Board of Trustees Financial Workshop December 2, 2013 Page 1 INTRODUCTION Page 2 UNCW Guiding Principles We are committed to the university’s financial integrity by providing quality, efficient service to the students, faculty and staff. Our mission is to record, report and safeguard the fiscal assets of the university. Maintaining an effective system of internal controls and compliance mechanisms is accomplished through comprehensive policies, procedures, campus-wide training and supporting a knowledgeable and skilled staff. Page 3 UNCW Environmental Scan/Overview Strengths & Opportunities + Diverse & growing revenue sources • Distance Ed • Auxiliaries • MARBIONC + Healthy liquidity + Membership in UNC system & history of state support + Well-managed and growing endowment + Strong controls & planning processes + Solid student demand & enrollment trends + Commitment to innovation + Exceptional compliance record & unqualified audit opinions Weaknesses & Challenges ₋ Continuous need to grow revenues • Endowment • Federal contracts & grants ₋ Relatively high level of debt ₋ Dependence on state funding ₋ Legislative mandates ₋ Tuition sensitivity ₋ Financial aid resources ₋ Aging plant (~11 years) & potential future capital/maintenance needs Page 4 Agenda Financials • Credit Rating Agencies & Debt Management • Higher Education Financial Statements Budgeting • Budget Process Funding • Enrollment Growth Funding • Appropriations, Tuition & Student Fees Page 5 Financials Budgeting CREDIT RATING AGENCIES AND DEBT MANAGEMENT Funding Page 6 Rating Process • • • • • • • • • • Most rating agencies follow standard criteria and are required to provide this information publicly. Criteria is required to be transparent so that an experienced analyst could come within a category of the rating. Many will also share financial ratios and other qualitative information with prospective rated institutions. The ratios are updated each year. Moody’s issues ratios with a higher degree of rating specificity (by specific rating) than S&P (which prepares ratios by rating category) Different rating agencies do not always assign the same ratings to the same institutions. Ratings are generally assigned to securities rather than institutions, especially for public universities. Moody’s publishes a quantitative scorecard to increase the transparency of the methodology. S&P is less formulaic but still focuses on the same factors and uses similar ratios. However, each rating agency may place different weights on the factors and ratings are not always the same. Page 7 Moody’s Higher Education Scorecard Areas of Emphasis Moody's Higher Education Scorecard Demand or Market Position enrollment, selectivity, student quality, yield, competitive position, student charges, and geographic diversity Management governing structure, ability to respond to change, strategic plans, debt policies, and budgeting practices Finance revenue diversity, operating performance, financial resources (largely through unrestricted net position, endowment spending policies, operational liquidity, and coverage of variable rate debt from liquidity) Debt annual debt burden, maximum debt burden, debt structure, repayment method Section 1: Quantitative Factors Operating Revenues > 10% Net Tuition/Student > > > > 10% > 10% Av DS Coverage > 10% Operating Cash Flow Margin Debt to Op. Revenues > 10% > 5% Total Cash + Inv > 10% Exp. Res. to Debt Mon. Days Cash on Hand Exp. Res. to Operations Liquidity to Demand Debt > > > > 5% 5% 5% 5% Selectivity Matriculation Av Gifts Per Student Rev Diversity (Max. Single Contribution) 5% 5% 5% Factor 1: Market Postion 35% Factor 2: Operating Performance - 30% Factor 3: Balance Sheet + Capital Investment: 35% Section 2: Qualitative Factors Leadership and Senior Short- and Long-term Planning Management External Disclosures and Self-assessment and Benchmarking Internal Controls Government and Stakeholder Relations Interest rate, Counterparty and Refinancing Risk Borrowing Terms and Covenants Legal Security and Other Bondholder Protections Multi-year Trends Healthcare Exposure (for Colleges with medical schools) Marketable Real Estate Event Risk Other Factors Factor 4: Governance and Management Factor 5: Debt Structure and Legal Covenants Other Factors Page 8 Top Causes of Rating Changes Upgrade Drivers • • • • • • • Steady improvement in demand, increasing selectivity, matriculation rates, student quality & geographic diversity Ability to raise tuition & fees Consistently strong financial performance New schools or programs Major, transformational gifts Long history of operating surpluses Clear ability to manage with surprises & maintain strategic plans and budgets Downgrade Drivers • • • • • • • • • • • • Sharp increase in debt Operating deficits High endowment spending levels (>8%) Significant debt structure risks Management concerns Declines in net tuition revenue or sense that tuition revenue growth is impaired Steep reduction in applicants or new freshmen Drop in expendable resources or unrestricted net position compared with operating expenses or debt Sharp drop-off in state appropriations - not offset by reduced operating expenses or revenue increases in other areas Limited cash/liquidity compared with accounts payable & near-term debt payments Fewer than 700 students & accreditation issues New debt with no visible source of payment Page 9 S&P 2013 COPs Rating Rationale Strengths • • • • • Solid debt service coverage (DSC) Strong housing system demand and occupancy Managerial/financial commitment to student housing Favorable overall student demand trends Operating support from State of North Carolina Challenges • • • Below average financial resources in terms of net position relative to operating expenses and outstanding debt Above-average total debt burden Relatively small endowment Factors that could make the rating go Up/Down • • Up: Continued strong student & housing demand trends; improved financial resources; increasing housing system DSC Down: Reduced state support; Additional debt inconsistent with financial resource growth or revenues; decreasing housing system DSC Certificates of Participation S&P AAA AA+ AA AAA+ A ABBB+ BBB BBBNon Investment Grade Page 10 Moody’s December University Rating Review 2010 Rating Rationale Strengths • • • • Solid student demand and growing enrollment trends UNC System membership Healthy liquidity profile Solid regional market position / Strong student demand Challenges • • High leverage State funding cuts Factors that could