Tohono O*odham Community College

Tohono o’odham CommuniTy College
Course Information
Course Prefix/Number: AST101
Credit Hours: 4
Semester: Fall 2013
Course Title: Introduction to Astronomy and the
Class Days/Times: M/W 4-6:30
Solar System
Instructor Information:
Dr. Colette Salyk
Dr. Katy Garmany
Office location: West Campus Computer Lab
Office hours:
Course Description:
This course will introduce students to astronomy and the solar system, through lectures, hands-on
activities, and observing. The course will also involve two field trips to the Kitt Peak National
Course Objectives:
During this course students will
-learn about the sun, the planets of the solar system and planets orbiting other stars
-learn about the formation of planets and the conditions necessary for life
-learn about the scientific process
-lean about the history of astronomy, including the history of Kitt Peak Observatory
(June 14, 2010, version)
Tohono o’odham CommuniTy College
Himdag Cultural Component:
We will have a guest speaker talk to us about astronomy in Tohono O’odham culture.
Various aspects of Himdag will be integrated into the class.
Evaluation and Grading & Assignments:
-Homeworks will be assigned each class, and due the next class period
-There will be one midterm and one final exam
-Class participation and attendance will also count towards the final grade
Course Outline:
The course will include the following topics, in roughly this order:
1. Course introduction
2. Intro to the universe
3. The lifecyle of stars
4. The motions of celestial objects
5. Eclipses and phases of the moon
6. Introduction to the solar system
7. Constellations
8. Gravity and Kepler’s laws
9. The Earth, Moon and Mercury
10. Venus and Mars
11. Gas giants and planetary atmospheres
12. Earth’s atmosphere and global warming
13. The Saturnian and Galilean Moons
14. Space missions
15. The history and use of telescopes
16. Extrasolar planets
17. Asteroids, comets and Kuiper belt objects
18. Origins of planets, meteorites
19. What is science?
20. Planetary rings
21. Astrobiology
22. Constellations and culture
Texts and Materials:
-Text: Lecture Tutorials for Introductory Astronomy (3rd edition). Must be brought to each class.
-Other materials: ipad. Must be brought to class.
(June 14, 2010, version)
Tohono o’odham CommuniTy College
Policies and expectations:
Attendance: On-time attendance will comprise a component of the final grade
Materials: Students should come to each class with the lecture tutorials book and their ipad
DISCLAIMER: This syllabus is designed to evolve and change throughout the semester based on
class progress and interests. You will be notified of any changes as they occur.
(June 14, 2010, version)