Electronic Data Capture System

Electronic Data Capture System
Request for Proposals
October 13 2015
Presented by:
NYU School of Medicine
NYU School of Medicine
Table of Contents
Objective ..........................................................................................................................................................3
Milestone Calendar ...........................................................................................................................................3
RFP Overview ..................................................................................................................................................3
Required RFP Response Format .......................................................................................................................3
Proposal Due Date, Delivery Instruction and Communication.........................................................................4
Proprietary Information, Non-Disclosure .........................................................................................................4
Costs Incurred ...................................................................................................................................................4
NYUSOM Reserves Right to Reject Any and All Bids ...................................................................................4
Effective Period of Prices .................................................................................................................................4
Request for Proposal Scope ..............................................................................................................................4
Requirements and Functional Criteria ..............................................................................................................5
Software and Licensing ....................................................................................................................................5
Pricing ..............................................................................................................................................................5
Past Performance and References .....................................................................................................................5
Company Profile and Financial Stability ..........................................................................................................5
Methodologies ..................................................................................................................................................6
Work Experience ..............................................................................................................................................6
Minimum Design and Implementation Services ..............................................................................................6
Enterprise Business Approach ..........................................................................................................................7
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NYU School of Medicine
NYU School of Medicine (NYUSOM) requests quotes in response to this Request for Proposals
(RFP) for the Electronic Data Capture (EDC) System and related installation, technical support
and maintenance services needed to support the conduct of clinical research at NYUSOM.
Milestone Calendar
RFP Release Date
Additional Question due
Answer to Vendors due
Proposal due
Evaluation Period
Vendor Shortlist Issued
Candidate Interviews/Demos
Evaluation Decision
October 13th, 2015
October 23rd, 2015
October 30th, 2015
November 13th, 2015
January 4th, 2015
January 15th, 2015
February 12th, 2015
February 26th, 2015
12:00 PM EST
5:00 PM EST
5:00 PM EST
5:00 PM EST
RFP Overview
The NYU School of Medicine invites you (the “Supplier”) to submit a proposal, including pricing
quote, in accordance with the requirements, terms, and conditions in this RFP for the EDC
System software product and related installation, support and maintenance services.
This RFP process is your opportunity to demonstrate your strong commitment to partnering with
NYUSOM and ensures highly competitive pricing with quality customer support services.
This RFP solicits a detailed offering that includes line item pricing as well as a detailed response
regarding your services, initiatives and Contract/Payment Terms compliance. We encourage
you to submit a proposal that is aggressively priced which will exceed our expectations and
influence the consolidation of our suppliers and market share.
Required RFP Response Format
Suppliers are required to submit their proposal in the specified electronic format. Suppliers will
submit their entire RFP response and all completed forms electronically via e-mail to NYUSOM
with Supplier’s information and responses provided in the appropriate places therein. The
required electronic applications formats are Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel. Any
supporting graphic or presentation-based slides may be submitted in a separate
PowerPoint file.
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NYU School of Medicine
Proposal due Date, Delivery Instruction and Communication
All Proposals are due by November 15th, 2015 no later than 5:00 P.M. EST
Send your complete electronic response via email to:
Bidders Note: All questions regarding interpretation or specifications must be submitted in
writing to ITSourcing@nyumc.org only. Under no circumstances shall Supplier contact any
employee of NYUSOM. Any dialogue initiated by the bidder not addressed to contacts above
will result in an immediate disqualification. Discussions on other business matters and not
related to this RFP are permitted.
Proprietary Information, Non-Disclosure
Supplier shall have no rights in this document or the information contained therein and shall not
duplicate or disseminate said document or information outside the Supplier's organization
without the prior written consent of NYUSOM.
Costs Incurred
All costs incurred in the preparation and presentation of the proposal shall be borne by Supplier.
By submitting a proposal, Supplier agrees that the rejection of any proposal in whole or in part
will not render NYUSOM liable for incurred costs and damages.
NYUSOM Reserves Right to Reject Any and All Bids
Nothing in this RFP shall create any binding obligation upon NYUSOM. Moreover, NYUSOM, at
its sole discretion, reserves the right to reject any and all bids as well as the right not to award
any contract under this bid process. NYUSOM reserves the right to award portion of this bid.