make the rating go Up/Down • • Up: Growth in financial resources, improvements in scope of research activities & student market position; cash flow improvement Down: Reduced state support; Decline in student market position; Weakened Debt Service Coverage General Revenue Bonds Moody's Aaa Aa1 Aa2 Aa3 A1 A2 A3 Baa1 Baa2 Baa3 Non Investment Grade Certificates of Participation Moody's Aaa Aa1 Aa2 Aa3 A1 A2 A3 Baa1 Baa2 Baa3 Non Investment Grade Page 11 Moody’s 2012 Ratings Best A3 UNCW ASU FSU UNCP WCU UNCSA ECU ECSU NCA&T NCCU NCSU UNCA UNCCH UNCC UNCG WSSU A2 A1 Aa3 Aa2 Aa1 Aa Page 12 Debt Profile $20,000,000 University of North Carolina Wilmington All Outstanding Debt Service $18,000,000 $16,000,000 Aggregate Debt Service $14,000,000 $12,000,000 $10,000,000 $8,000,000 $6,000,000 $4,000,000 $2,000,000 $- GESC COPs University Page 13 Debt Analysis Improving Trends $300 0.90x Total Debt ($ Millions) UNCW Expendable Resources to Debt* 0.83x Moody's A1 Median $250 0.80x 254.2 0.79x 0.72x $200 0.71x 239.6 248.3 0.70x 0.70x 233.4 197.8 0.60x $150 140.7 0.50x $100 0.38x 0.31x $50 0.31x 0.27x 0.28x 0.30x 0.40x 0.30x $0 0.20x FY 2008 FY 2009 * Moody’s Calculation except FY13. FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 Page 14 Financials Budgeting HIGHER EDUCATION FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Source: Adapted from UNC Campus Financials 101, Sept. 12, 2013. Charlie Perusse, Stathis Poulos, Rick Niswander and Mary Peloquin-Dodd. Funding Page 15 Primary Campus Uses of the Consolidated Financial Statements The consolidated UNCW financial statements are mainly used for: • • • • • • State of North Carolina Consolidated Financial Reporting Rating Agencies Lenders, Bond Trustees Providing “factoids” Looking at trends from the 40,000-foot level Regulatory Disclosures • • • • • • • • • NC Office of State Controller NC Office of State Budget Management NC Office of State Treasurer NC General Statutes NC Government NC Auditor Internal Revenue Service NC Department of Revenue NCAA Page 16 Limited Flexibility Unlike many business entities, university dollars are not fungible. • Legal, regulatory & good business practices prevent movement between categories • Revenues, expenses and other sources of funds are tracked for defined purposes Examples • • • • • • • • • • Donors make gifts that can only be used to fulfill the intent of the donor Housing receipts should not be used to pay for Administration Assistants in the English Department State Appropriations cannot be used to pay for housing Tuition supports student instruction Parking receipts fund reserves to repave lots and construct decks Federal or state scholarship funds can only be used for that purpose by law State R&R funds can only be used for that purpose Bond proceeds used for intended purpose Mandatory fees support stated purpose (athletic fee for athletic department) Summer school revenue for summer school expenses Page 17 Limited Flexibility Diverse Set of Business Lines • Profit-motivated components, educational components, research components, community services • Significant legal and operational restrictions on how business is conducted • Debt restrictions • GASB accounting (vestiges and real) • Detailed compliance reporting to multiple state and federal agencies • Multiple approval levels • Special duties to students, parents and donors Business runs on the cash basis, not accrual basis • Twelve month budget cycle – timing is critical, e.g. spend it or lose it • Unexpended carryover of State Funds limited to 2.5% of operating funds • Cash requirements requisitioned from State Treasurer, not managed locally Page 18 Key GASB Higher Ed Accounting Practices Management Discussion & Analysis • Precedes the basic financial statement and is required to include certain information prescribed by GASB, dual column comparison of year over year Basic Financial Statements – Industry nomenclature and single column • Balance Sheet – Statement of Net Position (formerly Statement of Net Assets) • Assets, Liabilities, & Net Position • Income Statement – Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Position • Revenue, Expenses, Other Changes/Adjustments • Statements of Cash Flows • Cash flows are required to be summarized by operating, investing, capital and related financing, and noncapital financing uses Discreetly Presented Component Units • Most University affiliated foundations are presented in the financial statements Notes to Financial Statements • Deposit and investment risks disclosures (credit risk, concentration risk, interest rate risk) including the organization’s policies regarding such risks, are required Key GASB Higher Ed Accounting Practices Page 19 (Income Statement) UNCW Year Ended June 30, 2012 Statement of Revenues, Expenses & Changes in Net Position (SRECNP) REVENUES Operating Revenues: Student Tuition and Fees, Net (Note 9) Federal Grants and Contracts State and Local Grants and Contracts Nongovernmental Grants and Contracts Sales and Services, Net (Note 9) Interest Earnings on Loans Other Operating Revenues Total Operating Revenues $86,526,202 12,144,343 1,035,091 791,931 41,194,644 73,678 3,886,788 145,652,677 EXPENSES Operating Expenses: Salaries and Benefits Supplies and Materials Services Scholarships and Fellowships Utilities Depreciation Total Operating Expenses Operating Loss 150,205,408 18,267,194 46,134,350 16,526,443 6,770,663 14,120,071 252,024,129 (106,371,452) NONOPERATING REVENUES (EXPENSES) State Appropriations Noncapital Grants - Student Financial Aid Noncapital Gifts, Net (Note 9) Investment Income (Net of Investment Expense of $170,982) Interest and Fees on Debt Federal Interest Subsidy on Debt Other Nonoperating Expenses Net Nonoperating Revenues Income Before Other Revenues Capital Grants Additions to Endowments Increase in Net Assets 91,313,397 22,728,974 4,893,475 2,862,924 (11,917,022) 760,163 (3,443) 110,638,468 4,267,016 21,726,855 2,718,447 28,712,318 NET ASSETS Net Assets - July 1, 2011 370,983,978 Net Assets - June 30, 2012 399,696,296 • Equivalent to the “income statement” for a for-profit entity • Expenses can be presented in either the natural or functional presentation • There are no prescribed expense allocations • Net investment income and realized gains/losses are required to be presented as a single non-operating financial statement account on the statement of activities. • Gifts are recognized when received and eligibility requirements have been met (not when gift is pledged by donor) • No requirement