
of their apartment. He has worked
extra hours on a weekly basis to
make sure his will ultimately be
Timothy is working late one Friday
night and and is going to arrive
home way past midnight. Everyday
to work, he has a long commute
because the real estate close to his
office is not within the realm of his
budget. Keep in mind that Timothy
has been getting home at around
1am and even 2am some nights!
On top of that he also gets up at
6:00 am to be first person in the
It is almost the weekend, and
Timothy is exhausted and leaves
the office. He gets into his car and
begins his drive home. He has the
heater on because it is dark, cold
and raining outside. He is very
drowsy because his mind and
body have been vigorously
devoted to this case.
About 20 minutes into his drive,
Timothy is cruising on the
freeway when he begins to
doze off. His hands on the
steering wheel sensors read his
brain activity starting to wane,
his heart rate begins to slow
down. He is trying to stay
awake but his eyes keep
opening and closing…opening
and closing….and opening and
closing…Finally his eyes close
for 1 second….2 seconds ….3
4 seconds….5 seconds…..then
BAMF! Music erupts. The car
brakes and jolts because the safety
system is triggered. The interface
was able to detect its user was in
danger and it displayed its
affordance to ultimately ensure
the user would not harm itself.
Timothy wakes up and realizes the music that
is blaring and that is car has ultimately come
to a stop. Although he is still tired, the
sensors are able to read that his heart rate is
up and his brain activity is also initialized
therefore preventing an accident and
creating a safe ride home.
Finally Home
Timothy is able to make it alive and well!
He wakes up his wife to tell the story
about his near death experience behind
the wheel. Timothy is thankful for
Sleepless Driving because it was able to
detect his mistake of not staying awake
behind the wheel. He later went on to win
his first solo case as an attorney and was
finally able to find a new place and move
closer to his office. People sometimes
forget that automobiles are not just toys
but in fact machines, and if they are not
used with full attention, lives can be put at
risk. Sleepless Driving is a product that
reminds people to stay awake and pay
attention while using an automobile.