NYUSOM reserves the right to adjust the evaluation criteria after finalizing the scope and pricing
requirements after the supplier demo meeting. All bids should be governed by NYUSOM
standard Policy and Procedure and Terms and Conditions.
9. Effective Period of Prices
All pricing Proposals by supplier will remain fixed and firm through December 31, 2016.
Request for Proposal Scope
The Supplier will provide three categories of deliverables to NYUSOM:
Software Support
The Supplier will provide software upgrades and technical support, accessible by email
and by telephone, to NYUSOM. Technical support must be available 24 hours a day,
seven days a week, and 365 days a year. The Supplier is asked to provide a price
quote for this annual maintenance and support cost, and indicate the guaranteed
response time as per severity of the incident.
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NYU School of Medicine
Installation Software Support
The Supplier will provide on-site installation support to NYUSOM, if applicable.
Requirements and Functional Criteria
Please answer all questions in Appendix A – EDC User Requirements
Software and Licensing
All software, firmware and licenses necessary to achieve full functionality needs to be
All software update services need to be included in the service contract, including firmware
updates and any other software related to the solution.
Provide a detailed price estimate by phase or sub-project, including a summary of all costs
and a detailed list of each item proposed and its associated cost. Please distinguish each
proposed cost into categories, for example: consulting, training, etc.
Past Performance and References
Please provide a list of three organizations who have received services on similar engagements
as the one outlined by this RFP and include the information below.
Client name and headquarter address
Contact name
Telephone number
Email address
Brief description of the service provided
Failure to provide suitable references to NYUSOM will result in the Supplier’s bid being rejected
without further consideration.
Company Profile and Financial Stability
Please provide information that will enable us to evaluate your company’s financial stability. We
require that you include the following:
Company description: including ownership, number of years in business, strategic
direction, mission, history, acknowledgements or awards
Recent financial results
Partner relationships
Description of selection criteria for contractor or co-implementation partners
Work force distribution by country, city, state, etc.
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NYU School of Medicine
Total number of employees: include number of project managers, implementation
specialists, development engineers, % full time versus contracted, etc.
Average number of years of application and implementation experience and
business process definition for consultants and managers
Please provide information that will enable us to evaluate your company’s processes and
controls. We require that you include the following:
Provide a detailed overview of the company’s project management methodologies
including documentation deliverables
Please provide a description of the company’s quality control procedures
Provide a list of the criteria the company uses to determine project success
Work Experience
Please provide information that will enable us to evaluate your company’s track record and
capabilities. We require that you include the following:
Provide a list of designs and/or implementations completed over the past five years
and include the below information.
Description of the solution environment
Brief description of the design and/or implementation services including:
client name, applications implemented, phase approach and duration
Design and/or implementation artifacts
Business Process design and re-engineering artifacts
Detailed description of the most complex design and/or implementation at a
customer site
Provide detailed description of value added services that differentiate your company from your
Minimum Design and Implementation Services
Provide best practice phasing and implementation protocols between various requirements
and integration points between these requirements
Provide project resources for project management services, business analysis (business
analysis and business process analysis and design), quality assurance services, end user
training services and additional resources needed
Provide project documentation including but not limited to project plans, statements of work,
risk and issue logs, change control documents, business requirements, fit/gap documents,
business process documents, technical specifications (functional and design), Data
Gathering Worksheets, Product Design Documents, Test Strategy, Test Plans, Test
Scenarios, and end user support manuals
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NYU School of Medicine
Facilitate and deliver business process best practices which integrate with NYUSOM
business policies
Provide business process and application design guidance so as to avoid customization of
seeded application functionality
Provide a comprehensive Communication Plan based on application design and NYUSOM
Provide a comprehensive training plan based on design
Enterprise Business Approach
Describe your project management approach as it applies to this project. Be sure it
addresses resources, assumptions, guiding principles, timeline, risk assessment, and
business readiness.
Describe recommended implementation strategy to achieve results in optimal time
throughout the whole project.
Describe how you manage quality of service delivery and how you will resolve performance
issues if they should arise.
Are you willing to provide project resources for the entire duration of the project? Dedicated
resources cannot be replaced without NYUSOM's expressed written permission.
Describe proposed training approach/methodology. If providing multiple options document
the pros/cons for each and your recommended approach.
Describe Change Management and adoption approach. Define typical Change
Management issues you encountered during similar projects.
Define go live as well as post go live support and infrastructure, along with help desk
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