to use restricted funds first Page 20 Sources of Revenues 2012 Revenue by Source $292,657 ($ Thousands) Sales & Services, Net 41,195 (14%) Capital/Noncapital Grants $44,456 (15%) State Appropriations & State Aid $91,313 (31%) Investment Income $2,863 (1%) Noncapital Gifts, Net $4,893 (2%) Other $14,304 (6%) Non-Federal Grants & Contracts $1,827 (1%) Other Revenues $4,721 (2%) Federal Grants & Contracts, $12,144 (4%) Additions to Endowments $2,718 (1%) Student Tuition & Fees, Net $86,526 (29%) Page 21 Top Sources of Revenues Top UNCW Revenue Sources FY10 State Appropriations FY11 FY12 $90,220,051 $89,349,941 $91,313,397 Tuition 44,022,570 50,161,118 54,379,222 Sales & Services Residence Life Dining Other Auxiliary Enterprises Education & Related Activity Sales Total Sales & Services 18,048,402 10,053,924 6,112,701 3,549,396 37,764,423 18,670,602 10,707,694 6,024,853 4,028,211 39,431,360 19,831,141 11,317,318 5,152,710 4,893,475 41,194,644 Fees 27,590,793 30,445,484 32,146,980 Grants & Contracts 18,559,457 17,030,901 13,971,365 Page 22 Research Revenue Grants & Contracts Revenue 2004-2013 (Includes Noncapital Grants - State Passthrough for 2009 - 2013) 45 40 State Passthrough Grants & Contracts 35 10.0 9.9 8.0 32.2 $ Millions 30 8.5 9.0 30.4 28.7 25 25.8 24.0 20 20.9 21.3 21.8 2006 2007 23.2 20.5 15 10 5 2004 2005 2008 2009 2010 2011 Year State Passthrough is the amount of non-capital state grants that offset certain educational scholarship awards such as the NC Education Lottery Scholarship Program and UNC Need Based Aid. 2012 2013 Page 23 Research Revenue Facilities & Administrative Indirect Costs $3,000,000 $2,500,000 $2,481,861 $2,474,509 $2,149,163 $2,000,000 $1,740,818 $1,600,000 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 $0 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Projected Page 24 UNCW Expenses 2012 Expense by Nature $263,943 ($ Thousands) Supplies and Materials $18,267 (7%) Services $46,134 (17%) Scholarships and Fellowships $16,526 (6%) Salaries and Benefits $150,205 (57%) Utilities $6,771 (3%) Depreciation $14,120 (5%) Interest $11,917 (5%) Other $3 (<1%) Page 25 UNCW Statement of Revenues, Expenses & Changes in Net Position (Dollars in Thousands) $300,000 11,952 $250,000 $200,000 4,891 $19,945 24,445 $28,712 $7,127 $122,572 Increase in Net Position $110,638 $119,151 Operating Expenses $150,000 $254,608 $246,624 $252,024 $100,000 $129,709 $140,028 $145,653 $50,000 $0 2010 2011 2012 Capital Gifts, Grants & Endowment Non-Operating Revenue Operating Revenue Key GASB Higher Ed Accounting Practices Page 26 (Balance Sheet) UNCW Year Ended June 30, 2012 ASSETS Current Assets: Cash and Cash Equivalents Restricted Cash and Cash Equivalents Receivables, Net (Note 4) Due from State of North Carolina Component Units Inventories Notes Receivable, Net (Note 4) Total Current Assets Noncurrent Assets: Restricted Cash and Cash Equivalents Receivables, Net (Note 4) Endowment Investments Deferred Charges Notes Receivable, Net (Note 4) Capital Assets - Nondepreciable (Note 5) Capital Assets - Depreciable, Net (Note 5) Total Noncurrent Assets Total Assets Statement of Net Position: $74,411,120 21,871,785 3,861,541 103,154 394,183 559,607 • Equivalent to the “balance sheet” for a for-profit entity • Current and noncurrent classifications are required • Consider notes to the financial statements (i.e. receivables, capital 101,201,390 Assets 31,577,332 135,573 60,749,814 3,538,509 5,653,449 66,501,850 418,198,314 Total Current Liabilities Noncurrent Liabilities: Funds Held for Others U. S. Government Grants Refundable Long-Term Liabilities (Note 7) Total Noncurrent Liabilities Total Liabilities • Capital Assets • Intangible assets are required to be presented within capital assets • When significant, non-depreciable capital assets are to be presented separately Federal Perkins Loan amounts due from borrowers are recognized as notes receivables • 586,354,841 687,556,231 LIABILITIES Current Liabilities: Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities (Note 6) Due to Primary Government Deposits Payable Unearned Revenue Interest Payable Long-Term Liabilities - Current Portion (Note 7) assets, long-term liabilities, etc.) Liabilities • 10,837,251 1,278,984 1,197 4,391,126 2,087,037 6,254,632 24,850,227 7,519,167 4,392,778 251,097,763 263,009,708 287,859,935 • • Amounts payable from restricted assets are generally separately disclosed Federal portion of Federal Perkins Loans is recognized as a liability Gifts received before all eligibility requirements have been fully met are recognized as a liability Page 27 Key GASB Higher Ed Accounting Practices UNCW June 30, 2012 Statement of Net Position (cont.): NET POSITION Invested in Capital Assets, Net of Related Debt Restricted for: Nonexpendable: Scholarships and Fellowships Research Endowed Professorships Departmental Uses Loans Expendable: Scholarships and Fellowships Research Endowed Professorships Departmental Uses Loans Debt Service $ 24,575,907 2,309,027 12,724,767 17,820,314 1,109,745 3,771,311 41,382 830,546 7,962,675 335,656 900,227 Unrestricted Total Net Position 267,350,758 59,963,981 $ 399,696,296 Net Position • • Focus on unrestricted net position Unrestricted net position designated for specific use are not permitted to be presented separately from undesignated unrestricted net position Page 28 UNCW Statement of Net Position formerly Statement of Net Assets (Dollars in Thousands) $800,000 Total Assets Total Liabilities Net Position $700,000 $600,000 $287,860 $288,832 $500,000 $262,755 $400,000 $300,000 $200,000 $687,556 $659,816 $613,794 $370,984 $351,039 $399,696 $100,000 $0 2010 2011 2012 Page 29 Net Position UNCW Net Position FY10 $229,927,613 FY11 $247,002,288 FY12 $267,350,758 Restricted Nonexpendable 45,056,161 55,771,543 58,539,760 Restricted Expendable 22,801,543 15,518,651 13,841,797 Unrestricted 53,254,086 52,691,496 59,963,981 $351,039,403 $370,983,978 $399,696,296 $19,944,575 $28,712,318 Invested in Capital Assets, net of related debt) Change in Net Assets Page 30 Unrestricted Net Position Defined • Net Position that is not subject to externally imposed stipulations • Externally imposed stipulations include stipulations made by: • Root Source of Funds (creditors, grantors, contributors) • Laws or regulations of other governments • Imposed by law through constitutional provisions or enabling legislation • Includes net position that has been internally designated (defined on next slide) • Unrestricted net position is generally derived from (not all