Practical List 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. WAP to calculate factorial of a given number n. WAP to check whether a number is prime or not. WAP to print Fibonacci series of ‘n’ numbers, where n is given by the programmer. WAP to check whether a given number is palindrome or not WAP to do the following: a. Generate the following menu: 1. Add two numbers. 2. Subtract two numbers. 3. Multiply two numbers. 4. Divide two numbers. 5. Exit. b. Ask the user to input two integers and then input a choice from the menu. Perform all the arithmetic operations which have been offered by the menu. Checks for errors caused due to inappropriate entry by user and output a statement accordingly. 6. WAP to read a set of numbers from keyboard & to find sum of all elements of the given array using a function. 7. WAP to exchange contents of two variables using call by reference. 8. WAP to display content of an array using pointers 9 Calculate area of different geometrical figures (circle, rectangle,square, triangle) using function overloading. 10. C++ PROGRAM TO PASS OBJECT AS AN ARGUMEMT. The program Adds the two heights given in feet and inches. 12. . Define a class TAXPAYER in C++ with following description : Private members : Name of type string PanNo of type string Taxabincm (Taxable income) of type float TotTax of type double A function CompTax( ) to calculate tax according to the following slab: Taxable Income Tax% Up to 160000 0 >160000 and <=300000 5 >300000 and <=500000 10 >500000 15 Public members : A parameterized constructor to initialize all the members A function INTAX( ) to enter data for the tax payer and call function CompTax( ) to assign TotTax. A function OUTAX( ) to allow user to view the content of all the data members. 13 Define a class HOTEL in C++ with the following description: Private Members Rno //Data Member to store Room No Name //Data Member to store customer Name Tariff //Data Member to store per day charge NOD //Data Member to store Number of days CALC //A function to calculate and return amount as NOD*Tariff and if the value of NOD*Tariff is more than 10000 then as 1.05*NOD*Tariff Public Members: Checkin( ) //A function to enter the content RNo,Name, Tariff and NOD Checkout() //A function to display Rno, Name, Tariff, NOD and Amount (Amount to be displayed by calling function CALC( ) 14. Define a class Applicant in C++ with following description: Private Members A data member ANo ( Admission Number) of type long A data member Name of type string A data member Agg(Aggregate Marks) of type float A data member Grade of type char A member function GradeMe( ) to find the Grade as per the Aggregate Marks obtained by a student. Equivalent Aggregate marks range and the respective Grades are shown as follows Aggregate Marks Grade > = 80 A Less than 80 and > = 65 B Less than 65 and > = 50 C Less than 50 D Public Members A function Enter( ) to allow user to enter values for ANo, Name, Agg & call function GradeMe( ) to find the Grade A function Result ( ) to allow user to view the content of all the data members. 15. Define a class ITEM in C++ with following description: Private members: Icode of type integer (Item Code) Item of type string (Item Name) Price of type Float (Price of each item) Qty of type integer (Quantity in stock) Discount of type float (Discount percentage on the item) A find function finddisc( ) to calculate discount as per the following rule: If Qty <=50 discount is 0% If 50 < Qty <=100 discount is 5% If Qty>100 discount is 10% Public members : A function Buy( ) to allow user to enter values for Icode, Item,Price, Qty and call function Finddisc ( ) to calculate the discount. A function showall ( ) to allow user to view the content of all the data members. 16. WAP to increment the employee salaries on the basis of there designation (Manager-5000, General Manager-10000, CEO-20000, worker-2000). Use employee name, id, designation and salary as data member and inc_sal as member function 17. . Write a class bank, containing data member: Name of Depositor, A/c type, Type of A/c, Balance amount. Member function: To assign initial value, To deposit an amount, to withdraw an amount after checking the balance (which should be greater than Rs. 500) , To display name & balance. 18. WAP to define nested class ‘student_info’ which contains data members such as name, roll number and sex and also consists of one more class ‘date’ ,whose data members are day, month and year. The data is to be read from the keyboard & displayed on the screen. 19. Create two classes namely Employee and Qualification. Using multiple inheritance derive two classes Scientist and Manager. Take suitable attributes & operations. WAP to implement this class hierarchy. 20. Write a C++ program to write number 1 to 100 in a data file NOTES.TXT 21. Create a User-defined function in C++ to read the content from a text file OUT.TXT, count and display the number of alphabets present in it 22. Create User defined function in C++ to count the number of blank present in a text file named "OUT.TXT". 23. Create User defined function in C++ to print the count of word the as an independent word in a text file STORY.TXT 24. Function in C++ to count and display the number of lines not starting with alphabet 'A' present in a text file "STORY.TXT" 25. User defined function in C++ named copyupper(), that reads the file FIRST.TXT and creates a new file named SECOND.TXT contains all words from the file FIRST.TXT in uppercase 26. Write a function in a C++ to read the content of a text file “DELHI.TXT” and display all those lines on screen, which are either starting with ‘D’ or starting with ‘M’. 27. Write a function in a C++ to count the number of lowercase alphabets present in a text file “BOOK.txt”. 28. Consider the following class declaration then write c++ function for following file operations viz create_file, read_file, add new records, modify record, delete a record, search for a record. 29. Write a program to implement stack using linked list. 30. Write a program to implement insertion and deletions in a linked queue. 31. (i) Create the following Table DEPT with DeptID as Primary Kay. DeptID DeptName MgrID Location Number Varchar Number Char(40) (ii) Insert the following record in the DEPT Table. DeptID DeptName MgrID Location 10 Sales 8566 Mumbai 20 Personel 8698 Delhi 30 Accounts Delhi 40 Research Banglore (iii) Alter the table EMP as Add a column DeptID (Number) (iv) Show the minimum, maximum and average salary of Managers. (v). Count the number of Clerk in the Organization. (vi). Display the Designation wise list of employees with name, Sal and Date of Joining. (vii) Count the number of employees who are not getting commission. (viii) Show the average salary for all departments with more than 5 working people. (ix). List the count of Employees grouped by DeptID. (x). Display the maximum salary of employees in each Department. (xi). Count the number of Employees working in ACCOUNTS department. (xii). Display the name of employees working in Delhi. (xiii). Display the name of Employees who is managing SALES department. (xiv). Display the name of employees who are working in Delhi and getting more than 5000. Q.32 . Create table CUSTOMER as per following Table structure. Col Name CustID CustName CustAdd CustCity CustPhone Data Type Number Varchar varchar varchar varchar Length 7 30 40 30 10 Constraint Primary Not Null 2. Insert 5 records with relevant information in the Customer table. 3. Update all the records as add ‘Mr.’ with CustName. 4. Add one column Email of data type VARCHAR and size 30 to table Customer. 5. Add one more column CustIncomeGroup of data type VARCHAR(10). 6. Drop the column CustomerIncomeGroup from table Customer. 7. Modify the column CustCity as change the size 40 characters long. 8. Delete all the records who belongs to ‘Jaipur’ 9. Create table ORDER as per following Table structure. Also make CustNo as Foreign Key which refers CustID of CUSTOMER table. Col Name OrderNo CustNo ItemName Data Type Number Number varchar Length 5 7 30 Constraint Primary 10. Add 5 records as per defined constraints in Order Qty Number 5 >=2 table. Price Number 6,2 Not Null 11. Create a table TEMPCUSTOMER from existing CUSTOMER table with CustID, CustName and CustPhone columns. 12. Write command to show the Tables in the MYORG Database. 13. Drop the TEMPCUSTOMER table.