inclusive): student tuition and fees, auxiliary enterprises, gifts, interest income, and royalties. Page 31 Unrestricted Net Position Considerations • Internally Designated Net Position – Defined • The designation is required to be expressed by (1) the institution itself or (2) a body (e.g., a budget or finance committee) or official to which the institution has delegated the authority to assign amounts to be used for specific purposes The designated funds represent planned actions and not actual commitments The designation can be subsequently modified or removed • • • As universities have numerous programs and initiatives to accomplish their missions to educate the public, they tend to have more types of internally designated net position than other organizations to meet the objectives of each program and initiative. Examples include: • • • • • • • • Academic programs Research programs Institutional advancement Student housing Health system Administration Capital projects Athletics programs • • • • • • • • Human resources Information technology Recreational programs Libraries Art programs Alumni relations Student relations Patient relations • • • • • • • Marketing Trademarks and Patents Royalties Fundraising Legal matters Accreditation matters Federal, state and other compliance Page 32 Unrestricted Net Position • • • Unrestricted Net Position does not equal “Cash” Operationally a collection of Semi-Autonomous Business Units “Each boat floats on its own bottom” Unrestricted Net Assets Unrestricted Trust Overhead Housing Union Food Service Rec Ctr/Intramurals ITSD Communications Ed & Tech Fees Other Total FY10 FY11 FY12 22,155,528 2,226,890 10,072,185 6,298,849 3,632,825 2,024,614 1,141,494 5,701,701 53,254,086 20,941,901 2,934,972 7,961,205 8,492,115 3,701,644 2,842,151 1,512,948 4,304,560 52,691,496 22,459,071 3,016,650 9,902,431 10,679,402 3,947,561 3,661,119 1,628,791 4,668,956 59,963,981 * Prior to FY12 Ed & Tech Fees were considered General Funds. FY13 (preliminary) 24,364,679 2,639,248 9,710,320 15,066,414 3,717,953 3,283,614 1,794,360 1,602,820 8,730,915 70,910,321 Page 33 Unrestricted Net Position Moody’s 2012 Data 0.50x .44x Moody’s Medians Aa3 - 0.48x A1 - 0.42x 0.40x 0.30x .31x .25x .30x .24x 0.20x .16x .17x .13x 0.10x .12x .03x 0.00x UNCW ASU UNCP Unrestricted Net Position to annual operating expenses FSU WCU Unrestricted Net Position to current total debt Aa3 - 0.27x A1 - 0.28x Page 34 UNCW Environmental Scan/Overview Strengths & Opportunities + Diverse & growing revenue sources • Distance Ed • Auxiliaries • MARBIONC + Healthy liquidity + Membership in UNC system & history of state support + Well-managed and growing endowment + Strong controls & planning processes + Solid student demand & enrollment trends + Commitment to innovation + Exceptional compliance record & unqualified audit opinions Weaknesses & Challenges ₋ Continuous need to grow revenues • Endowment • Federal contracts & grants ₋ Relatively high level of debt ₋ Dependence on state funding ₋ Legislative mandates ₋ Tuition sensitivity ₋ Financial aid resources ₋ Aging plant (~11 years) & potential future capital/maintenance needs Page 35 Financials BUDGET PROCESS Budgeting Funding Page 36 Background • UNCW operates on the State of North Carolina biennial budget cycle • The university conducts “budget calls” for eight (8) different budget cycles • Externally managed: – Office of State Budget and Management (OSBM) – UNC General Administration • Internally Managed: – University Budget Office • constant external budget compliance and reporting responsibilities • designed around these external requirements Page 37 Background External Budget Cycles Internal Budget Cycles • • • • • • • • • Biennial Continuation Budget Biennial Expansion Budget Biennial Capital Budget Supplemental Budget (mid term submission) Campus Initiative Tuition Increases (CITI) Mandatory & Non-Mandatory Student Fees Summer School Rate Increases Enrollment Projections • • • • University Annual Allocation Budget Special Funds Budgets Faculty and EPA Legislative Salary Increases SPA Legislative Salary Increases Facilities & Administration Receipts (Overhead) Page 38 Background • The campus community submits budget requests appropriate for each budget call • Multiple processes restrict our ability to link comprehensive allocation decisions to any one program initiative • The fragmented nature limits our creativity and collaboration among departments, schools and divisions Page 39 Unified Budget Process • A unified budget process, responsive to university strategic initiatives, promotes our shared values and encourages collaboration and creativity NOTE: None of our external compliance and reporting responsibilities will go away. Align our work to accommodate our internal plans while still meeting all of our external obligations Page 40 Year 1 of Budget Development Cycle Year 2 of Budget Development Cycle FY 2013-14 FY 2014-15 University Planning - identifies strategic priorities for biennium Budgetary Programming - works w/campus to identify programs to meet strategic direction UIC proposes new initiatives that support strategic priorities Budgetary programs reviewed / analyzed by Budget Office / UBC - finalize program budgets University Analytics team provides analysis to support discussions Budget Office / UBC identify alternative sources of revenue to meet decisions Cabinet / Chancellor review / prioritize budget requirements Enrollment Management Committee develops enrollment projections Cabinet / Chancellor approve enrollment projections Annual Allocations (Permanent + One-Time Funding) Biennal Budgets (Continuation, Expansion, Capital) Enrollment Growth Projections Campus-Initiated Tuition Increases Student Fees Special Funds (Receipt-supported) Budgets Summer School Increases Supplemental Budget (2nd Year of Biennial Cycle) Mid-Year Adjustments < One-Time Allocations > Ready to implement by 7/1/13 JUNE MAY APRIL FEB JAN DEC NOV OCT AUG SEPT JULY MAY FEB MARCH JAN MARCH Calendar year 2015 Calendar year 2014 DEC NOV OCT AUG SEPT JULY Calendar year 2013 JUNE FY 15 - 17 Biennial Budget APRIL University Planning, Programming & Budget Calendar Page 41 DEFINITION: “a budget in which the resources and services are identified by programs or function and not by the organizational units involved in performing all or part of the program and/or “functions” Budgetary Strategic Planning Campus identifies strategic priorities for biennium. Ongoing initiatives are evaluated. University Analytics team provides analysis to support discussions and quantify the goals Programming Working directly with deans and division directors Sets out to identify those programs necessary to meet the strategic priorities Evaluate Approve External Compliance Budget Analysis Budget Office / University Budget Committee (UBC) Analysis and Review of those programs identified by Budgetary Programming office. Finalize budgets for each program. Analyze and identify all funding sources available for each program. No more going through divisions for data Page 42 Strategic Action Planning Workgroup – Initial Objectives (FY 2015-17) Journey of Learning • Objective 1 – Meet or exceed all institutional goals in the UNC performance funding measures. – – – – – – – – – – • Graduation Rates of NCCCS Transfer Students Degrees Awarded in STEM and Health Disciplines Undergraduate Students graduating with University Honors Energy Efficiency Annual Giving 6-Year Graduation Retention Degree efficiency Degrees awarded to Pell recipients Financial integrity index (UNC FIT) Objective 2 -Ensure that all undergraduates have an applied learning experience (in research/discovery, internships/application, service learning/regional engagement, and/or study abroad/exploration away) that achieves a set of established learning objectives. Page 43 Strategic Action Planning Workgroup – Initial Objectives (FY 2015-17) Love of Place • Objective 3 – Design and develop proposals for advanced health professional degree programs responsive to health industry needs. • Objective 4 – Conceptualize, design and fund an industry-linked film production facility consistent with the addition of a graduate program in Film Studies. Power of Ideas and Innovation • Objective 5 – Develop and implement the CREST (Millennial Campus) model with initial emphasis on meeting MARBIONC partnership targets. • Objective 6 – Enhance the regional entrepreneurial community through the launch of the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship and related programs. Page 44 Financials Budgeting ENROLLMENT GROWTH FUNDING Source: Adapted from UNC Enrollment 101 BOG Policy Discussion, Sept. 12, 2013. Funding Page 45 Enrollment = Admissions + Retention • Enrollment increases by: – Bringing in more students; and – Retaining more of the existing students • BOG and UNCW policies regarding Satisfactory Academic Progress affect enrollment. Page 46 Enrollment Trends Since 2009 Actual Fundable Headcount – Regular Term 14,000 13,000 12,000 1,165 1,171 1,084 1,133 11,983 12,018 1,083 11,000 10,000 10,984 11,184 11,453 Fall 2010 Fall 2011 9,000 8,000 Fall 2009 Undergraduates Fall 2012 Graduates Fall 2013 Page 47 Enrollment Trends Since 2009 Actual Fundable SCHs – Regular Term 350,000 340,000 330,000 320,000 310,000 16,531 320,636 321,436 15,672 17,011 17,348 300,000 290,000 280,000 16,094 298,620 270,000 2009-10 302,611 2010-11 Undergraduates 308,599 2011-12 2012-13 Graduates 2013-14 Projected Page 48 Enrollment Trends Since 2009 Actual Fundable SCHs – Distance Education 30,000 25,000 4,122 20,000 15,000 3,390 1,538 1,235 10,000 5,000 1,915 16,048 16,643 2010-11 2011-12 18,429 19,884 12,967 2009-10 Undergraduates 2012-13 Graduates 2013-14 Projected Page 49 Events Leading to Student Credit Hour (SCH) Funding Model • Prior to the SCH Funding Model • Enrollment funding based on percentage change in full-time equivalent (FTE) enrollment • Percentage increase in enrollment applied to budget • 1995 Session • Consider alternative approaches to funding University Enrollment, including SCH funding • Review opportunities for off-campus degree programs and summer school • 1997 Session • Examine funding required for increasing enrollment in distance education instruction Page 50 Student Credit Hour Funding Model for Enrollment Changes • Following the 1997 Session, UNC developed and implemented an SCH enrollment-change funding model – – Initially used for 1998-99 enrollment change Distance education funded using comparable model beginning FY 1998-99 • Recognizes program costs and degree level differences to request funding for enrollment changes Page 51 UNCW SCH Regular Term Enrollment Model SCH Enrollment - Change Funding Model FY 2014-15 Regular Term Request Cat 1 Cat 2 Cat 3 Cat 4 Totals Change to SCHs U/G Masters Doctoral (2,362) 125 0 5,722 (464) 213 2,777 (303) (91) (730) 586 0 5,407 (56) 122 5,473 Total SCH Change SCH per Instructional Position U/G Masters Doctoral 708.64 169.52 115.56 535.74 303.93 110.16 406.24 186.23 109.86 232.25 90.17 80.91 Instructional Positions Required U/G Masters Doctoral -3.333 0.737 0.000 10.681 -1.527 1.934 6.836 -1.627 -0.828 -3.143 6.499 0.000 11.040 4.083 1.105 0.000 Campus U/G Cost Factor (5%) 16.228 $ 78,630 $ 1,275,996 Total Positions Required Average Teaching Salary Instructional Salary Amount Other Academic Costs (44.89%) Total Academic Requirements $ 572,864 $ 1,848,860 Library Rate 11.48% $ 212,336 Gen Inst Spt Neg. Adjust Factor: 54.05% $ $ 999,309 - 50.00% $ 3,060,504 Total Requirements Calculation of Appropriation Request Total Revenue: In-State U/G FTEs Out-State U/G FTEs Res per GS-116-143.6 U/G FTEs In-State Grad FTEs Out-State Grad FTEs Total FTEs Total Expected Revenue Appropriation Request FTE 197 -13 -7 11 188 Tuition Rate $ 4,026 $ 16,163 $ $ 4,163 16,098 FTE x Rate $ 793,122 $ (210,115) $ $ (29,139) $ 177,080 $ 730,947 $ 2,329,557 Page 52 UNCW SCH Distance Ed Enrollment Model SCH Enrollment - Change Funding Model FY 2014-15 Distance Education Request Change to SCHs U/G Doctoral Masters Cat 1 1,271 70 Cat 2 (392) 1,003 Cat 3 2,395 (139) Cat 4 3,046 42 Totals 6,320 976 Total SCH Change 0 328 0 0 328 7,624 SCH per Instructional Position U/G Masters Doctoral 708.64 169.52 115.56 535.74 303.93 110.16 406.24 186.23 109.86 232.25 90.17 80.91 Instructional Positions Required U/G Masters Doctoral 1.794 0.413 0.000 -0.732 3.300 2.977 5.896 -0.746 0.000 13.115 0.466 0.000 20.073 3.432 2.977 0.000 Campus U/G Cost Factor (5%) 26.483 $ 78,630 $ 2,082,319 Total Positions Required Average Teaching Salary Instructional Salary Amount Other Academic Costs (44.89%) Total Academic Requirements $ 934,866 $ 3,017,185 Library Rate 11.48% $ Gen Inst Spt Neg. Adjust Factor: 54.05% $ 1,630,788 $ - 50.00% 346,515 $ 4,994,488 Total Requirements Calculation of Appropriation Request Total Revenue: In-State U/G SChs Out-State U/G SCHs Res per GS-116-143.6 U/G SCHs In-State Grad SCHs Out-State Grad SCHs Total SCHs Total Expected Revenue Appropriation Request 5,512 808 $ $ Tuition Rate 136 546 1,310 $ 204 SCH x Rate $ 749,687 $ 441,200 $ $ 267,319 (6) $ 7,624 789 $ SCH (4,735) $ 1,453,471 $ 3,541,017 Page 53 Categories of Instruction Based on National Study of Instructional Cost and Productivity (Delaware Data) Category I Communications & Journalism Psychology Social Sciences Mathematics & Statistics English Language & Literature Philosophy & Related Studies Security & Protective Services History Other Category II Education (not Student Teaching) Area, Ethnic, Cultural & Gender Studies Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies Business Management, Marketing, & Related Services Liberal Arts & Sciences, General Studies, & Humanities Parks, Recr., Leisure & Fitness Family & Consumer Sciences/ Human Sciences Foreign Languages & Literature Category IV Engineering Nursing Category III Agricultural Business & Production Agricultural Science Natural Resources & Conservation Architecture and Related Programs Public Administration & Social Service Professions Physical Sciences Biological & Biomedical Sciences Visual & Performing Arts Allied Health Computer & Information Sciences Library Science Engineering – Related Technologies Science Technologies Student Teaching courses Page 54 Change to SCHs SCH Enrollment - Change Funding Model FY 2014-15 Regular Term Request Change to SCHs U/G Masters (2,362) 125 5,722 (464) 2,777 (303) (730) 586 5,407 (56) Cat 1 Cat 2 Cat 3 Cat 4 Totals Total SCH Change Doctoral 0 213 (91) 0 122 5,473 • Enrollment change is based on campus SCH projections. • Input the incremental number of future SCHs of instruction that are above or below the number of hours of instruction budgeted for the prior fiscal year. • SCHs are projected separately for: • Undergraduate, masters, and doctoral instruction (horizontally across) • Within four levels of program costs, from low to high (vertically down) Page 55 SCH per Instructional Position SCH Enrollment - Change Funding Model FY 2014-15 Regular Term Request Change to SCHs U/G Masters (2,362) 125 5,722 (464) 2,777 (303) (730) 586 5,407 (56) Cat 1 Cat 2 Cat 3 Cat 4 Totals Total SCH Change Doctoral 0 213 (91) 0 122 5,473 SCH per Instructional Position U/G Masters Doctoral 708.64 169.52 115.56 535.74 303.93 110.16 406.24 186.23 109.86 232.25 90.17 80.91 • Number of SCHs delivered by a faculty member in each category and level • Same numbers are used for all campuses • Based on two data sets: • National Study of Instructional Cost and Productivity (developed and maintained by the University of Delaware, Office of Institutional Research) • UNC-specific data on average class sizes Instructional Positions Required Page 56 SCH Enrollment - Change Funding Model FY 2014-15 Regular Term Request Cat 1 Cat 2 Cat 3 Cat 4 Totals Change to SCHs U/G Masters (2,362) 125 5,722 (464) 2,777 (303) (730) 586 5,407 (56) Total SCH Change Doctoral 0 213 (91) 0 122 5,473 SCH per Instructional Position U/G Masters Doctoral 708.64 169.52 115.56 535.74 303.93 110.16 406.24 186.23 109.86 232.25 90.17 80.91 • Number of Instructional positions required to meet change in SCH • Can be positive or negative based on category SCH change • Calculations = Change to SCHs/ SCH per Instructional Position Instructional Positions Required U/G Masters Doctoral -3.333 0.737 0.000 10.681 -1.527 1.934 6.836 -1.627 -0.828 -3.143 6.499 0.000 11.040 4.083 1.105 Page 57 Undergraduate Cost Factors SCH Enrollment - Change Funding Model FY 2014-15 Regular Term Request Cat 1 Cat 2 Cat 3 Cat 4 Totals Change to SCHs U/G Masters (2,362) 125 5,722 (464) 2,777 (303) (730) 586 5,407 (56) Total SCH Change Doctoral 0 213 (91) 0 122 5,473 SCH per Instructional Position U/G Masters Doctoral 708.64 169.52 115.56 535.74 303.93 110.16 406.24 186.23 109.86 232.25 90.17 80.91 • Two cost factors identified by the Board of Governors to recognize special circumstances • Eligibility is reviewed every year • Apply only to undergraduate enrollment growth • Low-income students • More than 1/3 of resident undergraduate students receive Pell Grants • Diseconomies of scale • Headcount enrollment less than 6,000 students • Neither apply to UNCW Instructional Positions Required U/G Masters Doctoral -3.333 0.737 0.000 10.681 -1.527 1.934 6.836 -1.627 -0.828 -3.143 6.499 0.000 11.040 4.083 1.105 Campus U/G Cost Factor (5%) 0.000 Page 58 Calculating Costs SCH Enrollment - Change Funding Model FY 2014-15 Regular Term Request Cat 1 Cat 2 Cat 3 Cat 4 Totals Change to SCHs U/G Masters (2,362) 125 5,722 (464) 2,777 (303) (730) 586 5,407 (56) Total SCH Change Doctoral 0 213 (91) 0 122 5,473 SCH per Instructional Position U/G Masters Doctoral 708.64 169.52 115.56 535.74 303.93 110.16 406.24 186.23 109.86 232.25 90.17 80.91 Instructional Positions Required U/G Masters Doctoral -3.333 0.737 0.000 10.681 -1.527 1.934 6.836 -1.627 -0.828 -3.143 6.499 0.000 11.040 4.083 1.105 0.000 Campus U/G Cost Factor (5%) Instructional Salary Rate of Campus • Campus-specific rate, calculated by dividing General Fund teaching salaries by number of budgeted FTE teaching positions ($64,433,808 / 819.46 FTE = $78,630) Instructional Salary Amount • Total Positions Required x Instructional Salary Rate Other Academic Costs • Covers the faculty personnel benefits, academic supplies, equipment and other instructional costs • Based on the relationship of these costs to faculty salaries Total Academic Requirements • Instructional Salary Amount + Other Academic Costs Total Pos i tions Requi red Avera ge Tea chi ng Sa l a ry Ins tructiona l Sa l a ry Amount 16.228 $ 78,630 $ 1,275,996 Other Aca demi c Cos ts (44.89%) $ $ Total Aca demi c Requi rements 572,864 1,848,860 Page 59 Calculating Costs SCH Enrollment - Change Funding Model FY 2014-15 Regular Term Request Change to SCHs U/G Masters (2,362) 125 5,722 (464) 2,777 (303) (730) 586 5,407 (56) Cat 1 Cat 2 Cat 3 Cat 4 Totals Doctoral Total SCH Change 0 213 (91) 0 122 5,473 SCH per Instructional Position U/G Masters Doctoral 708.64 169.52 115.56 535.74 303.93 110.16 406.24 186.23 109.86 232.25 90.17 80.91 Library Rate • • Covers library costs Based on the relationship of Library Costs to Total Academic Requirements General Institutional Support Rate • • Covers costs such as student services, academic advising, registrars, student counseling, financial aid personnel, campus management/maintenance, accounting, internal controls, financial compliance, legal, institutional research, facilities management, human resources, physical plant, campus safety and security Based on the relationship of General Institutional Support costs to Total Academic Requirements Instructional Positions Required U/G Masters Doctoral -3.333 0.737 0.000 10.681 -1.527 1.934 6.836 -1.627 -0.828 -3.143 6.499 0.000 11.040 4.083 1.105 0.000 Campus U/G Cost Factor (5%) Total Pos i tions Requi red Avera ge Tea chi ng Sa l a ry Ins tructiona l Sa l a ry Amount 16.228 $ 78,630 $ 1,275,996 Other Aca demi c Cos ts (44.89%) Total Aca demi c Requi rements $ $ 572,864 1,848,860 Li bra ry Ra te 11.48% $ 212,336 Gen Ins t Spt Neg. Adjus t Fa ctor: 54.05% $ $ 999,309 - 50.00% Page 60 Calculating Funding Request SCH Enrollment - Change Funding Model FY 2014-15 Regular Term Request Cat 1 Cat 2 Cat 3 Cat 4 Totals Change to SCHs U/G Masters (2,362) 125 5,722 (464) 2,777 (303) (730) 586 5,407 (56) Total SCH Change Doctoral 0 213 (91) 0 122 5,473 SCH per Instructional Position U/G Masters Doctoral 708.64 169.52 115.56 535.74 303.93 110.16 406.24 186.23 109.86 232.25 90.17 80.91 Instructional Positions Required U/G Masters Doctoral -3.333 0.737 0.000 10.681 -1.527 1.934 6.836 -1.627 -0.828 -3.143 6.499 0.000 11.040 4.083 1.105 0.000 Campus U/G Cost Factor (5%) Total Requirements = Total Cost • Funds needed for delivery of new SCHs • Total Requirements = Instructional Salary amount + Other Academic Costs + Library amount + General Institutional Support amount Total Pos i tions Requi red Avera ge Tea chi ng Sa l a ry Ins tructiona l Sa l a ry Amount 16.228 $ 78,630 $ 1,275,996 Other Aca demi c Cos ts (44.89%) Total Aca demi c Requi rements $ $ 572,864 1,848,860 Li bra ry Ra te 11.48% $ 212,336 Gen Ins t Spt Neg. Adjus t Fa ctor: 54.05% $ $ 999,309 - $ 3,060,504 Total Requirements 50.00% Page 61 Calculating Funding Request SCH Enrollment - Change Funding Model FY 2014-15 Regular Term Request Cat 1 Cat 2 Cat 3 Cat 4 Totals Change to SCHs U/G Masters (2,362) 125 5,722 (464) 2,777 (303) (730) 586 5,407 (56) Doctoral Total SCH Change 0 213 (91) 0 122 5,473 SCH per Instructional Position U/G Masters Doctoral 708.64 169.52 115.56 535.74 303.93 110.16 406.24 186.23 109.86 232.25 90.17 80.91 Instructional Positions Required U/G Masters Doctoral -3.333 0.737 0.000 10.681 -1.527 1.934 6.836 -1.627 -0.828 -3.143 6.499 0.000 11.040 4.083 1.105 0.000 Campus U/G Cost Factor (5%) Calculation of Appropriation Request • These new students will cover some of the costs through paying tuition • Tuition Revenue = New FTEs x Tuition Rates Calculation of Appropriation Request Appropriation Request • = Total Requirements (cost) less Total Tuition Revenue Total Revenue: In-State U/G FTEs Out-State U/G FTEs Res per GS-116-143.6 U/G FTEs In-State Grad FTEs Out-State Grad FTEs Total FTEs Total Expected Revenue Appropriation Request Total Pos i tions Requi red Avera ge Tea chi ng Sa l a ry Ins tructiona l Sa l a ry Amount 16.228 $ 78,630 $ 1,275,996 Other Aca demi c Cos ts (44.89%) Total Aca demi c Requi rements $ $ 572,864 1,848,860 Li bra ry Ra te 11.48% $ 212,336 Gen Ins t Spt Neg. Adjus t Fa ctor: 54.05% $ $ 999,309 - $ 3,060,504 $ $ $ $ $ FTE x Rate 793,122 (210,115) (29,139) 177,080 50.00% Total Requirements FTE 197 -13 -7 11 188 Tuition Rate $ 4,026 $ 16,163 $ $ 4,163 16,098 $ 730,947 $ 2,329,557 Page 62 Timeline for Enrollment Projections Biennium Budget YEAR ONE • • • • • • Enrollment Memo instructions (early fall) Campus process takes place Initial campus submission Analysis and Review by internal GA team Dialogue with campus Final submission to OSBM and FRD YEAR TWO • Enrollment Memo instructions (later fall) • Campus process revises prior year submission Page 63 Year End Appropriations (Budget versus Actual) $110,000,000 $105,000,000 $100,000,000 0.0% $95,000,000 -5.44% $90,000,000 -5.68% 0.0% $85,000,000 $80,000,000 FY 2009-10 Beginning Year Budgeted $102,973,269 End of Year - Budgeted $95,407,967 End of Year - Actual $90,220,051 FY 2010-11 $105,393,488 $94,733,938 $89,349,941 FY 2011-12 $105,976,765 $91,313,808 $91,313,398 FY 2012-13 $93,230,450 $96,878,539 $96,878,528 FY 2013-14 $96,484,692 Note: Federal stimulus funds replaced appropriations (FY09-10 $7.2M) (FY10-11 $7.5M) Page 64 Comparison of Resident to Non-Resident SCH SCH Enrollment - Change Funding Model SCH Enrollment - Change Funding Model FY 2014-15 Regular Term Request FY 2014-15 Regular Term Request Change to SCH's U/G SCH per Instructional Position Masters Doctoral Cat 1 U/G Masters Instructional Positions Required Doctoral U/G Masters 169.52 115.56 0.000 0.000 0.000 535.74 303.93 110.16 0.187 0.000 0.000 Cat 3 406.24 186.23 109.86 0.000 0.000 0.000 Cat 4 232.25 90.17 80.91 0.000 0.000 0.000 Cat 2 Totals 100 100 Total SCH Change 0 0 0.187 Change to SCH's Doctoral 708.64 0.000 0.000 100 U/G Cat 1 U/G Masters U/G Masters 115.56 0.000 0.000 0.000 535.74 303.93 110.16 0.187 0.000 0.000 Cat 3 406.24 186.23 109.86 0.000 0.000 0.000 Cat 4 232.25 90.17 80.91 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.187 0.000 0.000 Cat 2 Totals 100 100 0 0 100 Campus U/G Cost Factor (5%) 0.187 Total Positions Required Average Teaching Salary $ 78,630 Instructional Salary Amount $ 14,677 Instructional Salary Amount $ 14,677 Other Academic Costs (44.89%) $ Other Academic Costs (44.89%) $ Total Academic Requirements $ 21,266 6,589 Total Academic Requirements $ 21,266 Library Rate 11.48% $ 2,442 Library Rate 11.48% $ Gen Inst Spt 54.05% $ 11,494 Gen Inst Spt 54.05% $ 11,494 Neg. Adjust Factor: 50.00% $ Neg. Adjust Factor: 50.00% $ - Total Requirements $ 35,203 6,589 2,442 - $ 35,203 Calculation of Appropriation Request Tuition Tuition FTE 3 Out-State U/G FTE's Rate $ 4,026 $ 16,163 Res per GS-116-143.6 U/G FTE's FTE x Rate $ 13,601 $ - $ - In-State Grad FTE's $ 4,163 $ - Out-State Grad FTE's $ 16,098 $ - Total FTE's 0.187 $ 78,630 Calculation of Appropriation Request In-State U/G FTE's 0.000 Average Teaching Salary Total Requirements Total Revenue: Doctoral 169.52 0.000 Total Positions Required Instructional Positions Required Doctoral 708.64 Total SCH Change Campus U/G Cost Factor (5%) SCH per Instructional Position Masters Doctoral 3 Total Expected Revenue $ 13,601 Appropriation Request $ 21,602 Total Revenue: FTE In-State U/G FTE's Rate FTE x Rate $ 4,026 $ 16,163 $ - In-State Grad FTE's $ 4,163 $ - Out-State Grad FTE's $ 16,098 $ - Out-State U/G FTE's 3 Res per GS-116-143.6 U/G FTE's Total FTE's $ - $ 54,604 3 Total Expected Revenue $ 54,604 Appropriation Request $ (19,401) Page 65 Comparison of Resident to Non-Resident SCH Scenario One Assumptions Number of Cat 2 SCHs In-State U/G FTEs Out-of-State U/G FTEs 100 3 0 Scenario Two 100 0 3 Total Requirement $35,203 $35,203 Funding Sources Tuition Appropriations Request $13,601 $21,602 $54,604 ($19,401) Net Revenue to UNCW $35,203 $35,203 • Mandated increase in outof-state tuition results in no change in funding Page 66 Fundable SCHs (FY 07-08 thru FY 13-14) Regular Term UG-Resident FY 2007-08 FY 2008-09 FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 FY 2011-12 FY 2012-13 FY 2013-14 Projected 240,752 246,692 249,376 250,189 256,103 268,685 270,089 UG-Non Resident 48,721 47,659 49,244 52,422 52,496 54,661 51,446 Grad - Resident 13,082 14,449 14,723 14,393 13,422 13,505 13,902 2,039 2,375 2,625 2,618 2,250 2,589 2,648 304,594 311,175 315,968 319,622 324,271 339,440 338,085 8,401 10,573 12,624 15,451 15,903 11,326 20,661 UG-Non Resident 240 325 343 597 741 644 1,555 Grad - Resident 694 1,179 1,168 1,374 1,708 1,921 3,867 48 51 67 164 207 126 260 9,383 12,128 14,202 17,586 18,559 14,017 26,343 313,977 323,303 330,170 337,208 342,830 353,457 364,428 Total Increase 50,451 % Increase 16.1% Grad - Non Resident S/T - RTI Distance Education UG-Resident Grad - Non Resident S/T - DE Total - All Fundable SCHs Page 67 Financials Budgeting APPROPRIATIONS, TUITION & STUDENT FEES Funding Student Tuition – Resident Students Page 68 FY 07-08 thru FY 13-14 $5,000 11.9% 14.0% $4,000 6.3% $3,000 $2,000 7.6% 1.7% 2.0% 5.5% 6.5% 6.5% 6.5% 7.6% 16.0% 16.1% 6.5% 6.5% 18.1% 4.3% 8.6% 1.9% UG-Res Grad-Res MBA-Res MSA-Res $1,000 $0 6.5% 6.0% 6.3% 7.3% Cumulative Increase 66.8% 53.4% 54.6% 47.5% Average Increase 11.1% 8.9% 9.1% 7.9% FY 2007-08 FY 2008-09 FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 FY 2011-12 FY 2012-13 FY 2013-14 UG-Res $2,413 $2,459 $2,565 $3,029 $3,225 $3,743 $4,026 Grad-Res $2,714 $2,769 $2,949 $3,421 $3,643 $3,880 $4,163 MBA-Res $3,217 $3,272 $3,452 $3,934 $4,189 $4,689 $4,972 MSA-Res $3,217 $3,272 $3,452 $3,934 $4,189 $4,462 $4,745 Note: In FY 2010-11, CITI increase was 2%, coupled with $411 supplemental tuition increase to meet legislative reductions. In FY 2012-13, CITI increases included 6.5% , coupled with year-1 “catch-up” of $308.00. Page 69 Student Tuition – Non-Resident Students FY 07-08 thru FY 13-14 $17,000 3.2% 1.7% 1.8% $16,000 3.3% 6.5% 6.5% $15,000 4.9% $14,000 6.3%6.5% 1.7% $13,000 $12,000 1.8% 1.9% 2.0% 6.5% 5.0% 5.1% 6.5% 1.8% 5.3% UG-NRes Grad-NRes MBA/MSA-NRes Cumulative Increase 30.3% 27.7% 27.0% Average Increase 5.1% 4.6% 4.5% 2.0% 1.8% FY 2007-08 FY 2008-09 FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 FY 2011-12 FY 2012-13 FY 2013-14 UG-NRes $12,376 $12,626 $13,447 $14,128 $15,046 $15,846 $16,129 Grad-NRes $12,579 $12,829 $13,663 $14,349 $15,281 $15,781 $16,064 MBA/MSA-NRes $13,078 $13,328 $14,162 $14,858 $15,823 $16,323 $16,606 Note: In FY 2010-11, CITI increase was 2%, coupled with $412 supplemental tuition increase to meet legislative reductions. In FY 2012-13, CITI increase was 3.3%, coupled with $300.00 year -1 “catch-up” for undergraduate non-resident students. Page 70 What Tuition Means to UNCW FY14 Projected Tuition Revenues Regular Term Instruction Resident Students $38,559,022 Non-Resident Students Subtotal – Regular Term 28,124,167 $66,683,189 Distance Education (includes RN to BSN AP program) Resident Students Non-Resident Students Subtotal – Distance Education Total Tuition Revenue $3,337,875 765,499 $4,103,374 $70,786,563 Page 71 Year End Appropriations (Budget versus Actual) $110,000,000 $105,000,000 $100,000,000 0.0% $95,000,000 -5.44% $90,000,000 -5.68% 0.0% $85,000,000 $80,000,000 FY 2009-10 Beginning Year Budgeted $102,973,269 End of Year - Budgeted $95,407,967 End of Year - Actual $90,220,051 FY 2010-11 $105,393,488 $94,733,938 $89,349,941 FY 2011-12 $105,976,765 $91,313,808 $91,313,398 FY 2012-13 $93,230,450 $96,878,539 $96,878,528 FY 2013-14 $96,484,692 Note: Federal stimulus funds replaced appropriations (FY09-10 $7.2M) (FY10-11 $7.5M) Page 72 FY 2013-14 UNCW Mandatory Student Fees Mandatory Fee Allocation Student Services Athletics Health Media SGA Student Union Recreation & Intramurals Postal Athletic Facilities Operating Cultural Events - Academic Affairs Cultural Events - Student Affairs Union Debt Union Expansion Debt Westside Expansion Debt Recreation Debt Recreation Expansion Debt Leadership ID/Debit Card Education & Technology Subtotal – General & Debt Fees Transportation Association of Student Gov't Subtotal – Miscellaneous Fees Total Mandatory Fees Annual Amount $24.00 538.55 190.50 12.50 53.00 129.00 253.00 15.00 107.50 30.15 10.00 0.00 212.00 20.00 0.00 216.40 21.00 9.00 398.50 $2,240.10 76.00 1.00 $77.00 $2,317.10 Page 73 FY 2013-14 Total Mandatory Student Fees (General Fees + Debt) Appalachian State University $2,604.00 UNC Charlotte $2,487.00 UNC Asheville $2,445.00 Western Carolina University $2,427.00 UNC Greensboro $2,390.00 UNC Wilmington $2,240.70 Winston-Salem State University $2,233.16 East Carolina University $2,125.00 North Carolina A&T State University $2,044.50 North Carolina State University $2,017.15 North Carolina Central University $1,989.09 UNC Pembroke $1,852.00 Fayetteville State University $1,837.00 UNC Chapel Hill $1,699.98 Elizabeth City State University $1,651.65 Does not include Miscellaneous Fees Page 74 Mandatory Student Fees FY 07-08 thru FY 13-14 $3,000 16.1% 2.4% -0.6% 2.5% 0.4% -5.6% 4.2% $2,000 $1,000 Mandatory Fees $0 Mandatory Fees Cumulative Average Increase Increase 16.7% 2.8% FY 2007-08 FY 2008-09 FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 FY 2011-12 FY 2012-13 FY 2013-14 $1,985 $2,068 $2,402 $2,387 $2,446 $2,456 $2,317 Page 75 Summary of Changes to State Budget FY 13-14 FY 14-15 Variance Enrollment Growth $3,607,600 $8,054,992 $4,447,392 CITI $3,513,972 $0 ($3,513,972) Fees * $26,493,721 $27,494,165 $1,000,444 Total $33,615,293 $35,549,157 $1,933,864 * Based on "budgeted student FTE" (FY13-14: 11,434; FY14-15: 11,622) Page 76 UNCW Environmental Scan/Overview Strengths & Opportunities + Diverse & growing revenue sources • Distance Ed • Auxiliaries • MARBIONC + Healthy liquidity + Membership in UNC system & history of state support + Well-managed and growing endowment + Strong controls & planning processes + Solid student demand & enrollment trends + Commitment to innovation + Exceptional compliance record & unqualified audit opinions Weaknesses & Challenges ₋ Continuous need to grow revenues • Endowment • Federal contracts & grants ₋ Relatively high level of debt ₋ Dependence on state funding ₋ Legislative mandates ₋ Tuition sensitivity ₋ Financial aid resources ₋ Aging plant (~11 years) & potential future capital/maintenance needs